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European Championships Cancelled
The European governing body for pool sports in Europe, the EPBF, today announced that the upcoming events to be staged in Turkey will be cancelled.
The Dynamic Billard European Gre Leenders explained “we felt it Ironically, it will be Venice again in championships for men, wom- best to put this terrible year to bed February to start the new year with en, wheelchair & U23’s along and focus on 2021. The safety of our the first of six planned Eurotour with the Dynamic Billard Seniors staff and athletes was paramount in events. The 2021 sports calendar can and ladies championships that were our decision and although good safe- be found on the EPBF website www. planned in November will no longer ty measures were in place, the EPBF epbf.com take place. board felt it was sUll too soon for such a gathering of internaUonal athletes” With most internaUonal pool events “It is a sad day for our sport said the EPBF president Gre Leenders, we tried everything to make these events happen and for that effort, I have to say a big thank you to the Turkish billiard federaUon who did their upmost to provide the safest environment possible” The cancellaUon of the European championships has also had a knockon effect too as the Dynamic Billard Eurotour Antalya Open and the Predator women’s Antalya Open which were due to follow the championships are also cancelled. In its 28 year history, the Eurotour has never had so few events in a cancelled or postponed, there’s sUll plenty of archived acUon to be found on our media partners web pla^orm, visit www.kozoom.com and see hundreds of great matches from the European Championships and the Eurotours. The EPBF and Kozoom have also teamed up with Billiard Network With the recent spike in cases around single year, only one event took place who have a dedicated YouTube chanthe world and the uncertainty sur- in 2020 and that was in February at the nel with some great matches from rounding travel and health insurance, heart of the outbreak in Venice Italy. past and present.