B&FC Student Enrichment Guide 2015/16

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College Life Enrichment Opportunities at Blackpool and The Fylde College

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Have a


Job Ready Status


B&FC Enrichment

Meet the Team Stephen Stroud Student Enrichment Officer

Helen KershawRussell -

Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing Coordinator

E Stephen.Stroud@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 374 M 07908 509 209 @BFCEnrich

E Helen.Kershaw-Russell @blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 560 M 07415 600 329

Steve oversees all cross-college enrichment, volunteering opportunities, charity fundraising and the Student Voice. If you see the B&FC Enrich or V-B&FC logos on any activities, Steve will be able to give you more information. Steve is based in the 14-19 Team Office, Bispham Campus, Room H101.

Helen’s job at college is Equality, Diversity & Wellbeing Coordinator. She runs lunchtime enrichment through the Games Club sessions at Bispham Campus, in the exams Hall 12pm - 2pm Tuesday-Friday.

Rachel Walker -

College Sport Maker E Rachel.Walker@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 154 M 07961 630 675 @B_FCActive As part of Sport England’s Active Colleges programme, we have our own College Sport Maker, Rachel Walker, who is responsible for all aspects of cross college sport and physical activity, including College Representative Sport Teams (Team B&FC), Sport & Physical Activity Enrichment (B&FC Active), Sports Leadership & Volunteering and Cross College Sports Events. If you see the B&FC Active or TeamB&FC logos on any activities, Rachel is the person to talk to. Rachel is based in the 14-19 Team Office, Bispham Campus, Room H101.

Eddie Gee -

Employability Coach

Gillian Williams -

School of Creative Arts and Digital Media Enrichment Coordinator E Gillian.Williams@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 450 Gillian is the member of staff who oversees all enrichment delivered through the School of Creative Arts and Digital Industries (SCADI). If you see the SCADI logo on any activity, Gillian will be able to help you get involved. Gillian is based at University Centre, Palatine Building, Room PA52.

John Simpson -

Students’ Union Sabbatical Officer

E Eddie.Gee@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 241 M 07903 772 112

E StudentsUnion@blackpool.ac.uk M 07525 277 039 /BlackpoolSU @BFCSU

Eddie Gee coordinates the Gateway Campus lunchtime enrichment club, ‘Fusion’. At both Games Club and Fusion there are a wide range of activities available: Xbox, pool and table tennis just to name a few. There are also opportunities to find out what is going on across college and to get equality, diversity and wellbeing information all year round.

John is responsible for Student engagement as well as representative and partnership working. John is based at the University Centre Hub.

If you have your own ideas of what you would like provided at Games Club, Helen and Eddie are eager to hear your suggestions.

Meet the Team


B&FC Enrichment

Grand Theatre Society

Careers Lectures

Tickets are very limited and often include pre or post show talks with members of the cast or production crew.

Our ‘Careers of the Future’ lectures are an opportunity for students to engage with high-achieving entrepreneurs from a range of backgrounds and disciplines; from award-winning inventors to Formula 1 technicians, from pop-stars turned CEOs to maritime bomb-disposal experts. Whatever you are studying at the college, these speakers are here to inspire you to seek out your own paths and aim higher.

The Grand Theatre Society is an opportunity for lovers of theatre to see some of the best touring companies in the UK in one of Blackpool’s most iconic and beautiful venues.

Details of up and coming shows are posted regularly to the society’s page on Moodle so subscribe today to make sure you’re first in the queue!

At B&FC we want to inspire students to think beyond the end of their courses and to start thinking early about what direction their future careers may take and what they could be doing now to make it happen.

Full details of the programme of lectures can be found in the B&FC Enrich Moodle page.


B&FC Enrichment

LaserQuest League

LaserQuest Blackpool has teamed up with B&FC to offer our students a fantastic discounted rate: • £2.50 for a 20 minute game (usual price £4.50) • £4.50 for two 20 minute games (usual price £8.50) This is a permanent offer, open to all B&FC Students on production of their college ID card. You can also sign-up to represent your curriculum area and compete against teams from across the college in our monthly B&FC LaserQuest League, or if you have a group of friends from different curriculum areas you can sign-up as a wild card team and take on all-comers! Sign up for college teams and details of tournament events are available on the LaserQuest Moodle page under B&FC Enrich.

