Bay Area African-American Health Initiative - 2007

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A BLACK PAPER To build knowledge and recommend community based actions and leadership to eliminate African American Health Inequities

The 2007 African American Health Summit Convened by the Bay Area Black United Fund January 11 - 13, 2007 Oakland Marriott Civic Center 1001 Broadway, Oakland, California Oakland, CA. 94612

The Black Paper – January November 2007 2009 Published by the Bay Area Black United Fund Editors Woody Carter, Ph.D, Executive Director of the Bay Area Black United Fund Colette Winlock, M.A., Director of Health Initiatives of the Bay Area Black United Fund Contributors Vera Labat Barbara Cheathem Cheathen Cover Design Jeanette Madden Inside Graphics and Printing Hunza Graphics A to special thank to Prizel, and Habib A special thank — you Stanley F. you Sneed in St.Stewart Croix, Virgin Islands Stanley Sneed Photographer Jim Dennis

Northern California Kaiser Permanente Employees "THRIVE" with Bay Area communities at the 2007 African American Health Summit.


2007 Black Paper Pre fa c e Bettie L. Coles, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, East Bay Area, Senior Vice President and Area Manager


Ta b le o f C o n te n ts Section I Section II Section III Section IV Section V Section VI Section VII

Introduction Description of the 2007 African American Health Summit Insights and Re-Awakenings Special Focus on Youth Community Knowledge Building: Key Recommendations Community Action Plan Community-Based Participatory Research

1 3 9 12 13 15 17

A p pe n d ic e s Appendix A - Research Associates Appendix B - Description of WISR and the PAR process Appendix C - Post-Summit Focus Group Questions Appendix D - 2007 Summit by the Numbers

19 20 21 22

Appendix E - 2007 African American Health Summit Programs


General Planning Committee


(l-r) Dr. Woody Carter, BABUF Ex. Director, Barnard Tyson, V-President Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Frank Staggers, Sr., Ethnic Health Institute, Dr. Tony Iton, Alameda County Public Health Director, Arnold Perkins, retired Alameda County Public Health Director



Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals East Bay Area

L. Coles Senior Vice President and Area Manager

September 10, 2007

Dear Community Partner: Once again, Kaiser Permanente is proud to partner with the Bay Area Black United Fund (BABUF) to raise awareness regarding the critical health needs of African Americans in the Bay Area. The focus on relationships for this year's summit is consistent with Kaiser Permanente's mission and our commitment to improve the total health of our members as well as the communities that we serve. We recognize that interpersonal relationships and quality social support systems are key factors that impact health. Whether through health care organizations such as Kaiser local grassroots efforts or service organizations, by harnessing the power of our collective actions we are more strategically positioned to address the root causes of health disparities in the African American community. Kaiser Permanente remains committed to the work of BABUF and its community partners. We look forward to our continued collaboration as we stand together in order that our communities may live well, be well and thrive.


L. Coles Senior Vice President and East Bay Area Manager

"He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything." Ancient proverb

Oakland Medical Center


Introduction Section - I Although it’s been 2 years since the 2007 Bay Area African American Health Summit was convened, the Black Paper that documents community insights and recommendations derived from this Summit was not completed until January 2009. What we envisioned as a six to eight month process to complete the report turned into a two year delay. However, staff and volunteer researchers were determined that the 2007 Black Paper had to be completed and made available for distribution prior to the 2009 Summit. Therefore, we’ve placed the finished report with color photos on the Bay Area Black United Fund (BABUF) web site for you to download. Two inter-related factors delayed the completion of the study: t


Funders have set new priorities and shifted their grantmaking guidelines away from supporting community action “self-help” projects like Critical Mass Health Conductors or the Summit to ones that promote primarily public policy advocacy and institutional systems change. It is as if policy advocacy/systems change and community self-help are two mutually exclusive approaches to addressing health inequities facing African Americans. Out of necessity and over the past twoyears, BABUF has placed increasing emphasis on fund development. However, the competition for foundation and corporate support continues to also increase at a time when funders have lost millions . . . billions of dollars from their own portfolios - as a result of the collapse in the financial markets and the deepening recession.

Dr. Woody Carter Executiive Director Bay Area United Fund

The theme of the 2007 Health Summit was Strengthening our Relationships with one another – considering our relationships within families . . . with friends, and in community. So it is not surprising that this report – especially, the insights and recommendations presented – touches in some small way on examining the “inner life of Black folk,” today. Specifically, these sections speak to: t t t

our collective longing for that “village” to raise our children; feelings of alienation experienced by many African American adolescents; a pervasive feeling of anger and hopelessness in communities, and the negative impact these emotions are having on multiple generations;

t recognizing violence as public health issue; a contagious disease that must be counter-acted by nurturing in family and in community an atmosphere of kindness and love. These insights are culturally-rooted and offer a unique perspective that may be of benefit to not only African American readers, but also to the community-at-large. The report provides a “mirror” or a glimpse of how many Bay Area African Americans see themselves at this time, and in that reflection one catches a glimpse of their hopes and dreams, and also their worries and fears. There are other areas of great interest highlighted in this report, including the quest by African and Caribbean immigrants to establish their own unique “voice” in response to the health inequities they face, and the need for faith communities to become centers of health and wellness.


To the larger community, this study suggests that African Americans and others of African descent share a common perspective on the negative impact of health inequities in their respective communities. This collective viewpoint needs to be represented at any “table” where public policy and system change issues are discussed. An optimum public policy response would be to legislate for those policies and institutional changes that strengthen – rather than discourage or limit as often happens - the community’s own efforts to address health inequities. (Such a perspective does not negate the need for improving access to health care or working towards cleaning-up our environment.). Promoting community empowerment and self-help should be viewed as a co-priority along with policy advocacy and systems change – especially at a time when funders and agencies, alike, are facing both shrinking budgets and increasing demands for financial support and direct services. BABUF encourages discussion on the insights and recommendations presented in this study – within the community and especially in mainstream institutions that provide support and services to communities of African descent. I would like to thank the many volunteers and individuals – especially, Colette Winlock, Vera Labat, and John Bilorusky, Director of the Western Institute for Social Research – for their tireless effort to complete this report. This project would not have been possible or completed without their cooperation and support. I would welcome your feedback on this study, and encourage you to share your thoughts by emailing me at, including its availability as a download from the BABUF web site ( I trust that you can appreciate our efforts to make this publication available to you at no cost. We would welcome, however, any contribution you care to make by clicking here. Thank you, and please enjoy this contribution to community-driven research. Woody Carter, Ph.D. Executive Director The Bay Area Black United Fund


Description The 33rdd Bi-Annual Th Bi A l Af African i A American Health Summit Section - II Over five thousand African Americans from the Bay Area, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Fresno and San Diego attended the third African American Health Summit held Jan 11-13, 2007 at the Oakland Marriott City Center. This year’s Health Summit focused on “Strengthening Our Relationships.” While still clearly the majority, African Americans were joined by other ethnic communities in the Bay Area to focus on the health of Blacks. The 2007 Health Summit goals were to: t 6OEFSTUBOE UIF DPOOFDUJPO CFUXFFO TUSFOHUIFOJOH SFMBUJPOTIJQT BOE JNQSPWJOH IFBMUI outcomes; t $SFBUF B HSFBUFS BXBSFOFTT PG EFWFMPQJOH IFBMUIZ QFSTPOBM GBNJMZ BOE DPNNVOJUZ SFMBUJPOTIJQT as a strategy to prevent violence; and to, t -FBSO NPSF BCPVU UIF NPWFNFOU UP SFDSVJU "GSJDBO "NFSJDBOT UP CFDPNF WPMVOUFFS IFBMUI advocates as part of the Critical Mass Health Conductors initiative.

THE COMBINED FAITH BASED AND YOUTH HEALTH INSTITUTE Initially, the Institute started out as two separate Institute to take responsibility for creating programs that committees and two different Institutes – one focused on are effective and work for our community. He told us that the faith-based community; the other focused we have to break the “Code oof Silence” with one another on African American youth. However the as African American people and communicate more respective planning committees, seeking effectively to build strong rel relationships, given our long to create a better understanding off the history of struggl struggle in this country. The on“generation gap” many felt existed ed going fight for self-determination has not between representatives of faith been shared with our young people. communities and those who “Is the faith based worked directly with youth, community going to be decided to combine their efforts prophetic or political? te. to host a joint Health Institute. This is a very dangerous The result was a dynamic and soul time for the faith th searching Institute allowing youth community. The Katrina es to express what their challenges crisis demonstrated that are and how adults can assist in no one is coming to help Rev. Eugene Williams, Keynote speaker, Combined Black people but Black creating opportunities to successfully Faith based and Youth Health Institute people”. navigate their road to adulthood. Under the direction of Leadership Excellence, an Oakland based youth development program, teen leaders produced video taped testimonies of other teens expressing their feelings about the generation gap. They also guided adults

Eugene Williams, of the Los Angeles headquartered Regional Congregational Neighborhood Organization Training Center received a standing ovation as he challenged the 150 attendees at the Combined Faith based and Youth


through an interactive exercise; this exercise required adult volunteers to walk through a line of youth who repeated negative comments they had personally and frequently experienced or heard said about Black youth in general. Many adult participants were brought Youth from Leadership lead adults to tears and thanked the youth leaders for helping Excellence in “Walking the Line” them to understand some of the emotional and exercise. mental pain our children were enduring. A reseach associate moted this young lady’s very profound and mind boggling sttement, “I’ve never seen this many Black adults in one room with the level of responsibility Dr. Joseph Marshall, and status”. She implored Jr., Ex. Director Omega Boys Club addresses the the adults present to smile audience at the Institute at youth when they see them, touch them, acknowledge them, and learn to listen to them. Dr. Joe Marshall, from the Omega Boys Club, challenged attendees to view violence as a public health disease and to address it from a public health perspective. Dr. Marshall stated that, “we all need to look at how we can change the environment--change the culture that supports violence in our attitudes, neighborhoods and communities.!

