Simba - Spring 2018

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Spring 2018

News from Bablake Junior and Pre Prep School


he girls’ U11 football team played brilliantly at the recent Coventry Schools Indoor Competition, winning the event and not losing a game along the way.

were fitted around other commitments - all were instead of free play. We had a large and enthusiastic squad that was eventually trimmed to six for the 5-a-side event (the B team had tried hard in the preliminaries but did not get through to the finals). The girls concentrated in practices and in matches. They played nine games and won them all, including the final four nil, scored twenty-nine goals and let in none.

It has been my pleasure to be able to help, in a small way, with practices and a little advice. We had a plan to first stop the opposition scoring and then to score the odd goal ourselves and then we would win - and it worked!

‘Listen, learn, work hard for yourself and the team and concentrate.’ It worked for the girls’ football team and, I realise, it would work well for all of us, every day.

The girls listened to advice. They actually didn’t all want to be strikers. The glory was going to be in the team performance, from the back to the front. They worked hard. Lunchtime practices

We all learned something from the football. Mr Neil Price Headmaster

Pre Prep News

Kindergarten Pet Puppets

Kindergarten pupils explored the topic of pets and animals this term. As part of the topic they made their own pet puppets‌

Teddy Trouble in Reception! This term we welcomed two new class teddies to Reception. The teddies have been named Mitoo and Strawberry and have already been on lots of adventures. The children have loved having the teddies in their class and have made teddy masks, danced to teddy songs, written about their adventures and have even had a teddy bears’ picnic!



I had lots of fun firing the catapult at the castle. - Lily

“I loved learning a Tudor dance and performing it at the feast.” - Minnah

Medieval Day in Year 1

“ I loved playing tennis. - Sebastian

Year 1 have been learning about kings and queens in their topic lessons and to mark the end of the topic, they had a Medieval Day. As part of the day, pupils came to school dressed in medieval outfits and took part in a variety of activities. They enjoyed bowling, tennis and bowls, as favoured by King Henry VIII. Catapults were designed and made by the children and then tested when trying to fire marshmallows over a castle wall. They also learnt a traditional Tudor dance to the tune of Greensleeves and performed it to one another before entering the hall for our medieval banquet. The jester announced everyone’s arrival and guests were presented to Lady Lewis and Lady Robinson. Everyone had lots of fun feasting and dancing. Drinks were taken from their own decorated goblets and food was eaten from their own initialled placemats!

Explorers for the Day… Year 2 have been researching different types of explorers this term. They began their research with a ‘launch day’. Pirates, astronauts and jungle explorers had a busy day exploring the local area as part of their ‘World Around Us’ topic. After the launch day, the children were tasked with putting together a presentation on their chosen explorer.




Culture Week at the Pre Prep Bablake Pre Prep celebrated all things cultural as part of their culture week this term. Kindergarten children and teachers dressed up in outfits from different cultures at the start of the week as they learnt about countries from around the world. They also tried food from Spain, India, Egypt, France and China. The week culminated in Chinese New Year celebrations across the school. Year 2 pupils

Ariel, Venice and Estee enjoyed talking about traditional Chinese New Year celebrations and took decorations into school to show their class. Reception celebrated by making dancing dragons, dragon masks and even tried out ribbon dancing. The children also enjoyed tasting lots of interesting food at their Chinese banquet including seaweed and sushi!

Year 2 Poetry

Inspired by the Great Fire of London Thick murky smoke conceals the entire luke warm city as panicked people hurry desperately for shelter. Shouts grow in the air as terrified people escape the rapid fire ball. Orange spits grow in the air whilst people sprint away from the cloud of doom! Burning buildings collapse as petrified people sprint for safety. The mighty raging roaring beast guzzles up the entire city as quick as a flash. Furiously the crimson flames gobbled up everything and anything in its pathway. Black smoke is causing people to cough and splutter. People screeching for help! BANG! BOOM! CRASH! By Darcey 2HB



The curling fire catches and devours everything in its path bringing it crashing down to the firey floor. Petrified people run like cheetahs trying to escape the cloud of destruction. Ear deafening screams and cries fill the air whilst houses erupt into flames. Orange sparks fill the gloomy air as burning things tumble from the sky. Black and white ash rains down like blowing snowflakes. A thick blanket of gloomy smoke fills praying people’s important lungs. By Elliot 2HB

Tweet, Tweet!

