Old Wheatleyans Newsletter - Issue 10

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Old Wheatleyans Former Pupil News

Welcome to the summer edition of the Old Wheatleyans Newsletter We are always very pleased to welcome former pupils back to Bablake, and we were delighted to see almost a hundred at our 1980s reunion on Saturday 1 July. I really enjoyed hearing about their journeys through life since they left the school, and many reflected on how personally they had benefited from the opportunities of their Bablake education, alluding also to the durable friendships they had forged. Earlier that day, I had welcomed our interviewers to our Mock Interview Morning, thanking them for sacrificing Saturday papers and a more leisurely start to the day! Over half of them were former pupils, keen to give something back to their school. We know that success and happiness in life will not depend purely on academic achievement (important though it certainly is), and self-confidence and inter-personal skills were also tested in those mock interviews. We have just appointed School Captains and Prefects, and they have been selected by staff and fellow students for their leadership qualities and their willingness to serve others in the school community – for an essential ingredient of leadership is indeed service. House Prefects, Peer Supporters and Mental Health Ambassadors have also been appointed, and they will play their part as rolemodels and guides, engendering happy integration across the year groups. There have been many activities in school over the last few days which have involved pupils in the support, guidance and service of others. They were fine and proud ambassadors on Open Evening; some have enjoyed working with primary school children on our creative arts, modern languages and sports outreach days; others assisted at the 1980s reunion; and several were excellent hosts and entertainers at our Senior Citizens’ Summer Party on Wednesday. So excellent were they that the residents of St Catherine’s Lodge were prompted to write in appreciation: “From everyone at St Catherine’s Lodge, thank you all for an afternoon that provided us with much joy and laughter. The sandwiches and those home-made cakes were delicious. (The sherry found our singing voices, not sure the Ring and Ride Driver would agree though!) This morning we all spoke about the fantastic musical talent and most importantly for us as a group the interaction the pupils had with the residents. To have the skill, respect and ability to make older people feel welcomed and valued is most important and we thank those pupils dearly. It was very clear how much hard effort was put in to making the afternoon such a success, please be very proud.” And we are proud, for we should aspire to excellence in all that we do – whether in our studies or in those skills which bring “joy and laughter” to others. 1

Former Pupil News More former pupils head for West End….. Kate Byrne and John Haidar - Class of 2002 Former pupils Kate Byrne and John Haidar (who both left Bablake in 2009) are involved in the West End production of Edward Albee's landmark play 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?'. Kate is working as understudy for Imogen Poots ('Jane Eyre'), who plays 'Honey' in her West End debut. Of course, Kate will benefit hugely from working with a stellar cast that also includes Olivier and Bafta award-winning actress Imelda Staunton, Conleth Hill ('Game Of Thrones') and Luke Treadaway ('The Hollow Crown'). Meanwhile, John, who featured last year on our website as director of 'Last of the Boys', will be working as Assistant Director to James Macdonald, best known perhaps for his work with contemporary writers such as Caryl Churchill.

Katie McDermott - Class of 1997

Former School Captain Katie McDermott was the latest Bablake former pupil to tackle BBC 2’s ‘ Dragons’. ‘Not Dogs' founder Katie McDermott, alongside business partner Jane Yates, bravely pitched for an investment in their successful new business in an episode of 'Dragons' Den'. We will give no spoilers as to how the encounter with the 'dragons' went, except to say how proud we are of Katie (and Jane) for their excellent venture, which has already opened on Link Street in Birmingham. 2

Former Pupil News Congratulations to Bablake’s ‘First Girl’ Karen Fraser - Class of 1975

Many congratulations to former pupil Karen Fraser, who has been awarded an MBE for her work in advertising. Karen, director of Credos, the advertising industry's 'think-tank', was the first girl to walk into Bablake in 1975 when we became coed and presented our prizes as Guest of Honour in 2015, the year we were celebrating 40 years of girls at the school. Commenting on her MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list, Karen said: "I was awarded the MBE for promoting diversity in the advertising industry, and in recognition of the work I have done encouraging advertisers to feature women in more leadership roles and people from all backgrounds and abilities in their communications." We look forward to hearing of Karen's day at Buckingham Palace later this year when she will receive her award. Karen concluded: "I would not have received this honour had I not attended Bablake. Thank you to all the staff who taught - and tolerated - me and those who I have been in touch with since." Her humility and excellent work are an inspiration to our current generation of both boys and girls being educated at Bablake, and we are very proud of her achievements. 3

