Simba - Summer 2016

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News and Views from Bablake Junior and Pre Prep School

Year 6 play ‘Hagbane’s Doom’

The Magic of Bablake A school play is the opportunity to do something different, to break out of your comfort zone and to be expansive. Acting in a play can be a liberating experience. For a brief period reality is left behind and magic takes over. People have understood this for millennia. To watch a performance is also an escape, a moment of suspended belief when you can be transported to another place. There is magic in the air as we near the end of term. The Year 6 players know they are taking part in something special. This term has been full of diverse dynamics that have made for so many memorable

moments. The children have grasped opportunities; in the classroom, on the sports field and on the stage. The magic of growing up is all around us and it is wonderful. Everyday our community is enriched and we are blessed. ‘Hagbane’s Doom’, the Year 6 play, is part of that rich fabric, as are all of the children and all of our shared experiences. It is in our diversity and our shared experiences that we are strong and in our safe community that we can all grow. Have a great summer! Mr Neil Price, Headmaster

‘Magic in the air’ as pupils play beneath the Union Jack on the Queen’s birthday.

In this issue: The Magic of Bablake 1 News from Bablake Pre Prep 2 Celebrating the Queen’s Birthday 4 In the Classroom at BJS 5 Drama and Music 7 BJS Out and About 8 Bablake on Tour 10 Goodbye and Goodluck 13 Sport Reports 16

Bablake Junior School News

Black Country Museum This term, Year 1 enjoyed a sunshine filled trip to the Black Country Museum. The glorious weather set the tone for a fabulous day out, learning all about how life has changed since the Victorian era. Boys and girls alike assisted with Victorian style laundry. Cleaning the clothes with the washboard, dolly peg and tub; they showed their strength whilst turning the mangle and then had to peg out the washing on the line. Don’t be afraid to ask the children to hang out the washing at home – they can all use a peg! They were also treated to a Victorian school experience, with a very strict teacher. Girls (and teachers) wearing nail varnish were brought to the front of the classroom to be made an example of. The children discovered how the alphabet would have been taught and also took part in handwriting practice using cursive writing with ‘hooks’ and ‘hangers’ on a slate.

“My favourite bit was when Mrs Robinson was given the cane in the Victorian school.” - Rizwaan “I enjoyed having a go in the laundry. It was very hard work.” - Octavia “I loved the sweet shop. It was interesting to hear about how beetles blood was used in the past to colour the sweets.” - Keisha

Early Year’s Assembly This term, Kindergarten and Reception performed their assembly in front of parents and friends in the Junior School hall. The audience was blown away by the children’s fantastic

Kindergarten Keep Growing! singing and dancing and all of the teachers were very proud of how well everyone performed. Well done to all of the pupils and a big thank you to everyone who attended!

Kindergarten enjoyed the topic of ‘Growing’, which teachers linked to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Here they are holding the beans they planted!

Some of the brilliant Kindergarten artwork on the topic of ‘Growing’.



Summer 2016

Bablake Junior School News

Growing and Changing in Reception This term Reception have been learning about Growing and Changing. They had their own tadpoles and butterfly farm and watched their caterpillars grow, change into cocoons and then emerge as butterflies! Reception children were thrilled when Mr Price arrived just in time to release the butterflies into a beautiful sunny blue sky.

‘Who’s That Trip Trapping Over My Bridge?’ Reception children not only showcased their talent at the Early Year’s Assembly, they also had chance to test out their acting skills whilst learning about ‘Traditional Tales’ when they acted out scenes from Billy Goat Gruff on the equipment in the playground. We certainly have some brilliant actors!

Rocket Science Year 2 pupils enjoyed planting seeds under experiment conditions as part of the RHS Rocket Science project.

into a national online database so that they can be compared across all schools involved in the project. We can’t wait to find out what happens next!

The children were sent a blue packet of seeds and a red packet of seeds - one of which held seeds that have been in space for several months with Tim Peake. The other contained identical seeds that have stayed on earth. Now the two packets of 100 seeds have been planted, Pre Prep and BJS pupils are able to compare how the seeds grow. Once the seeds have fully grown we will input our results Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Pre Prep Celebrate

The Queen’s Birthday



Summer 2016

Bablake Junior School News

In the classroom at BJS...

