Museum of Garden History
Museum of Garden History
Identity I have created a brand new identity for the Museum of Garden History. A fresh, clean and recognisable logo is important for a business. The logo is obvious as to what it is representing which is what I was aiming to achieve. It’s original, visually appealing and interesting. I have designed business cards, compliment slips and letterheads, all containing the museum’s new logo and other details.
Poster Advertisements I have designed and created four posters which advertise the Museum of Garden History. The posters each represent the four seasons; autumn, winter, summer and spring. The strap-line, ‘The Garden Museum...not just for Autumn/Winter/ Summer/Spring’ convey annual availablility. The quotes on the posters have been purposely designed to not allow immediate knowledge of what they mean; the strap-line delivers clarity of the advertisement.
In Context The posters have been designed for both landscape and portrait formats. They would be placed in various advertisement spaces in view of the public eye. Bus stops, phone boxes and billboards are the main areas I have looked to advertise. I believe any of these, in any area would attract public attention. Taking into consideration the target audience (30-50 year olds), the posters would be displayed close to various shops that this age group often visit. Shops such as B&Q that provide similar products to the museum is also somewhere the posters would be seen close to.
In Context These advertisements would be strategically placed on appropriate billboards. They would be seen on the sides of buildings and on large displays throughout towns.
Merchandise I have proposed merchandise which would be sold in the museum shop. The products would primarily be green, as you can see from above. I have also proposed various other colours that would be available, to give the products variety and would give customers the freedom to choose their preferred colours. I have designed tags which the museum will use, and are also available to purchase in the museum shop. Selling these would make the customers feel as though they are taking a little part of their experience home with them, as the museum will use them. It makes their experience that little more personal.