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Vicky Ras Editor-in-chief Produced by V Communication in cooperation with V Box Published by V GLOBAL MANAGEMENT Sdn Bhd (THE V) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia VICKY RAS Editor-in-chief MARK FLORES Managing Editor JERLEN DELA CRUZ ANGEL HAIN LILI NARVAEZ Staff Writers KARLA DELA CRUZ JUNE DIGAN JUNJI TORRES KANEL ADRIANO Art H. NATARAJAN NOEL ABELARDO ALICE JANE SERVINIAS DON SANTILLAN Contributors CYNTHIA RAYMUNDO Editorial Consultant VENU JOHL Creative Consultant

VOYAGER WELCOMES ARTICLES FROM ITS READERS If you wish to contribute an article, please send your draft in Microsoft Word format to Please indicate “VOYAGER MAGAZINE ARTICLE” in the subject header. Supporting photos (in high-resolution JPEG format) are highly encouraged. Voyager Magazine appears in several languages through the help of third-party translators. Minor errors in translation may be noticed from time to time, but we are constantly striving to make Voyager the best networker’s magazine in as many languages as possible.

Welcome to the issue that really challenged the entire VOYAGER team to redefine the word daring. Working on a two-month deadline and so soon after the BIGGEST and GRANDEST V-Convention was staged in Malaysia, the Team has dared to completely revamp the magazine, and the result is this gem of a network marketing magazine that you have on your hands right now. Before 2008 ended, we made a commitment to not only revive VOYAGER and fill it with twice as much content as in the older issues, but also to make sure that we churn out new copies every three months. That was four issues ago. And now we feel that it’s high time to make even more changes and move on to new frontiers which, incidentally, is also the overall theme of this issue. Yes, The V is poised to move on to and conquer new frontiers – through better and more targeted training modules and events, as well as in its online presence, via The V website and the social media networks. Not only that, The V is also taking the translation of all its marketing tools into various languages very seriously. Those of you who were there at V-Malaysia 2010 have seen VOYAGER magazine translated into Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Bahasa-Indonesia, and Russian. Some of our training DVDs are also being translated, and even The V website is now being configured for multilingual capabilities. So you see, not only are we breaking barriers, we are moving on to new frontiers! Lastly, this issue of VOYAGER is overflowing with information on anything and everything network marketing... and more! We have purposely prepared a special supplement on V-Malaysia 2010, as a fitting tribute to the most celebrated V-Event of 2010. To the 8,000 IRs who were there, here’s your chance to relive the magical moments of VMalaysia. As for the millions who couldn’t make it, for one reason or another, we dedicate this supplement to you, and it is our hope that next year, at V-Malaysia 2011, we will see your faces in the event photos and videos. Your letters and messages of appreciation show us how much value you put in VOYAGER as a marketing tool – and that’s precisely the reason why we continue to challenge ourselves to come out with something better in every issue. And with that, we present to you the latest issue of VOYAGER. May you all enjoy reading the magazine as much as we had fun putting it together for you.



The V: 12 Years of Treading the Less-beaten Path



V-Malaysia 2010: the Greatest Event in V History


A glorious unveiling of the next V-Con in 2011


Straight from the leaders themselves: A Day in an IR’s Life




Fifteen minutes up-close and personal with Nick Vujicic


QI turns 12 years old!


The recently concluded AVP World Tour



VLCP Update: The Latest additions to the Elite ranks



See Saudi Arabia, Singapore and South Africa— as if you were actually there! 38



Becoming an enlarger to your team mates


Essentials when travelling on business


7 habits to adopt to be successful in life and in business


Making the most of your email


Scheduling and prioritizing the right way




The heroes of V-Malaysia 2010



AVP Hendra Nilam


VC Priestly Praveen


AVP Mahendra Kumar


VC Doddi Ferdinarta & Lisa Nasution


VC Munnawar Ahmed


VC Mathew Elias


VC Dr. Nita Bhosaley


VC Teddy Alebachew


VC Sivan Nair


VC Munzer Nakhala



A V-Kids participant’s life-changing experience


A shutterbug’s love affair with the camera lens


The power and responsibility of social media


Recommended ways to while away your time



Uncharted frontiers in today’s world



Gardening without a garden


The truth about animal extinctions



V Managing Partner Dato Vijay Eswaran


V Founding Partner Joseph Bismark


V Managing Director Pathman Senathirajah


QNet Managing Director JR Mayer


V Managing Partner

Dato’ Vijay Eswaran Reaching now to our 12th year of growth, we have as a company, as an organization, as a community and ultimately as a family come to the realization that all new frontiers lie within us, as much as without. And as every new frontier emerges on the horizon, there is a new frontier that has to be conquered in the mind. Ultimately this simply means that we need to re-engineer, to reinvent, to recreate who we are constantly, continuously and consistently. As we emerge and re-emerge, renewed, refreshed and redirected, we will find these horizons far more palatable, reachable and conquerable. But first the conquering begins within. The first steps are always within. Every frontier, that we seek and that we conquer is a whole new level of development within us. And as we reinvent ourselves and re-emerge as a whole new being, so will the world around us. The trick is to remember that we are beings that are constantly evolving and that evolution and change is as natural as breathing. If we remain as we are, we will always be left behind. Growth simply means change. Absolute, irreversible and practical, evolutionary change. The need to recognise this is the first step to the future. We got thus far by beating the odds. We defied the odds and we defined who we are. The harder the odds, the greater we became defined. The more we refine this process, the greater we will have control over re-directing our destiny‌.as to who we become. Never forgetting for a moment that our ultimate goal has been, still is and will always remain RYTHM. There are no accidents, no coincidences, no purpose-less challenges. There are no flaws in the master plan. We are where we are because we need to do, what we must do. We will uncover who we are as we discover where to go. Defy the odds. Define yourself. Direct your destiny.


V Founding Partner

Joseph T. Bismark At VCon this June, we were welcomed to a ‘new home’, to QNet. Many of you told me that QNet signified the next chapter of growth of our business. To some others, it was a logical step forward in their tried and trusted relationship with the company. Understandably, some of you might not have yet fathomed the meaning of this change. Our management style has always been one that places a lot of faith in differentiation, and adapting to change. In fact, that was the genesis of the company. When during the 1998 financial crisis many businesses were on the verge of winding up, we were doing something different… we were setting up! From then on, it’s been one long journey of growth, by quickly adapting to change, differentiating, yet remaining relevant to our customers. When we started off as GoldQuest, our product choice of numismatics was vastly different from anything in the market then. The product was easy to understand, valuable, and for our networkers, easy to sell. And customers loved it. As the business grew, so did the needs of our customers. Soon the demand for more and different types of products came in. We adapted by broadening our product lines. We introduced vacations, a variety of lifestyle products and consumables. We embraced the internet and opened new markets. And we changed from GoldQuest to QuestNet to better reflect the diversity of our business. It was a natural process. And it was inevitable. No business can afford to resist change. Change is constant and necessary, and often driven by factors beyond our control. With time, the economy, business landscape, customers, competition, technology, everything changes. Being aware of the constant nature of change, and being both willing and able to adapt in time are key to business survival. It signifies growth and innovation.

It is important for us to get to know the people behind QNet. We need to understand their value systems, beliefs and motivations in running this business. How can we hope to represent the company if we do not understand the people behind it? We need to develop relationships, both within and without. It is also time for us to refocus on our networking methodologies. We’ve got to build the business, develop markets and it is equally important to develop leaders who can continue the legacy. Remember, it is we as networkers who define the public perception of our company. If there are negative views being held about us, to some extent we are responsible for it too. We must act together as one big family to change this. The power of numbers is the greatest strength in any network. The same power can also be the greatest weakness of any network. If our actions as individual networkers are not in sync with the organization’s as a whole, we run the risk of jeopardizing our very source of livelihood. Teamwork is key to this, and the role of education, training and development in making this happen can never be overemphasized.

Today, network marketing has evolved into a profession. To many of us, it is even our livelihood. But do we give it the same QuestNet had witnessed wonderful growth over the past few level of seriousness of thought, as we would have any other years and it was time to move on to the next level. Our custom- career opportunity? Think before you answer… if you had ers and circumstances were leading the change. The focus is chosen to become a doctor, an engineer, a pilot or any other now on a wide array of non-durable products, local products professional would the effort you put in, in keeping updated and localized presence in many of the markets we operate. with the demands of your career be the same as it is now? There is also a greater need for 2-way connectivity and diaWould your attempts at learning and development be the same logue between the company and customers. And this is what as they are today? QNet is all about. It is about being mindful of the diktats of our environment and responding in a timely and appropriate manI urge all of us take this opportunity to the next level. Let us ner. It is about continued and sustainable growth. work as partners, with each other as networkers, with The V as And do you and I have any role in this process? Yes, as networkers, we have a critical role to play. In essence, we are more than just partners of QNet. We are in fact, the face of the company that the world sees. As Independent Representatives (IRs) we don’t just represent the business opportunity or the products that QNet offers; we also represent the values, systems, integrity, success and growth of the organisation. We need to be mindful of this in our every conduct.

our mentor, and with the company that we represent. Through QNet, you and I have an opportunity to create a model for sustained growth that will benefit all the families that our business touches. Together, let us be the change. Together, let us make the difference. Together, let us move on to new frontiers.


V Managing Director

Pathman Senathirajah Have you lost someone or something that meant more to you than anything you could put a price tag on? I recently lost my mother after a short battle with a rare illness and her passing brought to fore some realizations that I didn’t pay much attention to – until today. Like what my priorities have been for the past 10 years, how they came to be, and what have become of them today. In the aftermath of my loss, I am reminded of the many choices and sacrifices I have made and how they have all been worth it, given how proud and paddling through the same current of self-doubt and happy my brothers and I have made our Mother in the other debilitating external challenges. final years of her life. In our line of work, we often get caught in the flurry of activities happening within and all around us that we inevitably overlook other equally-important priorities, like family for example, thinking that they will always be there come hell or high water. Thank God, I had a mother who never passed up a chance to inculcate in my mind the importance of not just having a family, but of nurturing it. This is just one item in the laundry list of valuable life lessons my mother has taught me and my brothers. Remarkably, I have found the same underlying quality in most members of my V family. Which is, perhaps, the reason why I have never felt more at home in The V than anywhere else in the world. In my almost five years serving as the Managing Director of this exceptional company, I have witnessed a lot of people come out of their shell and take charge of their lives and their families in an empowered manner which they could have only seen from people in the organization who, at several points, have been on the same boat,

Moments like this, seeing people make the all-important decision to rise above the many levels of challenges and become successful in order to give their families the kind of life they deserve and more, make me truly proud to be part of this movement for financial freedom. So much so, that even at the height of my gloom, I became even more confident that this is what I was born and raised to do – to inspire people and by example, give people the drive and belief to be somebody, regardless of cultural background and socio-economic standing. The V is a great family to be part of and if you are even just half excited about this company’s future as I am, then I encourage you to sign up for the second wave of our journey to financial freedom , which entails conquering the new frontiers. We are going on a massive campaign to make QNet and The V unanimously universal and we are doing this by breaking even more barriers than in the last 12 years through the power of the Internet, the social media – without losing sight of the age-old marketing principle of word-of-mouth – and we want passionate and committed warriors like you as team members. You have witnessed the depth and breadth of V-Malaysia 2010’s success and as the Managing Director of The V, I guarantee you that we will have bigger and more successful events and milestones in the succeeding years. So don’t just stick around – arm yourself with a renewed desire for accomplishment, work even more closely with your uplines and downlines, and be instrumental in The V’s greater success.


Managing Director QNet Ltd

JR Mayer

If space is the last frontier for mankind, then cyberspace is – or was – the last frontier for networkers. You and every other member of the QNet family are part of the company who, since 1998, has been conquering this online channel for limitless business expansion of product sales around the world. For 12 years, your family of networkers has turned the world into a supermarket; the human race is your customer. The beauty of it is that it doesn’t matter if your prospect becomes a fellow distributor or a retail customer. No matter where you are and despite where your customers are, this final frontier of cyberspace allows you to diligently serve your market with world-class business innovation through network marketing, e-commerce, and a shopping cart full of unique lifestyle products. Both you and your customers benefit from this seamless integration of product, business model, and online presence. Take, for example, just some of the advanced technologies making your profession boom: your ever-evolving Virtual Office and eStore; interactive communication channels such as social media and QNet’s new blog; online marketing and business tools such as eBooks, streaming movies, and eLearning training tools; mobile applications and platforms; and your new IR Personal Website, which allows you to embrace Internet marketing on your own terms and to tailor your product offering in the market you choose. But as advanced as these tools may be, and as widespread as their cyberspace environment may allow them to reach, they exist only because you do. Cyberspace may be the final frontier for networkers, but it is what you put in that dictates what you get out of this vast world of potential… it’s a matter of working smart. You see, the promotion of QNet products and the building of your own business enterprise are stepping stones for you to conquer your own frontiers, surpass your own goals, and find true freedom in your life. Choosing the path of least resistance, such as sitting in your 9-5 comfort zone, will only yield marginal results, no matter how much effort you put in. If you are happy in your comfort zone, then perhaps our new range of consumable and retail products – and the business potential they afford – won’t interest you. Perhaps the idea of selling a consumable product just once, and having that sale repeat itself every month for years to come, is not something that you will find attractive. If you have not set your own frontier to conquer, then maybe the reality of sitting on a beach, or trekking through the outback, or sailing the open seas – all while residual income from repeat purchases of consumable goods rolls into your bank account through e-commerce – is not at all motivating. Thinking out-of-thebox and promoting QNet’s new range of consumable lifestyle products will bring new potential to your future and your business. The fact that you can achieve this, with the world as your customer, is real with QNet. It is real today. There is no more final frontier because you have it all at your fingertips. All that exists now is your future and what you decide to do with it.

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v reports







? V E H T

wide IRs world lp e h to ast 3 ned nts desig e. In the p ) e v m e a g te ir u e c th 0 e and exe on top of laysia 201 to organis ed to be ble V-Ma s e a e n tt u y e n e ti rg n th fo o The V c and skills ing the un ts (includ nowledge gain the k roximately 92 even he V. pp fT months, a lace in the world o p n e k have ta Ms) = 79 s (BPs/BO g n ti e e M y pportunit usiness O B / nal) =9 s n o ti Motivatio senta d re n P a s t s n e e in pm Bus rk Develo • =2 ct, Netwo u d ro n Program P o s ti e a d c lu ifi c rt n e (i C Trainings Leader’s • m and V ra g ro P t en Advancem adership e L • Series = 1 Seminar g in rk o tw Ne • tion = 1 V-Conven •

v reports




Corporate staff from various QI Group subsidiaries (Amezcua, QNet, Qplus, QIComm, Synergia, and The V) came to Conway’s Bar at the prestigious Shangri-La Hotel in Makati City, Philippines on September 16, to celebrate 12 years of excellence. This occasion held a special significance to the Philippine staff: as this was where the QI group was born 12 years ago, when a group of like-minded visionaries decided to start a network marketing company that would become one of the most remarkable success stories in the industry. The programme was graced by such dignitaries as: QNet Executive Chairperson and V Partner Donna Imson; QI Director of Information Technology and Telecommunications, and V Partner TG Kintanar; Regional Director for Europe and North America, Ms. Odette Reyes; V Managing Director Pathman Senathirajah; and Associate V Partner David Sharma. Each of the directors spoke to the staff about the value of being a family and keeping the bonds that tie the group together stronger in the years to come. Employees who have been with the company for five and ten years were honoured at a special recognition ceremony, complete with a video reel highlighting their participation in various company events. This doubled as a look down memory lane, and a reminder of how much the company has grown in the past twelve years.


As a special treat, a group of newly-hired employees put on a wonderfully entertaining dance number called “The Evolution of Dance,” which included popular dance moves from the 70s to the present. The excitement levels got cranked up further during the anniversary raffle, where numerous lucky staff members won great prizes from Amezcua, QIComm, and QNet (including lovely jewellery and timepieces from Cimier), and special incentives from The V. In the midst of the revelry, special video messages from QI Executive Chairman and V Managing Partner Dato’ Vijay Eswaran, and from Group Managing Director and V Founding Partner Joseph Bismark, were shown, reminding us of why QI exists, and what the future holds for the company. Following are excerpts from the said messages:

“Everything is changing faster than we can put a finger on its pulse. We can either defy the odds, or let the odds dictate the terms. The choice is ours, and the choice is very clear. We need to be clear on what we stand for as a group and as individuals, and ensure that this definition resonates within each one of us every day, every moment. And let’s get back to writing history for one more year, one year at a time, for the rest of our lives. Happy Anniversary, QI!” - GMD Joseph Bismark

“The first 12 years have, in a sense, set us apart as a company that has gone against the current; that has stood against the waves; that has won despite the challenges. The next 12 years—the ones that we are beginning right now—will be where we define ourselves. In the coming years, we are going to have to look at who we want to be known as, recognized and respected as. Together we will ford the next 12 years and we will define our place in history.” - Dato Vijay Eswaran

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How does one sum up the mind-blowing event that is V-Malaysia 2010? Each year, we at The V aim to outdo ourselves and if the deafening cheers and reception of 8,000 participants are any indication, this year surpassed all other past V-Conventions. Let’s take a quick look at some of the highlights of V-Malaysia 2010. OPENING GALA The most-awaited event of the year opened with the biggest bang of them all! Combining the colorful visual display of the Parade of Nations with the breathtaking performances of the musical guests and the hearth-thumping energy of 8,000 people, the Welcome Night and Opening Gala was indeed a true extravaganza!

NICK VUJICIC 28 year-old preacher, motivational speaker and director of the Life Without Limbs organization Nick Vujicic is a remarkable young man: driven, passionate and selfless. Watching him and learning from him was an experience like no other; it opened our hearts and minds to message of hope, courage, and finding the meaning of life; and helped us find in ourselves the same qualities that made him the miracle that he is. It was truly a moment that inspired the mind, heart and soul!

PERFORMANCES Throughout the V-Con, special guest performers took to the stage and provided world-class entertainment. Percussionist Lewis Pragasam enthralled us with his talent; Tengku Ryo’s smooth violin act was a showstopper; and the singing talents of Zeb and Haniya from Pakistan, Luke Mejares from the Philippines and Elvira from Malaysia were nothing short of electrifying!

EXHIBIT This year’s exhibit was more exciting than ever for a number of reasons. For the first time the brand-new product line of QNet was put on display, which was such a treat! The autograph sessions with Dato’ Vijay Eswaran, GMD Joseph Bismark, VMD Pathman Senathirajah and world-renowned cricket player Muttiah Muralitharan were all very exciting. There were raffle draws, games, promos and giveaways in many of the booths. And if you wanted to just have a look around, the beautiful displays included the Umayal jewellery collection, the Cimier and BH Mayer Watches and plenty of new collectibles from the QNet shop and the V Store.included the Umayal jewellery collection, the Cimier and BH Mayer Watches and plenty of new collectibles from the QNet shop and the V Store.


