GraduateExhibition OpenHouse25January2013
The Master of Architecture (M.Arch) is a 2-year professional program for students holding a four-year undergraduate degree, or its equivalent, in architecture. The rigorous studio curriculum offers opportunity to advance critical positions on design, culture, technology, and the city. Students may take studios abroad and study under international visiting critics. A concluding M.Arch Thesis aims at making original contributions to architectural and humanistic research.
The Master of Architecture (M.Arch-1) is a 3.5-year professional program designed to prepare students from diverse backgrounds for careers in architecture. The intensive course of study provides the fundamentals of architectural design while allowing latitude for developing individual talents and research interests. Design studios are considered unique spaces of creative and intellectual inquiry, and students may study abroad as well as under international visiting critics.
Azrieli Pavilion, 4th Floor Graduate Programs Introduction 11:30am School Tour 12:30pm The Big Crit: Projects Review 1:30pm Graduate Exhibition and Reception 5:30pm Info:
The PhD in Architecture and Master in Architectural Studies (MAS) are innovative and comprehensive programs inviting students to engage critical forms of historical research and architectural practice. The MAS is intended for students wishing to pursue in-depth architectural research. The PhD prepares graduates for practice in academic and professional fields. Both programs aim at multidisciplinary approaches to individual scholarship.