Simba - Autumn 2015

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News and Views from Bablake Junior and Pre Prep School

Year 5 enjoying a visit to Holdenby House

Learning from Our Past and Looking to Our Future When we look back in history we look into ourselves.Without doubt all that we experience has been experienced by others; events remodelled to our present day.We learn from this.We see how previous generations coped in adversity, on a grand and also on a personal scale. Lives have been challenged and struggles overcome - opportunities have been seized. Every day the education we share with the children is informed by yesterday, by a pupils’ learning history. Teachers learn from lessons taught and from the interaction they enjoyed with pupils past and present.The children build upon previously laid educational foundations.

Looking back, reflecting upon experiences and learning from this is fundamental to positive future development and progress; school visits to Holdenby House, Coventry Cathedral, local canals and museums are part of this. On a personal level, living and learning from our ‘yesterdays’ helps us to be better people and enriches us, enabling lives that are in deeper harmony and understanding with those around us. That will be my goal over the coming weeks and is the aspiration that underpins Christmas. Mr Neil Price, Headmaster

In this issue: Back in History 1 Welcome to BJS 2 What We’ve been up to 3 Out and About… Art, Drama and Music 6 Fantastic Fundraising 8 Kindergarten and Reception 10 Pre Prep in Pictures 11 Year 1 12 Year 2 13 Sport 14

Bablake Junior School News

A Big Welcome to Bablake Junior! This term Bablake Junior School (BJS) welcomed 38 new pupils into Year 3. Whilst some of the pupils started their Bablake journey at the Pre Prep School, many of the children have come from outside of the Bablake family. We were all extremely excited to welcome them to ‘the big school’ this September and we are looking forward to seeing their achievements and development during their time with us. In their first week at the school Headmaster, Mr Neil Price, took the opportunity to ask the pupils from the two classes what their favourite thing is about school (so far!). Some of the pupils also told Mr Price how much they liked their teachers ‘...because they are kind, nice and helpful.’

They were all eager to express their love of Games, History, Drama and Maths – and here are some of their other favourite things: ‘My favourite thing is art, because I like drawing.’ ‘My favourite thing is games, because there is a lot of space and I can run as fast as I can.’ ‘My favourite thing is going to the dinner hall, because you can choose what you want and it’s really nice!’ ‘My favourite thing is games, because we play rugby.’ ‘My favourite thing is swimming, because I’m really good!’ We are glad the pupils have had such a great start to the school year, and we hope they have many more favourite things to come.

Year 3 pupils in their first week at BJS



Autumn 2015

Bablake Junior School News

What We’ve been up to in the Classroom… Year 4 Enjoy a Visit from our Local Dentist Year 4 pupils were treated to a visit from Mrs Chalker, our local dentist, who taught the children how to look after their teeth and how to brush away the plaque that causes decay.The children had disclosing liquid put into their mouths and had to swirl it around with their tongue. Isaiah’s teeth felt furry because he had been asked not to brush them that morning and Rhea found it amusing when her teeth started to go blue! The children all looked in a mirror and observed and recorded the plaque on their teeth on a diagram. At the end of the lesson we realised how important it is for EVERYONE to brush their teeth!

World Maths Day Challenge The Results!

BJS Pupils take on the Maths Challenge

BJS pupils took part in the World Maths Day Challenge this term.

Year 6 pupils once again excelled in the National Primary Maths Challenge 2015. Many thousands of children from across the country take part and three Bablake children achieved the exceptional accolade of being awarded gold certificates.They look forward to the second elite round in the new year.

Pupils from all year groups at BJS competed against each other as well as other schools from around the world and Miss Love was very pleased with the hard work pupils put into the competition. The top performing pupils from each year group were as follows:

Lucy Watson Keaton Patel Luyanda Mawaro


Jay Jandu Gareth Lewis Robbie Billings


Ray Thomas-Devanny Tom Hollis Sophia Watson


Harry Scott-Burt Jasmin Print Eavan Deol


Well done to all pupils that took part and congratulations to those who came top in their Year!

