Annual Report 09/10

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college mission leadership in learning: excellence at work Blackpool and The Fylde College serves individuals, communities and employers by providing excellent learning opportunities that enhance social development and contribute to economic success. Our College transforms lives by inspiring learners to achieve their potential in a supportive learning environment.

college equality values and diversity one Placing the learner at the heart of all

two three four five six

we do

Showing fairness, courtesy and mutual respect

Teaching and learning as the key to our success Aspiring to excellence: quality is everyone’s responsibility Working together to get the best results Empowering others to achieve their full potential

Blackpool and The Fylde College is committed to equality in all its activities for those who learn and work here, and will respect differences in race and ethnic origin, gender, disability, mental health, sexual orientation, age, religion and belief, additional learning, economic and social need.

If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please contact the Support and Guidance Team on Tel. 01253 504356 or Email: For the hearing impaired: Textphone (Minicom) 01253 355755

retraction In our 2008/2009 Annual Report, we mistakenly attributed the cover image to Darren Forster, then a Year 2 student on the Foundation Degree in Photography and Digital Design. The image was in fact the creation of Sam Ratcliffe, then a Year 2 student on the National Diploma Graphic Design but now in his first year of our BA (Hons) Graphic Design. We would like to apologise to both students for this error, but particularly to Sam, whose deserved recognition of his work is unfortunately a year overdue.


contents Foreword by Stephen Lamley, Chair of the Corporation Board


Opening Statement from Pauline Waterhouse, OBE


A Year at a Glance


Employer Responsiveness


WorldSkills UK


College Alumni


School Partnerships


Scholarships/Action Research






achievements by curriculum area Academic Studies


Access and Continuing Education


Art, Media and Performance


Art and Design (Higher Education)


Automotive, Aviation and Gaming


Business and Professional Studies


Catering and Food Production




Engineering and Computing (including Project Management)


Fleetwood Nautical Campus


Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies


Society, Health and Childhood


Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality


Associated Companies


facts and figures Finance


Student Information


Staffing Information


Composition of the Corporation



Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

foreword stephen lamley

chief of the corporation board

opening statement pauline waterhouse obe principal and chief executive

Welcome to the Annual Report of Blackpool and The Fylde College. 2010 has been a The aim of this Report is to give a flavour of what the College does and

year of significant

how well it does it. The College is a Community College for Blackpool,

progress. The

Fylde and Wyre. It is possible to progress right through the education and

College’s commitment

training system, and stay in the same institution (though you might have to

to pursuing a truly

move from Bispham to central Blackpool!). We also have an international

inclusive mission

centre of excellence in our Nautical Campus at Fleetwood, a fine campus at

has once again been

Ansdell in the South Fylde, and learning centres all over the area.

recognised on a national stage; standards of teaching

Setting priorities for this complex activity – we turn over nearly £50 million

and learning remain strong; student

a year – is actually not difficult. Item one: provide the comprehensive range

satisfaction with the learning experience

of learning opportunities the people of this area need to help them to cope

is high; the modernisation of the College

with a difficult world. Item two: ensure that the quality of what we do is high

estate has continued apace and our

and continually improving. Item three: give our learners the best teaching

finances remain robust, despite the

and learning support. Item four: ensure that our facilities are the best we

challenging economic climate.

can afford, and that resources such as information technology are always up to date and in line with the industry standards that many of our learners

The College is an active strategic partner

will need to cope with in their working lives. The Governors are in no doubt

in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre and we work

that these are the things we should concentrate on; it is (as in all of life) a

closely with partner secondary schools

question of fulfilling our ambitions. We will sustain our position as one of

in the area to improve the educational

the best colleges of our kind in the country.

opportunities available to young people. In 2010, the College engaged as a partner

Excellence can take many forms, and it is not easy to pick out particular

in 5 Trust Schools and as the lead

highlights. I try to visit different parts of the College and attend as many

educational partner in the Palatine Sports

events as I can, and just three of the many experiences I have had during

College Trust. Some 700 young people

the last year come to mind:

aged 14-16 from local high schools now study in the College every week and a

• our wonderful College choir, who have performed to several important external audiences – quite outstanding • the work of one of our FE graphics students, who is already winning prizes for his design work – highly imaginative • the middle-aged learner with special needs who told an audience that,

significant proportion of them progress onto full-time FE courses here at age 16. They are introduced to a wide range of exciting career opportunities and a higher number of our students than ever before

thanks to the support he has had from tutors in our College, he can now

are now electing to progress to higher

go on a bus on his own for the first time – this has changed his life.

education at our own University Centre.

Many more of the accomplishments of our staff and students are reported

The £10 million University Centre

in these pages. On behalf of the Governors I congratulate them all. We are

was opened by Lord Tom McNally in

confident that the College will continue to thrive, whatever the external

December 2009 and the new facilities

challenges, and provide the education and training that will do so much to

have been warmly welcomed by staff and

improve the lives of the people we serve.

students alike. Record higher education



Build-Up, a project led by the School of Construction. The purpose of the project is to address the shortage of construction skills and to support the needs of the Construction industry in implementing some of the major building projects underpinning Blackpool’s regeneration, such as the renewal of the sea defences. In the National Beacon Awards, the College achieved highly commended status for a collaborative project between the School of Catering and Food Production and the Salvation Army. Working in the bistro of the Salvation Army Citadel College staff worked with vulnerable, long-term unemployed adults, helping them to develop vital employment skills. The judges described the project as ‘outstanding’ and its outcomes for students as ‘spectacular’. Work with employers is a critical part of the College’s mission. We are proud of the work we do with business both at a national level, for example, with the Ford Motor Company and on a regional basis, including our work with BAE Systems, as well as the myriad number of small and medium-sized businesses with whom we work on the Fylde Coast. An exciting new enrolments have been achieved this year - 2000 learners - representing growth of 100% in the last 5 years. Indeed Blackpool and The Fylde College is now the third largest provider nationally of degree programmes within a college setting. As well as 18-year-olds progressing directly onto higher education from college or school, we welcome adult students who may be combining employment with study for a degree, to enhance their career prospects. Certainly the University Centre is integral to supporting the skills agenda and contributing to economic growth and development on the Fylde Coast. During the course of the year, the Gallery at the University Centre hosted an exhibition of some of Britain’s most celebrated young artists, reinforcing the College’s national reputation in the field of Art and Design. Supported by the British Council, the exhibition featured work from Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin and included painting, print and photography celebrating the renowned Sensation show at the Royal Academy in London. The National Training Award is one of the UK’s most prestigious awards for vocational education and training and it was a great honour for the College to win this award for the second successive year. This was in recognition of Blackpool

contract this year has been our work to support the recruitment strategy of the multi-national company Global Renewables in their relocation to Lancashire. Working with the company to recruit to a range of new jobs has provided a major boost to the local economy. Irrespective of the size of the organisation, the College strives to be responsive to the needs of employers. During the year, many of our students enjoyed exceptional success, and their achievements are celebrated in this report. We also take pride in our work with our many stakeholders across the community and in the pages that follow, some of these exciting partnerships are showcased. Together we have created a College with a strong track record of success, confident of what it will achieve in the future. However, my final expression of thanks must go to the staff of Blackpool and The Fylde College. Without their dedication, talent and exceptional level of commitment, the College could not have achieved all that it has done to date and all that we aspire to, in the future.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

a year at a glance september november In the National Beacon Awards, the College achieved ‘highly commended’ status for a collaborative project between the School of Catering and Food Production and the Salvation Army. In the bistro of the Salvation Army Citadel, College staff work with homeless, vulnerable and long-term unemployed adults, training them in food production and service. The judges commented on the way that the project helped the individuals involved to re-discover hope. The project was described as ‘outstanding’ and its outcomes for students as ‘spectacular’.


The College’s new Central Hub at the University Centre became the first build project in Blackpool, and one of a small number nationally, to achieve a postconstruction BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating in recognition of its sustainable design and environmental performance.


For the second year running, the College won one of the most prestigious awards for vocational education and training – a National Training Award. This was in recognition of the Blackpool Build-Up project, led by the School of Construction. The purpose of the project is to address the shortage of construction skills on the Fylde Coast and thus support the needs of the industry in implementing some of the major building projects underpinning key regeneration initiatives in Blackpool. As part of the project, a specialist Construction facility was opened in the centre of Blackpool where staff train the long-term unemployed and support them into work in the Construction industry.




09 01

Our University Centre became the world’s largest Christmas present as it was literally unwrapped at a spectacular launch event attended by Lord Tom McNally of Blackpool. The new £10 million facility has been warmly welcomed by staff and students alike and the College achieved record higher education enrolments of just under 2,000 learners (representing a growth of 100% over the last 5 years). The Centre will be integral to supporting the development of the higher level skills agenda on the Fylde Coast and contributing to economic growth and development.


The College began working with Global Renewables, a multi-national waste management company locating to two sites in Lancashire. In a collaborative partnership between the company, the College, Wyre Borough Council and JobCentre Plus, 160 individuals were trained and recruited to new jobs – a major boost to the local economy. This type of employer activity is a critical part of the College’s mission and the College worked with literally hundreds of employers over the year.


The College launched its first ever Go Green Week, consisting of a full programme of events designed to carry an environmental message to both students and staff. All monies raised were subsequently donated to green charity People and Planet.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

march The Gallery at the University Centre hosted an exhibition of some of Britain’s most celebrated young artists. Supported by the British Council, the exhibition, ‘Selection’, featured work from Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin, as well as Hannah Starkey, Helen Chadwick and Hannah Collins. The work on display included painting, print and photography celebrating the Royal Academy’s 1997 Sensation show, which made a lasting impression on the British public.



An Ofsted inspection of the Initial Teacher Training programme within the School of Business and Professional Studies culminated in an extremely positive outcome, with the provision being judged as Good, grade 2, and many strengths being identified.


A College Graphics student was the runnerup in the Art of Nurture competition organised by Lloyds TSB. The competition is designed to support and encourage UK creative talent with successful entries being given the opportunity to display their work in prestigious galleries to members of the business world.

The College hosted a glittering awards ceremony at Blackpool’s Imperial Hotel to recognise and reward top apprentices and employers from across the Fylde Coast. College tutors had nominated apprentices for their success, achievement and for representing the College in a positive way in industry, while apprentices themselves had nominated their employers for supporting them through their employment. A highlight of the evening was a keynote address by reality show ‘The Apprentice’ celebrity Ruth Badger.

BA Graphic Design student david Kennedy won the Royal Society of Arts Design Directions award. The Design Directions award scheme encourages designers in training to apply their skills to difficult social issues and play an influential role in making society more resourceful.


09 01



In the Queen’s Birthday Honours list College Principal and Chief Executive Pauline Waterhouse was awarded an OBE for Services to Further Education. Commenting on her award, she said: “The award is testament to the achievement and success of the staff, governors and students at Blackpool and The Fylde College.”

In the prestigious WorldSkills competitions (UK Skills), gold medals in the national finals were won by Accountancy students in the School of Business and Professional Studies and by students from the School of Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy. At the 2010 VQ Day event, which showcases the country’s best vocational achievements, the College Choir was chosen to perform in front of MPs and entertainment icon Arlene Phillips at the Royal Horticultural Halls in London. Catering students achieved a remarkable level of success at the Alliance of Bakery Students and Trainees Annual Conference 2010 (12 Gold Medals; 7 Silver Medals; 5 Bronze Medals; 7 Very Highly Commended; 5 Highly Commended; 3 Commended out of a total of 18 categories) and in the Seafood UK Championship Final (2 Silver Medallists).


Despite a challenging funding climate, category A status was retained as a financially robust College. A historic cost surplus of £1,434,000 (excluding the impact of FRS17) was achieved, significantly exceeding the planned surplus of £750,000 and enabling additional investment to be made for the benefit of students and staff. Media students from the School of Art, Media and Performance won the prize for Most Enterprising Team at the 2010 Hero Awards. The award followed a nomination by Curriculum Leader Colin Appleby for the students’ exceptional teamworking abilities and fundraising activities, which supported a residential trip to Castleton.


