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16. Arizona is one of the Top 3 states with the highest

Latino migration.

Source: The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP)

17. Hispanic renters spent 5% more of their income on housing compared to white renters.

Source: Urban Institute’s 2019 American Community Survey

18. An income of $70,944 is needed to afford a medianpriced home in Phoenix; however, the median Hispanic household income is only $60,100.

Source: The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP)

19. The Phoenix–Mesa–Chandler area ranks in the top 10

Hispanic markets.

Source: The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP)

20. The college enrollment rate for 18–24-year-old

Hispanics increased by 4% between 2010 and 2019, while the college enrollment for whites decreased by 2%.

Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

21. The biggest challenges that both minority business enterprises (MBEs) and non-MBEs faced during the pandemic included an immediate loss of revenue, needing access to capital and supply chain issues.

Source: AZHCC Minority Business Enterprise Study Report (2022)

22. Minority business enterprises (MBEs) had lower revenues and were more likely to be family-owned and homebased compared to non-MBEs.

Source: AZHCC Minority Business Enterprise Study Report (2022)

23. Non-minority business enterprises (non-MBEs) in

Arizona, Nevada and Utah received an average of almost twice as much funding (an average of $70,000) as

MBEs received ($39,000).

Source: AZHCC Minority Business Enterprise Study Report (2022) 24. Forty-six percent of minority business enterprises (MBEs) mentioned having to overcome negative perceptions of being a minority-owned business.

Source: AZHCC Minority Business Enterprise Study Report (2022)

25. Minority business enterprises (MBEs) in tribal communities are less likely to have challenges keeping employees (13% vs. 21% MBEs overall).

Source: AZHCC Minority Business Enterprise Study Report (2022)

26. From 2009–2021, Arizona goods imports from the world were valued at $28 billion.

Source: International Trade Administration State Economy and Trade Fact Sheet (2022)

27. From 2009–2021, Arizona goods exports to the world were valued at $24.2 billion.

Source: International Trade Administration State Economy and Trade Fact Sheet (2022)

28. Mexico is Arizona's top good exports and imports partner, with an export value of $8.2 billion and an import value of $9.4 billion.

Source: International Trade Administration State Economy and Trade Fact Sheet (2022)

29. Computer and electronic products were Arizona's top goods export and import sectors in 2021.

Source: International Trade Administration State Economy and Trade Fact Sheet (2022)

30. Out of Arizona's metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs),

Phoenix–Mesa–Chandler had the greatest value in exports at $11.074 billion.

Source: International Trade Administration State Economy and Trade Fact Sheet (2022)

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