B&FC Parent / Carer Handbook

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Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

TO BLACKPOOL AND THE FYLDE COLLEGE Dear Parent/Carer, This document provides information about College services, facilities, and the rights and responsibilities of you and your son/daughter so that you can support them as they progress through their learning programme in the College. Our College is a high performing, leading edge organisation that keeps our students at the heart of all decision making. The learning environment is a very supportive one. Our highly qualified, experienced staff are totally committed to ensuring that our young people are happy and that they successfully achieve their learning aim. Through working with our students and parents, we seek to maintain a culture of mutual respect as we see this as a foundation stone on which to build a young person’s life and career. We believe that the behaviours learned by our students at College will be the behaviours that they will take with them into the workplace and further study and we seek your support in ensuring that all of our students are best placed to take advantage of the opportunities

Finally, I hope that your son/daughter’s time with us is enjoyable and rewarding and look forward to working with you to ensure that this is indeed the case.

available to them.

Thank you.

To strike the right balance between study and relaxation,

Yours sincerely,

we also provide a range of interactive social activities that often lead to new friendships and help students to settle into College. I would urge you to persuade your son/ daughter to take advantage of these opportunities if they

Pauline Waterhouse OBE

have not done so already.

Principal and Chief Executive

Leadership in Learning; Excellence at Work.


Blackpool and The Fylde College serves individuals, communities and employers by providing excellent learning opportunities that enhance social development and contribute to economic success. Our College transforms lives by inspiring learners to achieve their potential in a supportive learning environment.

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

Senior Management Team Who are they?

Pauline Waterhouse OBE Principal and Chief Executive

Cath Hill Vice Principal Curriculum and Standards

Ruth Paisley Vice Principal Resources and Planning

Chris Thomas Director of 14-19

Cheryl Dunn Director of HE

Anne Edgington Director of Finance

Barbara Jones Director of HR

Ian Smith Director of Quality and Standards

Mike Phelan Director of Business and Skills

Stuart Crane Director of Estates

Andy Iredale Director of Communications and Marketing

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

college campuses Where are they?

Bispham Campus Ashfield Road Bispham · FY2 0HB Student Services Tel: 01253 504 350

University Centre Bennett Avenue Blackpool · FY1 4DW Student Services Tel: 01253 504 470

ANSDELL Campus Church Road Lytham St Annes · FY8 4AP Student Services Tel: 01253 504 637

Nautical Campus Broadwater Fleetwood · FY7 8JZ Student Services Tel: 01253 779 123

Steven Clough Head of Construction ­ Linda Harston Head of Business and Professional Studies

Maggie Woodings Head of Art, Media and Performance

Pam Cadden Head of Hairdressing, Beauty and Related Therapies

John Matthews Head of Maritime Operations

Simon Hughes Head of Engineering and Computing Pauline Pennington Head of Academic Studies Mandy Pritchard Head of Society, Health and Childhood John Swannie Head of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport Jackie Wooding Head of School of Access

The College Values At Blackpool and The Fylde College we; • Put the learner at the heart of all that we do • Show fairness, courtesy and mutual respect • Consider teaching and learning to be the key to our success • Aspire to excellence: quality is everyone’s responsibility • Work together to get the best results • Empower others to achieve their full potential

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

The Staff/ Student Code of Conduct All College members share responsibility for creating a positive learning environment. For College life to run smoothly, we need to treat each other and our environment with respect. The welfare and wellbeing of all College users is dependant on the appropriate behaviour of everybody. We expect all who access our College to abide by the College Code of Conduct and Guidelines provided by tutors during induction.