Exciting news re redevelopment of our Sixth Form Centre

We are pleased to announce that we will be redeveloping our Sixth Form Centre and Curriculum for September 2017. Following excellent A level results in 2016, which included 73% A*, A or B grades, the developments at Bablake Sixth Form will provide students with a ‘bridge to the adult world’ as they prepare to take their next steps into Higher Education and beyond. The new Sixth Form space, designed in consultation with current students, will be a modern and attractive working environment. Students will benefit from a new cafe, common room, collaborative study area and independent study centre, enhanced by the latest technology. We have also developed our A level curriculum to ensure Bablake students are best prepared for the future. A new Sixth Form programme, ‘The Bablake Advantage’, will run alongside our A level offering to help develop students’ ‘softer skills’ as they grow into innovative, well-rounded, generous and naturally self-confident individuals, ready to play a significant role in a global community. The Bablake Advantage is a wide-ranging and inspiring Sixth Form programme designed to enable Bablake’s ‘graduates’ to stand out from the crowd after an enriching and dynamic Sixth Form career. Work will start on the Sixth Form Centre after half term and we are very excited to see the finished product in September. Offices throughout the building have been cleared and relocated around our campus, while the Staff Common Room has returned to Room 11, the original location your reporter remembers as a coffee bar when they first arrived at Bablake in 1987. Our Sixth Form students have been moved to the Main Hall and School Library, while Head of Sixth Form Mrs Alison Tumber now has her desk and office installed on the Main Hall stage! Invaluable in the move were excellent local company Removal Masters, run by former pupil Michael Warmington - Class of 1995 Hopefully, photographs of the finished building will be shown in the next newsletters.


The Mike Hibbert Memorial Trophy Match Monday 13 March 2017, Bablake's 1st XV fell 13-0 to an impressive KHVIII side at Coventry RFC's Butts Stadium. A fine, physically demanding first half performance from both sides had the crowd guessing for a long time who might win the 2017 Mike Hibbert Memorial Trophy, with just an impressive drop goal separating the teams at the break. The intensity of the tackling and commitment from both sides did not drop at all in the second half, but a couple of early penalties gave KHVIII the momentum to score a converted try from an impressive surge from their forwards before adding a penalty that established a 13-0 lead. The immense determination and endeavour of our full squad just fell short of finding a means of unlocking the KHVIII defence and so the memorial trophy stays with our neighbours for another year, while all our players should feel pride in their performance. Both sides should be congratulated on offering the spectators an excellent evening's entertainment and we thank referee Paul Smith and his team of officials for fostering a physically exhausting but fair contest.

Old Wheatleyans RFC helds its 2nd VP day of the season The Old Wheatleyans RFC held its second Vice Presidents day of the 2016-17 season. While the VPs enjoyed a superb lunch - once again organised by club stalwart Mrs Marion Hibbert - and then some glorious spring sunshine, on the pitch the 1st XV faced a table-topping Droitwich RFC side that impressed from the kickoff with two quick tries. Two late tries for the Wheats in the latter part of the first half gave hope of a rousing finale. However Droitwich regained momentum early in the second half to run out clear winners. Earlier, in the club house, Dean Bryant (Joint Chairman) had reiterated how the success of the club's Mini Wheats initiative is a long-term investment. He also called potential sponsors, new players and supporters to email him at their earliest convenience.


Spring Coffee Morning 2017 Generations meet and share...

Former pupils from various year groups were invited to join us for our annual Spring Coffee Morning. Bablake Archivist Mr Peter Burden and Headmaster Mr John Watson helped welcome former pupils from the 30s onwards. The latter was also keen to answer questions about our current progress and ambitions. PE teacher Mr Andrew Phillips' Shell tutor group took a break from their studies to join our guests for part of the morning - a fantastic opportunity for both current and former pupils to share stories about their individual journeys at Bablake. This event has become a regular event on our calendar and is always enjoyed by all parties. If you would like to join us next year please contact Sylvia O’Sullivan sosullivan@bablake.coventry.sch.uk


1980s Reunion Classes of 1980-89 enjoyed meeting up again one sunny day in July ...