Sixth Form Pupils share their Maths Skills A selection of Year 3 and 4 children have been chosen to work on their Maths skills with pupils from the Senior School Lower Sixth.The pairs or groups have been playing games to further improve the Junior School pupils’ rapid recall of addition and multiplication facts.

Well done to everyone who took part; the questions were very tough and here are a few samples: 1) Gwen is standing directly behind her brother Huw in a single file line. There are 11 people in front of her and 12 people behind him. How many people are there altogether in the line? 2) Last year Gareth was 13 times older than his son Frisbie. This year Gareth is 10 times older than Frisbie. In how many years’ time will Gareth be 7 times Frisbie’s age? See back page for answers.

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Leicester Botanic Gardens

Out and About... Chedworth Villa Year 3 went on a trip to Chedworth Roman Villa in the Cotswolds. It was a beautiful day and the children had a great time learning about life in Roman Britain. They toured the villa and looked at the spring that always flows and never freezes, the baths and the dining room with their wonderful mosaic floors and the toilets. They sorted archaeological finds and thought about what they told them about Roman life. Particularly enjoyable was dressing up as slaves and making medicine for the household.The children were complimented on their wonderful behaviour by staff at the villa and other visitors.



Autumn 2015

Bablake Junior School News

Foxton Locks Year 5 had a brilliant day in the sunshine at Foxton Locks and especially enjoyed watching a boat navigate through the staircase locks!

Leicester Botanic Gardens Year 4 enjoyed a day trip to Leicester Botanic Gardens as part of their Geography topic of rainforests. They visited the tropical glasshouse and compared this to other climates – temperate, desert and alpine. The pupils then produced Rosseau inspired artwork after looking carefully at the plants from the rainforest.

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Arts

Pre Prep Nativity ‘Straw and Order’

Art, Drama and Music Bablake Junior School Music Department continues to flourish and grow. This term welcomes the introduction of a rock band led by one of our Governors, Mr Parker. We look forward to hearing the band perform in the near future. The autumn term is always the busiest for the Music Department. We enjoyed the informal concert, as always, at the end of the first half term. Highlights included solos from Bianca Booth on the recorder, Daniel Wale, a super violinist and a stunning performance from Harry Scott-Burt on the cello. Both the Pre-Prep Choir and Junior Choir enjoyed singing at the Christmas Fayre and were warmly received. Both choirs sang on consecutive days, at the University Hospital to help raise money for their ongoing charity fundraising; this has become a regular event for us now.



Autumn 2015

The choir enjoys rehearsing and have had the opportunity to perform informally at Bevan Court again, a home for the elderly in Cheylesmore; the residents look forward to the children visiting and performing.

Eleanor Lee, a Rugby pupil, joined us again at the performance to accompany us on the drums; we are grateful to her for giving up her time. Years 5 and 6 put together an entertaining informal concert and great fun was had by all!

The end of term always proves to be busy and several nativities have taken place. The Early Years Nativity saw the children perform “Angel Express” by Niki Davies and there were lots of ‘aah’ moments! The Pre-Prep put on a stunning performance of “Straw and Order”, a comical squabble about the inhabitants of the stable, by Gaynor Boddy and Rebecca Kincaid.

I hope you had a chance to attend at least one of these events, which highlight the talent and commitment of the children we are privileged to have in our school.

The Year 3 and 4 pupils performed the musical “Hosanna Rock” by Sheila Wilson and Alison Hedger; the children never cease to amaze me with their confidence and delivery.

