B&FC Student Handbook 2014/15

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Student Guide 2014/15



Welcome to Blackpool and The Fylde College. This guide is a good source of information on things you need to know as a student at B&FC. It includes information on the support we offer and will direct you to the wealth of information available to you on Moodle,the College’s student intranet. You will find B&FC a friendly and supportive environment where everyone is committed to helping you succeed. Your tutors are highly qualified with lots of industry experience to ensure you develop the skills you need to progress. Make the most of your time with us. Work hard to achieve your goals and, if you need additional help, do please ask. I am sure you will enjoy your time with us and hope that, like many thousands of students before you, you will feel that B&FC has made a valuable contribution towards your future success. Best wishes

Bev Rob Principal and inson, Chief Executi



Term dates and Holidays Further Education Information

Spring Term 2 01 Monday 5 Janu 5 Spring Bank H ar olid to Friday 27 Mar y M Autumn Term onday 25 May ay 2015 ch 20 to Friday 29 May Monday 1 Septe 14-15 mber Fe b ru ary Progre to Friday 19 Dec ember Note: The Scho Monday 16 Feb ssion Week 2015 ol Links 14-16 tim ruary et may differ from to Friday 20th Fe the term dates ab able October Progre ove. Your hi gh b ru sc ho ar ol will let you kn y ss ow the dates that Monday 27 Oct ion Week 2014 yo u ne ed to be in College. ob Summer Term to Friday 31 Oct er 2015 ober Monday 13 Ap ril to Friday 19 Jun e

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on i t a c u d E r e High mation Infor


Emergency Contact and Helpful Numbers Safeguarding Hotline T 01253 504 444

Welfare/Accommodation Advisors T 01253 504 496

Main College T 01253 352 352

Careers Team T 01253 504 474

Student Administration Ansdell T 01253 504 640

Ansdell Campus: All Enquiries T 01253 504 637

Bispham T 01253 504 594 University Centre T 01253 504 420

Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing T 01253 504 560

Student Services The iKnow Advice Team can be contacted in person at one of our advice centres or on: E iKnow@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 352 352 Bispham Campus: Welfare/Accommodation Advisors T 01253 504 298 Careers Team T 01253 504 351 Employability Coach Team T 01253 504 590 T 01253 504 591 T 01253 504 592 University Centre: General Enquiries T 01253 504 497


Information is also available on the College Website – Student Support and Guidance Services, including a virtual 360 link.

Students’ Union E SUReps@blackpool.ac.uk Bispham Campus T 01253 504 374 University Centre T 01253 504 517 Course Enquiries T 01253 504 343 E info@blackpool.ac.uk Examinations Office E exams@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 230 Health and Safety Office E HSE@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 244 International Office E International@blackpool.ac.uk

Learning Resource Centres E LRCBis@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 290 Student Support and Wellbeing E LearningSupport@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 356 School Links Office T 01253 504 238 Art Shop, University Centre T 01253 504 454 Sport and Recreation E Office sportshall@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504184 Apprenticeships E apprenticeships@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 313 Hairdressing and Beauty Salons Ansdell T 01253 504 639 The Cutting Edge, The Hub, Bispham T 01253 504 187 For students wishing to contact Security, please contact Reception.

College website W blackpool.ac.uk

Attendance and Punctuality You should attend all classes and course-related activities that are required. Always arrive on time and stay until the end unless you are ill or have an emergency situation. The College is committed to supporting its students in achieving success. We expect 100% attendance from everyone. It is essential that tutors have the time to work with students to help them gain the knowledge and skills that the course demands. In order to maximise the opportunities for earning, the College monitors the attendance and punctuality of all students and reports any absences that have not been authorised. Students are expected to inform their tutor in advance if they are going to be absent or late to their classes. The tutor will be able to give guidance on whether the reason is acceptable to authorise. Where an absence genuinely cannot be foreseen the student must make arrangements to ensure their tutor is notified as soon as possible prior to or on the day in question that they will be missing classes.

Where a student has failed to do this, the absence will be treated as unauthorised and may affect your eligibility for the College incentive schemes. FE students should be aware that it is standard College practice to contact a student’s home number or next of kin on the day of absence in the case of students that fail to supply a legitimate reason for absence. It is the responsibility of both FE and HE students to notify the course team of the reason for their absence. In cases of prolonged absence, failure to do so may result in withdrawal from your course. Reporting Your Absence If you cannot attend College please let us know by telephoning the Main Switchboard T 01253 352 352 When you phone give them your name, the course you are attending and the name of your tutor and they will put you through to the appropriate administration desk.

Getting to College Buses to College A number of buses serve our main College campuses - see below. These may be subject to change. Please contact Traveline, Public Transport Information T 0871 200 2233 or Blackpool Transport T 01253 473001 Bispham Campus Numbers 3, 9 and 16

University Centre Number 3 (Nearest drop-off point: Park Road) Numbers 4, 5, 7, 14 and 16 Ansdell Campus Numbers 11 Fleetwood Campus Numbers 1 and 14 Information regarding travel is also available from each of the iKnow Advice Centres.


