Simba - Spring 2016

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News and Views from Bablake Junior and Pre Prep School

The Bablake Team Works Simba is full of references to teamwork; classes working together, teams, choir, trips, staff, friends and families. The Bablake community runs far and deep and experiences shared bring rich reward and a further level to learning. As we see Leicester City moving towards the Premier League title we see evidence of the extraordinary potential of teamwork and the ability of team members to bring out the best in each other - to help both individuals and the group excel. We are not Leicester City but we are a team and we can certainly share their spirit and determination, in the aspiration

that we too will achieve more than the sum of our individual parts. The Easter break has arrived and spring too seems just around the corner. A little time spent together as families and perhaps relaxing in the spring sunshine will be a most welcomed by all I am sure. With very best wishes for the holidays from all of us at Bablake. Mr Neil Price, Headmaster

In this issue: The Bablake Team Works 1 World Book Day 2 Reception Welcome Victorian Royalty 3 Budding Botanists 5 Year 3 put Safety First 6 RSPB Big Schools Watch 7 Year 6 Interpretive Writing 9 Ski Trip 10 Art, Drama and Music 11 Sport 12

Bablake Junior School News

World Book Day at the Pre Prep Pupils (and teachers!) at the Pre Prep had a fantastic time dressing up for World Book Day and were all very excited to see Rapunzel let down her hair out of the school attic window! The day was full of stories and book related activities. Year 2 explored the text ‘The Night Pirates’, which led them to investigate floating and sinking, write messages in bottles, create pirate inspired collages and take part in a treasure hunt finding all the WOW words located in and around the school outdoor area.

Extreme Reading Competition Mrs Benfield and Mrs Horton had a fantastic time judging the amazing entries sent in for the Pre Prep Extreme Reading Competition – thank you to everyone who took part and well done to the winners! Early Years winner – Ralph reading in the bath!

Kindergarten children enjoying the delights of Chinese food as they celebrate Chinese New Year

Staff winners – Miss Lewis and Miss Cook spending their free time extreme reading!

Key Stage 1 winner – Tayo up on the roof (safely!)



Spring 2016

Kindergarten pupils proudly pose with their handmade Mother’s Day cards (with real tea bags attached!)

Bablake Junior School News

Kindergarten Cook up a Storm! Kindergarten had a fantastic time making goat’s cheese pizzas during their topic of Billy Goats Gruff. The children absolutely LOVED them!

Year 2 Get Creative with their Writing Skills This half term Year 2 have been busy studying the wonderful work of Julia Donaldson. The children have produced some excellent work inspired by two of her texts, ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘The Highway Rat’. The children have written persuasive blurbs, fantastic character descriptions and have created pieces of work written from a dragon’s point of view. A character description for ‘The Highway Rat’ by Julia Donaldson: Beware! A little scoundrel is on the loose! He’ll steal your food. This short rascal even stole his own horses hay. He looks like a pirate with a tail like a worm. The guilty thief doesn’t even look after his own teeth or breath. With a mask, hat, boots and a sword, he steals your food even if he doesn’t want it. But he can be foolish. By Aniah Agbelusi (2P)

Reception Welcome Victorian Royalty to Play Reception at the Pre Prep had the pleasure of welcoming The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum to support their topic on ‘Old Toys’. The girls wore Victorian pinafores and the boys wore Victorian waistcoats. They were even honoured with a visit from Queen Victoria!

had a Hobby Horse race and Quoits competition! The children loved playing with the games and we hope they will continue their enjoyment of playing outdoors whenever the British weather allows.

The children interacted with and learnt about Victorian toys including Cup and Ball, Old Skipping Rope, Hoop and The Amazing Zoetrope. They even Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Mr Powell takes on the Coventry Half Marathon

New Year’s News from our Fundraising Superstar Lyla Last year Reception pupil Lyla raised a fantastic £2,689.98 for Water Aid by forgoing birthday presents in exchange for donations. It was announced at the end of 2015 that her JustGiving page was one of the most successful of the year! Out of 532,124 fundraisers she was in the top 3% - an amazing achievement. Well done Lyla.

This term Mr Powell has been training hard for the Coventry Half Marathon and the Pre Prep School Council thought of lots of ways to help him raise money for his chosen charity, The Myton Hospices. They came up with some fantastic ideas, including a sponsored colouring in activity, where for a small donation the children ask friends and family to colour part of a butterfly, which look fantastic decorating the school hall! A huge thank you to everyone who helped Mr Powell raise almost £500 for The Myton Hospices.