Wishing you all a ‘Musical, Magical, Merry Christmas’! Marion Mason

Bablake Junior School Arts

Pupils Hit the Right Note! BJS pupils once again show their passion for music with success in their recent exams. Star violinist Daniel is celebrating his Level 6 violin pass and is currently in the Coventry and Warwickshire Youth Orchestra. Ernest and Laurence are also celebrating achieving their Grade 1 in drums. Daniel’s achievement joins a long list of musical success stories at the school. In the summer, Kate Sexton recorded top marks in her Grade 1 violin exam with a score of 146 out of 150, despite only playing the violin for a few months! BJS First Place Winners

Bablake Junior Pupils Shine at Coventry Speech and Drama Festival Pupils at Bablake Junior School secured first place finishes in 10 categories at the recent Coventry Festival of Speech and Drama. Lucille Knibb, Bablake Junior’s Head of Drama, was delighted: “The Coventry Speech and Drama festival is firmly established as an annual event at Bablake Junior School because of the opportunity it gives the children. Pupils across the school are invited to take part in a variety of performance classes including verse, poetry for more than one voice, prose and sight reading.They have just a few weeks to rehearse and bring their chosen piece to life; their performances are most inspiring. The ability to present yourself well and to speak in a clear and confident manner is an important life skill and we are keenly aware of the benefits of entering the competition. Being brave enough to step out onto the stage, in front of a judge and audience, is reason enough for everyone who took part to celebrate! We were immensely impressed by all of the youngsters’ courage, control and self-expression. Of special note were the ten category winners who really wowed the judges with their unique interpretation, clarity and lively style of delivery: Imogen Pemble, Libby Harrison, Natish Nyamaro, Henry Chislett, Priya Fensome, Rhea Cherrington, Millie Shaw, Dhihan Dosanjh, Sophie Davenport and Elliot Eardley. The winning rendition of ‘Dog in the Playground’ in the ‘Poetry for more than one voice’ category was particularly well received.

Harry’s Musical Summer Junior School pupil Harry Scott-Burt took part in a brilliant week long course with the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain this summer. He is a member of the U11 Orchestra this year and had a great time playing, as well as catching up with some friends from last year’s Training Orchestra course. Harry said: ‘NCO was absolutely amazing again! I loved catching up with some of the cellos from last year, as well as making new friends and the music was great. My favourite piece was the Beethoven, it was so exciting to be in the middle of such a famous piece of music I’ve only ever heard before.’

Coventry Speech and Drama Festival Participants

It is always great to see children from different schools across the city and the county supporting and encouraging each other in their performances – it’s wonderful to share the fantastic work that is going on in other schools.Well done to everyone who took part in this inspiring event.”

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Fantastic Fundraising Bablake Junior Take on Coventry Fun Run Mr Price called upon the Bablake community to join him in the race to raise money for Myton Hospice.The organisation does magnificent work with people and families during the most challenging of times. Henry Chislett, from Year 4, was inspired to raise funds for Myton Hospice following the care they gave to his grandfather. The pupils’ cross country training came in very handy on the day and the Bablake Junior School team thoroughly enjoyed the experience – especially Murray - Bursar, Mr Shaw’s dog!

Sixth Form Pupils Lead Charity Assemblies This term the Junior School and Pre Prep welcomed Sixth Form students to their assemblies to find out more about the different charities they can support this year. The Pre Prep welcomed Hannah, Ciara, Jess and Simran from the Sixth Form to their assembly.The children listened intently to the visitors who told them all about the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY). At the end of their presentation the Sixth Formers asked the children if they had any fundraising ideas they would like to do at school; lots of hands shot up in the air and the children had some brilliant ideas which they shared with the group.The most popular ideas were a disco, a charity football match and using their musical talents to help raise money for CRY. The Junior School were also excited to welcome Sixth Formers Lawson, Ali, Shannon, Adelaide and a huge Teddy to their assembly.They were given an inspirational presentation on local charity Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice which offers respite and palliative terminal care to babies and support to their parents. The Junior School pupils were thoroughly engaged in the presentation and are looking forward to raising money for the charity – especially through any ‘Win a Bear’ competitions!