Campus Maps



Car Park 1






Car Park







Wyre Construction


Joinery Cove


Campus Maps

UC and Gateway P




Campus Maps



Campus Maps

Fleetwood P P



Creating a Positive Learning Environment The College’s commitment to students is outlined in the Student Learning Agreement which underpins all of our policies and procedures. Full versions of all College policies and procedures can be found on Moodle or the HR website. The Student Agreement also contains a code of conduct for students. For students in residence at the Fleetwood Campus, a set of published rules exist governing behaviour in the Halls of Residence. These are issued to all students in residence at Fleetwood. Tutorial Entitlement If you are a full-time or substantial part-time student [over 6 hours] you will have a tutorial support and guidance entitlement. You will be assigned a named Personal Tutor who will provide weekly 1:1 review meetings with your group. There will also be regular group meetings about supporting your achievement and raising aspirations. They will equip you with the personal knowledge, understanding and skills to allow you to progress and keep well and safe. Your 1:1 reviews will help you to achieve to your maximum potential and will develop and support you as an individual. On arrival at College there will be an induction period in which your tutor will ensure all the necessary introductions are made and all essential information about the College is made available to you.


Enrichment is a crucial part of your time at College and alongside the cross-College sports and fitness enrichment programme each School runs a varied and interesting programme of events, visits and speakers. Your Personal Tutor will keep you informed about all these events. Respect Both staff and students share responsibility for creating a positive learning environment. For College life to run smoothly, we all need to treat each other and our environment with respect. The welfare and wellbeing of all College users is dependent on the appropriate behaviour of everybody. We expect all who access our College to abide by the College Code of Conduct and Guidelines provided by tutors during induction. The College is committed to providing an environment in which everyone can learn. To achieve this we expect students to take their commitment seriously and remember they are here to learn and achieve. If you don’t know or understand what is expected of you at College just ask your tutor to explain. Copying, Cheating and Plagiarism Most students do not cheat - they are honest and hardworking and can be trusted. Cheating is an attempt to deceive assessors or examiners. It includes plagiarism, cheating in exams and fabrication of results.

Plagiarism is the theft or use of someone else’s work without proper acknowledgment and presenting the work as if it is your own, even when it isn’t. Staff will always try to ensure students know how to prevent plagiarism. Any student, however, who is found to be cheating, copying or plagiarising, will be dealt with according to the appropriate procedure. This can be found on W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk If you don’t know or understand what is expected of you at College – just ask your tutor to explain. Drugs and Alcohol The College does not tolerate the use of drugs and alcohol on its premises. Any person found under the influence of alcohol or using, possessing or dealing in any illegal substance will be suspended with immediate effect under Stage 3 of the College Misconduct procedures pending an investigation. and the police may be informed, resulting in criminal proceedings. In the case of some 14-16 year-old students who attend courses here, high school disciplinary procedures will be implemented as appropriate. Further information can be found on W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk. Smoking Smoking is not permitted anywhere on site except in the designated and clearly identified ‘Smoking Areas’. The College is committed to helping any students who have concerns about the misuse of drugs, including smoking.

Please contact the College Counsellor available through the iKnow team or by telephoning Bispham Campus T 01253 504350, or University Centre T 01253 504470. All contact with the College Counsellor is confidential. Misconduct College staff will offer every support and encouragement to help any student change their behaviour pattern to one that conforms with the Code of Conduct. However, if you fail to behave appropriately or you act in a way that is in breach of the Code of Conduct, then the Misconduct Procedure will be applied to you. Please see W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk for the College’s full misconduct procedure. If you are attending a course through the School Links programme, any breaches of the Code of Conduct will be reported to your high school and the school’s own disciplinary procedures will be applied. Rewards, Celebrations and Praise Each of the College’s Schools rewards students who have done well; for example, you may be given a ‘cause for praise’ which recognises how well you have behaved or performed and you can celebrate with your friends and teachers at the end of the year at a special awards evening. Staff can also put your name forward for an external award so your achievements and efforts are recognised outside of the College. It is essential therefore that you complete the target setting, recording and evaluating your progress in your weekly 1:1 sessions with your personal tutor.


College Facilities Food and Drink

The College has many outlets offering food and drink ow. facilities, which are listed bel the of us scio con y ver We are diets need for healthy, balanced s ion opt of ge and provide a ran you If ds. nee st mo that meets have specialist requirements please contact the Catering Supervisor.

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Ansdell Campus

Bispham Campus Retreat Ground Floor, Cleveleys Building

and Hairdressing, Beauty tory fec Re s pie era Th ed Relat Ground Floor

Grab & Go Shop Ground Floor, Cleveleys Building The Hub proudly serves Starbucks Hub, Cleveleys Building

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University Centre Café Grads Ground Floor, Central Hub

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There are car park facilities at all main ca mpuses (you must obtain a permit from Student Serv ices) however these can bec ome very full at peak tim es. Separate arrangemen ts are in place

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Gateway Refectory Ground Floor, Park Building

Fleetwood Campus

nce Fleetwood Halls of Reside 101 h wit lity faci t den stu On-site single rooms and one double en-suite disabled facility.

Neptune’s g Ground Floor, Main Buildin Compass Bar g Ground Floor, Main Buildin

Grab & Go Shop Offers a wide selection of bread, cakes, pastries, and es: confectionery. Opening tim to 0am 8.3 ay Monday – Thursd . 4pm; Friday 8.30am to 3pm

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Sports and Recreational Facilities ilities are

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Have Your Say

Compliments, Complaints and Feedback Who can I tell about what it feels like to be a student at this College? The College takes the views of its students very seriously and encourages you to tell us how we are doing. You can do this by becoming a course representative and attending the Student Forum, by becoming a member of the Student Executive, completing student surveys or taking part in focus groups. Additionally you can talk to your tutor or other members of staff or complete feedback forms available for many of the services.

