Azure Welcome Guide 2016

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Welcome to Azure

We are delighted you’re joining us in your journey toward a healthy and abundant lifestyle. It’s our hope to develop a trusting and long-standing relationship with you as we grow together. Place your order and get information on thousands of products at

Our customer service team is happy to help you with anything on your mind. .4759 Call: 971.200.8350 | Fax: 971.645 Email: email) (we’re sorry, we do not accept orders via

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Place an Order Customer Service Product Questions Billing Questions

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Returns or Credits Join a Drop Drop Managers Delivery Information

Time Open 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Pacific Standard

Azure Headquarters/Farm Mailing: 79709 Dufur Valley Rd, Dufur, OR 97021 Customer Service Call Center: 222 Main Street, Dufur, OR 97021

Moro Warehouse Product Delivery: 500 Azure Lane, Moro, OR 97039

Dufur Will-Call - Azure General Store: 220 Main Street, Dufur, OR 97021 Moro Will-Call - Azure Warehouse: 500 Azure Lane, Moro, OR 97039 | Call 971.200.8350 | Open Mon - Thur, 6 am - 6 pm; Fri 6 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time | Page 2

Dear Friends and Valued Customers, The history of Azure Standard really begins in the early 1970s when my family made radical changes in the operation of our 2,000-acre, dry-land wheat and cattle ranch.

In the 1950s almost all the farmers in America began using chemical fertilizers because the lure of higher yields was just too great to pass up. Not long afterward, the soil deteriorated to the point where the weeds and insects began to attack the crops, so pesticides and herbicides soon followed.

Our family was caught in the cycle like most farmers, until 1971 when we took our farm out of the chemical cycle “cold turkey,” so to speak. In the first year, the chemical-dependent land only produced a small percentage of what it had formerly produced. At this point most farmers would have gone back to chemical use for economic survival. But, sticking to our convictions, we fought ignorance and lack of information in order to keep on with our mission to farm without chemicals. As the years went on, the soil slowly regained its natural fertility.

As a result of farming in this manner, both commercially and on a smaller scale in large gardens and orchards for our own use, our family became healthier. Our organic farming operation began to thrive and expand. We began selling this healthier food to others who also wanted to reap the benefits of better nutrition. Our new found customers began asking for different natural and organic products which we didn’t grow here on our farm, but we scrambled to find those products for them. As a result of our growth, in the late 1980s Azure Standard was born.

Here on the organic farm in Oregon, we understand that naturally grown foods are instrumental in producing a long and satisfying life. We’d like to see more farmers and home gardeners turn to natural organic growing practices. We do what we can to not only support other organic farmers, but to also provide as many organic products as possible to people across the country. We realize everyone can’t afford to buy everything organic, so we offer many choices of foods at levels of quality, like stepping stones toward excellent nutrition.

We chose to call our business Azure Standard to signify with the name what we are attempting to do. Azure is a shade of blue which has been associated with law, justice, and honesty. In raising an Azure standard, we want to place an honest standard in the marketing of food. We feel that the correct way to affect a positive change is not to attack the way it is being done, but to begin to do it right. We want to help people align with food that is grown and prepared in the way our Creator meant for it to be….unadulterated and pure, nutrient rich and life-giving. At Azure Farm, we’re dedicated to the organic principle of cooperating with nature and we pray others will join us, so that we may once again see prosperity in our land.

~ David Stelzer, Azure CEO | Call 971.200.8350 | Open Mon - Thur, 6 am - 6 pm; Fri 6 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time | Page 3

Committed to Healthy and Abundant Living The way we grow, handle and consume food has a major impact on our communities, our society, and the world. We no longer need to be held hostage by corporate conglomerates and unhealthy products which are produced for all the wrong reasons. People like you are creating communities around a love for real food. This in turn supports the independent product makers who are passionate about creating your food. As a result you are in control of your family’s nutrition and resulting health, and you’re taking part in the movement toward freedom to choose good food. You’re welcome to join our passionate community of customers and producers as we work together toward a healthier and abundant world.