Year 3 and 4 Wow at their Arts Award Presentation

Year 3 Explore Photosynthesis Year 3 have been learning about photosynthesis through science experiments this term. As part of the experiment, pupils were split into groups and each group was given six geranium plants.

Year 3 and Year 4 pupils put on an impressive show for their Discover level Arts Award presentation.

During the experiment... All geraniums were: • Approximately the same size • Grown in the same containers • Positioned in the same part of the classroom • Kept at the same temperature • Watered every three days with 10ml of water to the roots.

Parents were invited to attend the exhibition to see all the beautiful work the children have been working on this year. The children have completed a portfolio of work which they shared with parents before performing a variety of musical and artistic disciplines, much to the delight of the audience. We enjoyed a selection of musical performances from some very new and very brave musicians, an extract from a book written by a pupil about a

Things we changed: • Each group removed all of the leaves of three of their plants at the top of the stalk and left the leaves on the other three.

The Great BJS Chick Hatch!

During their experiment, pupils found that the plants that had their leaves removed did not grow as successfully as the ones that kept their leaves. In fact, some plants had even died by the end of the experiment! The children learned that plants need leaves to grow because they use their leaves to produce their food and this is called photosynthesis.

mysterious adventure, some excellent and energetic dance routines, beautifully decorated biscuits and even a speech about why art is so important. Well done to everyone involved, the range and standard of performance and work was extremely impressive for children of such a young age. Mrs Scott-Burt from the Senior School commented, ‘I really hope the children continue to their Bronze Award when they come to Senior School as they’ve had such great inspiration at this early stage. Thank you Mrs Mason.’

As part of Year 5 Science lessons, Miss Young arranged for 10 eggs to be delivered to school with all the equipment needed for pupils to watch and learn about how chicks hatch from eggs.

We were amazed by how much they grew in the week they were with us and we missed them after they went to their new home (one of our pupil’s farms!).

We set up a live video stream of the incubator so we wouldn’t miss the ‘egg-citing’ moment that the first chick hatched. With almost 2,000 views, the live stream proved very popular with pupils, parents and staff, and we all became very involved with the goings-on in the incubator.

Thank you, Miss Young, for setting up this fantastic experience for the children, staff and parents!

After arriving with us on Tuesday afternoon, the final chick hatched at 8pm on Wednesday. The chicks were the talk of the school, with Miss Young opening her classroom door to all pupils to meet and welcome the chicks. Once all the eggs had hatched, Year 5 had the responsibility of naming the chicks. After a very democratic voting process, the final names were chosen…Jeff, AJ, Mango, Elvis Chickly, Salt Jr, May, Teeny Mimi, Shimmer, Lily and Hope! Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Year 6 Enrichment Programme Year 6 have been following an exciting new programme of enrichment activities this half term. The children have been looking at designing, marketing and producing a product with the aim of making as much money for charity as possible. Mr Sewell, Senior School Head of Economics and Business Studies, has been liaising with the pupils, helping them to explore how to produce an effective business model. Mrs Dodd said, ‘We’ve been really lucky to be able to work alongside Mr. Sewell.

The children have some inspiring ideas and we can’t wait to see their enterprises in action in the last couple of weeks of term!’ Mr Holder has been focusing on a range of Science experiments which go beyond the Key Stage 2 curriculum. The pupils have been looking at pH values; using universal indicator and litmus paper to test the pH of various household liquids. Pupils have also been looking at chemical reactions using a range of household substances. They have had a great time and

Dragon’s Den Project This term, groups of children in Year 5 and Year 6 have been working with Mrs Robson and Mrs Thomas on a Dragon’s Den project using their persuasive writing skills. They have had great fun spotting gaps in the market, inventing a product or gadget, producing a PowerPoint about it, delivering a presentation in front of the group and answering some tricky questions! Mrs Robson and Mrs Thomas awarded tokens to represent their investment and have been very impressed by the children’s ingenuity and imagination. Some of the products would definitely be viable commercially! The following children went the extra mile and brought in prototypes of their products: Marty O’Meara (5Y) introduced us to the Buddybot, a lovely friend for lonely children at playtime. Jack Quantrill (5Y) wheeled in his handy



Summer 2016

Roboservant who would help with jobs around the house. Alena Mann-Basra (6HD) gave us a delicious treat with her customised USA Donuts with any topping we liked. Well done to all the groups concerned. Mrs Robson and Mrs Thomas

have really enjoyed lots of practical, investigative science. Pupils have also been learning a range of cooking skills with Mr Norman. They have enjoyed making peppermint creams, adapting the recipe to suit their tastes and decorating accordingly, as well as making shortbread and apple crumble. The children really enjoyed their cookery, relishing the hands-on approach. We hope their new skills will be useful at home!

