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Never tell me 33

Alumni committee

IELTS Talk- Improving speaking skills


A workshop on “IELTS Talk- Improving speaking skills” was organized by Alumni committee offering professional guidance to the students in the Department of English Language and Literature. Students of level 7 and 8 attended and took active participation in the workshop. It was a very informative session conducted online by Dr. Sameena Banu; it covered the following topics : 1. What are the four Modules of IELTS ? 2. How to prepare for speaking test . 3. Common mistakes and how to avoid them. 4. Tips to get high Band score



The Eighth Translation Competition

On March 2nd 2022, three students from the female section of the English department participated in the written track of the 8th Regional Translation Competition. This annual competition is held in Prince Sultan University in Riyadh. Many universities across the kingdom participated in this outstanding competition. The participants were Emtenan Alshalwan, Meaad Alshiddi, and Reyouf Alghamdi. Since the beginning of the academic year, the participants were selected and their training was supervised by Ms. Amani Alotaibi .

University of Tokyof Tokyo– Bunkyō, Tokyo, Japan

University of Tokyo, or Todai, is the top college is Asia and the 21st best-rated school globally. Todai was founded in 1877 and is situated in Tokyo’s Bunkyō ward. nkyō, Tokyo, Japan

Most of what now constitutes the Hongo Section of the

Hongo Campus was the site of the Kaga Domain’s official residence during the Edo period. Also at that time, the area where the Hospital now stands was owned by the

Toyama Domain and the Daishoji Domain, while the

Yayoi and Asano Sections were held by the Mito Domain.

A number of structures and places of historical interest can still be found here. For instance, two of the most well-known historical spots on this campus are the former Kaga Domain residence gate known as Akamon (Red Gate; official name: Goshudenmon) and Sanshiro

Pond (official name: Ikutoku-en Shinji-ike) . Unfortunately, most of the Meiji-era buildings constructed on the Hongo Section were destroyed by the

Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred on September 1, 1923 (Taisho 12) . Plans to reconstruct the buildings, however, were set into motion in the year following the earthquake. Due to these efforts, which were led by Yoshikazu Uchida (professor in the Faculty of Engineering, and later the

University’s 14th president), the current look of the

Hongo Section was largely completed by the mid-1940s (Showa 10s). Also, since the Hongo Section suffered little damage from World War II, the buildings constructed in the so-called “Uchida Gothic” architectural style remain standing today. To date, it has produced 15 Japanese prime ministers, seven Nobel Prize-winning alumni, and a number of highly influential architects – including

Kenzō Tange, who has been described as “one of the most significant architects of the 20th century.

by Dr. Wahajunnisa Warda

” Todai says that its “researchers have been at the forefront of their fields” since the university was established, and it’s not an unreasonable claim. The school’s highest rated subjects are civil and structural engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, politics, and chemistry .

The merging of Tokyo Kaisei School and Tokyo Medical School created the four Faculties of Law, Science, Letters and Medicine, which came together with a university preparatory school (yobimon; the First Higher School of Japan’s predecessor) to form the University of Tokyo. At first, the three Faculties of Law, Science and Letters were located in the Kanda area, while the Faculty of Medicine was established in the Hongo area .

From these beginnings, the University of Tokyo continued to merge with many different schools specializing in various fields, such as the Imperial College of Engineering and Tokyo School of Agriculture and Forestry, thereby growing into a comprehensive research university. The University also has experienced a number of name changes over the years. Due to the incorporation of all national universities in 2004, the University’s full name is now National University Corporation, the University of Tokyo.

Statue of Professor Hidesaburo Ueno and his companion Hachiko.

Currently, the University of Tokyo is comprised of 10 Faculties, 15 Graduate Schools, 11 affiliated research institutes (including the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology), 13 University-wide centers, three affiliated libraries and two institutes for advanced study. Furthermore, the Faculties, Graduate Schools and re earch institutes have facilities associated with them; for instance, the University of Tokyo Hospital is one such facility. In addition to the three main campuses in Hongo, Komaba and Kashiwa, facilities affiliated with the University of Tokyo are spread all throughout Japan's Source- https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp

University of Toronto – Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In 2013 the University of Toronto’s – or U of T’s – Inventors of the Year honors included the creators of a 3D “bio-printer” that yields skin-like dressings for injuries. Amazing, yes, but less surprising given U of T’s history of innovation and invention. In 1921 – almost a century after the university’s establishment in 1827 – lecturer Frederick Banting, medical student Charles Best and professor J. J. R. Macleod isolated and discovered insulin, for which Macleod and Banting were awarded a Nobel Prize. In 1938 the university’s physics faculty constructed the first serviceable electron microscope; and in 1963 researchers at the school discovered stem cells. Other U of T advancements were the first nerve transplant, the earliest successful single- and double-lung transplants, and the discovery of the T-cell receptor. And previous students include Nobel Peace Prize-winning former Canadian prime minister and U of T history professor Lester B. Pearson, current Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, and former president of Doctors Without Borders and Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist James Orbinksi.