Affordable, High Quality and Nutritious Foods With Azure you are getting the highest quality non-GMO and organic foods and the safest, earth-friendly products. Customers enjoy a wide variety of nutritious food in bulk and family-friendly sizes. The products are naturally free from artificial additives and preservatives, GMOs, refined sugars or bleached flour. We deliver more than 12,500 items directly to families, manufacturers and retailers across the nation, including Hawaii and Alaska.

Offering Earth-Friendly Products Azure reduces waste and saves you money by connecting directly with independent growers and food producers, shortening the cycle and handling of your food. You have access to organic farm-fresh veggies and dry bulk foods, grass-fed dairy and frozen meats, raw honey and non-GMO oils, packaged foods, nutritional supplements and beauty products. Pretty much everything you and your family needs to live a healthy life. Your order is processed at our massive warehouse in Oregon, packed in recycled boxes with your name on it, and put on a truck that delivers straight to you. | Call 971.200.8350 | Open Mon - Thur, 6 am - 6 pm; Fri 6 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time | Page 4

It’s Easy to Shop and There’s No Fee to Join With Azure, it’s more like grocery gathering than grocery shopping.

It’s an experience. An idea. A belief that the current model of food production has failed, and together we are focused on building a new one. Azure is a choice that puts you in charge of your family’s health. Anyone can become a customer…groups of neighbors, family and friends, buying clubs, retail outlets, or an individual.

Seriously Caring for Our Customers We strive to provide an unparalleled level of service that is centered around you. And when you call or email, we answer right away. We’re available from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and Fridays until 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Please contact us anytime we can help you.

Get Started Go to the website at and sign up. Or, you can contact our customer service team and we’ll help you out. Call 971-200-8350 or email

The Azure Standard is nurturing life with food as real as you are. T


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___ My Drop Point #_____ | Call 971.200.8350 | Open Mon - Thur, 6 am - 6 pm; Fri 6 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time | Page 5

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ► HOW DO I GET STARTED? You’ll create an account ◊ Join a delivery drop spot near you ◊ Place your order ◊ Anticipate arrival ◊ Meet the truck ◊ Take home healthy food.

► WHAT’S A DROP? Drop locations (“drops”) are established on current Azure delivery routes. “Open Drops” are available to freely join. “Closed Drops” require an invitation by the drop coordinator to join. We have thousands of open drops across the country in 38 states. Drop locations can include someone’s house, in a church or another gathering point, or they can be in a vacant parking lot that is convenient for the members. Some drops have storage that keeps items out of the weather elements, some have refrigerators or freezers. In many cases, no facilities are available and customers meet the truck and driver at a prescheduled time to pick up their deliveries. The drop coordinator ensures the drop location is available and convenient as possible for the members. You can find a drop near you by calling Azure Customer Service, or go online at

► CAN I BE A MEMBER WITHOUT JOINING A DROP? Sure you can. We also offer home delivery through economy parcel shipping.

► DO I HAVE TO SHARE MY ORDERS WITH OTHERS LIKE A BUYING CLUB? Nope. You’re welcome to share your good deals with others, but your order is your own.

► HOW DOES DELIVERY WORK? You’ll meet the truck on delivery day with the rest of your drop community and pick up your order, which is individually boxed and ready for you to take home.

► HOW OFTEN DO YOU SHIP? Some routes are weekly, biweekly or every four weeks. Some drop spots are accessible by multiple routes that drive through their area, allowing more frequent delivery. Call us for help and we’ll get you started.

► HOW DO I KNOW WHEN MY ORDER WILL ARRIVE? Azure emails all customers to inform them of their delivery times for each route, and each delivery. Your drop coordinator will also communicate with you to make sure you know when you pick up your order.

