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Adult Education
Brought to You from the Adult Education Desk
Rosh Hashanah is rapidly approaching, which means it’s a great time to decide what you’d like to learn in the year 5783! We have plenty of classes to choose from: some in person and some on Zoom, so choose what works for you.
Commit to yourself this year and make time for meditation. Meditation reduces stresses and helps you be more present in the moment. On Tuesday mornings at 8:30 a.m., join Rabbi Lerner and Barbara Neustadt (barbneus7@gmail. com) either in person or on Zoom to connect with others in a guided meditation. Shabbat meditations with Rabbi Lerner and Paul Neustadt (probneus@gmail.com) are offered periodically. Experienced meditators and those brand-new are equally welcome.
The Bess Ezekiel Rosh Hodesh Group, for all who identify as women, welcomes all to the monthly informal, participant-inspired get-togethers as well as to help run the committee. Members of the community lead meetings on a variety of topics of interest to women. Contact Anna Nerenberg at bernberg@comcast.net for more information.
If one of your goals for the year is to add joy to your life, then you’ll want to try Israeli Dancing, which meets on Monday evenings. For more information contact Stuart Jacobson (sjacobscooper@gmail.com).
Perek Yomi meets regularly to read and discuss the Bible. If you’d like to join in these engaging discussions, contact Larry Marin (lbmlbm@aol.com). Or, if Talmud is more your style, join in Talmud Study with Dr. Isaac Ely Stillman (contact Louis Stuhl at lstuhl@verizon.net). Perhaps you want to keep up with Parshat Hashavua. For more information, contact Naomi Sacks (sacks.naomi@gmail.com).
Make 5783 the year you participate more at Shabbat. Learn to chant Torah or Haftarah! You’ll both learn a new skill and help Emunah. Those who wish to learn how to read Torah can contact Marc Sacks at torah@templeemunah.org. Want to try Haftarah chanting? Get in touch with Marcy Lidman (Marcy. Lidman@gmail.com).
Our rabbis will continue teaching on Wednesday morning after minyan. If morning doesn’t work, we still have a Lunch and Learn, a Dessert and Discussion, and several other opportunities to learn with our rabbis.
Watch for more information about our new Me’ah Select class: The Diverse Cultures of Contemporary
Israel: Exploring A Multiplicity of Identities Through
Story and Film starting at the end of October.
Classes are still being added! Check your inbox for information about the Lexington Institute of Jewish Studies and the new learning opportunities we’re planning. L’Shanah Tovah! Terri Swartz Russell and Sandy Goldstein Co-chairs of Adult Education adulted@templeemunah.org.
Ivrit LaKol
Tired of having to read the transliterations in the siddur? Looking to sharpen your Hebrew conversational skills? Want to stay one step ahead of your kids in Hebrew school? Join us by taking a class through Ivrit LaKol (Hebrew for All).
The Ivrit LaKol program is beginning its 24th year of teaching Hebrew to our community. Over the years, we have offered a range of classes: Biblical Hebrew, Conversational Hebrew, Learning to Read, Siddur Literacy, and Hebrew for Travelers. With classes for absolute beginners all the way up to advanced speakers, we truly have Hebrew for All! It’s never too late to start. Whether you want to learn basic conversational skills for the Temple Emunah trip to Israel, improve your accent so your Israeli family better understands you, or hope to read the Hebrew side of the Chumash at Shabbat services, Ivrit LaKol will help you reach your goals.
Please let us know what type of Hebrew class would best meet your needs. If you are unsure, please reach out to one of us and we will connect you with the instructor teaching the class. If there’s enough interest, we can form new classes to meet your needs. We welcome your suggestions and would love to hear from you. Please contact: Nancy Lefkowitz (nancylef@usa.net) or Sandy Goldstein (sandgold4@gmail.com).
We hope to see you in an Ivrit LaKol class soon!
Emunat haLev Meditation Institute
Our morning meditation group meets every Tuesday on Zoom from 8:30-9:20 am. Barbara Neustadt begins with a guided meditation followed by 25 minutes of silent sitting. Cantor Louise Treitman ends our meditation with a niggun and Rabbi Lerner shares a teaching. The Zoom link can be found on the Emunah calendar.
Some of the meditations and teachings can be found on the Emunah website in the Emunat HaLev section.
Shabbat morning meditation, led by Paul Neustadt, meets once a month from 9:30-10:15 am on Zoom. The Zoom link can be found either in the Shabbat Shalom email or on the calendar.
Please join us on Yom Kippur afternoon for an outdoor meditation. The meditation will be held after Musaf and will be led by Rabbi David Lerner and Barbara Neustadt.
All are welcome to the meditations regardless of meditation experience! Please contact Barbara Neustadt at barbneus7@ gmail.com if you like more information or have questions. Barbara Neustadt
The Talking with God Project
led by Meli Solomon and Rabbi Lerner Come and join a conversation about our prayer lives and what is means to us, deepening our spiritual lives. More details and timing TBA.