Tips for Buying Herbal Remedies
Be Aware of Poor Quality Products! 12
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There is a history of poor quality, unregulated and unlicensed herbal products, some of these have been found to contain banned pharmaceutical ingredients or heavy metals which are poisonous.
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Sounding too good? Check the truth! Avoid products advertised for treating serious medical conditions or making claims such as: • the herbal remedy is "100% safe" • herbal remedies are "safe because they are natural" • this herbal medicine "has no side effects" • "Chinese medicines will not interfere with the effects of any other medicine" 3
Licensed Products are Safe! Products that display the Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) logo or a PL/THR number meet specific standards of safety and quality and contain relevant information for patients on safe use of the product. 4
Consult your Doctor or Pharmacist Remember, you should always talk to your doctor about any herbal remedies you are using because: • natural does not necessarily mean safe • herbal remedies are medicines and may interact with other medicines • you may experience sideeffects.
Prepared By: Savita Gupta IndiaMART Intermesh Ltd. List of Indian Exporters 6