► IS THERE A MINIMUM ORDER SIZE? No. You may place your order for any amount you would like. For orders under $50, a $5 handling fee will be added. For parcel carrier shipping, there’s a smaller order handling fee of $2.50. There are additional Azure shipping surcharges in some states, with more information on the next page. | Call 971.200.8350 | Open Mon - Thur, 6 am - 6 pm; Fri 6 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time | Page 6

► IS THERE A MINIMUM FOR MY DROP? Our standard minimum order for a drop spot is $550 between ALL the members on that drop. For your entire drop to receive delivery, it will need to make its overall minimum amount. If a drop is off the main route, the minimum will be adjusted to cover the extra miles. Your drop coordinator will know your drop minimum and communicate with each member to make sure that minimum is reached. You may also call Azure for that information.

► HOW DO I LOCK IN THE SALES PRICES IF MY DELIVERY IS WEEKS AWAY? Sale prices on products are effective for orders that are added to the shopping cart and checked-out during the dates of that sale. Orders that are checked out during the sales period will lock in the sales price, even if delivery is scheduled at a later date. Sales prices are not based on the date the order is delivered. However, if the order is resumed after the sales period is over, the sale pricing is no longer in effect. Sales are advertised in the bimonthly Sales Magazine and online at

► DO YOU HAVE ANY SHIPPING FEES? There is an 8.5% shipping surcharge added to your invoice for the routes farthest away from Oregon. You can approximate your total charge by taking the grand total and multiplying it by 1.085. The following states are included: AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT-east of Missoula, NC, ND, NE, NM-east, OH, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WI, WY.

► WHAT IF I CAN’T PICK UP AN ORDER? Most of our drop coordinators prefer that you meet the truck with the rest of the community. Arrangements for late order pickup should be made with your drop coordinator ahead of time. Each drop is unique which is why we depend on our wonderful drop coordinators to help coordinate with our customers. Please let us know if we can help you.

► CAN I START MY OWN DROP WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS? Of course! We’d love to help you with that. We have a team that works with each drop coordinator to answer questions, provide support, and help grow a drop. The perks of being an Azure drop coordinator include creating access to healthy food and household products in your community. We also offer a small gratitude credit for the drop coordinator and some other special amenities. Give us a call and we’ll get you started. | Call 971.200.8350 | Open Mon - Thur, 6 am - 6 pm; Fri 6 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time | Page 7

Create Joy & Fulfillment Through Serving & Azure Value #10

Making a Positive Difference in the World

Azure believes Serving and Making a Positive Difference in the World is the greatest mission any individual, community or business can be about. It is this mission that sets one apart from the crowd, from those who work only for personal gain or just to survive. By being about something greater than one’s self, joy and fulfillment are created. Each of us probably remembers the feeling of joy and fulfillment we had the time we did something that made someone’s day really special. The chemistry in our body is designed to give us those wonderful feelings so that we want to Serve and Make a Positive Difference in the lives of others. Of course the more joy and fulfillment we feel, the more we want share it with others by doing things for them that give them joy. In this, we create a chain reaction of serving, giving, and receiving joy, which builds amazing relationships, strong families, and dynamic communities. Studies have shown that people live the longest, quality life, not by how healthy they eat or exercise they get, (even though those are significant contributing factors), but by being part of something greater than themselves. In other words, they had Joy and Fulfillment from Serving and Making a Positive Difference in the lives of others. So no matter what occupation one finds themselves in, for long life and future generation’s sake, and for the sake of having more joy and fulfillment, let’s see what we can do to focus the way we do things into something that makes a more positive difference in the world. Can we buy or make products with more natural ingredients or with biodegradable substances? Are we conscious of the whole life cycle of our consumables? Are we inspiring our community into sustainability? Do we take opportunities to do or say something kind? We Create Joy and Fulfillment and Make a Positive Difference in the World every time we turn a bad situation into a positive, relieve a stressful moment for someone, or inspire stronger relationships. Azure’s mission is about each member of our Team receiving joy and fulfillment as we strive to serve our customers the most abundant, life-giving products, information, and resources possible. This not only goes for the Azure Team, but for as many people as we can inspire.

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