Students have been involved in its review so that you can influence the decision-making of the College. For more information or if you would like to become involved in the student voice please email E studentsunion@blackpool.ac.uk

As we are very keen to involve you, the College has developed a Student Engagement Strategy.

Please see the Compliments, Complaints and Feedback Policy which can be found on your Moodle homepage.

Tell us how things are going Our aim at B&FC is to provide you with an outstanding service and we welcome compliments, comments and feedback from students, parents, guardians, employers and members of the public about the services we provide as a College.

Compliments and Feedback There are a number of ways to give compliments and feedback including: • surveys • forums • emailing E talkback@blackpool.ac.uk •w riting to the College • c ompleting a ‘compliments and feedback’ form Surveys and forums are a part of the B&FC quality cycle and from time to time you may be invited to take part. E talkback@blackpool.ac.uk is an email address for sending complaints and feedback directly to the Quality and Standards Directorate who will respond accordingly. Compliments and feedback forms are available from all main reception areas, which you can complete and hand back to reception staff.

Appeals Appeals against academic decisions There are separate procedures for dealing with appeals against matters of academic assessment. All such appeals should be addressed to E appeals@blackpool. ac.uk or in writing to the HE Academic Registrar within 14 days of you receiving notification of final assessment from the College.


e r A e W o h W The College Equality and Diversity Statement is: At Blackpool and The Fylde College we are committed to Equality and Diversity in all our activities for everyone who learns and works here. We do not discriminate on the grounds of the way people look.

We respect and value differences in race and ethnic origin, gender, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy, disability, mental health, sexual orientation, age, religion and belief, additional learning, economic and social background.

s n a e M is h T t a h W The College is a place where: • Students are at the heart of all that we do •A ll who learn and work here have the opportunity to participate fully and achieve their full potential •P hysical, social and economic barriers to access are minimised

• The environment is welcoming and supportive • Teaching and learning are the key to our success • We all accept our responsibility to uphold equality and show fairness, courtesy and respect to others

How We Show Our Commitment At the College we all have a responsibility for upholding the College Values and as a community we will: • Actively promote equality by valuing and respecting differences between people • Ensure staff are equipped to recognise diversity and challenge discrimination

• Investigate all allegations of discrimination sensitively • Monitor the curriculum and learning to ensure they are free from discrimination and reflect the needs of the wider community • Monitor policies, procedures and practices to ensure they are free from discrimination and respond to the needs of the wider community

• Reflect the contributions of all members of the community in promoting its activities • Face up to the challenge of improving year on year as an organisation with a strong track record of equality and one which listens to and values all its students and staff • Aspire to excellence and ensure that quality and equality are the responsibility of all of us who learn and work here


College Values

VALUE1 VALUE2 VALUE3 VALUE4 VALUE5 Placing the student at the heart of all we do

Throughout the College year there will be frequent opportunities for you to explore and discuss issues and ideas about all aspects of Equality and Diversity.

Showing fairness, courtesy and mutual respect

The College holds an annual Equality and Diversity Festival week for both students and staff to get involved in, but the ethos of Equality and Diversity is embedded in the curriculum and in all we do for staff, students and the wider community all year round.

Learning, teaching and assessment as the key to our success

Empowering others to achieve their full potential

Working collaboratively to achieve excellence and growth


We value your feedback on our Equality and Diversity ethos. If you have any comments or suggestions there are frequent opportunities to make these, including through your Student Representatives at the student forums, your personal tutor or direct to our Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator.

Health and Safety The health, safety and welfare of College staff, students and visitors is of great importance and it is essential that everybody takes personal responsibility for themselves and all others to ensure a safe and healthy environment. The College has appropriate systems, policies and procedures in place to ensure that it is fulfilling its legal requirements in relation to health, safety and welfare. There are specific responsibilities for all students: • Be responsible for your own health and safety and for that of others around you. • Ensure that you comply with College health, safety and welfare procedures. • Use safe and appropriate standards of behaviour at all times. • Only use health and safety devices and equipment for the purpose for which they have been provided. • Report to your tutor any hazard that has the potential to cause harm. • Wear and display your College ID badge at all times that you are on College premises. • Observe and adhere to speed limits, road markings and signage on College premises. • Only smoke in designated areas. Students (and staff) bringing children into College It is appreciated that childcare can be difficult to arrange and that there are sometimes emergencies. However, due to the nature of our learning environment, our insurance and risk regulations, safeguarding policy and the health and safety of the children themselves, it is not acceptable to bring children on site and into work or learning areas. A full copy of this policy is available on the Human Resources website.

First Aid and Accident Reporting In the event of an accident or injury first aid assistance will be provided by one of the College’s trained first aiders. First Aiders can be contacted through Reception or your tutor.

It should, however, be noted that not all areas of the College are covered all of the time and it is therefore necessary that all students take appropriate care of themselves and their belongings at all times.

Please report any accidents, illness or injuries immediately to a member of staff or Reception so that they can help you to complete an accident report form. This will enable the College to identify remedial actions to help prevent further accidents.

The College does not accept any liability for loss, damage or theft to belongings whilst on any College premises.

