1 minute read
FROM THE Head Rail
Mike Howerton
It occurred to me this month that I had been remiss in something. Over the last couple of months, I have excitedly talked about bringing new writers into the pages of the Buzz, and I don't believe that I have given nearly enough credit to "all" of the deserving parties.
Anyone who has ever read a story in these pages or on the AzBilliards website, has surely read words that were written by Skip Maloney. It seems like Skip has been writing for AzBilliards forever, but I got curious as to just how long he has been working for us. Skip has been writing articles for us, about pool tournaments (big and small) since 2009, and he has written just a little over 2500 different stories.
That is a lot of different stories, and he has continued to find unique angles to take, each and every time. There are only so many ways to word "Player X beat Player Y in Tournament Z". I don't know how he does it, but he just keeps on doing it.
So, I want to send out a special thanks to Skip this month. I hope he keeps doing what he does, for a long long time.
Until next time
12 World Class Pool
14 Gospel Trick Shots Steve Lillis
28 Szewczyk Wins PRP Nineball Open
Story by Matt Lynch - Matchroom Multi Sport
30 Longoni 9-Ball League - Poland
Through to Semis
Story and Photos courtesy Dynamic Billiard Tour
32 Darren Appleton Joins Team Tiger
34 Billiard TV Partners With Accu-Stats
36 Aramith to Launch 100th Anniversary Set
38 Predator Pro Billiard Series
Announce Five World Championships
40 World NineBall Tour Marks New Dawn For Pool