Azadian 2009

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MAD Hall of Qesidence Editor:

S,.lnallt Sinlta Literary Secretary:

jUlJltaJHJHa~ ;4,.slta~ Cover Design:

;4s/'UIIJS/' KUJHa~ Sa~"u J(Allultan~,.a Page Layout :

Sa~/'u J(Atll&/'a"~,,a, jU,,/'aJHJHa~ ;4"s/'a~

CONTENTS ....... . Hall Council 2008-09 Hall Awards 2007-08 Hall Awards 2008-09 From the From the From the From the

Editor's Desk Warden's Desk Hall President's Desk Second Senate Member's Desk

By G.Sec Tech. By G .Sec Sports By G. Sec Maintenance By G.Sec Library By G.sec Mess A day in the Life of a Kgpian ............ . Tempo ...... . First Blood ..... . Conquered In Silence .... Funny N Interesting Facts ... Natural Wonders ..... . Y did it happen to me .......... . Wish ...... .

Suvrat Bafna Sumeet Mohanty Srinath Sinha K.Ravi Theja Tushar Gulati Dipa Dubhashi Ankit Goenka Mohammad Arshad

3lI~Ict)tt ct5CJII'l fdI~ ."


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CONTENTS ....... . Hall Council 2008-09 Hall Awards 2007-08 Hall Awards 2008-09

3 4 5

From the Editor's Desk From the Warden's Desk From the Hall President's Desk From the Second Senate Member's Desk


7 8 9

By G.Sec Tech. By G.Sec Sports By G.Sec Maintenance By G.Sec Library By G.sec Mess A day in the Life of a Kgpian ............ . Tempo ...... . First Blood ..... . Conquered In Silence .... Funny N Interesting Facts ... Natural Wonders ..... . Y did it happen to me .......... . Wish .. .... .




10 11 12 13 14

Suvrat Bafna Sumeet Mohanty Srinath Sinha K.Ravi Theja Tushar Gulati Dipa Dubhashi Ankit Goenka Mohammad Arshad

21 22

3I1~Jd)t{ ~dlI'G f(ij~


Cj 'Go I OJ&\.<fl CTI


eft dId I G1 I

15 16 17 18 19


25 26

200 :Ha{{ Pres u£en t Seconc£ Senate M ember Genera{Secretaries Social anc£ cu{tura{ syorts anc£ Games Mess Maintenance Teclinowgy Li6rary Secretaries Literary 'Entertainment 'Dramatics :Fine Jtrts lnaoor (james Secretary 'Basketba{4 Jtquatics, Lawn T'ennis Secretary :Footba{4 JttFifetics Secretary . Cricket, W eiflFitCiftJng Secretary Jfockey, V'o{feyba{{ Secretary Teclinowgy

Susfii{'11wari Niraj SingFi Suni{ X umar 'Das rujjwa{ .Jlnkur l1arun 1{atFii Xeaar 'BacCnikar (janesfi 'BFiafsing Sarvesfi SingFi :Jvt.oFiammaa.JlrsfiacC Suni{Xumar kfiisfi (jupta . .Jtns fiu { XhancCe{wa{ .Jtnsfiu{'PaCiwa{ .Jlma{Xant .Jtrkayra6fia 1Wy :Jvt.ayank Singfi l1arun 'Basant .Jlrun'Do6riya{ 'Diyanjan 'Dey Samrat 'Dey


kfiutosfi Xumar :Jvt.isfira 'Pure 'Deeyak J{arsfi Xumar


(jonna6aktufa 1{afiu{ 1{avinatfi'Tiwari 'P.l1enkata XausFiik


.Jl{{en 'Dan 'BaEru

Common 'Room

.JlvneesFi 'Doogar


Committee M embers

Sartfiak Jain Subfiro 'Das V'aaa{Ci 'Depnr.rl?

AZADIAN 200 WA Best Outgoing Azadian Freedom of the Hall Bodhisatva Award Shanti Gupta Trophy Gautam De Cup Bhagat Singh Cup CVRaman Cup Spirit of Azad Manjit Singh Grewal Cup Hall Blues Sports

Soc n Cult


2 07-


:J{imansfiu Sharma Xumar 5\nu6hav 5\6fiisfiek 1Jas8UjJta Sidafiartfia Sen Hiraj Sina fi Piyusfi Sanduja, X austubfi (jururaj Partfi Setfii Pranav Sfiarma Y.(jyanesfivar'Rao 5lsfiisfi Yerma Mainak M i tra (jaurav 'laneja 'Pawan Xumar :raujcÂŁar 5l.bfiisfiek Vasguyta 5l.nirban (jangoyatifiyay Som esfiwar 'Roy


' latfiagat Vas Naveen 5l.garwa{ . 'layas Xuifa

Best Fresher

Sfiubfiam Sfirivastava 13inoy'lu au Xesfiav Modi Mofiit Singfi (jfiansfiyam Meena Nisfiant Jain 5l.rka 5l.{oke 'Bhattacharya 1{aliu{:Melita

lood Cup

.Jl.sliisli Xumar Suni{ Xumar vas 5\ryit Mislira 'Rofi i t Xawatfieliar n u ra nja n xumar

AZA})lAN Best Outgoing Azadian Freedom of the Hall Bodhisatva Award Shanti Gupta Trophy Gautam De Cup Bhagat Singh Cup CVRaman Cup Spirit of Azad Manjit Singh Grewal Cup Hall Blues Sports

Soc n Cult

Tech Best Fresher

Eureka Cup

.:A6fiijeet Natfi 'Bu rfianuadin PitfiawaCa .:At itJ 6agcfii 'I'.tfieja .:Arka .:Afoke 'Bfiattacfiarya .:Anuranjan Xumar Pankaj Xumar Cfiaukikar yanesfi 'Bfiafsing Suni{ Xumar V as 'BinoY'luau 'Biyu{Xumar Prankur Srivastava .Jlsfiisfi ')1erma 5\Efiiman~u yaaav Y.yyanesfivar'Rao .:Aryit SankfiCa Sfiasfivat Voorwar Piyusfi Santfuja Pramey l1yatffiyaya Partfi Setfii .:Amiya Patnaik Lokesfi Pant .:Adityenara Suman .:A6fiimanyu Lafiiri Xayi{ (jumasta Xaustu6fi Xasfiyay .:Ani{Sfianna .:A{Cen 'Dan 'Ba6u

Young Blood Cup

Sukfideey Singfi 'Brar Best Secretary .Jtsfiisfi Guyta 'Dipanjan 'Dey


AZADfAN 2 00 From The Editor's desk Sheer passion .. . Engrave~ with~n layers of st.eely g~it an~ fiery. determinat~on: Wrapped under threads undying flair, flair to persIst, flaIr to fight, flaIr to WID, flaIr to dIe. Sweat dnppmg down the forehead of the rugged chin, kissing the bosom. Every known boundary of human strength stands infringed ' past limit of human knowledge challenged, every realm ofthe soul transgressed. The gladiator stands afievery battle, the arrogant sun rays glistening offhis unnerved face. The arena bursts into a hideous apPlaus:.rthe Swamim hai ye bhav hamara Sarvottam Azad hamara As the sun se~ on ano~er glorious chapter of Azad, we re~iniscence our a~h ie~ements, ~ur indomitable perfonnance ID the SOCial and Cultural GC and the pre-emmence and unflmchmg authonty displayed' the Sports GC wi~h all humility. We ~id face little disappointments in the Tech .GC though, being th~ defending champIOns and as the seOlor year stalwarts graduate, we need to dig deep and galvanise ourselves for the roadblocks ahead. The fact that we have the second VP, TSG in a span on years speaks volumes of the position of Azad Hall in the institute. Overall, this year we have set standards for us to match and build upon and I am certain that in the coming year, our Hall will blossom in the reflection of its new found potential. That apart, it is heart rendering indeed to see such fervour in the eyes of the new generation and an intense desire to succeed in whatever sphere it comes across and the reader can be rest assured that the future ofAzad is in safe hands.

The Editor Azadian 2009


FROM THE WARDEN'S DESK As the warden, I am indeed proud of the Azad Hall of Residence for its glorious heritage, its

achievements and the diversified events it is a host to. The boarders have shown true spirit in both academic and extra-academic activities, as was amply displayed this year, to bring immense repute to this hall. The management skills of the hall council members are laudable from the point of view of discipline, maintenance, mess bill and security. Also having two Gymkhana Vice-Presidents elected within a mere span on years is very commendable and I hope the glorious past ofthe hall will be further built upon in the future and the excellent treads that have been set will be maintained. I wish the entire outgoing batch a very prosperous and bright career ahead and I welcome the newcomers with a desire that their stay here will be full ofachievements, vigour and vitality.

Prot: T.K Cbaki

AZADfAN 200 ./

FROM THE HALL PRESIDENT'S DE Fellow Azadians, nother year has passed and now it is time to reflect on the past year, the time that we have sp . . . . h) . to ach' ent on various endeavors - tndlvldually and together, the days (an d mg ts we have spent trymg . . leVe success in the various GCs, the hours of hard work we put m to make our hall proud. And the results h aVe been tremendous. It was hard luck on our part that the GCs were scrapped and so they won't be in our h U they were ours for the taking. We are easily the uncrowned champions of the insti - we were leading ~' Soc-n-Cult "AND" Sports GCs with a comfortable margin. No other hall dared challenge the winru e spirit and detennination shown by us. We also proved our mettle in the Gymkhana elections - getting t~! post ofVP back in Azad for the second time in three years. The past ear has been a very eventful year even at the institUte level. Although none of us would have hoped that such unfortunate incidents would come to pass at our beloved institute. There were a series of chaoses since the beginning of the semester. Starting with 11 pm ban on students going outside the campus, which was further exteljded to restriction on the movements even outside the halls . ith a series of meetings and negotiations we were able to get the inside ban lifted and outside ban relaxed. econdly there was a steep increase in the insti fees .Sweeping contract was another area with series of loopholes in it specially the charges per student which was just a magic number to us with no e planation .Finally we were able to draft proper conditions and guidelines for the sweeping contract tender and hope in future the students will get proper service and value for their fee.

KHOr08 was a grand success with all clues cracked and no unfortunate incidents by its closure路 a remarkable impro ernent over the yesteryears. Illumination was brought to a halt th is year, mainly as a fonn of protest against the 11 P.M. ban on students. As a result, Diwali celebrations this year were more fun-fined and less labor intensive. A symbolic IlIu, o e er as organized on the day of the Alumni Meet to pass on the funda to the freshers' batch. Even if the mu tradition is continued this year we shall still be the flag-bearers since most of the fourth-year junta ho ha e funda regarding IIIu will still be here. Comin to ( e GCs, we led the Soc-n-Cult and Sports GCs throughout the year. Although, the fall in our in from champions in the Tech GC was discomforting. The Dramatics team deserves kudos for their in perfonnance inviting insti-wide applause in Hindi Drams and Choreo. This went a long way ~"C"in the tempo of everyone in the hall, especially freshers. Perfonnances in the Ent and Lit cup ed ub ntially. The hard work of the Farts team also brought expected results. In sports th.e e t am perfonned e cellently with the Volley team continuously impro iog their innm itv r th is year which made a significant contribution to our kitty of medals. We oot r te m to follO\: uit and improve on the Bronze 0 this year. ion \\er in the midst of chaose nd unfortun te in idents whi h m de it less . o i i ible poli i .But in th nd , 'on the I tions b a narrow margUl i in ym'h na I lion . . that habit" d what J n m ut from th past year I oe<::om z d " ill d finit Iy ntinue and th innio pirit hts od in the im t ~~IU !!