Fire and Evacuation Procedure If you discover a fire: • Sound the alarm by activating a fire call point box, located throughout all College premises. On hearing the alarm: • Leave the building immediately and in an orderly fashion by the nearest safe escape route. • Report to the nearest designated Assembly Point. • Do not re-enter the building until you have been informed that it is safe to do so. Course Activities You will be informed about any hazards and associated risks arising from the activities you will be undertaking as part of your course. Please ensure that you follow all instructions given in order to undertake your activities safely.

Student Searches That the College is an open campus to which staff, students and other members of the community have access and where they feel safe is of great importance. The College has the power to screen students for drugs, alcohol, prohibited items as well as offensive weapons and the statutory power to search students without consent when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the student has a weapon. Where such a search is deemed appropriate the College will call the police to undertake such a search. There are clear procedures to be followed when conducting searches and these can be found via W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk

A full copy of the College Health and Safety Policy can be found via: W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk Security and CCTV The College operates a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system across all its sites. CCTV provides additional security and assists in protecting personnel and property. CCTV recordings may be used to detect crime or any behaviour that is not acceptable and may be used in any disciplinary or criminal proceedings.


Photographs, Video g in d r o c e R io d u A d n a All intellectual property rights relating to work created by students belongs to those students. Students’ work (and examples of students’ work), whether in photographic or other formats (eg audio video), may be reproduced, used and sublicensed by the College, without payment of any fee, royalty or other compensation, for administrative, promotional, educational and teaching purposes. Depending on the nature of the course, students’ work may be recorded for assessment purposes eg videoing n Performing Arts productions. If you have any queries or concerns about this, please contact your course tutor.

Students are not permitted to record, video or photograph lessons or reproduce/publish any images taken on College premises without the prior written permission of the College. We take safety and the reputation of the College, its staff and students very seriously. As a result of videos and images that have been brought to our attention on YouTube and similar internet sites, we wish to bring to your attention the guidelines around, and terms of use of, such sites. These do not permit the uploading of material that is deemed unsuitable, examples of which are given on the respective sites.

Blackpool and The Fylde College regularly monitors videos and images on YouTube and similar internet sites and will not hesitate to contact the operator to remove any videos or images that it feels may adversely affect the safety or the reputation of the College, its staff and students. The College will then decide on any further action to take against the relevant party. Please be aware that if attending a performance or play protected by copyright, you are requested not to upload any video content of the performance to any website or to publicly broadcast the video as this would contravene rights protected by law.

s l a iv st e F s u io ig l e R The College community is a diverse one, and we value the fact that our students follow a variety of religions and faiths. We understand that some religious festivals fall during term time and some students will wish to take time off to celebrate.


All we ask is that you submit a written request to your tutor for an appropriate amount of time off well in advance of the day of celebration.

rs o d a ss a b m A t n e d tu S The Student Ambassador Scheme recruits current Blackpool and The Fylde College students to support a wide range of liaison activities and events. You will be paid for this work at the rate of £6.00 per hour (current as at June 2014). Ambassadors act as role models and motivators to encourage other young people to consider further and higher education. They assist on open days and campus tours, and in welcoming visitors and supporting other College-wide events.

Our student ambassadors are carefully selected by the School Liaison team and are subject to DBS (Data Barring Service) clearance. They will undertake intensive training sessions on leadership and customer service throughout the academic year. It is important to remember that ambassador duties never take precedence over your College timetable.

You will be surprised at what you will get out of being involved in such activities. Acting as an ambassador is an excellent way of enhancing your CV and could be looked upon favourably by potential employers and university admissions teams. For more information about the Student Ambassador Scheme, please contact our Liaison Officer, Chris Hewitt, via email E Christopher. Hewitt@blackpool.ac.uk or phone T 01253 504 341.

ID Cards To ensure a safe environment we issue all students, staff and visitors with ID cards and lanyards. You must wear your ID card at all times in the College. We have a ‘No ID, No Entry’ policy. You will need to be wearing your ID card when you enter the College.

Please be aware that your ID card must be visible at all times by being attached to the lanyard and worn around your neck. If you lose your ID card you may be charged for a replacement. Please help us to maintain our safe and friendly environment by cooperating with all our Security and College staff.


Services Available to Students Advice Centres The iKnow team provides confidential and impartial information on a range of areas, and works to matrix quality standard to ensure excellence of support, advice and guidance for all our students and prospective students. The iKnow teams are based at three main Advice Centres: Bispham Campus (adjacent to the main Reception area), University Centre (ground floor of the University Centre, adjacent to Reception) and at Ansdell Campus (ground floor room next to Reception). iKnow staff also provide a drop-in service at the College campuses. Welfare The iKnow teams provide expert up-to-date professional assistance with Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) finance, including the new 16-19 Bursary, 19+ Bursary and 24+ Advanced Learning Loans, Bursary and Access Funds for HE students. iKnow advisors also provide information on how you can access assistance with equipment, transport and childcare costs while you study, and can link you with specialist support staff and services appropriate to your individual needs. Student Bank Details Students will need to update their bank details online at W blackpool.ac.uk/paymentdetails before the College can release any grants, bursary and refund payments. If you are unsure what to do please contact the iKnow Advice Team or Student Administration. Important Information: Please note that the College is only permitted to hold the details of one nominated bank account per student. Loans If you need help with advice regarding student loans or want help with setting up/applying for a loan, please consult the iKnow team.