There are eight aspects to our code; 1 Arrive on time, ready and prepared for learning and/or participation 2 Use respectful behaviour and language at all times 3 Maintain a calm environment 4 ID badges to be worn at all times 5 Respect and follow all health and safety regulations 6 S ave phone calls and messages until after the lesson or meeting 7 Only smoke in designated areas 8 Make sure litter goes in the bins


Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

AUTUMN TERM Full-time courses start

03 September 2012

Part-time courses start

10 September 2012

Higher Education courses start

10 September 2012

Courses end

26 October 2012


29 October - 02 November 2012

All courses start

05 November 2012

All courses end

21 December 2012

SPRING TERM *Staff training day

07 January 2013

All courses start

08 January 2013

Courses end

15 February 2013


18 - 22 February 2013

All courses start

25 February 2013

All courses end

28 March 2013

Good Friday Bank Holiday

29 March 2013

Easter Monday Bank Holiday

1 April 2013


2-12 April 2013

SUMMER TERM All courses start

15 April 2013

May Day Bank Holiday

06 May 2013

All courses end

23 May 2013

* Staff training day

24 May 2013


27 - 31 May 2013

All courses start

03 June 2013

All courses end

21 June 2013

*Learners are not required to attend College on staff training days (this does not apply to School Links 14-16 courses).

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

EMERGENCY CONTACT AND HELPFUL NUMBERS Important Contacts College Minicom (text phone)

01253 355 755

Main College

01253 352 352

Student Admin

01253 504 632

Student Services The Student Services Advice Team can be contacted by: Email studentservicesgeneralenquiries@blackpool.ac.uk Bispham Campus General Enquiries

01253 504 350

Welfare/Accommodation Advisors

01253 504 298


01253 504 298

Careers Team

01253 504 351

University Centre, Central Blackpool Campus General Enquiries

01253 504 497

Welfare/Accommodation Advisors

01253 504 496


01253 504 496

Careers Team

01253 504 474

Ansdell Campus All Enquiries

01253 504 637

Information is also available on the College Website – Student Services, including a virtual 360 link.

general Contacts Course Enquiries


01253 504 343

Examinations Office


01253 504 227

Health and Safety Office


01253 504 244

Learning Support Service


01253 504 356

Student suggestions/complaints


01253 504 087

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

general Contacts continued‌ College Travel Agency


01253 504 186

Courtfield Restaurant - Bispham


01253 504 378

Art Shop - Palatine Road

01253 504 454

Sport and Recreation Office


01253 504 184



01253 504 313


01253 504 639

The Cutting Edge, The Hub, Bispham

01253 504 187

TRANSPORT TO COLLEGE Buses to College A number of buses serve our main College campuses, please visit the websites below for further details on how to plan your journey to College. www.traveline-northwest.co.uk www.blackpooltransport.com Information regarding travel is also available from each of the Student Services Advice Centres.

Rail Beacon Travel (based at the Bispham Campus) is currently looking into providing Student Rail Cards offering huge discounts for learners. For further information please Email: beacontravel@blackpool.ac.uk or Tel: 01253 504 186 or 01253 596 979 or visit Web: www.blackpool.ac.uk

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

creating a positive learning environment STUDENT ID CARDS Staff, students and visitors must wear an ID badge at all times whilst on College premises. Indeed, access to College facilities is dependant on wearing an ID badge and students may not be allowed to sit examinations, for example, unless they have a badge with them. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STATEMENT At Blackpool and The Fylde College we are committed to equality and diversity in all our activities for everyone who

to safeguard the welfare of all of our learners and those who access College, including children, young people and vulnerable adults. The College has, in consultation with schools, other colleges, Police, Social Services and local safeguarding boards, written a comprehensive Safeguarding policy to ensure the welfare and protection of all of our learners. Anyone who would like to see a copy of this policy or discuss any safeguarding issues should contact, via email,

learns and works here.

the Head of Student Support and Guidance, Dr Judith

We respect and value differences in race and ethnic origin,

Maggie Whittle mwhit@blackpool.ac.uk.

gender, disability, mental health, sexual orientation, age, religion and belief, learning needs, economic and social background. Health and Safety The College attaches great importance to the health, safety and welfare of its staff, learners and visitors and considers it essential that everyone should work together to achieve a safe, healthy environment for themselves and others. We expect that all students will: • Abide by the local Health and Safety rules that apply in their curriculum area • Take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what they do or do not do. • Take notice of any warning signs in and around the College A full copy of the College Health, Safety and Environment Policy can be found via http://moodle.blackpool.ac.uk Safeguarding – Being Safe and Feeling Safe Blackpool and The Fylde College recognises that staff and learners have an important role to play in helping