0--..00 Being n AZ The year of drama, chaoses & most importantly the year of c~anges is still on but what's common i ever dying passion for AZAD in the hearts of each and every Azadlan. Th II m ban and the chapter of innumerable DC's and consequently boycott of illumination& the open h e ~opping the charts of So-Cult and sports GC, the tragic event of death of Rohit due to lack of o:s'l facilities consequent changes in the administration and formation of student welfare committee :d :~: perfect end with a vice president of gymkhana from AZAD . This year had it all spices pos ib e. The 11 pm ban was something which certainly c~rbed one of the most enjoyable thing in this lIT campus i.e. freedom of an individual. D.Bhattacharya, thiS name was even more popular and ~ated figure at t e than anyone else in the adm inistration: A number ~ DC wh~re. called for students on arbitrary grounds. The matter ofrelief was that very few azadlans where mvolved ill It . On the grounds of this ban and innumerable number of DC , stud~nt community whe~e really wishin~ to

had a talk to administration but no one was ready to entertam. Then came the Idea of boycottmg illumination as and idea to raise your voice and ensure that it is being heard by the deaf administration. Finally a weak before the illumination when the institute thought that the student where serious with their idea ad the pressure from the alumni mounted raising the question about illumination, the administration was ready to have a "formal" talk with student But that was too much "formal" for some good results to come out of it and it was decided that the tradition started by AZAD since 1989 would be boycotted this year and it will b done in a bit different style. This was the frrst time in this year that student where facing the administration one on one. The passion of each and every participant for gold brought laurels for the haH at the Inter hall events and results came accordingly. This was the most satisfying thing that happened this as our efforts where seen to get the aspired results and after so many years we went to lead both the GC's .In tech GC we cud not repeat the last year performances but in that too we were among the top three position holder. We could seeAzad as a much better coordinated team on stage and off stage in events .The commitment of the captains and their "pali" with each other is worth mentioning in this regard. The political drama and the GC fever was on the top, suddenly something came out very tragic. The death ofone the 3nI year student ofLLR hall due to lack ofmedical facilities and attention by the BC Roy hospital gave student another point to raise their voice against the administration .This time the protest had taken an another direction and such incidents happen that could be found in the history of any of the lIT's. The rampage of students at the Director's Bungalow and the forceful resignation ofthe director ofthe institute .Each and every student in lIT Campus outraged with anger and frustration over the facilities availed by the student here. Even the Chairman of BC Roy and Dean of student affairs (DOSA) had to resign. The matter is being investigated by the external enquiry committee set up and a student welfare committee has been formed to h~ve a track over the development of facilities at lIT Kgp paqicularly on the medical lines. The role ofAzadlans was prominent the protest and the student welfare committee that was setup. The "poltu" scene for gymkhana election was even much more eventful. The Vice President OfgyrnKtl8Wl\ was elected with a minimum margin of 19 votes that ever happened in the history of institute and it was AZAD which performed such wonders. Shubham Mata!t the new VP is representing the whole student community now and it feels great u~ efforts ofAzadlans for the entire academic season produced favorable results. Well I am proud to stat,tb factthatAzad has produced 2 VP in 3 years. In spite of going through such an eventful year what strikes me first is the way each and every sn.aellt the hall stoo~ up for the name" Azad "whatever be the occasion. Well the scene looks promising next academIC season too and I wish to say all the best to everyone for it. Finally as a SSM nf"tllwP'fl year student and above all being anAzadian I wish we will continue to prove that We are united, We are the best ,& We are -AZAD

Niraj Singh econd enate member

AZADfAN 2003 Tech ka Baal It.1I began with the celebration of Azad winning the Technology General Championship 2008. """->d .13 saps(Standong Appeals) were filed for the first time in tech gc history. Stdl fightmg.1I oddslDd """ Its coveted tech GC ... The VP(victory procession) was carried from netaji to azad hall, TheemotionaJlIId satIsfactory look of Kumar Anubhav,'Nathu'(AbhijeetNath), Porth Sethi (the one leading the army) .... unforgettable. Baba and 'KK'(Kunal Kashyap)embracing the trophy and thetola! galosh in the hall ,w.,. the unforgettable moments. So was the night long photo session .... The day is still vivid in the memories ofall azadians as well as the whole ofinsti. Well that was Tech GC 2007路08 and then came the responsibility to cany on the legacy for 2008-091Dd get back the tech GC to where it belongs. The overall scenario ofTech GC 2008-09 was not that culturod with many frustrating subcoms and a few chaoses from the usually chaotic hall(s), not to mention. Th.e journey began with the chern innovation wherein our team with night long effort got a bronze, gold beong shared by ms and RK. Ours was the team to get the best presentation point for the event amoogstal~ and thalloo we lost gold by cliche 0.5 marks. :.( The next event that came rolling was Product design wherein few judges fililed to understand ourproduot (high end computer with many facilities like 3d projection, multipointer etc). No wODdertbey w... from chemical and biotechnology departmen~ since they considered it too filrfetched. However this same idea appears in ted talks and digit magazine Feb. edition 2009, 3 months after the event So it seems lllIdions always think a step ahead then the rest. Next came the case study. With too many judges contacted and finally settling for XLRI maoag<ment scbooljudge. This event saw a drastic change compared to last yr. since last yr the q-paper was 4 pages it turned to be 24 pages this time. Though we got highest in the report part and the presentation was also good we managed to get a bronze here. However RP and LLR met \vith chaoses . Since RP made. cd submission which could not be read and LLR exceeded the presentation time by 5 sees. RP escaped by recovering the data from cd using some blah blah software however LLR \.:" penalized. Then carne ad design wherein compared to last time this time q路paper was of2lines. :haha though RPnied many efforts about winning the event by giving pamphlets and wearing t路shirts during presentation .W. josh mein aake hosh kho gaye ... :P I mean they got penalized for overruling 8 rule. and azad 1aodedwi1b silver here with a simple attractive design campaign. Yo "Linire" (the product name). The Maths Olympiad team was good and so was the preparation The funny part being the ...., ... undecided till 1 minute before the event since all the 5 team members were equal1y good . Yo team ... and wegotas ilverin the event. However the unfortunate demise of Late Mr. Rohit Kumar due to lack of medical facilities left ~ Cients outraged. Lets hope that authority takes constructive steps to im prove medical facilities III campus.

Th the overall scene of Tech GC this yr was good, and let the spirit be held up high. 'If better to die fighting for Azad thlin to live 8 lowly life.'


ALADIAN 2 003 Times ure are changing... F.... lhi " ",-.. yo ...sill .ed no" 00 to the reason tha. make< me shout (read shout) it We had a gtUl year as fill as the field of sports and games i <l<lIKlCfII(ld . Leading the sportS GC, Gold and Silvers, impressive perf~ . .U)...~ but abo,.. all. this was theyelllwhieh saw theco!"ingtogetherofaIOlofpeop": belongtJlglO differen.$ and ideologies altogether, a yeIII whIch showed everyone everyt/nng that Az.Id smnds fur, ded ication. strength ofcharacter and I never-say..die anitude. The lear stomd offwilh the usual Aquatics event Though we had a few very good swimmers in our IeIm, and despi.e ofthe mlllnmoth elTon put up by them, we CIIIOe fouM . Neverthe less, the tightt/uot they put up mode us all proud r<gIIIdlC5S of the outcome.

In Table Tennis.. \o\c were ousted in the first round, but the future looks promising.. given we find. wwyto cash in theta":n. pool available us.


And then CIIIOe the Athletics, the mother of every sport. An outstanding performance by our captain Vo. and Bipu~ got us silver in the esteemed competition. Though we narrowly missed Gold, by a men: diffen:oce of5 points, it was an exhilarating experience nonetheless, and it came with 12 points in the SportsGCto boot! :) The next event to follow suit was hockey. where a dynamic leadership by our captain Vermaj~ matched in excel":nce only by the rest ofthe team, fetched us yet another silver.

We also bagged silver in volleyball and bronze in footer.

With the spirit of the Hall running on an all-time high, we were unstoppable. Ne'" in line wascrickeL A scintillating perfonnance by Prankur and team fetched us a shining gold! A brilliant work by every.... ia the crick... team, especially Prankur and Sukhdeep Singh Brar, won the gold for us and which, ia tum put us 00 the lOp of the sports GC table, combined with LLR. But due to a sad and unfortunate demise of one of our fellow students from the LLR hall, it was decided that all the GC. be scrapped for this year, though it was decided that the sports events be allowed 10 continue. Righ. before the GC was scrapped; we were still on the top of the GC table, with ourstrongbolds sucb as Basketball, . Volleyball, Football, Weightlifting and Badminton yet to come, To some. GC tSJust abo~t the number of points you get to point at in the GC table, tbereare IIiU for wh,ch It means somethong far more than that A zest for success, making ita habit, IDd ..., = g the whole world to achIeve what you set out for. This YOlll, Azad was everything of the above, IDd


In the end, I take the opportunity to thank every outgoing Azadian on the behalf of everyone else. You all ,",ve Wlgh. us a lot and we thank you all for everything that you have done for us. And, as fortiIC ~ ~ 1 assure you that you need not worry. This year has infused a new vigour in every one ofUS; wonnlO~ Jtreak.will be continued. A few yOlllS ago, Azad was unhellld of in sports and you helped III chango .. wewoll seal thedeal •. Tun .. oure ""'changing, and for the better. Ujj ... 1 Ankur

GJiÂŤ Sporn

AZAD IAN 2DDj From the G.Sec Maintenance's At.d h.1I and RP h611 were lIenerally known for bod mainlenonce condilions arnon•• " ...IIa, ....._ ..1 Ihi had been Irue in IIOme ,.speCIS. Oul Ihis year I fecllhol bllllic maintenance ~itlonl 'mprevcd rcmRrkably. lhanks 10 very l11ueh suppol1ing maintenance warden Prof. B.idyL My lenure 85 goneral secretary l11.inlonan.. Slarted wilh room allolment in autumn_. was mOSI challen~ing phase and il demnnded peak management skills out ofmc.11 WIt mal~age sen ,ors. Juniors und Iheir parenlS ond DOSA 01 Ihe same lime with .horfIr _"'_~iii IVI,lable. OUI fin.lly aller) days ofexhouslillg il wos done peacefully. As far as basic mainlenance is cOllcemed eleclrical works mainlenance has imlll'lw.dlllll••- are lubehghlS in all wings and bOlhrooms and fan regulolors in almost all dO::;~ w~ndow. compl~i~1S were also promplly auempted by Ihe authority. !!" bscn as . Iso surpfls1l1gly beaulifullhis year. I really feel IhutlTlai;nlenan""o:rAa'.". In SU

quent years tocomc.

Unfortunately there was '11 . . properly wilh lot of sellio~~ ~~~~~~u~,~;~ .on sund scale Ihis year. Our junior healthy interaction . IS. lope th.tthey get lot of other ~PCllliiiili This year ended with very unfort d that authority takes some const ulI.ate eath of a student due to lack of medicaJ",:~::::~~! soul rest in peace. ructlve steps to Improve medical facilities in CI I finally thank my fellow HeM and all beardcrs for their k'III d support throughouttbe"..:. Kedar nadoll<ar Gsec Mainteoance

ALADIAN 200) From the G.sec Library's Desk Dear zadians,

Thi i )'etanotheryear AZAD hascom pleled with elan. The~ is no doubl thai the amalgamation of spirit, contrivance and energy is a hall mali< ofazadians. The year ended with AZAD top on Soc n cult as well as sports and nol far behind in lech as well. Congrats and adulation for all of them who has contributed to the cause directly or indirectl .. and made us proud. I " QUid like 10 sincerely thank my fellow Gsecs, LCMs as well as seniors specially Dhiman who Iw "'.Iped me in runn ing my posl smooth Iy.

