Arizona Engineer | 2011 spring edition

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arizonaengineer Published by the UA College of Engineering • Online at



Engineers Week Students make big splash on campus


ICOSSE Congress Dire warnings by EPA science advisor

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Learning to Fly—Aerospace engineering student David Copp readies an autonomous plane for flight as part of the autonomous soaring project in the Hybrid Dynamics and Control Laboratory.

Birds and Bees Influence Design of Unmanned Aircraft 10


Design Day 2011 UAV systems impress Design Day judges

Alumni Echoes Where are they and what are they doing?

University of Arizona aerospace and mechanical engineers are studying bird and bee flight to develop unmanned vehicles that stay aloft longer and cope with sudden and severe changes in airflow. The UA College of Engineering’s Hybrid Dynamics and Control Laboratory is developing mathematical analysis and design methods that could radically advance the STORY capabilities of unmanned Ae FULL Number 234 aircraft and ground vehicles, as well as many other systems that rely on autonomous decision making. Researchers in the lab design computer control systems that may one day allow robotic surveillance aircraft to stay aloft

indefinitely. These systems also might be used to safely guide aircraft and automobiles through small openings as they enter buildings. Or they could help airplanes and ground vehicles navigate in cluttered environments without colliding. “What we do here in our lab is mainly theory,” said Ricardo Sanfelice, an assistant professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering, who directs the lab. “We model dynamical CO NT I NUE D O N PA G E 8


Growth and Self-Sufficiency Key to Survival The quality is good, but financial reality means we must work on upping the quantity It has been quite an adventure in the college with the recent major changes in the campus budget system. As we become less dependent on state appropriations, UA colleges will increasingly finance the majority of their missions through undergraduate and graduate student tuition. For UA Engineering, this means adopting

strategies that increase enrollment and boost graduation rates at all levels. We have improved undergraduate quality during the past 5 years and it is now time to increase student quantity. Some of you will remember being lined up with your fellow freshmen and being asked to look to your left and to look to your right, and then being told that only one of you would finish. Those days are long gone, and we now need to look at strategies to support students to completion. We are assembling a group of our best teaching faculty to work more with freshman and sophomores. We recently received special tuition authorization for reducing class size, adding more teaching assistants, and increasing tutoring programs. We are also developing a student innovation center for our student club activities and for senior design project teams (more on this new building in future issues!). If we want the best students joining the college, then we need the best facilities and the best teaching and retention strategies to go with our strong professors and staff.

arizona engineer spring 2011 • volume 34 number 1 The University of Arizona College of Engineering P.O. Box 210072 Tucson, AZ 85721-0072 editor/designer  pete brown telephone  520.621.3754 email 2 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

At the graduate level we are developing master’s degree and certificate programs that reflect industry needs by providing flexible class schedules and online distance learning. We will be rolling out programs in engineering management, systems engineering, mining engineering, sustainability, solar energy, and construction management. Programs in electrical and computer engineering and aerospace and mechanical engineering are scheduled for 2012-2013. The goal is to provide a base of programs in a wide range of engineering disciplines that help alumni, professionals, and companies enhance their technical skills. I want to thank you for your continued support. Over the next few years, our strategy is to grow and become more financially self-sufficient. We cannot do this without the generous support of our alumni and friends. Go Cats! 520.621.6594

Arizona Engineer is published twice a year for alumni and friends of the University of Arizona College of Engineering. All contents © 2011 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved. The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity, and is committed to maintaining an environment free from sexual harassment and retaliation.

Arizona Engineer is available online at Many stories in this print edition have been edited for length, and it is not feasible to include related multimedia material such as video and audio files, and hyperlinks to related websites. To get the full story, look for the story number by the Ae icon embedded in the article, then go to the online edition and enter the story number in the search box.



Engineering management senior Erika Gibson tries an unconventional water-delivery method in an E-Week event organized by Engineers Without Borders and based on their water-supply projects in Africa.

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

E-Week Brings Engineering to Campus and Community UA Engineers Week was organized by the Engineering Student Council in February and featured a series of STORY competitive events run and organized by Ae FULL Number 246 various engineering clubs, organizations, and societies within the UA College of Engineering. Events included spaghetti tower and model aircraft design competitions, assorted sporting events and quizzes, the i-Expo career fair, tours and recruitment events, and lots of community outreach. The week finished with the Western Region Rube Goldberg Competition and the gala awards night.

“E-Week is a great way for us to support our students’ involvement in extracurricular activities on campus,” said Kiona Meade, junior engineering student and E-Week coordinator for the Engineering Student Council. “It’s a great way to promote engineering to the campus and the community,” said Jeff Goldberg, dean of the UA College of Engineering. “E-Week shows that engineers can improve society and help people, and have some fun while they do it. And it’s a great opportunity to get kids interested in a career in engineering.”

Rocks Bored, Crowd Thrilled Mining and geological engineering students drew a large and curious STORY audience at their Ae FULL Number 269 annual rock-drilling competition, which required them to bore into a 20‑ton rock outside Old Main for 3 minutes to see how deep they could get.

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Rock Stars—Mining engineering students Nick Carouso, above, and Bree McMaster, right, winners of the 2011 rock-drilling competition. Both got dunked in the Old Main fountain.

Math and mining engineering student Bree McMaster won the women’s rock‑drilling competition, and in keeping with tradition was dunked in the Old Main fountain for her prowess. Such was her confidence, she wore a swimsuit under her rock-drilling clothes.

Mining engineering student Nick Carouso won the men’s event, which also earned him a soaking. His victory was witnessed by his mom, who competed in the rock-drilling competition about 20 years ago. Both she and Nick’s dad are UA mining engineering graduates. 34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 3


College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Role Model­­—Erica Corral, left, shows high school students around her research lab.

‘Exemplary’ UA Engineer is First Recipient of YWCA Leadership Award Erica Corral, assistant professor in the UA materials science and engineering department and BIO5 member, recently became the first recipient of YWCA Tucson’s Women on the Move Emerging Leader Award. YWCA Tucson described Corral as an “exemplary emerging leader and example of excellence for young STORY women and girls.” In fact, YWCA Tucson Ae FULL Number 268 was so impressed with Corral as a role model, that the award was created specifically with Corral in mind as the first recipient. “I am really honored to be recognized by the YWCA as a role model for young women to pursue science and engineering,” Corral said. “It’s a part of the job I really enjoy doing.” Corral received her award at the 29th annual Women on the Move Awards Banquet in February 2011 at the Westin La Paloma resort in Tucson, Ariz. “The awards banquet was created to honor and recognize women who go beyond to enhance the quality of life for women and for the community,” Corral said. “Leaders at the YMCA are really dedicated to empowering all women of all ages.” YWCA Tucson describes its mission as “eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.” It was established in 1917 and, despite those initials, welcomes all genders and has no religious affiliation. 4 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Solar Chefs­­—About 80 teams, including Hannah McNeal, left, and Erika McMahan, participated in the first Solar Oven Throw Down on the UA Mall as part of the award-winning Engineering 102 program.

UA’s High School Engineering Program Wins Education Award In November 2010, the Arizona Department of Education awarded a 2010 Spotlight on Success award to the UA College STORY of Engineering’s pioneering program to teach Ae FULL Number 216 Engineering 102 in high schools. Students in participating schools who take the class earn credit hours toward an engineering degree at UA. The Spotlight on Success award recognizes educators, schools, and programs for their exemplary efforts in providing quality education to Arizona’s students. The award was made jointly to the UA College of Engineering and four participating high schools with career technical education programs: Sabino, Ironwood Ridge, Flowing Wells, and Marana Mountain View. “Congratulations on this model program of study,” said Milt Ericksen, deputy associate superintendent and state director for career and technical education at the Arizona Department of Education, in a letter to Jim Baygents, associate dean for academic affairs at the UA College of Engineering. “It is the work of initiatives such as this that will propel Arizona students into a successful future.” • The Solar Oven Project has been around for more than a decade, according to Brian Cunningham, ENGR 102 coordinator. “As far as I know STORY this is the first throw down ever,” he said. “The students Ae FULL Number 209 are used to seeing six to eight different ovens in their own class, but this will give them a chance to see up to 80 different ovens,” Cunningham said. “Every semester we try to do something that will give the students the opportunity to see the work of their peers.”

Eduardo Saez Named University Distinguished Professor

Eduardo Sáez

Eduardo Sáez of the department of chemical and environmental engineering has been named University Distinguished Professor for 2011. Only one faculty member per year is selected for this honor, which will be presented to Sáez by the Arizona Board of Regents in a special ceremony in December 2011.

“The ChEE department is proud of Dr. Sáez on this recognition for providing a high level of teaching excellence STORY for many years,” said Jim Field, chemical and Ae FULL Number 255 environmental engineering department head. “The students are very appreciative of Dr. Sáez’s extra effort in making difficult subject matter understandable, and for his efforts in engaging students in research.” Sáez is the third recipient of the award from the UA College of Engineering in as many years. Mary Poulton, head of mining and geological engineering, was honored in 2010 and Jerzy Rozenblit, head of the department of electrical and computer engineering, was inducted in 2009. Distinguished professors have demonstrated outstanding commitment to undergraduate education in several ways. At least half of their teaching assignments include undergraduate teaching, using the highest standards in the classroom combined with effective advising and mentoring of undergraduates. Distinguished professors also have a record of strong research that has been applied in undergraduate classrooms.