Autumn 2015

Bablake Junior School News

Macmillan Coffee Morning A commitment to charity runs through the whole of the Bablake family and this was no more prevalent than during the Macmillan Coffee Morning when all three schools took it upon themselves to organise cake sales. Mr Price offered thanks to all involved and announced the fundraising totals; ‘Many thanks to everyone for their support and cake eating.The Pre Prep excelled with £324 raised and the Junior School led their entirely child supported event with £157.70 collected. Across Bablake, over £1200 was raised. A great effort, thank you.’

Record Donations for the Harvest Collection Donations for our harvest collection this year, which went to the Coventry Food Bank, weighed in at a huge 168.35kg. A big thank you to Rev’d Yvonne Stone who led our harvest assembly and to parents for the very generous donations.

A Super Day for Children in Need This year pupils at BJS and the Pre Prep raised over £300 for Children in Need by being superheroes for the day!

Bablake Remembers On Wednesday 11th November Pre Prep pupils were given a special assembly on the topic of Remembrance Day by Headteacher, Mrs Horton, who started the assembly by testing the children with a memory task. She then went on to ask the children what they thought the poppy stands for and if they knew what day it was.The children answered her questions about Remembrance Day or ‘Poppy Day’ with very intelligent answers about the reasons we wear poppies and whom we are remembering. At the Junior School, pupils gathered in the playground just before 11am to observe the two minute silence. Mr Norman read an extract from ‘For the Fallen’ by Laurence Binyon and Mr Cooper played the Last Post to mark the beginning and the end of the two minute silence.The children were extremely respectful and were perfectly silent whilst they thought about the meaning behind Remembrance Day.

Guide Dog Puppy visits Bablake Junior School Pupils were very excited to meet Ric, the guide dog puppy, when he visited school this term. Ric is sponsored by the Ricoh Arena who fund his training and care. Bablake School is looking to follow in the Ricoh’s footsteps by sponsoring their own guide dog puppy in the future by raising £2,500. The children were very wellbehaved and helped Ric to feel at home by giving him lots of love and attention. Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Kindergarten and Reception

Kindergarten pupils enjoyed a lovely trip to the War Memorial Park this term as part of their ‘Autumn’ topic. Children spent time looking at and describing all the different coloured leaves, the animals they could see and autumn in general.

The children in Reception have been learning about dark, light and shadows.The children investigated different shadows they could make.Watch out for the ‘Guess Who?’ shadow display near the Reception classrooms.

Say cheese! Reception children experimenting with ICT by taking their own photographs.



Autumn 2015

Bablake Junior School News

Pre Prep in Pictures

Kindergarten and Reception dress up for Children in Need.

Photos from our two fantastic Nativity performances. Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Year 1

Pre Prep Pupils Learning Together

‘Lots of ’ Learning for Year 1 this Term This term, the children in Year 1 have been getting to grips with the new Maths curriculum.They have recently started to explore the world of multiplication. Concrete objects have been used to support their understanding of new vocabulary, including the terms ‘lots of ’ and ‘groups of ’. Lots of fun has been had grouping together objects and people in order to understand multiplication. Children have begun to explore ‘arrays’ as a way of recording their solving of multiplication calculations.The teaching staff in Year 1 are very proud of how hard the children have worked to begin to understand this new concept.

Looking Super!

This term, Year 1 pupils have been exploring stories with repeating patterns in their English lessons.They have worked hard to write and illustrate counting stories in the style of the well-known ‘Handa’s Hen’ by Eileen Browne. Once they had been completed, the children had the great pleasure of sharing their counting books with the children in Kindergarten.The Kindergarten children thoroughly enjoyed hearing the stories and were a fantastic audience too. Some quotes from children about what they enjoyed and learned from sharing their stories with the Kindergarten:

“Sometimes it can be quite hard to read your own writing.” Alexandra

“I enjoyed telling the children my story.” Hessa

“Augustin, the boy I worked with, listened very well to my story.” Rizwaan

Year 1 pupils dressed up for Children in Need.