II was a wonderful experience 10 be • part of weighllifting leam and play under¡ Burban, Marandi and Diwaur" "00 encouraged me alot as a novice. It was 8 great learning experience for me personally. Also Second ) ear as well as firsl year balch though less in number was prolific and hopefully they will continue to serve the hall with perseverance and attitude . The year broughlalol of good memories 10 me I will ~Iish upon throughout my life. A few great seniors will be lea"ing the hall this year and we would try our besiiO maintain the glory they have provided to AZAD. Soon a new HCM will be sel up and I wish them good luck 10 cany on the good wort. I"ish best ofluck and pompouscareerto those seniors who are getting passed this year, we will missyou a IoL Yourardenl offan has made us proudly proclaim ourselves 10 beAZADIANS; we will bopefuUycany forward the legacy. YOAZAD!!!!!!

San'esb Singb GSec Library

--/ From the G.sec Mess's Desk Hmm: ... ~hen I was asked to pen down some of my experiences as General




I1ISI)' In th, .. butso.mehow I gathered some ofexperiences and tried toJu . st Jum ' blethretary eseup. ess, I am a b.

When I was gi~en the responsibility of our mess, that best in IIT'Kharagpur(Hats 0fP. to TusharGu .

!hen I ~ ten:'f~. There was a feehng that always kept popping in my mind, how am I goin k

Iatl~ ~on malntAtned? But somewhere in my hean I had always a feeling that if my seniors ~adj; 111~

~ In me and my batch mates to support me, l will overcome this.


~ most ann~ying thing about this job is that people can always come with a new complaint even when tbem~ ~ood IS good (?r n?t rno.d):P, because you ~n never suffice the need of each and every ind;"idual.

But, thIS IS a blessing In d,sgu,se; as 01 makes an indivIdual mentally tough as you never take 1IIese discouraging rather by this you try even harder so as to please everyone. as Moving on fi'om this abstract world I would like to cite an instance wh ile I was ho~ding this position of responsibility. Just before the alumni meet, the G. Sec. Mess of batch '93, Mr. Aman Ulah visited us. So intact was his love for mess even after 15 years that he presented a pair of pants and shirts to each of1ll. mess and office staff. One thing worth mentioning, he liked the mess food very much. :) A few super hit items on which everyone could reach a common consensus were: Gazar ka Halwa, Maal puwa (my tribute to the Gold winning Hindi Drams team and Suthar's character), Tandoori chic ken and

Lassi. Looking at the standings in Soc'oCult and Sports GC, I would congratulate all the .capta.ins and 1IIe

freshers in our hall. Right now we have the potential to win all the. GC' s, th.ough the participation on Tech. events needs to be increased. The victory march after the Gold wonnong Hondl Drams was almost like 1IIe one for tech GC last year, Apart from all the events, I enjoyed the Bong Drams the most. Thanks So路Jmy. DaandArko for identifying an actor in m路e.. The year came to an end with the untimely demise afmy batch mate Rohit Kumar. May his soul, rest in

. ' C~h,ho helped me io<"" I would like to conclude this by thankong Tushar~~~, tSt;:~:~~~j':;: effortlessly undorthe pro""r aspect in which they could and It was due the~r ;S~ Ni~' Singh . I would also like to thank m) f.llo\\ guidance of hall preSIdent Sushll T,wan an J function in of the hall. HCM's for supporting and workong together for the smooth g . . ~ me . nd I end with a mess which raised the enter'! or . Finally I would say that I was given the befS~ m~Sta I hope the nextG. Sec." ill do. good job. bestmess:P. Jokesapart,butltlssulioneo t e s.


A day in the life of a kgpian I was so happy at home. Life sucks. KGPsucks. 1miss you mom and dad. When you get up in d,e morning, you dream of a day. Drea.m of a day rou've never had in KGP, one you know you'll never have. Seen enough of these days to JUShl)- Murphy s Law. But, I am Human - cannot help. Tomorrow I'll wake up aga in. But at the end ofthe day, when you come back in reflection, what stands out is a long, ignorant night.

Things I might have done but didn't. Things I did and their futi lity. You make compromises, make them every day, but to no avail. What started out as a perfectly happy day ends with me sulking. See, this post .s a testimony. I am sulking. Primarily because I do not care to, or do not have the time to study. Yes, at the end of the day tha~s all that malters in KGP, and in life for that matter. How much you've studied, tha~s what keeps you happy. Looking around, the on ly people who are carefree, who truly are happy are nehlis. They are satisfied, I am not. Secondly, because my parents deserve belterthan to see their son going down me drain. Thirdly because she deserves a fair deal, something which includes more of me and less of th is painful separation. Maaroed two nights out, worked hard to learn Phatoshop and Corel. By morning, made the thing dad asked me to. Dad happy, me happy. Aftemoo~: Lunch with her. The three words cropped up. Said them from the depths down there. She's Jubllantl m Happy. Went back, got screwed for not being there. Captain's happy. I am subdued because I had been happy. ~au work your,ass a!fand then you crack it. They still want you there. Until you can't feel It, keep workmg. Everyone d.d .s the statement of common enmity of at least a hundred fellow members ofthe Jungle every year now.

Basket Ball: The one thing that kept visiting my dreams for some time. Today, basket ball was a nightmare. Played ~d played. Stood stIli, but was stIli playing. Didn't get the ball once you see Now I am p~sJtlye l y disa ster- struck . I ' m retiring from the rofes s'o I . . . Night: Go to this mc:eting I hav~ so been looking forward to for so Fong. Gu~s ~h~re ~:: ~l: ;~d~~~~O;' gals. But how does It malter. Primary today nat-for-the-first-time I felt Stifled and . htl ' I e were taken up for a responsible job. I haven't seen he




Y so .. mean. we

Probably I shouldn't be sulking anymore. I might just cry I'll ~ or ta.1 of that work. LIfe sucks. e day. Buttill then ... Am human -cannot help Tomorrow I'il wba k up algam to~orraw. Wake up t~ a new go ac tos eepagam. . Suvrat Bafna


AZADfAN 2003 TEMPO When a certain Mr. Anderson after a sensational tango with Mr. Sm ith was shot dead by his opponen~ it took akiss from the gorgeous Trinity to get him back on his feel. Therein lied the key to the resurrectianor TheOne who would later go on to achieve spine-tingling feats befare orchestratin g a peace treaty with the Empire while all the same sac rificing himself on the altar of immortality and greater good. In the enti" Mlllrix saga, I found th at one kiss to be the pivotal point, the comer stone which translated into such enormity, yet itselfwas based in hideous nothingness. For it was that one incongruous displayofafl'ection and I use such an incomprehensible adjective because I am deprived of the fonmer, that rejuvenated aUr dear Neo, set his adrenaline, his heart and also perhaps his testosterones pumping and then eVentually enabled him to incinerate theAgenl. Taking a cue from my favourite movie, I would like to extrapolate the idea that for a 'man' to achieve his destiny. it is necessary that he should be aptly confronted with sufficient motivation and inspiration which a female kiss can adequately infuse. But taking into consideration the skewed up and the horrendously lIonaIdous sex ratio in our institute, are all KGPians lost? No, for Providence foresaw such a problem wbic:h future engineers might face because of the heartlessness of the MHRD to introduce all kinds af .-vaIions except those for females and it created the lofty concept of'hall tempo' . By definition, these two concepts-hall tempo and a female kiss, are mutually exclusive and exhaustive and if an individual wboalso happens to be a hapless male is deprived of both, then word has it that he is to be incarcerated within !be Gates of Hell for all eternity with daily torture sessions by the gayest man alive, Mr. Satan


It_in tbe days of Hitler's youth that the concept of hall tempo gained momentum when the dictatorwha

lived in a shabby. dilapidated apartment garnered his fellow hall mates and so transcribed their delicate - - . . . . with feelings of steely grit and detenmi nation that they began to call themselves Nazis, wore - . caps with feathers and started bashing up the Jews. What historians overlook is that the Nazi ..,.anent originally sprouted from an innocuous concept of hall tempo, the fact that Hitler used to ,.......tly strip down his subjects to the bufl'and make them perfonm 'Jugnu dance' to insti ll in them the _ fervour and fraternal love notwithstanding. If the means justifY the ends. Hitler subdued the Jews ....._, IUs SLlbj':c~; display"d more tempo than their counterparts who until then were perhaps not aware up the Jews, the Nazis used to go their rooftops and Genmany used to :~lIIIIIImerab.with ",,,,nA.-,f',,,,,;.I路路ka tempo high hai" .



ALADIAN 20 0 Fir t Blood _.

rridors of'he Whi,e House.

"J'mn£ • The r.... bell <dI<led 111\ bu. finnl) .hmugh the I "I!. h• II ow .... co ada Id r.rstcnc ofela"n appea~ i" Illesl.i .bo,e Washi"gton D.• I .wo"d.~ what t Y wOI~. brini for •• "as.l undoob.edl). the mOSl imponnn. do or my Iof• . Oo"c,., .OI1S hay. called my poop h


1oI. Tods) . 1\\11 on tI nlission to hc:arlhosc words from the rnOSI.powerful man on t e mnfon 0 my weapon took it slowly bu' sun:ly. None o f'he anno.1 4annes. the ~tinUltman mi il the stafT or even the President himself. would be able to change

~n<t. n.Gh him squim' \\ i.h di


!hemings. come. I had been Ii, ing in the Whi. House for a " .. k. incogni to. I was ab le to ex plore the Whi'e House at kisure in lb." time. but f no u _ the Presidenl in the White 1·louse. was out of bounds to everybody. r,en ",",OOOC lil me. Tad.). I « nainly ",asn't going to get lucky. My only chnnce lay in nn overheard oon,~rion the night before. The President was making a press conference to be telecast live that morning at 11 in the Oval Office. The number of newsmen involved would be low, but they were enough form) JIlIlTl"'CS- I nOll needed 0 woy to get in. Just as I started thinki ng about il in walked Jnne McNeal,

~ rqxwter ofCS News. Along with her was a merry crew often odd cameramen, sound engineers and

!he loL Her earnpet' we'" follo\\ed in quick succession by BBC, nnd CNN. Whatever the President plannod 10 tell dlC' press. it cenainly was going to reach he world. Thi s is exactly what I wanted to reach !he "arid. M) plan f<1I into place. ' I ~icled m) mule.lD ~ someone called Jake, cameraman. His machine was a monolith, almost as large as hnn. Ac:compan)lOg h.m were two large, heavy-set Blacks, swearing as they heaved their equipmen' past !he 5«urit) Sen.ce men. One of them. presumably friends the Secret Service guards, stopped by for ,cluL \I n" hos bulk obstrucbng the viewofthe guard, the entry to the Oval Office, the most secure place ~lhe~"Orld.. was wide open. h was now.or never. 1stepped out of the crevice I was hiding in for close to 2 n" ;~ head d~~. and went qUlc~ ly.past the two men, a smile of satisfaction written all over my ~ ace. e most critical phaseofmym lsslon was now complete.


