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The Guidance Center
Fortunately for many people, emergencies may be the exception rather than a common occurrence.
Butfor those of usatThe Guidance Center,we address crises and emergencies every day With the focus on mental health and wellbeing, our message, “We are here when you need us,” is as true as it gets One in five Americans live with a diagnosable mentalillness;TheGuidanceCenterofferstreatment and support through a variety of mental health services We believe that improving the healthofNorthernArizonaresidentsbenefitsthe entire region
When a friend or loved one living with serious mentalillnessneedsadditionalsupport,theycan stay at our residential treatment center and receive care around the clock or they may access our 24-hour crisis care, stabilization, and observation services as needed After release from ourinpatientpsychiatrichospital,TheGuidance Center will continue to support member health outcomes with a complete continuum of outpatient services
Community members experiencing new or changing mental and behavioral health symptoms are always encouraged to participate in an assessment at The Guidance Center and work with our teams to determine which of our services would best suit their needs moving forward
As a Northern Arizona service provider for 54 years, The Guidance Center evolves each year to meet the needs of our communities Along with our remodeled 44-bed inpatient care unit, our outpatientservicesarrayhasexpandedtoinclude numerous telemedicine options.
We’re here for families in the region facing mental health-related emergencies The Children’s Studio at TheGuidance Center provides a longlistofservicesforteens youth andfamilies
Alongwithourboard-certifiedchildandadolescentpsychiatrists,ourteamincludescounselors, therapists, and care managers. Our continuum of services also includes cognitive and applied behavior analysis.
The Children’s Studio offers school-based programs as well as family and children’s programs.AtTheGuidanceCenter familiesaresupported through autism spectrum disorder education, care, therapy, and many other services
Another valuable partof ourmission is assisting individuals with substance abuse disorders
Throughourinpatientandoutpatientprograms, we help people positively change their lives through a shared goal of building resiliency Our team of experts brings knowledge and compassion to our neighbors and community members, manywhocontinuetoliveinrecoveryfromdrugs and alcohol.
Since the pandemic began more than three yearsago,TheGuidanceCenteralsohasexpanded itstechnology-enhancedservices Mentalhealth supportisofferedinpersonandonline.Weenvisionafuturewheretechnology-enhancedmental healthcarefurtherstrengthensourcommunities through evidence-based practices
At the Guidance Center, we feel fortunate to have served the community for 54 years. While most of our focus is on advancing mental health and wellbeing of individuals, we’ve also been there during numerous regional emergencies including last year’s wildfires and subsequent floods.Ourdedicatedstaffmembersandspecialized providers are the ones who make possible our daily momentum.
Mental health emergencies and crises happen every day. And we’re here when you need us 2187 N. Vickey Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 527-1899 (888) 681-1899 tgcaz.org