HEALTH SUMMIT CONFERENCE: STRENGTHENING OUR RELATIONSHIPS Asara Tsehai, CEO of A Touch of Life, led the audience in a morning blessing and a getting to know you exercise. In his welcoming address, Dr. Woody Carter, Executive Director of the Bay Area Black United Fund shared this with the audience, “We as a community are both the problem and the solution in confronting the health crisis that we face as a community. Our challenge is not that we have poor information or lack information; our challenge is that we do not have the support mechanisms in place to help us address our health issues as a community. We do not have the framework for engagement.” Dr. Carter went on to say, “Talking and brainstorming is not enough . . . “romancing the problem” is not enough. The challenge of our community is follow through…engaging and supporting one another by putting plans to action within family, in neighborhoods, and in the community to bring about lasting change to promote community health and wellness. We want you to leave here feeling uncomfortable…it’s intentional. The uncomfortable-ness is a reflection that we are raising our consciousness.”"

Asara Tsehai leads conference participants in a morning salutation.


Bernard Tyson, the highest ranking African American in the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and recovering from his own personal health challenge, kept the audience laughing as he humorously shared his near death experience. He was also able to bring home the critical message that all African Americans, regardless of economic or professional status need to pay attention to their health and strive to make healthier lifestyle choices.

Dr. Tony Iton, Alameda County’s new Public Health Officer, provided an update on the health status of African Americans. Dr. Iton presented information from Alameda County’s Health Status Report 2006, noting that while there are improvements, there remains alarming and persistent disparities in health for African Americans. He added this trend not only reflects Alameda County and the greater Bay Area African American communities, but also included the status of African American health across the nation. #

“Power lies in the people that know how to build hope in people’s eyes.� “We won’t be able to eliminate health disparities until we fix the problem in our schools.�

C RITICAL M ASS H EALTH C ONDUCTORS - A CALL TO ACTION At the 2005 Summit, the Bay Area African American t " TTVNF QFSTPOBM SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ GPS UIFJS IFBMUI BOE XFMM CFJOH Health Initiative launched Critical Mass Health Conductors t " DU DPVSBHFPVTMZ BOE CF PVUTQPLFO JO QSPNPUJOH DVMUVSBM messages that embrace healthier lifestyles; (CMHC), a community action plan to promote African t " TL GPS TVQQPSU GPS POFTFMG BOE PUIFST UP NBLF IFBMUIZ MJGFTUZMF American health and wellness by recruiting 4,650 African choices; and, Americans to become volunteer health advocates in their t 8 PSL UP SFNPWF JOOFS PCTUBDMFT UIBU QSFWFOU 4QJSJU GSPN XPSLJOH communities. The number 4,650 represents one percent within and through us. of the total African American population in seven Bay Area counties. Since 2005, Renowned Bay Area clinical Health Conductor Training psychologist, Dr. Brenda journeys have been held in Wade, brought her loveAlameda, San Francisco, San centered approach for Mateo, and Marin counties. transformation to the A research associate observed morning plenary session. A that when all the Health research associate captured Conductors [in the morning these statements from Dr. plenary session] were asked to Wade –�In our relationships, stand up, approximately one love is important. We heal third of the attendees were ourselves and families when Dr. Brenda Wade, Heartline Productions brings her message of love and Health Conductors. Sheryl healing to the Summit. we heal our relationships and Walton, MPH, Project Manager connections. Our ability to for the CMHC initiative, presented the project’s guiding make choices that support strong relationships with one principles and led conference participants through a another will support healthier outcomes.� She illustrated portion of the CMHC training journey emphasizing the the importance and impact that negative and positive inspirational legacy of Harriet Tubman as honorary Health feelings have on our health and reminded us that the heart Conductor #1. Health Conductors make a commitment to is more than a physical organ; it has a sensory memory. She become personal role models for healthy living and lifestyle further emphasized being positive in our outlook on life, choices, and they are asked to engage in the following four and led the audience in giving voice to group affirmation actions: statements. $


M ORNING WORKSHOPS The morning workshops were a continuation of keynote speaker Dr. Brenda Wade’s topic on how emotions impact your physical health and your relationships. The workshops’ focus were on the emotion of anger. A research associate recorded these statements from one facilitator’s workshop: Anger impacts family, community, and individual’s lives. We bring anger from childhood. Pent up anger goes nowhere. Another research associate observed Robert Wilkins, CEO YMCA of the East Bay opens Luncheon program.

A FTERNOON WORKSHOP The afternoon workshops provided participants opportunities to dialogue on current strategies employed in the Bay Area that offer frameworks for engagement to

(3rd r) Barbara Cheathem, Lead Research Associate checks in with other research associates prior to morning workshops.

that in one workshop, facilitator Daisy Hall presented some of the illnesses related to stored anger, especially stomach ulcers, inflammation, and arthritis. Daisy encouraged us to be aware of where in our bodies we store our anger. Sometimes we are not aware of our anger. It is very much embedded in our society. Anger keeps people at a distance and is a form of selfprotection. You must strengthen relationships by creating an atmosphere of love.%

(l-r) Leadership Excellence student, BABUF Foard of Trustee Tiffany Showell , and SF District Attorney Kamala Harris

address African American health disparities. Participants could attend one of the following workshops:

“Pent up anger goes nowhere.�


L UNCHEON P ROGRAM San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, the first African American female District Attorney in California, was introduced by 17 year old Markeisha Guyton from Leadership Excellence. In her luncheon keynote, she emphasized the natural connection and significant overlap of services between public health and law enforcement. The District Attorney thanked the public health community for forging new ground by bringing together a wide range of health perspectives and for the Summit’s vision to embrace the health and wellness of the entire community as well as individuals.&

t t t t


" O PSJFOUBUJPO UP UIF $SJUJDBM .BTT )FBMUI $POEVDUPST initiative and how cities and counties could become involved in implementing the project. " EJTDVTTJPO XJUI DPOWFOFST PG UIF 5BWJT 4NJMFZ $PWFOBOU with Black America conference, hosted in San Francisco, and local follow-up activities that were planned after the conference. " UFFO MFE FYQFSJFOUJBM QSFTFOUBUJPO PO )FBMJOH UIF (FOFSBUJPO Gap. " O VQEBUF PO TVDDFTTGVM TUSBUFHJFT FNQMPZFE CZ UIF #BZ "SFB Black Infant Health Coalition – to improve the lives of infants and children. " EJTDVTTJPO PO IPX OPO "GSJDBO "NFSJDBOT DBO TVQQPSU B SBDF based effort to eliminate African Health disparities and build alliances with Black groups involved in this effort. '

J ANUAR Y 13, 2007 - S UMMIT H EALTH E XPO “Billy Blanks, the originator of Tae Bo, returned to the Expo for an unprecedented third time...”

The Summit Health Expo offered 25 workshops focused on relationship building in various facets of African American life - topics included, stress reduction for the whole family; building community through Black economics; building support systems; identifying ways to support the development of healthy relationships; strengthening inter-generational understanding; healing the anger, etc. These and other topics were explored by some of the brightest minds working in the Holistic Health and Health Education fields in the Bay Area. Approximately 625 people attended the workshops offered at the Health Expo. (Refer to appendices for more detailed workshop descriptions.).

As the traditional opening activity master yoga instructor, Bobby Norrise, opened the Health Expo at 8:30 AM by teaching a yoga Billy Blanks leads Expo attendees in his fast paced Tae Bo workout. class in the Main Stage area. Billy Blanks, the originator of Tae Bo, returned to the Expo for an unprecedented third time and again led exercise classes with a motivational presentation to over 400 people. The African American Health Summit brought together Kaiser Permanente, Alta Bates Summit Ethnic Health Institute, the Bay Area Black Nurses, Children’s Hospital, Alameda County Public Health, Sinklar Miller medical association and the Northern California Kidney Foundation to provide medical services and health screenings. As a result, of this collaborative effort 1,150 health screenings and health risk appraisals were done. One hundred two (102) wellness stations and Exhibit booths were offered during the Summit Health Expo. Healthy Oakland, one of the many community partners who participated in planning the bi-annual Health Summit, showcased its Barbershop and Beauty Salon Health Project with four barbers providing 56 free hair cuts along with health information. (Refer Appendix D for additional statistical numbers from the Summit.)