=:2!.=~~~~~~;na~~:':~~:'-/~~~1%e:~:~g~;"~~:~aw:~~i~e~~~~;:ed~ny'~~ ~

tse as inconSpICUOUS as me

Undoubtedly the tak

thougbtofaJlthosebeforemewhohadtried ~d~ 'Ied

f th . I' e o. eor .ves. for most oflbem. 1

and dying. with undying commitment in their last ~reaili~Y brothers and sisters. from the world over, dead

The President entered. punctually as ever, at II . It was i d d . . customary opening address. Soon the place was as n ee .' as they said, show time. He began with his h questions al the same time. I chose'my moment in the ~e~:lc as a football stadium ~ people shouting ~ the rU"St row o.r excited individuals and around the offi~~~ stepped out of m~ lair. Quietly, I eased notieedas l Ooa~ mtothe void behind the Pres ident, sf II th s trymg to restram them. No one even the Pre.slden."s bluish-white collar, and with~ul faceless ~Iotter on mission. I landed

::rkon the



through hIS whn. flesh . At last, I thOUght to myself P k'"5 to take on the moment, plunged In had drawn First Blood. The humor 0 . ; I ~~~ ~camfe up to tend '0 the alread~ prom inent ~~~~~~enll n an instant, just as II ifted offh is

col:nh'!1l~t have had me in splitsal other limes but cena'i~y >0)

\4CI 10 h,s ha~dcrushingmcwas, "Jeez.Tomm In ll sneck. Thel astthing lheardhim to th~gh unle5$ .t had a pass?" "It·s been said S '~' ..thought the Oval Office didn't even YOVI~ .. andlcan tevtntendtolheitchwilhoutlhenewsrc· I.r . Well ,. , think you let one slip t won Ahhsavage, blood"'5ucklng vamplre l! Yesss ... that's 5 aCh~ng thc C~,"ese within the hour. Gote a'

let a mosqui


. , '

... sweetwaHhemusicformyclosingscenel

Sn.~ tb Sinh.

0 mue

better I ', he said, as he tended to

AZADtAN 2003 Conquered in Silence Click. Click Click. OUI comes the flame. "Don', do it", echoed a vo ice in my head, so faint I could hardly hear it. I do not heed to it. Rather, I alii engrossed in using the flame for a purpose. A dis torted purpose. A purpose thai serves 110 good. A purpose thaI may someday leave me as nothing more th an a memory. The

sz:noke. whiteycI dull. hangs in theairaround me. Putting the butt to my lips. l suck in the air. "No." Tastes bmer. Or worse. maybe. I do not know COl it now bUnls my throat as it disperses into my lungs. ~ nicotine makes me wanl more nicotine. I don't want more nicoline. Stop it. Let go of it. Drop il from between your fingers. "No." Give me more nicotine. Ir fee ls ..... Awful, Soothing. Bitter, Sweet. Dangerous.Soolhing,Nauseous.SOOlhillg. I Hale If. J Love It.

~:'en~e pr:vailed ~s t~e long white stick of paper and tohacco burned. held gent ly bet\veen my fingers d o~ y. 'r"ltbhl?u.t thll1~mg I broke the grip, lening it go. It fell. Toppled over the roiling and dropped into ~ ep so 0 rvron . Fmally... K.R3\路j Tbcj a

ALADIAN 20().J Funny 'N' Interesting Facts ADULT: A pe""n who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle. BEAUTY PARLOU R : A place where women curl up and dye. CANNIBAL : Someone who is fed up with people. CHICKENS: The only animals you eat before they are born and after they are dead. COMMITTEE :A body d,at keeps minutes and wastes hours. DUST : Mud with the juice squeezed out. EGOTIST: Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.

HANDKERCHI EF :Cold Storage. INfLATIO : Cuning money in half without damaging the paper. MOSQUITO: An insect that makes you like flies better. RAISIN : Grape with a sunburn. SECRET : Something you te ll to one per.;on at a time. TOOTIiACHE : The pain that drives you to extraction. TOMORROW : One of the greatest labor saving devices of today. YAWN : An honest opinion openly expressed. SKELETON:A bunch of bones with the person scraped off WRINKLES :Something other people have but I have character lines! TusbarG ulati


did it happen 2 me cbod "hom 1 koc\\ for years

~nd :'( had bc!cn through smil and t(!ArS.

Our fnmdshtp turned people ."",nd gre<n And t ",sh the thmg '"'''' thcf hod been Bm both lime and people change And """ her f1lCC h'" become StBnge Htr feelings ha\e changed. al her beh.sviour Alit am left with i pain I bear

has moved on to people ", ho are bener And in thIS God hss been • grea l helper he has found prople who will be bene< friend Tboge ",ho would be there till the end JUS! hope that her life is devoid of lear And ofsodness the has no fear And now, in her life, I realize who 1 WIlS J•.• I WIS jusI a brief pause

For her I was a railway station Just another stop before her final destination Like I she stopped at it for some lime ADd I like an idiot thought she was mine

Those \\'ere the ti mes when we fought a lot SUI now I wish she forgets me not 'Coz DOW she bas gone for her destination Wah me dying for her affection In all this confusion, a friend I lost T'bc friend ....'hom I va lued the most Beowoen us the thi ngs an: rough In fact \lot aren't talking enough And 'With every talk leading to more pain Love looks less boon and more bane I "isb I could forget her forever 'Ccn. u it iJ 'he remembers ,"e never

But J ..iI/look . , horizon everyday /iQplOg she would return someday She WOO'I come back ... ahe i. long gone With roe lef\ bul •.11 alone.

lois i. my fate and I know th iJ we ll HUI

my heart would beat for her till my knell

A.oldt Co.nlta

AZADrAN 200) NATURAL WONDERS As I lay beneath a tree in the countryside out yonder One amongst the many that served as my glorious mansion My mind's eye began to drift and wander Only to stop when it gazed upon the formidable ocean It then struck its contemplative chord And my heart obligingly picked up the chorus I pondered upon the moment when the almighty lord Took it upon himself to paint this breathtaking colossus It was so rich, so pure, with its heavenly blues Even time lay still admiring its raw power While a rainbow guarded it with its various hues And the fatherly sun above it seemed to tower

My thoughts took on a different tum I was enamuored by this giant expanse of water Nature could teach so much if only one was willing to learn It could prevent this madness, this unnecessary slaughter Where human stamped on human in the name of Darwin Where beauty is sacrificed in the name of progress Surely there must be some way in which everybody could win A way that nature itself had adopted with great success With that my mind steered yet another course As if unwilling to dwell upon this for long As if wishing to take some recourse For of COUBe, it t~ was a part of this unpl~t song I began contemplatmg the wonder we call hfe Wasn't it just like this serene ~ So vast, so beautiful, so full of stnfe . So enigmatic, so simple, so full of emotion

Storms come and then just as ~Iy sto~s ~o The ocean bears it with unwavenng equanlJDlty then do we falter at every blow y don't we laugh at fate's comicality erbaps the reason why we aren'~ satisfied The cause of our endless dep~JOn Can in one simple line be clanfied We j st could not emulate the ocean

A~ADIAN 200j Wish I wish to far far .w.y.............. . When I am dead ....... aw.y far long where event horizon leaps in itself I try to rest my mind in pe.ce .. .in heaven Where tulips nod their head in h.ppiness .... I want you to make my bed. From the ancient heart of deep, Lulling me over.... I want to sweetly sleep Tulips around me. I want to hear.... clamor of young life near. where the silvery grass rustle and lisp. Only the wind in its quest passing by me ... I want you to make my bed Far.. far away in Heaven. The event horizon chiseled in itself Morning mists whisper, daffodils brood .... lulling me over .. .1 want to quietly sleep ..... . With wandering waves compamon me.

Mohammad Arshad



AZADfAN 200j ~

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ALAD IAN 200) ~

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AZAt>IAN 200j~ I '11 '111,

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C1fC'! 'J.tI'!1~~,


AZADIAN 2003 BurhaauddiD Pitb.""ala bJlT' The 80 calJed badman of the wing. We.ight Lifting, Young Blood Cup, PoUt..,.:, name n he has always boen a man of the hall (because he failed to be a man for any girl .? ). "Suna" the word is synonymous to his name; tried to quit but failed. mstcad vehementJy created many followers and is fmally j oining ITC. A person who is very dedicated to his goals. Givmg funcia to all, on all aspects of life, a philosopber i:n the makmg which makes him kinda boring. A good friend (shhh_.. never trust him :P ). We aD wish him all the best for his future. n Always keep the stick burning ! .. Abbay Pudey abho)'pamieyJ987@gmai/.com : the one person u can't b sure whether is dead or alive (is most suicide prone for reasons unJcnov,.1I ). Had the guts to refuse Reliance PPQ and cracked ZS instead. Very determined and insecure but nonetheless the high Tempo guy may it be Gym, polm, Kshitij. Career_ Very ape: 111 CODversation and ... Can easily convince (ie. confuse) any DUbee. Likes 2 keep 2 himself and stays locked fo< all days at times (shagging). Hope u take up drinking soon after ur induction is completed by the wingies. best of luck 4 ..Abhay

Assoc;ates" .. _... :) Siddhan.b Karkare tarJcare.sisiddharth@gmaiLcom: Keeps doing wha! be loves and excels at it through sheer jetennination, Forrest Gump Le."Ganja Gumpu" of BTE. Azad. Can easily imagine a swimming captain lO)TS down the line tell " i de eyed skinny second yean; about the legend of Siddharth K.arkare. the sv-imming captain. Rock solid and dependable as a mountain with his intellect level righl: up there with Everest itself. No wonder then that mountaineering is ODe of his passions. Display the same passion somewhere else my friend and DOdting can stop 'Ms.@#S%'frombeing urs :P. Keep being the "Proposition Man", cornell dude.

Saga.- Agarwal 1 of the nuest guys u ....'o.dd find in kgp...... thanks to him our wing has an exb'BUlnI recreation room (his mom). Talks really fast ... some times its best lO JUSI nod along and do ur own worL. well this explains his hyperactivity. He bas kept our wing alive and m5&.crufree for these: 2 years. Never found reading but thr r plenty of books in his room. He is dereremioed and never takes ne thing for gnmted. Hope to c him in some big finance finns or open one of his own. None wd ever forget the past bandibaaj sagar \lobo exisred around 2 yrs ago...... who had a cali offinishing full balances of cell ofentire "ing in one night, is now with a chinese phone on which any I rarely calls. Amritayan Nayak Tota is one ofme interesting characters of the wing. He lives by his collection of rape porn and CMt decip her commitment A great guy to talk to (only at the risk of being clsssified gay), He often gets ambitious but shags it offby night. Some of his most 001 ~ous tJaits are his weird jokes and the uncontrollable mge to recite eYel')1hing he " about a subject even if the audience is ready to fall off the face ofthc earth ", boredom . The Rapist can identify any actress by her nude scenes. . dude probably has the highest scoring rate in the wing when it comes to girls. He is a listener and very easy to talk lO (but don't trust him to keep your SCCI'fiS :~ put immense efforts when motivated and will undoubtedly chart career. Wish you the best of luck forthe future dude!