Class Memories First XI 1959 Back Row: Mr. Mackman, Bob Prosser, (not known), Brian Frampton, (not known), Brian Learmouth, Alan Brown, (not known – scorer) Front Row: John Jelley, Phil Budd, (not known), ----- Fell (I think), (not known)

First XI 1960 Back Row:- Mr. (Bob) Jones, John Miles, Bill Priestley,

John Wood, (can’t remember last three) Front Row:- Ian Hughes, Paul Ash, Bob Prosser, Bob Griffiths, Alan Brown

Back Row Mr. Goronwy Morgan, Graham Fardon, Alan Brown, “Butch” Hewitt, Roger Venn, Paul Ash, (unknown), (unknown), Ricky Collier, Harry Burt, Brian McGauran, Mr. John Huins Front Row Bob Prosser, Dave Fish, Alec McNeill, Bob Griffiths, Peter Jackson, Chris Holmes, Peter Fell, (unknown), John Watts, Bruce Beecham 8

Class Memories cont... A selection of just a few of many photographs of Bablake 1949-62, sent to us by Allan Hailstone Class of 1950 from his Flickr album.

“Pud� Rice, Bablake School Master in the Precinct May 1955

Room 34 December 1955 Mr Mackman May 1955

Sports Day c.May 1955

Charlie Green, caretaker, 18 July 1955

School field 1957 9

A word from our Archivist….. My mention of John Malin in the last newsletter elicited many warm comments from those who had been taught by him during his forty-one years on the Staff. I am delighted to report that Max Field and I did get to visit John, as it turned out just three weeks before he died. His deafness made communication hard and I am not altogether convinced that he knew specifically who we were but neither of these things stopped him from making clear his feelings about Bablake personalities from the past, especially Mr Seaborne and Mr Burrough. When John’s son Philip told me of his father’s death and Bablake spread the news to former pupils and colleagues, the outpouring of grief and grateful reminiscence was almost overwhelming. It seemed to me only right that the School should mark John’s passing by a memorial service held in our memorial garden on the morning of March 4th. A goodly number attended, representing an impressive range of school year groups as well as many former colleagues. I like to think that John would have approved of the mixture of warmth and lightness which Sacha Slavic and I achieved. A shrub and plaque are to be placed in the memorial garden in John’s memory.

It has not been the easiest of times for the archives and archivist. I had known for some time that my office was going to disappear as part of the refurbishment of the Sixth Form block. What I had not anticipated was that the start of this work would be brought forward, so that in the end I was faced with the mammoth task of packing away the huge amount of archive material the room contained within a matter of days. To say that was stressful does not begin to convey the experience. However, many of the kind ladies of the support staff rallied around to help me. Above all, Mitch Timms was brilliant in taking on so much of the donkey work of making up boxes, packing and labelling, using his initiative without ever making me feel that I was losing control and losing track of the process. I must confess that the whole unwelcome situation did spur me into actually throwing some things away and that it also revealed one or two things I had inherited from the late John Lawrence which I didn’t recall ever having seen before. Being essentially homeless as an archivist at the moment does not make it easy when the usual enquiries come in which require access I do not currently have. It was also somewhat ironic that various colleagues - and not only Mark Woodward! – took the opportunity to donate various oddments to the archives. Gratefully received, of course, but where do I put them? My hall at home has often been the short term answer to that. Meanwhile, the usual aspects of the job have gone on as ever. It was a particular pleasure, even if slightly fraught beforehand, to show a group from the Coventry Society around the school and tell them a little of Bablake’s history. I hope to be able to arrange to have a lesson with each of the Shell form classes next term to tell them the basics of the School’s history and answer any questions they may have. It was sad to hear of the death of Peter Amery. Peter was a staunch supporter of Bablake as former pupil, parent, organiser of dinners and longtime regular at the Old Boys’ Club.


