FY 21-22 Azle Economic Development Annual Report

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Annual Report FY21-22 Preparedby: EconomicDevelopmentDept CityofAzle www.AzleAbsolutely.com Azle.Absolutely. Azle.Absolutely.

MDD Board

Place1 RandaGoode,CityCouncil Place2 AmyEstes,CityCouncil Place3 BillJones,BoardVicePresident Place4 BrianConner,CityCouncil Place5 JackStevens,BoardPresident Place6 JackReynolds,BoardMember Place7 StacyPeek,CityCouncil Exec.Director TomMuir,CityManager
TheNumbers ataGlance 115 $1.9M $237M $39.9M 28 65+ Totalnewpermits issued (commercial projects) Totalvalueof newcompleted projects Totaltaxable sales Totalvalueof projectsunder construction New businesses Newjobscreated

Events Attended

Economic development begins with one simple concept: building relationships. This year, we were able to network with industry professionals at these events!

ICSCRedRiver Dallas,TX January NTCARExpo Dallas,TX November AzleChamber ofCommerce Monthlyluncheons AzleEconomicDevelopment

Notable Projects

FromanewStarbuckstoimprovementsinexisting spaces,theCityadded$45,650,000incommercial valuationthisyear. Hereareafewthoseprojects!

1004BoydRd 276NWPkwy Starbucks HornetsPlaza DiscountTire 913BoydRd Wingstop 108SStewartSt MainSt.Tacos 727BoydRd

SocialMedia Presence

Thisyearweengagedwithprospectsandcitizens throughnewchannelsonsocialmedia.

Online/socialmedia platforms Facebook LinkedIn Datecreated 8/26/22 12/21/21 Followers 110 61 Postreach 7,177 6,137 Postreactions 309 208

FY2023 Priorities


Improvesocialmedia presence

Evaluate10-yearaction plan

UpdatetheCity's comprehensiveplanand downtownmasterplan

Increaseparticipationof theFaçadeandSignage ImprovementProgram

505W.MainSt. Azle,TX76020 Azle.Absolutely.

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