AZADIAN 2 003 Ayan Sinba sihayan@gmai/,com: can best be, descri~d in 2 state Igh Or getting high, C Baba has a multifaceted personality, WhIle m?st . us. know Ihe 'kuttaharami' ubermale side of him, he's also a hIt WIth the gIrls WIth h,s Counting the SI"'" routine, which most recently has so~e first year kId and Sag~ flOOred. C baba has admirable willpower, used daily in hIS r~ulone of smoke upnoghtoutbllnd new day, He plans to pursue a long PhD in intelh~ent product deSIgn (hUh,,), but we're sure thats just a side show. If there's anythong that Uncle Sam should be worried about, irs this druglord we're exporting co~e August. It isn't hard to imagine Ayan in the near future just the way h~ wants It : a on Malibu, bling, chicks, the works. Oon'lyou dare not IDvlte us for party, fO er. Ayaskant Kar ayashlcantkar@gmai/,com: 14jjj"lives by it..couldn't guess"thars our AOE dude"every time you look at him and you start wondering"Why doesn't he II)' modelling"Real Fashion wala model wala modelling" talldarkhandsome hunk".a quintessential indulgent for everything he likes"Bom gamer,.His fav Tee line", Video Games ruined my life"Thank God I have two more lives,,! "That tells you"Going to Bangi for his first job"best pan about Bangi he says"Gaming culture is awesome there"Also talk about any TV series" Friends for him are like background music" I dude who's more carefree than the most carefree soul which ever lreaded the campus"and thars his best virtue"Supercool..No worries ". way to go buddy,,!! Gyanendra Deo Tripathi gyan3pathi@gmai/,com: He was a fine young man when carne to our wing in 3rd yr.. Loved porn (the violent type), supported adultery, believed in polygamy, AOE lover, all in all a perfect friend , But what started as an innocenl conversation between two consenting adults :) in a train, grew to become a full blown affair."phone calls lasting for hours, a moratorium on AOE after II. Summe(08 he showed us a glimpse of the real GO. He had a fling in Jam while remaining committed to a Mumbaikar "" Yo GO. We shall always remember you for pionec:ring the, art of crapping on beaches after getting drunk and not remembenng anythmg dayafter (31 st dec'08) .,," Wish you a happy married life ."" Srinath Sinba : Though he may look like the most loaded person".he IS one of the most peacemaru guy at heart. The only thing that ever comes to anyone's mind after looking at him is "Halthi", The size, speed and the aweallmatchtho",:o~anelephanl Uwill fmd almost anything in his room."alsohis room arrangemenlls Ideal tostJpport minimum movemenl. Probably the only guy in kgp, on whose door people think twice before knocking. This is mainly due 10 his ~ of throwmg someon~ ~m the top floor, Being a schols ave gov. this guy mfluences most.~enldeclSlons ofkgp directly or indirectly. AIso a major credit of ~'s success 10 101 events goes to this guy... He is the mOsllazy person u have Of WIll see ever.



Piyu.h Sanduja all.. "Sweetu" urf"Pussy": piyushJ494@gmail.comTheLata Mangeshkar of CFM (read: singer of "mai oi maim under - HAHK"), is the mo~ peace maroa person afthe wing. An ardent fan of " Patel ke parathe" and "Kartes kl coffee". He claims to have seen a thousand movies @ Kgp and revises them fortnightly in fast forward mode. Even after being busy in watching movies. sleeping, gymming. singing. bhssting. "Asim"ing the whole day, he manages to find time for all the existing reality shows. To name 8 few of his favorites - Roadies, Spitsvilla, Indian Idol, Naach india Naach, Nach baliye, TOILC, Sabse bada baadshah kaun? Comedy circus, Sunderiye munderiye No. 1(punjabi reality T.V show), Echudu Pechudu Ventra (telugu reality T. V show) ..... well we don't know all the names!Alljokes apart, we wish him all the very best for his future and hope that koi uFemina" miss indiajaisi bandi uski "'Bhawna"oon ko samjhe :0 Parth Sethi urf Tahahi The Me Kinsey dude, the go lden boy who brought the golden G.C to Azad, I.R - 3, MIT return, Harward reject _ evel)1hing the brand "Sethi" stands for. The world thinks of him as a total stud _ Reality begs to differ.Now presenting the real Parth Sethi (the one we know best): His real name is not "Parth" but a synonym ofuLove". We have been sweared into silence on this (although fewCGM people are aware ofthe truth). I. He did not fracture his hand while riding a bicycle. All we can say is a train with a girl on it was involved. 2. His favorite pastime is .. .. Sorry we don't have an answer to this. He mugs all day. The only thing he likes other than that is arguing. Arguing with him is like fighting with a pig in mud, while you get all dirty he enjoys it. 3. Post Mc Kinsey. Parth Sethi unleashed his insatiable interest in the opposite sex which sadly led him into getting conned every now and then. Instances ofhisjhapofying others' bandi became the ta lk of the town. 4. Last but not the least, contrary to what he says, he DID appear for CAT. By the way what was yourscoredude??? :0

N Yuwanlh (Nannem, Tempo - as he was sweetly called by sen:~~ Goerge) One first look at this guy, and you'd get the impression ... a freshe r... This ~em mgly shy guy 15 not so shy when it comes to blurting out frank truths. Mamt seey aka. Common Room Secy. and a substitute hockey player, he discharged all of hIS duties With unmatchable 'tempo'. A very loving and kind fellow I:e Is(well,henover saw a bhajan lill endof2nd yr, so u can extrapolate) thaI uwudn t be surpn >ed to hearthat he's gOI a long list of girls falling fo r him. ; I 10 divulge any names, but.. her name starts with S. :-P All the very be t t thO h fellow. 5 0 IS on t Arvind Agarwal "peace maar nayaar" is the ta r BATMAN and the best line 10 define him as we ll. Anyone of you who ev g 10 hands al CSon Ian wou ld have recognised this insli famoussni r He I away from most of the physical and mental exe rcises. But on~ ..,s p ers 10 • h. makessuft to master it. No wonder he is GOD ofFARTS and Ces . 1010 melh

AZADIAN 2003 Ramprasad Guttblkonda ramprasadJ67@glllail.colll: RamP, guy without, comp for 3 yrs In KGP, but has created 2 full-fledged charac rs in World of Warcraft. He's got ooe of the most noo-typical kgpian life (never orkuts nOr COm online on gtalk) but spends most of his time other's rooms. Spent his Azadian li~ equaly in 5 different wings in 3 yrs (and still very less in his own room). He was the m~st enthusiastic participant in choreo (especially to the song of crazy frog, :Pl. HIghly addIcted to CS once and WOW now. On a serious note, he's very strict in financial matters, and he's never-ever seen in an aggressive mood, Arpit Sankbla aka chintoo aka chotu ghajini as known by his baski team-mates. A guy with enormous hall tempo, and for this he wins an award every year. Awesome company and the most helpful and flexible guy you will ever see. He has seen all that DC++ has to offer, and perhaps watches movies and SOPs which are not even seen by those who actually download them from the net, specially the teen movies. U namea teen movie n I bet he has seen it multiple times. Wou Id have been dancing sumwhere in nach baliye only ifhe bave not come to iii. Prateek patel well he is all set to attend class of 2016 at HBS. barely turning 21 while passing out but no kiddo when it comes to jugged in acads. His cute looks would make anyone envy him (notice the new hair-style). . Mysterious and silent to everyone, barring Dhaka. Spent halfofkgp time sleeping n rest half watching sass bahu movies n serial n playing cs . Only grace is that ekta kapoordidn't produce them. Finally going to UIUC never to come back again.

Menal Gupta Defines the term "non resedenti.1 Azadian." As his childhood chaddi buddy would describe, the young angry munds turned into dedicated and responsible husband. Would give majnu a fight for his committment towards his bandi (can be spotted talking to his bandi even when heis dining in the mess). In the hall can be seen as a guy with a tarbuuz in his hand orby us near the wash basin. The most dramatic transfonnation as far as scads are concerned. The lucky bastard and his bandi got a PPO in Cairns energy and are all set for a happy married life. Kapil Singb Dbaka A true Jat. Beware not 10 indulge in a physical or verbal conflict with him, either case u would come out injured (mostly mentally). Don't go by the looks, has an uncanny knack of perfonning really well in competitive examinations. Some say he would SCO~ ~ EX in "Signal Processing" only if it was named "Competitive Signal Process m8: Laughs on his own jokes and thinks ki sabki maar Ii hai. Has an illicil relationshiP with our dear wingmale. Has his career plans ranging from kidnapping to lAS. flICk you dont write nymore fuck ...... .. Aoikct aka chuha aka C man aka fuck aka fuckin' skI "fuckin' boy." Has an obsession for chicks ,:"ith initials.h~ving the letter "5". A,~ workoholic. You nameacell In KGPnnd he IS Involved 1Il1t.lstho most cheerfu .. helpful guy you will ever find. Believes thaI either you should be sober " completely lal1i (only with. chick). Is crazy about long bike rides...thats wh~", alsocall him the highway "super"-star. Has thetakia kaloam "Please ek baat s1r


AZAD IAN 2 00 dc)aar." \lshlll Garg \' we kn ow of him, every once in 8 while he would come out of his room making 8 new tec hnological breakthrough for which he is awarded heavily by large conglomerates. Not to mention the 2 1akh prize which he recentl) won. The only guy who actually studies in Manu dept 8 blessing for Nathu and others. He thinks sleeping is 10\ erofthe wing.


complete waste of time. Another documentary

Abhij eet Nath Abb iske beare mein kya hi halein. From happa to roam ing nanga in the wing, he has done it all in kgp. Fundagod after

Nawab. Funniest guy u will meet. His stories and infamy precede him. No day and I mean it ... no day is a dry day. Loves to get drunk and skin dip in the swimming pool. Invented the gult engli sh and watches detective series a ll thetime ... thinking that he isAgenlJack BauerofCTU (courtesy 24).

Hemant Jbunjbunwala jhunjhunorsimplyjhun. Invisib le to non路 doped eyes. He has the unique capabi lity of reading and manipulating minds. The Hypnotoad. How can I even dare to forget that he is the CS god and a true perfectionist? Recently discovered that BOB from 路infinity to + infinity.

Abbimanyu Yadav hellblJ) aka hellboy aka manyu. Dont get too close to him or you wi ll end in a rehab asking for DOPE. I being his wingmate was cheated because I wou ld tell everyone that AZ wou ld win GOLD in baski... not to mention we neverquaJified the semis . Has a thing for dumb girls. Roams around in a chaddi and aviator glasses, with joint in his ... dude no junior will come to the wing becoz of ur psychopathic looks. Documentaries his precious. Left his gold gilded research career with dope in the fina l few days. A really matured and understanding person. Dreams of taking over all the oil giants ofthe world. Ritesb Parikb ri/ aka dampu aka dumb fuck is a m ks making machine. Until you know him very we ll , you wi ll never come to know tha he is IR I. He had a thing for "Papaj i" until he met "bhabhi ji". He had a dramatic transformation in his coolnees quotient after returning from Germany. Liked by everyone you know. Only ifhe had good hair and lost 50 pounds it wou ld complete him. Dood the problem lies in yo ur gulju blood sucking genes, you wilillever 1 lose

AZADIAN 2003 Saumitra Singh smlrs :-(AKA Dau

famous personality in wholeofKGP,) The Ten Commandments I. Dau shall not fuck everything that moves. 2. Dau shall not talk filth y. 3. Dau shall not experiment with his pinky. 4. Dau shall be prepared forSTDs. 5. Dau shall not speak English afterdrinking. 6. Dau shall not fall in love every third day. 7. Dau shall remain helpful. 8. Dau shall remain clear hearted. 9. Dau shall remain as lively as ever. and finally 10. Dau shall always remain Dau. Anyone who has met this guy cannot forget him for the rest of his life. Unl ike this synthetic world this is a guy who never hides his true feelings.. speaks his hean (with awful lot of slangs) and is never afraid to show his true self. Wish him all the luck and hopeki woBHELki m*c路路dde. HimaDsbu Gupta Gupta, Himrose, SSE BULL) : The owner of dirtiest room in CGW, baths once every week and was the only victim to lose one of his balls in "one tip one hand " dead ly wing cricket. Infected by the lethal "kida " of finance giving all sort of I-Bank ing funda, !hank god US found the cure to it (God BlessAmerica). The only "Iocallaundiyabaar"of CGw. The term "friend ditcher" (ditch friends for band/) is coined by him for othm but suits him the best. His antique laptop is missing the keys "I", "L" and "U"( God knows how many times he has used them!). All said Gupta is very soft at heart, caring and helping towards his friends and skilfully manages all our wing trSs. Is very ambitious and hard working, a dreamer who has the ability to make it big. Best ofluck for his future ...