Obituary - John Malin RIP We were saddened to hear that a former member of staff and former pupil, John Malin, passed away peacefully on 13th January 2017, aged 94. We are grateful to Peter Burden for providing this brief tribute: "My mention of John in the last Former Pupils' Newsletter elicited a response which was a reminder, if it were needed, of just how many Bablake pupils of yesteryear have happy and grateful memories of him. John was a pupil here from 1933 to 1940, ending up as a much valued prefect. In 1943 he was back as a French teacher, having taken an express wartime degree course at St Peter's Hall, Oxford, then been released from the Army on health grounds. It was in his early years at the School that he met Joyce, a temporary wartime colleague, who was to be his wife for 70 years. He could be an inspirational teacher, and I still look back with fondness to the mixture of seriousness and fun that made his lessons so special in the six years I was taught by him. By the time I came back to teach in 1978 John was Senior Master, in effect Deputy Head, having narrowly lost out to Martin Barker when the Governors came to choose a Vice-Principal for Bablake. He had six years of his remarkable service to the School yet to come. John was an easy target for teasing, given his administrative weaknesses and his foibles. One thinks of his painstaking method of establishing which pupil he wished to reprimand in assembly or his announcements concerning the foyer, declared with full French flourish. Above all, though, John was a disciplinarian not to be messed with and yet like a favourite uncle to so many boys and girls. They - we all mourn him now."

The news of John Malin’s death elicited an outpouring of grief and gratitude. A fairly informal gathering took place here at Bablake on a beautiful February morning to remember and celebrate his life.


Remembering Brian Matthew - Class of 1939 We were saddened to hear of the recent death of 88 year old former pupil Brian Matthew, host of BBC Radio 2's 'Sounds of the Sixties'. Early in 2014, Mr Terry Patchett (Astro Manager), who himself has been working since 1964 at Bablake, wrote this tremendous tribute to Brian Matthew for a discussion about former pupils established in media and broadcasting: "One man, however, stands head and shoulders above the

others in longevity and length of service as a broadcaster: first heard on the radio in 1948 introducing from Germany a military forces weekly link-up around the world, he is still broadcasting on Radio 2 on Saturday mornings introducing popular music- 65 years of service! Brian Matthew was born in Coventry in 1928 into a musical family - his mother sang professionally while his father was the conductor of the local silver band - and joined Bablake in 1939. When in 1940 the school was bombed, Brian was one of the school group evacuated to Lincoln. For many boys these were unhappy times, parted from family left behind and continually threatened by further air-raids. It is no surprise that some were demotivated and Brian`s school reports testify to the fact that he failed to shine academically. His autobiography pulls no punches about relations between him and several members of staff but his final reports in 1946 bear evidence of improved results and relations. Consider the likely reticent boy taking home yet another critical report to his parents and their reaction; how times have changed at Bablake, where constructive comment and encouragement by all the staff are aimed to motivate. He was called up for National Service, joined the Army and was posted to Germany. No wonder Brian`s father was delighted to write to the Headmaster informing him that Brian`s career was blossoming and he urged Mr Seaborne to tune in to a special Boxing Day forces round-up which Brian was to introduce. Ironically neither party could believe their ears when they listened to Brian`s by-now deepened, silky tones, for which he has since been renowned! On leaving the Army, Brian trained as an actor at RADA, although at one time there had been talk of him training for the Baptist Ministry. He joined the BBC and rose to prominence on the Light Programme hosting 'Saturday Club' (1957- 1960). His ITV work as a presenter of 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' spanned 1961- 1966. Popular music increased with millions of listeners on BBC radio in the 60s and there was competition with offshore pirate radio. 1973 saw the launch of 'My Top 12'- a one hour weekday afternoon show where a music personality was invited into the studio, having been primed to pre-select their all-time favourites which were played with additional comment. However, (for many readers of this tribute), we, remember Brian for his Radio 2 show 'Round Midnight' (1978- 1990). In 2008 Brian celebrated 50 years associated with 'Saturday Club' and he was rewarded with a Sony Gold Award 'celebrating more than 50 years of national and international radio broadcasting‌ a truly outstanding contribution to UK radio'. A brief retirement in 2006 saw him hospitalised, but he soon returned to 'Saturday Club' on Radio 2 and at the ripe old age of 85. Brian, with huge pride we salute you and your mellifluous voice!" So it was that Brian continued broadcasting 'Sounds of the 60s' until early this year, when Radio 2 controversially replaced him and spoke of plans for Brian to present a few 60s specials - shows which would have been so eagerly awaited. One of the final radio presenters to let the music do the talking, he would never talk over introductions or endings of tracks, while his links gave listeners interesting background knowledge. RIP Brian Matthew 1928 - 2017 12

A trip down memory lane ...