Blackpool and The Fylde College ¡ Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

employer responsiveness overview During 2009/10 the College grew its range of services to employers and successfully delivered qualifications to over 2000 people. The number of adults on work-based programmes increased by almost 50%

during the period almost 50% more people learnt new skills In responding to known skills shortages the College has increased the volume of activity at Level 3 and is developing improved routes to Higher Education for people in work. Concurrently, there has been significant growth in helping the workless and unemployed into sustained employment. This has been done by providing people with employability skills and giving them vocational ‘tasters’ that help them to make the transition to working life.



responding to employers by raising skill levels In responding to the country’s need to improve skill levels and productivity the College has invested almost £4 million of government funding in providing work-based training to employed people across the Fylde Coast and beyond. This investment has supported nearly 400 employers ranging from SME’s to multi-nationals in boosting the competitiveness, productivity and motivation of their workforces.

we supported 386 employers with raising their employees’ skills The College has a relentless focus

Throughout the year there was a concerted effort to improve levels of

on listening to the ‘Employer Voice’

employer responsiveness and maximise the flexibility and effectiveness of

and provision is continually being

our programme design and delivery. The growth in enrolments of 15% and

developed and refined to be as

associated success rates has been testimony to the impact of this approach.

responsive as possible. During the year we have assisted a number

The College’s apprenticeship offer has been increased due to improvements

of companies with their staff

in the delivery method. Materials and assessments are now managed online

recruitment by helping potential

through a system called Onefile, facilitating more delivery taking place

candidates become ‘work ready’ and

off campus and in the workplace. Programmes have been customised to

to have a clear understanding of the

ensure added value for employers and their staff. Ruth Badger from TV’s

culture and expectations of their

‘The Apprentice’ helped us to celebrate the success and achievement of our

prospective employers.

apprentices by giving the keynote speech and presenting at our Apprentice and Employer awards evening at the Imperial Hotel in Blackpool.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

In addition to supporting funded skills development through Apprenticeships and Train to Gain the College has also developed a wide range of bespoke provision, which is tailored to meet the specific requirements of individual clients. In response to the Government’s aspiration to improve the nation’s skills base we have been developing apprenticeship frameworks in new vocational areas and building our capacity to deliver the training which will be necessary to help businesses survive and grow in this difficult economic environment. Foundation Degrees are higher education programmes designed to support the development of people in the workplace. Year on year an increasing amount of provision has been delivered in the workplace. Employers have responded enthusiastically to this approach to higher level skills and in 2009/10 1231 people enrolled on Foundation Degrees.

We have adapted the provision of mandatory courses to best suit employers’ needs. More and more often we are delivering at employers’ premises and redesigning delivery so no one is away from their job longer than needed, thus reducing costs. Over the last year we have also responded to the requirements of Blackpool as a whole and developed training to improve the night-time economy through an initiative named ‘Raising the Bar’. Funding was sourced via third parties which meant very little cost to the night-time operators added to which were the huge savings to the local authority and the NHS.



assisting the local economy by supporting people back into employment The College is celebrating another successful year for both the employability and Skills for Life activity it has undertaken, as over 900 people have been supported back into employment through a range of projects funded by the Skills Funding Agency, European Social Fund (ESF) and Local Enterprise Growth initiative (LEGI).

Throughout the year the Employability Team have run a number of preemployment training programmes, designed and delivered following close consultation with the employers concerned. These programmes have supported the unemployed in developing the necessary skills to better their chances of securing employment and also streamlined the recruitment process for employers, saving both time and money. Pre-employment training allows employers to build their workforce to their own specification.

Working with employers such as Global Renewables, Crown Leisure and The Sands Venue, we have supported over 250 people back into advertised vacancies with these companies. There

employer viewpoint

are many more of these programmes planned in 2011.

Global Renewables first became aware of the support

The employability agenda is set to

offered by Blackpool and The Fylde College through

grow in 2011 as Government changes

discussions with Wyre Borough Council in 2009

and new directives highlight the need

following the decision to build two new processing

to reduce the number of people on

plants in Lancashire. Meetings took place throughout

benefit by assisting them into sustained

2009 and into 2010 to formalise how our Company and the College

employment. The College has responded

could work together to support the recruitment of over 200 production

proactively and effectively to these

operatives for our business.

planned changes by engaging with the proposed Prime providers of the

Working as a team, a pre-employment training event was composed

new Work Programme which is due to

and tailored to the needs of the Company, which guaranteed those who

commence in April 2011 and by building

passed the course an interview. Key to our business was ensuring the

an effective and efficient Employability

course was what we wanted; not just an off-the-peg one-size-fits-all

Team combined with a successful model

approach. The College went out of their way to ensure they worked with

of delivery to meet the needs of the long-

us and provided us with what we wanted, presenting new, innovative

term unemployed. The model is built with

ideas as we went along.

flexibility at its heart in order to provide people with the appropriate skills to meet

tracey robinson Human Resources Manager Global Renewables Lancashire Operations Ltd

the ever-changing needs of the labour market across the Fylde.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

worldskillsuk WorldSkills UK is the name for the UK’s premier set of skills competitions for young people and adults. As a WorldSkills UK Champion, Blackpool and The Fylde College’s Principal Pauline Waterhouse OBE is responsible for encouraging organisations to get involved in WorldSkills UK competitions, raising the level of skills and the aspirations of young people and increasing the number of people participating. In 2009/10, our learners demonstrated outstanding achievement through the following WorldSkills UK successes: • First year student band Mad Hatter’s Tea Party earned themselves a place at the WorldSkills 2010 National Final (UK Skills Competition for Music) • Learners from the School of Business and Professional Studies won Gold for AAT Accountancy) • Construction learners won in five categories at the North West regional finals of SkillBuild (hosted by the College), with 2 learners going on to achieve ‘highly commended’ at the National Finals. • Learners from the School of Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies won both Gold and Bronze for Nail Art and a Bronze for Reflexology. • An outstanding performance by learners at the WorldSkills UK Uniformed Services Regional Heat (hosted by the College) saw them go through to the National Final. In 2011, WorldSkills comes to London when 1,000 competitors from 50 nations will compete in 45 skill areas to become the best of the best in their chosen skill. The event, being held at ExCel between 5-8 October 2011, will raise both the awareness and perception of vocational education and skills, helped by London's status as a global media centre and the spotlight of the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.



college alumni In July, close to 800 students (more than ever before) were awarded with degrees, diplomas and teaching qualifications at our annual Higher Education Awards Ceremony. As they embarked upon the next significant phase in their lives, they could be certain they were equipped with the transferable skills, experience and knowledge required to succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. All our degree qualifications are focused on graduates gaining employment; indeed,

42.4% of graduates said their qualification was an advantage or a formal requirement when securing employment*

many of our degree programmes, foundation degrees in particular, have been developed in collaboration with employers and combine practical work experience with theoretical study to dramatically increase graduate employability. The College retains close links with many of its alumni, who serve as an inspiration to our current learner body and play a pivotal role in our commitment to enhancing the overall learner experience.

Six months after graduating, 69.5% of graduates were in employment or active selfemployment*

alumnus viewpoint I found the teaching on the degree really innovative. I was able to develop advanced writing skills specific to degree-level assignments and essays during the course. This also helped me to develop key career skills such as effectively composing arguments and structuring detailed studies. Additionally, carrying out presentation assignments helped me develop expertise essential to the workplace.

name: nick corless Course: Foundation Degree in Project Management Current employment: Project Controller, BAE Systems

42.4% of graduates opted to continue their studies (by doing a degree, higher degree or postgraduate/professional qualification)* *Percentage figures relate to responses from a survey of 395 students

The Foundation Degree in Project Management was born out of an exciting collaboration between Blackpool and The Fylde College and global defence and aerospace company BAE Systems. It now forms part of BAE’s Project Control Foundation Scheme, which allows talented young people to access a well-paid career at the same time as gaining an industry-relevant qualification.


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school partnerships School Links Programme partnerships Despite the discontinuation of the 14-19 Diplomas, our role in their development led to important relationships being established with high school curriculum staff and numerous employers across the areas of Art and Design, Business and Administration, Hair and Beauty Studies, Construction and Engineering. These partnerships will undoubtedly inform and enhance our existing provision and ultimately the experience of learners. Excellent relations also continued with two Pupil Referral Units and local children’s homes in the context of our provision for Year 11 pupils whose educational needs are not met elsewhere within the community.

achievements The period recorded our highest number of applications (and the highest number of level 2 applications) to date, with interest expressed in the following curriculum areas: Access and Continuing Education (Preparing for Life and Work); Art, Media and Performance; Aviation; Catering; Construction; Engineering; Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies; and Society, Health and Childhood. At 99%, this year’s overall achievement rate was the highest recorded since the programme’s inception. Spurred on by their success, an increasing number of learners (81%) progressed through to FE provision at the College; at the same time, several former School Links learners made the transition from FE to HE. Once again, the annual School Links Awards Ceremony proved enormously successful, with entertainment provided by local dance troupe aDvANCE (formed through a collaboration between the Royal Ballet and Bispham High) and the Park School Band.

school viewpoint The results achieved at St Mary’s this year have really delighted us and are in no small part due to the efforts of your staff.

stephen tierney Head Teacher St Mary’s College



School liaiSon team partnerships In June, the College welcomed 1,600 Year 10 pupils from high schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre to a series of work-related learning days at each campus. The events allowed learners to find out more about various careers through participation in interactive activities in the realistic working environments available at the College, talks by tutors with industry knowledge and tours.

achievements Closer collaboration with Connexions led to a greater understanding of each organisation’s respective roles and ultimately a more flexible reaction to the needs of vulnerable young people. Both organisations were delighted therefore to receive recognition from Ofsted in their Review of Best Practice for the successful reduction of the NEET group in Blackpool.

national challenge trUStS The College has a strong relationship with all partner secondary schools on the Fylde coast and is working with them to broaden the curriculum opportunities available to young people and to drive up quality and standards. To this end, the College is a partner in three National Challenge Trust schools on the Fylde coast: Collegiate, Fleetwood and Palatine High schools, and in the latter Trust, the College is the lead education partner. The Chair of the Board, the Principal and the Vice-Principal lead on this engagement. A key contribution to the three schools has been stronger and more robust governance as well as a contribution to the schools’ quality improvement and aspiration raising strategies as College students are engaged as mentors. The involvement of the College has contributed to an improvement in standards at all three schools. In 2009/10 pupils gaining 5 GCSEs at A*-C, including English and Maths, rose from 25% at Collegiate to 44%, 36% at Palatine to 40% and 26% at Fleetwood to 34%.

BlackPool chilDren’S UniVerSitY The period saw the creation of Blackpool Children’s University by Blackpool Council as part of the national Children’s University scheme. The initiative, which acknowledges and rewards learning undertaken by 7 to 14-year-olds outside the normal school day, aims to raise expectations and the esteem of all pupils and will ultimately impact on raising standards in the resort. Through Principal and Chief Executive Pauline Waterhouse’s role as Chancellor, the College is wellplaced to engage the local and wider communities in the scheme.


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scholarships/ action research The College has invested significant resources in developing an infrastructure to support and record staff scholarly activities. The strategic objective of our Research activities is to secure the evidence base for curriculum development and quality enhancement. Staff are encouraged to engage in research projects that are in line with College Strategic objectives. As a vocational HE provider we very much favour action research that is focused on enhancing the learner experience in the College. This builds confidence of staff in the research process. There is good evidence from elsewhere that those who engage in research are more likely to read the research of others and to incorporate research findings into their practice. Staff are encouraged to disseminate the finding of their research and other scholarly outputs through poster conferences, staff conferences and publications such as the College’s own Scholarship Review; and the externally peer reviewed Journal of the FE Alliance.

