Barcelona culture world presentation 2016

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Main SPACE & CONTENT T h e g o a l o f K L A N G i s to c r e at e i n d e p e n d e n t a n d a v a n t - g a r d e c u l t u r a l a n d a r t i st i c content, w hich is based on the collective i n t e r e st s o f t h e p a r t n e r s a n d f r i e n d s o f K L A N G network and with a special focus on urban a e st h e t i c s , s o c i a l p a r a d i g m s a n d c r i t i c a l / p r o g r e s s i v e u to p i a s . T h e c o n t e n t K L A N G c r e at e s c a n b e d i v i d e d in 5 departments:

MAIN SPACES 1-GALLERY 2- DESIGN STORE & SHOWROOM 3- ARTIST LAB & studio space 4- artist RESIDENCY space 5- BAR & Club


gallery & artist space

GALLERY & ARTIST SPACE The gallery section in the entrance of the KLANG space will host an exhibition each 2 weeks. Here are some goals and the operational plan for the KLANG GALLERY: 1-) Continuing to provide a balanced program of contemporary and historical exhibitions that inform and excite residents’ and visitors’ knowledge and appreciation of art. 2-) Introducing national and international calibre special exhibitions not previously possible due to limitations of space and lack of funding. 3- ) Engaging Public Programs that will attract new and diverse audiences, enhancing the outreach capacity by creating new partnerships and engaging in new programming opportunities. 4-)Expanding product lines in the KLANG SHOP and increasing sales. 5-) Introducing a modest admission fee to special exhibitions, asking for a modest and reasonable commission from sales of the artworks, and hereby contributing to the financial plan. 6-) Expanding the Gallery’s capability to generate more funding in memberships, donations and sponsorship. 7-) Providing sound financial oversight and management of all operations, thereby preserving the public trust with which the Gallery is given.


DESIGN STORE & SHOWROOM craft beer // record shop // fashion // urban art store // art prints & book store

The Klang Shop is one of the financial foundations of the KLANG project. The shop has 5 departments which trelate and contribute to the 5 artistic departments of KLANG. Products of resident and guest artists will be also included in the shop selection, so that the shop section not only supports the events and the space, but also our collaborators, members, guest artists and partners. Our shop departments will be installed in 5 different corners of the main space and will be open everday during 12.00-20.00.

CRAFT BEER & HOME BREWING EQUIPMENT: A selection of 100 different bottles of craft beer from Catalunya will be available in the craft beer corner. Some basic home brewing equipment will also be sold as part of the beer shop.





A broad selection of electronic music records will be available in the music corner, including records of partner labels and collaboraring artists. There will be a special showroom dedicated to modular synthesizers. Colaborating with the Californian synthesizer legend “Make Noise”, a fully equiped modular synthesizer will be showcased and can be played at the music corner. There will be a selection of showcased modules available to sell.

The fashion corner hosts mainly our resident fashion label “Pompetas”, other guest fashon projects and our co-workers. Hand made bags and accesorries, limited edition t-shirts & hoodies, hand crafted fashion pieces will be showcased and sold.




art prints & book store :

As urban art is one of the main focuses of KLANG, there will be a shop corner dedicated to products for street art: Sprays, limited edition skateboards, tattoo products etc.

Another shop corner focuses on printed material: Limited edition prints and posters, plus a selection of art magazines about music, fashion, tattoo, craft beer, street art, philosophy and film.Shop.

artist LAB

serigraphy studio// craft beer workshop // fashion workshops// urban art workshops // art prints & book store

The semi-open free space upstairs will be transfomed into a co-workig space and laboratory, which will host differents projects and artists during the day. For the beginning, five corners/workshops will be installed into KLANG LAB: 1) serigraphy atelier, 2) craft beer workshop, 3) fashion atelier, 4) street art & illustration workshop, 5) music & recording workshop

The lab space will be avilable to “special members and co-workers� who contribute to the project financially and artistically, and by the resident artists. KLANG LAB as a co-working space will create a network of artists and contribute to the shop and other events.

artist lab & workshops

sketch meetings & life drawing lessons

ableton & synth workshops

tattoo sessions

life drawing lessons

- Gallery & exhbitions - Sketch circle - Life drawing network - Workshops for beginners & children -Documentary film screenings

artist residency & insternship programs

anti klang social responsibility programs

The office room upstairs will be transformed into a living room, where we will host an artist for two weeks two times a month. The guest artist will be able to use the space and tools at KLANG LAB, organise events and workshops, and contribute to the shops if possible. The residency programm will be funded by the government and other partner organisations, and will be an important way to keep the art space alive and during the day active.

“Anti Klang� aims to create events, workshops, meetings and collaborations considering social issues, racisim, LGBT rights, urban and ecological problems, supporting immigrants, women, children and opressed communities and working people... Each month we will have a topic/theme/question in focues, around which some of the events, exhibitions and workshops will be oriented.


KLANG CLUB & events & records

The bar section will host Zula Brewing Collective as the resident partner. 2 types of craft beers of Zula will be available on tap for a very special price. An industrial beer, classical cocktails and other bar products will be offered too. Other specialities will be various organic German drinks such as Club Mate, Bionade and Afro Cola. The bar will also offer some cold tapas and food. We will start with sushi and add different food options with time.

Two big parties will be organised every weekend at KLANG, which will be the main financial income for the project. Famous party circles of the town such as GLOVE, Bocadillo Records, Brocccoli, Freakdonia will be hosted in KLANG CLUB. Special label nights, events with selected guest DJ’s from Europe and Latin America, and seasonal parties during big festivals (Sonar, Primavera Sound etc.) will be hosted, too. The club space can be rented to guest events and private parties, too.

record label & vinyl market

Record market Vinyl exchange and second hand LP market once a month. Label

Creation of a record label focusing on independent and experimental electronic music

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