B&FC Enrichment

The Brian House £50 Challenge

B&FC is proud to support our local children’s hospice, Brian House, as our official college charity. Together we have teamed-up to run the ‘£50 Challenge’, your opportunity to show off your entrepreneurial skills and raise money for a good cause at the same time. At the start of the college year you will have the opportunity to form enterprise teams and will be given £50 to invest into your ‘Business’. We will provide you with support from a tutor, the 14-19 Directorate and the fundraising team at Brian House. We also provide training and seminars to help you get your ideas together and pair you up with mentors from local businesses. Last year we saw Construction students learn how to use 3D Printers and overall the £50 challenge made over £8000 for the hospice! For more information, visit the Brian House £50 Challenge Moodle page.

TCM The College Magazine

TCM is a college magazine which came about last year as a collaboration between students from the School of Creative Arts and Digital Industries and BA (Hons) English students from Professional Studies; but that’s not to say anyone can’t get involved. Any B&FC student with an interest is invited to contribute. We are looking for writers, graphic designers, reviewers, photographers, illustrators, cartoonists; anyone with something to say or looking to get their work published is welcome.

Snooker and Bowling Leagues

Wednesday nights are B&FC Student Nights at MFA Bowl! For the tiny sum of £4 B&FC students can play unlimited games of Snooker or unlimited games of Ten Pin Bowling. You can sign-up through our Moodle area to join a bowling team and compete for the title of B&FC Bowling Champions or you can enter yourself into a snooker tournament for a chance of glory. Be sure to subscribe to the Snooker and Bowling League Moodle threads for find out more.

For more information visit the TCM Moodle page or contact E Gaby.Watson@blackpool.ac.uk E Ashley.Lister@blackpool.ac.uk or E Rob.Scott@blackpool.ac.uk

Enrich B&FC Enrichment


Games Club & Fusion Games Club at Bispham and Fusion at Gateway Campus

Games Club and Fusion are available to all college students are a great way to develop new skills, socialise, connect with other areas within the college environment and have some fun. There are 3 key themes that operate throughout the activities: • Wellbeing • Creativity • Activity


• HeartMath (Relaxation and anger management through controlled breathing) • External and internal stakeholder stalls • Information on national initiatives and B&FC societies • Links to charities and volunteering opportunities • Access to Employability Coaches and Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing Coordinator


• Card-making • Badge-making • Craft projects • Fridge-magnets


• Sports team sign-up • Links to local sports societies • Information on national initiatives • Sports buddies • Table tennis, Air Hockey and Pool


International day of peace European Day of Languages


Games Club & Fusion


•B lack History Month •U K Older People’s Day • World Mental Health Day



• World Health Day • Depression Awareness Week


•A rmistice Day • I nternational Day for Tolerance

• Deaf Awareness Week • International Day Against Homophobia





• World Aids Day • I nternational Day for Persons with Disabilities • World Religion Day •H olocaust Memorial Day


• L GBT History Month • World Cancer Day •C hinese New Year


•B &FC E&DW Festival Week • I nternational Women’s Day • I nternational Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

• Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month • Blackpool Pride • World Population Day For further information on how to get involved please contact: Equality and Diversity Wellbeing Coordinator E Helen Kershaw-Russell@ blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 560 Or pop into the 14-19 Program team office H101a

B&FC Enrichment

School of Creative Arts and Digital Industries Wednesday Afternoon Enrichment (Open to all B&FC Students) University Centre, 1.30pm-3.30pm Photography