2009/10 projects e-portfolio pilot and development project in the schools of hair, beauty and related therapies and business and professional studies A project to investigate the use and effectiveness of e-portfolios using the ‘OneFile E-Portfolio System’ across two distinct curriculum areas was a huge success, evidenced by the retention and achievement figures for 2009/10 learners. Both schools will now implement OneFile, and have already assisted with its roll-out to other areas of the College and to other FE colleges within the region.

develop the use of the new promethean voting kits in g208, academic studies and cross-college In January 2010, Academic Studies staff introduced learners to a new hand-held learner response system. Those students surveyed were very positive about the use of the electronic voting kits, indicating that they learned more when using them and that the lesson was more interesting. Across the wider College however, staff participation fell below expected levels and further staff development is now planned in an attempt to increase participation.



a virtual community of practice for informal networked learning A project carried out by the School of Engineering and Computing sought to identify incidents of informal learning within a virtual social learning system (VSLS) and develop strategies to encourage such incidents. The project provides clear indications of the importance of informal learning within formal learning situations and highlights the usefulness of making informal learning discourses visible. A significant pilot study is now recommended

elluminate virtual classroom Elluminate is a virtual classroom which allows remote synchronous sessions. This provides learners with the flexibility to learn from home with no specialist software required. The project involved cross-College collaboration to investigate the use and effectiveness of this. An evaluation of the positive impacts and uses that the software had on both FE and HE students was produced and the findings were delivered at an HE Academy conference.

to deliver a true picture of cost/time/benefit.

e-portfolios for aat nvq levels 2 and 3 This project focused on the implementation of e-portfolios for both Level 2 and Level 3 students. As a method of maintaining student progress the system was found to be extremely beneficial for Level 2 learners, however a subsequent revision of the AAT standards negated the need for Level 3 learners to produce work-based evidence and as such this group did not continue with the e-portfolios.

access for staff and learners to the construction information service electronic database of products, suppliers and manufacturers The project forms part of our e-learning experience that is increasingly being provided through the College VLE (Moodle). The resource is currently utilised across the National Diploma and the full construction HE provision. It is a focused and current source of reliable technical and academic information that supports teaching and learning, whilst also providing access for learners and staff away from campus.

developing on-line materials to support progression from fe to he english: from level 3 through to level 6 This project brought together staff from the English department and the LRC to design sets of online materials in English Literature, English Language and Creative Writing, with support provided by, the e-learning advisor from the Higher Education Academy English Subject Centre. The purpose of these materials was to bridge the gap between levels 3 and 4 with the aim of facilitating independent learning and addressing issues of transition both in subject content and academic writing skills.


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sustainability The College has a responsibility towards sustainable development and aims to adopt good working practices and incorporate sustainable concepts throughout its activities and to continually improve and develop sustainable values. We have signed the Environmental Association for Universities and College (EAUC) and AoC’s Green Colleges declaration, which commits to championing sustainable development throughout the organisation, and we are a member of the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC). We also hold Fair Trade status. Our sustainable development initiatives and achievements are outlined below:

curriculum initiatives The College is embracing Education in Sustainable Development (ESD) by embedding sustainability across a variety of curriculum areas. Examples of this included a workshop for fashion students on ethical decision-making within the global clothing industry, the development of the Foundation Degree in Eco-Technology and, providing invaluable work experience to Access and Continuing Education learners, an award-winning recycling scheme in partnership with local charity Helping Hand.

learner engagement Engaging the learner body in sustainable development aims to empower the thinkers and decision-makers of the future to make sustainable decisions throughout and in all aspects of their lives. To this end, two Students’ Union representatives were elected as Environmental Officers, tasked with communicating and involving students in a series of College events, schemes and projects, with considerable success.

staff engagement Various initiatives were introduced to encourage staff to adopt greener methods of travel. They included Car Share Week (featuring a free breakfast for each participant and first-hand advice from the Energy Saving Trust on ways to increase vehicle efficiency), Cycle Challenge (a three-week event in June aimed at motivating people to cycle more) and the opportunity through the College Cycle Scheme to purchase a taxfree bicycle. Another initiative saw members of the charity Fashioning an Ethical Industry link up with Art and Fashion staff to devise innovative ways of embedding ethics in the curriculum.

during cycle challenge in june, college staff cycled a total of 1,928 miles and saved a total of 432kg in carbon dioxide emissions.



waste and recycling The beginning of the period saw the acquisition of new can, plastic and paper recycling bins, the use of which together with card recycling, led to an estimated resource saving of 336 trees* and 11,202 tonnes of CO2 by the end of the year. Within the Catering Department, disposable polystyrene cups were replaced by a paper version, recyclable through specially designated cup recycling bins. The College is now considering replacing diesel fuel with biodiesel fuel converted from waste cooking oil, a cost-effective move which would reduce CO2 emissions by up to 6.5 tonnes.

energy and carbon management The period saw monthly water, gas and electricity meter reading analysis commence across the College, with the aim of monitoring changes in utility usage. In addition, electricity monitoring equipment was purchased to

college-wide events A number of events sought to highlight the sustainability issue to both students and staff through hands on involvement

monitor all areas of the College from printer usage to air conditioning usage and server room energy consumption. The College continued to invest in new energy saving equipment and installations.

in various activities. They included Mend


Not Spend Day (when fashion students

The College’s Promoting Poverty Aware Procurement

discovered the importance of recycling old

on Campus team helped to finalise and approve a set

clothes); Go Green Week (through which a

of guidelines relating to the consideration of poverty

series of fun and motivational events and

issues when procuring different commodities. The College

activities provided information about how

Procurement team led a collaborative IT desktop PC

to live a more sustainable lifestyle); ‘Earth

procurement on behalf of thirteen Colleges, incorporating

Hour’ (for which staff and students were

a fully Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

encouraged to turn off their lights); and

compliant recycling process that will allow for each member

Bike Week (to promote cycling activities

College to receive income against the sale of redundant

throughout Blackpool).

PCs. Declared redundant electrical equipment to landfill


during the period was zero percent.

The launch of the car share database in


September, designed to link up passengers

The College enjoys excellent relations with a host of

and drivers online, together with the

organisations and charities with the aim of promoting

introduction of an online permit application

and effecting sustainable development, among them the

form, has facilitated the move towards car

social enterprise Helping Hand, Oxfam and Blackpool

sharing across College. Plans are also in

Cycle. In February, we were thrilled to be shortlisted for the

place with Hourbike Ltd to install Hire-a-

Lancashire Green Awards in recognition of our sustainability

Bike stands at both Bispham Campus and

endeavours and achievements throughout 2009.

the University Centre in order to provide staff and students an alternative means of travelling between sites.

*Trees saved figure is based on the general assumption that 17 trees are required to produce 1 ton of paper.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

accommodation our university centre became the world’s largest christmas present as it was literally unwrapped at a stunning launch event attended by lord tom mcnally of blackpool

a stunning new university centre In 2009, the doors opened to our stunning new University Centre, located in central Blackpool. This fantastic new facility is actually a multi-million pound redevelopment of the existing site that befits our status as the third largest FE provider of HE with degrees awarded by one of the UK’s top 10 universities – Lancaster*. With virtually all our university courses now under one roof, our higher education students now have a campus to call their own. This has made student life infinitely more convenient while extending to students that all-important ‘university experience’. The jewel in the Centre’s crown is the Central Hub, a spectacular open-plan building where students can access state-of-the-art learning resources, advice and information, and a multi-style refectory – Café Grads. New teaching accommodation also features and our recently extended Theatre doubles as an outstanding teaching resource as well as a leading community venue for a variety of productions. Attractive landscaping completes the ensemble, with a central courtyard conveniently linking all the major buildings and acting as a relaxing space for students. The new University Centre has been extremely well received by students, staff and the local community. There is a general recognition of the importance to the local economy and the town’s regeneration of a university presence on the Fylde Coast. *Sources: The Times Good University Guide 2011; The Guardian University Guide 2011



a vision for the future

artist’s impression of the newly refurbished bispham campus courtesy of burnett pollock associates Over the next 10 years, a number of exciting refurbishment projects are planned that will dramatically enhance both the appeal and functionality of the College working and learning environment for staff, students and visitors. They include the phased refurbishment of Fleetwood Nautical Campus, which on its completion in August 2012, will deliver a first-class facility capable of responding to the growing needs of the vastly competitive maritime and offshore oil and gas industries. Major work is also due to start in January 2011 at the Bispham Campus, which will see this predominantly 1970s construction emerge as a highly contemporary and significantly more energy efficient environment in which to work and learn.

artist’s impression of the newly refurbished fleetwood nautical campus courtesy of wilson mason and partners


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

the gallery and ‘selection’ In Spring 2010, with support from the British Council, the College was proud to host its first major exhibition at its own Gallery, located at the new University Centre. ‘Selection’ was a collection of contemporary art representing some of Britain’s most celebrated artists alongside emerging talent. Celebrating the much talked about 1997 Sensation show at the Royal Academy in London, the exhibition featured works from influential artists Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin, along with Hannah Starkey, Helen Chadwick and Hannah Collins. With its array of painting, print and photography, Selection paid homage to the era of Cool Britannia while introducing the audience to emerging artists’ work. Fundamental to the study of Art and Design is the opportunity to encounter real work; the College’s fantastic new University Centre development freed up space to develop a gallery with this in mind, and a strong relationship with the British Council has given access to an amazing collection of artwork to exhibit. A visit to the Gallery has now become a popular pastime where contemplation, encounter and relaxation can coincide for members of the public and students alike.



The Gallery is a great facility for students. Not only can we display our own work, but to have art from such celebrated artists on show right here is really exciting. Its great that my work, and the work of future Blackpool and The Fylde College students, can be exhibited in a venue that has housed pieces by Hirst and co.

ba graphic design student jayne walsh, who won the 2010 Lloyds TSB Art of Nurture student art competition for the North West region.

Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

curricu areas





Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

academic studies achievement Another outstanding year for the A Level Academy was evidenced by an overall pass rate of 94%, enabling learners to access the country’s top universities as well as our own University Centre, with courses validated by Lancaster University – among the UK’s top 10*. Other notable achievements included the highest marks ever recorded for a learner on the BA English, record success levels for both the Return to Study and Access to HE courses, an impressive performance by our A Level learners in the annual Maths Challenge, more than 50% of our Spanish Level 3 learners achieving A grades, and a significant rise in the number of learners on the Level 3 Applied Science.

partnerships The period saw members of our Sociology Department team up with colleagues from Lancaster University with the aim of embedding the latest sociological research findings into our Criminology and Criminal Justice range of programmes. Funding provided by the English Subject Centre from the HE Academy meanwhile enabled us to commission a project that explored the use of online resources to ease the transition of learners from FE to HE, specifically in the areas of Language, Literature and Creative Writing. Our links with the Royal Statistical Society continued to open up a variety of resources to learners on the A Level Mathematics/Further Mathematics.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.



curriculum innovation New courses included Level 3 and 4 programmes in Spanish, French, Italian and Sign Language along with the Foundation Degree Media Writing with Production; validation was also achieved for the newly developed Foundation Degree in Statistics and Communications. As ever, a hugely diverse and engaging programme of enrichment served to complement and enliven the curriculum, with associated activity ranging from A Level learners’ participation in the annual Society of Biology Quiz and a pre-election Question Time event with local parliamentary candidates to visits by broadcaster and poet Ian MacMillan and Hollywood screen writer Ed Christiano.


work placements The period saw our Marine Biology students continue with their environmental impact assessment of Cleveleys

GCSE learners were visited by representatives

promenade prior to the commencement of development

of the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety

work by Wyre Borough Council. This involved partnering

in respect of the Wasted Lives Programme, an

with the Edinburgh Museum to collect and conduct an

initiative aimed at challenging new and soon-to-be

investigative study of arthropods.

young drivers’ attitudes to the risks associated with driving. The one-day training session aimed to develop a better understanding of the potential consequences of taking risks behind the wheel.

high schools During the summer, a series of work-related learning days allowed Year 10 learners from high schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre to experience our provision in a fun and interactive

*Source: The Times Good University Guide 2011; The Guardian University Guide 2011

way. We also hosted, in conjunction with the Science Co-ordinator for Blackpool, a science day for Year 8 learners along with primary school taster days in Maths. In many instances, our own

employer viewpoint

A Level learners facilitated these events, which doubled as a highly valuable enrichment aid,

I have always been impressed with

particularly for those looking towards a career

the quality of work produced by

in teaching. In the same vein, our A Level Maths learners undertook to regularly mentor learners at

students at Blackpool and The

Palatine studying GCSE Maths.