Health Screeners from (l-r)

The 2007 Summit Oakland Children’s Hospital, Health Expo expanded Kaiser Permanente, Bay Area to include a Youth Black Nurses Association and Pavilion focusing on teen Alta Bates Summit Ethinic health. The Pavilion Health Institute was a direct result of the 2005 Black Paper’s recommendations for a need to focus on activities that youth are interested in and to provide more opportunities for them to participate in the planning of the Health Summit. The Youth planning committee, which included


youth, youth providers and youth leaders, developed healthy cooking demonstrations; health promotion workshops; youth oriented display tables, and dance and movement exercises. The Youth Pavilion provided a designated area for youth to promote health and wellness in ways that would appeal to a younger audience. Youth participants reported that they found the dancing at the Expo to be very open and engaging. Dancing was more appealing to the youth than exercising because they were able to express freedom in Healthy Oakland Barbers participate in the 2007 Health Summit Expo style instead of following instructions for doing an exercise. They enjoyed seeing the many Black-owned businesses that provide health services and products in Bay Area African American communities.(

A FRICAN -C ARIBBEAN I MMIGRANT H EALTH I NSTITUTE st “The problem is our people are eating holiday food everyday,” stated a participant at the 1 Health Summit African-Caribbean Immigrant Health Institute

The 2003 post Health Summit evaluation focus groups revealed that African-Caribbean immigrants were experiencing many of the same health challenges that African Americans were exhibiting. Because of these similarities, the 2003 Black Paper recommended that we reach out to this community to include them in future Summit and community activities. The time lapse, from 2003 to 2007, reveals the challenges in bringing three distinctly different communities together – African and Caribbean immigrants, and African Americans, together. immigrant health issues, and prioritize which ones need immediate attention. There was also recognition that both African and Caribbean immigrants are being put in the general category of “Black,” and as a result the health issues of these groups are hidden or subordinated – making it difficult to conduct research or obtaining actual statistics or information about these immigrant populations. National Institute of Health reports indicate that there are no health disparities among this group [Black immigrants], because there is no identified African or Caribbean subcategory provided.

The Institute was successful in bringing together the above immigrant groups to discuss the challenges they all faced in developing stronger working relationships with one another. A focus group participant shared this key learning in recruiting immigrants to participate in the Health Summit: Immigrants do not relate to the names Bay Area Black United Fund and African American Health Summit. Africans do not consider themselves to “Black” or African American, because they have a different culture and history. So they do not see the Summit as their affair. In addition to developing chronic illnesses from an overconsumption of the standard American diet, the Institute revealed that many immigrants face health issues similar to African American such as mental health issues, post traumatic stress and adjustment disorders, depression, and diabetes.

Immigrant health advocates in a post-Summit focus group said that both cultural issues and language challenges are a serious barrier to getting proper health care treatment. Culturally competent people who know the customs and culture of the people they are treating are sorely needed. Mental health issues are especially a priority and need to be addressed. Focus group members revealed that some measure of cultural competency amongst healthcare workers is necessary to confront and address mental health issues in the African immigrant communities.)

Many immigrants (documented and undocumented) do not go to the doctor for many reasons—fear, lack of health insurance, having to take-off from work, etc. There was a call for more research to document African and Caribbean


Insights and Re-Awakenings Section - III Several key themes or insights emerged from Summit workshops and follow-up focus group conversations, including:

A Longing for the “Village to Raise the Child”.

African American youth are adversely experiencing an inter-generational divide.

There seems to be a pervasive feeling of longing for a more cohesive community amongst Summit participants; a longing for a “Beloved” community that takes seriously the African folk wisdom, “it takes [an African] village to Dereca Blackmon gathers youth raise an [African] child.” In its’ place there’s a for their Health pervasive sense of lost or “disconnectedness” Summit Conference amongst many African Americans that presentation. exacerbates black-on black crime and violence, dysfunctional families, deteriorated neighborhoods, lack of adequate parental participation in public schools, etc. Many youth feel they have limited inter-action with adults on a daily basis, and when they do they often feel that the adults in their lives do not have much integrity – in short, their actions

Youth listen intently, and warily, to adults at the combined Faith based and Youth Health Institute.

don’t mirror what they preach. For example, one research associate at the Combined Faith-Based and Youth Health Institute wrote: All the adult speakers, secular and faith-based, honored and acknowledged their love for the youth and how important the youth are to them. However, some youth chuckled and questioned the authenticity of these acknowledgements, and were skeptical of those adults who professed that they would get more involved in the lives of the young people around them. Many youth also feel they are actually raising themselves. One young speaker at the Institute stated, I’ve never seen this many responsible Black adults in one room. Young people say that there is no supporting community to fill the void when a youth’s parents fail in their responsibilities as parents. The adults in their lives are not “real” with them, are sometimes afraid of them, and have little respect for their thoughts or feelings. Dereca Blackman, former Executive Director of Leadership Excellence, remarked that this generation gap is the most dangerous in our history. We have to heal that gap [if we are to] strengthen our relationships [with one another].


Perhaps, adults need to take their marching orders from youth by first taking the time to listen and understand their needs before trying to respond to them. A workshop facilitator at the Institute stated that she wanted the adults to smile at them [the youth], touch them, acknowledge them and listen to them. Daisy Hall, MSW, who facilitated a morning workshop, had this to say about “anger” at the conference: Anger is a destructive and elemental force that is often unconscious, pervasive, and is profoundly impacting multiple generations of African Americans in our communities. We need to learn to re-frame how we view angry people in African American communities. If we feel angry, we’ve learned it from somewhere. The patterns we practice are often learned from our parents, and from their parents, and so on. Anger often gets confused and mixed-up with other feelings such as depression; a perceived inability to feel or be loved and even threatens our capacity to just to take care of ourselves. Sometimes we are not aware of our own anger. It is deeply embedded in our society [American culture]. Anger keeps people at a distance from each other. It is a form of self-protection. [In order to] strengthen our relationships with one another we must create an atmosphere of [kindness] and love. But how do we change an intergenerational pattern that has gone on since slavery?

Unresolved anger is negatively impacting our health and relationships.

No one is coming to save us, we must save ourselves. One over-arching theme, expressed in many ways at the conference, is that no one is coming to save us, we must save ourselves. This sentiment was, perhaps, fueled by the well-televised inadequate response of the nation to the victims of hurricane Katrina who were predominantly poor and Black. One participant at the conference stated, Blacks must take ownership of their own problems, because no one else will do it. We are losing a sense of connection. Part of our healing is tapping into who we already are. Our survival is dependent upon our connection to one another, and cultivating our own spirituality, and [experiencing] our connection to the Earth. To build a sense of connection we must strengthen our relationships with one another. Our relationships allow us to laugh and be joyful in spite of pain. It’s necessary to

The Sigma Theta Sorority, Berkeley-Bay Area Chapter organized the Health Careers Pavilion

connect with one another . . . it has to be part of our healing. The Combined Faith-Based and Youth Health Institute was a worthwhile beginning dialogue; however, it surfaced more questions than answers for members of faith-based communities. Several over-arching questions were: How might we encourage more faith communities to take a more active role in supporting youth, and promoting community health and wellness? What can be done to encourage and support faith communities so that they can serve as a community-based resource not only for

Can faith-based communities become resource centers for community health and wellness?


their congregation members but also for their surrounding communities? Similar to the discrimination experienced by African Americans, skin color does influence immigrants’ access to health care; quality of services received and seems to have an impact on the level of culturally competent care. Many African and Caribbean immigrants also think that consuming a western diet ultimately causes some of their health problems, and that they eventually suffer from the same primary diseases as African Americans, particularly in their second generation. One African immigrant stated, during the African-Caribbean Immigrant Health Institute that, “the food Americans eat is different than the food immigrants are use to eating in their homeland, and it is rapidly causing chronic illnesses not previously experienced in their homeland. The problem is our people [here,] are eating [what would be considered] holiday food everyday”. African and Caribbean immigrants listed similar health concerns in their communities as African Americans including mental health issues, post traumatic stress, adjustment disorder, depression, and diabetes.

Advocates for immigrant access to health care note that skin color discrimination fosters health disparities in all communities.

It is important to note that most African and Caribbean immigrants identify with their country of origin rather than as a member of the Black race. However, they are generally lumped together under the category of “African American” when generating statistical information. Immigrant participants stated that this was a problem, and it is a barrier to getting an accurate picture of health disparities in African and Caribbean immigrant communities. One research associate recorded a focus group participant saying that more research needs to be done to find out what the health issues are in [African and Caribbean immigrant communities], and these issues need to be prioritized as to their level of prevalence or importance. We have forgotten how important it is to care for one another in a spirit of love and respect whether in family or with relatives, co-workers, or Relationships are strengthened by with the people we encounter in the community. It was noted by Daisy Hall in a morning workshop that we must strengthen our relationships creating an atmosphere [with one another] by creating an atmosphere of love. A research associate of captured these statements from noted psychologist, Dr. Brenda Wade, in kindness and love. her conference keynote: ‘In our relationships, love is important. We heal ourselves and families when we heal our relationships and connections. Our ability to make choices that support strong, [more positive] relationships in our community will generate healthier outcomes. It was acknowledged that the absence of kindness and expressions of love in the community contribute to an overall feeling of “disconnectedness” and a sense of alienation between youth and adults. A research associate noted District Attorney Kamala Harris’ remark; parents need the community’s support and feel that they, too, are loved in order to raise healthy kids. We are asked to recognize violence in our communities as a public health hazard. We need to understand what is causing it, and the impact it is having on the community’s overall health and wellbeing. We need to think of violence as a disease. A research associate captured one young person’s view on how violence begins: The beginning of a violent act is when someone who supposedly loves you can talk so badly [in a derogatory way]) about you and call you names . . . Violence in the streets is a carryover from calling people names. Another research associate recorded Dr. Joe Marshall’s comment, Director of the Omega Boys’ Club, when he referred to violence as a public health issue. He questioned how someone who is infected with the disease of violence and is sent to jail can be rehabilitated around other infected people. Dr. Marshall continued by stating that our youth are suffering from Addiction to Incarceration and Death Syndrome (or AID’S). He also mentioned that one of the greatest sources of this disease called “violence” is inherent in and communicated by today’s hip-hop music and culture.

Violence in our communities is a public health issue.