Sumit Kumar Jba Zazzy B, Jha Ji): Room partner of one of the deadliest creatures in KGP (Pumba) which certifies his as the most flexible and accommodating guy. Is infected by doggy syndrome (fantasises of peeing at the world's most popular places). The initiator of online bandiboazi (Skype), has an online bandi added in skype fro m every nook and comer of the world. Has an eternal smile on his face (even when the prof is banging him or an equally bad situation). Can be envied by Masakali for his malakti chaal. A true believerofthe famous saying "Marri ko dani nahi hOla " b u~ was proven wrong by Himrose after his personal encounter (already ment ioned) and so the quote was rephrased "Sahijagah maro - agar darri nahi 10 mani nah;". The most hardworking and intelligent guy who still believes everything is luck. Got the most e.xpensive gift in KGP from a girl (Himros. ke moo pe karara lamacha} Jha is very humble. always ready to help; calm and cool like a sage, a very big fan ofSollywood movies wh o never misses a single god damn Friday releases (even RGV ki AAG and Deshdrohi wasn't spared!! ), the best guy to refer to during exams. Wish him all til< LUCK ...




.... cIram ff. d UDD Bn1M)' (uddu fOf his pu<1lll and Britney for his fetltb) . 1} 1Dll1UJIIIOItf><-che TROUBLESHOOTER of rw' . Hope be finds en路 UK 8<110 f",fUllmPAL

AZAD!AN 2003 Soumya Kundu You better watch out. guy i•• doI\ horse. Be it acting or picking out subtle issues in someone', 5 tement, be it irI academics, this guy is always a step ahead of other people. Has recently devel"Ped, penchant for bridge and will always try to emulate the modus operandi ofthe..."p be it calls or be itgameplay. '

Vipin Gupta (Iedu)· As the name suggests, he i. the laziest creature known to mankind. Just refuses to budge whatever be the reason. One can always find arkut or youtube open on his compo Recently given the title of Mr. Think- A-Lot, this guy is lazy when it comes to exercising his mind while we play patti too:) .AII in all, a really nice guy to hang out with once you strip away the laziness, Once outofhis laziness, he is a bit too ex uberant.

Atul Kumar (Shaggy) . More like the guy who is always in lots of load about something or the other. No one can understand this

weird creature. He was once a founder of the famous "Shag n Fag" revolution. The best person to get drunk with. He goes out in just one peg. ROFL. He was always a "29" enthusiast but has recently been initiated into the "bridge" revolution.

T Theja (BD) . Once my roomie, the one thing which sets apart this MIT-ian from others is his perseverance in whatever he sets out to accomplish. Mostly fou nd in the lab, this guy will contort facts in such adeadly wa) that you will appreciate his quick thinking. I never find this guy wasting time.

Abhijit Sarkar abhijiIl· Watch out from this power house. You never know when this guy gets all pumped up. Mostly found watching Friends for the umpteenth time, he could go to over clocked mugging mode at random times. He will screw you up on the words you say with ease. And one always has to watch out before bombarding him with any slangcoz he is mostly found talking to his girl. And mind you, it is so soft. Ihot you will think he was free and ready to be bombarded.

AZAD!AN 2 003 FRrooque Munshl jarooque.munshi@gmail.colII-A true warrior and a true heart. There is no better mix to be found. He is a very good friend. Whenever there is a quarrel in the wing, rest assured that one of the parties was munshi. He has an innate mlent to gTllSp onto any matter very quickly. Mostly found playing bridge nowadays, he also can be found cating out every night. Just the awesomeness one would require to woo any girl! (Iots ofreferences reqd. here. LOLZ! )

Amil Padbi very silent creature who is always soft spoken. He minds his own business most of the times. You could never find a flaw in tJl is guy. A very patient listener. He hangs out with his dep mates ( or was it the other way round?! ).

Sri Bharatb He is never found in his room. Mostly 8 nonazadian guy, he is also not found in KGP most of the time. Iryou ever meet him, he will definitely blow your mind with his strange talk. He is too boisterous but always out with his tam fmds, so no loads:P

Atig Bagchi He is better known among his peers as Prom an. Such an open minded guy with all the right chemistry to woo you. God like singer and always ready to tell you the intricacies of music ( I wish 1 could understand more). The decisions hc takes show how good a manager he is. He has onc hell of a bond with his 3 Ghz computer. Likes keeping his room clean. Is a bit lazy though at doing small chores. He is such an adorable little guy, that Ifl were a girl I would have fallen for him many times over, by now

Dibycndu Kumar Rana Well this dude es him self as a perfect gentleman down the line; and tries his best to groom hims accordingly. Has a beautiful mind - testified by the unending series ofarbitr&ry oneliners which erupt at random moments. Showed a lot of dedication fortennis illu since hi s 1st yr but then got into the wrong 'Company'. Has got an eye for especiall y shoes. A 'nutrition' freak who would even check a pack of fa or ex calori es, Doesn't seem interested in ga ls, no one knows why;), A very Ii Icndl helpful guy whose door can always be found open (PmnDv knows it the t)

AZAtJlAN 200j Pa",,,,, C ...g pg97 .iit Q'S'"oiLrnm : There i. ery less d,ffi l% betwoo.,. gh 51 movIng WIth you and Paw.1l oka Pappu as the siknce ~ for perfect role model fur an intro"n. thi Indiltl Born Confu.~ Chin", rejojo.,s I A n~\'Cr befure when (re )united with hi bel ,ed hinlct-Isnd 1&$1 summer If" hlghly wIstful biD!!, hardly ' hamko' to the ordinary jun •• but are fun none We are not sure how his s;gn.lUre parttn Wftrtty 'h."oo' falls shan in de~ . f-eeble armies lik"e Apshij's., e,ery single time! This 'haloo' insaan w;U never rdent from arguments in 9 dc.bsre (however absurd his point of view might be) -and b'Usl me you'll love hi. company for this. ishighly focu ed - u'''''yon multiplemis...,s and even dreamt of openings SIM-Up for gencrat ing startUp ideas! Suvra, Barna SlI\"rOt. bnftraa God of everything. Cycles 5000 KIn. everyday. 99.99999 percentile in CAT. aim os, int.rllT champ, loss rejected off", from almost f'\'ery foreign university. h8s 10 research pspers and _0 patents on his name. 5joboffers __ hen many"i" siljoblessthi year, has some 200giri friendsond -00 boyfriends. His orienl.tian changed coz of an unfomlOate incident after "hich his snlle was like that of a filthy sub minded rag clad d tilUte who had been viewed as B minor, follO\\ed where ever he went by crowds of Kgp boys and girls "no pelted stones at him and mouthed obscenities. Heving fallen in 10 e and sooa dumped by almost e\-ery second girl. He is n s real cool dude and a bekwed mend. We aHlove you Bafus. Rahul Paul rnhulpaul.iitkgp@gmail. am: Jab Vi\'ek Oberei mS!U1ll hoi tllb log nw JRRte hain ... Jab sunny deal mnarto hai tnb pura pakist3n mar jars !lei. ~b P!ul da msane hain tab khud mllr JOSle h~in ... phir bhi din msin -4 ba.'lf m4!llt"e hsin. P!ul da is cool and Paul da is intelligenl. Having rocked on the runes ofl..,gp bhsjan Pauldl is all set to roc.k the new stage ofmU Sigma .... Aj kill ek bandi \"i mlssh mllin hain .. applications invited ...

Pusbpcndrn Singh Lahariya pushpk_ 004(g'J1.lIIuil. am • .k.• pushpa - The silent member of the clan whom u would finding either pin) ins bridge or pi!) 109 ~c all througholltthe day - the l09dcd loadlc:iS!!. crazy aoout hindi rom.anti' m~\ .: love stories Rnd cricket hatt' english movies to the core Bod thl! sole sml ofttu~.;:utt fellow is (0 settle down asap. Will always be remcmbere-d for his Ct\mposU~ tn tit<' worst silURtions ever and envied for how quickly girls f'Sll f\v him (1 0 ~ 00\\ ~ hedo il wilh sllch glean look!!)

AZADIAN 200j Kepin KumRr is passionate abl Anything and everything. A sincere. intelligent with 8 very high degree of tolerance

le,el: runs like


robot in Jnan Ghosh ( IO.1 2. IS.20 ... ... rounds). Lights up the

moment with his hilari ous Jokes. Extremely duty minded which makes him achieve

\\hatever he wonts: has the capability to ettract any woman - just 8 smile and thats all . Another land less fellow _really!! load less to the core. Think ofa true dedicated friend. his name shall be the first that nashes you r mind. Keep smiling always and just remain theway u are. Success wi ll knockyourdooratevery step u take in life!! Shasvat Ooorwar shashvatiitkgp@gmai l.coma aka Chuam路 FineArts stud ofCTE. Always online for his etemal love .. Bakchodi .. :O.... sachhaibutthen .... itis ajoke. A very jovial personality one wou ld say, but as the saying goes don't be fooled by appearances his FArts quotient far exceeds any normal human in a way such that a

survey defines him a Sociopath(Well Oau ka ladla hai [;)] ).We wish him all the success in life. YoChuara "Karowahijo Dil kahe" Suman Mukberjee ... : a man with a lot lot of tempo inside. .. foote r god ....... java god ... .... poetry bhi achhi likh leta hai ........ ... aur haan respeets others' feelings . ..... and that is why we all like him .... a si~ple man .......can enjoy life being alone.. ..... bengal se hai lekin sala poora bihari hal ..... ekdum blOdaas type ka .... keep rocking dude .... remember us ... bye

V Gyaneshwar Ra<.t .&.... :.or

:.o...... . '"

:.~ .a3i ouner raJ thigh raaJrel路le.,lunel;\ l.JoJ .. ~g ra~ has a g~od personality ~ut d~esn't have a girl friend. He is a good athlete . a butmterlltmelh lgo . . . ldaur . wobhlnotma sprint . He is a good bats man but h'Ittmg SIX IS a grey ~rea 10 h~s repert~ire. He is a good student although he had been allegedly deOled a project by hIS fay prof. He is a good bowler but was denied a chance to bowlm mter halls. He is a good centre forward in football but was alwa forced to playas a defender. He can devour aplenty but was alw . ys refreshment by his team mates. If only vg had learnt his hockey a broom hewould have been a bener dribbler than y, s on a aS~lfIng to be a good weightlifter. People collect starn s . e~a. Vg IS also ~hmgs. Vg raa has a collection of all non hit movie so P . coms etc. I.e. mundane If you want to listen to a song you haven't listened tong~ that have be~n released. f g tovg.Allsaldanddonevg raahas been a knight in sh ining armour for ma us forward with his tempo and guts. Accha khe~;a~a~~u:o~~s. He has been leading

stlC~ ~atherthan

a;~~eOled ~nough ~key

Saket man whose passion' ~ggressive hockey player of liT k w IS playing hockey. godly Inter-halls. Soft spoken. hard W~~k ' on the laurels for the best hockey extremely caring person He h I.n ~. well~deteml1ned. focused night and sleeps all the d~y .J bashPosltlve att itude towards life He' a chats too much with ga ls a~d h ut paise hai inke pass. Bnhut . ba.naye hai~(now vanished. but S~~II~:~ g~s. out of kgp. Gf kc liye mlsssmghlm o;eriously. g .) J. Azad hall hockey

AZAD!AN 2003 ROhit newan gl n I/I,d.wr!!!Kmol/,com -the dude :"Vaal Holi. Neulerland jaane ke paise nhi hai :P ," " V. basketball match me k quarters h.i 7" :D, A unique crulurcofll!. kind, vel)' r.,olO find , Always 20 minJ.ahead ., Ihe world. he is Ih. guy who can make all poosibl. gestures with all kind , squawking ranging from chimps 10 nighlingal. chirps, Any wonder> why ... ,: gold In crickel this year ??""b' cozdewangan 10M not in the IUJn ,:0


