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A M ESSAGE FROM G EORGE M A v RO udi S P’18, ’26
While tuition covers the cost of fundamental school operations, it is the generosity of giving through charitable gifts that provide the much-needed support for new facilities, enhancements to our signature academic programs and additional funds for Student Financial Assistance. We are truly proud of the rich heritage of generosity that has existed at Crescent School, for decades, in support of our sons’ educational experience.
All of the facilities on campus that our boys benefit from each and every day are the direct result of the generosity of current and past parents, alumni and grandparents. They have supported the School to ensure we can evolve with the changing needs of a future Crescent education. I feel deeply that it is the responsibility of every generation of Crescent families to do the same and support the School for current AND future boys of promise.
We had another very successful year of fundraising with support from all constituent groups including current and past parents, alumni, faculty and staff, grandparents, and students. Our Parent Annual Giving program, which raised over $1.2 million, continues to be the most successful program of its kind among our peer schools in the GTA. Collectively, our Crescent family pledged over $6.7M with the majority of our major gift and Parent Annual Giving fundraising directed towards needs-based Student Financial Assistance, the Master Campus Plan and Rumball. We are grateful to all of our donors for their thoughtful and ongoing support of the school which means so much to all of us.
I am so very proud to be part of the Crescent School community, which year after year, continues to inspire us all with its generosity, encouragement, commitment and passion for the School’s mission. I am also privileged to serve on the Board of Governors and as Chair of the Development Committee, both of which are comprised of committed and hard-working volunteers, and I thank each of them for their efforts over the last year.
George Mavroudis P’18, ’26 Chair of the Development Committee & Governor
d E v E l OPME nt c OMM itt EE MEM b ERS 2021/2022
George Mavroudis P’18, ’26, Chair
Rose Campione P’23
Rita Caporiccio, P’17, ’20
Claire Chen P’23, ’24
Beth Currie Watt, P’20
Christene DeGasperis, P’24
Duncan McGregor P’00, ’06
Jonathan Pollack ’89, P’23
John Reucassel P’19, ’24, ’27
Cee Cee Robertson P’20, ’28
Steven Rosenhek P’21, ‘25
Kevin Teng P’23, ‘24 ex-oFFicio:
Jamie Coulter ’87, P’21, Chair of the Board of Governors
Michael Fellin P’24, Headmaster
John Lynch P’16, ’18, Executive Director of External Relations
Jill Cannon P’25, Director of Advancement
Barb Shearer, Advancement & Campaign Officer