Fylde College. This is an industrystandard report that we will take forward as part of the redevelopment work.

carl green Senior Planning Engineer Wyre Borough Council


Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

accessand continuing education employability A training initiative between Blackpool and The Fylde College, Job Centre Plus, Global Renewables Lancashire and the Learning and Skills Council successfully placed more than 100 people into sustainable employment at two new state-of-the-art waste treatment facilities in Thornton and Leyland. The bespoke three-week programme provided skills and qualifications linked directly to a number of operational roles, including fork lift truck drivers, composting operatives, manual handlers and cleaners. A pre-employment training programme was also designed for new Blackpool-based entertainment venue The Sands, leading to the permanent appointment of 16 candidates.

skills for life Through the Train 2 Gain initiative, Skills for Life training was delivered to 500 employees from organisations such as the NHS, Blackpool Council, Booths, Matalan and Heinz, whose overall success rate was an outstanding 98%. The period also recorded 524 part-time literacy and numeracy enrolments at venues across Fylde and Wyre through partnerships with Job Centre Plus, Surestart, Blackpool Council (Adult Community Learning and UNITE Learning) and the Probation Service.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.



community An exciting initiative saw learners on the Construction Gateway team up with Blackpool Police to produce a promotional DVD aimed at combating drug and knife

crime within the resort. Construction learners also had an opportunity to become involved in landscaping projects in Fleetwood and Wyre through the employer-led venture ‘Wyred Up’. As part of the Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service (OLASS), we facilitated a workskills taster session for 153 offenders, a third of whom went on to successfully complete the Edexcel Workskills Qualification. The School also delivered two specialist pre-employment courses for vulnerable and disadvantaged NEET learners aged between 16 and 19, for which the retention rates were 100%.

curriculum innovation New courses included the Level 5 Additional Diplomas in Teaching English (Literacy & ESOL) and Maths (Numeracy),

work placements

all of which achieved a 100% success rate. Additionally,

The School’s long-standing relationship with

Learning Tier. Our Gateway provision was extended to

Progress Recruitment allowed yet more of

include Gaming, CCTV and Security, Retail and Customer

our learners to access work placements and

Care while a new Construction Gateway was developed

the opportunity to gain skills for improved

with Fylde Borough Council for delivery at a site in Ashton

employability. They included 9 ‘Not in Education,

Gardens, St Annes.

Functional Skills were introduced onto the Foundation

Employment or Training’ (NEET) learners with learning difficulties, who were placed with North West Therapy. Our links with the NHS and Blackpool Council meanwhile enabled us to provide pre-employment ‘tasters’ for 12 individuals looking to work in healthcare.

awards and achievement Two outstanding achievements for the School

employer viewpoint

included the win by our Gateway learners (16-18) of the Lancaster University Global Impact Award along with recognition for our Stepping Stones provision via an award won by our partner, the charity Helping Hands. The summer saw the first cohort of the Foundation Degree Literacies for Life graduate, with a pass rate of 100%.

Setting up the Employability Programme with Blackpool and The Fylde College has been an instrumental tool in opening up recruitment opportunities to those local people looking to get back into employment, or switch careers. The Lancashire Waste Project is a local initiative and we are thrilled with the calibre of local people hoping to join our team.

tracey robinson Human Resources Manager Global Renewables Lancashire


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

art, mediaand performance employer engagement A fascinating and diverse range of ‘live’ briefs gives learners a commercial insight that stands them in excellent stead for additional study at a higher level and/or their targeted career. This year they included commissions from Transpennine Express, Lancashire Constabulary and Wyre Borough Council with two prominent commissions coming from Blackpool Council in relation to The Great Promenade Show and the 2011 North of England Education Conference. Following his creation of a stunning illuminated Chinese dragon for the School’s end-of-year exhibition, Graphic Design student Chris Hewitt was invited by the Principal Designer of Blackpool Illuminations, Shoichi Yasunda, to work with the illuminations team to make his designs a reality in 2011.

awards and achievement A phenomenal year for the School in terms of learner achievement featured the following successes: Media students won the prize for Most Enterprising Team at the HERO Awards; First Diploma students took both first and second place in the Animation Category at UCLAN’s Design Festival Competition; learners from the BA (Hons) Musical Theatre formed the all-female song and dance sensation ‘Sorority’ and performed live to millions of viewers on the Channel 5 talent show ‘Don’t Stop Believing’; the College Choir made their TV debut live on the BBC’s Children in Need programme and performed before Arlene Phillips at the national VQ Day event in London; first year student band Mad Hatter’s Tea Party earned themselves a place at the WorldSkills 2010 National Final.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.




A commitment to showcasing learners’ talent has firmly ensconced the School on the local cultural map at the same time embedding professional practice across our range of provision. Central to this has been the opening of the College Gallery, where a joint photographic exhibition with the School of Art and Design allowed learners to follow in the footsteps of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst, both exhibitors at the Gallery’s national showcase, ‘Selection’. In performing arts, the Theatre played host to a variety of productions while music gigs were staged at venues throughout the Fylde. Degree learners took productions of Bad Girls The Musical and My Name is Rachel Corrie to Manchester’s Zion Arts Centre, a favoured venue of casting agents and directors.

curriculum innovation This focused on a revision of our FE curriculum with the aim of aligning it to the new Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). It was an undertaking made simpler by the fact the School had recently successfully piloted a change to the curriculum encompassing a more diagnostic approach to learning. The result, based largely on this diagnostic model, is a highly flexible range of bespoke, industry-reactive provision that supports learners in making more informed career choices.

high schools Through the new Diploma in Creative and Media we established closer links with Millfield, Palatine, Montgomery, Fleetwood and Bispham schools.

employer viewpoint

Another positive outcome of the diploma has been the affiliation of these schools with employers such as the Grand Theatre, Pleasure Beach, Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool Council and City Learning Centre, paving the way for vocational enrichment opportunities to the schools’ wider curriculum.

Blackpool Council has worked closely with the College on a number of projects connected with a prestigious national conference we are organising. We have been impressed with the enthusiasm of staff and students, the professionalism and high standard of work produced. We enjoy this very positive relationship, and hope that this will continue to our mutual benefit.

julie needham Designed by Graphic Design learner Sam Sharples

NEEC Conference Manager Blackpool Council


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

artanddesign (higher education) industry recognition A highly successful year for the School culminated in its end-of-year show at Manchester’s Cube Gallery. The exhibition, entitled ‘be’, was extremely well received by current practitioners and industry alike, showcasing our provision to aspiring new recruits and establishing vital networking links for learners. In conjunction with the School of Art, Media and Performance we staged another exhibition - ‘Work in Process’ - at the Gallery. HE learners also participated in New Designers 2010 in London alongside other prestigious institutions.

awards and achievement The School has a long history of competition success and 2009/10 was no exception as students picked up a string of awards, the most notable of which were: Illustration - Best of Northwest Illustration Awards (3 winners); Graphic Design - RSA Awards (winner), Penguin Book Awards (winner), National Business Calendar Awards - The Trophy; Wildlife and Environmental Photography - Institute of Critical Animal Studies Undergraduate Dissertation of the Year, Blackpool Light Competition (winner). Another significant achievement was our students being featured in ‘e-Creative Directory’ 2010/2011, a guide on the best art and design graduates in the UK.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


community and schools


Strong links continued with local high schools, with Year 10 learners being invited to a number of specially hosted work-related learning days here at the College. Learners on the BA (Hons) Fine Art and Professional Practice also had the opportunity to undertake community-based practice at St. Mary’s as well as St. Johns Primary and St. Teresa’s Primary.

curriculum innovation All our programmes benefit from regular practitioner input to ensure their pertinence to the rapidly evolving creative industries. We were delighted when Venture,

partnerships With support from the British Council, the Gallery hosted ‘Selection’, an exhibition representing

the world’s largest commercial portrait studio company, became the latest addition to a long list of organisations that help shape the content of our Photography and Digital Design programmes.

some of Britain’s most celebrated artists - among them Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin - alongside emerging talent. Close links with FYC – Blackpool’s creative industries hub - generated excellent networking opportunities for learners while other partnerships included those with UCLAN (Unite with Business programme) and Grundy Art Gallery (education workshops). The period also saw exciting talks get underway with both the V&A and Blackpool Seasiders, which could lead to our joint involvement in several new ventures.

live briefs The opportunity to undertake work experience

employer viewpoint

via a series of interesting and relevant live briefs not only enhances learners’ employability but also exposes their talents to an audience of potentially influential contacts. This year live briefs included one by Derek Woodman BMW for Foundation Degree Photography and Digital Design learners to produce images for their ‘Joy’ campaign along with an opportunity for learners from the BA (Hons) Fine Art and Professional Practice to create public art murals at Tommy’s Youth Centre in Fleetwood.

As a local artist and arts organiser, having students on work placements to assist me has been invaluable in generating ideas and helping with the maintenance and running of projects, especially in these hard economic times where there is still so much to be done. The students learn about the realities of and dedication required in being a professional artist and their presence in Blackpool, as a whole, is generating excitement and good news stories during these difficult times.

adrian pritchard Artist and BA Department Founder/Organiser BADept Studios


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

automotive, aviationand gaming awards and achievement A highly successful period for the Automotive Academy was evidenced by its placement in the final three at the Centre of the Year IMI Awards, for which there were 600 nominations. It also received a grade 1 ‘outstanding’ from Ofsted via Skillnet, the official training provider to Ford Motor Company. The National Gaming Academy also enjoyed a successful year, with learner achievement at its highest yet and the graduate to employment rate at an incredible 90-95%.

employer engagement A new range of economic courses for the automotive trade proved immensely popular, with an initial target of £20,000 being met in the first half of the academic year alone. Our provision in respect of the new air conditioning regulations attracted employers from as far afield as Barrow-inFurness, Carlisle, Skelmersdale, Liverpool, Manchester and Southport. In Aviation, the formation of a new workbased learning group allowed full-time learners to progress directly into employment at Blackpool Airport’s flight academy. Economic activity in Gaming meanwhile, through new and continuing partnerships with national names such as Genting and Aspers as well as with local casinos such as Casino 36, totalled in the region of £27,000.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


curriculum innovation


An update to our Automotive Foundation Degree provision reflected the College’s commitment to inclusiveness and widening participation. Joining our Aviation range of programmes was the full-time Level 2 Diploma in the Aviation Environment, for which learning takes place through simulated airport-related operations. Curriculum updates within Gaming featured the delivery of NVQs in the workplace through Train 2 Gain (an initiative that has seen 130 employees successfully undergo training to date) along with the creation of a bespoke programme for Crown Leisure that will allow them to fulfil their licensing objectives.

community Our fun casinos continued to provide an immensely valuable community resource, with at least ten being held over the period, many in support of local charities. The Aviation Academy was once again the destination of choice for several ‘Talented and Gifted’ learners from high schools across Blackpool and Fylde.

partnerships The period saw the Automotive Academy join eight other UK colleges in the Motor Industry Skills Consortium (MISC). As a result of this collaboration, the College is now in talks with a

employer viewpoint

number of manufacturers with regards to their training needs. Another close working relationship was established between the National Gaming Academy, City & Guilds and People First with the objective of realigning the current gaming qualifications to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).

