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AZ Associated Artists and Researchers

Sra. Polaroiska (Alaitz Arenzana andddd

María Ibarretxe) Council of Wise Women Sra. Polaroiska (Alaitz Arenzana and María Ibarretxe), AZ Associated Artists, continues its creative process around the creation of references and the empowerment of older women.


cargocollective.com/srapolaroiska - sra polaroiska

Laida Lertxundi. 8 Topaketa (Eigh Encounters) Laida Lertxundi is an AZ Associated Artist since 2021, to carry out the work 8 Encounters, a project comprising 8 workshops with the aim of creating an educational project outside the boundaries of academic institutions.educational project outside the boundaries of academic institutions.



Aimar Arriola Un deseo de forma (A Desire for Form) Aimar Arriola is an AZ Associated Researcher. He works on the research project Un deseo de forma, which revolves around the relationship between queer perspective and art as part of the Centre programme. His most recent work based on the issues of body and archive within the visual culture field becomes connected to more specific questions related to art and plastic.

arriolaaimar - aimar.arriola

Isabel de Naverán La ola en la mente (The Wave in the Mind) Isabel de Naverán will be the new AZ Associated Researcher, starting in 2021.She will develop the project La ola en la mente, focused on somatic writing as a way of listening and curating.

AZ Associated Artists and Researchers is a programme that supports artistic creation and research by promoting artists whose works represent an inspiring look at contemporary languages. By invitation, they accompany us and we share their processes with different artists, researchers and investigators, giving them exposure and connecting them with other artistic networks.

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