A Special Focus on Youth Section - IV During the 2005 post-Summit evaluation process, youth were very candid about wanting a greater presence during the next Health Summit. While youth workshops were offered in 2005, these workshops were all located in one area and as a result many young people felt they were isolated from the rest of the Health Summit Expo. Taking in consideration the above concern, a youth planning Youth brought a vibrant and energized presence to the 2007 Health Summit. committee with adult youth advocates was established to plan for youth participation and youth th 2007 Health Summit. activities at the Under the di direction of Leadership Excellence, Youth Uprising, and the Strip Family Tree, young people had a ssignificant presence and impact on the entire 2007 Summit. Youth participated in the Comb Combined Faith-Based and Youth Health Institute, Friday’s Summit Conference and host the Youth Pavilion at Saturday’s Health Expo. In addition, the Bay Area Black hosted United Fund engaged ten young African Americans between the ages of 16 and 23 as surveyors who conducted 186 face-to-face interviews with attendees at the Health Expo. Youth volunteer and leader shows her excitement in working on the Summit

It was noted in Summit follow-up focus groups that many adults came away from their experience at the Summit with an “unexpected awakening” - defined as feeling more compassion and gaining a better understanding of the challenges that African American youth experience as they struggle to grow into adulthood. As one adult participant summarized this sense of “unexpected awakening in stating that: [It was] very emotional, very moving . . . some people came to tears hearing about the negative things our youth are experiencing…and when we broke into trios to recall what we had experienced in our youth . . . what made us feel supported and what made us feel bad - I got it. It was good to revisit the whole issue of being connected, especially ecially with the youth. One researcher captured the following suggestions from youth attending ending Summit related to what was important [to them] in strengthening ngthenin ingg in relationships: t t t t t t t t

Work on creating positive relationships and to value people in your family. Be honest about what you want out of a relationship whether it is with a family member with a person you are intimate with. Express yourself and what you want openly and honestly. Allow others to make their choice about being in a relationship with you. (They may not be able to provide what it is you are looking for in a relationship or may not have the desire to do so). Acknowledge rudeness and the mistakes of another person, but stay positive and respectful. Get to understand the people you are in a relationship with. Understand the differences in various ethnic community households, and the challenges within their family and community structures. Know their [different cultural groups’] history and their experience, not just yours. Be sensitive to others’ issues and individual experiences and differences in their family dynamics.





Youth attendees at cooking demonstration.

Community Knowledge Building: Key Recommendations K R d ti Section - V This Black Paper – like the two other reports published after the 2003 and 2005 Summits (All reports can be downloaded from the BABUF web site) - is the product of a community knowledge-building process that begins with participants attending the Summit followed by a series of focused group conversations amongst key constituent groups after each Summit. Out of this process, consensus emerges with key insights and recommendations presented in each report. We trust that these cumulative findings continued ng mayy inform the development of public policy and community action programs that are strategic in focus and “culturally rooted;” programs that can hat inspire and engage community residents, themselves, to workk together to promote and support community health and wellness as one approach to reducing health disparities in African American communities. To this end, the following recommendations are proposed based not only on 2007 Summit conference conversations, but also on recommendations presented in previous Black Adults listen to youth concerns during interactive exercise at Papers: the Faith based and Youth Institute.

t African American adults need to come to grips with the social environment in which many of our children and youth are forced to grow-up in, and re-grain a collective sense of urgency and empowered responsibility to create environments that say to our young people that we – as a community – love you. We need to advocate for better public schools, safer places for children to play; provide volunteer and financial support to “best practice” communitybased programs that service the needs of our children and youth through increased volunteer and financial support; providing more quality, face-to-face, time with our children, etc. t Community leadership, educators, youth development workers – including faith-based communities - need to explore creative ways to encourage more in-depth discussion about the issues facing youth and families, Black men and boys, neighborhoods, communities, etc.; especially with our youth through the use of “story as a healing tool.” t Intergenerational anger is fueling a sense of disconnectedness and apathy amongst many African Americans. Cornel West describes this condition, especially, within low income African American communities as the “nihilistic threat” which he states is “the major enemy of black survival in America.”1 West defines nihilism neither as oppression nor exploitation, but rather “the lived experience of coping with a life of horrifying meaninglessness, hopelessness, and most importantly lovelessness.” 2 According to Daisy Hall, an MSW and speaker at the conference, African Americans must re-frame how we define anger in Black communities and examine patterns of anger; especially, in relation to demonstrated emotional and physical violence. This, she believes, is of paramount importance in strengthening our relationships with one another and changing our health outcomes. 1 West, Cornel. “Nihilism In Black America.” Dissent Magazine. Spring. 1991. p.224 2 Ibid p.223


t There seems to be growing interest in exploring ways to advance our “human spirituality” as a people of African dissent which is distinctly different from a genuine desire to be a part of . . . a member of a faith community (Although, they do not have to be mutually exclusive.). The above sentiment is reflected in the following recommendation gleaned from Summit conference conversations: We must create experiential ways to connect body, mind, and spirit by acquiring new tools (i.e. developing a yoga practice; engaging in quiet sitting or meditation, etc.) as a way of coping with stress, and nurturing self-validation as vital and necessary in sustaining our health and wellbeing; in changing how African Americans see themselves and their relationships with one another. There is increasing recognition that such changes cannot be achieved simply through “knowledge building,” more information gathering or from intellectual exercises. We must find a more holistic approach – identifying and addressing the needs of mind, body, and spirit – to remove inner obstacles that hold us back as individuals and as a community in reaching our full Members of KAAPA assisted all ages to climb the Rock Wall. potential. It is suggested that this is a spiritual pursuit. t Continue to develop and implement strategies that both broaden and strengthen relationships between African American, and native African and Caribbean immigrant communities. One over-arching recommendation is that the insights and recommendations presented in this Black Paper - as well as the findings in past reports - be further explored in possibly community forums or at smaller gatherings to encourage the development of culturally-rooted responses to these issues. !


Next Steps C Community it Action A ti Plan Pl Section - VI

This report is the product of participatory research that builds on the strengths of the African American tradition of oral knowledge-building. Specifically, this research methodology encourages community dialogue and participation, and values the insights and recommendations that grow out of the accumulated experience of the people involved in the research process. The process relies on the telling of and listening to the stories or narratives of participants as an important way of unearthing the lessons to be learned. The underlying premise supporting this research design is that participants are proto-typical representatives of the larger African American community; thereby, making the collective knowledge and perspectives gleaned from such research a valid and meaningful representation of a community’s collective voice. The next steps outlined below are a synthesis of the many voices we heard during the Summit conference, post Summit focus groups, and information derived from the 2007 Summit:

(l-r) A Kaiser volunteer, Dr. Frank Staggers, Sr. and the 2007 President of the California Medical Association participated in health screening activities at the Health Expo.

t Review the findings in Summit Black Papers as a “litmus test” to evaluate the effectiveness and appropriate delivery of program and services to especially African American populations.

Members of the Summit planning committees and the organizations they represent bring a wealth of knowledge and resources to the planning for each Summit, as well as the talent and professional skills of the many health professionals and health educators who freely give of their services at each conference and Expo. In addition, over 200 volunteers have participated in the post-Summit evaluation process – bringing their personal insights and knowledge to the discussions, and the actual development of each Black Paper. We think that the past three Summit reports – published over the past six years - offer a valuable and rare “footprint” of community knowledge and observations that is culturally rooted. These studies can serve as primary resource material for further study and more in-depth research.

ommun y c on an

They offer, for example, the opportunity for public agencies and community-based organizations that provide services to African American communities to evaluate the effectiveness of their programs and services in light of the each report’s findings.



Convene faith-based community leadership to discuss the findings in each report related to community perceptions of the role faith communities in promoting community health and wellness.

Reflected in each of the three Black Papers, conference participants consistently questioned the role of African American faith-based communities in addressing health inequities, and asked how might faith communities play a more active role in promoting community health and wellness. At the 2005 Summit, for example, participants expressed a longing for a greater sense of “connectedness” as a community, and looked to faith-based leadership for help in cultivating a stronger sense of community. At the 2007 Summit, participants raised the question, “How might faith communities promote more open discussions to address issues that are often emotionally charged such as concerns about mental illness, sexual orientation, domestic violence, sexual abuse and other issues especially related to sex?” t

Implement an Organizational Partnership Program (OPP) to provide technical assistance to organizations that have expressed interest in “seeding” Critical Mass Health Conductors (CMHC) in their organization.

Critical Mass Health Conductors is a project to recruit, train, and support 4,650 volunteer community health advocates in Bay Area African American communities. Health Conductors seek to demonstrate, by example, the need to make better lifestyle choices and live healthier lifestyles; especially, to influence the health behavior of family members and friends. Health Conductors also attend continuing preventative health education workshops; plan and carryout community health projects and events to bring more attention to the health crisis facing African Americans, and the necessity to live healthier lifestyles. They serve as recruiters for CMHC. Currently, there are over 600 Health Conductors active in Alameda, Solano, San Mateo, and San Francisco counties, and there are plans to expand the project in West Contra Costa County in 2009. CMHC is especially interested in expanding CMHC in faith-based communities throughout the Bay Area, and plans to “test” a faith-based model of CMHC in faith communities in 2009.