Blackpool and the Fylde College has been instrumental in assisting Ciceley Commercials with its training needs. This has involved the up-skilling of qualified staff in the area of new regulations as well as supporting the development of our Apprentice. We very much appreciate the professionalism and courtesy of College staff and look forward to continuing this partnership in the future.

stephen hall Service Manager, Ciceley Commercials Mercedes Benz


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

businessand professional studies awards and achievement We were delighted when our learners won Gold at the prestigious WorldSkills competition (AAT Accountancy). At an awards evening in May to recognise the region’s top apprentices and participating employers, another of our learners – Tom Brewster – was rewarded for his highly committed approach. Other achievements included the attainment of a Grade 2 under Ofsted’s new inspection framework for our Initial Teacher Education provision, currently the highest grade awarded to a centre.

bespoke provision Our commitment to employer responsiveness with an emphasis on flexible delivery helped retain our position as one of the region’s leading training providers. During the period we successfully secured new contracts with AI Claims, MBW Corporate Training and Blackpool Coastal Housing.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


curriculum innovation


This was extensive during the period, comprising the redevelopment of our further education provision to align with the new Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) along with the creation of two new Foundation Degrees in Accounting and Trade Union Studies. The latter now allows for progression from our existing suite of TUC programmes and is one of only two courses of its type within the HE sector. The successful revalidation of our Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development range of provision followed employer-led enhancements to the same. In conjunction with staff from the School of Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies, we piloted the OneFile ePortfolio assessment management system with extremely positive results. The system, designed to accelerate and streamline the assessment process, was also found to facilitate inter-learner and learner/tutor communication, improve learner motivation and progression as well as develop online learning skills. Consequently, It has now been rolled out within other areas of the College and even demonstrated to two other colleges in the interests of sharing best practice.

recruitment The outstanding quality of our higher education provision was evidenced by a 65% growth on the previous year and the decision of 77% of our FE learners to remain at the College on one of our undergraduate programmes. Overall retention for the period was an impressive 99%.

high schools Partnering with Fleetwood High, our Initial Teacher Education trainees successfully completed a pilot mentor project in supporting young

employer viewpoint

learners within the curriculum. Collaboration with St George’s, Unity College and Beneast Training meanwhile allowed us to successfully implement the two-year 14-19 Business Administration and Finance Diploma, inherent to which is the AAT Accounting qualification.

To coincide with my appointment into the role of HR Manager I enrolled on the Level 7 Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Human Resources. I would recommend this CIPD course to any person wishing to develop their career within Human Resources, and the College as a study centre offering a diverse range of support and resources.

sarah lowe HR Manager (International) Liquid Plastics


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

catering andfood production awards and achievement Another remarkable year for the School of Catering and Food Production saw it achieve the highest success rates of any curriculum area, specifically 98% for achievement, 91% for retention and 89% for success. We were equally thrilled when, for the fifth year running, we were awarded the External Kitemark for Quality Hospitality Assured, on this occasion for hospitality and service at the University Centre’s Café Grads. With regards to the curriculum, the new Level 1 Diploma: Introduction to Professional Cookery was successfully piloted, ensuring its roll-out during 2010/11. The class of 2010 embarked on a variety of exciting industry careers, including an apprenticeship with Marco Pierre White at his London-based restaurant, The Yew Tree.

competition success Learners continued this School’s tradition of exceptional achievement across a range of national competitions through the following notable successes: Seafood UK Championship Final (2 Silver Medallists); TUCO Knorr Chef of the Year (through to Final); Nestle Toque D’Or (through to Regional Final); Alliance of Bakery Students and Trainees Annual Conference 2010 (12 Gold Medals; 7 Silver Medals; 5 Bronze Medals; 7 Very Highly Commended; 5 Highly Commended; 3 Commended out of a total of 18 categories).

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.




We were delighted when the hugely successful Bridge Project earned a Highly Commended at the Annual Beacon Awards. The project, undertaken in partnership with the Salvation Army, has provided valuable hospitality skills training to disaffected individuals in need of a new start. Partnering with the Lancashire Education Authority, the School hosted the Lancashire Young Chef Competition 2010, in which all high schools from across Lancashire took part. Another initiative involving high school learners was the Fylde Coast Seafood Young Chef of the Year 2010, for which we hosted a series of workshop taster sessions aimed at promoting seafood and instructing on its preparation; one of our own learners took first place in the competition.

placements and enrichment Our outstanding reputation within industry translated into excellent work experience opportunities for learners with organisations such as Asda and Blackpool Football Club. Following last year’s success at Aintree, when learners provided restaurant service for the Grand National, we were again invited to attend this prestigious event, this time to provide kitchen as well as restaurant service. Overseas exchange programmes with both the Czech Republic (Prague and Hronov) and France (Challes les Eaux) afforded learners an exciting and valuable opportunity to gain experience of hotel working. Students staying in Prague also had the honour of preparing a British Embassy dinner.

employer engagement We continued, in conjunction with 3 other UK colleges, to deliver apprenticeship training for Morrison’s Butchers, whose win of a National Training Award was attributed directly to this provision. Additional bespoke provision was undertaken for industry giants Heinz and Fox’s Biscuits while local hoteliers continued to take advantage of ‘short sharp’ training for employees.

employer viewpoint Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC is proud to have been associated with Blackpool and The Fylde College for the past three years. The high standard of tuition provides us with skilled and highly motivated staff who can work competently and effectively in the retail environment.

vera foreman Apprentice Scheme Manager Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

construction employer engagement The School retained its position as the leading provider of training to the region’s construction industry, underpinned by its hugely successful Blackpool Build Up project. The project supports local contractors in creating a skilled workforce and has successfully placed more than 1,000 people to date. Companies with whom we’ve partnered in this regard range from industry giants Galliford Try and Bam-Nuttall to local players Parkinsons, Conlons, Carefoots and Tysons. The School’s other bespoke provision, with an emphasis on flexible delivery, continued to prove successful. To assist in being at the forefront of curriculum development and employer needs, Head of School Steve Clough is Chair of the British Association of Construction Heads (BACH) and liaises regularly with the sector skills councils.

partnerships Blackpool Build Up has precipitated numerous exciting partnerships for the School of Construction, including one with Eric Wright to work on the Government’s £40m Building Schools for the Future programme. This venture in turn generated an additional contract with the School to deliver CSCS training for several of Eric Wright’s employees. Another successful partnership was the one with Job Centre Plus, whose commitment to the project ensured they surpassed all of their targets for work placements. The School continued to work closely with JTL, Training 2000 and Construction Skills, all of whose apprentices we train.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.




Specific community projects included our involvement in the creation of an arboretum in Kincraig to serve as a monument for ex-servicemen, along with hard landscaping assignments at care homes and community centres throughout Blackpool. Through Blackpool Build Up we teamed up with the Tower Project (which aims to rehabilitate the region’s most prolific offenders), and already this initiative has delivered encouraging results. Links with local high schools remained strong, with construction training at Cardinal Allen’s new WAVE Centre continuing and the increased take up of Level 2 programmes by School Links learners representing a welcome move to drive up learner aspirations and achievement.

curriculum innovation This was chiefly evidenced through the development of an exciting portfolio of environmental and sustainability courses for the Construction Industry. The School’s commitment to the application of environmental and emerging technologies has led to our successful involvement in the National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies, an initiative championed by SummitSkills.

awards and achievement In recognition of our work with local unemployed people and the regeneration agenda, the School received a coveted National Training Award and won the Centre for Construction Innovation – ‘Local People Local Jobs’ North West heat. The period saw us once again play host to the prestigious SkillBuild competition (North West regional finals), at which our learners won in five categories, with 2 learners going on to achieve the honour of ‘highly commended’ at the National Finals. An excellent period in terms of learner

employer viewpoint

achievement saw our FE learners attain 97% and School Links learners attain 99%; for many

Our relationship with Blackpool and The Fylde College fulfills our requirement for highly trained and skilled employees, capable of making a positive impact upon business operations.

courses, the actual achievement rate was 100%.

steve ford Managing Director SF Recruitment


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

engineering andcomputing (INCLUDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT) achievement The summer saw the first cohort of the Foundation Degree in Project Management graduate with the part-time and full-time groups collectively earning 14 distinction grades and 12 commendation grades, the best higher education results ever recorded for the College. In his associated report, the Course Consultant described much of the work presented as being of Bachelor’s rather than Foundation Degree standard.

employer engagement In Engineering, the Business Improvement Techniques NVQ enjoyed continued popularity at Springfields Fuels, Preston, where more than 40 candidates have now successfully achieved either the Level 2 or the Level 3 qualification. As an Associate Member of NSAN (National Skills Academy for Nuclear), we also delivered the new ANIA (Award in Nuclear Industrial Awareness) Level 2 Award to the nuclear sector. Through advanced apprenticeships, work placements and student entries to an international competition with industrial judgement criteria, the Computing Department embraced work-related learning with a range of local, regional and national employers, among them NCompass, Age Concern, Heinz Foods, and Microsoft.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.

ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING (including Project Management)

curriculum innovation


The first year of the new Foundation Degree in Technical Illustration featured the successful placement of learners in Germany, London and throughout the North West of England. The programme has been the catalyst for re-establishing links with industry, including alumni now employed by the industry, who have since confirmed the Foundation Degree structure (and that of the anticipated top-up honours programme) as industry-compliant. Development of our FE provision has provided a range of new choices for students through the BTEC suite of qualifications at levels 2 and 3, and curriculum updates have also occurred in our bespoke Foundation Degree and Honours Degree programmes.

capital investment In the Computing Department an industry-standard animation studio has been developed to enable learners and staff to develop techniques that have become expected skills of today’s IT staff. Such skills are particularly relevant for those involved in the delivery of more creative aspects, including web sites and the new opportunities presented by mobile device ‘apps’.

partnerships A partnership with Wyre Tidal Energy Ltd successfully informed the Foundation Degree in Eco-technology with a view to enhancing the employability of graduates. Learners worked on a live industry brief to design and build a working model to demonstrate the operation principles of a tidal energy barrage. This group project integrated several subject modules and became the main vehicle for delivering learning. The Engineering Department is now seeking to develop similar collaborative partnerships with two other local employers in the burgeoning field of ecotechnology: Global Renewables in Thornton and Smiths Group in Kirkham.

employer viewpoint During 2010 the College supported us in the delivery of an NVQ in Business Improvement Techniques and proved very flexible in carrying out the evidence assessment (a difficult task owing to the differing shift patterns of employees). The feedback has been really good, with both the individual and the business benefiting from the experience.

susan walker Operations Training Manager Springfields Fuels


Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

fleetwood nautical campus fleetwood offshore survival centre (fosc) and fleetwood testing laboratory awards and achievement In January, at the request of the RAF, we were delighted to facilitate helicopter underwater escape training for HRH Prince William as part of his professional development as an operational search and rescue pilot. An equally outstanding coup for Fleetwood Testing Laboratory was when it beat 90 other companies to be voted Overall Award Winner at the British Safety Industry Federation Annual Awards. Overall, an extremely productive period for both FOSC and the Fleetwood Testing Laboratory culminated in the successful attainment of all financial and student recruitment targets.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.



curriculum innovation The period saw us introduce Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST), the precursor to a new suite of health and safety courses, planned for introduction during the next academic year.

high schools Collaboration with local high schools continued as

industry recognition

we welcomed a number of Year 11 pupils on work experience placements.

Reinforcing the international reputation of our staff as experts in their respective fields came a request for us to observe and appraise Royal Naval safety and emergency procedures on board a nuclear trident submarine at Fas Lane, Scotland.

employer engagement New bespoke activity included a contract with BAE to provide training to Jet Stream pilots and cabin crew. We also became the provider of choice for the Royal Flight of Oman (UK-based staff) and Liverpool Marine (pilot training in boat transfer and in-water survival). Our close working relationship with key partner Centrica continued and we look forward to developing this further

employer viewpoint

throughout the coming year.