Mr John Rushton. Class of 1964 came across this photo which he took of Mr Stead perhaps 1967/8? Christmas. Form U4A presenting him with a bottle of whisky. Note the drawings on the blackboard, referring to various pupils’ nicknames!


Old Wheatleyans at large An unofficial reunion for Old Wheatleyans took place at Wembley when Coventry City FC met Oxford United for the 2017 Checkatrade Trophy Final A sizeable percentage of the 40,000 Coventry City FC supporters present must have had a connection with Bablake, judging from the social media posts viewed. We are delighted to share the celebrations, after a 2-1 win over Oxford United reignited the euphoria of 30 years ago, when the club won the FA Cup final and brought such good cheer to the city.

Photograph kindly submitted by Paul Barnes

John McDevitt (Class of 2008) travelled to the match with his Dad and sister Ellena McDevitt

Andy Jeanes , Steve Kendall, Keith Charlton and Graham Lea (Class of 1980s) recreated their trip to Wembley from 30 years ago. They were in the lower 6th back then .

Photograph kindly submitted by John McDevitt

Photograph kindly submitted by Andy Jeanes

Photograph kindly submitted by Dave Green

Marc Ware Andy Nanson Mark Nanson and Dave Green

Photograph kindly submitted by Amy Thompson


Old Wheatleyans at large ... Charlie Cook - Class of 1940 Oldest member of the Old Wheatleyans ?

Mark McKelvie - Class of 2000 Seen on BBC’s Bargain Hunt!

Melissa Croxall - Class of 1983 Bumped into Mrs Gill Thomas at Loughborough Sports Centre

Impromptu Reunion for Class of 1970 Simon Evans Bob Davies Mark Leivers 15

Old Wheatleyans at large ... Martyn Taylor - Class of 1950 Martyn was recently recognised by the NHS Blood and Transplant Service for his loyalty over 30 years. He was presented with a commemorative medal for his life -saving efforts.

Obituaries We were also extremely saddened to hear that the following former pupils have died: Name

Years at Bablake

David Tweed Brian Matthew

Class of 1986 Class of 1939

Died January 2017 Died 8 April 2017

Peter Amery

Class of 1942

Died 5 February 2017

John Malin

Class of 1933

Died 13 January 2017 16

Other School Publications You can now read Bablake publications online. Visit the publications section of the school website using the following link: http://www.bablake.com/547/information/publications and simply click on the cover to view in an interactive PDF viewer.

Published annually, the Wheatleyan is Bablake's official school magazine. Each issue celebrates the best of the preceding academic year. Sixth Formers' thoughts on Bablake and beyond

Stretch appears once a year and is edited by a small group of L6th students in their work experience week. We believe it is student journalism at its best!

Diary Dates Autumn 2017 Opening of our new 6th Form Centre Details to follow November 11th Remembrance Service

Spring /Summer 2018 As well as highlighting forthcoming events, our termly newsletter is an instant record of Bablake’s pupils’ most recent tremendous


Sylvia O’Sullivan - Alumni Relations Officer

Email: Telephone: Website:

sosullivan@bablake.coventry.sch.uk 024 76271259 www.bablake.web-intouch.com/ www.bablake.com/former_pupils.php www.facebook.com/groups./bablakereunited www.twitter.com/bablakeschool http://instagram.com./Bablakeofficial

Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Class of 1998 Reunion Spring Coffee Morning 1940/50s Decade Reunion You will be notified by email of these dates when confirmed.

Some of the former pupil stories and photographs in this newsletter have been taken from our school website 17

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