Musical Theatre



Film Production

Life Drawing


MAC Skills


School of Creative Arts and Digital Industries


B&FC Active

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B&FC Active

Lunchtime Indoor Lunchtime Outdoor After College







3v3 Basketball

Team B&FC


Short Tennis

12:00-13:00 Sports Hall

12:00-13:00 Sports Hall

College Sport Fixtures

12:00-16:00 Sports Hall

12:00-13:00 Sports Hall

12:00-13:00 Sports Hall

Trampolining 12:00-13:00 Sports Hall

Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Just Play Football

12:00-14:00 Exams Hall

12:00-14:00 Exams Hall

Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis 12:00-14:00 Exams Hall

12:00-14:00 Exams Hall

12:00-14:00 Exams Hall

Team Nineteen

Team B&FC

Team Nineteen

Just Play Football

12:00-13:00 3G Pitch

12:00-16:00 3G Pitch

College Sport Fixtures

12:00-13:00 3G Pitch

Football League^

Female Football



Men’s Football

3G Pitch

16:00-17:00 3G Pitch

Men’s Football

Fight Klub Fitness*

Ability Counts Football

16:30-17:30 3G Pitch

16:30-17:30 Sports Hall

16:00-17:30 Sports Hall

16:30-17:30 3G Pitch

Football League^

12:00-13:00 3G Pitch

12:00-13:00 3G Pitch

Rugby Union

16:00-17:00 3G Pitch

Golf Lessons


TeeTime Golf Centre


16:00-17:30 Sports Hall

Rugby Union 16:00-17:00 3G Pitch



All fitness classes below can be booked at the sports centre or by calling T 01253 504 184

Circuit Training*

17:30-18:30 Sports Hall

Taekwondo** 18:30-19:30 Sports Hall

Strength & Conditioning** 19:00-19:30 Sports Hall

Taekwondo** 17:30-18:30 Sports Hall


19:45-20:30 Sports Hall

Classes are free to Gym Members or £3.00 staff / £1.50 student per session pay as you go. Booking required. First Class Free, subsequent classes £4.00. Discount student memberships available www.highimpactacademy.co.uk ^ Entry forms for the Team Nineteen Football League are available from the Enrichment Office or by emailing E Rachel.Walker@blackpool.ac.uk *


B&FC Active


Participating, volunteering, coaching and organising sport can improve a student’s employability, health, confidence, self-esteem and attainment. -AOC Sport

Student Management Team

Cross College Events

Team Nineteen

Passionate about sport? Want a chance to have your say about what goes on at College? Then come and get involved! Our Student Management Team is made up of a core network of students who work to enhance sports provision here at B&FC, from deciding what activities should be put on a lunchtimes to being responsible for managing intra-college leagues and competitions. You’ll get support from B&FC Staff and opportunities to gain additional training from National Governing Bodies of Sport.

There will be several cross B&FC Football Leagues college sports events taking The opportunity to play social place across the 2015/16 and competitive intra-college Academic Year, including; football, Team Nineteen leagues • Women’s Football Week are for anyone of any ability to get Monday 5 - Friday 9 October involved in the game. Teams are • B&FC Annual Intra-College 5-a-side and there are separate Football Fest leagues for male and female Thursday 22 October participants. • The Xmas Cube Team Nineteen will take place Wednesday 16 December • B&FC Runs for Fun every Tuesday and Thursday 12:00-13:00 on our 3G Pitch at the Friday 15 April Sports Centre, Bispham Campus with fixtures and results available As part of these events there will weekly online. be a whole host of opportunities to get involved as a participant, Pick up an entry form from official, the Enrichment Office, volunteer or event marshal.

This is a great opportunity to further your skills, gain valuable experience and to boost your CV as well as meeting new people and contributing towards your personal development and employability skills.

This is a great opportunity to gain experience and develop new skills, as well as contributing towards your PDP targets and raising money for charity at the same time.

We’re looking for potential: • Sports coaches and officials • Sports specific development officers • PR and marketing leads • Event managers • Sports journalists and photographers Download your application form from Moodle – College Life, or come and sign up at Fresher’s Fair.


B&FC Active

Games Club or from the Enrichment Hub on Moodle.

B&FC Enrichment

School of Creative Arts and Digital Industries



Games Club & Fusion

B&FC Enrichment

Team B&FC Be parsteonftative Repre at B&FC! Sport Team B&FC offers you the chance to play sport at College level, training with nationally qualified coaches and competing in leagues & competitions against other Colleges in the North West. Sport has been proven to make you more employable. You will learn and practice key skills and behaviours such as teamwork, leadership, collaboration, discipline and communication as well as having the opportunity to volunteer and develop your own coaching skills along the way. Teams are open to all students regardless of their course. Fixtures take place on Wednesday afternoons during the College term and training is at Bispham Campus; Mens football Monday-16:30-17:30 Tuesday-16:00-17:00 Women’s football Monday-15:30-17:00 Ability counts football Wednesday-16:00-17:30 Rugby Union Monday & Thursday-16:30-17:30

All sports teams will have access to the following: •N ational Governing Body Qualified Coaching Team •A oC Sport NW League and Cup Competitions • National Championships Qualifiers • Free use of Inspirations Fitness Suite • Individualised Training Programmes • Sports Therapy Support