Women Engineers Shine at Innovation Day Showcasing UA Research Two of the five faculty chosen for “UA at the Leading Edge” awards at this year’s UA Innovation Day were College of Engineering female faculty. Mary Poulton was selected for her work with the Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources, STORY which spans science, Ae FULL Number 265 engineering, health, business Mary Poulton and policy to ensure responsible stewardship and development of the Earth’s mineral resources. And Erica Corral was chosen for her research on high‑temperature materials for use in extreme environmental applications, such as spacecraft.

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Ringing Endorsement—Professor Supapan Seraphin, left, with Ben’s Bells co-founder Jeanette Maré.

Ben’s Bell Award for Seraphin Professor Supapan Seraphin of the UA department of materials science and engineering received a Ben’s Bells award in January. She received her Ben’s Bell while she was in the kitchen of UA’s Maricopa residence hall preparing her famous Thai lunch for students. As students and guests bustled around the kitchen, helping prepare more than 60 pounds of rice, chicken, tofu STORY and veggies, and Seraphin stirred a giant Ae FULL Number 231 pot of chicken curry, Ben’s Bells co-founder Jeanette Maré walked in and presented Seraphin with the bell in recognition of the care and kindness Seraphin brings to her students and colleagues. Seraphin said she was “super surprised” by the unexpected honor. “I’m extremely happy and grateful for the recognition of what I do for fun,” she said. “I am happy when students eat healthy and enjoy a little community.” Seraphin’s Thai lunches are something of a legend on the UA campus, and she uses the lunch gathering as an opportunity to discuss academic concerns with her students. It also allows engineering students from different disciplines to mingle and discover more about the academic interests they share. “These lunches make a connection between students,” she said. She has been organizing the lunches for 10 years. At one point they became so popular that hundreds of students lined up around the block for a bowl of curry or pad thai. 34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 5


UA and Local DOT Test Smart Traffic Systems UA researchers have teamed up with the Maricopa County Department of Transportation, or MCDOT, to create a system that will make intersections safer for emergency responders and the general public. They are installing a prototype at six intersections in Maricopa County and will test it this summer, Larry Head according to Larry Head of the systems and industrial engineering department, and Faisal Saleem, MCDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems branch manager. Their efforts are part of a national push to create smart vehicles that STORY communicate with Ae FULL Number 262 one another and with traffic control systems. In 2013, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may require every vehicle sold in the United States to be equipped with this technology. The system being installed in Maricopa County could be one of the first steps in deploying a smart-vehicle system throughout the country, Head said. “There’s the question of which comes first, the intelligent cars or the infrastructure to support them,” he said. “If we install a system for emergency vehicles, it could be the core infrastructure and the pathway to deployment. As the nation’s public and private vehicle fleets are renewed, this system could lead the way in making intersections safer.” 6 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Pet Scan­­—At the UA-Zonge test site in the Sonoran Desert near Tucson, Moe Momayez, associate professor of mining and geological engineering at the UA Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources, prepares to unleash Blue while a Zonge engineer monitors how the dog’s movement shows up on the Helios system.

Lowell Minerals Institute and Tucson Engineering Firm Test Underground Border Security System A unique underground surveillance system tested by UA researchers could be used to watch the entire US–Mexico border continuously. The border-monitoring system, known as Helios, consists of laser pulses STORY transmitted through Ae FULL Number 221 fiber-optic cables buried in the ground that respond to movements on the surface above. A detector at one or both ends of the cable analyzes these responses. Helios is sensitive enough to detect a dog and can discriminate between people, horses and trucks. The system can be set to avoid being triggered by small animals, and can also tell if people are running or walking, or digging, and in which direction. Zonge, a geophysical engineering company based in Tucson, Ariz., installed a Helios test system in the

desert near Tucson. The UA’s Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources led the project to evaluate Helios as a tool for border surveillance, assisted by the UA National Center for Border Security and Immigration. The resolution of the cable can be set to one-meter intervals, which means the location of a cut cable, or people, or vehicles, can be pinpointed instantly to within one meter along a section of cable up to 50 kilometers long. Moe Momayez, associate professor of mining and geological engineering at the UA Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources, co-authored a report of the Helios tests. “We can install cables up to 50 kilometers in length with only one Helios detector,” he said. “Because the 50-nanosecond laser pulses travel at the speed of light, we can detect any event virtually instantaneously and deploy the appropriate resources to that location.”

UA Engineering Leads Haiti Earthquake Survey A team led by UA earthquake engineer Robert B. Fleischman, STORY associate professor Ae FULL Number 230 in the department of civil engineering and engineering mechanics, traveled to Haiti in 2010 to examine earthquake damage to buildings in Port-Au-Prince.

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Deep Breaths­­—The new director of the Western Mining Safety and Health Training Resource, Ros Hill, left, helps mining engineering junior Allison Hagerman get into a mine rescue breathing apparatus at the San Xavier mining lab. The Drager BG-4 mine rescue rebreathers were a gift to the mine from Barrick, a global gold mining company.

NIOSH Awards UA $1.6M for Mine Safety Center A consortium of three UA colleges has received a three-year grant of $1.6 million to set up the Western Mining Safety and Health Training Resource Center. The grant was awarded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The lead researchers on the project are Mary Poulton, head of the department STORY of mining and geological Ae FULL Number 210 engineering and director of the Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources; Jeff Burgess, director of the community, environment and policy division at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health; and Patty Anders of the department of teaching, learning and sociocultural studies at the College of Education. The resource center will be directed by Ros Hill, a professor of practice in the department of mining and geological engineering and director of

the San Xavier Underground Mining Laboratory. The center will cover the U.S. west of the Mississippi. “The training center will address those mining safety and health training issues which could be considered unique to the West,” Hill said. “Our focus is more on metal mining and sand, gravel and stone, as opposed to the coal focus in the East.” An objective of the center will be the development of new methods and materials to make mine safety training more effective. “Our goal is for the UA to be a center of excellence in mine health and safety and this grant continues to grow our national prominence,” said Poulton. “We have a unique facility at our San Xavier Mine and recent infrastructure improvements at the mine, funded by Science Foundation Arizona and Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold, have allowed us to expand the scope of our research and training.”

The magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti around 5 p.m. on Jan. 12, 2010. In just 30 seconds, nearly a quarter of a million people died. A further 300,000 were injured, and more than a million people were displaced. The primary cause of loss of life was the collapse of nearly 100,000 buildings constructed mostly of reinforced concrete or unreinforced masonry. Fleischman’s team consisted of UA faculty and graduate students, and engineers from Rutherford & Chekene, a San Francisco earthquake engineering firm. The trip was funded by the National Science Foundation under its Rapid Response Program to gather perishable data in the period directly after a natural disaster. The team documented engineered structures in Port-Au-Prince that suffered heavy damage but did not collapse. The term “engineered” refers to construction that involved engineers or architects, as opposed to construction carried out by building owners or community members. “Most residential homes in Haiti fall into this latter category,” Fleischman said. The team also evaluated techniques for seismic assessment of vulnerable structures, and recommended improvements to building practices in Haiti. 34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 7

COVER STORY Birds and Bees Influence Design C O N TIN U ED F R O M PA G E 1

systems, analyze them mathematically, devise ways to control them, test them in simulations and, when possible, validate them in our test bed.” Sanfelice and his students currently are studying ways to extract energy from wind gusts and thermals to gain altitude without using power, just like birds do when soaring to greater altitudes. “This is very different from traditional control system design, where you want to nullify the effects of perturbations. Here, we’re exploiting them,” he said. One project involves autonomous soaring in which the computer “pilot” actively searches for thermals (areas of rapidly rising air) that might occur when sunlight warms a plowed field or stretch of asphalt. In the lab, fans and wind tunnels generate these mock thermals and wind gusts. “If the plane detects a change in altitude that wasn’t created by the navigation system, the computer begins to explore that area to find the thermal,” Sanfelice said. If the lift occurs off the left wing, for instance, the computer will turn the plane to the left, but if it doesn’t find the thermal during this turn, it will change direction and cut the area at a different angle. Designing the computer software and other parts of the systems is math-intensive, centering on differential equations and difference equations. Differential equations

Creating the Internet of Everything Autonomous cars on our streets driving better than we do. Intelligent wallpaper in our houses measuring temperature, moisture and vibration. Smart dust scattered in our hospitals tracking patients or detecting toxins. Imagine networking all the above together to create an internet of STORY everything that can Ae FULL Number 263 sense and control the myriad processes that run silently and anonymously in our backgrounds. This mostly invisible mesh of wired and wireless sensor networks that coats our existence is at the heart of “cyber-physical systems,” a rapidly growing area of systems engineering. The UA College of Engineering’s Hybrid Dynamics and Controls Laboratory recently hosted the First Southwest Workshop on Theory and Applications of CyberPhysical Systems. The event, and its 20 speakers, attracted almost 60 researchers from industry, government and about 10 Southwestern colleges. Ricardo Sanfelice, director of the Hybrid Dynamics and Control describe the continuous motion of vehicles. Meanwhile, the controllers may introduce abrupt changes, known as “discontinuities” in the math world, that are best described by difference equations. This is where the term “hybrid” fits into the lab’s title, meaning analysis of both continuous and discontinuous motion. A ball bouncing on the ground offers a simple example, Sanfelice said. The ball exhibits a smooth motion between impacts. This can be described by differential equations. But at impacts,

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Ricardo Sanfelice

Laboratory and an assistant professor in the aerospace and mechanical engineering department, organized the workshop. The National Science Foundation sponsored the event, which took place in March 2011 at the Four Points by Sheraton hotel in Tucson, Ariz. Sanfelice noted that the Southwest is active in this area of research. He said this workshop, the first in an ongoing series, “will strengthen much-needed collaboration between universities and laboratories within the region.” there is an almost instantaneous change in velocity, and difference equations are best suited to modeling it. A similar discontinuity occurs in another area of the lab’s research – flying a model airplane through a window from outdoors to indoors. Bees do this when flying back into a hive, and Sanfelice is recording their motions to see how they do it. “From a control point of view, we may want to mimic the maneuvers the bees are executing, in particular, the maneuvers they use to cope with the discontinuity in the airflow,” he said.


