Skype exorcism: how and why does it work. Isidro Jordá. Trinitas Spiritual Help

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The mere fact of talking about exorcism it may seem crazy to any layperson and talking about exorcism by videoconference is still worse. It sounds like a joke but, yes, it works, and very well indeed. In my task as a lay Christian exorcist, I perform most of the procedures in this way and can say that they have the same effectiveness as the in-person ones. For understanding this idea, we must first consider the following: spirits are made by what we can call spiritual energy, which behaves very differently from the types of energy that operate on our physical plane. For example, a ghost can move at the speed of thought, so that in an exorcism by videoconference, in which an exorcist and a patient are face-to-face, it is like everybody is in the same room. It doesn’t matter if the patient is in Europe and the Exorcist in America, a ghost which is with the patient will need to take only a step towards the exorcist for being literally in his room. My first virtual exorcism happened just because I was forced to find a way to care for a person who lived in another country and had no way of physically reaching me. For developing this procedure, I based myself on the following principle: something like curses, which consist of sending evil spirits or psychic energy from a distance to hurt someone, works perfectly ​—​this is as old as humanity itself. So, if negative spiritual energy travels long distances with total ease, why not in case of the positive one that operates when, for example, somebody recites deliverance prayers? Therefore, I took the in-person procedure that I usually use (which can combine prayers, frictions in the body of the person and laying on hands), adapted it to the online medium and it worked. I will tell you now two cases that seems clear to me for illustrating it. As it is usual when speaking on this subject, I will hide the real names of the patients.

The case of Patricia There is a type of spiritual influence in which entities are installed and circulate through the person's aurea (one of the energetic fields emitted by the human body and from which the entities take energy), without actually penetrating the physical body. Patricia was in this situation, who told me at the beginning of the deliverance session that her whole body was stiff and sore. I started a ritual that, when performed in person, combines deliverance prayers with gentle frictions with the hands from the waist up in the patient (these frictions help the entities to leave the patient’s body). For finding a substitute for frictions in videoconferencing, I came up with what I call "impulse passes" (described in section ​10.8: Pases de impulso​, ​Libro 2​, of my book ​Manual de protección contra espíritus​). Well, as through them high spiritual energy is projected from the patient's waist upwards, Patricia started to feel a sensation of oppression in the entire upper body from the chest to the head, difficulties for breathing and waves of nausea. It was like the entities were concentrating on the upper body because of the gusts of energy that came from below. After the first batch of prayers, the negative sensations decreased significantly, but then Patricia began to feel tinglings at different points of her body as if she had mice running inside of her. So, I started to use another extraction technique that consists in hands movements that pulls out the entities of the patient’s body (described in my book, at the point ​10.10. Movimientos de arrancado​). Then I was asking her: "Where do you feel discomfort now?". She was pointing to specific parts of her body, and I was pulling out the entities from each of them. She was telling me: "Now it's in this hand, now it’s in the top of the head, now it’s in the shoulders...". She was using the mobile phone for our videoconference so that when she mentioned a region of her body outside of my visual range, I asked him to show it to me by focusing the camera on that spot. The location that surprised me the most was her legs. She could not move them, had all the joints blocked and sore. Then, I asked him to focus on them and began to make impulse passes in the direction of her waist down, and the release of the symptoms progressed from the hip to the feet. She was saying to me: "I feel like there is someone who holds on to my legs for avoiding to fall off a cliff. Now I feel my

thighs free. Now he's holding on to my knees. It is as if he were sticking some claws in them. Now he's in the ankles". Until she said: He is already out. Until cleansing Patricia completely, I worked on eight specific points of her body. After applying for the impulse passes and pulling out movements in each of them, each discomfort disappeared instantly. This fact confirms that the interaction with spirits and psychic and spiritual energies by videoconference happens. Another time, I also thought: What could I do if the connection fails during an exorcism by videoconference? Then it came to me to use a photo of the patient to visualize him because I remembered one thing that learned times ago: sorcerers use photographs in spiritual attack rituals. If they do, it means that energy may be transmitted effectively too by this way. Isn't it? The passes would be applied on the photo as is done on a person's physical body. So, I did two tests: in one exorcism I used a photo of the patient, not video image, but I kept in touch with him by phone. In another case, I worked using the photo but avoiding video or audio contact. Both worked, but this is true, with a little less effectiveness. An image of the person on the screen is just a set of pixels. A photo is just a piece of paper. But the procedure works with them because they allow the exorcist to visualize very clearly the image of the patient and because of it he can direct the mental and spiritual energy very precisely. The energy does not go to the screen or the photo actually but to the patient and entities. It is a perplexity, but it is a reality. Let’s see another case. I will call the patient Peter. He is a Chemical Engineer, works in a lab equipped with machines that carry out several processes for manufacturing medicines. He phoned me one night because was being spiritually attacked in a very aggressive way. He was feeling the presence of spirits, several machines in the laboratory broke down on that day, a shipment of medicines that he had to manufacture ruined 10 times during the manufacturing process (it is something impossible in his case, because he is an excellent professional) and his boss and a coworker fought violently on his presence. After work, he went home extremely confused, irritated and nervous and he even fell in the middle of the street, where he was almost run over by a car.

He asked me for a deliverance session using only his photo. He told me that It was very late for doing a videoconferencing session and was exhausted. Next day, he told me he felt much better but had a bad sleep, with nightmares. It made me perceive that the liberation had been incomplete, which is not normal. Therefore, we had to do another session, but it was by videoconference this time and, after that, he became completely clean. The mental symptoms and "accidents" stopped. After a series of exorcisms using photos without observing decreases in effectiveness, this was the first case in which there were indicators that the deliverance was not 100% done. Currently, I use photos only as plan B. They are highly effective, but if possible, I propose an in-person or videoconference session. So far I have not noticed a difference in effectiveness between these last two ways of working. In conclusion, I would like also say that these are not the only remote deliverance procedures that work. I know about some exorcist colleagues who make procedures without any direct contact with the patient, without audio, video, or even without photos, they need only the name and the address of the person. My conclusion is that when exorcists say exorcism from a distance is not possible, it only means they have not found a way to adapt their procedures to this situation. Some procedures can be adapted and some not, and there is no other way to distinguish them than through trial and error.

Isidro Jordá

Trinitas Spiritual Help - Isidro Jordá Manual de protección contra espíritus Creative Commons. Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0)

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