I’m proud to be associated with the Fleetwood Testing Laboratory and our partnership will continue for as long as I am here.

chris pearson UK Sole Agent Marine Pool (the world’s largest supplier of inflatable life jackets)


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

fleetwood nautical campus MARITIME OPERATIONS awards and achievement Another successful year was evidenced by a rise of between 5 and 10% in the number of incoming UK cadets. Two learners were rewarded for outstanding achievement at the Marine Society Sea Cadet Awards (best level 3 portfolio) and the British Shipping Safety Awareness Awards (joint 3rd place). This year’s graduate to employment rate (of those graduates seeking employment) was an outstanding 100%; three graduates opted to top up their qualification to a full honours degree. The Fleetwood Nautical graduation ceremonies were a fitting tribute to their outstanding achievement.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


curriculum innovation


Training commenced on the use of the industry’s new Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) technology, which the School now hopes to take to Angola. 2009/10 also saw the successful implementation of ‘ActiveXpression’, a form of interactive classroom technology that had been piloted the previous year. We continued to liaise with the School of Engineering and Computing in respect of a new range of Marine Engineering courses, planned for 2011.

high schools The School maintained good relations with local high schools, carrying out careers visits to learners and also hosting two-week work placements for some.

employer engagement New partnerships were formed with Carnival, Princess and BP, which have the potential to deliver exciting new sponsorship opportunities for cadets. This year saw cadet training for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) get underway, which earned the College the RFA accolade of best UK training provider based on attendance, discipline and achievement. The period also brought about the successful completion of the Kenyan Port Authority contract as we embarked upon a new contract with the Gibraltan Port Authority.

employer viewpoint Fleetwood Nautical Campus is head and shoulders above the other nautical colleges.

phil gregory Training Officer Royal Fleet Auxiliary


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

hairdressing, beautyand related therapies awards and achievement At the prestigious WorldSkills UK Competitions an outstanding performance by learners was rewarded with both Gold and Bronze for Nail Art and a Bronze for Reflexology. Another coup for the School was its invitation to host the British Council UK Skills Student of the Year competition, an event which drew participants from ten colleges across the UK. An additional success came at the regional finals of the 2010 Apprenticeship Awards in May, when partner hair salon Solo Scissors was nominated for Employer of the Year in recognition of its commitment to the Apprenticeships Scheme.

employer engagement In January, Level 3 Hair and Media students showcased their skills via a fashion show they had organised themselves to an audience of employers and UK Skills judges at Club Sanuk, Blackpool. Graduating students were able to capitalise on the School’s well-established industry links to access a number of exciting posts with companies such as Steiners, with others opting to set up on their own.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


51 community and enrichment Charitable and community activity was significant, the highlights being: performing sports massage at the London Marathon while raising £2,500 for the Anthony Nolan Trust for Leukaemia; attendance at the annual Parkinson’s Society convention to carry out hair, beauty and related therapies treatments on 200 delegates; linking up with the charity Body Positive to provide complementary therapy treatments for those living with or affected by HIV and AIDS; involvement in a Police-led initiative to carry out treatments for disaffected 14- to 16-year-old females in Fleetwood; providing the make-up for contestants of a Stars in Their Eyes fundraising event in support of Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

curriculum innovation The period saw the commencement of the new 14-19 Diploma in Hair and Beauty Studies for learners from Unity College (formerly Beacon Hill), Palatine, Highfield and Bracken Lodge. Also new to the curriculum were the City and Guilds Level 1 Spa (Foundation Learning) and the Level 3 Body and Spa. A collaborative pilot project with staff from the School of Business and Professional Studies culminated in the successful implementation of an ePortfolio assessment management system – OneFile. The system,

industry recognition

which allows learners to build portfolios electronically, was

The reputation of staff is such that they are

and showcased to two separate colleges.

subsequently rolled out within three other College Schools

regularly called upon to act in an advisory capacity to industry. In 2009/10 such activity included staff involvement in focus groups at City and Guilds as well as our continued representation at the Association of Hairdressers and Therapists (AHT) and on the National Advisory Committee. Also among our team were three UK Skills judges and a contributor to the workbook: Anatomy and Physiology for Beauty and Complementary Therapies. Two members of staff were invited to the Houses of Parliament to attend a meeting of the Hairdressing Council with regards to regulating the hairdressing industry.

employer viewpoint ‘The Chairman of the Parkinson’s Society, Mr Tony Bowyer, his associates and guests, extend their gratitude to Blackpool and the Fylde College and in particular the students and management of the School of Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies for staging such a well managed and extremely valuable event’.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

society, healthand childhood awards and achievement The School was delighted when Year 2 cadet Kimberley Tomlinson won the North West Skills Academy for Health – Health and Social Care Cadet of the Year Award. Nineteenyear-old Kimberley, who has been battling cancer, was nominated by course co-ordinator Nicky Wright for the inspirational way in which she had persevered with her studies and gone on to produce an outstanding portfolio.

employer engagement Throughout 2009/10 we worked closely with Blackpool Children’s Services, conducting joint interviews for places on our Foundation Degree in Professional Practice in Early Years. Learners were able to access a number of excellent placement opportunities, including those with Leadership and Management in Care Services (LMCS). Based on personal letters of application, several of our learners were selected from across the whole of the North West to attend a series of NHS health and care taster days.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


53 community and enrichment A number of curriculum-linked projects gave learners the opportunity to work, research, fundraise and develop skills in specific areas of interest. The groups were involved in all aspects of the associated events, including planning, risk assessment, advertising, taking part, presentations and booking facilities. They also formed committees to experience the way groups work in care settings. In the course of this, learners worked with and supported a wide range of organisations, among them the Samaritans, MacMillan, Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice, Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Donna’s Dream House, Streetlife, Sport Relief and the Lifeboat Project (in collaboration with St Peter’s Church).

curriculum innovation The period saw the launch of an NVQ Level 4 for managers within residential childcare settings, a unique sector-inspired course for which the achievement rate was 100%. The School also liaised with North Lancashire PCT to develop a Foundation Degree in Health and Care Leadership, which has the potential to be rolled out to NHS and allied staff. Through the School’s Emotional Literacy Project, vulnerable learners received life coaching aimed at raising self-esteem and improving


course performance. The early results have been extremely encouraging.

An ongoing partnership with the Ormerod Trust enabled Level 2 learners to gain an additional Learning Disability Qualification (LDQ). Training was funded by the School and delivered by the Trust with some learners going on to secure permanent

employer viewpoint

placements. The School struck up a unique partnership with Age Concern Blackpool & District to design and produce ‘Reminiscence’ boxes, intended to engage with and stimulate the minds of people with dementia. The boxes have been positively received and will now be available to sufferers and their carers in residential care settings, in their own homes and in community settings.

I attended an event organised by Blackpool and The Fylde College, which was to give information to local employers about the changes to the new QCF framework. The presentation was led by CACHE, the awarding body for childcare qualifications. Having the opportunity to attend this event has supported me to develop an audit tool for staff in my setting to ensure that I can now work towards the recommendations proposed by the new qualifications framework.

faye mculloch Manager Layton Methodist Playgroup


Blackpool and The Fylde College ¡ Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

tourism, leisureand hospitality awards and achievement In May, we were delighted to host the regional heat of the UK WorldSkills competition for Public Services, and equally delighted when our own team went through to the National Final. Another outstanding achievement for the period was postgraduate student Vishal Vilas Hajirnis’ win of the De Vere Employee of the Year competition, following a period of placement at Cameron House, Lochlomond.

employer engagement The period saw us assist Blackpool Council in their fulfilment of a regeneration-focused initiative, Welcome to Blackpool. Through the scheme, which aims to drive up standards of customer service throughout the resort and links to the national Welcome to Excellence suite of qualifications, training was made available for more than 400 local taxi drivers. Additional bespoke activity comprised work undertaken with the Primary Care Trust and the provision of drug and drink awareness training for Blackpool licencees. We were also pleased to establish a link with Aspers Casino, piloting online delivery of the Foundation Degree in UK Casino Operations Management to casino managers across the UK.

associated companies

Logos represent organisations with whom the College has worked during the 2009/10 academic year. A list of associated companies is available on pages 56/57.


industry recognition


A tutor who undertook the Action Research Programme was subsequently invited to present his findings at the Escalate HE academic Conference, Warwickshire University. The research – Blackpool E-luminate – which explores teaching HE within FE, has since been adopted by our university partner, Lancaster, for the purposes of staff development. Another coup for the School was an invitation for Head of School John Swannie to deliver the keynote address on behalf of People First to a conference of the Irish Catering and Hospitality Industry in relation to the Hospitality Educators Programme.

curriculum innovation Through the School’s high profile within local industry and its extensive involvement in the Employer Liaison Board, a number of local employers contributed to the process of

partnerships Collaboration continued with Blackpool Council in relation to the Further Education Sports Coordinator (FESCO) initiative to deliver sports courses for clubs and leisure services providers throughout the region. This has been the vehicle

aligning a new generation of work-relevant qualifications to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). In higher education, the first cohort of the Foundation Degree in Events Management began in September: the mostly industry-based learners went on to play a pivotal role in the organisation of the Lancashire Hotel Catering and Hospitality Show 2010 at the Winter Gardens in March.

for a number of learners to achieve national governing body awards and thus increase their employability. Our links with the Badminton Association meanwhile are fast making a new Centre of Excellence for Badminton a reality.

work placements In higher education, a globally focused curriculum was evidenced through exciting placement opportunities as far afield as the US, Western

employer viewpoint

Australia and New Zealand with companies such as Disney, Universal and Hilton Group. Closer to home, the Disney link was sustained when a group of learners lent their support to a Pleasure Beach conference, at which the Disney Vice Principal delivered the keynote address.

Blackpool and the Fylde College and the Sandcastle Waterpark have forged a long-standing partnership that has contributed to local people developing the skills, knowledge and motivation that continue to deliver world class achievements at our fantastic attraction. This has resulted in continued growth and local prosperity.

paul mcevoy Deputy General Manager Sandcastle Waterpark


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

associated companies

The following companies are those to whom we have been linked over the 2009/10 academic year. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure all associated companies are listed here, for administrative reasons the list may not be exhaustive.