International Students If you have come to Blackpool from outside the European Union, please make contact with an iKnow Advisor. They will help to support you during your induction at the College, assist you with joining a local bank and registering with a doctor, and introduce you to services you may wish to access at the College and within the local area. Please also see the section ‘Useful Contacts in Blackpool’ at the back of this handbook. Accommodation If you are studying a Higher Education programme and are aged 18 years or over the iKnow team can help you find suitable accommodation and advise you with costs, legalities and other expenditure, ie rent bond, gas, electric, TV, phone, travel etc. They can also support you with any concerns you may have about your accommodation during your course of study. Students under 18 and those students who are aged 18 years and over who are not studying Higher Education will be referred to the appropriate external agencies who will be happy to discuss your needs. For all welfare enquiries, please see ‘Emergency Contact and Helpful Numbers’ at the front of this handbook. Careers We have stafff who are highly qualified in careers information, advice and guidance. They can help you with making decisions about progression to other courses, making UCAS applications for entry to Higher Education, preparing job applications, CV writing and interviewing techniques, as well as advise you about career and further training pathways and opportunities. Information is also available on a wide range of occupations, national and local employment opportunities and Apprenticeships.

Students are welcome to visit a Careers Adviser at one of the main iKnow Centres or they can book an appointment. Please see ‘Emergency Contact and Helpful Numbers’ at the front of this handbook. Multi-faith and Pastoral Support The College provides multi-faith and pastoral support. The College’s Equality and Diversity Wellbeing Coordinator can assist you to get in touch with local faith communities both inside and outside of the College. To contact the Equality and Diversity Wellbeing Coordinator, please contact iKnow Advice Centre General Enquiries T 01253 504 560. The College has multi-faith rooms at the Bispham Campus (Room 302, third floor of Cleveleys Building); a multi-faith room at the University Centre (S130, first floor of South Building) and at Fleetwood Nautical Campus. If you wish to access these facilities, please ask at the relevant main Reception. Counselling and Wellbeing There may be occasions during your life when you feel that you have reached a crossroads; you may not be coping with College or your personal life and are looking for a way forward. In such instances, there are several ways our team can help or perhaps signpost students to appropriate external agency support when not in College. This would include College Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, and software that can help - as well as external referrals to other specialists, including the Samaritans.

For an appointment Email the Counselling and Wellbeing Team on E counselling@blackpool.ac.uk, letting us know your name, student number, reason for appointment, your availability, contact details and which campus you attend. You can also call ‘Samaritans’ 24/7 and 365 days a year contact T 01253 622 218 – or E jo@samaritans.org – or call in at 16 Edward St, Blackpool, FY1 1BA. College Nurses There is a medical room at Bispham Campus and an additional service at Ansdell Campus. For further information regarding these facilities and for opening times, please contact iKnow , General Enquiries on T 01253 504 350. Safeguarding (Being Safe and Feeling Safe) Blackpool and The Fylde College recognises that staff and students have an important role to play in helping to safeguard the welfare of all of our students and those who access College, including children, young people and vulnerable adults. The College has, in consultation with schools, other colleges, the Police, Social Services and local safeguarding boards, written a comprehensive Safeguarding policy to ensure the welfare and protection of all of our students. Anyone who would like to see a copy of this policy or discuss any safeguarding issues should contact, via email, the Head of Student Support and Wellbeing, Dr Judith Poole (E judith.poole@ blackpool.ac.uk) or our Director of 14-19, Chris Thomas (E chris.thomas@blackpool.ac.uk).


Students’ Union Your voice within the College As a student at the College, you receive automatic free membership of the students’ Union and you are encouraged to play an active role. We are engaged in student affairs at local, regional and national level so there are plenty of opportunities for you to become involved in our campaigning and fundraising activities. Our aim is to work for the good of the College community and to take an active interest in improving the College experience for all students. As such, the Union Executive Committee represents our membership on a number of College committees where student involvement and comment is welcomed.

The Union also provides the framework and financial backing for students to organise their own events and clubs and societies, which can be a great way to gain experience, broaden your interests and meet new people. With a wealth of information, our Students’ Union can also advise you on places to go and things to see and do. For more information, please contact the Students’ Union at E studentsunion@blackpool.ac.uk or telephone us at Bispham on T 01253 504 154 or the University Centre on T 01253 504 517.

Student Representatives Student Reps play an active role in improving the student experience at College. They make up the body of the Students’ Union and assist the union and College management by providing a student’s view of College life. They are volunteers from different courses, who meet regularly with the Students’ Union and College staff to discuss the issues affecting students in their areas and how they can work with the Union and College to improve the student experience. Reps help to make sure courses run well by giving feedback to their Heads of School; they also help promote Students’ Union activities and organise fundraising events for charity.


Being a Student Rep looks great on your CV and helps you stand out from the crowd if you are applying for further study or a job. It is important to remember that anyone can apply to become a Student Rep. Good skills to have are the ability to talk and listen to other students, being able to represent others’ views (whether you agree or not) and being sensitive to people’s needs. Student Reps are selected at the beginning of the College year. Contact the Student Enrichment Officer for more information: Bispham Campus T 01253 504 374; or the University Centre T 01253 504 517.