Bablake Junior School News

‘Hagbane’s Doom’

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Easter Concert On Monday 21st March, we enjoyed another informal end of term concert. We welcomed the introduction of the new rock band, which played ‘Mad World’ and a remix of ‘Let it be/ Round and Round’. This year we have some new recorder players who have formed a beginners’ recorder group; they performed four short jazzy numbers, while the Brass group also introduced some new recruits. The choir sang ‘Respect’, a song all about looking after the environment. Miles Scott-Burt, from the Senior School, has been running a percussion group with Year 6 and they performed



Summer 2016

It was super to see such a large audience on this occasion. Many thanks go to Mr Cooper and Mrs Scott-Burt for their support and fine musical tuition. Mrs Mason

Out and About

Leamington Festival of Music Success for Harry and Daniel Congratulations to Harry Scott-Burt and Daniel Wale who came away from the Leamington Spa Competitive Festival of Music with an array of fantastic awards! Harry entered two classes and won both, winning trophies for the Under 11 Cello class and the Open Grade 7/8 class. At the end of the morning he was also awarded the Gradwell Cup for the best performance on viola, cello or bass in the festival. Daniel also did fantastically well, taking home first place in the

an improvised piece of music. The String group treated us to three folk tunes and the Orchestra ended the concert with three contrasting pieces. The highlight of the concert was our two soloists; Bianca Booth played a ‘Simple Samba’ by Brian Bonsor on the recorder and Harry Scott-Burt treated us to the second movement of a Concerto in C minor by Bach on his cello.

Year 3 Trip to The Herbert Museum Year 3 had a fantastic trip to The Herbert Museum this term. They learnt about sculptures and got to make their own out of clay. They also looked at what was ‘Made in Coventry’, learning about the silk industry and how it was so important to Coventry in Victorian times. Harry Scott-Burt Violin Under 10/11 category, coming second in the Open Violin Grade 7/8 and finally winning the overall Soroptimist Trophy! Well done to both boys for these excellent achievements.

Bablake Junior School News

Year 4 Visit Brandon Marsh Year 4 had a fantastic trip out in the sunshine investigating habitats at Brandon Marsh. They looked under logs and on the trees to find a variety of mini-beasts such as woodlice, beetles, centipedes and worms. The children enjoyed the pond dipping and were really pleased to catch a number of newts including a great crested newt, which is a protected animal. Whilst practising their bird watching skills, they observed a heron and a swan with her cygnets. The final activity involved identifying trees and calculating their height and girth. It was a brilliant day that was enjoyed by all the budding Year 4 scientists!

Year 4 Explore Naul’s Mill Park This term Year 4 took the long walk to Naul’s Mill Park to learn more about their local environment. They took pictures and explored the park noting its positives and negatives. After their visit they wrote to Coventry Council with suggestions on how it could improve the park for visitors. Here is a letter from Year 4 pupil Madeleine Cropley to Coventry Council: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inform you about our recent trip to Naul’s Mill Park and my view of it. My name is Madeleine. I wish to give you valuable information to help you make the park even better than it is. Seeing as the park is adjacent to our school it was an easy walk which gave me more time to examine your park. But I must also tell you my negatives. I hope this is helpful. Well first I shall start positively. The park is an all-round friendly place with an environmental background. I love the different

sections such as a children’s section and adult’s section. It was a lovely place. Seeing as I am new to school I have never been before. But it was a great first go. The park was attractive as well as safe. The scenery is gorgeous with flowers which look very well kept. It is brilliant that you have regular rubbish bins as well as dog bins. As a result the park is not only a child friendly area but an adult AND teenage friendly area. The sports courts were great as well as all the flood lights. However, there are a few things that could be improved. The graffiti I think, is on the top of my very short list of negatives. I think you should put down more anti-vandal paint. I also spotted a bit of dog mess which was highly amazing since you have put signs and dog bins dotted all over the place. I would suggest more dog wardens. But overall the park was lovely. I hope you shall listen to my advice and have enjoyed reading my letter. Yours Faithfully, Madeleine Cropley

