SERVICE DESIGN & DESIGN THINKING TRAININGS - participative service design process - for creative project development - co-creation workshops - connecting creativity with entrepreneurship Service Design Jam Budapest Design Thinking EMEA Creative Program Business Design for ProBonoMarathon Workshop Design CO-CREATION WORKSHOP / EVENT DESIGN - social, - environmental, - and educational awareness raising Living Cities Lab at Brain Bar Budapest Shaping Davos Budapest Tech Women - Cracking the Gender Code Format Workshop - Social Design Cookbook Redesign the Taxi Journey Meetup EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS - strategic planning - curriculum-design - program management SxD Expert Talent Program Skiller
Service Design & Design thinking trainings
SERVICE DESIGN Service Design Jam Budapest
Date: February, 2014, 2015 Location: Kitchen Budapest The Global Service Jam is a non-profit volunteer activity organized by an informal network of service design afficinados, who all share a common passion for growing the field of service design and customer experience. The Global Service Jam is a community of Jams taking place internationally over the same weekend. All the Jams share the same starting themes, and publish their local results over a central platform. In 2014 and 2015 with a small group of supporters, we organized the Budapest chapters at Kitchen Budapest. Participants Designers, students, curious minds and like-minded people not only from Budapest! Methodology A service Jam is a cooperative gathering of people interested in a design-based approach to creativity and problem solving, and of course in service design. It is there to encourage experimentation and innovation – participants come together without a team, without an idea and are given a subject or theme to incorporate in their new-to-the-world design while meeting new people.
In one weekend, we guided the teams through a basic service design process, where they shaped and developed a design idea through testings, iterations and customer insights. Conclusions / Outcome Not only the participants could try out in small scale the service design methodology for developing non-profit business conncepts, also the early Service Design Jams gave birth of the current service design community of Budapest, whose activity is now focusing more on the Service Design Önképzőkör (SD self-learning club) and Service Design Drinks Budapest (a non-formal gathering sessions for the cumminity and for those who are just curious). Collaborators Organizers, speakers, facilitators: Fanni Csernátony, Réka Baráth, Judit Boros, Szilárd Szakács, Bogi Baráth, Zsófia Czémán, Dániel Juhász, Anna Sándor, Panni Pais, Bori Kovács Link
Service Design & Design thinking trainings
SERVICE DESIGN EMEA Creative Program Budapest
Date: 3rd September, 2015 Location: Isobar Budapest Each year, the global Isobar network brings together a group of creatives selected from different countries and backgrounds to work together on a specifically chosen client brief. Participants Participants from the global Isobar network Methodology In 2015, the program took place in Budapest and Isobar Budapest’s Service Design Team was in charge for the kick-off of the creative process. We planned for them an intensive work day with design thinking tools and service design elements to try out.
Conclusions / Outcome After receiving the briefs, the teams mapped out the context of the task (customer insight, industry insights). During the ideation session, the teams generated out of the box, blue sky ideas then chose 1 or 2 for further elaboration. After that they created prototypes and tested them on reeal costumers, who challenged the concepts. At the end, the teams were pitching their ideas before they continued working on the campaign. Collaborators Service Design and Innovation Team 2015: Judit Boros, Ivett Takács, Éva Nagy, László Ágoston, Szilárd Szakács, Károly Tresó and Zoltán Havasi Link
Service Design & Design thinking trainings
BUSINESS DESIGN at KreatOn pro bono marathon 2015
Date: 20th November, 2015 Location: Design Terminal KreatOn is the joint venture of ÖKA (Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány) and MAKSZ (Magyarországi Kommunikációs Ügynökségek Szövetsége), where they connect local civil organizations with communication agencies for a one-day creative workshop to develop design, communication or other business related projects for the participating civil organizations. Participants Isobar Budapest was working together with the Egy Csepp Figyelem Alapítvány (ECSFA), a non-profit organization working for the prevention and awareness of diabetes. Methodology To goal of the design session was to create solutions for ECSFA that offer more than just communication programs. We used a Business Model Canvas to map out the organization’s working model to see where would it be possible to complete the model with additional income sources that would support the organization’s long-term sustainability.