Student Support and Wellbeing The service can be offered to students who have a disability, a health problem or to those who feel they need help with their course. Please talk to your Personal Tutor who can complete a referral form. The College was judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in November 2013 and has a national reputation for helping our students overcome what may appear to be overwhelming barriers to their learning – and to be the very best that they can be. Students with disabilities and learning difficulties consistently achieve a higher success rate at this College than the national average. The College strives to be a genuinely inclusive learning organisation where staff and students are treated with respect and dignity and where everyone has a fair opportunity to fulfil their potential. The College’s ethos is one of respect for individual differences and we not only value, but also celebrate, the diversity within our community. The College has robust and quality-assured processes for supporting students with their transition into College, throughout the Induction process and while on their programme of choice. We also support progression onto further study/Higher Education or into employment and have an excellent reputation with outside agencies and employers to ensure students are given the best possible chance to achieve their aspirations. If you wish to ask for support please speak to your personal tutor. Further information can be found in the student guide on your homepage or on the College’s Local Offer Website. We have specialists and dedicated support teams for supporting students with what some might perceive to be a barrier to learning, such as: Visual Impairment; Hearing Impairment; Mental Health and Wellbeing; Dyslexia; Difficulties with Mobility; and Autism. We have signed up to The College Inclusion Charter – a National Campaign to support opportunities in Further Education for students with disabilities, including those on the Autistic Spectrum. The College has its own Technical Assessment and Support Centre (TASC), which offers independent assessments to provide support, professional advice and guidance.

This is specifically for students with disabilities or difficulties that may be assisted as a result of specialist technical support. This also encompasses temporary difficulties ie a broken limb. If you rely on the help of others in a potential medical emergency situation or require help in an emergency evacuation to get out of the building, we can help you plan for this too. If you would like to look at the accessibility to our various sites and facilities please see the DisabledGo website W disabledgo.com What about special concessions or access arrangements for examinations? The Learning Support Team works closely with the College’s Achievements office and your course and personal tutors to help you do the best you possibly can on your course, providing support such as a reader, scribe or extra time during exams. If you have previously had access arrangements, exam concessions or any other special arrangements to help you with your studies, or think you may be eligible for them, you should tell your tutor as soon as possible at the start of your course and they will complete a referral to the Access Arrangements team.

If you are ‘In Care or a Care Leaver’ If you are a young person in care, or a care leaver, we are committed to meeting your needs in a sensitive and confidential way that is right for you. Please contact our dedicated team in Student Support and Wellbeing on T 01253 504362 or E yplasupport@ blackpool.ac.uk Whom do I contact about learning support? The College is ‘committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all’. Please ensure that we are aware of your needs so that we can make all reasonable adjustments to help you succeed. If you think you need help in order to succeed, ask your tutor or contact the Student Support and Wellbeing team at your campus. You can contact us via telephone on T 01253 504 356 or email us at E learningsupport@blackpool.ac.uk or the Student Enquiry’s minicom is available for students with hearing difficulties on T 01253 355 755.


What to Do if... Your tutor is absent In the unlikely event that your tutor is unavoidably absent for your session, you should delegate one of your group to report the absence to Reception. A College manager will then visit the class to make appropriate arrangements. We would expect you to use any time spent waiting, working constructively on coursework. You have lost your property The College is unable to take responsibility for your personal property. Please ensure you do not leave any of your belongings unattended in classrooms or elsewhere. If, however, property is handed into College you can retrieve it from your campus Reception. You are experiencing genuine financial hardship You may apply for financial assistance from the Access Fund towards the cost of your studies if you meet the eligibility criteria, for example, to cover the cost of materials, transport and childcare.

For more information and specialist financial advice, please see the Welfare section under iKnow in this handbook. To make an appointment, please see ‘Emergency Contact and Helpful Numbers’ at the front of this handbook or call in to see the Welfare Adviser.

Further Education Student Refund Policy

Any student who leaves within the first two weeks of their course will be entitled to a refund of any fees that have already been paid. Any student who leaves after the first two weeks will be liable for a proportion of fees up to the month in which they withdrew. Refunds will only be given for any full remaining calendar months of the course.

Apprenticeships Are you thinking about entering employment? If so, your education does not have to stop. Through the Apprenticeship Programme students can continue to access education and training while doing a full-time job and getting paid. If you aren’t in a job already, we may even be able to secure employment for you within your chosen industry. Leaving full-time education and entering employment is a big step for anyone, especially if you are looking for your first job. The Apprenticeship Team is here to advise you on a range of employment and training related issues including: • Support with sourcing employer vacancies • CV building/interview skills and techniques • Minimum rates of pay/hours and conditions • Specific Apprenticeship course information • Progression routes from College-based learning to an Apprenticeship programme


If you would like to make an application for an Apprenticeship Programme or if you would like an informal chat, please contact the Apprenticeship Team or our dedicated Job Shop on: Apprenticeship Team T 01253 504 199 T 01253 504 319 E apprenticeships@blackpool.ac.uk The Job Shop T 01253 504 384 /apprenticeshipsblackpoolfyldecollege @apps_b_and_fc

Higher Education Blackpool and The Fylde College is the third largest provider of vocational higher education within the FE sector. The university courses provided at the College are designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them to gain employment in a number of professional areas and with the additional skills to continue developing personally and professionally.

While the College accepts that the universities and awarding bodies have overall responsibility for standards and the quality of the programmes delivered in their name, the College recognises its responsibility to continually develop protocols to facilitate the development of high quality HE provision that is fit for purpose and meets the expectations of students and employers.

In 2013, the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), the body responsible for assuring quality and standards in higher education reviewed our HE provision and commended us for our public information and our enhancement of student learning opportunities. We met all national QAA standards for HE and “Commended” is the highest judgement possible in the review.