EPA Speaker Describes Our ‘Tragic Trajectory’ Speaking at the recent ICOSSE-11 conference on sustainability, EPA science advisor Paul Anastas said civilization is on a “tragic trajectory.” Anastas, who is known as the “father of green chemistry,” was speaking at STORY the conference banquet Ae FULL Number 233 Jan. 12 at the Second International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering, hosted by the UA College of Engineering Jan. 9-13 at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort in Tucson, Ariz. Addressing the assembled conference delegates over dinner, Anastas said: “Everyone in this room has dedicated their professional lives and their personal lives to ensuring that things do not continue on the tragic trajectory that we are on as a civilization.” He was referring to unsustainable methods of energy and materials usage, and to the potential for

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Looking to the Future­—EPA Science Advisor Paul Anastas warns of ecological collapse while silhouetted against the ICOSSE website projection during his speech at the sustainability engineering conference hosted by the College of Engineering.

ecological collapse. Getting off this unsustainable trajectory, Anastas said, is all about leadership in recognizing the “absurdity” of our current reality. The main thrust of Anastas’ talk was that sustainability should be integrated into

every aspect of “whatever your widget is ... whatever your production process is.” Otherwise, he said, efforts to achieve true sustainability would be “tweaking around the edges to make something slightly less bad.”

Squeezing Sustainable Energy From Thin Air Solar collectors and wind generators hold so much promise for clean energy, but they have a major flaw: they produce no power when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow. “If all we had to do was to generate power when the sun is shining, we would actually be in good shape right now,” said Ben Sternberg, a researcher in the University of Arizona’s Compressed Air Energy Storage, or CAES, program. “The crucial issue now is finding economical ways to store energy for large-scale use, either home‑by-home over the entire country, or utility scale.”

Energy from compressed air stored underground is cheap, clean and renewable. Researchers at the UA’s School of Sustainable Engineered Systems are designing systems that will run fridges, buildings or power plants. Batteries have traditionally been used to store energy, but they’re expensive, have a limited number of charge‑discharge cycles, and pose resource and disposal problems. The CAES group is developing cost‑competitive energy-storage systems based on compressing air and


FULL STORY Number 228

storing it in man-made containers or below ground in natural reservoirs. When solar panels shut down and wind generators stop, the compressed air is warmed and released to drive turbines that generate electricity. The compressed air also can be released directly to drive mechanical systems without being converted to electricity. UA’s CAES research team is working on three projects that range from systems that might power a single air conditioner or refrigerator to building-wide systems, as well as massive storage sites that could store utility-scale energy. 34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 9


UAV Systems Impress Judges at Engineering Design Day 2011 Unmanned aerial vehicle systems place first and second for best overall design at annual UA Engineering showcase The award for best overall design went to LAARK, or Low-Altitude Aerial Reconnaissance Kit, at this year’s Engineering Design Day May 3. The UA Aerial Robotics Club, or ARC, sponsored the project because it needed STORY a comprehensive Ae FULL Number 289 avionics system for its Avatar UAV. The LAARK design team consisted of aerospace and mechanical engineer Malcolm Gibson, electrical engineers Hans Hony and Elliott Liggett, systems engineer James Dianics, and optics engineer Michael Palmer ARC itself won the best engineering analysis award, sponsored by Raytheon, for its Avatar UAV. ARC will integrate the LAARK system into Avatar before it competes in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International student UAS competition in June 2011. ARC describes Avatar as its most advanced UAS airframe design yet,

and says the integration of LAARK will create one of the most capable studentbuilt avionics systems in the country. Second place in the best overall design category went to Project Shrike, sponsored by Raytheon Missile Systems. The Project Shrike team designed a low-cost, gimbal-less UAV camera system that can provide a stable video stream that compensates for the movement of the UAV as it pitches and rolls in flight. Project Shrike team members were optical engineers Sean Keller, Jeff Knafelc, Steven Haim and Alex Marty, mechanical engineer Paul Shickling, and Keoki Kimzin from the engineering management program. These projects were just a few among almost 60 designed by UA engineering students and shown at Engineering Design Day, the UA College of Engineering’s premier showcase of student design.

Design Day is organized by the college’s Interdisciplinary Design Program, Engineering 498, and sponsored by BAE Systems and the college. In a surprise announcement during the awards ceremony, Greg Waterfall of Texas Instruments said that the company was awarding two first prizes of $1,500 for best analog design. One of the winners, the human-powered vehicle team, will travel to Dallas to Rube Cubes­­—Young students study the Rube Goldberg machine on display at Design Day 2011. The contraption was sponsored by Texas Instruments, who want to take it to trade shows to demonstrate onboard TI chips and microcontrollers. The machine won the prize for best use of prototyping, sponsored by PADT.

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Prize Winners Best Overall Design, First Place • $1000 Low-altitude aerial reconnaissance kit (LAARK) for integration into an unmanned aerial system Design team: Malcolm Gibson, Hans Hony, Elliott Liggett, James Dianics, Michael Palmer Project sponsor: UA Aerial Robotics Club Prize sponsor: BAE Systems Best Overall Design, Second Place • $750 Project Shrike low cost UAV gimbal-less camera system Design team: Sean Keller, Jeff Knafelc, Paul Shickling, Steven Haim, Keoki Kimzin, Alex Marty Project sponsor: Raytheon Missile Systems Prize sponsors: BAE Systems Best Analog Design 1 • $1500 Solar panel power monitoring system Design team: Robert Benjamin, Alan France, Gautam Hari, Brianna Heersink, Suman Maharjan, Joel Marquez, Ajay Shrestha Project sponsor: Texas Instruments Prize sponsor: Texas Instruments Best Analog Design 2 • $1500 ASME human powered vehicle: utility class Design team: Andrew Laverty, Roy Green, Christian Schultz, Josh Kaliszewski Project sponsor: UA ASME club Prize sponsor: Texas Instruments

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Not Larking About­­—Electrical engineer Elliott Liggett demonstrates the LAARK avionics system, which won the best overall design award. The glass dome contains dual gimbaled machine-vision cameras that can acquire 20-megapixel images at three frames per second.

collect their prize and compete in a nationwide competition for the $10,000 Engibous prize, named for TI chairman emeritus Tom Engibous. The portable brain wave monitor project, which debuted at UA Design Day 2010, went on to win the second prize of $7,500 in last year’s national TI competition. Seniors competed for almost $11,000 in prize money during Design Day 2011, which this year returned to the Student Union Memorial Center.

Best Computer Modeling/Analysis • $1000 Trench volume measurement tool Design team: Justin Mamer, Andrew Davenport, Bryan Boone, Jorge Sanchez, Colton Noble Project sponsor: Caterpillar Inc. Prize sponsor: Hydronalix Best Use of Off-the-Shelf Components • $750 Development of a modular unmanned underwater vehicle Design team: Ammar Al Raisi, Arturo Armijo, Collin Reynolds, Eduardo Moreno, Erick Johnson, Ryan Maish Project sponsor: Eduardo Moreno, Industrial Tool Die & Engineering, Intel, Pololu, CH Robotics Prize sponsor: Edmund Optics Best Use of Prototyping • $750 TI sensor-based monitoring & control system Design team: Aidan Garza, Christopher Kemsley, Chris Featherstone, Andrew Weatherly, David Mares, Sheng-Hann “Leo” Yang Project sponsor: Texas Instruments Prize sponsor: PADT Best Engineering Analysis • $750 AVATAR – aerial vehicle for autonomous