V-KIDS Over 120 children played, learned and had the time of their lives at this year’s V-Kids convention. The kids had fun activities like arts and crafts and pizza-making; they enjoyed special visits from Dato’ Vijay, Uncle Pathman and Nick Vujicic. On the last night of V-Malaysia 2010, they wowed the entire arena with an adorable rendition of the Chicken Dance, a touching song number, and an awesome dance number to the tune of “I Got A Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas!

RYTHM FOUNDATION RYHTM Foundation has done unbelievable things in the past year, with its involvement in disaster relief operations, emergency response and numerous sponsorships all over the world. Most notable are its participation in the projects of World Vision, an international evangelical, relief and development organization; and The Foundation of Goodness in Pakistan. With the help of RYTHM Foundation, these two groups have improved the lives of not just individuals, but entire communities, by providing education, livelihood programs and sustainable support systems.

QNET LAUNCH/PRODUCT LAUNCHES IRs, welcome to your new home! It was a proud moment when QNet Managing Director JR Mayer officially launched QNet, taking the company to greater heights. Together with Mr. Robert Klein, Mr. Martin Barsch and other QNet dignitaries, he showed us the newest products that QNet has to offer, making our product range more diverse than ever. More health and wellness products, and the exquisite Umayal Collection, are now here to add to our ever-expanding product line. Aside from the products, The QNet launch also unveiled exciting new interactive media, such as the www., the QNet Blog and improved

BOOK LAUNCHES More than anything, the V-Con is about spreading learning. And the two newest offerings from RYTHM House Publishing, written by none other than the V Managing Partner and by the QI Group Managing Director, are true treasuries of knowledge. Dato’ Vijay Eswaran’s third book, “18 Stepping Stones” incorporates his 18-Step A-Plan To Life and is aimed at helping you navigate through the tricky waters of life. GMD Joseph Bismark’s first foray into publishing is “The Gem Collection”, a compilation of inspiring and inspirational snippets from his successful “Gems of Wisdom” blog.

It was an unforgettable five days, and every soul who stepped into the doors of Putra Stadium, stepped out as entirely different people, carrying with them the knowledge, melodies, and rhythms of V-Malaysia 2010—ready to spread the word to the rest of the world. For sure, the memories of this V-Con will resonate in us for a long time to come.

v reports




28 JUNE 2010 – Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil, Malaysia. Since the doors to V-Malaysia 2010 opened four days earlier, everything had been a blaze of activity. There had never been a dull moment inside the walls of the stadium; there had been so much to see, hear and feel, so many people to meet and so much knowledge to take in. And yet, under the pervading excitement, a murmur of realization could be discerned: this was the last day of V-Malaysia 2010. Party’s over, time to go, pack up your things and head home. You can almost hear it from the multitudes: What happens now?

Then, seemingly from nowhere, giant inflatable spheres—red, white, yellow and blue—bounced out into the crowd. The thumping beat of the FIFA World Cup 2010 theme, “Wavin’ Flag” blasted through the stands. The audience danced, cheered, stomped their feet, each one of them stretching out their arms to reach the giant balls springing out over them. It was like a football party, and the home team just scored the winning goal!


2011BEGINS! Emblazoned on each of the balls— which were passed around from one cheering side of the stadium to another—was a promise of bigger and better things to come. A promise of another joyful reunion, another celebration with a family that stretches all over the world: the promise of V-MALAYSIA 2011.

And then came the wise words of The V’s founder and mentor, Dato’ Vijay Eswaran: “The V-Con is not just something that happens here. It is what happens inside you while you are here. And you take it with you wherever you go.”And so went the unveiling of the next big event in The V’s calendar.

Amidst the shouting, the singing and the dancing, the spirit of hope arose and filled the hearts of everyone present. It was a happiness that stemmed from knowing that while the festivities were over at the moment, one year hence, the worldwide family of The V would once again come home to the great tradition that is V-Malaysia.

v reports





The AVP World Tour was formally launched on 01 April 2010, designed to enable IRs around the world to benefit from the wisdom of the esteemed Associate V Partners (AVPs). Through the tour, the world got to hear fresh insights from the AVPs, as they travelled to countries outside their usual jurisdiction. This “shuffled” scheme aimed to introduce the rest of the world to the other AVPs, and to help them get to know the AVPs better. The AVPs, in turn, were given the opportunity to meet and speak to hundreds of people from places that were not in their usual itineraries. Needless to say, it was an enriching experience on both ends. The tour consisted of 25 events: 14 Networking Seminar Series events and 11 Leaders’ Meetings.

The locations for the tour were selected based on their strategic importance to the network; the tour itinerary included both up-andcoming, progressive regions, as well as well-established areas that needed a fresh boost. As value-added bonuses, leadership camps were also staged under the AVP World Tour. As seasoned leaders of the industry, the AVPs are the best people to teach about leadership. And through the AVP World Tour, participants learned a lot about what it takes, and what it means, to be a good leader. Under the AVPs’ tutelage, they learned about different leadership principles and gained the information they need to determine the leadership style that suits them and their business.

On a regular basis, the V organises events like the AVP World Tour, to provide support and update networkers on the latest news from the company and the industry, and give them access to the knowledge that they need in order to excel in their business. It is through these training events that The V creates exceptional networkers out of the members of its family.




In the last issue of Voyager, a master list of all V Elite Leaders was published, showing the names of those who have successfully taken the V Leader Certification Program (VLCP) from the very first screening until the first half of March 2010. Since then, three more batches of leaders have taken the VLCP and earned the honour of being called V Elite Leaders. Congratulations to these newly appointed V Elite Leaders*:

Abhijit AbhijitM.M.Joshi Joshi Akhila AkhilaChacko Chacko

Michelle MichelleDesai Desai Narenda NarendaKriplani Kriplani

Alison AlisonRego Rego Amish AmishChovsey Chovsey

Ooi OoiEng EngJin Jin Prem PremPrawal Prawal

Anupma AnupmaJaidka Jaidka Archana ArchanaChoksey Choksey

Ram RamSingh Singh Rama RamaSubba SubbaRao RaoSridhara Sridhara

Asaad AsaadJ.J.Kadhim Kadhim Assel AsselSkakova Skakova

Sajjad SajjadAzees Azees Sapna SapnaChengappa Chengappa

B.B.Suresh SureshKumar Kumar Benstan BenstanStephen Stephen

Siddharth SiddharthShah Shah Sini SiniAntony Antony

Dinesh DineshMathottathil Mathottathil Gonrishankar GonrishankarD.D.

Sneha SnehaBhimani Bhimani Somashekar SomashekarT.S. T.S.

Hana HanaAbdulhafiz Abdulhafiz Hemlata HemlataSippy Sippy

Srichand SrichandG.G.Galani Galani V.K. V.K.Satheesh SatheeshKumar Kumar

Jatin JatinSachdeva Sachdeva Jidisu JidisuPoovadan Poovadan

Vanarase VanaraseBhakati BhakatiHari Hari Vardhaman VardhamanJain Jain

Jose JoseGeorge George Kunal KunalPuri Puri

Venkatachalam VenkatachalamKrishnan Krishnan Vijay VijayChoudhary Choudhary

Malcolm MalcolmDesai Desai

Vijay VijayRatanchand RatanchandOswal Oswal *As of June 2010



A Look at The V’s Proud History There can never be enough said about the world’s explorers, and how their courage and vision—often ridiculed and labelled as insane by people in their time—defined the milestones of history. Indeed, human nature will always point to the tried-and-tested way, where the risks are much lower and the results are more predictable. But as we have seen in the likes of Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus, the courage to risk all and venture where no man has gone before can reap unimaginable rewards, to say the least.



The birth years The age of empires and conquerors may have ended centuries ago, but the spirit of the old-world explorers lives on even in modern times. And just like in those ancient times, it is that intrepid spirit that moves the world forward. Today, in virtually every field we can find mavericks who dared to challenge the status quo, risked being branded as lunatics, and eventually wrote their names on the history books by proving everyone wrong. These are the people to whom we owe the world as we know it. The amazing thing is that we need not even look far to find such people. Because the V family itself is a 5 million-strong band of explorers who have, for over a decade now, epitomized what it means to have a vision that no one else can see, and the courage to make that dream come true against all odds. In this issue, Voyager Magazine looks back at the 12 glorious years of The V and how, throughout this time, the spirit of the world’s greatest explorers has lived inside every single member of the V family.

From the very beginning, The V has never been anything but daring. In 1998, a crushing economic recession was sweeping across most of Asia, with many of the developing nations in the Asia-Pacific region bearing the brunt of the crisis. For many, this was the worst time to embark on any new business ventures— let alone something that was completely out of the traditional. And yet, despite this, in the Philippine capital city of Manila, four modern-day explorers got together and decided to turn things around. Seeing how the economic crisis was causing unemployment everywhere, they realized that it was the perfect opportunity to introduce people to an unorthodox, non-traditional way of earning your keep. They were Network Marketing professionals who called themselves the “V Team”, and what they had to offer was a business that virtually contradicted every existing norm but promised unimaginable financial, emotional and spiritual rewards to anyone who had what it takes to succeed.


New century, new horizons In the eyes of most people, what the V Team offered was a risky proposition. But to those who had big dreams, it was a chance to achieve financial freedom and make history in the process. And so, in 1998, while the entire Asian continent stood frozen and waited to see how the economic crisis would play out, the four visionaries—Vijay Eswaran, Joseph Bismark, TG Kintanar and Donna Imson—took action. They took 1,500 networkers under their wing and founded their own Network Marketing company. In less than 12 months, this company expanded across Southeast Asia, while making its presence felt in Europe as Mr. Bismark flew to Finland as a trade delegate. V Team, who comprised the “grand upline” of the newly formed network, eventually incorporated and became the network’s official training and marketing arm, assuming the nickname, The V. By the last quarter of 1999, as the Asian economic crisis began to show signs of easing up, the company had already made remarkable headway in the growth of its business. And as the world prepared to welcome the new millennium, the courage and vision of the four founders had already begun to see light; their intrepidness had begun to pay off, and the company was on its way to bigger things.

As the new millennium rolled in, word that the Asian economic crisis was over began to spread. However, many parts of the continent were still feeling the effects of the crisis, and many traditional businesses continued to cower in the face of uncertainty about the future. But not The V. Like a true explorer, the company saw opportunity in this uncertainty, and seized the day. Between 2000 and 2003, expansions took place in nearly every aspect of the company. After partnering with the German minting company, B.H. Mayer, The V went on to forge strong relationships with several prestigious personalities and organizations, from which was born an extensive line of gold collectible medallions, known as the JR Mayer Collection, which played a key role in bringing prestige to the company. At the same time, the company also invaded the then-infant world of e-commerce by establishing such online conveniences as the V Store and the Virtual Office. As far as the growth of the network is concerned, the early 2000s saw the V family reaching such far-flung places as Australia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe—a phenomenon that inevitably spawned the most celebrated traditions in The V: the V-Convention and the Regional V-Convention (or ReV-Con). While all these were happening, the leadership of The V (who have since become known as V Partners) grew from the original four, to seven highly successful, charismatic stewards of change.


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Coming of Age By the mid-2000s, it was clear that The V was more than just a networking company, it was a champion of opportunity. And so, a conscious decision was made, to take the business where change was most needed: the developing countries of the world. In so doing, The V solidified its role as an equalizer—promising success to anyone who deserves it, regardless of race, gender, culture, educational attainment or wealth. The founding mission of RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind) was now more pronounced than ever, and the vision of touching 1 billion lives moved ever-closer to being realized. Meanwhile, as the company continued to expand its product lines to include travel services, telecommunication products and wellness products, among others, its role as leader and mentor to its network entered a new level. By 2006, the most successful men and women in The V had joined forces to form a powerhouse team of professional business trainers and motivational speakers, which comprised V Partners, Associate V Partners and V Council members. Their primary roles were to travel the world and ensure that the millions of members of the V family were constantly informed of the most effective business building techniques, and always “switched on” to hurdle any challenges that stood in their way. Along with the formation of this leadership team came a marked increase in activity; The V’s event calendar became riddled with appointments—from the V-Conventions and ReV-Cons to World Tours, leadership camps and motivational events. By the close of 2007, The V’s corporate presence was firmly established in several countries, including Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and India; while its network included millions of names from nearly every continent around the world.

A decade and beyond As The V prepared to commemorate its 10th anniversary, the company had much to rave about, considering how far it had gone—literally and figuratively—in so short a time. But for the V family, resting on one’s laurels has never been, and never will be, an option. And so, as the company crossed into its second decade, the only thing on everyone’s mind was exploring new frontiers. From 2008 up to the present, the league of leaders in the company—who have come to be collectively known as the V Ambassadors—grew even stronger, with the appointment of more V Partners, Associate V Partners and V Council members. On top of this, a fourth tier of leaders, known as V Elite Leaders, was formally created, making The V all the more effective in reaching out to the now 5-million-strong network. During this period, the company also planted its flag, for the first time, in a first-world country, when a V Training Centre was established in Canada. Mass media became a major vehicle for The V to make itself known to the world, as the mother company, QI Ltd., entered into high-profile sports sponsorships like GP2 Asia and the AFC Champions League. Not even cyberspace was left unexplored during this period, as The V utilized the Internet to the hilt in reaching out to the network; aside from a feature-packed website, The V also made its debut in the online social media scene with numerous accounts that continue to grow in membership, exponentially, to this day. Without a doubt, the history of The V has been marked with feats of daring, where the company and its leaders braved uncharted frontiers, armed only with their dream of touching 1 billion lives, and the rock-solid will to achieve that dream no matter what the cost. And while that dream remains just short of reality to this day, the fact remains that The V has etched its name in history as the company that empowered the world’s citizens to take charge of their own destinies. Just like the great explorers of the past, the V family has taken the world into a new age, and sealed the doors shut, so that no one may ever find themselves back in the past. But The V is only 12 years old. By any standard, the company still has its whole life ahead of it. As such, one can only ask: who knows what else The V will accomplish in the coming years?




There is a mystery wrapped around the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To the outsider, this middle-eastern nation represents little more than vast oil reserves, sizzling-hot deserts and the bastion of Islam (it is, after all, the birthplace of the prophet, Muhammad). But beyond these, much of Saudi Arabia is shrouded in strict regulations that only serve to make the country all the more enticing. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has become not just a top destination for curious travellers, but also a land of opportunity for those who seek a more affluent way of life. But whether your agenda is to visit the mystical mountaintop oases of the Asir region, gaze at the metropolitan marvels of the city of Riyadh, or take part in the bustle of cultural centre Jeddah, there are certain “rules of entry” in Saudi Arabia. For one, the country issues tourist visas only to people travelling in groups of four or more. And if you happen to be a woman under 30, you must be accompanied by your husband or brother for your entire trip. For those travelling on business, entry into Saudi Arabia can only be secured with the endorsement of a local sponsor.

Speaking of business, a successful trip to Saudi Arabia involves knowing the social customs that greatly influence business practices. For instance, unlike in most countries, the work week here is from Saturday to Wednesday. And instead of the conventional 9-to-5 schedule, office hours here may begin as early as 7:30 in the morning. And because Saudi Arabia is the world’s staunchest supporter of Islam, the daily prayer times are strictly observed—during which time everything else comes to a halt. Arabs value trust and respect above all when it comes to business. Thus, it’s important to always be on your best possible behaviour. Dress appropriately for your appointments; wearing the traditional Islamic formal attire is seen as a sign of respect, and is very much appreciated. When offered a drink, always accept, as refusing is considered rude. At meal time, remember to eat with your right hand, as the left hand is considered unclean in Saudi custom. And while verbal discussions are part of any business meeting, keep in mind that not everything can be learned from speaking. Instead, be observant of body language and facial expressions when in dialogue about business.

031 On the more leisurely side, what would a trip to Saudi Arabia be if you don’t get to experience desert life even for a while? Here, pitching a tent and camping out for a night is highly recommended—the Arabian Desert presents a truly unparalleled view of the starry night sky! Come morning, make your way to the bustling city of Riyadh, where architectural marvels abound. Aside from being home to the Kingdom Centre (a complex that houses the highest mosque in the city, five floors of shopping spots and the Four Seasons Hotel), Riyadh teems with the most extraordinary structures the world has ever seen.

Finally, wherever in the “Forbidden Kingdom” you choose to go, your trip will surely be more pleasant if you bear in mind these general tips for the Saudi traveller: 1. Don’t even attempt to drive in the Saudi Arabian traffic! Opt to take a taxi instead, but contrary to what your driver might tell you, do know that the flat rate is 10 Riyals. 2. Always bring bottled water with you. Aside from it being really hot, access to potable water doesn’t come very easy in Saudi Arabia. 3. Bring sunscreen. The temperature here can reach Having been first developed in 2003, Saudi Arabia is one of the younger markets of The V. But despite this, it has shown very impressive growth, with some 100,000 IRs and leaders from no less than seven prominent teams currently based here.

For shopaholics, the recommended destination is Jeddah, considered to be Saudi Arabia’s cultural centre. Here, you will find countless sougs (or public markets) that not only offer a myriad of unique Saudi souvenirs, but also serve as living museums of Saudi Arabian culture. It is also in Jeddah that you will find the country’s oldest mosque, built in 700 A.D. Of course, no Saudi Arabian adventure will be complete without a visit to the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi mosque in Medina, the final resting place of Muhammad, considered the second holiest site in all of Islam (second only to Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, where millions of Muslims flock every year during the Hajj pilgrimage).

as high as 54 degrees Celsius during the summer. 4. Respect the local dress code. The hot weather may tempt you to wear shorts and a tank top, but do remember that Saudi Arabia is a very conservative nation. Women, even tourists, must wear the abaya (the traditional black dress of Muslim women). 5. Of course, since Saudi Arabia is predominantly Muslim, don’t even think about bringing in alcohol, or even being seen drinking alcohol!



It may be a relatively tiny island state, but that doesn’t mean Singapore is not well worth the business trip. Half of its population (the second most dense in the world) comprises foreigners from far-away lands, while the other half are from neighboring countries. As such, Singapore is an economically and culturally abundant state, where there are no strangers—making it easy for business leaders to meet their perfect match of prospects.


The capital city, also named Singapore, generally exudes a high-class and expensive vibe that may appear intimidating at first. But in truth, it is not impossible to conduct your business in this place on a shoestring budget; it’s just all about researching and coming prepared for whatever experience your trip might bring. For a complete immersion into Singapore’s rich culture, it won’t matter if you stay at a 5-star hotel or a transient home; nor will it make a difference if you eat at posh restaurants or hawker centres. To truly get more familiar with the place, simply make the effort to roam both its city and side streets, and ride the trains and buses at times when people are out and about. Do your best to blend in, and keep your mind open to everything there is to see, learn and feel.