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Bablake on Tour

Year 4 Trip to Condover Hall This term Year 4 pupils visited Condover Hall in Shrewsbury; for many, this was a first experience away from home. The absence of home comforts and familiarity is always a challenge, no matter what your age. Staff members who attended the residential were incredibly proud of every child. Despite the challenges they faced, pupils displayed resilience,



Summer 2016

determination and a good measure of humour through it all. I have no doubt that the independence developed has brought about a greater maturity in everyone. Each day offered more adventures and challenge. Activities included abseiling, tunnelling, sky trek, climbing, vortex, grid of stones and conquest. The sky trek was undoubtedly the highlight of the trip this year. The obstacle course,

suspended several metres from the ground, tested even the toughest of nerves. During the evenings there was no chance to get bored as our brilliant instructors organised games (in the pouring rain) and the children enjoyed a camp fire. Special thanks must go to Mrs McElligott, Mrs Francis and Miss Young for all their hard work and for making this trip so successful! Mr Holder

Bablake Junior School News

Year 5 Bushcraft Experience This term the Year 5 pupils enjoyed an exciting and active trip to Bushcraft. The children were raring to go from the outset and despite the rain on the first afternoon, they skilfully constructed their own shelters and even more impressively spent their first night sleeping under the stars. Every day the children learned more skills and we were impressed with their teamwork and commitment, especially as everybody (including some of the teachers) braved the infamous swim in the lake!

“Bushcraft was an awesome visit where we learnt lots of new skills like wood carving, making a fire, building shelters and learning vital First Aid skills. We even jumped into a freezing cold lake which was exhilarating! The instructors were kind, they encouraged us to try new things which made us feel extremely proud of ourselves!� - Rhea Cherrington and Manjote Sahota With so much learnt and so many new experiences, it is guaranteed to be an unforgettable trip. A special thank you must go to Mr Bogyor, Miss Shorter, Miss Young, Mr Benfield and Mr Wilkes. Miss Adcock

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Year 6 Trip to Calshot This year we took our largest ever group to Calshot with 72 Year 6 pupils attending the three day residential. As ever, we had an early start with a 6.00am getaway. By 11.00am all pupils were engaged in their first activity. The weather was very good to us and this made for an enjoyable time both on and off the water. Everybody had different fears and challenges to face, whether it was on the ski slope, in the velodrome or out on the water sailing for the very first time. It was fantastic to see the positive attitude which all of the children adopted in meeting these challenges and attempting all of the activities. This attitude filtered through every activity. Even when they were cold and tired all of the children were willing to help each other and there was never a grumble. This made life very easy for the instructors, who commented several times on how attentive and encouraging of each other pupils were throughout the three days. This was a really successful trip and we are already looking forward to next year! Mr Bogyor



Summer 2016

Bablake Junior School News

Goodbye and Good Luck!

As Year 2 leave the Pre Prep and Year 6 move to Senior School they share some of their favourite Pre Prep and Junior School memories...

Year 2 Memories from the Pre Prep I will miss lots of “ things as I love my school but most of all I will miss my teachers and the children at Bablake Pre Prep.” “ I’ll always remember being made Deputy Head Girl as it made me feel so proud.”

“My special memory is meeting my best friend at Bablake Pre Prep.” “We had such an amazing time on our trip to Cadbury’s World and we got to eat so much chocolate!” “The trip to Black Country Museum was great and we learnt lots.” “My special memory is that I have learnt so much. It started off with easy letters and numbers and now I can write really good sentences and can solve tricky calculations with big numbers.”

“ I remember all the fun we had when we pretended to be a Chinese dragon and when we acted out the Three Billy Goats Gruff.”

I’ll miss all the “ exciting crafts that we do in class to make our learning fun.” “We have had fun on Fridays learning to swim.”

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Year 6 Memories “The teachers are amazing at the school. They all have a different personality which I like. There’s never a boring lesson.” “In Year 6 I’ve loved the fact we’ve been given loads of opportunities to try something new.” “It’s sad to be leaving such a good Junior school with so many unique memories!”