Orla Cafferty 2HB

There was a kind, caring girl who loved animals. She rescued a dog from danger. Her love of animals inspired her to be a vet. #furryanimals #allcreaturesgreatandsmall

Year 2 children have been challenged to write an entire story in a Tweet. They initially wrote them as part of their homework and then edited them together at school. Here are some of our favourites… Daisy Crompton 2S Zain Naheem 2S

There was a ginger prince who felt lonely. An American girl caught his eye. He felt the sparkle in Megan Markle. #love #royalwedding2018 #PrinceHarry

Lilyflower wears magic glasses, blink 3 times KABOOM! Amazing disco. Dance the night away. #superflyDJ

A young boy dreamt of being a superhero. He grew up to be a fireman and was awarded a medal at Buckingham Palace for bravery. #reallifesuperhero #dreamscancometrue Alina Egan 2HB

Once a pony called Sky ate a magic pie. She then grew wings and learned to fly. When she woke at dawn she’d grown a horn. Now she’s a unicorn. #magical

Ralph Brennan 2S

They met, they danced, they laughed in peace, harmony and love until they couldn’t love each other any more. #hearts #marriage

Stefan Nderitu 2HB

Lily Handley 2S

Bertie Bear had one eye. He lived in a broken bear circus. How sad. He set up a business fixing broken bears. A lot of bears were happy. #hewaskind

The Pre Prep Cel ebrates

World Book Day

Pre Prep children and staff celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite fictional characters whilst taking part in lots of book-related activities. As part of their World

Book Day activities, Year 2 were also tasked with transforming a simple potato into their favourite book character. We were amazed by the creative skills they used! BABLAKE JUNIOR SCHOOL



Junior School News


Year 3 History Days Year 3 were treated to two wonderful history days as they explored the topics of Romans and Egyptians. Just before Christmas, the children all came to school dressed up in Roman clothing and even had a feast of Roman food! During their Egyptian day, the children took part in paired ICT research on the River Nile, painted cartouches and performed a series of Egyptian dances to parents.

Year 3 have been busy making ‘Fabulous Fish’ in Art this term.



Year 3 Trip to the Safety Centre On the 14th February, Year 3 went on a trip to the Safety Centre to learn all about how to stay safe in different situations. They got to visit ‘Hazard Alley’ and experienced role play in 14 different scenarios. They were shown how to make a 999 phone call, put somebody in the recovery position, cross the road and much more! During the day they learnt lots of very important things, as well as having the chance to have lots of fun. I am sure they will remember everything they were told and will look after themselves in the future. Miss Adcock

A big thank you to two Junior School parents, Smitha and Essie, who came to talk to 6J and 6D about their experiences of immigrating to another country.




Super Science Show The Bablake Senior School Science department put on a spectacular science show for Junior School pupils this term. The children were in awe and wonder as Mr Kalsi and Mrs Sharkey created science magic in front of their eyes. This was the second Science show delivered for the Junior School after a successful Halloween themed show last term. The Theatre was packed and the lights were turned down ready for some demonstrations involving flashes and bangs. The first demonstration was called ‘Fire Flies’ and involved adding hot chromium (III) oxide to concentrated ammonia in a large flask. This resulted in lots of little orange sparks, which looked just like fire flies! The next demonstration was called ‘Cannon Fire’. Potassium permanganate (VII) was added to a mixture of ethanol and hydrogen peroxide resulting in several loud bangs and flames – which prompted a huge cheer from the crowd! For the next experiment, volunteers were selected from the crowd (which was difficult as most of the audience had their hand up!) to make rockets using a plastic container, water and vitamin C tablets. A gas was produced in the reaction and the cap on the plastic container blew into the air, just like a rocket! Many thanks to Mr Kalsi, Mrs Sharkey, Mr Wyatt and Miss Young for their part in organising such a brilliant show.