Meda Okelo, Health Conductor #72 and Kim Zoe Stewart, Health Conductor #293 recruit for the next training cycle

Community-Based Participatory Research Section - VI

BUILDING AND REFINING OUR METHODOLOGY The methodology applied in evaluating the 2007 African American Health Summit is one that faculty and students at the Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) have developed and refined over the past 33 years working with community groups and non-profit organizations like the Bay Area Black United Fund. WISR’s methodology utilizes telling and listening to stories as important ways of identifying the lessons to be learned. It is not a haphazard anecdotal approach. With regards to the 2007 Summit, pointed questions and issues growing out of the experience of the past two Summits have guided and informed our inquiry. This participatory research recognizes and values the collective wisdom and knowledge of the community and in this particular study, the African American community. It builds on the oral traditions of people of African descent. The 2007 Summit brought together a broad range of health professionals, policy makers, members of faith-based communities, youth and youth workers, community activists and others to share their insights and pool their knowledge to examine health disparity issues and obstacles that challenge the community’s current capacity to promote community health and wellness. The following outlines the research planning, data/information gathering steps, and the report development process for the Black Paper:

Before the Summit:

t BABUF and WISR identified a set of core questions to guide the participatory research, especially, in conducting the post-Summit focus group sessions. (Appendix C: Post-Summit Focus Group Questions) t Two, two-hour training sessions were conducted by WISR staff with Summit volunteer research associates and five graduate students from WISR.

At the Summit:

t Eighteen research associates were assigned to both the Combined Faith-Based and Youth Health Institute, and Summit conference workshops to observe and take notes on the content of and process steps at each session. t Session evaluation questionnaires were distributed for completion at both the Institute and conference sessions, and were collected by BABUF and WISR staff, and research associates. Sixty-one questionnaires were returned at the Institute and fifty forms collected from the conference.

After the Summit:

t Research associates produced and submitted written notes from the sessions they attended to the BABUF office or WISR. t WISR research team facilitated scheduled focus group sessions with the following constituent groups after the Summit, including: the Research Associates (two focus group sessions); the planning committee for the Combined Faith-Based and Youth Health Institute; with the holistic health providers; the AfricanCaribbean Immigrant Health Institute participants; with youth participants at the Institute, and with


t t t t

conference presenters and facilitators. Raw data and information were compiled and organized by the WISR research team and forwarded to BABUF. A draft of the Black Paper was written by BABUF staff and submitted to the WISR research team and Summit conference planning committee members for review and feedback. A second draft was written based on feedback from the above groups. The Final report was completed by BABUF staff.

The primary focus of this report has tried to surface - through this community-driven research process - an examination of some of the “cultural dynamics� or forces at work that, perhaps, impede the promotion and development of community health and wellness especially in the African American community. Further research needs to be done to explore the impact of health disparities in African and Caribbean immigrant communities. The Bay Area Black United Fund would especially like to thank John Bilorusky, Ph.D., WISR President and faculty member; Barbara Cheatham, M.A., WISR Ph.D. student, Vera Labat, M.P.H., WISR faculty member and Board member, and the many volunteer Research Associates for their leadership and commitment in conducting this community-driven research, assistance in evaluating the data/information, and completing this report. (Appendix A - lists the names of all those associated with conducting this research).



Appendix A

T H E WE S T E R N I N S T I T U T E F O R S O C I A L R E S E A R C H ( WISR) 2009 H E A L T H S U M M I T R E S E A R C H /E V A L U A T I O N TE A M

John Bilorusky, Ph.D., WISR President and Faculty Member Barbara Cheatham, M.A., WISR, Ph.D. student Vera Labat, M.P.H., WISR Faculty Member and Board Member


Lavelda Scott

Senait Asier

Monika Scott

Pamela Aziz

Andrea Turner

Lucia Cordell

Fredericka White

Michael Foster

Sharonda White

Nolan Jones

Africa Williams

Agnes Morton

Lydell Willis

Corrine Quinn

Godfrey Wilson

Wanda Sabir

Holly Wilson


Appendix B

Description of Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) and Participatory Action-Research Used WISR offers individualized, State-approved BA and MA programs in Psychology, Human Services and Community Development, and Social Sciences. They also offer a MA program in Education and an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Higher Education and Social Change. The MA program in Psychology has an option that leads toward the State’s Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) License. WISR is a multi-ethnic place of learning for working adults who choose to focus on community improvement, social change and educational innovation. Tuition at WISR is $550/month. In 1980, WISR was one of 80 institutions of higher education nationally to receive a major grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education to do a nationwide demonstration project on improving higher education. The three year project focused on “Extending the Teaching, Learning and Use of Action-Research throughout the Larger Community.” Since its inception in 1975, participatory research has been an integral part of WISR. Researchers include the people who are involved in trying to make a difference in the communities in which they live and/or work. Such research has great potential for creating imaginative and powerful insights, empowering participants and bringing about community improvements, social justice and equality. In their work with students at WISR, faculty encourage students to draw on their own experiences, and on the experiences of others in the community, to develop ideas and strategies that can make a difference. Although, more conventional, statistical methods sometimes have useful functions, WISR faculty have learned that qualitative, action-oriented methods often bring to light profound insights—from interviews, personal experience and observations, and everyday action—that cannot be so easily discerned from quantitative and standardized techniques of research. WISR’s approach to action-research is based on the notion that it is crucial that all people come to see themselves as builders of knowledge, individually and collectively. Information and articles about WISR’s approach to action-research, including the recently published article, “Participatory Action-Research, Inclusiveness and Empowering Community Action at WISR” (in Democracy Works: Joining Theory and Action to Foster Global Change, Paradigm Publishers, 2008) can be found at: For more information, contact: The Western Institute for Social Research 3220 Sacramento St., Berkeley, CA. 94702 (510) 655-2830


Appendix C

Post Summit Focus Group Questions Questions for all focus group meetings: 1. Did you discover anything new at this institute/conference that you can and will integrate into your life? (If so, what?) a. What were the most important messages you came away with? b. What was missing? 2. Do you see strengthening relationships in Black communities as important to developing healthier outcomes? If yes, what will support this happening on a personal, family and community level? Are there any specific relationships that you will focus on strengthening as a result of participating in the Summit activities? a.

For service providers: what will support you in developing strong working relationships with other service providers to reduce health inequities in African American communities?

3. In what ways, other than outright physical assaults, does violence show up in our communities? What will reduce or prevent these alternative acts of violence in Bay Area Black communities? 4. In a survey taken at the Summit, many people shared that it was either too difficult to make healthier lifestyle choices because their bad habits were too strong to change and/or that they lacked a personal support system to make choices necessary to improve their life. What can we personally or as a health initiative do to address these concerns? 5. What will improve the quality of communication in our households, work and community environments? 6. Is there anything else you would like to share about strengthening the relationships? !"#$%#&'(#)*&+,()!&-)"*.$(/*0 Holistic Providers/Positive Choices Facilitator/Presentor


What did you hear expressed as the strongest needs/desires of those who attended your workshop in strengthening relationships?

Faith-Based/Youth Health Institute

a. How can the faith-based community work closer with the youth provider network? b. What changes would each group need to make in order to strengthen working relationships? Conference Participants

a. How can we get more men involved in programs addressing their personal and community health? b. What gender differences in Black men and women do we need to consider in developing programs to reduce health inequities? The Critical Mass Health Conductor Project? 21

Appendix D

The 2007 African American Health Summit by the Numbers t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

150 people attended the Combined Faith Based and Youth Health Institute 300 people attended the Summit Conference 5000 people attended the Summit Health Expo 5000 or more programs for the Health Expo were handed out 1000 youth are estimated to have visited the Youth Pavilion 26 organizations joined together as Community Partners to host the 2007 Summit 60 individuals made up the Summit General Planning committee 20 of these individuals were station managers at the Health Expo 200 Summit volunteers, community leaders and health advocates attended the VIP Reception 5 African American journalists from the Black media were honored during the Summit VIP reception 25 Holistic and Community Health Classes were offered at the Health Expo 625 people attended the classes throughout the day 35 Holistic Providers participated in offering these classes 102 exhibit booths and wellness stations were part of the Health Expo 294 survey and evaluation forms were submitted 8 post Summit focus groups were convened 20 Research Associates helped to document the Summit proceedings 10 youth between the ages of 16 - 23 were survey takers at the Health Expo 5 people were awarded grand prizes from the YMCA Wellness Health Passport 12 agencies participated in providing health screenings 8 different health screenings were offered (diabetes risk, blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate cancer, kidney disease, depression, stroke, AIDS/HIV Oral Quick Test) 60 people were seen for screenings for prostate cancer 36 actual prostate cancer screenings were performed 500 people were provided information on stroke prevention 40 people were given asthma control tests 300 people were seen for diabetes risk 120 people were given diabetes risk appraisals 90 people received screening for kidney disease 56 hair cuts were done through Healthy Oakland’s Barbershop and Beauty Salon project 4 African American barbers volunteered to make this happen 2 Tae Bo workout sessions were led by Billy Blanks, the originator of Tae Bo 400 plus people participated in Tae Bo workouts 22

Appendix E

PROGRAMS FROM THE 2007 AFRICAN AMERICAN HEALTH SUMMIT Plan to attend Saturday’s FREE HEALTH EXPO! Kaiser Permanente presents the 2nd Bay Area

January Soul13, Chi2007 8:30 - 6:00 pm witham Malaak Atkins

His 3rd appearance will “take you to the next level”

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Black Farmers

Health Careers Pavilion

Sign up for Health Insurance

Free hair cuts at the Healthy

Calling all Baby Boomers –

Oakland Convention CenterOakland Barbershop Billy Blanks, Creator of Tae Bo© 10th and Broadway, Oaklandand Beauty Salon

CityFlight Health Team Work-outs at Blanks, creator of Tae Bo, returns for an unprecedented Billy 10:30 am and 2:30and pmwill conduct workout classes at 10:30 am ■ Yoga Health 3rd visit andfor 2:30 pm.with the Black Lotus Yoga Teachers Alliance

♥ Complete your health passport to win prizes ■ ■

Conference on African American Health Inequities

Strengthening Our Relationships

Friday, January 12, 2007 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Oakland Marriott City Center 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA

Aerobic Classes all day

♥ Free Health Screenings

Mask Camp Parade! Wellness Challenge and Super Heroes’ Fitness for♥ Superhero Fitness for kids; Rock Wall climbing ■ Youth Pavilion with workshops, 12:00 pm Kids hosted by the YMCA activities and free youth health of the East Bay ♥ Youth Pavilion activities all day screenings African-Caribbean Enjoy Healthy Eating Tips – Services for Immigrant Community Education classes on Alameda County Healthy♥ Holistic■ and Seniorsrelationships start at 10:00 am Health Dialogue Living for Life strengthening at 2:00 pm

■ Climb the Free Health Screenings by the ♥ the Exhibits, Rock yogaWall classes, cooking demos, Ethnic Health Institute and free haircuts and more! Bay Area Black Nurses ■ Northern California Senior Steppers

Calvin Simmons Ballroom

Tell a friend, bring your family, wear comfortable clothes to move around!