123 Supported Accommodation • 124 Works • 848 848 Radio Taxis • A Class Plumbing • A I Claims Solutions • A1 Mobility • A1 Vehicle Rescue • Abbey Biscuits • AbelGlass • Acorn Care Home • Add Action • Addison Engineering Co Ltd • Additions Cafe Bar • Adelaide House Hotel • Advanced Child Care • Aegon UK Services • AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd • Age Concern • Aldon Coachworks • Alexandra Nursing Home • Alison Handling Services Ltd • Alphabet House • Alumhurst Hotel • Ameon • Anchorsholme Primary School • Andy Mitchell • Ansdell Nursery • Antons Cafe • Apollo Sealants • Aramark • Arcon Sheet Metal • Arnfield Construction • Arnold School • Arnold Sumner • Arundel Lodge • Ascot Guest House • Asda • Ashbourne Garage • Ashbourne Lodge Rest Home • Ashleigh • Ashley Alexander • Ashton High School • Ashton Pavillion • Aspers Casino • Associated British Ports at Fleetwood • Association of Hairdressers and Therapists (AHT) • Attak A Snak • Autobahn Paintwork • Autumn Leaves • B & E Boys Ltd • B&M Bargains • BADept Studios • Badminton Association • BAE Systems • Baines Children’s Centre • Baines Endowed C of E Primary School • Baines School • Balmoral • Bam-Nuttall • Bar 19 • BAR MOT Centre • Barbara M Thompson • Barnados • Barnholme • Beachwood Guest House • Beacon Reach • Beautybasixs • Bedford Hotel • Beech Jackson Partnership Ltd • Beech Keys Ltd • BEK Motors • Belle Vue • Beneast Training • Best Western Carlton Hotel • Bibby International Services IOM Limited • Big Blue Hotel • Bispham Endowed CE Primary School • Bispham High School Arts College • Blackpool Council • Blackpool Boys & Girls Club • Blackpool Catering Services • Blackpool Coastal Housing • Blackpool Council (Town Hall) • Blackpool Design Associates • Blackpool Football Club • Blackpool Fylde and Wyre NHS Foundation Trust • Blackpool Honda • Blackpool International Airport • Blackpool Pleasure Beach • Blackpool Police • Blackpool Primary Care Trust • Blackpool Self Catering Holiday Association • Blackpool Service Centre • Blackpool Transport • Blackpool Victoria Hospital • Blackpool Wyre and Fylde Council for Volunteer Service • Blackpool Unlimited • Blackpool Zoo • Blythe & Denby • Body Positive • Booths • Boston Hotel • Boundary Primary School • Bowker IT • BP • BP Insurance Brokers • Bradley Builders Ltd • Brannigans • Brian House Children’s Hospice • BRI-MET • Brimelows Garage • British Council • Brookdale Day Nursery • Brooklands Rest Home • Brookfield School • Broughton Pre School • Burtons Foods • Business Link North West • Business Referral Exchange • Busy Bees • C & M Motors • C Cabs • C Morrison • CP Plumbing and Heating • Cafe On The Way/Thai by Night • Cafe Vida • Camelot Theme Park • Caran Reid • Carcraft Body Repairs Ltd • Cardinal Allen Catholic High School • Care UK • Carefoots • Carewatch • Carleton Green Community Primary School • Carleton St Hilda’s C of E Primary • Carleton Tyres & Exhausts • Carleton Crossroads Garage • Carnival • Carousel Hotel • Cartford Inn • Carr Hill High School • Casablanca • Casino 36 Ltd • Cavitech Solutions • Caxton Lodge • CB Plumbing • CCATS • CCW Ltd • Centrica • Chapman Engineering • Charity Recycling • Chaseley Care Home • Che Bar /Cocos • Cherise View Service Station • Cherish UK • China Red • Choice Hotels • Chris Allen Garages • Chubbys Bar • Church Road Playgroup Methodist Church • City Learning Centre • CJ Car Repair • Claremont Hotel • Clarkson Building & Joinery Ltd • Clement Dickens & Son Ltd • Cleveleys Park Rest Home • Cleveleys Taxis Ltd • Clifton Lodge Nursery • Clifton Quality Meats • Clyde Marine • Coba Hair Centre • Cockerham Caterpillars • Collegiate High School • Colour Lounge • Come Ye In • Conifers • Conlon Construction Ltd • Connexions • Construction Skills • Coope Badman & Co • Coral Island • Coronation Rock Company • Country Vogue • Creative Additions • Crest Recruitment • Croker Auto Repair Specalist • Crown Leisure Limited • Cruz Bar • Crystal Lodge Holiday Appartments • Cube Gallery (Manchester) • Cupcake • Daisy Chain Nursery • Dalmeny Hotel • Dansons • David Taylor • DCS Fylde • De Vere’s Herons Reach Hotel • Deborah Douglas - Childminder • Delamere Hotel • Deli Plumbing • Derek Woodman Ltd • Dermalogica • Devon Hair • Devonshire Arms Pub • Devonshire Primary School • DFH Auto Engineers • Disney • Diva • Donna’s Dream House • Dotty Lines • Douglas Mechanical Installations Ltd • Driveways North West • DSM Media Ltd (now known as Quality Vision) • Dudley Industries • Dunes Day Nursery • Duo Hair & Beauty • DWP (Warbreck House) • EDF Energy • Edinburgh Museum • ElecLocal • Elgin Hotel • Elite Joinery Services • Elizabeth Hair Design • Emma and I • Enigma • Eric Wright Group • Ethan Hull • Ethos • Euphoria Hairdressing • Eurostock Foods • Evans Halshaw • Eve Taylor • Expressions • Fairhaven Nursing Home • Farm Shop Rare Breeds • Farmer Parrs Animal World • Fast Track Motors • Faurecia Emission Control Technologies • Fawcett & Sons • Fcarc • Federation of Small Businesses • Flagship • Flares • Fleetwood High School • Flexi Recruitment • Flute • Ford Motor Company • Forest Drive Nursery • Forsight Building Services • Forsyth Building Services • Fox’s • Frenchman’s Cove • Funky Towers • FX Leisure • FY1 • FY Creatives • Fylde Borough Council • Fylde Coast Accident Repair Centre • Fylde Coast Gate Ltd • Fylde Coast Medical Services • Fylde Coast YMCA • Fylde Community Link • Fylde Digital Installations Ltd • Fylde Micro • Fylde Motor Company • Fylde Office Service Bureau • G & L Plastering/Tiling • G Carter & Son • G Casino • Galiford Try • Garside & Laycock • Garstang High School • Genting Casino • Genting Circus Casino • Gibraltan Port Authority • Gilbeys Autos • Gledhill Building Products • Glen Marie Rest Home • Glen Tanar Care Home • Glenroyd Nursing Home • GLI Safegas Ltd • Global Renewables Ltd • Goodwins • Graham Ward • Grand Theatre • Granville Motors Ltd • Great Arley School • Great Places Housing Group • Gretone Engineering Limited • Grosvenor View • Groundworks • Grundy Art Gallery • Grunty’s Day Care Nursery • GT Carsprays • Guardian Home Care • HM Plumbing • H20 Heating & Plumbing • Hair by Clare Ashton • Hair By Rachael • Hair Society • Halsall Heating • Halsall Toys • Hambleton Nursery School • Hambleton Under 5s • Happy Creative • Happy Days • Happy Days Nursery • Hargreaves Garages • Harrisons Garage • Harwoods Garage • Haweside Primary • Head Gear • Head Start • Headmasters Hair Salon • Heatons Engineering • Heinz • Helping Hands • Henry’s Bar • Herbert T Forrest Ltd • Hewitt Packard • Hibbert Vehicle Services • Highcroft Care Home • Highfield Children’s Nursery • Highfield Humanities College • Highfurlong • Highgrove Rest Home • Hilton Group • Hilton Blackpool Hotel • Hirst & Danson • HIS Mechanical Services • Hodgson School • Home Insulation Services Northwest Ltd • Home Start • Homestead Consultancy Services Ltd • Honeypots Under 5’s Centre • Honeysuckle House • Hooke • Hydraulic Power Systems • I Care Ltd • IM Fabrications • Ian Rainford Joinery • IEA Jones Motor Service • Image Proz • Images of Blackpool • Impact Energy Savings Solutions Ltd • In Training • Inn on the Prom • Inward House • Iportal Solutions Ltd • Isis Hair • Isle of Iona • ITP In The Pink Leisure • J & N Gas • J B Garages Ltd • J Wareing & Sons • Jackson Lloyd Ltd • Jah Jireh • James Brearley



and Sons • James Daniel • James Fisher and Son • James Mercer Group • Jane’s Hair Salon • JD Pickups Installations Ltd • Jem Craft • Jigsaw • JJs • JKs Steak House (previously New Red Peaches) • Job Centre Plus • John Huddleston Engineering • John Moore & Sons Builders Ltd • John Turner and Sons • John Wilding Ltd • Johnsons Manufacturing Joinery • Joseph’s Salon • JTL • Jump Leads • Just MOT’s • K & B Autos • K and A Autos • K W Creative Hair Design • Kapers Nursery • Karl Vella Auto Body Repairs • Kats Claws • Keith Humphreys Plumber • Kensington Dev • Kenyan Port Authority • Keyes Barn • Kilgour Engineering Industries Ltd • Kincraig County Primary School • King Edward Care Home • Klarius • KRE8 • KT’s Hair Studio • L. Woodruff Ltd • La Fontana • Lancashire Care NHS Trust • Lancashire Constaulary • Lancashire County Commercial Group • Lancashire County Council • Lancashire Education Authority • Lancashire Gas Services • Lancashire Road Safety Partnership • Lancashire Teaching Hospital • Landor Associates • Langdale Hotel • Langtrys Blackpool • Lavishair • Lawton Hotel • Layton Methodist Playgroup • Layton Primary School • Learning Curve Nursery • Lebus International • Leisure Travel • Lewis Motors • Lindisfarne • Lindum Hotel • Links Lodge • Little Treasures Day Nursery (Bispham) • Little Village Nursery • Liquid Plastics • Liverpool Marine • Llanryan Guest House • Loftech • L’Oreal • LSA Technology and Performing Arts College • Lynbar Guesthouse • Lynmoore Guest House • Lytham Yacht Club • MOSAC (Mothers of Sexually Abused Children) • MP Marine • MacMIillan • Manchester Methodist Housing Association • Marc’s Garage • Marine Pool • Mario’s • Mark Brasier (Consultant) • Mark Garside Plumbing • Mark Nattal Plumbing & Heating • Mark Wrathall Auto Engineers • Martin Scullion • Marton Primary School • Mary Poppins • Matalan PLC • Mayfield Primary School • MBW Corporate Training • Mears • Mercedes Benz • Meiring Whitaker • Merlewood Apartments • Metcalfs Estate Agents • MHA • Mi-Flues Limited • Microsoft • Midgeland Rd Garage • Millfield Science and Performing Arts College • Millwood Plumbing • Milton Lodge • Mini Buddies Pre-School • Miramar • Mitie • Mobility 2000 Building Ltd • Montgomery High School • Moor Park Primary School • Moorland Motors Ltd • Morris and Spottiswood • Mosaic Community Care • Moss Side Children’s Nursery • Motivate • Mounttune Car Sales • NHS Blackpool • National Baler Services • NCompass • Neil Marshall Hairdressing • New Cross Health Care Solutions • New Directions • New Fylde Housing (Progress Plus) • New Image • New Little Village • Newbury Hotel • Newcross Health Care Solutions • Newfield Jones Homes • Newfield lodge • NFC Autocare • NHS Blackpool teaching Hospitals • NHS Community Health Services • NHS North Lancashire • NHS Pensions Division • Nightingales Care Ltd • Norbreck 45 Hair Studio • Norbreck Primary School • North of England Education Conference (NEEC) • North Lancashire Teaching PCT • North Pier • North West Community Services • North West Therapy Centre • Norther Care • Northern Case Management • Northern Security Services • • NST Travel Group PLC • Number 3 • Nutkins Nursery • Old Vicarage • Opal Design Ltd • Orchard Lodge • Orion Blinds • Orlando Hotel • Ormerod Trust • PJ Taylor Plumbing and Heating • Pablo’s Cafe • Palatine • Palm Tree Lodge • Paolo’s • Park School • Parkinsons • Parkinson’s Society • Pear Tree • Peek a Boo • Pendlebury Care • Penny Lodge Developments • Pennystone Court • People First • Pepe’s • Peter Fryer Joinery & Building Ltd • Peter Jones • Phil Rogerson Ltd • Philip Dixon Contractors & Plant Hire Ltd • Pinington Ltd • Pisces • Places For People • Play Inclusions • Pool Aviation • Positive Steps (Blackpool Victoria Hospital) • Prego • Premier Inn Blackpool East • Prestige Nursing • Preston College • Primrose Bank Rest Home • Princes • Princess Alexandra Home • Pro Care Home Support Services • Progress Recruitment • Promenade Hotels Limited • Pulcinellas • Pye Motors Lancaster • Quatro Electronics • Queen Victoria Hotel • Quick Save Motorists Centre • R & B Motors Fylde Ltd • R & S Plastering Contractors • R D Wilkinson • Radix 2 Design Ltd • RAF • Randstad Ltd • Rate Your Energy • Rawcliffe & Co Accountants • Read and Errington • Red Marsh School • Red October • Regency Windows and Conservatories • Reliance Care • Riah Hair • Ribble Lodge • Ribby Hair Studio • Richards Hair and Beauty • Rio Hair Company • Riversmede • Rocket Fish • Roger Eaves Building Ltd • Rose & Crown • Roseacre Primary School • Roselyn House • Rossall School • Royal Fleet Auxiliary • Royal Flight of Oman • Royal Statistical Society • Rumours/Hush • S Ashcroft Plumbing • Saddleworth School • Salon 15 • Salvation Army • Sam Clegg Butchers • Sandcastle Care • Sandcastle Waterpark • Sanderson Joinery Ltd • Sanuk • Sara Phillips • Sarah’s Hair Studio • Sauls Hair Design • Scanlite Visual Communication • Scissor Trix • Scrooges • Scruffy Murphys/ Churchills Bar • Sea Bank House Residential Care Home • Sea Life Blackpool • Select Plumbing, Heating & Bathrooms • SEO Tech • Septembers • SF Recruitment • Shaw & Wright • Shine Hair Studio • Showreel TV • Simmons Commercials • Skillnet Training • Skylarks Nursery • SLP Precasts • Smiths Group • Solo Scissors • Specialist Boiler Services • Spindrift Care Home • SpringEnergy • Springetts Brand Design Consultants Limited • Springfields Fuels Ltd • St Aidans Church of England High School • St Bedes Catholic High School • St Bentley Builders • St Chads Primary School (after school club) • St Cuthbert’s School • St Evens • St George’s School • St John Vianney R C Primary School • St Mary’s Catholic College • St Mary’s Church Hall • St Michaels Garage • St Pauls Medical Centre (BBC) • St Peter’s Kindergarten • St Wulstans & St Edwards Catholic Primary School • Stafford Thurz • Stanham Housing • Stanley Primary School • Star Bodies • Star Hills • Steiners • Stephen Coles • Stephen Dodd • Stockshall Care Home • Streetlife • Strike Lane Community Primary School • Stringers • Stuart Brown Joinery • Studio 10 • Studio Ten Hair Design • Style Machine Tools • Style time • Subway • Sunnydayz Nursery • Sure Start • Sure Start Talbot and Brunswick • Surestart (Fleetwood) • Surestart Children’s Centre • Surestart Children’s Centre (Grange Park) • Surestart Children’s Centre (Mereside Campus) • Surface & Design • Sutcliffe Hotel • Swissport - Groundstar Ltd • T Jolly Services Ltd • Tangerine Holdings • Tangerine Tots • Tapas • Test • Thames Primary School • The Allan Court Guest House • The Argyll Hotel • The Arties • The Avon Hotel • The Bandy Hotel • The Beachwood House Hotel • The Beeches - Blackpool South • The Berwick Hotel • The Birches • The Blue C Hotel • The Blue Pig Coffee House • The Blue Room • The Bond Hotel • The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust • The Burlington • The Chase • The Claremont Hotel • The Counting House • The Crib • The Everglades • The Fame Hotel • The Farthings Nursing Home • The Ferry Cafe • The Glenburn • The Goldstone Gateway • The Hair & Nail Boutique • The Hair Lounge • The Haldene • The Highlands • The Hotel Wilmar • The Lemon Tree • The Litten Tree • The Maine Attraction • The Maine Salon • The Manuela Rose • The Nail Lounge • The National Skills Academy Nuclear • The Novello • The Oaklea Trust • The Qube • The Roachvale Hotel • The Rose & Crown • The Rosehaven • The Saddle • The Salmar • The Salon • The Samaritans • The Sands • The Soul Suite • The Squirrels Child Care Centre • The St. Ives Hotel • The Syndicate • The Truth • The Venue • The Villa • The Village Nursery • The Village Steakhouse • The Volunteer Centre • The Walkden House Hotel • The Washington • The Willows • The Wilton Hotel • Therapy House • Thistle • Thompson Local • Thornton Pre-School Playgroup • Toast • Todding Nursery • Toddle Inn • Tommy’s Youth Centre (Fleetwood) • Tony Blundell • Tracy Glaser • Training 2000 • Transpennine Express • Travel TV Plc • Trax Care • Treetops Nursery • Trinity Hospice • True North • Tysons • UBU • UCLAN • Under Bar • Unity College Blackpool • Universal • Vance House Holiday Appartments • Variety • Venture • Veterinary Health Centre • Village Hotels • Village Practice • Virtual Living Ltd • Volkservice • Volunteer Centre Stanley Park • Walkabout • Walsh Integrated Building Services • Walton’s Coach Hire Limited • Waterloo Medical Centre • Waterloo Primary School • Wella • West Lodge Dental Practice • Westfield Caravans • Wheel Repair Centre • Whitegate Drive Medical Centre • Whitegate Resource Centre • Whitesides Joinery • Willows Care Home • Windmill Day Nursery • Winfield House • WL Cookson Ltd • Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC • Wonderland Day Nursery • Woodlands School • Worktop Creations • WOW • Wynfield House Care Home • Wyre Borough Council • Wyre Gas • Wyre Tidal Energy Ltd • Wyred Up • YMCA • Young People’s Service • Zell-em Group • Zest

Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

factsan figures



nd s

finance The College recorded another strong financial performance in 2009/10. The group reported an historic cost surplus for the year of £420k, which included a charge of £1m in respect of the accounting treatment for retirement benefits prescribed by FRS 17. The underlying historic cost surplus was therefore £1.4m. The strength of the group balance sheet was maintained in 2009/10 with total reserves and endowments of £49.4m, cash balances of £9.6m and a cash inflow generated from operating activities of £2.3m in the year. The current ratio on 31 July was 1.96 and the College had no borrowings in 2009/10. The College intends to accumulate reserves and cash balances to invest in improving the learner experience through the property strategy, the IT infrastructure and equipment for use by learners. In 2009/10, a combined £3.3m was invested in buildings and equipment. The College will meet the challenges faced by the sector in the coming years from a position of financial strength.


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

FUnDing BoDY grantS LSC and successor organisations grants


LSC and successor organisations capital grants


HEFCE grants


HEFCE capital grants



Total funding body grants


eDUcation contractS tUition FeeS anD chargeS Home students


Non-EU students


Higher Education



Total tuition fees and charges

other grant income European funds


Other funds



Total other grant income

other income Catering and Residences


Offshore and other economic income


Other income



Total other income

inVeStment income Interest receivable



Total investment income

income For the year ended 31 July 2010

Total income




income in 2009/10 tion contra



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1% Investment income

2% Educa

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13 %




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total income

£49,325,000 nts

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income groWth Since 2005/06 £49,325,000





2007/2008 2006/2007


£39,745,000 £35,888,000


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

expenditure For the year ended 31 July 2010

StaFF Teaching


Teaching and other support


Administration and Cental Services


Premises running costs


Premises maintenance


Catering and Residence


Staff restructuring


Total staff costs


other oPerating eXPenDitUre Teaching


Teaching and other support


Administration and Cental Services


Premises running costs


Premises maintenance


Rent and leases


Catering and Residence


Total other operating expenditure



£4,094,000 £877,000

intereSt PaYaBle


total non PaY eXPenDitUre Total expenditure




eXPenDitUre in 2009/10 2% Interest payable

ciation 8% Depre

% 24 r he Ot

total eXPenDitUre


% 66

aff St

DeFicit on continUing oPerationS Transfer from revaluation reserve

hiStoric coSt SUrPlUS Remove impact of FRS17

UnDerlYing hiStoric coSt SUrPlUS

(£582,000) £1,002,000

£420,000 £1,014,000



Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

student information In the following tables, part-time figures indicate the number of individual enrolments whereas full-time figures indicate the number of learners (LNs). One learner may make multiple enrolments.

StUDent nUmBerS fe (funded)

2009/10 ft lns

2009/10 pt enrolmentS

Academic Studies



Access and Continuing Education



Art, Media and Performance



Business and Professional Studies



Catering and Food production






Engineering, Computing and Automotive (including Aviation and Gaming)







Society, Health and Childhood



Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality (including Sports and Public Services)





2009/10 ft lns

2009/10 pt enrolmentS









Business and Professional Studies










Maritime Operations



Society, Health and Childhood



Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality (including Sports





Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies Maritime Operations

Grand total

fe (funded) Academic Studies Access and Continuing Education Art and Design (Higher Education) Art, Media and Performance

Engineering and Computing (including Automotive and Gaming) Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies

Grand total




2009/10 ft lns

2009/10 pt enrolmentS





Leisure classes Full cost (FE, School Links, Other) Other (ESF, E2E etc)



Grand total


StUDent ProFile


age Male








learning difficulties

disability No




















Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

staffing information StaFF nUmBerS full-time equivalents Teaching departments - teaching


Teaching departments - support


Teaching support - LIT


Additional support


Other support staff


Administration and Central Services Marketing

114.38 31.92

Premises - Running costs


- Management and Admin


Catering and Residences






StaFF ProFile gender 23% Full-time - Female me - Male

t-ti 23% Par







a -M


21% e-

m t-ti Par ale


The male/female staff breakdown shows little change on the previous year. Overall the College male/female split is 44% male and 56% female.


Blackpool and The Fylde College 路 Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

51 -

11. 6



-3 0

2.68% 65+

61 - 65 9.93%

26 .0 3%

0.73% Under 21




20 .52

28 .4 3%

41 -



The College age distribution shows that the majority of staff remain within the 40-50 age bracket.

disability Currently there are 3.48% of staff indicating they have a disability. Additionally we use the College Technical Assessment Centre (TASC) to help staff who are experiencing difficulties such as a bad back or computer screen visibility.

31 -




ethnicity 4.5% of the College population are indicating an Ethnicity other than White–British, which is the main nationality in the College. This percentage is higher than the corresponding local population percentages and gives continuing encouragement to our claim of being an Equality of Opportunity Employer. The College ethnic origin breakdown for 2009/10 together with comparative full- and part-time percentage figures for 2008/09 is as per the table below:


full-time (2008/ part-time (2008/ total 2009/10 2009) 2009/10 2009)

Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi



Asian or Asian British – Indian










Asian or Asian British – Pakistani






Asian or Asian British – Any other Asian






Black or Black British – African









Black or Black British – Caribbean


Black or Black British – Any other Black




Mixed – White and Asian Mixed – White and Black African



(0.16%) 0.13%

Mixed – White and Black Caribbean





White – Irish



Any Other White Background


Sub Total of Categories Above White – British





























































Any Other

Not Known or Not Provided

0.15% 0.07%

(0.26%) (0.16%)

Mixed – Any other Mixed Background

2 1




Our response rate has improved to 86% from the 83% reported last year. The categories for reporting are as outlined below.

ethnicity Other categories White-British Not known or Not provided

4% 83% 13%

All information provided in this section has been taken from the Human Resources Report to the Board for the Year 2009/10


Blackpool and The Fylde College · Annual Report and Accounts | 0910

compositionof thecorporation The Members who served the Corporation during the period were as follows:

member’s name

date of term of appointment office

committee served

F. Aiken


Remuneration Committee

4 years


Quality and Standards Committee

7.9.03 re-appointed 7.9.07 T. Amor


4 years


Audit Committee (Chair) Search Committee

14.12.08 R. Bell


4 years



To end of academic year

P. Burdess


4 Years

A. Cavill


4 years

S. Crowther


4 years

I. Evans


4 years

Quality and Standards Committee

To end of

Quality with Standards Committee

Audit Committee

re-appointed 9.9.07 A. Goodyear


academic year

(with effect from 16.2.10)

A. Gilmore


4 years

Audit Committee

Y. Jenkinson


4 years

Audit Committee

S. Lamley


3 years

Chair of Corporation



Search Committee


Remuneration Committee (Temporary Board Representative on College Health and Safety Committee)

C. Miller


4 years

Vice-Chair of the Corporation



Remuneration Committee


Search Committee


Quality and Standards Committee (Chair)

7.2.10 D. Parker


4 years

Quality with Standards Committee (with effect from 16.2.10)

L. Smith


4 years

Quality and Standards Committee

P. Waterhouse (Principal



Search Committee


Quality and Standards Committee

and Chief Executive)


Principal and Chief Executive: Pauline Waterhouse OBE Editor: Stephanie McEvoy Artwork designed and produced by: Mark Wilson and Carl Rosekilly Image Credits: Steve Redfern, Colin Jarvis, .Mark Wilson, Louise Facey, Carl Rosekilly, Peter Jones, RS Studio, National Training Awards, Booths, Andrew Livesey. Front Cover: Michael Hirst

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