Paired Maths in Year 4 We have had another excellent half term of paired Maths sessions. Thank you to the Bablake Senior School pupils who have volunteered their time to help develop the Maths skills of our Year 4 children.

+ 8


Maths Challenge – The Finalists! Congratulations to Gareth, Sophie and Ernest in Year 6 who reached the finals of the UK Primary Schools Maths Challenge. All three children gained a bronze award after taking part in the final challenge – a fantastic achievement.

World Book Day Celebrations at BJS As part of their World Book Day celebrations, BJS pupils decorated their classroom doors with pictures of books by their favourite authors and came to school dressed as fictional characters. At the end of the day classes were also treated to a visit from a member of staff who read an extract from one of their favourite books. The children had a great World Book Day and even took part in a school book swap!




Bablake Junior School

Art Exhibition



Charity Year 5 Pupil Supports Local Charity During half term Year 5 pupil Saran took it upon himself to help fundraise for the Earlsdon Stroke Group. Saran’s mum is involved with The Stroke Association (Coventry) and helps to organise fortnightly stroke survivors’ groups for people that have suffered a stroke. At these meetings, attendees take part in activities such as board games, quizzes and craft events. Saran asked his mum if he could be involved in organising a quiz for the session and then put together a quiz based on capital cities from around the world. He also helped with presenting the quiz and giving out the results. The members were pleasantly surprised that a boy so young had taken the time to put together a quiz for them. Well done Saran!

Fundraising for Zoe’s Place Last term the Student Council decided that it would organise fundraising events in aid of local charity, Zoe’s Place. The children planned two cake sales and a non-uniform day both of which were a resounding success – with queues for cakes filling the playground! Over half term children, were also asked to fill a ‘Paws for Thought’ card with £1 coins, which were awarded to them on completion of a good deed at home. A special mention should go to Raima, Layla and Anagha who each raised a huge amount (over £100!). Overall, BJS pupils raised an incredible £1,736.75 for Zoe’s Place! Well done and thank you to everyone involved.





Out & About!

Year 5 Trip to Compton Verney



Year 5 have been exploring the topic of Vikings this term and headed to Compton Verney’s Viking Village to experience how Vikings lived. They learnt how to make flat bread, use a wattle and daub and even cooked a fish over a fire!




Girls’ Cross Country The Coventry Girls’ Cross Country Championships took place on a very snowy morning with our runners showing true grit and determination and also a lot of talent! Congratulations to both the A and B teams who won their races. There were also super individual performances. In the A team race, Krista Bennett received the gold medal, Daniella Bleach the bronze medal, Imogen Lane came 4th and Antonia Wamala came 7th. In the B race, Megan Hart received the bronze medal, Emily Cantrill came 5th, Maisie Halstead came 8th and Madembe Nemukhovani came 9th. The Year 3 and 4 girls performed really well in the Warwick Cross Country Team Relays, again in testing conditions. Both Year 3 and Year 4 A teams achieved 3rd place and both B teams acquitted themselves well.

Girls’ Sport Netball has continued to thrive at Bablake Junior School despite the often inclement weather! Our 11 teams have won 53 out of 70 matches this season, with three teams unbeaten for a second season running!

The U10 A and B teams also remain undefeated this season, maintaining their 100% record from last year, beating Crackley Hall, Warwick and St. Martin’s. They have had a brilliant season, scoring over 250 goals and conceding only 38! Well done girls.