TheAuslralian chicks will find ildifficull 10 resist themsel ves from his"HELLO",A practical person with solution to all kinds of problems, Always in ajolly mood,he '. got a gifito make ppl laugh ", 81 him :p, Finally, it was nice being around you may you alwaysbe li ke this, ' Prankur Sriva.tava proniry,iilkgp@gmai/,com: (Pranky) - Th is cheerlul chubbyful senior ofoulS is known for his happy go lucky atti and poor Pls, Could always be seen returning from a bath in his super short lOW. I, (shayad kisi lad;" shop se khareeda gaya tha :Pl, OP ke samay common room mein ek haanth baal PC. aur ek haanth neeche rehta tha inka :P. Aur Reliance India Mobile k baare mein U) poocho hi mat, Anyways, lokes apart, this guy is a VCl)' delenn ined person and.@OgeneT. We all will cherish a ll the laughs we spent with him . And I'm sure he WIll do wonders. Way to go, Pranky Buoyyyy... Anup Goyal = Gola (reasons unknown!!) His dai ly routine speaks volumes about his character (lets look into ttL 23:00 -A ll set to hit his bed when other students waste their time gaping in front of their comp screens. 6:00am -wide awake waiting for the clock to tick :00am - 1I5 time!!.. . ..... Off he goes to the mess. the place where he tnjoys the m OSl apart from his room (Very often he is the first on the breakfast table. extracting CVC1) pc1Ul) of hi s mess fees). 7:30am - where is Gala?'??? All these efforts 10 go ro thosr StIfliq classrooms ..... itean't be!! How can he go to classes \\hen there are so many movies and TV series >~ to be seen and guitar to be practiced (In the process inhaling twice the amount ofOl}seo as used by a nonnal human being!!) ..... ..... thereby enjoying C'vef} 1u..~Ul) III bts avail . Be itsemesterregistration.ATM o rmessqueueall are meanl 10 folk>v. him. Avinash Beniwal (I1.. : Also ca.lled Pappu reason bern ~ Pappu. The guy who argues \\ ith nonC' \\ h a~\ er be the- case. ~pu Irts C'\~ comment di rectedagainslhimpa . passing a halloosnlilc I1Ov.lngnQUungtl" ~ Besides this we St:e no ~g8thcs in him. hope he possesses fev. m~. He qUIlt helping selfl ess human beingah~"8)S read t otTe:r'4hat ~ has sot R~"'fT1t. b< • been cha llenged to make friendship \\ ith a specie caUed GIRL~ rough OM tiy

him " ,.hope Pappu pass hojuega,

AZAD lAN 200) Raj KalDlr Du rr;aryotLlil@gmalLcom 1.1uI ~b.dur lJus Rl<D.. You g~ intlft5ting name after entering inro lIT. After heanng RKD you will think be OJ

some ~lgn rerum but actually he is Bhagalpur return [:PJ .. He .. a very fun guy..


laughing ... I. small in .ize but has. big bean .. But !IC\""get fooled by his innocent looks .. He has 1013 of crazy idea going on in his mind lIevet')' single point of time. He has been the gardening SCCre1ary of our hall e,en "hen he knows nothing about Hower... He has many best buddies allover of his besl buddies wan13 IP tell something about him ... his name is Deva..[: J..From the .bove testimony u can make out how memorable he is ... We miss}'OU Raj Kumar Das o.k .• RKD ... Asbish Verma ashishlJ}: He has a broad personality. ThaI is why he is also known as 'chaudi'. He has had rendezvous with girls from all over India on OrKut and gtalk. He is an excellent dribbler and has often run in circles around refe..... during hockey mBlches while the opponents took time out have some wBler while Vermaji completes his dribbling routine. His physical gameplay in foo<er has created many a crat... in the normally even footer ground. Legend has it during a foolm' match wh.n verma ji collided with two fat opponents big hang took place. In cricket verma did everything vg couldn't but vg can claim that vice ,'ersa is also uue. Be it hitting sixes or taking wickets .. but vgjaisa cover drive nahj maar skta verma. Verma ji has shared a marital relation of so'" with vg ta. kahbi ye uparkahhi woo VermaaurVg ki kahaniyan batson yahan gunjengi. Rishikesb Kumar ...Rishikesh well known as "Bodha"(nobody knows why he is call the same :P).One of the brightest and the laziest guy you can ever come across. His life is the simplest of all, consists of movies which ranges from the worst of its kind to the strangest you can ever see, the best box office reviewer as ifhe says a movie to be had its oUght to be bad :P and bis second passion sleeping you can never beat him in this two fields. Whenever you can walk into his room you can fmd him in the State of Nature with only chaddis on that too with months old. A man who never takes any kind ofload, bighly intelligent and friendly. Hi.s funds oflife unlike any IIli~. live in peace and just have enough resourses to satISfy your sleep :P . But but the klOd of his intelligence bell achieve a k>t-GoonBodha!!!"

A.uj Sbrivastava The most peaceful and calm guy of Our hatch. A you tube freak - he IS gond at exploring huha videos at you tube. He has watched whole at you tube which arc not available at DC. A sincere me ha oflSKCON. He eas. ly POlOts out the fissures in the system A hard r HIJ treots are unique in the sense that they include only shik";"i d loon.. ~K an . ~ an a tm>flC retearch interests Oneofthe~ ew guys who have not been a!fee by the environment oFIITKOP. .

AZADIAN 2003 R~Jat Setbl cla•• ic debate of mind

hero of the school and cOllege. Someone who was not only was brilliant at work, but s~ept stakes away at the extracurricular activities as well . However, he onu again d.ffered from the lots in his onward choice of career. Despite schol."hip oft'", from famed universities abroad, and from industry giants (try thinking of a useful website), he opted for something else, something aliule less comfortable. In lieu of the comforts of instant fame and money, he preferred the challenge of SOCial upliftment. He started with his own venture in the field of carbon his own start.up 'EXERGY CONSORTIUM'. His intellect and out of the box thinking refleeted in his start up as he believes sustainable success for the future can only be achieved by the recognition and action of businesses towards their environmental responsibilities. He surely is not only a best student but responsible citizen as well and definitely a role model for many. Abbi.bek kumar Dubey He appears to be calm and composed, but always have his nerves, sufficiently tensed to an extent which will enable him to deliver the goods. Focus is the keyword for him. Above all, he is a fun loving guy, have an ultimate sense of humour that doesn't hurt anyone. He cracks jokes ateverysilly liUlething th at passes by his way.

Asbisb V be it geUing the highest paid internship or one oflhe most lucrative PhD offers, being the moderator of LAN - he has done it all in style. The Encyclopaedia of computer science, the advisory authority to many professors - there is almost no one who has not gaped in awe at this marvellous creation of God. A quiet person, who wil l bowl you over with his simplicity - he is a person who was an honour to interact with

Sirisb (AVA, AVADH, AVADHANI) - : First things first AVA-da has played more "World ofWarcraft" than anything-anyone else bas eVef done in their KGP lives (of course we are not hyperbolizing. have you ever set'D someone doing the same thing, over and over again 24-7-365 !! I). You give th is guy a comp(ofcourse with "WOW" in stall ed) he won't give a tiny rat's a·· to the reslof the world :P :P. He is presently in a commin'cd relationship with "WOW". forwbich he ditched his ex-long term girlfriend "Counter Strike". With only two major act ivities all through his KGPlife(computergamingand sleeping), th is guy beloog to theclan oflheso called "ulti peace maaru" junta ofKGP. Abig timesunebollZ and piyakkad, over the years this fellow has become completely inured to the cbrmical reactions of alcohol on his nervous system. H. can guzzle up boule of boOze and sti ll remain sober .Having maintained a calculated attendance (to a'o'oid a df'" reg .. lolz I!) since first year and never giving a damn.o acads (or anyUting SO to sayll!), he has indeed pulled of quite • feat by geuing placed in the very fllS' re.days of the placement scason.. yoyoAVA.

AZAJ)!AN 2003 RUh b - "ritlN•• You can really write volume! about Rlthoosh and his "heretic" thoughlS, but t.O put it In a nUlShell hi. mind Is perhaps more complicated and Intriguing than ..... (oh weill sorry we can't think of anything else:O :0 ). He has the time to visit scores of web sites 0 day, make, a list of them and curse himself for wasting his time visiting those sites III Often lost in a sea of his own weird ideas and brainwaves reading his 'cognitive theories', he is one of those guys who would strike to you as an "extremist" at thought. Put in his own words, "his voracious appetite for knowledge (strong words ehll) " is his real strength and weakness. Extremely censorious about the contemporary "gult movies and actors", he really hates any movie infested with "boring cliches". Trying to improve his photography skills, he often asks people pose for his experiments with the camera. Well, a true'intellectual', he wishes to contribute in his own way. Gourav PaDdey gauravpandeyJ/ A cool dude and never short of fundas and a horrible sense of humour, often you fmd him in engaged in an argument with someon • . At the first look you might as well feel he is a Maggol! I But beneath you find he is a guy who is jovial and has a compassionate heart. Not to mentioD he hates mess food to the core! Well you don't wanna "mess" with him :P :P (sense of humour-pandey's style :P).

Sukumar Das OASH ........ this name creates a good impression, isn't itrrn?? Yes n its true as well. in case of this so called Sukumar DASH .. .! !! A very talented artist (be it painting, be it sketching .... or be it netype of 8rt). .. always ready to do something creative ..... tries to learn new things ....sometimes acts like a wierdo ... but overall a good personality... .Iikes him to be called as SUKU .... (!!!) .... has AJIBOGARlB type of humour that I couldn~ undemand till now.... (n 1pray thatI'll never ever understand it in my whole life .. ).ls PURAANEGANOKASHAUKINkindaguy...