Honor Harriet Tubman’s legacy. Become a Health Conductor. Sign-up at the Health Expo.

Title sponsor for the 2007 African American Health Summit Premiere Sponsors: KBLX and United Way of the Bay Area

Title sponsor for the 2005 African American Health Summit

Convened by the The Bay Area Black United Fund The Community Partners hosting the African American Health Summit 2007 are: Alta Bates Summit Health Ministry Program, African American Wellness Project, African American 5-A-Day Program, A Touch of Life; Bay Area Black Nurses Association, Bay Area Black Consortium for Quality Health Care, The Bay Area Golf Learning Centers, Black Women’s Media Project, BBAAC of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Summit VI Committee, City of Berkeley Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health and Mental Health Services, Contra Costa Health Services, Florbella, ISOJI (Rebirth), Leadership Excellence, Oakland Children’s Hospital,100 Black Men of the Bay Area,Pathfinders Institute, SFSU – Counseling and Psychological Services, Northern California Kidney Association, San Mateo County Health Department, UCB School of Public Health – HRA

Convened by the The Bay Area Black United Fund Major Sponsors: Alameda County Public Health Department, Alta Bates Summit Hospital, Ethnic Health Institute, The California Endowment, The California Health Care Foundation, The San Francisco Foundation, YMCA of the East Bay Gold Sponsors: Comcast, The Bay Area CW, CBS Channel 5, Healthy Oakland Contributing Sponsors: Abbott Diabetes Care, American Golf & Bay Area Golf & Learning Centers, Blackxchange,City of Oakland, CityFlight, The California Transplant Donor Network, Turnhere Community Partners: AAA of Northern California, Nevada, Utah, African American Wellness Project Patron Sponsors: American Cancer Society, Genentech, NUMMI, Wellpoint/Blue Cross of California, Peninsula Community Foundation, Westside Community Services

Design: Jeanette Madden Graphic Design

African American He ealth Summit 2007

Strengthening Our O Relationships Conference Program


n behalf of the Bay Area Black United Fund and the Health Summit Planning Committee we thank you for joining us at the African American Health Summit 2007 Conference. We hope you will network, take time to reflect, and challenge yourself and your colleagues to examine the strength of our relationships as we all work to reduce health inequities in Bay Area African American communities. The goals for today’s Health Summit Conference are to: Understand the connection between strengthening relationships and improving health outcomes; ■

Create a greater awareness about how developing healthy personal, family, and community relationships is a strategy to prevent violence; and to, ■

8:00 am Emelyn K. Jewett Lobby Registration and Continental Breakfast ■

Resource Table – Feel free to place your information Visit the award winning Bay Area Heart Gallery

Music by Jonno “Changing the atmosphere through Word in song!”

10:30 am - 10:50 am Morning Break

Woody Carter, Ph.D., HC#2 Executive Director, Bay Area Black United Fund Bernard Tyson, Sr. Vice President for Health Plan and Hospital Operations for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Tony Iton, M.D., J.D., M.P.H. Alameda County Public Health Officer

Daisy Hall, LCSW/MFT, Summit Psychotherapy Center Taj Johns, M.S., Ph.D. Candidate Asara Tsehai, Health Educator Mary Ann Jones, Ph.D., HC#66 Licensed Clinical Psychological Jenee Jackson, Ph.D. Integrated Psychology 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Luncheon Program Emelyn K. Jewett Ballroom

11:00 am - 12:30 pm Power Choices Workshops 2nd floor, OCC Rooms 201-205, 208 and 210

Hosted by Robert Wilkins, HC#8 CEO YMCA of the East Bay

Note: by design, the morning workshops will continue to build on Dr. Wade’s morning keynote presentation and will focus on developing skills and actions that strengthen relationships. Each workshop is similar in content and format.

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Luncheon Keynote Kamala Harris San Francisco District Attorney Luncheon Closing Dr. Brenda Wade

Emelyn K. Jewett t Ballroom

Health Mixer hosted by ■ ■

Learn more about the movement to recruit African Americans to become volunteer health advocates as part of the Critical Mass Health Conductors project. ■

Dr. Derethia DuVal, HC#79 SFSU – Counseling and Psychological Services

Keynote Presentation Power Choices Dr. Brenda Wade Clinical Psychologist CEO of Heartline Productions

Hosted by Asara Tsehai, HC#11* A Touch of Life

Linda Compton, M.A. Personal Life Consultant

Sheryl Walton, M.S., HC#80, Office of the Director, Alameda County Public Health, Critical Mass Health Conductors Project Manager

Sign-in for CEU credits: SFSU - Counseling and Psychological Services Bay Area Black Nurses

8:30 am - 9:15 am Opening Plenary Session Emelyn K. Jewett Ballroom

Power Choices Workshop facilitators:

9:15 am - 10:30 am Morning Session “Strengthening Relationship to Self” Critical Mass Health Conductors – Start Journey

Social Networking and Celebrating ourr Kinship Destiny, Harpist from the Hood

* Health Conductor

The Bay Area Heart Gallery Team is a partnership of public and private agencies serving children and youth in foster care throughout the Bay Area – working together with community volunteers, photographers and artists. The result is a stunning exhibit, consisting of 50 photographs of children, youth and families, accompanied by their compelling stories. Alameda County Social Services Agency is the lead agency of the Bay Area Heart Gallery.


2:15 pm – 3:45 pm Afternoon Workshops 2nd floor, OCC Rooms “Strengthening Relationships to Community” OCC Rm 201 Critical Mass Health Conductors Orientation The Critical Mass Health Conductors project is recruiting 4,650 African Americans to become volunteer health advocates by the year 2010. Learn how the project operates and how your city or county can strengthen relationships and support this Bay Area effort to reduce health inequities. Valerie Yerger, HC#83* Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Health Disparities Research Scholar, UCSF Woody Carter, Ph.D., HC#2 Executive Director, Bay Area Black United Fund OCC Rm 202 The Covenant with Black America The first chapter of the New York Times Bestseller, The Covenant, is Securing the right to Healthcare and well-being. Discuss with local convenors of the 2006 Tavis Smiley hosted San Francisco Convenant with Black America and how they are participating in this national plan of action. Ernie Baker, HC#58, Planning Member for SF Convenant Steering Committee, Co-chair BAPAC and SF Faith Coalition

OCC Rm 203 Healing the Generation Gap African American teens face unique difficulties in today’s troubling times and African American adults are often unaware of what “a day in their life” can look like. A facilitated discussion with video taped teens expressing what they need from adults. Dereca Blackmon, Executive Director, Leadership Excellence OCC Rm 204 Black Infant Health The Black Infant Health Program (BIH) was created at the State level as a result of California Senate Bill 165 of the Budget Act of 1989. The bill was enacted to address the high rate of infant mortality for African American families. Learn about why this program has been successful and strategies used to positively impact the health of African American families. Facilitated by members of the Bay Area Black Infant Health Coalition. OCC Rm 205 Building Alliances A discussion on how non African Americans can support a racebased effort to reduce African American health inequities in the Bay Area. Facilitated by Melanie Tervalon, M.D., HC#3


Plan to attend Saturday’s FREE HEALTH EXPO! Kaiser Permanente presents the 2nd Bay Area

January 13, 2007 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Oakland Convention Center 10th and Broadway, Oakland Billy Blanks, creator of Tae Bo, returns for an unprecedented 3rd visit and will conduct workout classes at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm. ♥ Complete your health passport to win prizes ♥ Free Health Screenings ♥ Superhero Fitness for kids; Rock Wall climbing ♥ Youth Pavilion activities all day

Combined Faith Based and Youth Health Institute

♥ Holistic and Community Education classes on strengthening relationships start at 10:00 am ♥ Exhibits, yoga classes, cooking demos, free haircuts and more!

Oakland Marriott City Center, Calvin Simmons Ballroom 1001 Broadway, Oakland Thursday, January 11, 2007 7:30 am - 12:45 pm

Tell a friend, bring your family, wear comfortable clothes to move around!

Honor Harriet Tubman’s legacy. Become a Health Conductor. Sign-up at the Health Expo.