target acquisition and recognition Design team: Malcolm Gibson, Jun Li, Christopher Poole, James Powell, Joshua Tolliver, Dimitri Ververelli Project sponsor: UA Aerial Robotics Club Prize sponsor: Raytheon Best Presentation • $750 Self-stabilizing helicopter landing platform Design team: Scott McCall, Phillip Puentes, Mark Jankauski, Diego Gil-Azamar, Logan Rivas Project sponsor: Boeing Rotorcraft Mesa Prize sponsor: Rincon Research Best Design Documentation • $750 Precious gem classifier Design team: Gabriel Brewer, Joseph Brewer, Mona Eskandari, Julia Harden, Craig Oliver, Monica Rainey Project sponsor: Alternative Vision Corp. Prize sponsor: Technical Documentation Consultants of Arizona Best Team Leadership 1 • $250 CUVOPS IV: cooperative unmanned vehicle operations planning system Design team: Elizabeth Gyek-Li (winner), Mitchell Kim, Paul Vazquez, Brent McFarland, Richard Phillips, David Warnes Project sponsor: BAE Systems San Diego Prize sponsor: Honeywell Best Team Leadership 2 • $250 Precious gem classifier Design team: Gabriel Brewer (winner), Joseph Brewer, Mona Eskandari, Julia Harden, Craig Oliver, Monica Rainey Project sponsor: Alternative Vision Corp. Prize sponsor: Honeywell Excellence in Testing and Validation • $500 UA Baja drivetrain Design team: Josh Spivey, Andrew Sims, Harrison Roberts, Ahmed Al-Binali, Alexandra Hartz, Cade Wilson, Aaron Saint-Amour Project sponsor: UA Baja Racing Prize sponsor: Sargent Aerospace & Defense Fish Out of Water, First Place • $250 Precious gem classifier Design team: Julia Harden (winner), Gabriel Brewer, Joseph Brewer, Mona Eskandari, Craig Oliver, Monica Rainey Project sponsor: Alternative Vision Corp. Prize sponsor: Kristy Pearson Fish Out of Water, Second Place • $150 Device for measuring the center of gravity of large industrial equipment Design team: Paul Gastreich and Katherine Palazzo (winners), Kevin Maghran, Mike Malin, Jared Wagoner Project sponsor: Bruker Corp. Prize sponsor: Kristy Pearson 34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 11


Thank You! These pages list the companies, organizations and individuals who have contributed to the College of Engineering during fiscal year July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. Their support is vital in providing scholarships, funding programs and supporting research. Without this help, some students would not be able to complete their education. Many other students would not have access to resources that give UA Engineering a margin of excellence for educating tomorrow’s engineering leaders. We want to take this opportunity to say “thank you” from the students and faculty who have benefited so much from this generous support. We have made every effort to list all those who contributed to the college and sincerely apologize if we have missed anyone. If you donated to UA Engineering during 2009-2010 and are not on this list, please let us know, and we will list your name in the next issue of Arizona Engineer. 12 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Richard G. Guthrie Scholarship recipient, mechanical engineering senior Zachary Raves, between Dick Guthrie (BS/ME 1955), left, and Pat Dunford.

2009–2010 Donor Honor Roll $2,000,000 and Above J. David and Edith Lowell $250,000–$499,999 Apollo Group Inc. $200,000–$249,999 Tucson Electric Power Co. $100,000–$199,999 Intel Corporation Lockheed Martin Corp. Community Foundation for Southern Arizona The Denver Foundation $50,000–$99,999 Northrop Grumman SMEF Ventana Medical Systems Inc. Raytheon Company Ayco Charitable Foundation Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation International Foundation for Telemetering Arizona Public Service NEC Laboratories America Inc. $25,000–$49,999 Kim and Corinne Fox

General Electric Foundation - Matching Gifts Information Storage Industry Consortium Douglas and Cynthia Loy Arizona Power Authority Estate of Grace Rupkey Anonymous BAE Systems Peabody Investments Corp. $10,000–$24,999 Boeing Company Therese Berg (Velasco) East Bay Community Foundation IBM Sean McCafferty H. J. Bonnevie Trust Arizona Society of Civil Engineers ExxonMobil Corp. Hankook Tire Co. Ltd. Texas Instruments Inc. Joseph Gervasio S. Jack McDuff QuakeWrap Inc. Honeywell Aerospace Product Systems Inc. Mintec Inc. Robert and Emma J. Whitenack

Analog Devices Inc. Air Products and Chemicals Inc. AZ Conference of AIME GLHN Architects & Engineers Inc. $5,000–$9,999 Rincon Research Corporation Rain Bird Corporation Alternative Vision Corporation AGM Container Controls Inc. Bioptics Achen-Gardner Construction LLC Chevron Fluor Enterprises Inc. Pegasus Technical Services University of Cincinnati Scientek-12 Inc. Leston and Thelma Goodding (Anderson) National Space Grant Foundation Veikko and Elizabeth Kanto (Mayshal) GE Global Research Infrared Laboratories Inc. AMD Estate of Robert Ageton Illinois Institute of Technology Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner

$1,000–$4,999 I.R.W. Consulting Brian and Donna Kelly D. Alan and Lenise Smith (Mincks) Paragon Space Development Corp University Of Texas Richard Guthrie and Patricia Dunford J.R. Filanc Construction Co. Inc. Arizona Builders’ Alliance Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation Google Inc. Tucson Embedded Systems Inc. Lindy Coté and Thomas Owen CH2M Hill Inc. B/E Aerospace Inc. Emerald Coast Chapter AUVSU Engineering Student Council American Institute of Chemical Engineering Ernest and Joanne Smerdon The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Matching Gifts The Powell Foundation Leopold and Beverly King M3 Engineering & Technology Newton Don William and Elizabeth Staples Anthony and Lynn Mulligan Jake and Beverly Doss Attiya Darensburg HVF West LLC National Coal Transportation Association Schlumberger Oilfield Services Stacie Gibbins Matthew and Andrea Shelor Mining Foundation of the SW Enrique and Jennifer Aviles (Hesketh) Herbert and Diane Welhener Ernest and Sally Micek Henry and Beverly Grundstedt Goodwill Golf Tournament City of Tucson, Ward 3 David and Frances Areghini Andrew and Stephanie Harris Shell Oil Co. Foundation - Matching Gifts John Miller and Lorraine Drachman (McCollum) Kenneth and Jamie Head Syrgis Holdings Inc. Edward and Patricia Nowatzki Paul and Linda Prazak Steven and Tusiyah Davis

Sarianne Rittenhouse Sundt Construction Inc. Dale Hays and Michele Fraps-Hays Lawrence and Virginia Hjalmarson Norman Soloway Stewart Foundation Sara McCoy (Meinert) Sunpower of Arizona Inc. Katherine Myers Karl and Sandra Elers (Tanner) P&H Mining Equipment Wayne and Carol Dawson Sport Dimensions Inc. Matthew and Amanda Kaufmann Sergey and Natallya Shkarayev William and Ella Dresher Vieno Rukkila RBF Consulting Foundation William and Dianne Mensch Robert and Shirley Barksdale Robert Suarez Ross and Aida Harvison John and La Donna Marietti E. Smerdon Jr. Don and Diane Dillon George Cermak Jeffrey and Donna Goldberg John Reagan Gary Smerdon Justin Elliott Donald and Sharon Steinwachs Franklin and Elizabeth Broyles James and Krina Komadina Joy Mining Machinery Charles and Maria Preble Caterpillar Foundation GeoAdvice Engineering Inc. Charles and Jane Simpson

$500–$999 United Way of the Bay Area Technical Documentation Consultants of Arizona Inc. Joan Pracy (Staudt) Salt River Project Ronald and Dena Rich SmithGroup Inc. Phoenix Analysis & Design Technologies Inc. Gary and Barbara Cropper Gervasio & Assoc. Inc. Edmund Optics Inc. John and Barbara Carter Darcy Anderson Richard Crowell Edmond and Ellen Beck James and Margaret Bly Terry and Barnes Parker McLellan Dixon Steven Komerska

Steven Spease Ralph Miller Richard and June Rhoades NACE International, Arizona Section Matthew Treglia Ruth Ulmen Kenneth Schmidt Suvrajeet Sen Michael and Kathleen Chowaniec Peter Rau David and Brenda Randall Frank Effland John and Gloria Ketterl Campus Research Corp. Dennis Neumann Bruce and Peggy Flocken Eric and Karen Jackson Gary and Carole Frere Barry and Adrienne Abbott Emerson Electric Company - Matching Gifts Antoinette TheriaultFaucette

$100–$499 Gammage & Burnham PLC Ralph and M. Kathleen Wood William Elowitz Kristy Pearson Rudolf Jimenez Stephen and Carol Hartz Deborah Miller (Tate) Charles Massieon John Christian Charles and Barbara Gilson Jesse Saar Guangshun Chen William and Amanda Fessler Osborn Shackelford Eleanor and Milford Suida Terracon Mark Levine Marilyn Curry United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona Vantage West Credit Union Southwest Gas Corp. Foundation Matching Gifts Structual Grace Lawrence McVeigh Teng-I Wang William Schlesinger Andrew and Julie Cole George and Dixie Shirley Balanced Physical Therapy Inc. Charles and Geraldine Waitman Barrick Gold Corporation Black & Veatch Robert Wortman The Scholarship Foundation for Lockheed Martin Corporation Carol and Alex Miramontez Zelen Environmental