Conclusions / Outcome Based on the Business Model Canvas (that not only showed that the working model is currently very complicated but also that a re-setting of the business focuses is highly needed) we created startegies for smaller changes in their operation that would create additional income for the ECSFA. Collaborators ECSFA: Renáta Gémes, Erzsébet Soltész, ISOBAR: Judit Boros, Marton Jedlicska, Annamaria Braun, Eszter Hidvegi Link
Service Design & Design thinking trainings
WORKSHOP DESIGN for Skiller series
Date: 10th June, 2015 Location: Isobar Budapest This training was a workshop about workshops; designed to teach how to plan and organize a professional workshop in order to gain the needed outcomes or impact at the end. Participants Isobar Budapest employees Methodology The workshop itself was a demonstration of all the backstage work that is invisible otherwise; form the planning processes, to the event management, from the soft skills needed for facilitation and trouble-shooting to the delicate control of group dinamics.
Conclusions / Outcome We went throught the whole process; from construction plan to take-aways, shared hands-on expereinces and showcased the needed tools. It turned out that this “workshop workshop” chapter was the most useful and resourceful for the Skillers session’s audience. Collaborators Service Design and Innovation Team 2015: Judit Boros, Ivett Takács, Éva Nagy, László Ágoston, Szilárd Szakács, Károly Tresó and Zoltán Havasi
alap információk és fő szakaszok
lépések időzítése
WS résztvevők előzetes elvárásai, hozzáállások / inputok WS résztvevők utólagos elvárásai, hozzáállások / szállítandó outputok
facilitátor és egyéb szerepek leosztása
fő szakaszokhoz tartozó lépések, tevékenységek
az egyes szakaszoknál használt eszközök, segédletek, forrásanyagok listája
Co-creation workshops | environmental - educational - awareness
LIVING CITIES: The Next Urban Revolution Lab at Brain Bar Budapest 2016
Date: 4th June, 2016 Location: Kitchen Budapest Living Cities Lab was part of the Brain Bar Budapest 2016, aimed to discuss questions about “how to resolve the urban vs. rural challenge”. A speculative design lab about our possible futures - based on our present unsustainable practices, intended to unfold open discussion about the kind of future city that people want or do not want. Because we are living in times of transition, when every one of us is affected by the economic and environmental crisis. We experience first hand that our climate is changing, together with the economy and cultures. The challenge for the next few decades is understanding, evaluating and re-envisioning the systems by which cities operate in order to have the chance to create a sustainable future. Participants Architects, designers, sociologists and economists gathered to contemplate on the need to learn how to exploit the possibilities urbanization offers and how to respond to the magnitude of the change. Participants agreed how we respond now would determine whether we have a healthy, sustainable and prosperous future or one that is marked by inequalities, environmental decline and economic setbacks..
Methodology After a keynote speech by István Kenyeres, the president of BIOPOLUS Institute, the participants formed smaller work groups around the main topics mentioned; Replacing the traditional urban organs / Flows: food & water / Flows: energy & materials / Flows: people & information / Attitude. We used Speculative Design Methodology for brainstroming and shaping ideas about our preferable futures; to speculate about how things could be. The group work outcomes were presented to a panel and discussed together. Conclusions/Output The workshop did not mean to provide solutions for such complex and ambiguous problems. But it did intend to address to some of them, to the issues that even we notice and experience already in our daily life by introducing a new way of thinking about the future of our cities. A Living City map, designed by group collaboration, was shared after the lab with the participants. Collaborators Host: Judit Boros, Organizers: Judit Boros, Sára Vargha, Orsolya Forster, Keynote: István Kenyeres, Panelists: Samu Szemerey, Anna Wessely, István Kenyeres, Facilitators: Bálint Ferenczi, Orsolya Forster, Kisanna Szabó, György Káli, Kamill Kószó
Co-creation workshops | social - educational - awareness
SHAPING DAVOS BUDAPEST Who owns the internet? Opinion of the Hungarian youth
Date: 16th January, 2015 Location: Kitchen Budapest Shaping Davos is a global initiative facilitated by the World Economic Forum, aiming to be a conversation that features local solutions to global issues. Shaping Davos virtually connected 40 Hubs across the world with discussions happening at the Annual Meeting in Davos. Reflecting on recent events and hot topics in media, the Budapest hub decided to focus on the ownership and governance of the Internet. Participants The event involved more than 40 young people from various backgrounds interested in Internet governance, and 7 experts from different fields of the online world. The young participants were selected based on a short online survey, summarizing their opinions on the topic. Methodology The Shaping Davos Budapest consisted of three sessions; keynote speech, World Café forum and panel discussion. We aimed for an interactive discussion to showcase the thoughts of participating young people.
