BKHS Bablake Sixth Form Prospectus - 2022 Entry

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Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mrs L Alderson

Top three reasons to choose Economics 1 Study one of the most inf luential, dynamic and well-respected disciplines available.

What grades and skills do students need to study Economics? It does not matter if you haven’t studied Economics before. You might have an interest in economics and want to know more about the impact Economics has on the world around you. You might want to investigate some of the stories you hear in the news – why do some economies grow and others don’t? Will the Eurozone survive? Why didn’t economists predict the Global Financial Crisis? How has China lifted millions of people out of poverty? This course will help you to understand all this and more.

2 Gain insight into the economic

world around you and forces that will shape your future.

3 Impress friends, family and

interviewers with an intimate understanding of the areas of modern society that some find perplexing.

creativity, communication, problem solving, decision making, applying numerical skills to economic data and working with number, research, analysis, evaluation, and extended writing.

What next?

Modules/subject areas covered

• Management

• M arkets: from chocolate to fireworks to healthcare; consumer choice and government intervention; monopoly and contestability. • The national and global economy: growth in the UK, development in sub-Saharan Africa.

• Finance / The City • Share dealing • Banking • Accountancy • Law • Development Strategy • International trade • Advisory • Academia

• Trade: poverty to prosperity.

The following skills are also advantageous: a desire for exploration of the real world: logical thinking, academic adventure, collaboration,


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