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

da Vinci Circle lifetime members and UA alums Craig Berge (BS/ME 1957), left, and Nancy Berge (BA/Edu, 1958), center, with Engineering Dean Jeff Goldberg at a reception for da Vinci Circle members. Michael and Robin Kaiserman Mathieu Engineering Corp. Vistaprint USA Inc. Michael Totherow Thomas and Lorene McGovern Paul and Sandra Flint Michael and Betsy Reader Raphael Chen Maurice Stephan Reid and Kathryn Royball (Miller) Matthew Diethelm Paul and Nancy Smith Robert and Marianne Kondziolka Richard Dobes William and Patricia Corbin Theodore Gelber Randolph Lungren Leah Stanley Paul and Betty Neuenschwander Robert Hoover Robert Simpson Archibald and Laura Brown Eric Noda Goodrich Foundation - Matching Gifts Jon Thomas Daniel McBride James McGrath Gil and Karen Deguzman George and Dixie Glenday John Pins Francis Zoltowski George and Elizabeth Gritt James and Gail Collins Woodson Engineering Inc. Motorola Inc. Foundation Joshua and Christina Orosco Lon Huber Tucson Festival of Books Richard and Phoebe Therrien

Richard and Janet Vitales Robert and Laura Roscoe Torao and Ferne Yoshida Mark Casolara Walter Love Omaha Community Foundation William and Patsy Wright Kenneth Trout Tony Werner Sheila Keyes Kirk Damron Sherry and Vern Stoneback Raymond and Donna Plock Len Manleung Wong Wayne King Marian J. Hill Richard and Janice Harper Ted Wilson Richard and Mary Obee (Nugent) William Taft Robert Mills Toni Rogero Sun Microsystems Billie Boone Barbara LongleyCook (Norman) John Edwards Douglas Haag David and Constance Gildersleeve Donald and Jean Gilliam Edward and Judith Bunnell Brian Jepperson Albertson’s LLC/ SuperValu Inc. George and Emily Maseeh Forest Lyford Johann Demmel Andrew and Gina Ross John Schmidt Clare Byrne Denise Doctor Chappy Brown

ConocoPhillips Matching Gifts Scott and Janine Prost-Domasky (Prost) Marie Shepherd Harter and Associates LLC Chelsie Morales Kevin Lansey Jennifer and Andrew Barton R. Raymond and Mary Carole Rogers Michael Garrabrants Larry and Jean Young Ruth Pullen-Soklow Michael and Susan Ingram Leigh and Igor Austin JVB Inc. John Terrell Jacobs Associates - Matching Gifts Alan Marshak Henry and Suzanne Morgen Carol Pedersen David and Christine Raasch (Coffer) Galen Jokipii David and Elizabeth Crouthamel Allen Sehloff Joseph and Constance Gates Charles Lavarini Debra Herrera Therese and Kevin Lane Alan Curtis Benny and Bobbie Young Matthew Karam Gorden and Mary Ann Moses Elliot Montgomery Martin and Carol O’Sullivan John and Erika Wade Edward Conway Dennis McLaughlin

Charles Lynch Edward Baker Christopher Warner Ara Philipossian Jules and Melinda Ellingboe William and Deborah Dixon Henry and Diana Knoepfle Shira Wolf Sherry Hardine Terra Michaels Fowl Investments Inc. Ousmane Goumandakoye Yuanzhi Cheng Raffi Mesrobian Kenneth Katsma Martin and Jo Ann Gronberg Thomas Teague Manzer Masud Richard Ray Mary and CJ Leach Scott Larson Sheri and Robert Lee Michael and Catherine Monsegur Robert and Ann Rutherford Robert Lepore Neal and Susan O’Shaughnessy (Wolf) Rand and Barbara Drake Ruth Severnak Virginia and David Bonsall (Taylor) Kermit and Elaine Whitt Ronald and Carolyn Stott Katherine and Richard Milakovich Samuel Lee Halliday Patrick and Gretchen Brown Kimberly and John Dangremond (Liechty) Paul and Amanda Curto Robert Best continued on page 14

34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 13


Brown Foundations Award 19 Scholarships The UA College of Engineering, the Eller College of Management, and the Thomas R. Brown Foundations recently announced 19 new recipients of Thomas R. Brown distinguished scholarships. Speaking at a recent luncheon to honor the Brown scholars and professors, STORY foundation president Ae FULL Number 213 Sarah Brown Smallhouse described the scholarship recipients as, “An amazing group of students for us to help on their path.” She added, “Education is something we can’t skimp on... especially economic education.” The foundations were established in honor of Tom Brown, who in 2001 was named technology executive of the year at the Technology and Management Awards, a collaboration between UA’s College of Engineering and the Eller College of Management to recognize leaders at the intersection of business and technology.

2009–2010 Donor Honor Roll continued from page 13

Larry and Judy Griffin Moog Inc. - Matching Gifts Stanley Rice Travis and Shannon McCarthy Stefan and Beth Gottschall Laurence and Jessica Rasmussen Paul and Elena Joggerst Rao Shoaib Stephen and Ruth Fienhold Kenneth and Margaret Hartwein Stephen English Walter and Stephanie Witkowski Steven and Gale Brock Sedgwick Family Charitable Trust Nai-Hsiang Liu Richard Hyde William and Lynn McClary (Saltzman) Zoltan and Nancy Rosztoczy Ronald and Claudia Pritchard

Steven Pageau Theodore and Cari Moulin Steven Schmidt Sandra Reel Lawrence Matthews Thomas and Jonelle Schmitt Paul Hsieh Thomas Edwards Paul Reese Thomas Rohrer William Wolfson Tingdong Zhou Maria Gonzales Tony and Dorah Walls Zhiming Lu Richard Deatley Susan Hoines Truda Stevens Larry Sternaman Louise and Anthony Verbout Peggy Walter Ramon Hopkins Tallentyre and Lois Sturdivant

14 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Solid Foundation­—Brown Foundations trustee Mary Brown Bernal, right, with UA Engineering scholarship recipients, left to right, Lisa Guay, Sumana Veeravelli and Elizabeth Greene.

Two students, one from each college, described to the luncheon audience how the scholarships affected them personally. “These gifts allow us to carry on and give back to the community,” said Eller MBA student Jenny Yang. “We are honored to join in this partnership that is changing the world.”

Martha Marek (Daugherty) Tao Wu Michael Campillo Laura Lohner Kristofer and Janet Tvedt (Struck) Michael Kleinrock Vincent and Susan Ross Philip and Christine Hodder (Quinn) Michael Gabbay William and Susan Johnston Walter Higgins William Clarke Russell and Teresa Pittman William Jensen Richard and Heather Mackey Rose Marie and Frank Lenahan Rockwell King Salvatore and Cyndy Caccavale Michael Henningsen TG&F LLC William and Pamela Milam Ka Fogg William and Patricia Gardner (McMillan)

Kariscom LLC Rinaldo DiCenzo R. Vick Kymberly Wilson Linda Stevenson Ronald and Lori Semel Terril and Esther Wilson Marino Fuentes Keith Milly Lierman (Robison) Yi Torng Paul Woolard Kathleen Katt (Harris) Robert Stott Richard and Sylvia Rickard (Garcia) David Rose Eric and Chris Koglin James and Trudy Bedessem Douglas Gapp Fred Rubi Charles and Judith Backus Daniel and Twila Sandblom Charles and Katherine Philips James Miletich Douglas Harter Ben Allinder

Chris Utter, who aims to graduate in May 2011 with a dual major in math and systems engineering, made the point that many of his peers held down part-time, even full-time, jobs while they sought degrees. “Thanks to the foundation, being an engineering student has been my full-time job,” he said.

Gary Seiss John and Phyllis Wilson (Fisher) An Tran Gail and Sergio Blacutt (Sawyer) Arvin Kolz Bruce and Mary Moreton (Boice) Bechtel Group Foundation - Matching Gifts Ann Riordan James Davidson Charles Niederhaus Janet BrelinFornari (Brelin) Geoffrey and Erin Hutton (Garner) Jeffrey Glover George and Anastasia McInnis Eric Kalivoda Anthony Krauss John and Kathleen Woodruff Cheng-Tsu Fu David Curry George and Nelda Schuler Jon Traw George Richard

Joseph and Sandra Palais Chris Angleman Del Pilcher Donald Bruyere James and Luz Van Coevering Christy and John Michaud James and Patricia Tolley (Hill) Donald Giacomini James Davey & Associates Inc. Gregory and Elizabeth Lorton James Hinkle Gregory and Eltrude Rasmussen James West Barbara Burden Jeffery and Karen Wallace Harbour & Associates Jeffrey and Kathleen Berg Bill and Diane Bain Cameo Cleaners Scottsdale LLC Ellis and Sheila Mascareno (Stafford) David and Danielle Zaleski Claris and Betty Donelson Joan Weinberg

Douglas and Cathine Sticht David and Jennie Gossett Arrow Electronics Inc. Burbank Engineering LLC John and Mary Reinhardt Hoi Lam John and Sheila Boggs Coleman Miller John Hemler I. and Louise Kinnie Cesar and Laura Cheng-Guajardo A. Damico Jose Villegas Contract Support Services Inc. Joseph and June Adams Craig and Janet Baldon Joseph and Sandra Shea Craig Savage Joseph Raynak C. LaRon and Peggy Reynolds Andrew and Beth Schaffer Daniel and Kathleen White Henri Guyader CJ and Mary Leach


Therese Velasco Berg

together, and how helpful and personal most of my professors were.

Therese Berg taught in the Arizona public school system for more than 20 years, was a counselor at Tucson’s Salpointe High for 13 years, and holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education. She retired from teaching but returned to work after the passing of her husband, Robert Berg, for whom she has named an education trust.