For further information or to sign up to any of the above activities, please visit Moodle, sign up at Fresher’s Fair or contact Rachel Walker (College Sport Maker) T 01253 504 154 E Rachel.Walker@blackpool.ac.uk @B_FCActive

Got a talent for another sport? In addition to our team based sports, we also offer the opportunity for students to enter regional competitions in a number of individual sports. All these competitions take place in November and winners qualify for the annual AoC Sport National Championships. • Badminton •C ross Country • Golf • Squash • Swimming • T able Tennis • Tennis • Trampolining • Volleyball

Netball Monday-16:30-17:30 Basketball Wednesday-16:00-17:30

Team B&FC


Look out for student offers!

We’re working hard to bring B&FC students the best deals and opportunities to get involved with local sports and activities. Look out for regular offers throughout the year via Moodle, Tutorial Bulletin and @B_FCActive. You just need your student ID badge to get involved. Some of the deals coming up in 2015/16 include;

Get into

Golf In association with

Looking for a new challenge? Want to get healthy and active? Keen to spend more time with friends and wondering which sport fits the bill?

So whether you want to burn lots of calories or just find a gentle way to boost your activity, golf is a sport for all with some incredible benefits.

Golf offers all these benefits and more. It’s such an adaptable sport that it suits all players, whatever their age, fitness level or ability.

Discounts will be available for the driving range and 9-hole course as well as free golf lessons and access to the brand new FootGolf Course opening late summer 2015.


In association with High Impact Academy Taekwondo helps develop respect for yourself and others, heightened concentration, increased self-discipline and self-restraint. It strengthens your body and improves your health through physical exercise and conditioning and can help you recognise and handle situations in which self-defence may be required. High Impact Academy joined the College in June 2015 and specialise in providing professional sports coaching, fitness classes and exercise instruction. They run a variety of martial arts classes for all ages and abilities including; Taekwondo, Hyper Pro Training, Metafit and Strength & Conditioning. Look out for free taster sessions, student membership offers and a very special female only Kick Sister programme.


Be more social, get outdoors and get a full body work out whilst having loads of fun! Wakeboarding is great for developing balance and coordination. It improves flexibility and strengthens your muscles. It’s also a great workout for your mind. The adrenaline alone is enough to distract a wakeboarder from daily stressors. Add the feelgood endorphins from the physical activity while on the water and it leads to a happy person!

Blackpool Wakepark is set in one of the most tranquil spots in the UK and offers beginner lessons as well as obstacles to test the best of riders. In addition to Wakeboarding, the park also runs kayaking, stand up paddleboarding and open water swimming, so there is plenty to get involved with. We’ll have some great Learn to Wakeboard offers as well as annual membership deals for B&FC students.

B&FC Enrichment

Self-Catering Start your own Club or Society!

Don’t see anything here that reflects your interests? No problem – why not start your own club or society? Funding is available through the College Enrichment Officer

or College Sport Maker for students who want to get new activities going. You’ll need a membership of at least ten students to apply for funding. Application forms are available from the B&FC Enrich Moodle page.

Volunteering (VB&FC) Volunteering is great way to gain work experience and employability skills to make you more attractive to potential employers. Timebank, the national volunteering agency, recently carried out a survey with the following findings: • 73% of employers would employ a candidate with volunteering experience over one without • 94% of employers believe that volunteering can add to skills • 58% say that voluntary work experience can actually be more valuable than experience gained in paid employment • 94% of employees who volunteered to learn new skills had benefited, either by getting their first job, improving their salary, or being promoted.

Whatever career you are aiming for and whatever interests you have we can help you find a placement, whether that’s inside of college as a Student Rep, volunteering as a model for Hair and Beauty students, or outside of college through our partners UR Potential or LeftCoast, there is a perfect placement out there for everyone. Visit our V-B&FC Moodle page for more information on volunteering at B&FC or contact Stephen Stroud for a consultation on, E stephen.stroud@blackpool.ac.uk

Source: Reed Employment


But volunteering isn’t just about getting a job, it can be about networking with like-minded people and making friends, giving something back to your community or finding an exciting new interest.

Self-Catering and Volunteering


Keep in touch E 14-19Team@blackpool.ac.uk @BFCEnrich @B_FCActive

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