Summer 2016

“When I reached Year 6 my hard work paid off, now I am Head Girl and I feel my friendships are getting stronger. I can truly call Bablake my home.”

“Calshot was amazing! It involved a lot of teamwork and was a really fun experience for us.” “I remember the first day of Year 5; I was shy and quiet but now I’m loud and outgoing!” “Bablake has really helped in lots of ways: with education, sport and mostly with my confidence.”

Bablake Junior School News

“The teachers have always been really supportive and this school has fantastic facilities.” “Bablake builds on your confidence and opens up fantastic opportunities for what lies ahead.” “In Year 6 we put Mentos in Coke, Diet Coke and Fanta and they made massive explosions and I found it really fun!”

“Being part of the Bablake community has played a big part in my childhood. It has given me the chance to make lots of friends and all of my teachers have helped me with my education.”

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Sport Senior School Pupils help out with Pre Prep Games Pre Prep pupils were introduced to new ‘teachers’ from the Senior School this term during their games lesson at BJS. While all of the Senior School Shell to Third Year pupils were enjoying visits across the Midlands and most Fourth Year pupils were either completing a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh hike or assisting at a local food bank, a few first year GCSE pupils gave invaluable assistance to our Pre Prep teachers. Lewis Carroll, Harrison Coeullé and Georgia Ementon received most favourable reports from Pre Prep staff for their enthusiasm and encouragement when working with our Pre Prep pupils. The laughter and healthy competition shown by our Pre Prep children offered real proof that they most definitely enjoyed being taught by their ‘new teachers’ for a morning.



Summer 2016

Bablake Junior School Sport

Introducing our County Sport Stars Bablake Junior School is proud to introduce its eight county sport representatives! At BJS, we pride ourselves on the array of sports on offer to pupils and are always so impressed by the hard work and commitment our pupils put into sport. For some, sport is not just something they compete in at school. We are extremely proud of our pupils who do so much outside school and of those who represent the county of Warwickshire in their chosen sport. We have three county cricket stars in our midst with Tom Mousley (U11 Warwickshire), James Cooper (U10

Warwickshire) and Manjyot Sahota (U10 reserves Warwickshire) achieving the fantastic accolade of playing for Warwickshire County Cricket club.

Warwickshire in golf - what amazing family talent! Maisie is our youngest county representative at the grand age of 8 years old.

The commitment to all sport, especially at county level, is tremendous and something that our two tennis county representatives are all too familiar with. Jasmine and Laurence (both U11 Warwickshire Tennis) work extremely hard in training outside school to keep up their performance levels. Their talent is also reflected in games at school, where Jasmine is known as a ‘big hitter’ by our opposition in rounders due to her hand eye coordination and the hitting power she has from playing tennis!

Our one and only badminton county player, Krish (U11 Warwickshire Badminton), has impressed us with his racket technique and his very coordinated appearance - but most impressively he is playing U11 county level at the age of 9!

We are also very proud of siblings George and Maisie, who both represent

We wish all our county representatives the best of luck in their upcoming county fixtures and offer them our heart felt congratulations for what they have already achieved at such a young age. Watch this space for future successes!

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Orienteering This term marked the beginning of a new extra-curricular activity at BJS; Orienteering. Many children have been involved throughout the term, enjoying learning new skills such as map reading and using a compass; it has been fantastic to see the children develop. I was delighted when we gained second place at the West Midlands Schools Championships in which Connie Paterson and Sophia Watson achieved a fantastic first place in their age category. During our success at weekly events, I have been particularly proud of their commitment to orienteering in the torrential rain! A special thanks must go to Mr Hyde who, on top of his teaching commitments at the Senior School, attends every event and supports us to develop our skills every Tuesday lunchtime. I look forward to further successes and more members next year. Miss Adcock

Golfing Success for George Year 6 pupil George represented BJS at the National IAPS Golf Championship 2016 in Shropshire this term. He took home an impressive third place with 36 Stapleford points. A fantastic achievement at a national event! Well done George.