“Veer laughed at my story because it was funny.” Meghna



Autumn 2015

Bablake Junior School News

Year 2

Marvellous Maths Lessons Year 2 have been getting creative in their Maths lessons.

Getting Creative

So far this term pupils have tested out their measuring skills by making fruity cocktails and calculating the overall capacity of fruity ingredients used.They have also put their money skills to the test by ‘shopping’ for different items the children had to select the relevant coins and attach them to a giant purse to make the correct amount to pay for their shopping.

The children have been busy learning about animals and living things this term in their science lessons and made these fabulous nocturnal animal posters over half term.

Year 2 pupils have been working very hard this term.We hope that their hard work pays off and that their Maths skills continue to improve this year!

The children have also been working hard weaving willow mini beasts using recycled materials for our outdoor area.

The Great Fire of London Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London and have produced some great art work for their class display as well as writing eyewitness diary accounts using their senses. Here are two great diary entries from India Print and Prabjan Hayer;

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Sport Chess Success BJS Chess A Team beat a Campion High School side, featuring Sixth Formers, in the Coventry Schools Chess League.The team has continued to go from strength to strength this term and considering they are the only Junior School team in the league, they have done extremely well!

Watch out Wimbledon! Congratulations to Year 2 pupil India who took part in the National Junior Tennis Finals in London!

Bablake Junior Pupils meet Japanese Rugby Stars The BJS U11 Rugby Team was treated to a morning meeting with the star Japanese Rugby Team at a recent rugby festival at Warwick School. The Bablake boys were taking part in a training academy with local premiership club,Worcester Warriors, when they met the Japanese team.The pupils were extremely excited to meet the players and were treated to photos and signatures; some of the pupils even got their boots signed by the Japanese team! Mr Ed Benfield, Head of Boys’ Sport, said: “Following on from the Japanese team’s success in the Rugby World Cup, it has been great for the pupils to meet their new idols.”



Autumn 2015

Bablake Junior School Sport

Girls Sports Report The U11 B team has won four of their seven matches this term. Its finest performance was against our Senior U12 C team. A victory looked on the cards, with our Junior team holding a 2 goal advantage entering the final quarter of the match, however a tactical move by the seniors resulted in a narrow 1 goal defeat.

Girls Netball Autumn 2015 Congratulations to all our Junior teams on an exciting start to the season.The summer months saw the transformation of our old netball playing area into three, bright blue, full size courts.We even had a new recruit to our first U11 netball practice of the season – a Canadian goose! Unfortunately his skills were very poor and he was banished to our field for the rest of the day. Our U11 A team performed admirably at the KHPS tournament early in September and against strong opposition, finished third.The team also secured fine victories against Solihull School, Bilton Grange, KHPS and Saint Martin’s and were unlucky to lose a close encounter against our Senior U12 B team by 6-7 goals.

Our U11 C team players have deputised enthusiastically as part of the U11 B team squad and in their first match of the season against the Senior School lost by the narrow margin of 2 goals. They then went on to win convincingly against The Crescent! The U10 A team has impressed with nine victories and only one defeat this term.They finished runners up in the U10 Solihull Netball Tournament, after winning their section comfortably, defeating Warwick Prep 4-3 in the semifinal but then losing 3-5 to KHPS in a close and entertaining final.The team have since avenged their defeat with a recent 16-9 victory against the same KHPS team! After a defeat at the start of the season, the U10 B team has recorded three wins: a 3-1 victory against Eversfield, an admirable 13-4 victory against KHPS B team and a 7-1 victory against The Crescent, where three new players made their debut.

Girls Hockey Autumn 2015 Both the U11s and U10s have made a pleasing start to hockey this year, with a lot of potential being shown in both year groups. Results have been mixed, with the U11s having had some very close games but not being able to convert territory into goals. In the IAPS tournament they performed admirably against very strong opposition and this did much to help the girls improve both individual and team play.The U10s meanwhile, have made a pleasing start with a lot of potential being shown.The girls have worked very hard and should do well in the coming years.