033 Find your spot

Mix and mingle, the Singaporean way

To relate to a culture is to know what its people enjoy doing. For Singaporeans, this mainly boils down to eating and shopping. The number of scattered malls, thrift shops and novelty shops in the city can be overwhelming for the first-time tourist. But a sure-fire place to start would be at Orchard Road—a one-way street that stretches from the Junction with Orange Grove Road, southeast across the Scotts Road/Paterson Hill junction, Orchard MRT Station, Bideford Road, Somerset MRT Station, Central Expressway and Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station, and ends at the junction with Handy Road where it becomes Bras Basah Road. In its vicinity, there are more than 20 shopping centres to hit, and hundreds of restaurants and bustling hawker centres to dine in. Many offices, hotels and embassies also line this famous road—the most prominent and

Singaporeans may be a diverse group composed mainly of Chinese, Malays, Indians and Caucasians. And yet, despite these differences, they are mostly very disciplined and driven people, diplomatic in affairs and respectful of diversity. The popular culture is strongly linked to religion and values; Singaporeans put a premium on harmony, unity and mutual security, more than on individual concerns. Families are close and loyal to each other, with respect especially af-

Think Singapore and the first things that come into mind are its cleanliness (the country is considered one of the most litter-free in the world), high tourist traffic (lots of expats) and economic stability (the port of Singapore is the busiest in the world). All these have one common denominator: its people.

The V first entered the Singapore market in 1999. Today, the country ranks among the 30 most productive markets, and is home to a diverse range of teams—from the largest and most established, to several promising startup teams.

elegant of which being the Istana, the official residence of the Singaporean president. Another place to check out is the area over at Marina Bay, in the southern part of Singapore, where you will see the world’s tallest Ferris wheel, The Singapore Flyer. For anywhere from $30 to $250 (depending on the season), this attraction offers a great view of the Marina Bay Street Circuit of the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix, as well as the city’s majestic landscapes— plus a chance to chat up any of your 28 capsulemates during the 37-minute ride. Elsewhere in the city, there are numerous sites to visit, all of which provide endless opportunities for making conversations with strangers. For 20 Sing dollars or less, you could visit the Night Safari, Singapore Zoo, Jurong Bird Park, Asian Civilisations Museum or the Singapore Botanical Gardens; meet fellow visitors, engage in small talk, and even make friends. The key is to be confident and open-minded, share your insights tactfully, ask interesting questions, and most of all, listen to what they have to say.


forded to anyone who is older. Singaporeans likewise find important the concept of face—that is, keeping a dignified name and reputation among relatives, peers and the social organizations they belong to. In doing business, people here are very formal, and always assess more the reputation of the organization than that of the person. And because they are afraid of losing face, conversations are mostly non-confrontational. On your first few encounters, it would be best to pay special attention to the person’s facial expression, body language, and other forms of non-verbal communication in order to handle the discourse better. When in meetings and presentations, English is still the most common language used, even though almost everyone here is bilingual. Punctuality is naturally still revered like an unspoken rule, and it is important that you always look your best. Most Singaporeans dress smart, and they expect no less from those who intend to request for their time and attention. Lastly, don’t forget that while your winning attitude and personality is enough to catch their interests, a set of crisp business cards, to be given with two hands (as a sign of common courtesy), still goes a long way in any social encounter—be it formal or informal.,_Singapore



Bordered by six countries and containing a coastline that opens to both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, South Africa’s geographical profile makes it a veritable melting pot of culture. Its population of 50 million is comprised of Africans of various ethnicities as well as Caucasians, Asians and mixed-race groups. Diversity is also reflected in its eleven official languages: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Sotho, Swazi, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. With such immense cultural, racial, geographical and social diversity, it is no wonder that South Africa is called the Rainbow Nation.


Since the abolishment of apartheid (a system of racial segregation that began in 1948, which restricted the rights of the non-white citizens) in 1994, South Africa’s leaders have been striving to create unity and peace between the many racial and ethnic groups present in the country. As such, the nation’s fight for freedom (from British rule which began in the 1800s and lasted until 1961), and it’s triumph over apartheid, serve as inspiration to the rest of the world, and have spawned unforgettable historical icons like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi. As a popular tourist destination, South Africa attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the globe every year. Its main attraction is eco-tourism, and it’s not hard to figure out why—South Africa boasts of one of the most fascinating natural environments, with sights including scenic beaches, majestic mountains, legendary safari and wildlife vistas, world-class vineyards and national parks. These are complemented by a wide array of astounding cultural, historical and archaeological sites, several of which are under the protection of the UNESCO World Heritage Site project. As an added bonus, the climate here

035 is surprisingly mild for an African country, with the bordering oceans keeping the annual average temperature at a comfortable 22 degrees Celsius. However, note that the seasons in South Africa are inverse to that of the northern hemisphere: summer is from September to March, while winter is from April to August. Waiting to receive visitors to South Africa are its seven International Airports, the largest and busiest of which is the OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg. Depending on where you are coming from, short stays of up to 90 days may not require a visa. However, you do need to have at least one blank page on your passport. If you’re coming from a country where yellow fever is endemic (such as Angola, Burkina Faso, Republic of the Congo and Cote d’Ivoire), proof

Before meetings begin, small talk is customary in South Africa. Ask about people’s health, families, the weather; or talk about topics like sports—South Africans are big sports fans, especially of football, rugby and cricket—to warm up the atmosphere. Such niceties are viewed as indicators of genuine interest, and help to make business talks progress more smoothly. Conversely, rushing through the small talk makes you appear disinterested and rude. There is no special ceremony needed for exchanging business cards, but do remember to make a small remark and place it in your wallet—instead of just in your pocket—to show respect. Gift-giving is not common, but if you wish to present a gift, do so with both hands. If you only have one free hand, be sure to use your right hand. While South Africans are gregarious and friendly, it is not advisable to be “touchy”; hugs or friendly kisses are taboo here, unlike in many European and Middle Eastern countries. English is widely accepted as the business language, but consider having presentations translated in Afrikaans in places like Pretoria or Bloemfontein. Remember to check your calendar before going on a business trip to South Africa. It’s quite difficult to organize meetings from mid-December to mid-January, and during the two weeks surrounding Easter, because these are considered prime holiday seasons.

of inoculation is also required. Once in South Africa, vehicle rental is the recommended mode of transportation, for safety and security reasons. Fuel prices are controlled by the government, and are relatively more affordable compared to the US and United Kingdom. For those with a business agenda, be advised that the South African work week is from Monday to Friday, usually from 8am to 5pm. The South Africans’ attitude towards business is relatively informal and relaxed, much like their approach to time, and postponed meetings are not unheard of. While handshakes are the general form of greeting, some women may opt to smile and nod instead, and they should be greeted in the same manner. It is also advisable to address people by their titles and surnames.

In addition to these, South Africans also observe eight major national holidays in commemoration of their fight for freedom and of the end of apartheid: 21 March: 27 April: 01 May: 16 June: 18 July: 09 August: 24 September: 16 December:

Human Rights Day Freedom Day Workers’ Day Youth Day Mandela Day National Women’s Day Heritage Day Day of Reconciliation

Overall, South Africa is indeed a proud and beautiful country, teeming with a colourful history, vibrant culture and boundless natural wonders. With its many facets, getting to know South Africa is like meeting many wonderful friends: the fun never stops, and there’s always something more to look forward to. So, whether you are travelling for business or leisure; whether you’re interest is in history or in natural beauty—South Africa is definitely a destination that you don’t want to miss. This Rainbow Nation will definitely have something for every taste, as well as a treasury of experiences that will enrich your life and expand your horizons. Sources:



Are You an Enlarger? 36 Be a better team player by making your teammates better

Business Travel Essentials 38 (subhead to follow)

Effective People, Successful Networkers


7 Helpful habits in life and in Network Marketing

Master the Email 42 Turn your inbox from a chore to an asset

Put Time in a Box 44 And never miss a window of opportunity again




Be a better team player by making your teammates better

Anyone who was born before the 1990s, regardless of where in the world they are from, is most likely to be familiar with the names, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Undoubtedly, the Illinois-based basketball team ruled the National Basketball Association (NBA) during that decade, winning six championships between 1990 and 1998. And because each of the Bulls’ championships was won with Michael Jordan as the on-court team leader, most basketball enthusiasts are only too quick to conclude that Jordan himself was the key to those championships. For the most part, this may be true. But not in the way most people would expect. Michael Jordan is a phenomenal basketball player by any standard. But it wasn’t exactly his own skill that made the Bulls a winning team. Case in point: when Jordan temporarily retired in the 1993-94 NBA season, the Bulls continued to be a formidable team, winning 55 games in the regular season and only narrowly losing the playoffs. The team didn’t win the championship that year, but they still had a great run—without Michael Jordan. The truth is the Chicago Bulls did not write their name in NBA history because Michael Jordan was an incredible player and team captain. Rather, it’s because Michael Jordan was an enlarger—his style of basketball made his teammates into much better players themselves. The other Chicago Bulls, like Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant and B.J. Armstrong, were star players, too (as they proved in the Jordan-less season). But evidently, Jordan’s absence meant they would not perform as well as in the previous years. What exactly is an enlarger? Or better yet, how do we become enlargers? In his blog, international speaker and corporate trainer Francis Kong defines an enlarger as a person who makes others better—not by mentoring them, but by creating the right atmosphere for his teammates to improve. Kong goes on to discuss five characteristics that we must adopt in order to graduate from being mere team members to being enlargers:


1.Value your teammates As we become more successful, it becomes increasingly easier for us to think of ourselves as being better—hence, more valuable to the team— than the others. When this happens, we unwittingly stifle the performance of our teammates by making them feel less valuable than they actually are. Conversely, the way to bring out the best in our teammates is to see them in the very best light. “When you think about your teammates, place a ‘10’ on their heads,” says Kong, “if we think of others as 10s, we’ll do everything to add value to them.” 2.Know and relate to what your teammates value It’s difficult, if not impossible, to truly value others if we don’t know and don’t share the things they value. To be able to do this, Kong advises that we look for five things in a person: his dreams (what he wants to achieve); his values (what’s important to him); his skills (what he is good at); his attitudes (what influences his actions); and his life questions (what he is curious about). Chances are we will realize that we have much more in common with others than we initially think. 3.Add value to your teammates Every now and then, we find ourselves in situations where the best course of action is to step aside and let others shine. In common language, this is called “taking one for the team.” On the surface, this may seem like a sacrifice wherein we personally stand to lose something for the sake of the team. But according to Kong, enlargers never see things this way. Instead, a true enlarger always approaches life as a win/win situation; whatever is better for one member of the team, is better for everyone in the team. “A rising tide lifts all boats,” as the adage goes. 4.Make yourself continually more valuable True to the principle behind RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind), the only way to be capable of giving or adding value to others is by constantly being more valuable ourselves. Thus, perpetual self-improvement is essential in being an enlarger. By continually improving our skills and our capacity to contribute positively to our team, we simultaneously pave the way for our teammates to become better. 5.Initiate “Enlargers believe in others before they believe in themselves, serve others before they serve the selves, and add value to others before they add value to themselves,” says Kong. In this statement, the operative word is “before”. A true enlarger first asks himself what he can do to make his teammates better; and then, only after finding the answers to that question, does he begin to search for ways to improve for his own benefit.

In the heydays of the Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan didn’t always score the most points or have the most playing time. But his presence—either on the playing court or on the bench with the rest of the team— somehow fuelled his teammates to perform beyond their own expectations. In other words, he enlarged the rest of his team. As a result, his very presence in the team evidently spelled the difference between the Bulls being just a formidable team, and being the champion team. Similarly, each of us can strive to become stars in our own fields, just like Michael Jordan was in the sport of basketball. But ultimately, what matters most is that we become “star enlargers”. Because the only thin better than being a star is being part of a star team. Source:

“What exactly is an enlarger? Or better yet, how do we become enlargers? An enlarger is a person who makes others better—not by mentoring them, but by creating the right atmosphere for his teammates to improve.”

ESSENTIAL TIPS FOR THE BUSINESS TRAVELLER The beauty of being in the business of Network Marketing is that you get the chance to explore new frontiers on a global scale. With the world as your office, you’re likely to travel from one country to another on a fairly regular basis. And who wouldn’t want to be a jetsetter and see the world in all its splendour? But ultimately, a business trip will only be a pleasant experience if it proves productive. And while the outcome of every trip is dependent on so many variables, there are ways in which to minimize the unknowns, and increase your chances of having a successful trip. Below are a few things to remember in order to ensure that your business trips will always go as smoothly as possible:


1. List your travel objectives. Every business traveller intends to make every trip count, and the only way to do this is to know why you are travelling in the first place. Before you even think of booking your ticket to your desired destination, make sure that you draw up clear-cut objectives for this trip. Consider the following questions: What do you want achieve in this trip? Who are the people you should meet when you go to this particular place? How can this trip best help the growth of your business? 2. Research in advance. A foreign destination will always have unique characteristics that you have to be aware of. Some things you might consider reading up on are the country’s business hours and common practices, norms for tipping in restaurants, and fares for public transportation—on top of the cultural quirks, climate, and tourist spots. Also remember that the business of Network Marketing differs from country to country, and it’s imperative that you know how the business is done in your destination. 3. Dress for every occasion. A business trip will present various kinds of events. You will have formal meetings, casual encounters, and perhaps some time for leisure activities. Given this assortment of possible activities, be sure to pack wisely and have the right clothes for the right occasion. Clothes make the man (or woman), and if you are looking to improve your Network Marketing business, then you better dress to impress. 4. Pack everything in its proper place. On the day of your flight, it would be best to have everything in place before heading to the airport and checking in. Have a bag to contain exclusively the necessary items: passport, ticket, identification, other travel papers, and your hotel reservation documentation. With these in a separate bag, you won’t need to fuss and worry about losing these very important documents. Just be sure to keep this bag safe and with you at all times! 5. Do a gadget rundown. Different countries have different electrical power standards. So along with your mobile phone, camera, and laptop battery chargers, make sure you have the right adaptors and voltage transformers. Also, remember that it is best to put your gadgets in your carry-on bag. Placing these in your check-in luggage may cause damage—not to mention a lot of inconvenience, should your luggage be misplaced. 6. Keep a close eye on everything monetary. Chances are you’ll be exchanging your money into the local currency as soon as you arrive at your destination. But just because you have cash on

hand doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a back-up spending plan. Be sure to allot some spare cash for emergency purposes, and have your ATM and credit cards at your disposal. Settle your credit card bills before leaving, and make sure you have sufficient funds in your account, in case you need to use your ATM card. Remember that international withdrawals will entail additional charges, so have enough cash on hand if you want to avoid this expense. 7. Confirm your appointments. If you want your business trip to run smoothly, make the necessary calls to confirm all your appointments and bookings. Do this at the minimum of two days before the scheduled agreement, just in case there will be any necessary changes. This way, you will also have time to revise your schedule so that you won’t have any idle time. 8. Secure the home front. A full itinerary for your business trip requires your one hundred percent attention and focus. There is no time for you to worry about situations back home, so before you leave, tie up all loose ends as necessary—settle your bills; give necessary instructions to those who will be left in charge while you’re away; finish all your paperwork; turn over projects and responsibilities properly. 9. Look your best. Consider that your flight is an excellent opportunity for networking. While you’re in the air, you may just end up seated next to a potential downline, so it is definitely a good idea to come in your best attire for your flight. Also, having the proper business attire while checking in and going through immigration will leave a good impression on airport staff. 10. Join the club. If you’re due to for a lay-over en route to your final destination, it would be best to verify if your airline has an airport club where you can relax while waiting for your next flight. This will help ensure that you’ll arrive at your destination feeling fresh and ready to do business. Also, being a member at a car rental club will make finding transportation from the airport to the hotel much easier. Every business trip is an expedition—there is really no way to predict the outcome. But this shouldn’t stop you from tipping the odds in your favour. Ultimately, the golden rule of travelling on business can be summed up in three “P” words: Preparation, Punctuality and Presentability. Keep these in mind when planning any business trip, and chances are you’ll always come home with an immensely larger network than you had before you booked your flight.




7 Helpful Habits in Life and in Network Marketing In 1989, Stephen R. Covey wrote a book that would go on to sell over 15 million copies in 38 languages. It was entitled “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. It turned out to be a phenomenal success—hundreds of critics raved about it, and millions quoted lines from it. Also, many authors penned their works based on it; one of them being a woman named Lydia Ramsey, business etiquette expert, writer and keynoter. While she is famous for her books and DVDs on proper manners, Ramsey’s instructive essay, “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Networkers”, presents valuable insights from Covey’s book, as they apply to the business of Network Marketing. In this article, we combine the best of both Covey’s and Ramsey’s writings, and present an amalgamation of tips that will prove extremely helpful for anyone with a burning desire to be the best that they can be.

Habit # 1: Be alert and act proper. Life has no rehearsals; it happens in real time. Therefore, learn to think on your toes without discounting certain values and sensitivities. Covey says that we must be proactive, and not just wait for things to happen—to look at things long term, and focus on what’s important. Ramsey, for her part, says that in order to decipher well, we must first know what networking is and what it is not. Here, she adds, it’s all about creating a good and sincere impression on people, and making known your strengths and capacities to help them. Also, we shouldn’t forget the responsibility that follows with every action.

Habit #2: Watch every step but remember the destination. As humans, we get easily distracted. It’s a common trait, but it shouldn’t be an excuse to justify the failures that result from these mishaps. Covey says that we must begin with the end in mind. We must first analyze and establish our life’s deepest desires and purpose, and then take on concrete measures towards them. To complement this ultimate goal, Ramsey says that it’s imperative to develop a strategy. In understanding every bit of being a networker, it will be easier for us to come up with a secure and infallible plan whenever we organize our presentations.

Habit #3: Build while you prioritize. It’s not enough to keep checking the items on our to-do-list, as if life were a series of tasks we needed to accomplish, one after the other. Instead, invest part of your time in learning something extra, to prepare yourself for the more diverse endeavors in the future. Covey says to put “first things first.” To achieve this, we must strike a balance between what is important now, and what will be important later on. When it comes to networking, Ramsey recommends that the main concern is always finding the right venue. Customize your presentations not only based on the date, time and place, but also on the type of audience, kind of activity and approach. Put their convenience first, and you’ll see the returns in the long run.


Habit #4: Over-prepare for all parties.

Habit #6: Solicit and settle.

There’s nothing wrong in being ever-ready for anything, especially when it comes to big meetings, productions and interviews. Because you’ve already mastered the frame of mind to act proper, stay focused and better your skills, this habit should already come as second nature. To over-prepare means to over-think, not only from your point of view, but from other people’s perspectives as well.

