aysu aysoy design portfolio

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desi gnpor ol i o

contents amodul arstorage, par onandsi nguni t; combi na on homeofficef orashort fil m maker i nteri ordesi gnofami crocompacthouse touragencyofficef orstudenttours thef utureki tchendesi gn j ournalofficef orsci enceandtechnol ogymagazi ne magazi neandnewspaperki osk bou quehoteli ncappadoci a

amodul arstorage,par onandsi nguni t; COMBI NATI ON Idesi gnedthemulf unc onalmodul aruni t“COMBI NATI ON”f or“Modul arI nteri orSystems”course.COMBI NATI ON i sauni tsystem whi chonecanf orm par onwal l ,si nguni ts,worksurf aces( i nf ai rareas)and storagepl acesbycombi ni ngthem wi theachother .

4thyearmodul ari nteri orsystemsstudi o


homeofficef orashort fil m maker Si mpl e,el egantandmi ni mal ;l i keshortmovi es… Theshortmovi eswhi chcanexpressdeepemo onsandthoughtssi mpl y,el egantandmi ni mal l yareconsi deredassuccessf ulshortmovi es.Astrongfic oni sneededi ntheseexpressi ons,anyel ement shoul dn’ tbemi sspentandeachoneofthem shoul dbeextremel ymeani ngf ul .Func onal i sm i sthebasi cpropertyofshortmovi es;everyel ementhasdi fferentf unc onanddi fferentmeani ngbehi ndthei rappearance.I notherwordsshortmovi ei sa compendi ousexpressi onofdeepthoughtsandemo ons. Shortfil m makers’j obi sthei rl i f estyl esothespacewheretheyarel i vi ngi nshoul dbedesi gnedaccordi ngtothesepri nci pl es.When,si mpl i ci ty,el egancyandmi ni mal i sm areusedasdesi gn concept,thepurebeautyofthespacecanbeachi eved. “Lessi smore”i sthesuccessf ulexpressi onofusi ngtheseconceptsi nspacepl anni ng.Thedesi gnwhi chwasmadei nthi sconcepti swhi l ebei ngsi mpl e,el egantandmi ni mal ;i tshoul dcontai na strongconstruc onalfic onsof unc onalspaceanal ysi sbecomesi mportant.

2ndyeardesi gnstudi o

homeofficef orashort fil m maker

i nteri ordesi gnofami crocompacthouse I nthescopeof“ComputerAi dedDesi gn”courseweareaskedtodesi gn“TheMi croCompactHouse”whi chi sal i ghtwei ghtcompactdwel l i ngf oroneortwopeopl e.I tscompactdi mensi onsof2. 6m cubeadapti ttoa vari etyofsi tesandci rcumstances,andi tsf unc oni ngspacesofsl eepi ng,worki ng/di ni ng,cooki ngandhygi enemakei tsui tabl ef oreverydayuse.Ourconceptwastomakei tasadormi toryf ordesi gnstudents.I n desi gnItrytocreatedynami sm byopposi ngtotheri ghtangl esi n3rddi mensi onwhi l eprovi di ngmaxi mum effici encyi nthespacerequi rementsotami crocompactl i vi ngspace.

3rdyearcomputerai deddesi gncourse

i nteri ordesi gnofami crocompacthouse

touragencyofficef orstudenttours Touragenci esaremaki ngconnec onsbetweenthef aci l iesofatravelorgani za onandcustomers.Theyfindandcombi netransporta onrequi rements,accommoda onrequi rements,thegui danceetc.I tmakeseasy f orpeopl etotravelf rom onepoi nttoanother .I notherwordstravelagenci esconnectal sotwodi fferentdes na onsl i keabri dge.Soi nmydesi gnIgavethef eel i ngofcomi ngtogetherbyusi ngphysi calandvi sual connec onsamongspa aluni ts.

2ndyeardesi gnstudi o

touragencyoďŹƒcef orstudenttours

thef utureki tchendesi gn “TheFutureKi thcen”wasthedesi gnofaki thcenwhi chi sappropri atetothehumanergonomyandf ul fil l sthehumanneeds( basi cal l yf oraf ami l ywi thf ourmembers)atadvancedl evelwhi l ebei ngdurabl eand modern.I ndesi gnIusedangl edl i nesandpl acetheac viesandtheergonomythattheyrequi redi ncoopera onwi ththeseangl eswhi chcontri butestheeffici encytotheusage.OntheotherhandIpref ertomake thef utureki theni nal i nearf orm sothati tcanactasatransionandapar onspacewhi chseperatestwodi fferentac vi tyareaswhi l ecombi ni ngthem asbei ngami dac vi tyspace.Ial sotri edtomakei tl i kea scul pture, whi chl etpeopl etogeti nsi de,thananencl osedroom.

4thyearmodul ari nteri orsystemsstudi o

thef utureki tchendesi gn

j ournaloďŹƒcef orsci enceandtechnol ogymagazi ne 3rdyeardesi gnstudi o

j ournaloďŹƒcef orsci enceandtechnol ogymagazi ne

magazi neandnewspaperki osk Asa3rdyeardesi gnstudi owewereaskedtodesi gna“magazi neandnewspaperki osk”.I twasagroupworkandthemai nai m oftheproj ectwastohaveabri efi deaaboutj ournalsel l i ngbecausei twastheprework ofthe“j ournaloffice”desi gn.I ndesi gnwetri edtomaketheki oskaf orm thatonecangeti nsi dei tandbei ncommuni ca onwi thi t,sowedi di ti nal i nearf orm andputthemagazi neshel vesextroverted.

3rdyeari nteri ordesi gnstudi o

bou quehoteli ncappadoci a Mi l l i onsofyearsago,l avaf rom vol canoeseruptedtocoverawi deareacal l edCAPPADOCI A,i nthemi ddl eofAnatol i a,andcreatedl ayersofrockofdi fferentthi cknessandso nessoverthel akesandri vers.Over me,thi sso rock waserodedbytherai n,thewi nd,theri versandfloodwatersandcreatedsucha rac veshapesonearthsurf acethatovercenturi es,peopl ecametoseethi smagi calbeauty…Cappadoci ai saspeci alpl acebecauseofi tsgeographi cal f eatureswhi ch consi stsofl ayersofrock,tuff,l avaetc.Theref ore,wecansaythatearthsurf acehavenotbeensucha rac vei nanyotherpl acei ntheworl dbuti nCappadoci a.So,asadesi gnsol u onf orabou quehoteli n Cappadoci a,Iam offeri ng“stra fica on”whi chcreatesharmonywi ththesurroundi ngwhi l ehavi ngi tsowndynami canda rac vel i nethati sneededi nahoteldesi gnandaccommodatewi ththestructurali den tyofthebui l di ng.

3rdyeardesi gnstudi o

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