The U9s have made an impressive start to their Bablake netball careers. In its first ever match, the A team recorded a great 12-2 victory against Eversfield.The team then suffered a disappointing defeat against an excellent Crackley Hall side but bounced back in their next game to record a 6-1 defeat of KHPS. The U9 B team is currently undefeated. They have recorded three outstanding victories over Crackley Hall, KHPS and Eversfield, with the team scoring 20 goals and conceding only 2.The enthusiasm of the players has been contagious with more recent netball practices attracting over 24 pupils, all practising their basic skills and developing the importance of teamwork. Thank you to parents for your invaluable support at matches this season, it has been greatly appreciated. Mrs Reed, Miss Hingley, Miss Young

Our new netball recruit!

Sofia’s Skating Success Congratulations to Year 5 pupil, Sofia, who qualified for the British Junior Skating Championships!

Fred Bogyor Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Boys Sports Report Unlike England’s performance at the World Cup, Bablake’s Rugby has been better than ever. All boys in Year 4, 5 and 6 have represented the school and it has been really pleasing to see B, C and D teams winning matches as well as our A teams! A staggering total of 65 matches have been played with Bablake being undefeated in 60% of the fixtures. A NEW SCHOOL RECORD! The U11 A team was inspired when they met the Japanese Rugby team and has performed really well. Tackling is strong and they have been rewarded with some great victories against Stonygate, Balsall Common, Warwick B team and Bilton Grange. The boys would also like to thank Mr Wilson for all his help with the team. The B team has only lost one game this year and has made a remarkable improvement.They have beaten Bilton Grange,Warwick C team and Crackley Hall. The U10s continue to go from strength to strength. In total, they have played 17 matches as a group and have only lost 4 games.The A and the B team have performed really well. A team highlights have to be great victories against Warwick A, KHVIII and The Croft and in a similar fashion, B team highlights include victories against The Croft, Crackley Hall and Bilton Grange.The C and D teams

were undefeated and showed the real strength in depth we have.

Diary Dates January 2016

The U9s have made the most improvement this year and have really enjoyed the physical challenges that contact rugby brings.They have adapted to the new rules very quickly and have played some good, fast-flowing rugby combined with a big physical presence.The A team had fantastic wins against Solihull, Bromsgrove, KHIVIII and Crackley Hall.The B team also performed really well this year, winning 6 matches and a lot of these players will be pushing for A team places next year.

Wednesday 6th January Senior School Entrance Examinations

The Under 8 teams have some real natural talent with exceptional pace and skill. It has taken time for the teams to settle down and become more organised, but the hard work paid off in their final 2 fixtures with a draw against Warwick A and a victory against KHVIII.The B team was also rewarded with a draw against KHVIII in its final fixture.Well done!

February 2016

It has been so pleasing to see so many boys enjoying rugby at Bablake and working so hard to improve. All this would not be possible without the help and dedication of all the teachers and coaches who help with the teams and fixtures.Thank you. Mr Benfield

Thursday 7th January Spring Term Begins Tuesday 12th January Milton Keynes Trip Saturday 30th January Open Morning 10am-12noon

Friday 5th February Year 2 Familiarisation Afternoon Saturday 6th February Junior School Entrance Assessments Monday 15th – Friday 19th February Half term holiday Monday 22nd- Friday 26th February Focus on Writing Saturday 27th February Coventry Schools Boys Cross Country

March 2016 Bablake Junior School Coundon Road Coventry CV1 4AU

Bablake Pre Prep School 8 Park Road Coventry

Saturday 5th March Coventry Schools Girls Cross Country

T 024 7627 1260 E

T 024 7622 1677 E

Saturday 19th March Coventry Schools Cross Country Relays

w f @BablakeJunior t Bablake Junior and Pre Prep

Answers to the BJS Pupils take on the Maths Challenge 1) 23 2) 2.

Wednesday 23rd March Term Ends at 3.40pm for Easter Holidays

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