Almost everything has already been said and done. By this time, the “courtship period” has reached the finish line. When you have offered on a mutually beneficial alliance and earned their confidence, you now have a green light to seal the deal. Ramsey suggests that we follow up and follow through. “Follow-up turns people you have met into people you know,” she says, “if your parting words were ‘Let’s get together sometime,’ do it. The Golden Rule of networking is to do what you say you will.” Covey adds that during these encounters, we must synergize with the person or group—to finally agree on terms that will work to the greater advantage of any and all the solutions previously proposed. Reconcile all differences and resolve them with mutual understanding and respect.

Ramsey says that as networkers, we should “strengthen and work events.” After all, this is one of the most crucial settings for prospecting. During these gatherings, potential downlines get first-hand experience with the organization as a whole. Therefore, it is best to put together all the resources possible in order to make a blockbuster impression. Covey recommends that when it comes down to negotiations, the key is to “think win-win.” In your spiel, consider what will benefit both you and your future teammate. Do not just settle for a compromise; rather, find the solution. Remember, the key to any successful partnership is to achieve satisfaction on both ends.

Habit #5: Consider the two sides of the story. In networking, you sell not only the products and services of the company, but also the opportunity for someone to live a life of financial freedom. The problem is they may not want to buy it—yet. What do you do? Ramsey says we must master the art of conversation. Prepare at least three topics you can talk about, and keep in mind that talking is only 20%— the rest is all listening. As Covey advises, seek first to understand, and then be understood. Once people realize that you are truly concerned with what they have to say, they will finally give their trust and open their mind to your inputs.

Habit #7: Keep the values, improve the skills. Remember that your success or failure only depends on one person: YOU. So, continue to do everything you need to get you closer to winning. Ramsey ends her “seven habits” essay with “practicing exceptional business etiquette skills from start to finish.” Retain good manners and people will feel more at ease working with you. On a more personal level, Covey says we must continue to sharpen the saw—the saw being ourselves—in body, mind, spirit and inter-personal relations. Doing all this will enable us to be more effective in applying the first six habits in our everyday encounters, both in business and in life. Sources:



Tu r n y o u r i n b ox f r o m a c h o r e t o a n a s s e t

Forbes columnist Susan Adams is a big fan of email. “I love email,” she writes on, “I love its efficiency, its clarity, and the fact that it creates a detailed, searchable record.” But in the same breath, she also admits that email can be a source of stress. “If I’m away from it for a couple of hours, messages pile up,” she shares, and confesses that on more than one occasion, she has found herself being obsessed with making that “unread” number disappear.

As a means of coping with her ever-active email inbox, Adams describes her self-formulated three-step process. First, she scans the inbox for messages labelled as “urgent”, from bosses, information sources, friends or family—attending to the most important ones initially. Next, she quickly goes through the rest of her inbox, starting from the bottom, deleting the junk and sorting out the ones that need to be replied to. Third, upon identifying the messages which may require some time to respond to, she makes notes on her to-do list, and leaves those tasks for later. Many of us can relate to this method; most of us may have even been using it ourselves on a daily basis. And while it works fairly well, Adams admits that it’s not perfect. In her search for a more fool-proof method of conquering her ¬inbox, she turned to email expert, business consultant and author of “Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload”, Mark Hurst. Right off the bat, Hurst comments that most of us tend to see our email inbox in the wrong way. According to him, the inbox is exclusively a temporary storage facility, nothing else—it’s neither an electronic to-do list, nor an address book, nor a filing system. With this in mind, Hurst insists that the golden rule in conquering your email inbox is to KEEP YOUR INBOX EMPTY. To be able to do this, he recommends, upon scanning your inbox, immediately classifying all your email messages into one of three categories: Irrelevant, Relevant but Not Actionable; and Actionable. Irrelevant emails are messages that have little or nothing to do with your key responsibilities and deliverables, and are pretty much a waste of your time. These include spam, chain mail, jokes and “reply all” notes from your officemates or colleagues. Once you’ve classified an email as Irrelevant, Hurst’s advice is to hit the “delete” button without batting an eyelash. This will prevent you from giving in to the temptation of spending valuable time on such messages, “just to break the ice”—remember that a few moments off work can easily grow into a few hours of inefficiency, if you’re not careful. Relevant but Not Actionable emails are work-related messages that you need to know about, and might want to save for future reference, but need not reply to—at least not immediately. “You might call (them) FYI stuff,” describes Hurst. Emails that fall under this category include responses to emails that you sent earlier, updates on projects that you are involved in, minutes from meetings you’ve attended, or information that you have requested from other parties (such as supplier quotations and the like). For this type of email messages, Hurst suggests creating an archive folder in which to immediately move the emails. Most email programs have oneclick archiving functions, wherein you can simply click “archive” and the message on your screen will immediately be moved to a built-in archive folder. For added convenience, you may also want to further classify your archives according to subject, project or type of sender (such as “active downlines”, “interested prospects”, “leads”, etc.), and manually move your Relevant but Not Actionable emails to the corresponding archive folders.


Actionable emails are those that are left in your inbox after you’ve moved out the first two types. These, according to Hurst, are the ones that constitute your work for the day; these are the ones you should spend more time on—time that will be well spent. Still, this doesn’t mean leaving the Actionable emails in your inbox. Instead, Hurst advises to move all these into a “to-do” folder. Again, the goal is to have an EMPTY inbox. Once you’ve emptied your inbox, Hurst further suggests using the Two-minute Rule—prioritize and complete any to-dos that can be handled within two minutes or less, and then delete them immediately. Once you’ve done this, you can then concentrate on the real work. From here on, it becomes a matter of managing your time in such a way as to accomplish all your to-dos within reasonable working hours. As with your inbox, the goal is to empty your to-do folder; doing this by the end of your working day will allow you to “clock out” feeling fulfilled, knowing that you have had a productive day. As for the emails that arrive in your inbox during the course of your working day, the common practice among high-level business people is to check only at certain times of day—say, once in the morning, once at mid-day, and once towards the end of the day. The rest of the time, ignore your “new message” notifications, and instead keep your mind on the items you have placed in your “to-do” folder. And when it comes time to check your inbox again, simply apply Hurst’s process all over again. Like everything else in modern technology, email, though it was designed to help us accomplish things more quickly, can sometimes rear its ugly head and overwhelm us with the amount of information that it delivers. But, like any other form of technology, it is whatever we make of it—the key is to take control of the technology, instead of letting it take control of our lives.

Source: (cached on 12 July 2010)




And never miss a window of opportunity again

Time is an ongoing, always consuming, ever-fleeting element in this world. Sometimes, it’s something we have way too much of, only to be wasted on petty matters. On other occasions, we find ourselves begging for its extension, just to make whole a particular situation. In business, they say that time is synonymous to money; while in our personal lives, time is used to determine our growth and accomplishments, may they be physical, mental, emotional—even financial. Whichever context we examine time in, we will almost always see and consider it as something precious, worth preserving and utilizing in as many ways as we can. And while it is impossible to literally take time by the hands and lock it up in a vault for as long as we want or need, there is a way to actually fit and sort out time in a metaphorical box, just as two very unique individuals— former consultant for DuPont, Scott Shultz; and former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower—did once upon a time. In 1984, Schultz came up with “timebox development” as a key component of what is known as “Rapid Iterative Production Prototyping”, a method then used for software development projects. It was a time management technique commonly applied to complete the analysis, design and testing of a program, within a controlled length of time. Nowadays, the simplified and more popular term is “timeboxing;” and the method itself has stemmed into a wider range of venues for application and implementation, such as our personal lives.

What is Timeboxing and how does it work? Timeboxing is the practice of dividing a schedule into separate time periods and performing the best quality of work you can within that given time. By enabling you to identify specific and rigid deadlines, timeboxing offers one good way of eliminating procrastination and increasing your productivity on a daily basis. To help explain further, J.D. Meier, who is currently a Principal Program Manager for Microsoft, shares five easy steps for employing timeboxing into your daily activities: 1. Identify common activities and tasks which could qualify for timeboxing. For networkers, this could mean anything from meeting or calling a target number of people in a day or week, to planning a business presentation, team function or motivational training, or preparing requirements for an upcoming business trip or tour.

2. For every activity identified, set the corresponding objectives and goals. Ask yourself the following questions: (1) How many lives do I want to change today? (2) What lasting impression or learnings do I want to impart? (3) How will the success or failure of this impact my career? (4) How far behind will I be in my schedule if I don’t accomplish this in the next day, week or month? 3. Create the appropriate time box for each task. Set realistic deadlines on these tasks. If you can commit to working four hours a day for three straight days in order to file all your documents from six months back, then by all means, go and face this challenge. Just realize that the key here is to create as many timeboxes as you can, leaving you with the least amount of idle time possible.

047 4. Perform and try to accomplish your job only within that time box. Work as soon as your time starts, and end once it stops. The rationale behind this is to perceive and appreciate time as both limited and limiting. Meier explains that this step is quite critical especially for those used to doing things until they are done, or for those who find it difficult to shift focus right away. He assures, however, that this is but normal especially in the beginning; and that it will eventually make a person better in estimating more precisely how long it will take to accomplish a particular task. 5. Evaluate and modify if needed. Based on your performance in step 4, assess which areas need adjustment, and run as many trials as you can until you find the perfect time for a specific activity. It would help to also record your total performance

The Eisenhower Matrix was originally derived from the aforementioned quote of the former US President. This, however, is a version amended and popularized by author Stephen Covey in his book, “First Things First”. Presented in this matrix are boxes representing four very different areas of importance and urgency, namely: What’s Important and Urgent These may not be as important in the long-run, but nevertheless need to be acted on immediately, Once done, drop these and move on. What’s Important but Not Urgent The implications that fall under this quadrant are more value-driven and long-term. While Important and Urgent require time and attention ASAP, these matters demand a higher and more focused quality of investment. The main point of this matrix is to diminish the othe quadrants while enhancing the items under this box. What’s Not Important but Urgent. These are things we simply have to deal with, just because they’re already there. Most of the time, they come in the form of inevitable distractions that are best handled by delegation.

time so that you’ll have something to base your progress or weakness on. You can start out by applying these 5 steps on a daily basis, until you get into the habit of making weekly, even monthly variations in your schedule. Just make sure that whatever you do is worth every minute of your time. Take Eisenhower’s advice and realize that “what is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” After learning how to put time in a box, the next step is now to examine what activities are actually deserving of our time. After all, elaborate efforts should only be poured into the proper priorities; and what better way to determine those than with the Eisenhower Matrix, found below:

Finally, what’s Not Important and Not Urgent. It is best to avoid this box by all means if you want something substantial and meaningful out of your life. By eliminating the activities in this box, you will never again find yourself asking “where did all my time go?” By combining the method of timeboxing into your schedule, and sorting your activities through the Eisenhower Matrix, you will definitely see a significant change in the value of your work, especially in tasks with quantifiable results. And remember that using these boxes isn’t meant to limit you from spending quality time with yourself or your loved ones, as they seemingly focus only on work and deadlines. On the contrary, properly fitting your to-dos into these squares will actually give you more room for the immeasurable things in life that matter.




AVP Hendra Nilam


AVP Mahendra Kumar





VC Dr. Nita Bhosaley

VC S. Priestly Praveen

VC Sivan Nair



VC Doddi Ferdinarta & Lisa Nasution


VC Mathew Elias


VC Munzer Nakhala

VC Teddy Alebachew





AVPHENDRA NILAM They say that with age comes wisdom. And at the prime of his life, Associate V Partner (AVP) Hendra Nilam has learned that through this great business, one’s life can undergo a complete turnaround, so long as he is willing to take on Dato’ Vijay’s mission of RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind) and philosophy of service above self.

Ten years ago, he lived in Indonesia, with hardly anything to show for. Now, he enjoys a comfortable and active lifestyle playing sports and spending time with his wife and 4 kids, in his new home in Australia. He is indeed a family man, whose definition of “family” goes way past his blood-relatives and extends to his uplines and downlines in The V. Even After being in the business for a decade, this leader still continues to spend time with his team, as he intends to share more of his experiences to the younger generation of networkers, and help more people touch more hearts.



Hendra Nilam A-Team International Indonesia, Australia Guinea Indonesia, Australia, Papua New 10 years developing company Owner of a residential real estate Married Four

REASON FOR JOINING THE V: The mission an d vision of The V suited my pr The leadership inciples in life. of Dato’ Vijay Es waran, GMD Jo and the other V seph Bismark, Partners taught me how to rais help mankind an e myself to d really run the business with a heart. BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN HIS CAREER I never really ha WITH THE V: d a major challe nge. In my ten business, I’ve years in the never felt sorry about joining. Th the place for m is really is e. However, if I could relive m The V, I would y career with be more courag eous in involvin programs so that I g myself in its co ul d co nt rib ute more to th growth. e network’s GREATEST TRIUMPH IN HIS CAREER The V has inde WITH THE V: ed improved my life in all aspect agine how my lif s. I can’t im- e would be toda y if I had not 2000, when I joined. In lived in Indonesi a, I did not have show for. Toda anything to y, I live comfo rtably with my 4 children. Thre w if e and e of th em have gradua Australia, while ted from univers the last is set ity in to finish this ye days, I have mor ar. Nowa e time for the things I enjoy, volleyball and golf. I like tennis, al so ge t to travel, read mor watch internatio e books and nal tournaments . STRATEGY FOR SUCC ESS: To keep an open mind and learn togeth the best traine er with my team rs. from MOTTO/GUIDING PRIN CIPLE IN LIFE: Dato’ Vijay’s ph ilosophy: We liv e to serve, not serve to live.



AVP MAHENDRA KUMAR AVP Mahendra Kumar is a man with simple desires. He wishes to follow in the footsteps of his late father, who successfully put up his own business. He wants to be with his family in India during holidays and major gatherings. He is happy with the support of his wife in all his endeavors, even if it’s just to provide her and the rest of the family with their basic needs. But when even the most basic of his wants could not be fulfilled, Mahendra Kumar began to really feel the pressure. Before joining The V, he worked in a foreign country, barely making ends meet with the income that he earned; and with his wife due to give birth soon, he knew that he had to do something to keep everyone afloat. And of course, he wanted to go back home, too. “I used to share this story with my close friends and colleagues, about the situation where I was in, and that we needed to look for an opportunity. The business opportunity was shared by my close friends, Ramachandran and Willie Martinez, who were working in our company head office. They told me they had found a solution to all our finacial problems and suggested for me to start from Bahrain. I did not have the required funds to get started and asked them to give me a month’s time.” A month later, Mr. Kumar became a networker, and took his first step towards being Associate V Partner Mahendra Kumar.





Mahendra Kumar Aspirations Chennai, India Bahrain 10 years Mechanical engineer Married Two

REASON FOR JOINING THE V: away from long one, and it was one which took me My journey to financial freedom was a more suitfind to East le Midd I had to travel to the home. My family hails from India, but I would her, mot my to ised job in sales, and as prom able employment. Eventually, I landed a wife, a with now and nine, me when two years beca only stay in Bahrain for two years. But not was ly fami the for ng that what I was maki a son, and a daughter on the way, I knew home. rn retu to ed long ly great I of a growing family, enough. And in addition to the pressure hoped, ing happened with what we expected and I was desperate to go back to India… Noth close My me. inco a extr that opportunity to make so my wife and I started looking for any I began , later th mon A . eting d me to network mark friends came to our rescue, and introduce my business in Bahrain. THE V: BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN HIS CARRER WITH no lenging time in my years with The V. I had chal t mos I remember the beginning as the never had I and ker, spea a not e in training. I was money to get started; I had no experienc g was a challenge. Fear is a most captivatin hing veryt re—e attempted to talk on stage befo and ed guid me nd behi e forc ng this trap. But a stro emotion, and I was wary of falling into tion atten and s focu ent perc 100entations, and give my encouraged me to attend business pres g tellin kept She ning. begin very ing me up from the to these opportunities. My wife was back with hand in hand went e rienc ’ etc. And for me, expe me, ‘Let’s do it this way, not that way, s. Evenect way; I remember we did so many thing perf no was my willingness to learn. There enting the business and building a team. tually, we found our own style of pres THE V: GREATEST TRIUMPH OF HIS CAREER WITH ark. He took my cue from V Partner Joseph Bism I and rs, A great leader creates great leade and my me in t shif digm para a ted for us, and this crea agreed to visit Bahrain and do a training em syst a ther toge put and ing e of regular train core leaders; we understood the importanc to able was I r, leade V emed the example of an este for the new IRs to follow. Following , and team my in with ation form I saw a major trans change my way of doing the business, and hus er bett er, fath er bett tor, nessman, better inves within myself. It made me a better busi elf on the h stronger, and spiritually, I found mys band, better son… Mentally, I became muc ing in runn , tions direc any out life, I was drifting with right path. Before The V came into my everything for me. circles without a guide. Today, The V is STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS: issues, I needed to have zero excuses and zero For me, it is as simple as all or nothing. wife, she My ort. supp ent perc percent belief and 100 and in turn, have 100 percent faith, 100 my With d.” ahea go you ; rest will take care of the backed me up 100 percent, and said, “I who e thos ion caut also I But percent switched on! 100 percent commitment, I became 100 this from want they t wha of L ld have a clear GOA want to join the business: everyone shou istcons it do you if that you re istently. I can assu business, and work on it everyday, cons into fall will s thing and ess, your own learning proc ently for a period of time, you will have place. MOTTO/GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN LIFE: this is ed in the past 10 years, I have learned that With the successes that I have experienc e; what I ctations. What is meant for me will com all due to giving boundlessly, with no expe ness partone to keep doors open for potential busi deserve, I will reap. Doing so requires ly working fami one are We ors. there are no competit ners. I never shut the door for anyone; for the betterment of all.



VC MUNNAWAR AHMED Coming from a family with three generations of business owners ahead of him, VC Munnawar Ahmed knows what he wants in life and how to get it. He began as a wide-eyed, fresh-faced boy, fresh out of college and eager to make a name for himself. Through careful listening, observation and ardent preparation, he slowly moved up the ranks in his native India, eventually becoming one of the co-founders of team Ocean, together with AVP K. Padma, and later earning his place in the roster of V Council members (VCs). Now, at 30 years old, VC Munnawar is a network marketing veteran, a devoted and loving family man and proud co-founder of one of the V family’s largest teams. Having gone through more than what most of us could even imagine, he has proven his rock-solid trust in the company and his own formidable strength of character.