University of Paris – Paris, France

The historic University of Paris – also known as the Sorbonne – was founded in the mid 12th century and was formally acknowledged sometime between 1160 and 1250. The university was suspended between 1793 and 1896, and then it eventually split into 13 independent schools in 1970. Still, despite its somewhat turbulent history, the University of Paris has produced a wealth of influential modern thinkers. High-profile former students and faculty members include philosophers Paul Ricœur and Jean-François Lyotard, double Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie, anthropologist Claude LéviStrauss, literary theorist and critic Roland Barthes, and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Norman Mailer. The University of Paris has also produced leaders such as France’s former president François Mitterrand, Kosovo’s first president Ibrahim Rugova, Canada’s former prime minister John Napier Turner, and Tunisia’s first president Habib Bourguiba.

Hi, I’m a graduate !

At the beginning of my College Years, those three words seemed far out of my reach, four Years passed by so fast. To be honest, I still don’t believe it. It was a journey with lots of ups and downs, failure and success, learning and sharing, friendship, and much more. What makes all these experiences different is that we’ve all matured; we are at a state of identifying what’s right and what’s wrong. We have grown up to realize our priorities in life.

College taught me things that I might have never learned outside, how to rely on myself, who are the right people to be next to, how to work things out as a group, and most importantly, how to stay cool under high study pressure and stress .

If I would go back the first day of my college, what would I do? I’ll enjoy it to the fullest. I would try to get to know more people, thus more stories. I would pay more attention to my classes while enjoying them. I regret not taking part in the activities offered by the dept. I want to tell you all, there are many activities that you can join during your studies, join them. Don’t regret it later. These are the best years in your life .

If you are in your first year and reading this, I want to tell you it’s time to change your Perspectives. There is a quote that I remember always which says ‘’enjoy the journey, not the destination’’, an advice for the future from your senior .

Safa Mohamed Saeed

According to Oxford’s dictionary, the definition of beauty is, “A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” And to classify it, beauty has two main aspects, one is the inner beauty and the other is the outer or physical beauty. Outer beauty is your appearance while inner beauty refers to your character and traits. We as human beings, and as a Muslim society, what does each mean to us? And which do we consider more valuable? Ibn Mas’ud (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah )ﷺPBUH) Said, “O Allah, just as you had perfected my creation, so make my moral characteristics also be the best.” In this Dua, we ask Allah the Almighty to make our )قلخ( as in, our manners and morals, as great and as perfect as the form in which he has created us. The invocation implies the significance of inner beauty, and that it is just as, if not more, important than our physical appearance.

To name a few of the merits of inner beauty, inner beauty helps the individual to obtain a persistent effect and recognition. In other words, it leaves behind a long-lasting impact on people’s lives, which is crucial to a human being. What people will most likely remember about a person, is not only the way they looked, or whether or not they had blue eyes, or were carryinga designer's bag, but also what he or she might have said or done. Even if the chances of them having already judged you based on your appearance are quite high, and the possibility that that is precisely why they may be attracted to you in the first place, one has got to ask, are looks really the only thing that is going to determine one’s quality of life or friendships? Or keep people around for the long run? Unless they are superficial, I would say, no. Inner beauty is not that shallow. It is basically the inwards of somebody, the beauty of one’s mind and soul, it is their energy, demeanor, and attitude. Like being generous, compassionate, kind, loyal, and so on. Unlike physical beauty, which is momentary, and maintained by external factors, and only pleasing to the eye. Inner beauty on the other hand, stirs up thoughts and emotions within oneself, even if that person does not necessarily have the ideal looks. Inner beauty is vast and unlimited. Traits of character and compassion make one reach people’s hearts, and that is ultimately what will be considered beautiful about them. After all, initial looks fade over time and diminish with age, while great impressions will always be cherished and remembered. Personality is a more sustainable reason to be interested in getting to know someone. Not to say that physical appearance does not matter, it certainly does, and plays well into the equation of finding someone beautiful. It is certainly encouraged to take one’s image seriously, but it is far more important to improve one’s personality and way of thinking as well. Because at the end of the day, that is the part of us which people are going to be interacting with, majority of the time .

As with outer beauty, which to a certain degree, can be altered and changed, through the help of makeup and cosmetic alterations, it can also be, in many ways, fake. I’d argue that one’s core personality cannot change that easily. Oftentimes, the personality is still vibrant throughout all the multiple layers of what one might wear. However, it is, without a doubt true that, looks can tell an awful lot about a person even before they can utter a word. But we also can’t deny that in most cases, a pretty face does not mean a decent personality. Outer beauty may turn heads at first, but surely is easily overlooked when the underneath is incompatible with the outside. Contrary to inner beauty, where the opposite is definitely the truth, a beautiful personality always accentuates how a person looks, despite them not having the best of physical features .

Given these points, whichever end of the spectrum one may be standing on, to be more of a wholesome person, aspire to reach the middle ground. Like a lot of things in this world, it is always a mixture of both. As one cannot depend on or neglect either of the two things. It is only, then, a matter of time and effort to reach our truest, most beautiful, authentic selves. In essence, our faces and bodies are the wrapping paper, but the real gift, is actually within us .

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