Summer 2016

Bablake Junior School Sport

Girls’ Sports Report Rounders Without doubt this Summer term has been one of the wettest in recent years with several matches being cancelled and for the first time ever a Year 6 game was abandoned due to a hail storm! The weather has not dampened the girls’ spirits however, and this season has to be one of the most successful ever for our junior teams. It has been a great pleasure to coach such enthusiastic, committed and hard-working players. The U11 A team shows great promise for the future. They remain undefeated in all 8 games to date, and were worthy winners of the U11 Croft Tournament. The players show great tactical awareness in the game and have impressed with their fielding and batting skills. They have scored a fantastic 106 rounders and conceded only 30 ½. We wish them well in their forthcoming fixture against Bablake Senior U12 A team. The U11 B team have won all their friendly matches this term. They entered the Croft A team tournament and despite beating U11 A teams from KHPS and Eversfield in their section, they narrowly missed out on a semi-final place against our own A team! The U10 A team have improved their skills and tactical play with every match this season and they too remain undefeated in all 10 games, including tournaments and matches. Following in the footsteps of the U11 A team, our U10 A team also won the U10 Croft Tournament. After an early season defeat to a Saint Martin’s U11 B team, our U10 B team have defeated B teams from Warwick Prep and Eversfield, and in the Croft Tournament, our players achieved a fantastic victory over KHPS U10 A team. The U9 A and B teams started their season impressively. There is always a fantastic attendance at lunchtime practices and as a consequence, the majority of the year group have played in a match. The A team squad has won

A Bablake Hat-trick! U9, U10 and U11 Teams with their Croft Tournament Gold Medals. their 3 fixtures convincingly, and not to be outdone by the A team, our B team have won both their matches, scoring 29 rounders in the first match and 29 ½ rounders in the second match. The U9 A team also completed a hat-trick for Bablake at the U9 Croft Tournament by beating Croft A in the final 3-2. Thank you to all parents who have been able to spectate at matches this term and especially to those who have assisted

with transporting players to away venues. Your kindness has been much appreciated. Mrs Reed and Miss Hingley

House Rounders Results Year 6 - Churchill Year 5 - Nelson Year 4 - Churchill Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Boys’ Sports Report Cricket Unfortunately cricket has been severely affected by the rain this year with many fixtures succumbing to the British weather! There has been a great deal of success however, with 70% of fixtures being won. Many boys really enjoy the game and have joined clubs outside of school which has helped enormously with developing their game and has led to boys representing their club and Bablake at District and County level. The U8 team has improved dramatically. Many of the U8 boys had not played a great deal of cricket before joining Bablake and the level they are now playing at is very impressive. They had great wins against KHPS and Bilton Grange, but were beaten by a strong Warwick team. With continued practice and concentration I am positive the U8s will be a really strong team next year. The U9 team has also put in some very good performances this year with impressive and comfortable victories against Crackley Hall and Arnold Lodge. The boys are looking forward to moving to hard ball cricket next year and they have laid good foundations in order to succeed. The U10 team has continued to be an exceptionally gifted sporting group. They are again undefeated and have been ruthless in winning

Diary Dates September 2016 Wednesday 7th September Autumn Term begins

Tuesday 20th September Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening 4.00

Thursday 29th September Year 4 Parents’ Information Evening 4.00

all their matches. The highlight was a 33 run victory against KHPS with every team member contributing towards the win. The U11 team has also had great success and have only lost one match. Unfortunately, this loss came in the county final of the Lords Taverners competition. The result came down to the last ball and it was heart breaking not to get the final couple of runs to win. It was still a fine achievement to be runners-up in a strong competition and the team will learn a lot from the experience. The U11 A team has not lost a normal cricket fixture and highlights have included strong wins against the Croft, Crackley Hall, Warwick and Bilton Grange.

October 2016 Thursday 6th October Year 5 Parents’ Information Evening 4.00

Saturday 8th October Open Morning 9.30 - 12.30

Thursday 13th October Year 3 Parents’ Information Evening 4.00

Friday 14th October U11 Rugby Day with Worcester Warriors 10.00

Monday 24th October Friday 4th November Half Term holiday

Well done!

November 2016

Mr Benfield

Saturday 26th November

Bablake Junior School Coundon Road Coventry CV1 4AU

Bablake Pre Prep School 8 Park Road Coventry

T 024 7627 1260 E

T 024 7622 1677 E

PA Christmas Fayre

December 2016 Saturday 10th December Coventry Schools Boys’ Cross Country

Thursday 15th December Carol Service @ Coventry Cathedral

w f @BablakeJunior t Bablake Junior and Pre Prep

Friday 16th December Term ends 11.40

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