Munnawar Ahmed Ocean India ailand, Indonesia India, Malaysia, Dubai, Th rketing company 10 years for an Indian Network Ma st iali ec Sp nt me op vel Business De years Married to Aaliyah for 5 ) dia (Na 1 daughter

business e traditional th m V: o E fr TH ay G andfather; er aw JOININ tyle and to ve ce my great gr in es REASON FOR s lif s er es in tt s be and that I on bu g for a give me more e steel and ir th an I was strivin c in at en th be g in as h mily h wanted somet model. My fa d business, I o go a is it and while nate about. can be passio E V: undreds of supporting h REER WITH TH A d C an g IS H in ld IN o E m of rt systems, LLENG responsibility cture suppo e u BIGGEST CHA tr th s h it to w d te pe a volatile and to co We wan nce. India is te Learning how eam Ocean. pe T m f o o c d rs an be any things ity f mem through so m image of solid ne thousands o an go e e at av re h c I d and experienced a ms, an a simple task, d despair. I training syste t an no ge ther. ra as u w o c it , t and ecurity mplished toge s o in c e, ac id e pr av h n, dynamic marke e io w hing: fear, elat oud of what I am very pr and felt everyt d an am te y for m lot of things kills, myself, my s THE V: H in IT e W nc R de E E nfi R o A c C t of my curI have now— IUMPH IN HIS pluck me ou nfidence that ld GREATEST TR o u c o c f o u l yo ve le at er again in 5 t th at the it up the ladd ed—is so grea h I can say th e is I ak pl m m o ill c w ac I have I know that , and system, and in square one and in what I e k th w c o d ba kn an e I s m , t es ns in and pu out the bus r what happe rent status re. No matte d so much ab py man. ne du ap ar en h le ill e ry w av ve h a at es me hing th ak years. I et m m o at s th am d te an nd, h my safe and sou have built wit y family are m d an am te that my Give Back. If Maintain; (4) / in : ta s S S u E S C ) C (3 ty; rnight. You R SU n’t do so ove e Responsibili STRATEGY FO do ak T u ) yo (2 , ; er rn ne engi (1) Lea ence into the fort and pati My strategy: a lawyer or an ef r o d r, an e to c m ti do fore you st be a u have to inve e business, be you want to Yo th . f ar o ountt ye c ne pe o as so in ibility, be acc t every u ns o po ab s re an c e can’t even do m u o s l yo can maintain then take up ess. Learn al ur team that l. Learn, and learning proc yo fu s h be it es w c c m u s te a sys come give back and ers. Develop expect to be ow you can th h o r nd fi fo , d at an th rself icate it. After able for you ess, and dupl c c u s f o l ve your le others. of service to all the sful and have es c : c u FE s LI d IN an patient. be rich ING PRINCIPLE rogant and im ple want to ar eo P o to n. MOTTO/GUID e te ar lis they of others, shut up and of the time My motto is to the stories n f, but most te o is ed L . m s ea es dr er h that time I busin and I cheris things they ev ily ng off in this da ki ta na f in that u to o y m ke e practice from yoursel I er d. th ne ga Listening is th ar d le an lessons they you can learn listen to the amazing what ’s it ; nt ile s be have to just silence.



VC DR. NITTA BHOSALEY V Council member Nitta Bhosaley was always meant to serve mankind, though her true calling was not revealed until 2005. Prior to this, she was known as Dr. Nitta Bhosaley, a dedicated medical surgeon. Just like any doctor, she was on call 24/7; and for the 13 years that it took for her to establish her name in the medical profession, she was constantly nagged by the question of whether or not her noble practice was taking her away from her two sons. In 2002, she discovered the business of Network Marketing, but had to put it on hold in the face of harsh opposition from her own family, as well as from the society that she lived in. But as they say, some dreams just refuse to die. After three years of secretly wishing she was a networker, Dr. Nitta finally gathered the courage to say, “Enough is enough!” In 2005, she once again turned towards Network Marketing, this time with no intention of ever looking back. Needless to say, it was the best decision she ever made—one that not only led to the fulfilment of her dreams, but also to her being a role model for countless women living in male-dominated societies.



Nitta Bhosaley Winners International India Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda 8 years Doctor Single Two

REASON FOR JOINING THE V: sion, which I owed what I felt was a noble profes had I l. efu grat very was I In 2002, medicine and surian family. I was a doctor of Ind e elit an of ing ring upb ict to the str years. But I knew that successful practice after 13 a d she abli est lly fina had I gery, and gains were there, e, fame and adequate financial nam The . sing mis ing eth som t I deserve much there was equacy which made me feel tha inad of ling fee a was re the but always which my proup with the risk and the time fed get to g rtin sta also was more. I iness presentation ced me to make time for a bus for o wh le, unc My d. uire req fession time. I had a clear ld not have come at a better cou le, edu sch ing and dem very despite a eur. I was ready to a career as a global entrepren sue pur to ted wan ays alw I t vision tha my destination. fession… With QNet, I found switch from the medical pro RER WITH THE V: BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN HER CAR and a doctor, is years ago, if you were a woman t eigh y str indu g rkin wo net n, discourageJoining the “untouchables.” I faced rejectio of up gro a into lf rse you ing challenged by like throw able to see what you see. I was not are ple Peo e. cul ridi even in 2002. It was ment, and my venture into the business ted hal ich wh , iety soc my and my family with my personal and e years to finally make peace som k too It ing. str a on like walking with full force. k on the business once more too I 5 200 in and , ges llen cha as my mindset in business n as a doctor, and I applied this sio mis a had I t tha ered emb But I rem e an advocate for emsion… And I wanted to becom mis my is ve ser To s. ines the bus ide. powering men and women worldw EER WITH THE V: GREATEST TRIUMPH OF HER CAR a single mother man with renewed vigor. I was wo ered ow emp an ame bec I In 2005, iness seriously and ldren—I needed to take this bus chi two of ility sib pon res with the rs, I became a V to the fullest. And in two yea ty uni ort opp this of use t make bes t The V has given me. cess to the extended family tha suc my dit cre I . ber mem empowered me, Council ed the business. But The V has join I en wh ling fee ely lon very I had a V ambassadorship is e to speak from my heart. The grac and nce fide con the me n has give ner of the world. word of RYTHM to every cor a responsibility—to spread the STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS: not even start doing a compelling reason. Please do ple: sim is s ces suc for gy My strate ing reason, yesterday your burning reason. My compell w kno not do you if s ines this bus share that my 19-yearir future. Today, I’m happy to the and n, ldre chi my are ay, and tod eration. successor and the next V gen old Nihar is proactive; he is my LIFE: MOTTO/GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN tem and follows it. I , who has found her belief sys man wo ered ow emp an am I Today, and I thank QNet and rt. I’m proud to be a woman hea my all h wit and sly, giou work reli standing socially, ncially free, and establish my fina e om bec me ped hel e hav o The V wh Empowered Woman”, I m Sonny Caroll’s poem, “The Fro . ally tur cul and ly, ical econom would like to share: moves through the world The Empowered Woman, she grace. with a sense of confidence and pered by wisdom. tem Her once reckless spirit now ion truth without doubt or hesitat her Quietly, yet firmly, she speaks own creation. and the life she leads is of her




Before V Council Member Sivan joined The V, he thought he had it all. He was a senior consultant for AIG Insurance in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and he was doing quite well. He was more than able to provide for his wife and three boys. As he describes, “Money was there, and I had a reasonably happy life with my wife and kids. And I thought this was enough.” But in 2003, his world changed unexpectedly. “I met Mr. Radhakrishnan, who was on a visit in Riyadh, and he was the one who presented and introduced me to the business (of Network Marketing). Before this, I had no information about this business. A few weeks later, I met the Titans Managing Director, Mr. Arun George in Bahrain.” Meeting these V entrepreneurs opened a whole new world for VC Sivan. Soon, he learned what financial freedom was all about. And the rest, as they say, is history…



FACTS: Sivan Kozhisseri The Titans Nigeria, USA, UK Saudi Arabia Pakistan, Africa, Bangladesh, ait, Kuw tar, Qa an, Om E, UA Saudi Arabia, 7 years nce company Senior consultant for an insura Married Three

dered myself E V: ng about The V, I consi rni lea REASON FOR JOINING TH ore Bef go. to y wa an, and my t I had a long er for my wife Reena Siv vid pro The V proved to me tha ily fam l fu ess cc could be so person, and a su day, I learned that there one n as a quite successful the t Bu n. ana ray Na d that there’s hek; and Hari VP Arun George, I learne three boys: Ahhil; Abhis and nan ish akr dh Ra VC les of a ninehad. Through be free from the shack to much more to what I d ine erm det s wa I freedom—and such a thing as financial to- five existence!

business presHIS CAREER WITH THE V: n-ups! I made a lot of sig BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN o tw get n eve n’t uld ceed with the ficult; I co like I could no longer pro t The beginning was very dif fel I and ned rte hea sign-ups within ting really dis ed—I got my first two pen entations, but I was get hap e acl mir a and , mesh, already to admit defeat first sign-up, Mr. D. Ra my t business. I didn’t want tha s wa r kie luc n rked wonders in at made me eve tner. Our partnership wo par the same week! And wh ht rig the r fo g kin background, so and was loo had the same insurance we knew about the business and , ran and Ch . Mr from my job sign-up was full-time and I resigned go Saudi Arabia! My second to d ide dec I , 04 20 d moving out of in common. In a, and my leaders starte abi we had a lot of things Ar i ud Sa in ely siv res ve more agg with AIG. I began to mo bal! glo nt we the country… We

to myself. I CAREER WITH THE V: a challenge that I made s GREATEST TRIUMPH IN HIS wa V e Th h wit eer t unlike with had in my car y, financial freedom. Bu all One of the challenges I ntu eve and h, wt gro I gave mygoal: financial irement to meet my goal. ret was very clear with my til un it wa to nt wa time to going l job, I didn’t I wanted to devote my s, working in a conventiona ard erw aft and s, thi been seven to accomplish it for themselves. It has ke ma self a five-year timeline m the p hel and s e overcome and to guide leader happy to say that I hav y around the world, trying ver and ud pro am I troubles, while business, and and without any financial y years since I began this abl ort mf co vel tra to e. Being able great triumph for me. surpassed this challeng reneurs, is also another rep ent g irin asp er oth being of service to

d because of this, S: different profession. An STRATEGY FOR SUCCES ely let mp co a m fro e It is only after ters, I cam the point of mastering it. Like most network marke to ess sin bu the ut ess makes one learn all abo new to this type of busin I set it upon myself to ng Bei . lls ski r you ne lly know about build and ho couraging if you don’t rea dis this that you can really lly rea get can s thi first, and this failures, and ch knowledge as I can mu susceptible to a lot of as ass am to had I that passes, I found that business. With each day s network marketing. So, thi in beg to nt wa o l reach the point to those wh become. And then you wil is the advice that I give you t den nfi co re mo you cannot gather, the you have the patience, and w, the more experience you No ” er. nev an me not t “no does where you will realize tha fail. And the best E IN LIFE: siness, but also in life. bu MOTTO/GUIDING PRINCIPL in t jus not , ess cc with my time, ntinuous su d me, by being generous un My guiding principle is co aro ple peo the ing pir is to keep ins giving counsel. way for me to do this ing from the heart, and eak sp , rgy ene ive sit po spreading a lot of



VC PRIESTLY PRAVEEN In 2001, VC Priestly Praveen found himself trying to recover from a devastating blow on his leather garments business. Forced to close up shop, he started working as a marketing executive, until VC Nabeel (a childhood friend) introduced him to the business in 2002. “It was a good business, but it didn’t take off right away. I was only doing the business part-time. I signed up, but I wasn’t really taking it seriously. Then one day, I was on my motorcycle with my wife and baby daughter and it started to rain hard. We got soaking wet: me, my wife, and my daughter. Then I noticed that next to us on the road was another family; they were warm and safe inside their car and the kids were playing on the back seat. The rain wasn’t bothering them. I said to myself, maybe if my daughter were born to that family, she would have a happier life. I felt ashamed of myself: the people I love are suffering because I was too lazy to get up and work hard in the business… That moment was a turning point in my life. It showed my compelling reason for everything I have done since that moment, and everything I (have) achieved”



Priestly Praveen Team Spiders India India 9 years Fashion Designer (Leather garments) Married 2 daughters

REASON FOR JOINING THE V: I wanted to ac hieve financial security for my family. BIGGEST CHA LLENGE IN HIS CAREER WITH In India, we THE V: have had a bit of difficulty and after all th ad vancing the bu e issues, busi siness. It is ness is starti am grateful th quite difficult ng up again in at the leaders Chennai, slow remain strong very confident ly but surely. I and the suppor that we can pu t is still ther t India back e, and we are on the busine ss map of QN GREATEST TR et. IUMPH IN HIS CAREER WITH Before QNet, TH E V: I had zero—no thing. I was apart and I h estranged from ad no one. N my parents, m ow we have ou my kids and w y business fe r own home, ife don’t get ll our own land wet when we best life and . W e have a car so dr iv e in the rain. the best futu I can give my re, and that is QNet, I had ne daughters the something th ver even been at I am really out of Chenna nesia, the Mid pr ou i. d of. Before Now I travel dle East and A to Malaysia, S frica. It’s am ingapore, Indoazing how my life has chan STRATEGY FO ged. R SUCCESS: Just keep goin g. Sometimes life throws yo know what yo u lots of tria u want, you sh ls and roadbloc ould never let have my netw ks, but if you that stop you ork all over th . I dream big, e world, regard past. That’s so I plan to less of what behind me now has happened . The future in my life in th is still waiting e . MOTTO/GUIDIN G PRINCIPLE IN LIFE: I believe with all my heart in the power of I have managed Jesus Christ to get up afte in my life. Th r every fall. supporting m rough His grac My leaders, fa e even after ev e mily and friend erything, and th s are still her at gives me st e rength to go on.




and LISA NASUTION Throughout the V family, few couples personify the virtues of teamwork and cooperation better than V Council members (VC) Doddi Ferdinarta and Lisa Nasution. Prior to joining The V, both were corporate employees. Ironically, while Doddi desperately longed for financial freedom and flexibility of time, Lisa, for her part, was busy rejecting the very opportunity that (unknown to her) could pave the way for such freedoms. But like true partners, the two eventually complemented each other—Doddi learned about the business through Lisa; while Lisa gained her first and most active downline in the person of Doddi. Suffice it to say that neither of them would have made it to The V without the other; and certainly, neither would have achieved their present success without the other—just as in The V, every person contributes to the success of every other member of the family.





Doddi Ferdinarta & Lisa Devianthy Nasution SOS World (Star of the Stars World) Indonesia Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Egypt 8 years Doddi: Underwriter Section Head for one of Indonesia’s biggest insuran ce firms Lisa: Marketing Director for a Jakarta-based travel agency Married 2 boys

REASON FOR JOINING THE V: to this opportuDoddi: My 1st son was 7 months old when I was introduced was awake, and son my nity. As an employee, I went to the office early morning before this condition, with sad very came home late at night after he had gone to sleep. I was to see my there being and I started wondering how I can work and earn money, while to be with me allow would son smile, cry and play. I wanted another opportunity that tation, Presen ss Busine a my family. When I learned about this company and attended e Lisa’s becam I so, And . I believed right away that this was the opportunity I needed first direct downline. than 1 year, until my Lisa: Actually, I had been rejecting this business for more go to a Business to me college friend finally (after a LOT of persistence) convinced so that my friend went Presentation. But even then, I was still not interested, I only e questions negativ many so will stop approaching me. During the presentation, I asked ed in this succe ’t couldn I that the presenter told the audience that with my attitude, to sign d decide I so , business. That struck my ego and I wanted to prove her wrong up. Thank God! Because of that decision, here I am now! BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN THEIR CAREER WITH THE V: convince myself to win Doddi: The biggest challenge for me is MYSELF. I always against myself. The external challenges are NOTHING! Success is the only way to Lisa: The people who didn’t believe and rejected me. shut them up, so I maximized my effort to achieve my dream. GREATEST TRIUMPH IN THEIR CAREER WITH THE V: II. For us, that was our In the first year, we were among the winners of Pot of Gold not our business but this is turning point to believe 101% in this business, that this is h is not how big our netOUR LIFE. And we always believed that the greatest triump ’s hands and raise their work is, or how wealthy we are, but how we can hold people h is. triump lives—the more people we can touch, the more valuable our STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS


Rule 3 is the secret!!!

MOTTO/GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN LIFE: I am done! Doddi: I don’t stop when I am tired. I only stop when when you stop believing. And Lisa: Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends ng, believing and caring. Love ends when you stop caring. So, don’t ever stop dreami




MATHEW ELIAS VC Mathew Elias, upon first glance, seems like just any ordinary man. He is a father, a husband, and a son to his family. Hard work is not unknown to him, as he spent more than 20 years in a career which, sadly, only gave him enough to get the family by. He had learned to accept this fate; he grew up knowing that he must work hard to live a life of decent quality. But that quality life seemed to remain just as a goal, something that he will have—some day in the indefinite future. But a leap of faith, a lesson on hope, and a rediscovery of past beliefs forged the resolve of Mathew Elias. Once, he viewed challenges as turbulent times in life, especially during the beginning of his career in network marketing. But as the years passed, Mathew Elias saw each trying moment as a chance to better himself. In his own words: “It does not affect me anymore, this turbulence. Now, in everything, I learn to find the peace it brings.�



Mathew Elias Wings Qatar, India Africa, India, Middle East 9 years Engineer Married Two

e friend who in ING THE V: asked by a clos IN ” as JO w e? R I lif FO r, od N he go O ot a REAS job to an g to have in IT go e u on yo e om ar fr n g , whe network After shuttlin keting: “Mathew , my interest in ar ily m m k fa or y m tw r ne fo ider me career troduced me to me a better prov rsued a full-ti co pu be d an to , er re si th de ge And wiith the my IT job alto entually, I quit Ev . ew gr ng ti ke mar with The V. ience, E V: ing a man of sc CAREER WITH TH Be IS V. H e IN Th E h G it N w LE ly saw y life BIGGEST CHAL hich I eventual challenges in m w t , es em gg st bi e sy f th e lie be it In my mind wer having a shaky first, but then k marketing at its roots from or ok tw to to ne le ed t gg ed ou ru ne ab st I l at my eptica e also meant th y life. I was sk ality life for m use of my inqu a as a hurdle in m ca t be d Bu ne e. er lif nc y it co al g in qu a ow e gr showed family began to give m y Eswaran. He ja anges. With my Vi ’ ch to al Da on rs of pe idance in me. And make a lot of ram everything I sought the gu og h, pr it re fa d y an m h de it deco ner conflict w ego. He helped all part of my as w e back home. lif it al at th rm e m d into a no le tt se I , on e from that tim E V: 30,000 indiCAREER WITH TH ents with over in IS H nt IN co e PH re M th IU ve worked anning GREATEST TR quality life I ha d a network sp e te ea th d cr an ve s ha in I ga ial of beIn nine years, beyond my financ d the right path ne go ar s le ph ve m iu ha tr I y ISB, true and viduals. But m e, and being of my experience in lif h y it m w to o, e ls A lu va e. added ry pashard to achiev rstand. I am ve is has definitely de Th un . er to ad re le pi t as an ust career are coming a serv that everyone m iumphs of my ng tr hi as et m er id so ns is e co ith these I can humble servic y involvement w M ther things that O a. . ic M fr H A YT d R an t h my being India sionate abou em changed, wit at I support in st th sy s f ie it lie ar be y ch m s to meet when the children’ use I was able last five years ca e be th on in e rs ac pe pl st ie charities took e I’m the luck (Vijay). I feel lik ’ to Da to e os cl erent. him… I feel diff I knew that them because g S: in ES lik C d C te SU ar R st en I to become STRATEGY FO y networker is (before). But th an es of ng l le al al tf ch pi d e r for me to ge. Th I never enjoye t avoid. In orde for me to chan us nt m ea I m at as th w e ng with hope, methi each challeng at this was so I encountered th at th ew e kn ng I le d al an ch for me each complacent, es me challenges ses, I took on giv es od cc G su . y ng m si h es a bl lenge. Each continue wit at it was truly tion to the chal th lu so ow a kn nd to fi d m an n, and the wisdo de the situatio h hope, I deco that gain. y jo en I d to change. Wit e today—an m r fo in ga a challenge is have a IN LIFE: ccess. Today, I LE IP su C al IN tu PR en G ev IN y m that MOTTO/GUID e in my life to the comforts changes I mad ren and father ild spects ch re e, if ho w w y , I attribute the m my family er, giving id of ov ng pr ki a in th am s I ay ssion by , alw quality life: the true compa g and caring man ed vin ifi lo pl a em ex am I ve e. they deserv ne. I hope I ha e for all I’ve do ge.’ But fortunate. and treasures m she has to chan or ork, and the less tw he ne h, y ‘O m k, to in t to th at I expect, reaching ou Before I used n the change th g? he in w go , e ge m an s ch ep a life of rson to But what ke by showing them le ld I force a pe op ou pe sh e hy nc ue ‘W fl k, now I thin ’ I want to in from within me? any other way. that way than I should show er st fa is on ti e reflec change. And th



VC TEDDY ALEBACHEW Six years ago, Theodros “Teddy” Alebachew Kebede was just like any other mid-20s professional; he lived for himself, and looked out pretty much only for “number 1”. In his own words, it was a rather selfish life that did not offer much fulfillment. And so, when he came to know of The V in October 2004, Teddy decided to hit the “restart” button. He emptied his cup, changed his mindset, opened himself to learning the ways of the Network Marketing business, and inadvertently started on a path towards his present life—one of financial freedom and the daily opportunity to offer the same kind of change to countless people all over the world. Today, VC Teddy stands at the doorstep of the future, where he sees himself being a gallant soldier in the fight against poverty—using inspiration and hope as his weapons, and fighting under the flag of The V.