What are your reasons for supporting UA financially? I believe in the wonderful work being done in this fantastic research university, and I appreciate being able to contribute in memory of my loved ones and myself through the instruments of gift annuities, so that even when I’m no longer on this earth, the good work will continue. The following trusts have been established:

Berg is a graduate of Tucson High and the University of Arizona, and agreed to answer a few questions for Arizona Engineer.

The Charles Clifford Hinman Merit Award in Aerospace Engineering, UA College of Engineering

How has your UA education benefitted you? My UA education prepared me for a life-long career in education.

The Robert L. Berg Fellowship Endowment for Research in the Cancer Biology Doctoral Program at the Arizona Cancer Center, College of Medicine

What are your favorite memories from your time at UA? My time at UA as an undergraduate student was from 1937 to 1942. That’s about 70 years ago! I remember the friends I made, the good times we had

The Therese S. and Charles Velasco and Marie Schreiner Fellowship in Cardiovascular Research at the Sarver Heart Center, College of Medicine The Charles Clifford Hinman Research Fellowship in Environmental Health, College of Public Health The Therese Velasco Berg Endowment for the College of Education, post graduate initial teachers’ fund

2009–2010 Alumni Donors by Class Maiden names are in parentheses. An asterisk indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to the College of Engineering. 1940 Harry J. Garrett 1942 John B. Marx Robert W. Ageton Therese V. Berg (Velasco)* 1944 Sanford A. Shuler 1946 Fred D. Ritter L. D. Osborne 1947 Myron L. Petersen

Herbert H. Hotchkiss Jules K. Ellingboe Rudolf A. Jimenez

Kenneth J. Hartwein Leonard M. Snyder William R. Shoemaker

1951 Del L. Pilcher Harry J. Valentine Henry G. Grundstedt James G. Hess James S. Tolley Joseph T. Adams Kenneth P. Worcester R L. Vick S. Jack McDuff Thomas R. Edwards

1954 Roger W. Melton William C. Gardner William F. Wolfson

1949 J. David Lowell Lionel G. Blair Robert C. Hall Leston E. Goodding*

1952 Dyer H. Campbell Fred G. Warner James F. Wickham Lawrence M. Dreyer Maurice C. Stephan Patricia H. Tolley (Hill) Patricia M. Gardner (McMillan)

1950 Charles D. Gilson Charles W. Tandy Harry H. Haaversen

1953 Charles E. Philips Douglas C. Haag Fred E. Ruppert

1948 Richard E. Rhoades Robert C. Mills

1955 Donald W. Gilliam Lorraine M. Drachman (McCollum) Richard G. Guthrie Roland M. Beneteau William T. Corbin William W. Chapin 1956 Charles G. Preble Howard V. Main John C. Prator Josef K. Gartner 1957 Claris L. Donelson Jake T. Doss* Joseph A. Gervasio Martin J. O’Sullivan Tallentyre B. Sturdivant

1958 Billie D. Boone David C. Troupe Gary L. Cooper James R. Harvey John J. Kaminsky Peter F. Kerwin Ralph B. Miller Raymond S. Plock Richard G. Bushroe Robert P. Barksdale Salvador Espana 1959 Alex A. Richards Ben L. Allinder Edward B. Bunnell Ernest R. Schoop Glen R. Hiscox Jeff D. Hardin John C. Reinhardt John H. Myers Joseph C. Palais Kenneth J. Trout Kenneth S. Ahmie Kim M. Fox Mary G. Benson (Gonzalez) Richard J. Vitales Richard L. Therrien William G. Milam 1960 Anthony Jones Arvin L. Kolz George A. Glenday Gilbert A. Saltzman

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Wildcat Since 1937­—Therese Berg, left, with Whitney Shiba, a recipient of the the Hinman Merit Award in Aerospace Engineering. The Therese Velasco Berg Endowment Merit Award for Arizona Public Media.

Tell us about your hobbies and pastimes. Now that I’m 91 years old my activities are fewer; however, I still swim regularly, play Scrabble with friends, and enjoy my luncheons: once a month with Pima County Retired Teachers, once a week with Community and Concern (a senior citizen group) and, of course, just with my friends.

I. G. Kinnie John H. Wilson John J. Marietti John P. Benson John V. Hemler Laurence G. Rasmussen Peter A. Rau Richard A. Greene Tim J. Tomko William E. Rodman William R. Brierley 1961 Charles E. Backus Edward A. Conway Ellis B. Mascareno Franklin H. Lee Fred A. Rubi George B. Broome H. Roger Frauenfelder James G. McCray John R. Edwards Joseph D. Genchi Joseph F. Redmond Karl E. Elers Kermit W. Whitt Larry J. Webb Raphael M. Chen Russell E. Rogers Torao Yoshida William J. Olson 1962 Bruce S. McLaren Buel W. Woolverton James E. Marr

Jay H. Lehr Joseph F. Riccio Kenneth R. Katsma* Michael J. Monsegur Nagubandi Pundari Ralph B. Wood Samuel Lee Halliday Sandra T. Elers (Tanner) William S. McClary 1963 Clarence P. James Frank C. Lenahan Henri W. Guyader Oscar L. Ferrell Patrick L. Brown Ronald H. Fenelon Tommy R. Hooten Wayne E. Dawson 1964 Charles R. Horton David G. Areghini Gretchen A. Brown (Gagnon) James E. Watring John M. Christian Joseph D. Shea L. Rolf Peterson Lamar S. Todd Marino M. Fuentes* Richard M. Tofel Sallie S. Tofel (Siegelman) Steven L.Tofel Walter T. Higgins Zoltan R. Rosztoczy

1965 Daniel J. Sablich Gail A. Buick (Foster) George E. Shirley Ka C. Fogg Mitchell G. Allen Thomas R. Buick Thomas T. Teague 1966 Bill R. Bain Craig F. Bohren Donald E. McDonald Edward A. Nowatzki Edward G. Preston George N. McInnis Leonard R. Shenfield Ralph Wege Richard G. Carrizosa Ronald A. Stott Steven B. Brock Steven M. Hindall 1967 Archibald M. Brown Douglas A. Slingerland Douglas J. Sticht James R. Ramos John P. Hicks Jon S. Traw Larry D. Griffin Lawrence E. Matthews McLellan Dixon Michael D. Peters Michael J. Kaiserman* Walter G. Love continued on page 16

34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 15


to Marana, Ariz., with his family in 1937. His father was the builder and operator of one of the first cotton gins in Southern Arizona. McDuff enrolled at the UA immediately after graduating from Marana High School in 1944, but his studies were interrupted when he joined the U.S. Navy later that year.

Sidney “Jack” McDuff Sidney “Jack” McDuff has served as president of UA alumni clubs in San Francisco, New York and Houston. He’s the recipient of the UA Alumni Association’s A.L. Slonaker Service Award and is a past president of the Bobcat Alumni Association. He’s also served on the UA Alumni Association’s board of directors, where he chaired the fundraising campaign to name the Alumni Foundation Building in honor of his longtime friend, Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson. He also volunteers for the Sigma Chi fraternity and the YMCA of Southern Arizona. McDuff was born in September 1926 in Cold Springs, Okla. He moved west

2009–2010 Alumni Donors by Class continued from page 15

1968 Albert D. Tarcola Charles S. Waitman Craig Baldon Donald M. Steinwachs Forest P. Lyford* Franklin L. Broyles Gary R. Frere James F. Bly Jesse L. Saar John H. Gray Michael H. Kleinrock Newton Don R. Raymond Rogers Stanley M. Rice 1969 Alan H. Marshak Barbara A. Longley-Cook (Norman) Barnes R. Parker Douglas L. Williams George Frondorf Gregory K. Rasmussen Jack E. Myers Jack M. Pollin James P. Miletich John M. Bernal Kenneth D. Schmidt Lenise M. Smith (Mincks) Miles F. Friedman Paul A. Curto Paul F. Smith Richard V. Anderson Stephen C. Fienhold William E. Wright William H. Clarke 1970 Bernard L. Ruhl Don E. Dillon James Van Coevering John E. Flores

John R. Ward* Larry S. Young Richard E. Crowell* Richard V. Harper Sandra K. Ruhl (King) Thomas A. Liebert 1971 Barry S. Cossel David B. Hackman David T. Rabb Eric M. Goldin Frederic C. Scofield Gregory A. Lorton James T. McGrath Larry D. Sternaman Lawrence J. McVeigh Randolph M. Rogers Randolph W. Lungren Richard P. Ray Sam W. Swan Thomas A. Bennett William D. Mensch 1972 Armando F. Fimbres Belle K. Tom Charles F. Lavarini Chris E. Angleman Daniel H. White Douglass J. Sims Frederick S. Doten Joseph S. Gates Kenneth G. Renard Kenneth R. Guenzi Shu-Tsu Lu Stephen W. Thomas Steven J. Spease Thomas H. Coolidge Thomas J. O’Neil 1973 Barry J. Abbott

16 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

He served for 21 months and attained the rank of Electronics Technician Mate Second Class before returning to the UA in September 1946, graduating in 1951 with a BS in metallurgical engineering. McDuff slowed down from his current duties at the YMCA, the UA President’s Club and the UA College of Engineering’s da Vinci Circle board of advisors long enough to answer a few questions for Arizona Engineer.