NisbaDtnishanlroya//3@gmai/.com(dehkapujari,rangeela, burters(south park)): GOD in AOE, the m~thematics genius .. Crushed the cat maths .. huha pondy skills .. 1~ speakmg,. fantasiZing and getting. phys~cal too .... is not called deh ka pujari' st hke that... hIS crush : rokkam ! I! enJoys hfe to the fullest... doesn'taltend cl and.~tors his dep'e males during exams. Probably the only GUY who contributes positively towards the TRP.ofshows like: "~arabhai vs Sarabhai"."BaHka Vadhu" and Mastram. ~ves watchm~ 70s-80s movies. One ofhis ten (dasvidaniya) osls were to get a girl before passmg ou~ but his dismal progress has left me no c g ice b~t to request DepC or anyone w,th "deh(body)"(like diwakar's) to fulfill is w'~h(kum se kum e~ to poora ho, sex waa la wish ke liye DAR gro k h.j!.,' HM paisa de raha.... ladkl Puoe moio mil hijaayegi .. .aod yeah peek d I' up us 0 . Rangeela .. .Iiu Ii liu Ii liu ...we will miss u. PS: He has a se e ea 'log mat kar~a). Road ies 6.0 fame. cret crus I on Po lof

AZAD !AN 2003 Olw..... ~ K.m.~dIHlaWr4/N.r@gfTl(lll,com (doba-w,Big-8oM) : ..... po PlY of our wi ng", he " Ihe secrt:t of our .ncrllY", and IIUPI"'I"'" 10 go O'Wing 10 his Sahnan KhlUl biceps, simple IUld smart" witty and humorous" chill maato and IRk. lood when needed 01 ~,. perfect liming. perfect blend III One may find hinl busy walching IRme series on YOUlube, bul what ... troubling iJ him d ........ ingillem. Funda guy,alwoy. ~dy fordebales( and losing Ihe m :P ), Girl he loved got matried so for oillhe girls rt:ading Ihis, muscular dabo-w iJ single and ready 10 mingle. lie is always rt:ady 10 try oul new Ihings. perfection being hi. top priority. Placed in SA IL, tempo guy is rcody 10 sail. W. will mi .. u, Pramey Upodbyayo pramey.lit@gmail,com (pcckered face, south-park gay) : Ibe ve",oli le guy: aeads phom" papcrehhaapa (as in ",sea",h papers, chcatingkame ka taakat nahi hai bande mein ;) )" tabla bajaya" guitar bhi bajaya." US meln bhi bajayega", sob kuehh ;) competitor 10 nishant fOl' the fight over rotkam (Rokkam(afierreading Ihis):grrrrr"",,) let th. best guy win the sweetest. Referred 10 as the golden boy in his second year by someone" (coz whichever class he used 10 bunk, there was no attendanee).This fantabulous guy bas a unique ability 1O.1eep .. w ill" The little waking he has is spenl on 'host' and 'join' stteam. in the Fif. wingof ours, and the smallest fraction he spends on publ ishing papers (of .. bleb i have "'" the count), These days, little kids are his newfound love .. and trust me" The thing! he does for them, are really worth admiring. Crazy south·park fan, Mr.sLtv. being his idol. Hatsotfpremy da.,we will miss u. Tusbar Srivastava tushar.iil@gmail,com (Daddy) : W. always "1>IldeT "do good guys still exist?". Well, in the world of good guys, this guy is everyone's DADDY!. He is a sweetheart of a friend, always helpful. A very sincere stu<len~ with Ioedsof intelligence and ded ication. Wants to loose weight and results .,., (oot 11 all) evident.. always calm and composed, Banda kahhi load leta hi oahi ba~." .thoda sa lele".tens ion se weight thoda kum hoga. Kisi blti aip ka planning bo" all heads tnm to DADDY""talk to him once and u can~ help falling for him (applies to bezK!i> exclusively)" got excellent threshold for tolerating fundebeazi ... wishing him III exce llent future ahead .. P uppa .. KBrtik His ernail id sl ••l'Y.klIltik@gIIWl.c:om is good enough to give a fair description of his demeanour, His calto and "1'1"""" peace can be a very lethal dosage of sedalive to mere mortals like us. But eo. ell • calm ocean can have lorrents sometimes and this happens wben be pia) ooliae FIFA (you may hear him shouting wilh rage after missing or c~ing. gooI).A real Fira god and a virtu.1 footer encyclopaedia. A highly in~lli t guy (tho ~ BLAKJ of our wing and that 100 a.ft" minimal levels of prevaratioo). If)"" tIUnI> you know all thai is 10 be known about TV SC1'i and such show think lIP;'" there's always someone who lnows more. He i • Wlioa f tM varied iD:tereSB III

series and shows among his VI ingies.

LADIAN 2003 RlICbll ,an.-.I roc:hirbl He i. a very IAlentcd, run路lovlna, .mart, understanding and muscular uy (0' rathe, how hethln kJ about himself). A debate lover, always eager to discu anythlna thil .. Isla belW~n nadi' and zenith. You can olwl\) hear him pe kl ns and alrlns his view. (wHh fe",ent zeal & very .udibte v ice) about 50me important or idiotic stuff' in any wingic'. room, in mess, in his department, in some restaurant in Kh aragpu, 0' elsewhere. Very prudent about econ mie affairs, he mainlAins a balance-she.t of his expenses. A very sincere uy (and thi particular point can be vouched fo, by all his wingies) and once he star1S me endeavour usually takes it to some liltinS end. Nowadays on a mission 10 pataoa matld so that he can complete his al..,ady near-perfect profile.

Kunda. Kumar In BiharlWo achievements are highly revered: I) You are an IInan 2) You e",ck upse. Already an nnan Kundan is on the road to become one g..,at and honest lAS in near future, whose market value in matrimonial secto, may thus, be a 8 to 9 digit ligure. Kundan(the true muscle-man of our wing) is a very different per.;on of our batch. Many may call his usual manners a bit unusual. but we prefer to describe him iconoclastic. Contrary to our usual perception of our mess food, you will fmd him religiously treading its path all the 4 meals any given day. During holidays, he finds Gokhale Mess more preferable to any other restaurant in and around nT. A great connoisseur of Hindi films and songs, he has seen a great many old hindi movies (although he takes no more than 15 minutes in completing a given movie). Kundan has 8 class of his own. Swethab sed", as he is popularly known for his ardent interest in electronics' book sedra smith impressed many girls with his cute, dark and handsome" per.;onality. Walking encyclopaedia of all the software u know, u may know or u may never know. A dreamer to the core who could dream to fly high in the sky (minor in aero) from the depths of the hell (major in mining). ft

P",bkar PP urf'Jiddi bakra". Daru ki tanki ...He has got a great brain but uses it only in emergencies.He likes chilling out 路th friends and always ready to leave all work to have fun with friends.The hest thin about Pushkar is his "Never Say Die" altitude路rHe would "'ther die than saying it. hehe]lfhe IS onto something, he doesn't leave it until he has succeeded in it. Gets easi ly excited at the smallest of news and easily panicky in tensed situations. H has got a beautiful heart and he conceals nothing in it,just speaks out whatever he h it. Ajay Sln&b. Rajawat raja ji ... kabhi bandiyon me baat "alll karte .. pat...'l nahi sexual orientation me gndbad hoi ya ... wnise n royalaur tie bhi roy.I...... inke SUll'e kaalll rajnjaise hi hote huillA is a ~ful person & do not lik. to ",ke load ellSily.3 SUllI 50 Oght maar a hai JaateJute GOl.D maar hi liyn cricket mein. IIl50 thod.5ambhnl knr ban k Ili h8l, pata nah, k.b gu,,,,, an j'Rye inh. isliye moi ab aur nnhi likhug. isk. ~.. re melD :P.

A~ADIAN 2003 .u hbh MI. b.. ",hi.Jh17 '!!JII"u/lcom . " ""I dude' . mach ..., hIM. kho jala ha l Inm• •one of !he cooiesl and moil '"lalli&<", illY m our 11""P Got d.h Ali lansUllS_ bul,rr.. lnible for f,end.h,p Sum 1 who it really lazy. ""'" call in kgp lingo... m.khau· ... loOJt:S to Wte nap' or him.xlf and m&Rtr m ~ people Wilh hi. wonb. a u boo l hi .. fed hai booki dil '" jawan hai chor. ka. ... him " AJEES " but he iJ the m Oil romantic I t heatt.


Ma noj Agarwal manoj./ KhujaJi m~... ullimatc dancer "terrificenergyll. Yes it is his smile ....reaJIy cute and in the JITlingo really SEXY ;p Always ha\le in mind a pro fess ional approach for every problem in life bot unfortunately its only in mind. In his presence: u tend to enjoy every rnoma:t. .specially.jab 15k. andar h HIMESH jaas uth-la haL-.1w ok j»l yadpr bon jill hai ...with Girls. he isnol veryaJfablc .. 50 you may have to try aloe initiaUy _ balbe is worth fighting for ..Infactthese 1024 chat"scannol describebim .

Madao Lal pannuiilk~l11l1iLcom: chinkiyoo ka pyara ... ·rnadan ptSrl1M". known as panDU. awesome suminachabe to china walon se poochh 10 8 .C~ka bada fan haijabdekho medical book I.karj.... hue dikh ja) ega. "NEVER Mr.'.1l". "Money doesn't make you rich· are some indigestible funcia of his life.. Apr UbIY pannu ko gussa dekh loto samajh lena ye extreme coodition hi rahi hogi. Dc:.aDb dost dushmano ka dushman .A Very special qua!tiy ofhim is)'ou nc'\C'f .....11rula IoaIr a friend likehim!(sento to nahi hogaya nan)

Suyas b Partb

SIJ}'ashparl~1f1Oil. com :

mysterious · l"· .•. p5U n:Ifu lib

bhadakjaaye ... butdame ki baat nahi hai "L. uchh kateganahs"mishraji u~· in math only" :) .awesome in math and fOOlcr. lru.o ba.har L..h.ane aur gbooma.t: bahut ichha hoti hai but afsos ..... fOl'" rookic ... .reaJ ly a \-et) simp'-: 811) but a pat friend.

ALAD IAN 2003 Bulan Kumar l'rasad :- When it comes to pronounce one's name th is is the man who is in most deep troub le. He can sit at "Park" for the entire day having Johny Walker, Absolute, Anliquit~1 Sm imoff, ,Red wine allal Bti~e. He can h8ve 3 "kings " in his mouth ot the same time .Feed him 3 pegs and he will start breaking things o f your house, So guys offer him drinks at you r risk. He is popular

for working hard in illumination inspite of not doing even a single bit ofwark there. H. can take you to ride to Bombay highway on cycle with entire supporting logics that can exist in this world . A closed book in himself and going to take " pipa.a. shipyard" to greater heights. Chanda n Kumar aka Majnu bhai: Another close frie nd of Ani l bhai Ambani who can even lead to downfall of Reliance Commun icati ons. According to a survey he serves 20路7 serv ices to his phone and manages hi s rest of work quite well. The most com mitted person ever seen even

after the fact that he has met some I only twice or thrice face to face. He is among the victims of interns that Reliance took. He has turned to be a perfect gentleman and our best w ishes with him for his future life.

Niryendra Singh nityendrasingh@gmail.comakaNity:ThisGorakhpurlad is the AOE stud of the wing whose room is often occupied by his co players ofthe hall.He has few great stories of his intern in Amsterdam which can't be disclosed here [;)].One of those maggu who always had a problem in life with coding stuff and electrical circuit. A very good pe"on by heart and he plans to have a fight for bandi when he leaves kgpandjoins his " Bangy" finn.

Vin aya k Pathak TIle enquiry box who is driven by logics for each and every thing in which he is involved. He deserves " Oracle " accordingly and you may find his name in the list of few top programmers in the world in upcoming years. He has many chaotic cases assoc iated with him which is well kn own to the institute. A real man who fo llows the principle strictly "Do right and fear no one ". A very good person at heart, this secret is known to a few person who know him well and active mem~ro f Sc ho l s路ave.

Veerapanen i Usba Pba ni Kiran vupkiran@gmail.comakaFunnyakaTed: A perfect example of techn~cian from. south .He knows every bits and bytes of softwar~ and hardw~ details of mobile and compute r accessories. One 81 s wants him to go to hi S home as he was the best to bring a lot of eateries from there. ? ne of the best CS playe,,(X-games head) who initia lly got bored and turned to Wow" player. 8 Never misses to .dance during daaru sess ions, that's y his room is a perfe t i t have ~ese sess ions. Rarely fo llows Indian timin gs, leader of the Az~(l~ceu~ ?atch(lfhe agrees then all others wi ll agree).Never takes issues serio I . IS a "de.reg" warn in g. us y even路 It Nikhil f(;u hya p akaKota:

~1J ~ lad IOJt I ~lIy.hated cigarettes and alcohol and now can't li ve 'th

. Vic tim of an mCldent when Sirish was drunk A WI out It scored a 8 somethingasSG .His room is oAen theb~ery peaceful chap w ooff and Nehru. ..t sesSIon of gult 'yof More Or less equa lly ta lented in I . X . task of "'world of wars "recent ly P;:~ng 路hsames With Phani and has la n up e enjoys every bit ofil .U rock man.' In es t e way to li"e life in 8 coo l manner and

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