Theodros Alebachew Kebede Lighthouse Ethiopia Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda 6 years I was a chemist working for one of the biggest sugar processing compa nies in Ethiopia, as a process supervisor. After that I changed jobs and worked for a privately owned soap factory (as quality control head). Single


V: To have fina ncial freedom , and to be m BIGGEST CHA y own boss. LLENGE IN HIS CARRER WITH My biggest ch THE V: allenge was to understand pe different back ople from diff grounds and cu erent walks of ltures; I over seeing things life, and from came it by pu from their pe tt rspective, and ing myself in putting love an their shoes, d care towards GREATEST TR them. IUMPH OF HIS CAREER WITH I became my THE V: own boss, an d I became fi was strugglin nancially indepe g to live by m ndent. Before ys elf, almost h myself, why I I joined The and to mouth am here, and V, I , and did not re the like. It w financially inde ally understan as a somewh pendent, and h d at se elping so man lfish life. Bu living only for y people to be t now I am myself now, bu fi na ncially independ t I am helping changing lives ent. I am not to carry the in Ethiopia, bu vision of Dato t all around th a better person Vijay, not only e world. Also, , a better son being with Th to my mother upline and dow e V has made , a better brot nline, and also me h er to my sibl a better spirit lot. The way ings, a better ual person. M I see myself, y co an d the way I se re values have whole differen changed a e the world h t experience. as changed co mpletely; it is a STRATEGY FO R SUCCESS: To have a sim ple, duplicable system, so th at anybody, fr om any walk of MOTTO/GUIDIN life, can do it G PRINCIPLE . IN LIFE: Have a good at titude towards everyone and ev erything; then you will end u p as a winner.



VC MUNZER NAKHALA The very essence of Network Marketing is seeing things in a different way—seeing the opportunity in adversity; seeing the benefit behind every challenge. As a person, V Council member Munzer Nakhala is no different. Throughout his nine-year career as a Network Marketing entrepreneur with The V, his optimistic outlook in life has proven to be the compass that has pointed him in the right direction whenever he felt a little lost. It was this attitude that led him to become a full-time networker; and it was also this mindset that spurred the expansion of his network just when things seemed hopeless. In VC Munzer’s mind, all of those situations that seemed unfavourable at first were, in fact, gifts from God. And because of this, he has come to commit his whole being—mind, body, heart and soul— into the business and to The V’s mission of RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind). In his own words, “The V is my entire family; I’m here from now until my soul goes to the Heavens.”




Munzer Nakhala United Dubai wait, Oman, Qatar, UAE ia, Canada, Bahrain, Ku As al ntr Ce , bia Ara i ud Sa 9 Marketing Manager Married Three

nitially, mber 2001. I ve o N in V: V) E e h (T my netJOINING TH God. I joined rted to grow m ta o s fr REASON FOR I t en en h es w e. I But is like a pr came part-tim e job for me. be im b -t jo For me, this rt y m pa d a b, an re on my keting was y full-time jo focusing mo m e as Network Mar am w c I be y. ng rl cided to ork ea rk Marketi cords, they de and leaving w re te y work, Netwo la m ) rk aw o s w ny ing (for arketing. en the compa started report ess. And wh h Network M in it s w bu e im ng ti -t ll ke Network Mar cided to go fu ’s when I de at h T . go e m let most of my E V: hallenges and EER WITH TH c R e A m C o s IS H ad IN h e is no bigket LLENGE ollapses, ther the Dubai mar c p, rk u BIGGEST CHA o d tw ne ig ne s r you and trying to s after I tworker, when ling, striving gg ne u Three month a tr r s fo as nd w s, I uldn’t (manapsed. A d a half year market, I co an e network coll th ne o in r o es F . ng alle ve me the than that se of the ch challenges ga au e c s ger problem o be t th u B at E. th ing I was able rk in UA UAE). Soon, was a good th t es I id build a netwo . es e) (b er th es ri a network other count age to build networks in ild bu d an y if idea to divers y network. to rebuild m ifted and hip can be sh R WITH THE V: E rs E de R A ea L C ). IS H ph m en partners triu IUMPH IN V). I have sev e (I feel like I h T er GREATEST TR f ad le (o w ts ne d even ers who can create a e trainings an fying the lead ti th en Whenever I gh id u by ro s th sines hen one of by one areas. And w entiate our bu in er duplicated one ta ff di er c e f w o d ns our netcharge team, an wn, that mea put them in o d in the United is an h n em o th s n es we trai ild the busin fly. And then go out and bu to le ab is our leaders ing. g the right th work is doin R SUCCESS: STRATEGY FO nsistently. that daily, co do I 3. le u R IN LIFE: ING PRINCIPLE MOTTO/GUID ffee! smell the co Wake up and




points the way out of our personal cocoons By: Mark Flores

“There’s a purpose for why you’re in the fire.” This is one of the many answers that motivational speaker Nick Vujicic typically gives when asked about his thoughts on being born without arms and legs. In the short film, “The Butterfly Circus” (loosely based on Nick’s own struggles as a teenager), Nick breathes life to this and other profound messages of self-worth, hope and redemption, as he portrays a circus sideshow attraction named Will. Over the course of the 20-minute film, Will stows away and joins a band of colorful characters who have themselves undergone immense struggles and have chosen to see the beauty behind them. In doing so, Will embarks on his own search for his place in the world. Voyager magazine caught up with Nick on his way to a speaking engagement at V-Malaysia 2010, and got an up-close-andpersonal glimpse of one of the most enchanting personalities in modern history.


072 VOYAGER (V): When you tell people about your struggles as a teenager, do you think it’s at all possible for people to understand what it was like for you? NICK VUJICIC (NV): I think when anybody goes through different struggles in their life, even if I tell you everything about how I felt, you can only imagine so much. Everybody goes through something different, and not one pain is the same as anybody else’s. Like when I speak to veterans of war, who come back with a missing limb, I don’t know how it feels to have limbs and then lose them; that’s a totally different thing. So, it’s difficult for people to understand. But we all know what loneliness is, what brokenness is, what emptiness is. And we all want to be satisfied from the inside—with peace, love, joy, purpose, value and destiny. V: Having said that, how important do you think it is to relate to other people’s struggles, for you to be an effective motivational speaker? NV: No one can ever relate to the fact of me having no arms and legs, but they can relate to my questions of purpose and destiny… my struggles. Everybody knows what a struggle is. And so I need to share with them what I’ve gone through, for them to know how I felt. And that’s what everybody relates to—how you feel. When they know that you feel what they’re feeling, or you have felt what they’re feeling, then you can relate to them on that level. We’ve all been rejected, we’ve all had failures… and that’s the feeling that you need to relate to. If you can’t relate to a crowd, then you’re not going to (have an) impact on them. You need to relate first, then tell them the message. You need to tell them, “Hey, I speak your language, I’m just like you. But this is what I’ve learned.” V: If you hadn’t been a motivational speaker, what field would you have pursued? NV: With no arms and legs? I would have been a financial planner. I would have gotten my CFP (Certified Financial Planner) certificate, and I would have started my own financial planning and risk management business. The reason I became a motivational speaker is because I realized I had something to offer. If I realized I didn’t have anything to “offer”, then I would just go into business, be a leader to my employees, and let people’s money make money for them. I love that—I love helping people help themselves. V: You’ve achieved more than most average people. Of all your accomplishments, what are you most proud of? NV: The fact that I still have a humble heart—if you can be proud of that. I’m most thankful that I’m not puffed up. I’m not distracted by money or fame. I know that I’m a servant with a message from a higher power. That’s the thing that I’m most thankful for. Because once you believe that you are better than someone else, you’ve got a big problem. We’re all equal, we’re all human beings, we all have a soul, and we all have something to offer.

V: Having spoken to 3.5 million people in 34 countries, are there any particular encounters that are most memorable for you? NV: I’ve seen blind people seeing, deaf people hearing and lame people walking by the power of Jesus Christ. That’s really cool to see. But the greater miracle than any physical miracle was when I met a woman while speaking in front of 600 sex slaves. She was kidnapped at 10 years old and bought for USD 700. She had to have sex 350 times between ages 10 and 13. She got pregnant at 12, and was finally free of her debt at 13, with a kid to feed. She went out into the streets to try to find another job, couldn’t get a job, got beaten (up) on the street, got raped on the street. With no home, no family, no money, no food, she went back to the only way she knew how to make money, and again became a prostitute. At 15, she became pregnant for a second time, but that child died. Then at 20—which was when I met her— she came up (to me) and was crying. (After telling me all about her past) she said, “Nick, I just found out that I got infected with HIV-AIDS. And I know that God may not heal me, but I know that I can still bring one more soul to Heaven. And that’s enough for me.” To me, that was a miracle—to know that here’s a dying soul, a suffering soul, who has a child and doesn’t know what’s going to happen to her child, and yet she can have that peace and joy. It’s amazing! That, to me, is a miracle; that, I’ll never forget.


V: So it’s not about how big the crowd is… NV: It’s about the one… When you plant a seed of truth and hope into someone’s life, you don’t know how that is going to affect someone’s life. I found out in 2003 that there were 150,000 black-market DVDs of mine in Indonesia—praise God! Because there was one girl who wanted to commit suicide. She said goodbye to her family; she went to church one more time, and her pastor showed (her) a black-marketed DVD, and she said that DVD saved her life. She chose not to commit suicide because of that video. Two years later, I happened to walk into the Chinese restaurant in Indonesia that she works at—unbelievable! Then, I sponsored her through college; she graduated 18 months ago, and now she’s in charge of the third-largest children’s ministry in Indonesia. You just never know, really, all the effects of the seeds that you plant. So you just keep on planting the seeds. And when you plant the seeds of encouragement in your children’s lives, don’t get discouraged when you don’t see the fruit coming from it. A farmer doesn’t get one seed from the bucket and just sit there and wait for something to grow. You plant the seeds and then you work the soil—that’s what you do.

V: Among the world’s problems, what do you think is the one that needs the most attention, soonest? NV: I would say, number one, food for the starving. And number two, freedom from slavery. There are 29 million different slaves around the world, whether it’s sex slave or this slave or that… Human dignity and justice, that’s the most important thing. V: What are your plans for your organizations, Attitude is Altitude, and your non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs? NV: For my non-profit, we’re working on a huge website where people can share all their stories. Because that’s the message: you have something to offer—whether it’s your story or your gifts, your talents—to encourage other people around the world. I’m hoping that my legacy would be getting 10 million stories up on the web, a search engine of all the pain in the world, and then link them with creative arts and talented people, with creative pieces to encourage people to never give up in whatever circumstance they’re in. For my for-profit, we’re incorporating a Nick Vujicic, Inc. corporation in America, and branching out into a publishing company, a video production company and a music production company. V: And of course, those will be the channels for you to send out your message. NV: Exactly. And not just send out my message, but (to) let them be a platform for other people to share whatever they have to. V: Tell us about the experience of making “The Butterfly Circus”. NV: It was really cool, actually. It was very different from anything else I’ve ever done before. It was very weird to see myself on the big screen like that. I’ve been on TV and on newspapers and DVDs and all that, but this was very different. The acting experience was very cool, and I enjoyed it—I’ve always wanted to be an actor. It’s a 20-minute short film of hope and redemption, and it’s a great, great message.

In comparison to the population of the world, the number of people who have seen and heard Nick Vujicic in person are few. Fortunately, video excerpts from some of his speaking engagements, as well as the short film, “The Butterfly Circus” and his first inspirational book, are available online through, and In the immediate future, through these organizations, Nick’s message will resonate around the world in a variety of creative channels, including music videos, full-length documentaries and full feature films.

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In service




INSERVICE CREW They are successful business leaders by any standard, and they deserve to be edified. And yet they chose the path of humility, and placed themselves at the service of participants, guests and corporate staff at V-Malaysia 2010. In any language, they are the epitome of servant-leadership; they are the V-Malaysia 2010 InService:


Arvindran Alagaison VC Asha Krishnan Chitra Ramanujam VC Doddi Ferdinarta Dr. Rajeev Pillai Francis Kar Wei Tham Goh Seng Hong Ibn Abbas Soliman Marwan Talodi VC Mathew Elias VC Meiyanathan Ganesan VC Munzer Nakhala VC Perminderjit Singh

Ravi Chandran VC Santosh Kumar Pillai Shadi Hamza Hayati VC Shanmuganathan Balasrubramaniam Tarek Khalifa Thipamala Manikam VC Yousif Dawood VC Dr. John Jacob VC Lakshman Withanachchi VC Mohan Chidambaram VC Rupendra Kumar

Ade Safitri Al Shaima Alnowayem Alya Aloun Amani Hussein Abdulhadi VC Amelia Djajadi Ananthanayagi Krishnan Assel Skakova VC Bharathy G. Kanthappan Chandraprabha Shetty Charity Mavisi Chloe Zhing Yee Khok Connie Herrera Cynthia Nilam VC Doreen Katto Doris Kakuru VC Dr. Nitta Bhosaley Erica Yit Eng Lee Fowzia Junus Sidhpurwala Hajara Kasule Ibtisam Al Muqadasi Julie Gamenu Karen Yeoh Karla Nelwan Latifa Alqaedi Leong Lai Fong Lina Kik Ling Nah


Ma. Pamela Gonzales Mamta Keswani Marriate Kalibbala Menbere Fekadu VC Naamratha Pandey Natalie Cheah Pei Yun Nesamalar Satkunasingham Nurina Hadi Mawji Oliver Kam Ying Kee Patience Akhuotor Popi Mailani Priscilla Asiimire Rehema Kalibbala Samira SulimanIdris Sandra Chian YeeLiew Sarita Bhagat Shirley Siok Lee Tsen Sophia Hwan HuiTey Swarna Krishnan VC V. Dhanalakshmi Vivian Nakandi VC Wafa Salih Wafa Olabi Wai Kuan Lee Zuhra Mulumba Abdulaziz Ruslan Abdulhay Al-Balushi Abdullah Al-Doussari Abdulrahman Alsaggaf Adel Naser Al Khrainig Ahmed Alaidarous Ahmet Golen Akram Mohamed Nasr Alan Poon Ali HusainShaker Amberjit Singh Anas Rashad Mokhtar Antonio Angelo Aguilar Ashraf Osman Abdu Ahmed Asim Alhaj Ibrahim Asokan Velayuthan Ayman Abdelwahab Hamza Ayoub William Ayoub Azher Ghani Badru Sentamu Balakrishna Gopinath Bashar Al Ali Basil Louis Basil Amir Ahmed Benedict Ong Yew Keng Bennis Jacob Berzis RusiIrani Bijoy Jacob Caecee Kok Chin

Denver Ng Ngin Kim Dev Wadhwani Dr. Kephas Kansolele Dr. Umar Kasule Dr. Vinod Kumar Edmundo Echano Furkat Ibragimov Gaurang Kanvinde Gaurav Sharma George Kaindoah VC Gita Hartanto H.M.S.S. Rangajeewa Hamdan Abdullah Bahamdan Hamid Eltahir Eltigani Hasanain Mageed Hassan Shata Hassanein Hamid Shokor Hatim Mohamed Saleh Hossam Rafeik I Ketut Gede Kariana Ibrahim Ahmed Al Jahwary Iwayan Muka Udiana John Baptist Solomon Joy Mathew Juma Teko Karthikeyan Palaniappan Kasule Rajab Kato Umar Kasenene Kee Wen Cin Krishna Murari Tripathy Kuanysh Armiyanov Leonardo Mercado Maaz Salih VC Mahboob Aljalayze Malik Soualmia Maninder Bajwa Singh Manish Premaney Manu Thottil Mario Kok Mark Ferreira Mazin Nadhim Falih Milind Kadam Minar Jahid Hasan Moayad Hassan Alyousef Mohamed Ali Niamathullah Mohamed Nabeel Aljowder Mohamed Noureldin Yamani Mohamed Saleh Mohamed Bani Hashim Mohammad Walan Mohammed Kasawuli Mohammed Assagaf Mohammed Fayez Ahmed Mohan Kumar Velu