Most notably, the U11 B team has continued its unbeaten record from last year, with wins against some tough teams, including, a 17-3 victory against the Croft and 15-0 against King Henry VIII. During the season they have scored 164 goals and conceded just 31. What a team!

The U9 teams have played with great determination and strength of character, achieving fantastic wins against Warwick, Kingsley and St. Martin’s.

Many of the girls enjoyed a brilliant trip one Saturday evening to watch Superleague team Wasps at the Ricoh Arena. The girls were able to meet the players and picked up some top tips from the match. Our shooters even spotted the Wasps players using some of our tactics to get the ball into the attacking D!



The U8 teams enjoyed playing their first ever netball matches this term with a win against Crackley Hall and a loss against King Henry VIII. The hockey teams have also continued strongly this term, achieving a creditable draw against Solihull, and wins against Arnold Lodge, Croft and Eversfield. Well done to everyone who has competed in teams this term and a special thank you to parents for your support at the matches, whatever the weather!

U11 IAPS Netball Tournament After an initial rearrangement due to the ‘Beast from the East’, the U11 A squad travelled to Uppingham School for their first experience of an IAPS tournament. The girls were pleased to receive a goodie bag on arrival and welcomed the prospect of a hot chocolate later in the day as they took stock of the fantastic hospitality put on by Uppingham School. After this initial excitement they quickly got their game faces on as they took to the courts to warm up before their first match. Our group was a tough one – including Bromsgrove and King’s Hawford from Worcester - and the girls knew they had to go out and play their best netball. With a big squad and fresh legs available, Mrs Haywood and Mrs Hargreaves encouraged the girls to go

out and give 100% from the moment they took to the court. The girls went into their first match with fantastic determination. They faced Kimbolton (who had some extremely tall players!) and using their speed, skill and agility they came away winners, with a score of 5-3. The great start continued as they went on to beat Beeston Hall 6-3. Next they faced Stephen Perse and the girls worked hard but ended up losing 3-6 to the eventual group winners. With three matches remaining the team needed to maintain its energy, however, with their next game coming immediately after they didn’t have time to recuperate and through too many unforced errors, lost against King’s Hawford, 2-6. They went on to win one more game, 6-0 against Ratcliffe, but lost their final game against Bromsgrove 3-5. Going into their final

game, the girls knew they needed to win but unfortunately tiredness kicked in. This meant that we finished 4/7 in our group, with the top three teams going through to the next round. Although it was disappointing not to progress, the girls did themselves proud. They played some of the best netball we’ve seen all season, took on board the coaches’ advice and represented the school brilliantly. One umpire commented on how impressed she was with how the team played, even stating that they were better than the U12 and U13 players she had umpired the day before! Well done to all the girls who took part and thank you to the B team players who joined the squad and played an integral part in the day.



Boys’ Sport


The football season has been severely hampered by the weather this year with many fixtures succumbing to snow, hail, and rain! The U10 and U11 teams have struggled to find consistency in their team play but the U11 A team was finally rewarded with an excellent win against Eversfield and a draw against King Henry VIII. Particular mention must go the U11 D and E teams who were undefeated all season - well done!

Well done to everyone who has taken part in matches this term, playing in every different type of weather condition! Mr Benfield

Bablake Junior School

Bablake Pre Prep School

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They were lucky enough to have Ben Foster, the West Bromwich Albion and former England goalkeeper, watching some of their matches and he was very impressed by the level of football on display.

8 Park Road, Coventry



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The U9 teams have had an exceptional season and have remained unbeaten throughout. There is some great talent in all the teams, with particular quality in the A team. The U8 teams are also very enthusiastic and have had some good results. It was great to see every boy in Year 3 represent the school in a fixture this term and I am sure they have gained a lot from that experience. They were also lucky enough to have Ben Foster, the West Bromwich Albion and former England goalkeeper, watching some of their matches and he was very impressed by the level of football on display. There is some great talent in our younger years which really bodes well for the future.

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