Shaking in your boots

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Shaking in your boots Sweaty palms. Shaking hands. Are you nervous standing in front of others to make a presentation or give a speech? You are not alone. They say that the person giving a eulogy would rather be in the coffin than stand in front of the audience. It is a damning indictment of how nervous we are about being judged. I used to feel the same. I was very shy and nervous. I have said if I can change anyone can. How do you overcome your nerves? First and most important: practice, practice, practice. Be prepared. Know your speech. Know your audience. Understand what they are expecting to hear from you. That is what you need to deliver. Connect with your audience. Remember: they do not want you to fail. They are looking to learn from you and you DO know your topic. There are many components to delivering an effective presentation: well constructed speech structure with a strong opening and closing; vocal variety drawing your audience in to arouse their interest; using body language to create emphasis; speaking to inspire or inform; eliminate filler words: um, ah, so, you know. We use filler words to cope with our nervousness or when we have lost our place in our presentation. Practice your presentation in front of a video camera or mirror. You will be able to see your nervous habits. Study other speakers. Have they caught your attention? What was effective or not in what they did? One of the best ways to learn and practice your speaking skills is to join a Toastmasters Club. At Toastmasters you learn Communication and Leadership skills. You are guided through the different aspects of delivering an effective speech. You receive evaluations that are designed to motivate you by pointing out what you did well and where you can improve. The Leadership program provides opportunities to learn meeting protocol, give evaluations, receive and give mentoring. You can find local Toastmasters clubs on Toastmasters International or District 86 web sites. Like the Nike ad – Just do it! Practice is the only way to learn. B. Grace Rasmussen – Business Coach and Mentor at Catalyst for Change offering Public Speaking workshops and individual coaching. She is an active member of Royal City Toastmasters and in-coming Area 67 Governor. 519.836.9229

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