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Over recent months, the Inc Society have been very busy planning and organising a variety of charity events. Raising money for deserving causes was something we have always wanted to do, however, the current times have not always allowed for this. We initially brainstormed lots of ideas and narrowed it down to a couple we believed we could achieve this year.
Our first charity event was the extremely popular chocolate tombola and took place in January. It was very successful, raising over £60 in total! The charity we collectively decided to donate the money to, was Grapevine.
Grapevine is a local charity based in Coventry that supports those in the community with learning disabilities. They aim to provide adults and children with the skills they need flourish as well as promoting equal opportunities. Since 2016 they have helped 3,173 different people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Grapevine is a wonderful charity that shares many values which we promote here at BKHS Bablake, such as opportunity. They spread the important message of building positive relationships and working together as a community in addition to learning from your mistakes and striving to improve. As the Inc. Society we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of the parents and guardians who kindly donated chocolate. Without you it would have not been such a success!

Human Rights Project:
This year, we have welcomed the opportunity to take part in the UN Human Rights Project. This is a global project that allows us to come together as a whole, in order to demonstrate the importance of human rights.
Our first task was to select the human right that we found to be one of the most important, and it would be this right we would base our project on. Choosing only one out of the 30 was extremely difficult as they are all important in their own right, and there are 30 of them, as all 30 of them are rights that everyobdy should have, even if they currently don't.
After lots of deliberation we decided on human right number 1:
" All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" . We felt this is what we represented as the Inc. Society and we could therefore create a very personal and knowledgeable project based upon this human right. Even though we have not yet finalised out final project idea we hope to collaborate with our partner school in South Africa, Harrismith. This would be a fantastic way to highlight some of the differences around the world and how important these basic human rights are.
International Evening:
Despite this event being a great success we felt as a society we wanted to do a larger scale event that would better represent what we promote as a society. After discussing, we unanimously agreed on an international culture evening. The idea of a culture evening came to mind after many of our discussions, where we realised most people are extremely uneducated about others heritages or have the wrong perception due to the stereotypes the media creates. As a result, we felt it was vitally important to educate the wider BKHS Bablake community, and what better way to do this through an evening of food, song and dance?
We hope this evening can be as diverse as possible and allows us to celebrate everyone's background and ethnicity. As a society we are still undecided on a charity but we do not want to limit this decision to those just within the Inc. Society. Therefore, if you have a charity that is close to your heart we would be open to suggestions of worthy causes to support. Finally we would like to thank you for your continuous support during our charity events and we hope you will look out for further updates in the Headmaster's Bulletin and jump at the opportunity to get involved where you can!