Bruce D. Moreton Dean M. Shough Ernest P. Schloss Frank L. Effland Herbert E. Welhener J. Mark Richardson John A. Ketterl Mary B. Moreton (Boice) Paul R. Prazak Peter J. Hart Phillip M. Hodder* Richard M. Hyde Robert W. Simpson* Salvatore E. Caccavale Sean T. Murphy Stephen W. Hartz Thomas P. McGovern Wayne D. King 1974 Benny J. Young George J. Eliopulos Jack A. Touseull James D. Spinhirne John S. Higdon Kenneth O. Simpson Linda M. Mayro Michael L. Bradley Michael M. Henningsen Robert J. Feugate Thomas S. Yang 1975 Carl D. Sterling Chappy D. Brown Fabricio Duran Ifiyenia Kececioglu James R. Carlson Kenneth E. Dobbs Paul W. Gardanier Robert M. Suarez Theodore W. Moulin 1976 Bruce L. Trumbo David J. Soukup David R. Gossett

Jeffrey P. Walser* Manzer Masud Michael P. Ingram Nancy J. Norem Robin G. West Steven C. Davis 1977 Babajan Sarkis Daniel L. McBride* George K. Schuler Gregg W. St. Clair Henry J. Morgen Jeffrey B. Glover Jon B. Thomas Larry M. Altuna Lawrence G. Hjalmarson Michael Gabbay Richard L. Bartholomew Robert W. Best* Sam W. Matthews Thomas G. Carr William Moya Espinal 1978 Anthony P. Verbout Barbara A. Filas (Appelin) Conrad W. Schneiker Dennis J. Neumann Donald C. Barrett Donald J. Ditter Gerald R. Owens James J. Komadina John G. Lucey John R. Dangremond Kathleen M. Borhauer (Johnson) Lawrence J. Bruskin Marshall C. Guth Mary J. Obee (Nugent) Michael Greenslade Pamela J. Ross Richard G. Newell Robert H. Rutherford Robert W. Roscoe Rudolph E. Radau Thomas C. Owen

What are your favorite memories from your time at UA? The five years I spent at the UA were probably the best and most enjoyable of my life. I received a good education and graduated with a BS in metallurgical engineering. It’s where I met and courted my first wife, Lorena DeSanctis McDuff, who also graduated from UA. I also met and interacted with numerous fellow students who have since become lifelong friends. I pledged and initiated into the Sigma Chi fraternity, where I’ve maintained an active and lifelong involvement. It helped launch my career with JohnsManville Sales Corporation, where I rose to the position of division general manager and vice president.

William C. Dixon William Hollman 1979 Barbara Ann L. Klensin Brian J. Kelly Deborah T. Miller (Tate) Edmond A. Beck Francis B. Zoltowski John D. Wade Len Manleung Wong M. J. Demetras Paul A. Flint Steven R. Schmidt Wayne S. Seames William L. Staples William R. Taft 1980 Aida Harvison (Schmidt) Charles J. Lynch David J. Gildersleeve Dennis J. Kennelly Dennis K. McKeen Dennis P. McLaughlin Greg S. Sims James F. Collins James M. Willingham John M. Boggs Kathleen M. Chavez Michael E. Cease Michael E. Mathieu Myoung G. Jin Randy J. Alstadt Raul Krivoy Rinaldo DiCenzo Robert E. Kondziolka Roger W. Walter Roy S. Knight Vern W. Stoneback 1981 Andrew Schaffer Christopher Riordan David P. Woollen Eric A. Thomson Gonzalo M. Romero

James G. Hansen Mehrdad M. Ghanooni Patricia M. Curl Paul W. Reese Reid K. Royball Ross S. Harvison Soronnadi Nnaji Susan A. O’Shaughnessy (Wolf) Thomas A. Ladd Thomas C. Pollock 1982 Andrew P. Ross Coleman C. Miller Colleen K. Vance (Kelly) Denise D. Doctor James T. Hinkle Jane M. Hunter (McDonell) Katherine A. Mathieu (Knickerbocker) Ligia B. Lluria (Bastida) Lucien W. Klejbuk Martha A. Marek (Daugherty) Marybeth M. Andree (Manchenton) Rand F. Drake Rebecca E. Schoenfeld (Baldwin) Richard J. Milakovich Ronald J. Rich Tam M. Tran Theodore J. Gelber Thomas M. Allred William J. Elowitz 1983 Cathy A. Maldonado (Heffernan) Charles E. Frankenberger Charles E. Simpson Charlotte L. Ort (Gunrud)* Cynthia L. Lingg (Lockwood) Douglas A. Loy Douglas E. Speck

Eric I. Kalivoda James R. Davidson Jan Podlesny (Aubin) Jeffrey M. Cohen Jo Ann M. Gronberg* Kenneth L. Head Laura B. Jacobsen Martin L. Gronberg* Paul A. Hsieh Paul D. Thorne Robert A. Stott Robert L. Hoover Roger J. Allen Ronald W. Fillman Steven R. Pageau Steven W. Rothstein Thomas F. Gerard Tony R. Walls Truda E. Stevens William E. Jensen 1984 Ann M. Eisentraut Ann T. Wilkey Chris Osterman David M. Zaleski Douglas E. Gapp Eric N. Koglin Irmgard M. Flaschka John C. Terrell John M. Pins John O. Walker John W. Woodruff Kymberly A. Wilson Mark A. Casolara Pamela A. Lemme Russell G. Pittman Scott R. Rudin Stephanie I. Witkowski* Steven C. Warren Steven H. Cook Walter R. Witkowski* Wellington R. Meier * 1985 Alan D. Forrest Allen P. Sehloff

What are your reasons for supporting the UA financially? The five years that I spent at the University of Arizona formed the basis for all I have earned and accomplished throughout my life, so why wouldn’t I want to give back? In doing so, I like to focus on giving to those who have the opportunity to grow and develop… and hopefully will, in turn, give back to others when they have the capacity to do so. For me, giving help fills up my emotional tank, and when it is full, I feel good about life, myself and the future. What are your hopes for the future of UA? As we move to a more privately funded university, I’m most hopeful our alumni will come forward and support higher

Beth L. Gottschall Brian N. Aviles Bruce L. Roth Christine C. Raasch (Coffer) Claire L. Conti (Plache) David A. Randall David A. Sams David J. Raasch David R. Blackburn Elizabeth N. Bauer Felix E. Armendariz Gary R. Walter George P. Maseeh H. Erik McNair Janet E. Tvedt (Struck) John P. Michaud Justin H. Thompson Kathleen H. Katt (Harris) Kristofer Tvedt Laura F. Bennett (Fulton) Michael D. Reader Philip J. Golden Richard D. Deatley Richard S. Dobes Robert D. King Robert L. White Steven E. Komerska 1986 Christopher M. Warner Jeffery N. Wallace Jodi L. Hoskinson (Taylor) Jonathan G. Baker Kristen L. McClellen Lindsey Philpott Marc E. Orman Sandra C. Reel Sarianne R. Rittenhouse Scott A. Prost-Domasky Wayne N. Wisdom 1987 Andrew M. Harris Antoinette TheriaultFaucette Craig E. Daley

Donald V. Penners Douglas G. Blanchard Elizabeth D. Behl Gail S. Blacutt (Sawyer) Hugh M. Sardoff Jeffry M. Porter Karen M. Wallace (Knudsen) Kent R. Johnejack Maribeth E. Greenslade (Engelhardt) Mark J. Kozik Mark J. Seksinsky Matthew J. Wozniak Rambabu Bavirisetty Ruth G. Pullen-Soklow Stefan L. Myslicki Stephen J. English Stuart E. Longgood Tanya S. Donohue Thomas C. Richardson Thomas L. Johnson Vincent N. Ross Yi T. Torng 1988 Andrew P. Cole Anthony C. Mulligan Bruce D. Smith Catherine D. Warren (Oder) Charles E. Parkes David S. Cooper Debra S. Herrera Madhav V. Apte Michael A. Sandford Nathan S. Moyer Zaki F. Alherz 1989 David R. Crouthamel George H. Richard John A. Rykala Kenneth G. Pill Larry F. Milner Michael F. Campillo Paul A. Woolard Rao M. Shoaib

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Wildcat Since 1944­—Jack McDuff, center, with Chris Utter, left, a recipient of the S. Jack McDuff scholarship, and Jessica Rimsza, a recipient of the Thomas G. Chapman Scholarship.

education here at the University of Arizona. I believe it is also most critical that incoming students are indoctrinated

Ronald R. Semel Thomas R. Rohrer Yuanzhi Cheng 1990 Brent A. Blevins Bridget M. Barr (Dudek) Cecil T. Honnas Eric A. Jackson Gordon W. Wittmeyer James M. Bedessem Joe O. Omojola Jonathan K. Brown Karen D. Christensen Kelly A. Moylan Klaus P. Albertin Marie S. Shepherd (Shepherd) Paul S. John Peter G. Knaggs Sheri A. Lee Susan M. Hoines Terry W. Meier 1991 Abhijit S. Kudrimoti Brian P. Jepperson Christopher Patti David G. Christiana Erin E. Hutton (Garner) Geoffrey D. Hutton Johann G. Demmel Kirk A. Damron Matthew V. Kaufmann Paul J. Bontempi Paul M. Ochs Peter M. Brown Qiping P. Dong* Steven A. Thompson Tony L. Werner 1992 Charles C. Massieon David Hsieh George B. Gritt Hoi Lam John C. Podlesny Lawrence H. Aron

Mark L. Levine Ramon L. Hopkins Raymond A. Bobbitt Thomas J. Schmitt Zhengwei Zhao 1993 Andrea S. Berens (Fernandez) Carl T. Larson Cheng-Tsu R. Fu Daryl R. Hild Gregory M. Hart Henry R. Knoepfle Joe M. Fulton Michael C. Totherow Michael N. Patterson Milly L. Lierman (Robison) Sara C. McCoy (Meinert)* Shayne D. Aytes Sherry X. Qin Thomas A. Rios 1994 Gary J. Degeronimo James C. Washburne Jeffrey R. Berg William D. Schlesinger 1995 Charles E. Niederhaus Gil A. Deguzman Iftekhar Ahmed Igor Wojewoda Kathleen Berg (Bibbens) Lance C. Peterson Laura B. Dinitz Leigh E. Austin Lisa L. Fuller Matthew R. Danner Paul S. Englehart Richard P. Mackey Rockwell A. King Teng-I J. Wang Thomas Pyzdek 1996 Amy L. Jones (Sinclair)

on this need, and their obligation to support and fund the future needs of the university.

