Gospel Trick Shots
Gospel Trick Shot #22 Trinity Shot – 3 in 1! History of the Trick Shot: This month we are leaving the Artistic Pool program and sharing a simple trick shot that you can teach a young person even if they are relatively small. When thinking of a new Gospel Trick Shot, yours truly Steve Lillis usually asks four questions: what might the number of balls in the shot represent, or what might the direction the balls are heading in the shot represent, or what might the color of each ball in the shot represent, or finally what might the number on each ball used in the shot represent all in terms of a life lesson and/or a spiritual message. This particular shot has an obvious message as you will read below and observe in the video! GTS Name and Why: This was one of the first Gospel Trick Shots that came to mind over 25 years ago when asking myself the above four questions. The three object balls sitting on the pool table represent the Trinity. You will notice that when hit correctly all three balls will go into the designated pockets all at the same time. Before shooting, I ask the audience who is greater the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit as each object ball represents one of them. After shooting the shot with all three balls going in at the same time, I comment to the audience that they are all equal as God is 3 in 1, the three equal Persons of the Trinity! Scripture References in NIV Translation: Genesis 1:17 Then God said “Let US make man in our image” and John 17:11 Jesus said to the Father “that they may be one even as we are one” and Matthew 28:19 where Jesus said “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Cue Ball Placement: Cue ball is not used in this shot. Object Ball(s) Placement: Yellow one ball by side pocket ‘B’ as shown in diagram. Blue two ball to the left frozen with aiming angle toward the inside of corner pocket ‘C’ with red three ball frozen to the right with
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aiming angle toward the outside of side pocket ‘E’ which is the left side of the side pocket while looking at the diagram. Objective: Shoot the one ball center ball stroke directly towards the center of corner pocket ‘F’ with a good follow through. All three balls with enter their appropriate pockets at the same time. Special Notes: Even though the one ball travels a further distance, the speed of the one ball will be greater than the other two balls. Hence, 3 in 1 all at the same time!
Crowd Reactions Through the Years: My Grandson Jayden first did this shot when he was 6 years old in a Gospel Trick Shot show that we did together in a public park on our portable pool table with parents and children in attendance. The young people were so inspired that they asked if they could try too. We invited them up and they were amazed when they executed the shot. In some cases, I stood behind them guiding the stick as we booth held it together and they were so thrilled when the balls all went in at the same time. Try this with some young people of your own!