Motaz Rabih Muh Ansori MuniandySimmasalam VC Munnawar M. Ahmed Muralitharan G. Kanthappan VC Nambi Namboodiri Nasser Alnassar Nehemiah Imbiakha Nilamadhabasisa Das Nino Bryan Aguilar Norazri Bin Abd Wahid Novel Jeremia Mintarja Nuwan Sajeewaka Jayakody Osama Khairi VC Pavan Kumar Prabha Sivam Prafulla Tripathy Praveen Ganegaonkar Pubudu Oliver Perusinghe Qin Yu Wong Qusai Al Saggaf VC Sabarinath Jothi VC Sajan Zacharias Sambhav Kothari Samir Al-Yahyaei Sanjeewa Gunesinghe Sanjiv Mehrotra Sathya SeelanNatchimuthu Satrughna Sarangi VC Shashibhushan Pandey VC Shihabdeen Sulaiman Shiraz Deshmukh VC Shivan Nair Kozhisseri Sin Keong Fenix Chong VC Sudhakar Verupanda Sunil Kumar VC Suraj Ranasinghe Terlochan Singh Thangadurai Nallansamy Torandhoj Thapa Twaha Sempala V Nyanasegaran Venkitasan Wageeh Shaath Waleed Bassam Shehadeh Wesley Mondo Zulkiflee Bin Abu Bakar VC Theodros Alebachew Saidamir Ashurov VC Shyamala Swaminatham VC Anil K.Philip VC Tony Sachdev VC Henry Tio VC Mohannad Al Fadhli VC Ranjeet Singh

Rowan Set Pendant: Silver 925/-, ruby, garnet, freshwater pearl, 13.17 g; silver 925/- chain Ring: Silver 925/-, ruby, garnet, 9.55 g Earrings: Silver 925/-, ruby, garnet, 7.26 g

Green Life

A Garden with a View



By: Lili Narvaez FACT: 50 percent of the world population lives in cities. And in each metropolis, rows upon rows of apartment complexes and condominiums line the traffic-jammed streets. With this urban lifestyle flourishing, the idea of a green garden remains just in photos for a rising number of city dwellers. Enter: the “Balcony” or “Container” garden—or, in simple terms, an indoor garden. Aside from making for a great hobby (a lush landscape is certainly pleasant to the eyes), growing a garden in your balcony, or at any appropriate location in your home, also allows you to grow your own food—which in turn is a boon to your budget. Plus, it’s also an excellent way to lessen your carbon footprint: growing your own food lets you save on fuel by reducing your trips to the food store, while at the same time reducing the energy expenditure of commercial food producers. It’s even safer, too, since your food is guaranteed chemical-free—in other words, 100% ORGANIC. And the list goes on: having plants on your balcony can help reduce the “heat island effect”, a phenomenon which is common in the urban set-up, where buildings are so close to one another that the temperature actually rises much higher! A cooler condo unit, in turn, means less need for airconditioning—another good thing for your carbon footprint. In short, living in an urban setting is no longer an excuse for not having a garden. By following these simple tips, you can very easily be well on your way to having a healthy, thriving indoor garden: 1) Balcony boxes and pots are common container garden planters. With the limited space in your building, these are ideal for herbs, flowers, or even a type of vegetable or fruit. As for the type of soil for your new plants, choose well-draining soil, which is a mixture of peat moss, compost, wood chips, and perlite. Be sure to place the planters in the sunniest part of your balcony. 2) What are the easiest plants to grow in your container garden? Luckily, many herbs, fruits and vegetables can thrive on your balcony for your quick picking! Highly recommended are rosemary, parsley, oregano, mint, thyme and sage. Have a liking for salads? Not a problem! Lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers and baby carrots can easily grow in a container garden. If you prefer fruit-bearers, try strawberries or mini citrus fruits. On the other hand, flower enthusiasts can try miniature roses, orchids, marigolds, lilies and tulips. 3) Keep in mind that these plants are more exposed to the heat and the wind, so you must water them frequently. Just like in a normal garden, your plants are prone to all sorts of pests. But remember—with your plants just right outside your window, you can’t just use any type of pesticide spray, as these can be harmful to you and your family if inhaled. Opt instead for an organic pesticide like a neem tree (Azadirachta indica) oil-based product, which can be found in the gardening section of any hardware store.

Organic gardening is virtually synonymous to going green. Being an organic gardener means you do not make use of any chemical-based pesticides and fertilizers, which can actually cause more harm than good to the environment. In organic gardening, nothing synthetic is used in the process—compost is used as fertilizer; pest control and the cultivation of soil follow the natural biological cycle; and the growth of your garden ultimately depends on the Mother Nature herself. Because of this, organic gardening requires a lot of hard work and patience, but this is a worthy sacrifice that will help in reducing your carbon footprint. There are also a lot of benefits to organic gardening. Due to the natural processes, organic fruits and vegetables are proven to have higher nutritional content. With no artificial fertilizers and pesticides stripping them of their nutrients, organic products are much safer for consumption that those which underwent chemical processes. And because organic gardening involves natural processes, preservation of the environment is ultimately the best positive result that can be gained from it.









Mass extinctions are part of the natural order of things; long before man existed, plant and animal species have come and gone in accordance with the laws of evolution. If anyone were twisted enough to use this as an argument to acquit mankind from the crime of causing animal extinctions, then they should consider these facts: • There are three types of species extinction: NATURAL (which happens gradually over thousands of years, as a consequence of changes in the natural environment); DIRECT (a result of humans killing animals on purpose—for profit; food, habitat or both; or for sport); and INDIRECT (when animals die out as “casualties” of progress). Two out of these three types of extinction are human-induced. Furthermore, natural extinctions are always followed closely by the emergence of new replacement species; not so with direct and indirect extinctions. • Over the last three centuries, the number of animal species becoming extinct has had a direct correlation to the human population. In the 1650s, with about 450 million people on earth, 7 animal species died out; in the 1750s, with 550 million humans, 11 more species disappeared; by 1850, when the human population was at 900 million, 27 species were lost. To date, with 6 billion people on earth, 68 more animal species have gone extinct—64 of them between 1900 and 1960. The plain—and painful—truth is this: man is the worst thing that ever happened to the creatures of the earth. For a variety of reasons that range from survival and progress, to greed and the wretched “pleasure of the hunt”, our activities have sent




By: Mark Flores many of God’s creations to oblivion, and many more on the brink of vanishing forever. The good news is it’s also within our power to arrest and reverse this trend. In the last half of the 20th century, only 4 animal species were added to the “extinct” list. This is due largely to conservation laws, as well as a general shift in people’s attitudes towards animals. We still have a long way to go, but this is a good start. Perhaps the question most people are asking is: why preserve our wildlife? Bluntly put, we simply can’t live without them—despite our technological advances, man has never found a way to survive without relying on the environment. Plants and micro-organisms are the primary ingredients for most types of food and medicines, and they play a major role in keeping the earth’s climate liveable. These plants and micro-organisms, in turn, are in a delicate and mutually dependent relationship with the animals around them—remove one kind of animal from the mix, and the whole system collapses. On top of this, there is also the fact that only by studying living organisms can scientists hope to advance man’s knowledge of the world we live in. Ultimately, however, if we are to do justice to the contention that humans are the most intelligent life forms on earth, then the most convincing reason for preserving our wildlife is universal ethics. All life—in whatever form— deserves our respect; as “higher life forms”, it is our moral duty to uphold that respect without any exceptions. Sources: Young People’s Trust for the Environment (YPTE) World Animal Foundation



Ingredients: 3 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons mirin 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/8 teaspoon black pepper ½ pound firm tofu, cubed ½ pound kabocha s quash, cut into 1-inch chunks & boiled for 5 minutes 1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces 1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces 1 zucchini, sliced 1 inch thick 1 yellow zucchini, sliced 1 inch thick 4 cherry tomatoes Carrot and ginger sauce


1. In a medium-sized bowl, combine soy sauce, mirin, garlic and pepper, add tofu, and marinate for 30 minutes. 2. In a large non-stick pan, sauté each vegetable (except tomatoes) separately until brightly colored and partially cooked. Drain the tofu and sauté. 3. Thread the vegetables and tofu with the tomatoes onto bamboo skewers, and grill until tender but not overcooked. 4. Serve with carrot and ginger sauce. Serves 4 people. Note: If you don’t have access to a grill, the skewers may be placed under an oven broiler. These vegetable brochettes are best served over rice or Kashe. Source:

Promotes blood circulation Boosts vitality


048 082


By: H. Natarajan (Natty)

After witnessing the industry of network marketing from close confines for almost five years, I can say with a degree of conviction that many networkers falter despite acquiring all the knowledge they need because they don’t know how to effectively manage that knowledge. Knowledge is not power. Knowledge when applied is power. But what’s most critical to success is how and when to use knowledge. It’s about Knowledge Management and Time Management. How does a successful networker manage his day? What are the various activities he does? What aspects of the business does he consider as nonnegotiable? How does he set his priorities? A leader with multiple market exposure will find his tasks varying greatly from that of a leader with focus on a single market. The day of a networker leading a team of one lakh plus will be a lot different from the day of, say, a networker with a team of 50 or 100. The day of an Independent Representative (IR) who has been successfully doing the business for three years will not exactly be the same as a relatively new IR. An IR doing the business part-time will find his time management a lot different from a full-time IR. A networker geographically cut off from his mentors or team will find the demands on him and his time completely different from those in close proximity to their uplines and teams. To unravel the above complexities and much more, Voyager spoke to a cross-section of networkers— leaders who have been there, done that and struck gold. This article will help IRs at various stages of their journey in The V, regardless of where their existence is on the planet, and help them follow the appropriate roadmap. This article will give you rare and little-known insights into the private and personal sides of the networkers which helped them break through the barriers and gain passage into the land of dreams.

AARTI was a strikingly good-looking 25 year old when she entered the business— more to oblige a friend than with any conviction or vision. A management degree in Finance and Marketing, a lucrative job in a multi-national corporation (MNC), and a galloping career were just what youngsters of her age dreamt of. When she decided to do the biz, there was vociferous family opposition. “Networking is something jobless women did in their spare time,” they reckoned. But she ploughed on… but after enduring six months of frustration, she decided she could not do the business any more. She applied again for jobs. But then things changed overnight. And how! Her earnings from her QNet business skyrocketed and she did not ever have to think about a job again! Today, less than five years after signing up, her genealogy is well over 100,000 and she has her entire family doing the biz! “Planning is very crucial for a networker… I plan three months ahead, I know what I’m going to do every single day for the next three months,” says Aarti. “I wake-up at 6.30 a.m. and start my day with lots of thanks-giving to the universe for where I am today. I then set out for an hour-long walk. I walk alone as it gives me the space to be with myself and my thoughts… I get seamlessly into SOS (Sphere of Silence) mode straight on return home from my walk. SOS helps me reflect on my past and plan for the days, weeks and months ahead… between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. are meetings with my key leaders—my eight pillars—with whom I discuss potential 21-headers, new sign-ups, schedule for the week ahead, planning events, content for the events, building markets, etc…The second half of the day goes (to) meeting the second- and third-level leaders… I also like to be present at the systems so that it can be a source of motivation for the team, even if I’m just a ‘guest’… I have bi-weekly meetings with leaders where we discuss target setting, tasks, activities, action…we have monthly events at major cities… our team has a large presence (in several cities, in various countries)… I find time for reading books on network marketing, motivation and leadership… I also find time to watch the ‘8 Basic Building Blocks’… I plan for unforeseen cancellations so that my time is not wasted… I place huge importance on communication, be it in person, (on) SMS, email or phone… my Blackberry is an important communication tool.”

083 It was Asha’s determination to rise above her circumstances and be an achiever that saw her grow as an exemplary leader a lady who rose to be a confident and networker. She had the necessary discipline to achieve leader and powerful speaker, despite that—a quality that remains till this day despite her achievbeing a school dropout. Today she ing stupendous success. She explains: “My typical day starts can be mistaken for a director of a with the SOS, followed by a light exercise routine. My mornlarge multi-national corporation. ing is spent doing a lot of follow-up calls with my leaders based on their daily update SMSes/emails. I meet with my leaders in the course of the day to understand their activities and the markets they are involved in, and strategize on the way forward. I then have my personal follow-up meetings and one-on-one/group presentations. On days (when) I am not in the country, which is often, I travel to other markets to do trainings, meet the leaders there, strategize, understand the market, organize groups for trainings/presentation, help in closing, give motivational talks, do trouble shooting, arrange programs, train the trainers… If I am building a new market, I do a lot of presentations and trainings to ensure the system is being duplicated (properly). Despite my travels, I ensure (that) I do my own personal activities, like Rule 3, Prospecting, Presenting, Follow-up and Closing. I also spend considerable time keeping in touch with my uplines and leaders of various markets through phone and email.”

ASHA is an example of

RAHUL was an established DJ for fashion events, beauty pageants and product launches for the biggest brands in the business. He gave up that life of glitz and glamour to become one of the most committed and successful IRs in the biz.

“Music is my passion, but if I’m doing (the QNet business), it’s because I want to play music down the line without having to earn money from it. Today, (this business) is my passion… My laptop screen background has a huge Rs 10.74 crore on it…”

Rahul throws light on his average day: “I do my SOS in the morning—though not regularly. I then look at the things I need to do in the day. I keep checking my memos regularly. That’s my discipline. I believe in real-time commitment… if am in a meeting/training, I return missed calls at the first break… I don’t like to waste time or indulge in gossip… I focus on learning and always carry a book… the books I read are on spirituality, inspiration, networking… my daily activities include meeting the leaders and being accessible to all team members…” Having opened and successfully established an overseas market in the Middle East, Rahul now focuses on a nearby archipelagic nation. “The right time to open up a new market,” says, Rahul, “is when you have somebody who is ready to take ownership in your primary (home) market. When you open a market, your presence is required there to get the IRs to plug into the system, which is something only an upline can do and cannot be delegated.” Rahul also says an IR must visit his Virtual Office (VO) frequently. “I visit my VO ten to twenty times a day… I visit the company’s various websites and, of course, check the commissions…”

Having been in the biz for close to 10 years, MUNNA has seen exhilarating highs and depressing lows, and has emerged much wiser for a 30-year-old. He credits much of his success and equanimity to SOS, which he has been doing religiously for the past five years. “I feel out of sorts if I don’t do it today,” says Munna, who is an important team member of one of the company’s largest teams worldwide. “It helps me in my planning… its like sharpening the axe… it has also helped me become more patient, non-reactive and less aggressive.” Munna’s mornings begin with calls to his leaders. The noon is for closings. It means focusing on testimonies and mind shifting of prospects accompanying team members. “In this meeting, we tell prospects what is expected of them to succeed in the business, and the time frame needed,” says Munna. The importance of communication, especially at the top, is reiterated by Munna when he says that the day starts and ends with a meeting of the core team.



“Every day is a new beginning in network marketing… your past is history,” says DEV, an Ivy League-educated finance wizard who made his first million dollars by age 23 and was successfully running his own asset & wealth management company when he heard about the business at age 30. “(These days) I wake up between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. and begin the day focusing on communication— phoning core leaders, replying (to) emails, etc. In the afternoon, I meet small groups and their leaders, aligning them and ensuring that they are executing their three-month plan. Evenings are the busiest part of the day as I have set up my daily system which is the life blood of my business, as the energy and activity it creates is very contagious. After the system, I normally end my evening with my core leaders in whichever city or country I am in. I use the time to bond and inadvertently talk about our dreams and shared vision. This, for me, is ending the day on a high,” says the man who is now doing the business full-time and has built large organizations in the Middle East, Asia and Europe in well under five years.

Duplicating perfectly, SACHIN is following in the path of his upline, Dev. And despite several challenges, in just 22 months he has built an organization of 2,500 plus, many of whom gave up fat pay cheques and fancy corporate designations for being full-time IRs. Sachin has been a master in building markets, tirelessly flying out to newly-opened destinations on weekends, week after week after week. “If I can’t go (personally) for some reason, then there is some core team leader to take care of them,” he explains. He will not open a new market till the existing market has found leaders who are capable of handling it on their own. “Relationship building is the key,” says Sachin. The basics are never compromised and he commands total loyalty from his team—150 of whom were at the recently concluded V-Malaysia 2010 convention.


While all the above are examples of full-timers, it’s quite possible to make it big as a part-timer as well. A classic example is BIJOY, who in just eight months has built a team of 850-plus, and is earning well in excess of six figures every month. “I reach (my) office around 9:30 a.m. Before that, I make my biz calls to the core team. During the day I keep in touch with the team, but without any agenda. It’s just relationship building. I call at least 10 members of my team (per day). I leave office around 7:00 p.m. and head for the daily system, where it’s training, presentation and brushing shoulders with successful people... On Friday evenings, I leave town to look after my teams (in other cities), and return back on Monday morning,” explains Bijoy. He places great emphasis on trainings and says he has never missed an event. “It’s a question of priorities.” As a Director in an MNC, he earns a monster pay packet. But Bijoy does not see himself getting caught in the corporate trap. “In my mind, I’m a full-timer now… and in any case I will (soon) be chucking up corporate life to go full-time (in The V).” As varied as the backgrounds of IRs are around the world, so are the daily routines that they adopt in order to succeed in their Network Marketing businesses. But despite this, one thing remains common to all successful networkers: driven by passion and commitment, they are all masters of their own time and knowledge; for them, no situation is so difficult as to stand in the way of their quest to achieve success—both their own and those of the people in their teams.


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I had the chance to play a game called “slappers” with Nick Vujicic, who was one of the highlights of the convention. Nick Vujicic had no arms and no legs, yet he made us realize how blessed we are, and that it doesn’t matter what’s on the outside. Nick inspired me so much when he said “When the world thinks you’re not good enough, get a second opinion.” He told us that we don’t need arms to touch someone’s heart. “When you’re not happy single, you’re not happy in a relationship,” he also said. He mentioned that all of us are beautiful just the way we are, and we don’t need to be hard on ourselves when we look in the mirror. When I hugged him, I felt that I was born to do great things. I was given the opportunity to dance on stage with my fellow V kids, while 8,000 people from different nations watched us. While on stage, I imagined 16,000 eyes watching us and it felt great—who cares if I make a mistake? I just enjoyed every minute of the performance. I was also given the task to lead the V-kids cheer and I was surprised that I wasn’t even nervous. With one voice, we all cheered at the top of our voice: “VKIDS ROCK! V-KIDS ARE COOL! V-KIDS WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO RULE! V-KIDS!”


