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Tidbits of Knowledge
The last few months of the season is when the cream must rise to the top for those upcoming tournaments or even that coveted trip to Vegas.
Many tournament matches are won or lost by the slimmest of margins, where just a tidbit of knowledge or a little better execution of a shot could make the difference between first and second place. Let me give you some easy tidbits to remember when you are going down that final stretch.
Remember this basic eight ball rule. If you can’t run eight balls, don’t run six. If you can’t run out, leave at least two balls besides the eight on the table, making it much more difficult for your opponent to duck and easier for you to run out if you get another shot.
Start practicing a routine that will stay with you through the tournament season, such as keeping your eyes going back and forth from cue ball to object ball as you bending over to start the aiming process. Try to make the first two seconds of aiming after you place the cue tip up to the cue ball within 1/8 inch of accuracy on the object ball. Now as you take your warm-up strokes and recheck the aim, very little correction will be necessary. Be sure to watch each object ball go in the pocket before your eyes shift to the cue ball. Many easy shots are missed when the eyes go to the cue ball immediately after impact with the object ball instead of watching the object ball go into the pocket.
Practice a steady rhythm of shooting where you take the same amount of time to shoot each shot. Don’t make the mistake of getting to the tournament and telling yourself to “slow down and be careful” now that you are in competition.
Pros understand that every player makes mistakes and missing shots is part of the game, and they realize that making only one or two mistakes less than their opponent can win the match.
Good luck down the stretch, —Jerry