During the World Café, participants took part in a structured, interactive discussion process, debating the role of various stakeholders, the related challenges and solutions. Conclusions/Output Overall, the participating young people felt very strongly that government regulation, content control, and access to private data should be strongly limited, and the state should rather focus on education of users, fostering net neutrality and increasing access for the ones in need. The final conclusions were documented in a white paper, which was shared with the World Economic Forum, and also through tweets and facebook posts having been showcased on the global social media channels of the initiative. Collaborators Global Shapers Budapest team: Judit Boros, Lilla Balogh, Márk Bednár, Kinga Debreceni, Balázs Bognár, Dr. Marcell Lakatos M.D., Luca Keresztesi, Balázs Némethi, Orsolya Kovacs, Dr Patrik Kovács
Co-creation workshops | social - educational - awareness
Date: 4th June, 2015 Location: ÖTKERT, Budapest Global Shapers Community and Microsoft contributed together to the very first edition of the Brain Bar Budapest inspiration conference. The topic of the co-organized innovation lab was the commonly cited theme of women in technology. Participants The two organizations created a platform where all relevant stakeholders came together to debate controversial questions and to develop a possible career path model for young girls. Young people, tech industry experts, gender parity researchers and reputed business woman and man all joined to figure out, how to crack the gender code. Methodology The central question of the event was “What does it take for a girl to become a successful woman in tech industry?”
Needed skills, support, special programs, personal motivations were discussed from various perspectives through interactive, innovative methodologies, such as visual mapping, world café or action learning debate. Conclusions/Output Openness are creativity were key ingredients in cooking the innovation lab experience. Building upon the rich panel discussion, the participants could share their doubts and ideas in small groups. Integrating the World Economic Forum’s multiple stakeholder model, each small group was allocated a host from an expert organization on the women in tech topic. The group chairs were the ones facilitating and documenting the conversation. Solutions and ideas got conserved through live graphic recording methodology. Collaborators Global Shapers Budapest team: Judit Boros, Lilla Balogh, Márk Bednár, Kinga Debreceni, Balázs Bognár, Dr. Marcell Lakatos M.D., Luca Keresztesi, Balázs Némethi, Orsolya Kovacs, Dr Patrik Kovács
Co-creation workshops | social - educational - awareness
Date: 3rd July, 2015 Location: Alte Staatsbank, Weimar The Format Project is an ongoing research project on replicable formats of cooperation. It explores widely adopted models and practices of collaborative knowledge production, sharing, collective action and decision making. With the rise of global connectedness, such practices are being copied, adapted and replicated globally at a pace previously unknown. Also, they not only spread across boundaries of physicality and languages, but also across contexts and domains. Thus, replicable formats of cooperation significantly contribute to the evolution of how we, humans, create new social systems for cooperation. Participants The second edition of the Digital Bauhaus Summit took on the motto Designing Society. Design has become a leading theme of our epic expanding from its traditional domain of objects, products and surfaces into the real of consciously shaping and reforming everything else: from technology to work, from money to law, from social processes to politics. Designers, sociologists, artists of various kinds, researchers and scholars were participating.
Methodology At this workshop, participants were guided through the creation process of new social formats for collaboration and cooperation. “Motivation architecture” as a design concept was used to explore and outline the participation of stakeholders in such processes, with a special focus on the balance between their motivations and contributions. Conclusions/Output Our Social Design Cookbook workshop gathered a dozen of the summit participants who were guided through the creation processes of new social formats for collaboration and cooperation. Participants formed four groups and cooked up a new format proposals. Collaborators The Format Project by Kitchen Budapest, led by Attila Bujdosó. Workshop led by Judit Boros and Melinda Sipos Link
Co-creation workshops | social - educational - awareness
REDESIGN THE TAXI JOURNEY Meetup for the “business | love | design” workgroup
Date: 10th March, 2016 Location: Isobar Budapest The goal of the Meetup was to perform an exemplary service design session where the gathered crowd analyzes problems around a specific topic, through a customer centered point of view, using service design methods and a facilitated process, to formulate possible solutions, intervention suggestions. The topic was “redesign the taxi journey”, and we asked the participants to really rethink how we think about the taxi experience. Participants Drivers and executives from taxi companies and Uber drivers were participating and working together, which gave us unexpected and eye-opening insights. Methodology The task was to examine the taxi customer journey, take it apart along the main stages and work in small groups around them. The groups rephrased the specific customer objectives of each stage in order to compare them to the desired or achieved customer experience, then created ideas on how to better them.