ISB Uncle Ranjeet gave me the role of InService in the Audio-Visual Department. I was also given the chance to introduce V Partner Miss Donna Imson to the V-”teens”. During our free time, we taught each other dance steps, and we enjoyed listening to good music together (thanks to my iPod audio cable). At night, while waiting for our parents to fetch us, we watched movies and enjoyed each other’s company, and we were provided beds and blankets to keep us warm. On the last day, we wrote each other letters, encouraging one another, thanking each other for the moments we spent with one another and just saying our goodbye’s, hoping to see each other again at V-“Teens” 2011. I am so grateful that my parents brought me to V-Kids 2010. I wish to bring my siblings along next year, so they can experience the kind of training that The V offers to young adults like me. I have conquered my fear of facing an audience. I have developed my leadership skills. I realized that the world has a lot more to offer. Each one of us has great potential in doing great things. I know that now, because I was at V-Kids 2010.


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By: Vicky Ras

Social media, at best, can be overwhelming. Everyday, we hear or read about the magical power of social media to attract hordes of clients to our product or business, invigorate our profession, or transform us from virtual unknowns to instant celebrites in the social stratum. On the other hand, there are the people who warn that social media is at best a frivolous time sink, and at worst a risky proposition that exposes users to cyber-violations and puts their privacy and reputations in jeopardy. Personally, and applying it to the industry where we thrive in, I beleive that the use of social media is neither inherently wondrous nor worthless; rather, it derives its value from what the users make of it. As most of us here are practically new to this, it then makes sense that we use a practical, goal-centric approach to social media, with the goal of enabling our network leaders and IRs to properly identify the social medial platforms and tools that can aid them in growing their business beyond borders; and to implement them easily, efficiently and ethically.

Last July at the Asian Bloggers and Social Media Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it became very clear in the presentations of the speakers— one of whom was esteemed V Partner and QNet Executive Chairperson Ms. Donna Imson—that social media is no longer just a fad or a frivolity, but a major paradigm shift that is sweeping across all professions, businesses, and industries. To the uninitiated, social media is just something for those with too much time on their hands. But people who dismiss social media in such a way do so at their peril. Truth is, social media is fast and steadily gaining traction within the public at large, and has likewise altered the way users evaluate their needs and the options made available to them by business owners and most especially, the mega-corporations. To the uninitiated, social media is just something for those with too much time on their hands. But people who dismiss social media in such a way do so at their peril. Truth is, social media is fast and steadily gaining


traction within the public at large, and has likewise altered the way users evaluate their needs and the options made available to them by business owners and most especially, the mega-corporations. As it stands today, social media will continue to grow in prominence because of the growing number of so-called “informed consumers.” Gone are the days when the yellow pages seemed to have the answers to nearly everything. Nowadays, when people need to know more about a certain product or company, for example, they go online and they instantly have access to a deep well of resources available—including credentials, testimonials and feedback from other users. Social media also provides tools for building relationships which satisfy the users’ and the consumers’ need for personal connections. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook and blogs give people a chance to reveal a little piece of personality or share tidbits about family, hobbies and quirky likes and dislikes. Whether it’s through uploading of photos on Facebook, or rooting for your favorite sports team on Twitter, or a heated discussion through blogging, the interactive nature of social media helps people build deeper and more meaningful connections online, which eventually translate into offline business partnerships and friendships. And in the networking industry, building meaningful and trusted relationships is very crucial! Furthermore, social media has, to some extent, successfully bridged the so-called generation gap. It is no longer just for kids. V Partner Donna Imson herself intimated during her talk that it was her daughter who first created her Facebook and Multiply accounts. But shortly after she became more comfortable with the use of both platforms and learned to fully appreciate the potential they carry in building new relationships and strengthening or rekindling old ones, she moved on to create her own accounts—even adding Twitter to the mix.

Speaking of Facebook, now undeniably among the top social media platforms with millions of users worldwide, did you know that it was initially launched across college campuses in 2003 and its first generation of users were those entering the workforce en masse? But rather than abandoning Facebook after leaving campus, these early adopters decided to integrate Facebook into their professional lives, using it to stay in contact with friends and co-workers, network, make hiring decisions (or at least shortlist potential candidates) and promote their companies, products, and services. But while these data are impressive, don’t let them influence you into blindly taking your business (personal or otherwise) online without a clear strategy in mind. That social media is a tool to achieve your professional goals—not a goal in and of itself—cannot be emphasized enough. In stark contrast to a frequent flier program, where accumulated miles translate into a free trip, racking up Facebook friends, Twitter followers or blog visitors just for the sake of doing so won’t necessarily confer rewards like more referrals or clients. Instead, you’re only likely to annoy your colleagues and waste your time with obsessive efforts to gain more followers. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. The social media is a very powerful tool at your disposal. However, if you don’t use it properly and responsibly, chances are, you will stand to reap more backlash than the expected rewards.


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By: Lili Narvaez

Of all human characteristics, perhaps the one that has resonated most persistently through the ages is the desire to explore. In the days of our earliest ancestors, this desire was tantamount to survival—as a huntergatherer, man had to venture into unknown lands in order to find sustenance. But even as we settled down, lived off the land and created civilizations, the wandering spirit remained hard to quell. We boarded ships and sailed across seas in search of new territories. And when we realized that virtually every corner of the world had been explored, we set our sights on the heavens; in 1968, we left the earth’s atmosphere and circled the moon, and then a year later, walked on it. By the turn of the millennium, the question seemed appropriate: Now that we have crossed borders, oceans, and orbits—is there anything left for us to discover? If the examples that follow are to be considered, then the answer would be a very definite YES.

New venues for exchanging ideas “We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey.” - John Franklin, Arctic explorer

One of the most remarkable things about modern Internet technology is its ability to foster mass collaboration—a limitless exchange of ideas between people who are otherwise separated by geography and culture. The result is an enrichment of the knowledge of every member of the online community. Casey Fenton, founder of, got the idea for the said website when, after planning a trip to Iceland, he emailed 1,500 students from the University of Iceland asking if he could “crash on their couch.” The response was so overwhelming that Fenton was compelled to create an online community where anyone can get in touch with locals from his travel destination, even before he “gets off his couch”. Not only is it more economical, but it promotes interaction among individuals of various backgrounds. Today, is the largest hospitality exchange network online. Membership is free, and the community has 2 million members, collectively raising awareness of the world’s forgotten cultures and inspiring worldwide camaraderie.

New experiences from familiar situations “It still amazes me how many millions go to discovering another star in the galaxies when, for all we know, we are still sitting on top of another undiscovered world beneath our feet.” - Martin Dansky, artist

In the past, man embarked on massive explorations to expand his horizons. But today, we have realized that we need not go far in order to satisfy our curiosity. Today, the idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of the urban jungle has given birth to what is now known as “Urban Exploration.” In Urban Exploration, the point is not to discover something new, but to uncover what has always been there all along—hidden from plain view. The environments for this activity include old tunnels, abandoned buildings, underground passages, ghost towns, catacombs, sewer systems, etc. Ultimately, what this movement wants to remind everyone is that there is beauty in the least expected of places. Over recent years, Urban Exploration has gained such a following that is now among the biggest online networks in the world. In the old world, discovering gold was among the most compelling reasons for mounting an expedition into uncharted lands. But the contemporary equivalents of this treasure are items not of great monetary value, but are instead, priceless.


New twists to an age-old pursuit “So, I decided that whatever I was, wanted to do with my life, it would have to do, it would have to have something to do with exploration and doing new things.” - Duane G. Carey, former astronaut

In the modern-day treasure hunting hobby known as “geocaching”, adventurers place valuable items in weather-proof containers, along with a logbook and a pen, and hide the containers—or caches—in the most remote location they can think of. The coordinates of the location are then submitted to a tracking site such as, where over a million individuals are on the look-out for new “treasures” to hunt for. Using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology, site members try to physically find the hidden caches. Upon doing so, the adventurer is expected to take the item in the cache, sign on the logbook, replace the logbook in the cache—along with a new item that is of a higher value that what was previously there—and place the geocache back. He then goes online at the soonest possible time, and shares his experience in finding the geocache with the rest of the online community. To make the hobby even more relevant to the issues of the time, members of the geocaching community have recently adopted the habit of collecting trash that they find while searching for their geocaches, and disposing of the trash in the proper venues. The past 20 years or so have seen a steady rise in health and fitness consciousness among people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. The worldwide fitness industry has ballooned to be worth billions of dollars annually, as people spent their hardearned money on gym memberships, nutritional supplements and workout gear. But while there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve one’s health, the appeal of the gym eventually fades, as seen in the relatively high drop-out rates of fitness clubs.

New approaches to universal pursuits “The good is, like nature, an immense landscape in which man advances through centuries of exploration.” - Jose Ortega y Gasset, philosopher

Enter the concept of “MovNat”. Introduced by Erwan LeCorre, MovNat stands for three things: Move Natural, Movement in Nature, and Movement for Nature. The philosophy behind it follows three main tenets: natural (i.e., respecting the laws of nature); evolutionary (i.e., trusting our primal heritage); and situationary (i.e., satisfying realworld demands). A MovNat work-out is based on the parameters of our natural environment, and is characterized by the use of natural movements and elements, such as barefoot running and lifting or hurdling natural obstacles. In simple terms, MovNat uses the natural world around us as our gym—quite literally, a JUNGLE GYM. In so doing, LeCorre hopes to develop in us an instinctive drive to overcome any challenges that we encounter in our daily lives. “Our true nature is to be strong, healthy, happy and free,” says the MovNat website. The philosophy encourages the exploration of oneself, by breaking through mental barriers imposed by an artificial world and learning the true capacity of man’s natural physical abilities. Frank Burman, commander of the Apollo 8 mission that orbited the moon in 1968, couldn’t have been more correct when he said, “Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.” Indeed, there is no reason for us to believe that the age of exploration is over; each day, there is a new adventure for us to embark upon—a challenge for all of us to keep the essence of the human spirit alive.

Sources: cle/7d7caa4e23adf110vgnvcm10000013281eac



BORROWINGMOMENTS Words and photos by: Noel Abelardo Someone once said, “You don’t take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it.” My love for photography started very early. I’ve been told that, as a child, I was always looking at beautiful things and admiring moments, apparently wanting to capture them forever. They were right. Even when I was very young, I was either in front of the camera or behind the lens.

“You don’t take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it.” It was my grandfather, my mom’s father “Apo Ben”, who first introduced me to the world of photography. I used to look at old pictures of my Mom dressed in a beautiful dress holding an umbrella. She was around 9 years old. And since coloured film wasn’t as readily available then (not to mention very expensive), the picture was in black and white. To add colour, my grandfather painted over some parts of the picture— a post-processing technique that’s still being used today. It just goes to prove that the works of brilliant minds live on, long after they are gone. In my heart of hearts, I knew even then that I was meant to pursue something in the arts. My parents initially thought it would be music, since I also displayed some kind of talent in the field and they prayed I would inherit the genes of my great-grandfather, the famous Filipino composer Nicanor Abelardo. I also dabbled a little in painting, drawing, sketching and dancing. You could say I was a jack-of-all-trades kind of a child. But as they say, first love never dies. And so during my elementary schooling, I joined the Basic Photography Club where I learned the fundamentals of photography. I later on became the president of the Advanced Photography Club a year after, where I learned to process my own film in a dark room. I got my first-ever camera then; it was a Nikon and I have been a Nikon owner ever since.

COUNTER-CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: “Adrift”; “Potter’s Hands 1”; “Pot ter’s Hands 2”; “Water Vase”. OPPOSIT E PAGE: “Windmills on My Mind”.


As I grew older, my priorities changed and my soulsearching began. I focused on my studies and wanted a career in Events Marketing. But even then, my love for taking pictures never subsided. My family and friends always knew that I loved capturing moments on film. I was and always will be what they call a shutterbug. To date, I have hundreds of thousands of pictures spread across photo albums, CDs, DVDs and hard drives. But it wasn’t until a few years ago that I decided to make what started out as a hobby into a full-fledged career. While working for The V, I saw how amazing the V-Con was for the participants, and I immediately felt compelled to capture those moments, so they could remember the experience. And so at V-Con 2007 in Jakarta, I borrowed the company’s camera and photographed everything to my heart’s content. Soon after that, I worked my way into affording my very own digital-SLR (which could be quite pricey) and then went really crazy taking photographs of everything and anything that I found beautiful—from plants to animals, landscapes, buildings, and people. It was this passion that paved the way for many other opportunities, starting with being a contributing photographer for Voyager. My heart always skipped a beat when I saw my photos printed on the magazine and posted on the website. Today, I think of photography not only as a part-time career, but also as a way to share those moments I (quietly) borrowed from the world.


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ENTERTAINMENT MUST-READ: The Business of the 21st Century by Robert Kiyosaki American investor, businessman and bestselling author Robert Kiyosaki does it again with his most recent release, “The Business of the 21st Century”, which he dedicates to “the millions of you who are at a crossroads in life—who are affected by the current economic crisis and feeling helpless as to what you

can do to secure your financial future.” Known as a staunch supporter of Network Marketing, Kiyosaki explains in this book how, in securing financial stability, it’s not only about growing your business, but growing with your business. He likewise demolishes all the misconceptions about the industry, and justifies, using his knowledge, experience and

MUST-SEE: The Blind Side Directed by John Lee Hancock and starring Sandra Bullock, this heart-tugging film tells the true-to-life story of Leigh Anne and husband-sportscaster Sean Tuohy, a fairly wealthy couple from Memphis, Tennessee, who adopt a homeless young teenager named Michel Oher—who eventually becomes a professional NFL (National Football League) player. On the drive home one day from school, the Tuohy’s see Michael (or “Big Mike” as he is more commonly called) walking down the street alone, with only a shirt on his back, despite the freezing weather. Deeply moved and compelled to help, Leigh Anne steps out of the car and offers for him to spend the night in a warm and comfortable place—their home. Big Mike agrees, and from here on, develops a solid and harmonious relationship with the family, especially with the youngest of the kids, S.J. Eventually, the Tuohy’s adopt him legally. The events that follow afterwards present how the two parties complement each other, from an outsider like Big Mike’s protective instincts and the Tuohy’s generosity and acceptance, to the point of Big Mike’s success in becoming a big star in the world of American Football.

credibility, each and every point about the nature of Network Marketing. Finally, he illustrates all these and more into eight straightforward, wealth-building assets offered by the business, to further entice the reader to more actively pursue the great offerings of this “business of the 21st century.”

MUST-HEAR: Troubadour by K’naan Born under the name Keinan Abdi Warsame, K’naan is a Somali-Canadian poet, rapper, singer, songwriter and instrumentalist most famous for writing and recording Coca-Cola’s official song for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, “Wavin’ Flag.” The song appears in K’naan’s second album, entitled “Troubadour”. The album was released last February 2009, and in the US, sold over 15,000 copies on its first week alone. As of press time, it has reached number 7 on the Canadian Albums Chart, number 12 on the US Billboard Top Rap Albums chart, and number 32 on the BillBoard 200. The general sound of this sophomore release is described by critics as strong and melodic, heartbreaking even, with the dubbing of political and social issues and some personal experiences. Amazing collaborations with Damian Marley, Chubb Rock, Kirk Hammett of Metallica, Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Mos Def and Chali 2na, also bring interesting stuff to the table for “Troubadour”. Sources:’_Flag’naan albums/12799-troubadour/ the-business-of-the-21st-century-book-



Your Family’s Medical History


By: Mila Lumactao

Worried about becoming diabetic like his Dad, a friend cuts back on Coke. Having lost relatives to cancer, your colleague has yearly mammograms. And your uncle starts jogging after learning of his increased heart disease risk. Many of us know people diagnosed with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure—often, these are people we care for, and the emotional news reminds us of our own inherited or genetic predispositions to these dreaded diseases.There is hope though. Based on recent findings, our risks of developing any of these deadly lifestyle diseases can be radically reduced by making healthy lifestyle decisions. This means your family’s medical history need not repeat itself in your generation and beyond.

The Vitality Lifestyle The key? Simple changes in our daily choices/routines, to embrace the Vitality Lifestyle, which, unlike the typical life of “energy drain,” is one of “energy gain” where we: - go from strength to strength, not crawl from day to day; - face modern-day challenges and stresses with vigor and a strong immune system; - have the energy to realize our potential, and do things we have—and want—to do; - have enough emotional energy for key relationships, and enthusiasm about life in general. Qplus offers the revolutionary Vitality System of Screening, Supplementation and Support—for genuine, sustainable lifestyle choices for every man, woman and child.

Information for Prevention Qplus uses the power of information to give the power of prevention. The Vital Life Center offers a Preventive Screening Program to help determine our health condition, so physicians can recommend appropriate lifestyle changes.

Supplemental Food A crucial change you can make: eat better. But you face multiple challenges as you try meeting the required 5-9 servings of vegetable and fruits daily. For one, many of today’s fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than those of decades ago. For instance, August Celebration published a study showing that to get the nutritional benefit of one apple 60 years ago, you’ll need to consume 16 apples produced in today’s plantations.

The Vital Life Center houses the facilities as well as the medical professionals to help put customers on the road to living the Vitality Lifestyle.

Time-pressed, we often go for meat-based, fatty, sugary, or salty fast/instant/canned food. But homecooked food has its challenges: processing or cooking fresh produce may deplete its available nutrition. Raw food advocate Paul Nison explains: “…eating food heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit starts to deplete the enzyme potential, draining energy that the body counts on to maintain tissues and organ systems…when food is cooked above that 118 degree-and-up threshold for three minutes or longer, vitamins are destroyed….”1 Thus, Qplus advocates the unique raw food-created dietary supplement Vital Code. Based on a breakthrough discovery backed by 20 years of research, Vital Code has vitamins and minerals that are easily and effectively absorbed by your body. Unlike many commercially sold multivitamin products (actually synthetic isolates of nutrients), Vital Code contains raw food-created vitamins and minerals with the “co-factors” found in food (such as 100% live enzymes, and probiotics that improve digestion) that your body needs to recognize and metabolize nutrients. So you get nutrients that raw food can give, in amounts your body needs but cannot fully get from today’s typical diets; without paying for the excipients, binders or fillers common in other vitamin and mineral preparations.

Supportive Community It’s been said that your wealth is determined by your five closest friends. If so, then the same could be said for your health. Staying on the vitality track can never be done alone. It’s natural to be tempted occasionally to return to old, unhealthy habits, after all. So Qplus provides vital Support through events and access to various resources with the right information for you to achieve and sustain long-term wellness...within an encouraging environment of experts and friends. The best thing about your Vitality Lifestyle? It can start today. Re-write your family’s medical history, and create your own life story with confidence now! Sources: Massoud Arvanaghi, PhD et al., Vital Code (Florida: Garden of Life, 2008), 94.


A look at what has been a phenomenal year for the V family

NSS 2010

Highlights of how the Network Seminar Series took the world by storm this year

THE V ONLINE, REINVENTED! A primer on the all-new V website


The tradition continues—getting better every time!

V-MALAYSIA 2011 The anticipation begins!

PLUS!!! • More inspiring stories from within and outside The V • More informative articles on V Success • More personality profiles • More contributions from YOU, our amazing readers!

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