Title sponsor for the 2007 African American Health Summit Premiere Sponsors: KBLX and United Way of the Bay Area

Title sponsor for the 2005 African American Health Summit

Convened by the The Bay Area Black United Fund The Community Partners hosting the African American Health Summit 2007 are: Alta Bates Summit Health Ministry Program, African American Wellness Project, African American 5-A-Day Program, A Touch of Life; Bay Area Black Nurses Association, Bay Area Black Consortium for Quality Health Care, The Bay Area Golf Learning Centers, Black Women’s Media Project, BBAAC of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Summit VI Committee, City of Berkeley Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health and Mental Health Services, Contra Costa Health Services, Florbella, ISOJI (Rebirth), Leadership Excellence, Oakland Children’s Hospital,100 Black Men of the Bay Area,Pathfinders Institute, SFSU – Counseling and Psychological Services, Northern California Kidney Association, San Mateo County Health Department, UCB School of Public Health – HRA

Convened by the The Bay Area Black United Fund Major Sponsors: Alameda County Public Health Department, Alta Bates Summit Hospital, Ethnic Health Institute, The California Endowment, The California Health Care Foundation, The San Francisco Foundation, YMCA of the East Bay Gold Sponsors: Comcast, The Bay Area CW, CBS Channel 5, Healthy Oakland Contributing Sponsors: Abbott Diabetes Care, American Golf & Bay Area Golf & Learning Centers, Blackxchange,City of Oakland, CityFlight, The California Transplant Donor Network, Turnhere Community Partners: AAA of Northern California, Nevada, Utah, African American Wellness Project Patron Sponsors: American Cancer Society, Genentech, NUMMI, Wellpoint/Blue Cross of California, Peninsula Community Foundation, Westside Community Services

Design: Jeanette Madden Graphic Design

ealth Summit 2007 African American He

Strengthening Our O Relationships Faith, Youth and Community: Healing the Generation Gap



10:45 am

7:30 am Calvin Simmons Ballroom

Healing the Generation Gap “A day in our life”

Registration and Breakfast Visit the award winning Bay Area Heart Gallery

African American teens face unique difficulties in today’s troubling times and African American adults are often unaware of what “a day in their life” can look like. A presentation on what teens need from adults.

Sponsored by Alameda County’s Social Services Department

Facilitated by Leadership Excellence and youth leaders

8:00 am

n behalf of the Bay Area Black United

Dr. Frank Staggers, Sr. Ethnic Health Institute

Planning Committee, we thank

event for the African American Health Summit 2007.

8:45 am

relationships as we all work to

Eugene Williams Regional Congregations and Neighborhood Training Center

reduce health inequities in Bay

Community Response and Forum

Area African American

Facilitated by Minister Greg Hodge

examine the strength of our


Institute will end at 12:45 pm.*

The goals for Friday’s Health Summit Conference are to: ■ Understand the connection between strengthening relationships and improving health outcomes; ■ Create a greater awareness about how developing healthy personal, family, and community relationships is a strategy to prevent violence; and to, ■ Learn more about the movement to recruit African Americans to become volunteer health advocates as part of the Critical Mass Health Conductors project.

Note: Health Institute organizers will be available from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm in the Calvin Simmons Ballroom to discuss the “The Hook-Up” Health Ministries Tool Kit for participants interested in more information about how to use this valuable resource.

10:30 am Morning Break

*In support of newly elected

Faith Based and Youth Health

Friday, January 12, 2007 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Oakland Marriott City Center (Registration Required)

Keynote Speaker

yourself and your colleagues to

Oakland Museum, the Summit’s

Health Institute ends

Arnold Perkins, HC#4* Alameda County Public Health Director (retired)

time to reflect, and challenge

Interfaith Luncheon at the

12:45 pm

Keith Carson, President Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 5

We hope you will network, take

Mayor Ron Dellums’ 1:00 pm

Keynote Speaker Joseph Marshall, Jr. Ph.D. Executive Director Omega Boys Club

Health Institute Moderator

Based and Youth Health Institute

you for joining us at the kick-off

12:00 pm

Health Institute Opening

Fund and the Faith

Attend the Conference on African American Health Inequities

* Health Conductor The Bay Area Heart Gallery Team is a partnership of public and private agencies serving children and youth in foster care throughout the Bay Area – working together with community volunteers, photographers and artists. The result is a stunning exhibit, consisting of 50 photographs of children, youth and families, accompanied by their compelling stories. Alameda County Social Services Agency is the lead agency of the Bay Area Heart Gallery.



Youth Pavilion Holla for Your Health! Hosted by Leadership Excellence, Youth Uprising, Girls Inc., StripFamilyTree 1st Floor, Emelyn Jewett Ballroom ♥ Youth Health Screenings ♥ “Downtown Youth Clinic”

12:00 pm ♥ Mas Camp Parade Main Stage

2:00 pm ♥ African & Caribbean Immigrant Health Dialogue Calvin Simmons Ballroom, 2nd Floor

Sponsored by EBAC/APEB/FCN

♥ Resource Tables 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ♥ Healthy Lyric Hip Hop Contest ♥ Special Guest



Complete your Health Passport and become eligible for Prizes!

Saturday, January 13, 2007 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Oakland Convention Center 10th & Broadway, Oakland, CA

PASSPO Complet RT Health e Your Pa and Wi ssport n Prizes ! Premiere KBLX and Sponsors: United Way of the Bay Area Convened by the Bay Area Black Unite d Fund

Turn in to the YMCA Family Wellness Pavilion 1st Floor Convention Center West Bay Area Black United Fund 1212 Broadway, Suite 730, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 763-7270 Fax: (510) 763-3625 Website:

Title sponsor for the 2007 African American Health Summit Premiere Sponsors: KBLX and United Way of the Bay Area

A Special Thank You To: The Staff of the Bay Area Black United Fund; Linda Dails, Exhibit Booth Coordinator; Melody Powers, Media & Marketing Coordinator; Lattice Banks, Logistics Coordinator; Jeanette Madden, Graphics Coordinator; Asara Tsehai, 2nd Floor Workshop Coordinator; Colette Winlock, Health Summit Coordinator; 2007 Health Summit Planning Committee

Convened by the The Bay Area Black United Fund

The Community Partners who made possible the African American Health Summit 2007 are: Alta Bates Summit Health Ministry Program, African American Wellness Project, African American 5-A-Day Program, A Touch of Life; Bay Area Black Nurses Association, Bay Area Black Consortium for Quality Health Care, The Bay Area Golf Learning Centers, Black Women’s Media Project, BBAAC of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Summit VI Committee, City of Berkeley Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health and Mental Health Services, Contra Costa Health Services, Florbella, ISOJI (Rebirth), Leadership Excellence, Oakland Children’s Hospital,100 Black Men of the Bay Area,Pathfinders Institute, SFSU – Counseling and Psychological Services, Northern California Kidney Association, San Mateo County Health Department, UCB School of Public Health – HRA

Major Sponsors: Alameda County Public Health Department, Alta Bates Summit Hospital, Ethnic Health Institute, The California Endowment, The California Health Care Foundation, The San Francisco Foundation, YMCA of the East Bay Gold Sponsors: Comcast, The Bay Area CW, CBS Channel 5, Healthy Oakland Contributing Sponsors: Abbott Diabetes Care, American Golf & Bay Area Golf & Learning Centers, Blackxchange,City of Oakland, CityFlight, The California Transplant Donor Network, Turnhere Community Partners: AAA of Northern California, Nevada, Utah, African American Wellness Project Patron Sponsors: American Cancer Society, Genentech, NUMMI, Wellpoint/Blue Cross of California, Peninsula Community Foundation, Westside Community Services

Design: Jeanette Madden Graphic Design

African American He ealth Summit 2007

Strengthening Our O Relationships 2nd Floor, OCC Workshop Rooms

1st Floor, Exhibit Hall East & West

Main Stage 8:30 am ♥ Bobbie Norrisse, Master Yoga

9:30 am ♥ Northern California Steppers

10:00 am Soul Chi with Maalak Atkins

10:30 am ♥ Billy Blanks

11:30 ♥ Pan-African Dance with Norlisha Long (“No Lo”)

12:00 pm ♥ Mas Camp Parade

12:30 pm ♥ Super Heroes Fitness Challenge

12:30 pm ♥ Body Sculpting with Kelvin Joiner

2:00 pm ♥ Soul Chi with Maalak Atkins

Billy Blanks, Creator of Tae Bo© “Take it to the next level” Workouts at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm

2:30 pm ♥ Billy Blanks

3:45 pm ♥ Master Drummer Tacuma King and Dancer TitiLayo

Know Your Numbers!

Holistic and Community Health Classes

Free Health Screenings for: Diabetes Risk, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Prostate Cancer, Kidney disease, Depression, AIDS/HIV Oral Quick Test

All Workshops are Free. Please arrive 10 minutes before starting time. Come dressed to move.

♥ Culture Shock ♥ Mind/Body Step Experience with Tracie McCants

5:15 pm – 5:45 pm ♥ “The Bay Area’s Baddest” Soul Line Dance Troupe, featuring Ray Too Kool & The Bad Girl

The Bay Area Heart Gallery Team is a partnership of public and private agencies serving children and youth in foster care throughout the Bay Area – working together with community volunteers, photographers and artists. The result is a stunning exhibit, consisting of 50 photographs of children, youth and families, accompanied by their compelling stories. Alameda County Social Services Agency is the lead agency of the Bay Area Heart Gallery.

12:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

♥ Rm. 201 Stress Reduction Techniques for the Whole Family

♥ Rm. 201 Whispering Wisdom: The Efficacy of African American Folk Medicine and Rituals

Dr. Staggers, MD Medical Director SAACS Drug Treatment Clinic

Alameda County Public Health Department Diabetes Program Alta Bates Summit Ethnic Health Institute Bay Area Black Nurses Association Children’s Hospital Talking Drum Project GlascoKlineSmith Healthy Oakland Highland Hospital J.A. Watson Wellness Center Kaiser Permanente Northern California Kidney Association 100 Black Men of the Bay Area UCSF – Counseling and Psychological Services

♥ Rm. 202 Building Community through Black Economics

Ayinde, CEO, United Neighborhood Improvement Association ♥ Rm. 203 Living with Vitality: Building Your Own Health Success Team

Aaron Parnell, ACST, Health and Wellness Coach ♥ Rm. 204 Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse: Insights from a Black Male Survivor

Tony Rodgers, Educator ♥ Rm. 205 Simply Marvelous: Good Health and Food for Everyday Living

Marvie Burch, Clinical Case Manager 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Nutrition Education

♥ Rm. 201 Healing Circle for the Elevation of the Black Family

Provided by Alameda County Healthy Living for Life, Black Farmers, LLC Community Culinary Academy

Queen Rev. Mutima Imani ♥ Rm. 202 For Women Only: Creating a Fabulous Relationship with You!

Rock Wall climbing

Hosted by KAAPA

Bry’Andi Brandon, RN ♥ Rm. 203 How to Know if You’re Loved…Insights from a Black Man

4:15 pm 4:45 pm

10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

Honor Harriet Tubman’s legacy. Become a Health Conductor.

Craig Adams, Ph.D., Psychologist ♥ Rm. 204 Conscious Sex for Spiritual Transformation

Shantam Nityama, Tantric Master ♥ Rm. 205 Panel: Teen Talk… Sex, Success, Spirituality and more

Sign-up at the Health Expo.

Celeb brating Black Love!

(Supportive Dialogue Between Teens, Parents, Mentors and Friends) Facilitator: Timothy Coleman, Life Change Coach

Chief Luisah Teish, Ph.D. Author of Jambalaya ♥ Rm. 202 A Taste of Life… Food for the Body, Mind, and Soul

Sar Amiel, Minister of the People African Hebrew Israelites (Kingdom of YAH) ♥ Rm. 203 Free Your Heart: Step Into A More Powerful You!

Ted Marsh, Executive Coach ♥ Rm. 204 Healing Rage: Learning How to Embrace the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in our Relationships

Ruth King, Author of Healing Rage ♥ Rm. 205 Panel: Resume for Love – Couples Who are Making Each Other Happy

Facilitator: Craig Adams, Ph.D. Psychologist 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. ♥ Rm. 201 Seat of Power: How to Nurture and Respect the Black Woman’s Booty (Beauty)

Pamela Aziz, MS, RD, Weight Management Consultant

Kweli Tutashinda Doctor of Chiropractic 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ♥ Rm. 201 Great Sex is Not Enough: Seven Keys to Making Your Relationship Last

Judith Genece-Murphy and Carlysle Murphy, Jr., Holistic Health Educators ♥ Rm. 202 Developing Daily Rituals for a Balanced Healthy Life

R. Dafina Kuficha, Licensed Acupuncturist ♥ Rm. 203 Stop Surviving! Start Flourishing… in Your Health, Relationships, Finances, and Sex appeal!

Nigel Henry, Activational Speaker ♥ Rm. 204 Panel: Sistah to Sistah Relationships Across Generations

Facilitator: Lolita Thomas Personal and Executive Life Coach ♥ Rm. 205 Panel: Return of the Kings…Restoring the Fellowship and Power of Sacred Brotherhood

Facilitator: Muntu Mbonisi, Executive Director, The Mentoring Center and the Lion Share Unlimited Brotherhood

♥ Rm. 202 The Ancient Art of Creating Success and Happiness in Your Relationships

Dr. Lance Webb, DC, ABAAHP Doctor of Alternative Medicine and Chiropractic ♥ Rm. 203 Culture, Community and Creative Financing: The Anatomy of a Black New World

Marcel Diallo, Community Developer ♥ Rm. 204 And there was no man to till the field: Recapturing the Spirit of Fatherhood and Familyhood

Holist tic and Community Health Maalak Atkins, Health Educator Class ses on strengt thening relatio onships ♥ The Healing Room offers complimentary massage and energy work. - Rm. 210 ♥ All day Mini - Health Film Festival – Room 206


♥ Rm. 205 Community Healing Through Grass Roots Politics

Yoga for Health – Rm. 208 The Black Lotus Teachers Alliance ♥ Dinndayal Morgan Kriya Yoga Heart Meditative Movement/Martial Science 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

♥ Deni Hodges Integrative Yoga Therapy 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

♥ Ron White Bonfire Yoga 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

♥ Ra Hebron Capoeira, Afrikan Healing System, Kundalini Yoga 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

A Special Thank You to the African American Health Summit 2007 General Planning Committee Angela Jenkins Kaiser Permanente Arnold Chavez Alameda County Public Health Urban Male Services Asara Tsehai A Touch of Life Barbara Coleman City of Berkeley MCAH and Mental Health Services Besem Obenson San Mateo County Public Health Department Brenda Yamashita Alameda County Public Health Candice Francis Critical Mass Health Conductors Chef Leslie James Community Culinary Academy Chris Chatmon YMCA of the East Bay David Roach Mo’ Better Foods Dereca Blackmon Leadership Excellence Dr. Derethia DuVal SFSU - Counseling and Psychological Services Devera Hutchinson Alameda County Maternal Child Health Dinndayal Morgan Black Lotus Yoga Teachers Alliance Earl Jacobs Healthy Oakland Eileen Murray Oakland Children’s Hospital Elberta Erickson ISOJI Elder Raymond Lankforde Healthy Oakland Elizabeth Mack St. Columba Health Cabinet

Elizabeth Omarzu Ethnic Health Institute Franklin Clayton Strip Family Tree Frank Staggers, Sr., M.D. Ethnic Health Institute Glenda McComb Healthy Oakland Helen Robinson Alameda County Public Health Ifonia Geflin Organic Center Jennifer Johnson San Mateo County Health Department Joyce Gray Ethnic Health Institute Julie Hadnot Kaiser Permanente Kevin Wiggins FitKV Kim Stevens American Golf and Bay Area Golf Learning Centers Luretha Senyo-Mensah Alameda Health Consortium Margaret Thomas City of Berkeley - MCAH Marion Dupuit St. Rose Hospital Ministry Program Marsha Hodges YMCA of the East Bay Maxine Gilkerson UCB School of Public Health – HRA Michael Shaw Alameda County Public Health – Urban Male Services Mildred Crear Bay Area Black Nurses Association Nebiyat Hagos Alameda County Nutrition Services NuNu Kidane Priority Africa Network Olugbala Akintunde Youth Uprising Pamela Aziz Alameda County Nutrition Services

Pearl Howell International Association of Black Yoga Teachers Phillip Weaver Extreme Youth Health Conductors Rachel "Anumati" Bryant Florbella Ricka White BBACC of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Rita Times Bay Area Black Nurses Association Saleem Shakur Leadership Excellence Sheryl Hayman Ethnic Health Institute Sheryl Walton Critical Mass Health Conductors Shorron Levy CBTVI Stephanie Davenport Alta Bates Summit Health Ministry Tiffany Bell Critical Mass Health Conductors Toya Wright Critical Mass Health Conductors Viola Dyas City of Berkeley Public Library Woody Carter Bay Area Black United Fund Staffing Colette Winlock Health Summit Coordinator Asara Tsehai 2nd Floor Coordinator/Holistic Health Classes Jeanette Madden Graphic Design and Promotional Materials Coordinator Lattice Banks Logistics Coordinator Linda Dails Exhibit Booth Coordinator Melody Powers Marketing Coordinator

The Board of Directors and Staff of the Bay Area Black United Fund thank our sponsors for their continuous support.

Title sponsor for the 2007 African American Health Summit Premiere Sponsors: KBLX and United Way of the Bay Area

Convened by the The Bay Area Black United Fund Major Sponsors: Alameda County Public Health Department, Alta Bates Summit Hospital, Ethnic Health Institute, The California Endowment, The California Health Care Foundation, The San Francisco Foundation, YMCA of the East Bay Gold Sponsors: Comcast, The Bay Area CW, CBS Channel 5, Healthy Oakland, Marin Community Foundation Contributing Sponsors: Abbott Diabetes Care, American Golf & Bay Area Golf & Learning Centers, Blackxchange,City of Oakland, CityFlight, The California Transplant Donor Network, Turnhere Community Partners: AAA of Northern California, Nevada, Utah, African American Wellness Project Patron Sponsors: American Cancer Society, East Bay Community Foundation, Genentech, NUMMI, Wellpoint/Blue Cross of California, Peninsula Community Foundation, Westside Community Services The organizations who made possible the African American Health Summit 2007 are: Alta Bates Summit Health Ministry Program, African American Wellness Project, African American 5-A-Day Program, A Touch of Life; Bay Area Black Nurses Association, Bay Area Black Consortium for Quality Health Care, The Bay Area Golf Learning Centers, Black Women’s Media Project, BBAAC of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Summit VI Committee, City of Berkeley Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health and Mental Health Services, Contra Costa Health Services, Florbella, ISOJI (Rebirth), Leadership Excellence, Oakland Children’s Hospital,100 Black Men of the Bay Area,Pathfinders Institute, SFSU – Counseling and Psychological Services, Northern California Kidney Association, San Mateo County Health Department, UCB School of Public Health – HRA

Bay Area Black United Fund 1212 Broadway, Suite 730, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 763-7270 Fax: (510) 763-3625 Website:

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