Conclusions/Output Discussions were started, stories were shared, resistance got decreased, and ideas were born. These observations were formulated into intervention suggestions, that the taxi companies can freely consider for further use. Collaborators BLD team: Judit Boros, Laszlo Agoston, Szilard Szakacs, Karoly Treso, Tamas Turi, Kata Gyarmati, Zoltan Havasi, Anna Kadar, Reni Varga, Balazs Szaday Link
Educational programs
SxD EXPERT Service design training for design professionals
Date: yearly (ongoing) Past trainings: 05. 2017, 03. 2018, 02. 2019 Institution: MOME (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design) SxD is a 5-weeks course organized in the MOME Open framework, offering extra-curricular education, courses, and further training in design, art and the related fields. The course is held in Hungarian, for no more than 20 students. Overall aim of course is to have understanding and skills to practice skills of service design in a strategic, systemic sense either by themselves or in a business environment. Must understand the role of design in aligning business strategies with the user’s needs and perspective. Target group - Students with previous design experience (from graphic/web to industrial design or design management or user experience (UX) design. - Students with management experience in working with larger organizations in related services (financial institutions, telecommunications, insurance, energy, etc.) - Students about to have or already have their own startups or similar product-service project to develop. Methodology As services play an increasing role in economies around the world, the study of ‘service science’ and the practice of ‘service
design’ has gained a growing importance for enterprises. Service science is a doctrine with an intellectually tough, analytic body, teachable by partly formalized, partly empirical practice. Service design is a holistic, multidisciplinary field that helps to innovate services so they offer value to the customer, and are effective, ecient, and distinctive to the service provider. This requires the integration of multiple areas of expertise, all integrated through the use of design-based principles. This is a paying course, attendance is not mandatory, rather is left for the student’s own discretion. Each theoretical teaching session is 120 minutes, composing 4 weeks altogether; 2 sessions per week. The theoretical classes are followed by a 1 week-long practical, workshop-style session series (5 sessions altogether) to apply principles learned in previous sessions. Conclusions/Output The course ends with a large assessment exercise (the 5th week is all project-based work), an end-of-course large group project where students must display a wide range of understanding and skills learnt and internalized. Collaborators Program lead: Judit Boros, Tamás Fogarasy Link
Educational programs
TALENT PROGRAM Alternative educational platform for young entrepreneurs
Date: January - December 2014. (ongoing) Client: Kitchen Budapest A 6-months, idea-development program for concepts with business potential and service or design projects with experimental approach. During the half-year-long program the talent teams have the opportunity to bring out the best from their ideas with a continuous support from professional mentors. The development process is supported by weekly pitches and ongoing help from the mentors. Target group Students and young professionals Methodology The Talent Methodology is based on design thinking, and the program was crafted specifically for guiding the team developing their ideas into working prototypes, ready for further applications in related industries. The Talent Methodology encourages young people to challenge their ideas at an early stage, start prototyping as soon as possible and to deliver projects as prototypes for potential products and services, while also help them to collaborate successfully with others.
The Program is devised as a 4-step training program starting from a theoretical and creative approach to the prototyping and implementation of the teams’ ideas (Discovery, Definition, Development, Delivery). The Program ends with the Demo Day, where all the projects get to be exhibited and introduced to a large audience. Conclusions / Outcome The goal of the Talent Program is to show young adults how to leverage their interdisciplinary skills to improve their profession, community and career. A long-term output of this project could be that more young professionals have the skills and the possibility to establish their own real life business and enterprises in the near future. The shorter output is so far the management and mentoring of 18 Talent teams (5 classes). Collaborators Program lead: Attila Nemes, Program managers in 2014: Judit Boros, Låszló Kiss, Gabriella Auguszt Links
Educational programs
SKILLER Internal knowledge sharing program for a multinational agency
Date: March - December 2015. Client: Isobar Budapest A self-development program organised for internal use (Isobar Budapest). Skiller program had a two-fold purpose, to share the internal, interdisciplinary knowledge between the several teams and groups, and to introduce the work of professionals who operate in related areas. Target group Isobar employees Methodology A combination of presentation and free discussions around specific topics, such as: ·· Visual notetaking (sketchnoting) technique ·· Experience training (in education) ·· Organisational psychology (working models for organisations, transitions, failures and experiences) ·· Agile methodology & collaboration tools ·· Info design (Information architecture, principles & techniques)
Conclusions / Outcome So far, there were 4 sessions, every second month: ·· Ethnography in practice ·· Workshop meta design ·· Startup business knowledge (Traction, growth hacking...) ·· Change management (practical use-cases, case studies) Collaborators Service Design and Innovation Team 2015: Judit Boros, Ivett Takács, Éva Nagy, László Ágoston, Szilárd Szakács, Károly Tresó
Judit Zita
BOROS +36305582295 skype ~ judit.z.boros web ~