Work-Based Learning Work-based learning, learning in work, through work, and for work is recognised and valued by the College as a critically important feature in developing employability skills in our graduates. The College has received considerable acclaim for designing and delivering effective vocational higher education linked to work skills and practices. If a work placement is part of your curriculum this will be managed by your course team. Learning in the workplace reinforces learning at College by providing the practical framework for application and the opportunity to integrate theory and practice.

About your Course Lancaster University, which is one of the top ten universities in the UK*, validates the majority of our degree courses. Some professional courses are also accredited by a variety of appropriate professional organisations. Our other validating partners are The University of Salford, Liverpool John Moores University, Edexcel, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the Scottish Qualification Authority. In designing your course, we have consulted with employers, universities, professional bodies, regional development agencies and of course, former students. It is important to recognise that your course may be innovative and brand new, but it will have been developed to meet a need that has been identified through our HE Curriculum Development process.

Employability Our vocational higher education curriculum is driven by employability, which we define as: ‘a set of achievements: skills, knowledge, understandings, and personal attributes that improve opportunities for graduates to secure employment; and enjoy success in their chosen field of work and careers to the benefit of themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy’. In the designing and developing of our curriculum, we work closely with employers from small and medium-sized enterprises to large multi-national corporations in order to maximise the benefits of employer engagement for our graduates and to enhance the student experience. Our curriculum, which includes Personal Development Planning and individual tutorials, is therefore focused on preparing our students for work and continuing personal development, as confident, competent and creative professionals. The College’s approach to teaching, learning and assessment is key to our employability strategy. Learning is contextualised in the workplace and where possible we encourage the use of ‘live’ briefs and employer led projects in assessments, thus building and strengthening relations with employers and promoting the employability of our graduates. Continued...

*Source: The Times Higher Education international table

All of the HE staff and current students have contributed to this excellent result and we are all extremely proud that our HE community here at the College is recognised as one of the best in the sector. The many areas of good practice identified make us an excellent first choice for vocational higher education locally, nationally and internationally.


Our HE provision not only encourages the development of employability through teaching and learning but also through our approach to professionalism such as wearing our College badges with pride at all times to demonstrate our commitment to and engagement with the HE community. When you Start your Course Fees are payable at the commencement of each year of your studies. This should not be a barrier to your learning as there are loans and grants available to you. Go to W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk for financial information for HE students. Programme Handbook At the start of your course you will be given a copy of the programme handbook for the award you are registered on. This is key to your progression as it normally includes the proposed scheme of work and identifies the assessment plan and the learning outcomes of the programme generally and for each individual module. It will also include the names of your module tutors, programme leader and timetable. In addition the Programme Specifications for your programme are available to view at W blackpool.ac.uk/quality/public-information/ specifications Personal Development Planning Personal Development Planning (PDP) is a process that is undertaken by an individual student to reflect upon their own learning and achievement and to plan for their own educational, academic and career development. Effective PDP practice, which will be developed while you are on your programme, not only provides you with evidence of your developing employability, enterprise and entrepreneurial skills but PDP practices that involve engaging in reflection and planning will enhance and support your learning and development in higher education and beyond. Go to W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk for more information on PDP. Tutorials All students on a higher education programme at Blackpool and the Fylde College are entitled to tutorial support. While on your programme you will be provided with group and individual tutorial opportunities. Tutorials can help you to review your academic progress, help you plan future targets and offer both academic and pastoral advice and guidance. To get the best out of your tutorial entitlement you will be supported in developing skills of reflection, review and target setting. Your tutorials are a centrally important part of your higher education learning experience with us and will help you succeed and achieve your goals.


Coursework and Exams All coursework and exams are designed to assess the achievement of the validated programme learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are set out in the programme specification and in the course and module descriptors in your individual programme handbook. It is therefore critically important that you know and understand these expected outcomes as these are what you will be expected to be able to do as a result of your study and what you will be assessed against on the programme. The earlier you begin to plan and scope out the work for your assessments the more likely you are to succeed. For more information on assessment go to W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk Personal Mitigating Circumstance Application During your time at College you may experience genuine and unavoidable circumstances that may affect your performance in coursework and/or prevent you from being assessed or from submitting coursework on time. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the College of these circumstances through the submission of a Personal Mitigating Circumstance Application. It is your responsibility to complete and submit the form to the Student Administration Manager (University Centre) before the submission date for coursework and before the date of tests and examinations. Applications must be completed in full and submitted with supporting documentation in order for the Panel to fully review the application. It is important to understand that all work must still be handed in by the submission date even if incomplete. The Personal Mitigating Circumstance Panel meets approximately 6 times per year and reviews each application individually. Please note that the panel does not grant extensions; they only report the decisions to the Board of Examiners who then determine what action is to be taken. Full procedures and an application form can be obtained from Reception at the University Centre and Student Administration at Bispham and Ansdell Campuses or you can go to W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk

HE Student Support and Wellbeing Services Higher Education Learning Mentors(HELMS) provide study and wellbeing support to all higher education students to help you to get the most out of your course and to achieve your full potential. Support can be a regular meeting slot or just as and when required, on a face-to-face 1:1 basis, in a group workshop at any campus or remotely via telephone and email. Study Skills Support can cover everything from developing research skills, academic writing and time management to help with numeracy and statistics, including revision and exam techniques. Health and Wellbeing Support may include, for example, helping students to develop stress, anxiety and emotional management self-help skills. HELMS support is available to all higher education students at the College and you can make an appointment on T 01253 504 494 E HELMinfo@blackpool.ac.uk Technology Support for Study Every PC and Mac on the College network gives access to great study tools for all students, including Inspiration and Mindview thought-mapping/project software, Text Help Read and Write Gold. The latter is a literacy tool for reading, writing and research skills for all, yet particularly useful for students with dyslexia and where English is a second language. Disability and Dyslexia Services The College takes all reasonable steps to meet the general need for access and to meet the specific needs of students with disabilities. We have our own accredited Assessment Centre, the Technical Assessment and Support Centre (TASC), which provides Disabled Student Allowance needs assessments, specialist technology and equipment. The centre is a member of the National Network of Assessment Centres. Specialist Learning Support specific to your individual needs is available to students with a disability (including learning difficulties such as dyslexia, sensory differences, medical and mental health conditions).

Many students are eligible for Examination Access Arrangements. The team helps and advises you on applying for appropriate funding, including The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), a government grant for UK students with disabilities/learning differences enrolled on Higher Education courses. Further information is available at: W gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas Contact the HE Learning Mentor and Disabled Student Allowance Team: E HELMinfo@blackpool.ac.uk Contact the Technical Assessment and Study Centre (TASC) E TASCinfo@blackpool.ac.uk T 01253 504 494 Visit: The Central Hub, University Centre, Blackpool, FY1 4EE For more information go to W moodle.blackpool.ac.uk Six Top Tips for Being Out and About in Blackpool Blackpool is a great place to live, work and study. You are studying in a town that is at the heart of the UK’s resort entertainment industry. However, as with all modern urban areas it is a good idea to know how best to keep safe when out in the town, especially if on a night out. Please see below a few tops tips from our Safeguarding team. • Always make sure that someone knows where you are going • Always use a reputable Taxi Service • Always have credit and charge on your Mobile phone, or be contactable at all times • Ensure you know the times of the last bus/train • Make sure you know who you are out with and make sure that you stay with at least one of your friends • Never leave a drink unattended and don’t let strangers buy you drinks from the bar


Useful Contacts in Blackpool Blackpool Council Blackpool Council can be contacted for a variety of reasons, from environmental (collection of refuse etc) to pre-16 education. They can also put you in touch with a large number of other agencies that can provide you with support. They specialise in providing advice in the following areas: • Animal Welfare • Asylum and Immigration • Becoming a British Citizen • Benefits • Consumer Advice • Credit Unions • Debt Advice • Drugs and Alcohol • Grants • Moving Home Blackpool Council Customer First Centre Municipal Building Corporation Street Blackpool FY1 1NF T 01253 477 477 Opening hours: Customer First Centre: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5.15pm, Saturday 10am-1pm Customer First Telephone Line: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5.15pm, Saturday 10am-1pm Police The police can help with emergencies, nuisance, disturbance, crime and disorder, amongst many other things. Contact: In an emergency always dial 999. For all non-emergency calls, please dial 101.


When to call 101? You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, you should call 101 if: • your car has been stolen • your property has been damaged • you suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood Or to: • report a minor traffic collision • give the police information about crime in your area • speak to the police about a general enquiry 101 has been introduced as part of the government’s wider work to improve access to the police, ease pressure on 999, and help to efficiently and effectively tackle crime and disorder. Online Help: If you have a general question, you may find the answer on this official police website W askthe.police.uk If you want to email, please use E lancashirepolice@lancashire.pnn. police.uk. Please do not use email to report ongoing crime; in an emergency use 999. Emails are not monitored 24 hours a day.

SMS Text: You can text your non-emergency message to 66247 but the message must start with the word SMS. These messages are not monitored all the time, so never use it to report an emergency or to ask for help for an incident that is happening at the moment.

For example, to find out how to contact your local police team your text message would be: “SMS Hi What is the number for my police team my postcode is PR45SB” Emergency SMS System: If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, use 66247 and start your message with POLICE if you need the police service or FIRE if you need the fire service. Text messages do not always arrive straight away, so use BT Emergency TypeTalk if there is a delay. Blackpool Social Services Blackpool Social Services provide a range of social services for children and families, older people, and people with disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health problems. They have several specialist teams and also provide hospital-based services. Duty and Assessment Team Bloomfield Road Seasiders Way Blackpool FY1 6JJ Adult Social Services T 01253 477 592 Children and Young People’s Services T 01253 477 299 Out of hours emergencies T 01253 477 600 E social.services@blackpool.gov.uk W blackpool.gov.uk Opening times Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 4.30pm

NHS Direct NHS Direct deal with medical issues that can be supported over the phone or provide referrals to other NHS staff for direct support. NHS Direct T 111 Blackpool Emergency Dental Access Service This service is available for emergency NHS treatment for patients not registered with a dentist or patients wishing to receive treatment at standard NHS charges. Please telephone for an appointment after 6pm. Bank Holiday opening hours are as Saturday opening hours. Blackpool Emergency Dental Access Service 88 Whitegate Drive Blackpool Lancashire FY3 9DA T 01253 301 600 Availability: Monday to Friday 18.00-21.30 Saturday 12.00-18.00 Sunday 12.00-14.45 Blackpool and The Fylde College has taken considerable care in preparing the information contained in this document. However, Blackpool and The Fylde College is unable to provide any warranty concerning the accuracy and completeness of any information contained herein.




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