Poole jpoo@blackpool.ac.uk, or Student Services Manager,

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

STUDENT PROGRESS Student achievement is the principle focus of the College. We are committed to making sure that your son/daughter is able to make the necessary progress that allows them to at least meet and, in most cases, exceed their projected targets based on their results from school. However, in addition we appreciate that students should also develop as individuals in their time with us to ensure that they are better prepared for employment, university or the world outside of College. Tutorial EntitlemenT

The e-Tracker record: Supporting achievement The College employs an electronic recording system that allows appropriate staff and students to look at the up to date markbook, set and record challenging targets and review them periodically. This system is known as the “e-Tracker record” and it has been used to good effect to make sure that students are appropriately challenged on their

All of our full time 16-19 year old students have a named

course and to

Personal Tutor who provides regular review meetings to

provide an

support achievement and to provide a first point of access

easy check

to additional support. Individual reviews carried out with

for students,

Personal Tutors help to ensure that each student achieves


their maximum potential.

and staff that good

On arrival to the College there will be an induction period

progress is

in which the Personal Tutor will make sure that all necessary

being made.

information about the College is made available. The e-Tracker Throughout the year there will be lots of opportunities

record can be viewed by

for your son/daughter to access cross College activities

students at any

(including sports, societies and clubs). In addition, each

time including at home through

School runs a varied and interesting programme of events,

the internet at www.blackpool.ac.uk/

visits and speakers. Information about these events will

etracker. All students are shown how to

be delivered through Personal Tutor meetings.

do this early in the course.

Parental Support

Many parents take this opportunity to look with their son/daughter at progress and

The partnership between student, parent or carer, and the

targets. We consider this best practice

College is very important in supporting achievement and

and are currently working to develop

ensuring that all of our learners reach their full potential

systems through which parents

whilst with us.

can access their son/daughter’s

The College is keen to involve parents from the very start of the course. We will make contact with you regarding issues that are likely to affect student progress (eg, undeclared absence or non-completion of set work) at the earliest possible opportunity.

e-Tracker record directly through the College’s Parent Portal. We will keep you informed about developments in this area.

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

Meet the Tutor Evening Additionally, in the second week of term, each curriculum area will offer all parents/advocates of students on its 16-19 programmes, the opportunity to attend a “Meet the Tutor” evening. Your son or daughter should bring this letter home with them when enrolling at the College. Alternatively it will be provided for you through the post. At this event, Personal Tutors will meet with parents/advocates to introduce the College, the curriculum area and themselves. We see this as a vital opportunity to establish a positive relationship with parents/advocates from the very start of the course and would very much recommend that you attend this if at all possible. In addition, Meet the Tutor evenings provide an opportunity for Personal Tutors and parents/advocates to, where suitable, exchange contact details to ensure that all communications are carried out using the most effective method. Student Reviews: Tutorial 1:1 sessions Each student’s progress is reviewed regularly by their Personal Tutor. This ongoing review takes into account attendance, punctuality and progress against targets. The review is essentially a discussion between student and personal tutor using the e-Tracker record as a guide to progress. It results in targets being agreed for the next 6 weeks. We term these “1:1 reviews” and they help to guide students to make sure that they get the most out of their courses. As a part of the discussion that takes place, the students obtain an action plan, that is part of their e-tracker record and can be viewed by students at any time including at home (please see e-Tracker on the opposite page).

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

STUDENT PROGRESS continued‌ Review days In addition, parents/carers of students who are studying on our 16-19 programme are able to attend four further planned opportunities during the year to visit the College to discuss student progress. These will take place during the weeks commencing 3rd October and in December, March and May. The individual dates for your son/daughter will vary depending on the dates chosen by the School but all students will be informed of this from the start of

Subject area Tutor Review day 1 Review day 2 Review day 3 Review day 4

the year and the dates will be available at the Meet the Tutor evening.