Dongchang Yu Erika M. Hanson Guangshun Chen Keith R. Lierman Matthew E. Kehret Patrick A. Hernandez Sasko Kurciski Toni L. Rogero (Johnson) 1997 Brian K. Ip Jerry James Jinhan Choi Joshua F. Orosco Matthew S. Shelor Michael S. Garrabrants Paul J. Joggerst Ryan V. Pine 1998 Bryn A. Enright Carl E. Bueter Christina M. Orosco Craig O. Savage Daniel D. Stanton Daniel V. Sandblom Eugene Siu Janet M. Brelin-Fornari Robert R. Futch Sheng-Wen Seow Stacy M. Gottesman Travis J. McCarthy 1999 Cesar M. Cheng-Guajardo Charles E. Gajda Javier E. Garcia Laura J. Cheng-Guajardo Tao Wu Thomas Meixner Yarisa Jaroch (Gonzalez) 2000 Barret T. Hartman Darcy J. Anderson Hummann Fargadmand Jason R. Petty Jeremiah E. McNeil

Joshua T. Knepper Lance A. Nelson Laura V. Lohner Leah C. Stanley Wing S. Sy Zhiming Lu 2001 Andrea C. Marafino Erika L. Brin Galen A. Jokipii Lindy A. Cote Marcia L. Brey Rachel Paul Scott A. Sundahl 2002 Anthony B. Krauss Arun K. Ravi Emmanuel Mkandawire Jeremy A. Cohn John M. Pai Lihua Yu Tingdong Zhou 2003 An T. Tran Jane Lash Justin S. Wheeler Leah M. Wolf Martin Nguyet K. Tran Rick Huang Sarvesh Bhardwaj Scott J. Coughlin 2004 Andrew M. Osbrink Christopher T. Robb Federico Pennacchini Joseph M. Torrano Shaojing Li 2005 Kevin A. Opalka Kristy D. Pearson Neema K. Shetty 2006 Albert R. Jordan

Arthur K. Kuehl Brandon J. Swinteck Jun Yan Stacie L. Gibbins 2007 Chi P. Chan David J. Kraemer James A. West John N. Hatch Joseph E. Fico Kellen A. Chase Lesley Frame Lieschen N. Hatch (Choate) Matthew A. Treglia Matthew P. Zerull Sarah A. Mckenney Shannon M. Hoblitzell Stephanie L. Jordan (Sara) Theodore S. Burhans William J. Salus 2008 Clay B. Carroll Donald P. Bruyere Edwin A. Gutierrez Palma Huihong Kuang Ian A. Tilford Joseph A. Hawkins Michael B. Park Monserrat D. Chairez Llamas Spencer S. Tucker 2009 Austin T. Rios Christopher M. Limbach David Y. Burbank Eric J. Noda Gerardo I. Pedrego Hiram E. Lopez James R. Vaughn Jason H. Brockbank Jill A. Burchell Juan C. Lopez Lon M. Huber Sudib K. Mishra Tyler J. Ebbitt

34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 17


Systems Engineering Pioneer Dies at 84 Professor Emeritus Wayne Wymore, who in 1960 founded the world’s first academic department of systems engineering at the University of Arizona, died Feb. 24, 2010, age 84. Wymore graduated from Ames High School in Iowa in 1944 and after a few months working on a surveying Wayne Wymore crew, enlisted in the Army Air Force. World War II was ending and Wymore never got to complete flight training. Instead, he was assigned for duty in Panama and Peru, studying and observing weather. After his discharge in 1947, he attended Iowa State University, STORY where he selected Ae FULL Number 254 civil engineering as his major. In an autobiographical perspective published in International Journal of General Systems in 2004, Wymore said the engineering curriculum was “not very exciting.” He changed his major to mathematics with minors in physics, statistics and psychology, and left Iowa State with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics. In 1957, he accepted the position of director of the Numerical Analysis Laboratory and professor of electrical engineering at UA, and stayed at UA until he retired in 1987. In 1960, at the request of College of Engineering Dean Thomas Martin, Wymore established and headed the world’s first academic department of systems engineering. 18 arizona engineer 34:1 spring 2011

UA Engineering Alum Tipped for AZ Leadership Engineering alum Patrick Marcus has been selected as a future civic leader in the state of Arizona. The Phoenix-based Arizona Center for Civic Leadership announced March 2 STORY that Marcus is one Ae FULL Number 257 of 25 fellows in the inaugural class of the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy, which is sponsored by the Flinn Foundation and the Thomas R. Brown Foundations. The Flinn and Brown foundations created the statewide civic leadership center because, although Arizona has local and regional organizations that train civic leaders, the foundations perceived no such organizations at the state level. Marcus graduated from UA in 2006 with a doctorate in biomedical engineering, with a minor in neurosciences. He also got his bachelor’s in electrical engineering from UA, and is a graduate of the Eller College McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship. He is currently vice president of engineering at Tucson-based MC Power Systems, which he recently spun off from parent company General Plasma, which is also based in Tucson. MC Power Systems designs plasma power supplies for the solar, architectural glass, and liquid crystal display industries. “I grew up here, and Tucson and the UA are very dear to me,” Marcus said. “I’d love to contribute and make a difference to Arizona’s future.” When he’s not managing multiple solar manufacturing installations, he’s working as part of an organization called Solar Sculptures with artist partner Stephen Fairfield on creating

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Leading Light­—Patrick Marcus and his Skyburst light sculpture in Tucson.

interactive, computer-controlled public sculptures. Public installations include Skyburst 2 at Plaza Colonial in Tucson, Ariz. As people approach Skyburst, a motion detector sets off rapidly flashing light-emitting diodes to grab their attention. Marcus designed and built the electronics and wrote the computer program that operates the motion detector and controls the LEDs. Fairfield came up with the original concept and built the physical structure. Marcus has incorporated his neuroscience expertise into the light sculptures, in the form of psychophysical algorithms that conserve energy while creating the intense optical effects. “It has actually been a pretty exciting month,” Marcus said. “In addition to being selected as a civic fellow, my art partner and I received two sculpture commissions: one for the Glendale Jazz and Blues festival and another for a big river underpass project in Green Bay.”

ALUMNI ECHOES James “Jay” Gomes Jr. BS/CE 2004 Gomes is a resident engineer in highway construction at the Arizona Department of Transportation, which recently completed the Twin Peaks Traffic Interchange Project on I-10 in Marana, Ariz. The $50.5 million project included four major concrete bridges. “There was over 1 million yards of roadway excavation and borrow, 14 box culverts, and over 5,000 feet of mechanically stabilized earth-retaining walls,” Gomes said, and added that the big challenges of this project were overcome by “major coordination efforts between the town of Marana, ADOT, the contractor, Union Pacific Railroad, and major utility companies.”

Courtesy of Cynthia Tay

Jumbo Jet­—While traveling in Southeast Asia, Cynthia Tay visited Luang Prabang, Laos, where she spent some time washing and riding elephants. Courtesy of Jay Gomes

Handsome Twosome­—The Twin Peaks Road rammed earth median artwork is in the median of Twin Peaks Road between the Santa Cruz River Bridge and Tiffany Loop Road. Solar panels on the top of each tower power LED lights around the base at night. Each structure has a concrete foundation and metal panels inscribed with cottonwood tree leaf and branch motifs. It was designed by Wheat Scharf Associates.


Cynthia Tay BA/EM 2010 After she graduated, Tay traveled far and wide in Southeast Asia and Europe. “I have visited many different countries, some on my own, and others with friends and family,” Tay said. “I was fortunate enough to have 3 months

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off before I started work for Procter & Gamble in April.” Even though it’s only a few months since she graduated, Tay said, “I’m finished with my travels for now and just entered the working world. Thanks for keeping alums in the loop. It feels good to still be connected!” Follow Tay’s travels on her blog at






34:1 spring 2011 arizona engineer 19

The University of Arizona College of Engineering P.O. Box 210072 Tucson, AZ 85721-0072

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