If you are unable to attend, a copy of the review will be

It is important that students attend all sessions planned

sent out to you, and you are welcome to contact your son/

throughout the year, and we advise not taking holidays

daughter’s Personal Tutor to discuss general progress or

during term time, as this may impact on whether they

specific issues.

can successfully complete their course.

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

GENERAL INFORMATION Rewards, Celebrations, Praise

Religious Festivals

Each of the College’s Schools reward learners who have

The College community is a diverse one, and we value the

done well; for example, learners may be given a ‘cause for

fact that our learners follow a variety of religions and faiths.

praise’ which is recorded on your son/daughters e-Tracker

We understand that some religious festivals fall during

record and recognises how well they have behaved or

term time and some learners will wish to take time off to

performed. Parents/advocates can gain access at home

participate. All we ask is that a written request is submitted

to these records through logging in through your son/

for an appropriate amount of time off to your tutor well in

daughter’s access.

advance of the day of celebration.

There are also award evenings in each School at the end of the academic year (June).

Special Concessions or Access Arrangements

Staff can also put student’s names forward for an external

If your son/daughter has previously had access

award so that achievements and efforts are recognised outside of the College. Complaints and Compliments If you feel you or your son/daughter has been unfairly treated or if you wish to appeal against any decisions made by the College – please Email sedg@blackpool.ac.uk The same e-mail address can be used to register compliments and suggestions. If you need help making your compliment or complaint, please telephone one of the Student Advice Centres (see Main Contact Details for Student Services Advice Centres) or call in and speak to an advisor in person. Help in making your compliment or complaint will be given in confidence. Copies of the Complaints Policy and Procedures are available from our Quality and Standards team. Drugs and Alcohol The College does not tolerate the use of drugs and alcohol on our premises. Any person found under the influence of alcohol or using, possessing or dealing in any illegal substance will be suspended with immediate effect, pending investigation. The College misconduct procedures will be implemented and the police may be informed, resulting in criminal proceedings.

arrangements, exam concessions or any other special arrangements to help their studies, or you think they may be eligible for them, you should encourage them to tell their tutor as soon as possible at the start of your course.

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

STUDENT SERVICES Advice Centres Student Services are based at three main Advice Centres: 1) Bispham Campus (adjacent to the main Reception area) 2) University Centre Central Blackpool Campus (ground floor of the University Centre, adjacent to Reception) 3) Ansdell Campus (ground floor room next to Reception Staff also provide a drop-in service at all Blackpool and The Fylde College Campuses. Key Services Student services provide a number of Matrix Standard services including; • Welfare (Student finance, funding for equipment, access to help with transport and childcare) • Careers (Career and Training advice, UCAS applications for entry to Higher Education, support with applying for jobs) • Chaplaincy (A contact for people of all faiths or none) • Counselling Service • College Nurses Students wishing to access these services are advised to attend one of the centres or use the specific telephone contact details provided above.

LEARNING AND STUDY SUPPORT Blackpool and The Fylde College has a team of experienced and friendly Learning Support staff, dedicated to supporting learners who are experiencing difficulties with their studies. This may be because of: • disabilities or temporary disability (for example, broken bones) • a prolonged period of absence through ill-health • other issues that may affecting your overall progress at College Support will be tailored to your son/daughter’s specific needs.

Parent/Carer Handbook 2012/2013

Bispham Campus Ashfield Road · Bispham · FY2 0HB University Centre Bennett Avenue · Blackpool · FY1 4DW ANSDELL Campus Church Road · Lytham St Annes · FY8 4AP Nautical Campus Broadwater · Fleetwood · FY7 8JZ

www.twitter.com/B_and_FC www.facebook.com/blackpoolfyldecollege www.youtube.com/batfcollege

tel 01253 352 352 EMAIL info@blackpool.ac.uk


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