Scholastic Book Fair Success Last half term the Pre Prep held a Scholastic Book Fair and through book sales managed to raise an amazing £1,072 in free books for the school library! A huge thank you to all the parents who helped support and to Mrs Benfield for organising this fantastic event.

Rocket Science comes to Bablake Bablake Pre Prep is excited to announce that it has been chosen to take part in the national Royal Horticultural Society’s Rocket Science Experiment. Last September, 2kg of rocket seeds were flown to the International Space Station on Soyuz 44S. The seeds will be held in microgravity for 6 months with British ESA astronaut Tim Peake taking charge of them while on the ISS. The seeds will return to earth in April 2016 and Bablake will be one of 10,000 schools to receive



Spring 2016

100 seeds from space. These will be grown alongside seeds that have not been to space to see if there are any differences in growth. No one at Bablake will know which seeds have been to space and which have remained on Earth. Pupils will care for the seedlings, record their growth and observations over 7 weeks and enter data into a database. After all the data has been collected, the results will be analysed by professional statisticians. Bablake pupils and staff are all very excited about the opportunity and can’t wait for the seeds to arrive!

Bablake Junior School News

Budding Botanists in Year 1 Year 1 have been learning about plants in Science this term. The children have enjoyed learning about the parts of the plant and their jobs. They explored the function of the stem through an investigation where the water was coloured and this changed the colour of the petals.

“It was very exciting to see the flowers changing colours.” - Nosarume

“I wondered how long it would take for the flowers to change colour.” - Deji

The children have investigated the growth of cress seeds to find out whether the growth was affected by the materials that they were planted on. The children chose to investigate compost, cotton wool, silver foil, tissue paper, felt and no material at all. Everyone was surprised that all of the cress seeds made an attempt to grow no matter what material they were planted on. They were relieved, however, that the cress did grow best on compost as predicted.

“It was fun to plant the cress and watch it grow. My predictions were right” - Olivia To allow the children’s enthusiasm to continue, everyone planted their own nasturtium to look after and watch grow at home. Perhaps they will see a beautiful flower grow!

Year 1 Take Flight! Year 1 have also been thinking about parachutes and what makes a good one. The children worked in teams to design and make their own mini parachute. These were then tested to find out which one was the best. Children noticed a difference between the size of the parachute and the speed it travelled.

“I liked it because I had to use Science to try and work out how to make the best parachute. I love Science.” - Atreya “I liked it because I couldn’t wait to see the time the parachute took. It was so exciting.” - Caelan

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Year 3 put Safety First

Todj’rhon and Jake: “We need the fire brigade. A boy has fallen in the lake.”

Earlier this term Year 3 went to the Safety Centre at Milton Keynes. It a fantastic place which helps children to learn about how to stay safe in the home, on the street, in shops, at the petrol station, by building sites and in the countryside. The guides, who took us round in small groups of six, are all volunteers and they do an amazing job. After returning to school Year 3 pupils used the visit to help inspire them when writing a non-chronological report on what the Safety Centre has to offer and what they learned there.

All togged up and ready to visit the building site.

Double Trouble in Year 4 Year 4 pupils have been busy making a ‘mini-me’. First they had to carefully measure different parts of their body using tape measures. It was important that they were careful and accurate to avoid strange looking models! They then halved their measurements. After that they measured their new ‘mini’ measurement onto strips of coloured paper, labelling parts carefully. Once the parts were assembled, the children had made their own ‘mini-me’!



Spring 2016

Disha finds out if she still needs a booster cushion

Bablake Junior School News

Year 4 Flying High after Completing the RSPB Big Schools Watch

Year 4 have successfully completed the RSPB Big Schools Watch after making speedy bird cakes and bird spotting with Mrs Lucy Fleming, an expert bird spotter from the RSPB. When making the speedy bird cakes the pupils measured out 150g of dry ingredients choosing from grated apple, different types of oats, bird seed, raisins, sunflower seeds, suet and grated cheese! A few days later they welcomed Mrs Fleming and completed the Big Schools Watch in two groups. One group saw a robin up close and the other spotted a greater spotted woodpecker in the spinney.

Letter to Mrs Fleming from the RSPB from 4L Dear Mrs Fleming, We are writing to say an enormous thank you for visiting Bablake Junior School on Thursday 14th January, 2016. Your help in identifying birds was very useful when we completed the RSPB Big School Bird Watch.

The PowerPoint that you showed us, inspired us to learn much more about not only birds but nature and small mammals. Amar learnt that blackbirds were the most common species last year in the survey. Meanwhile, Arjun was astounded that 90,000 people took part last year. Jeevan learnt that some birds’ feet were very different. Kyra knew that water birds, like the mallard (not duck), had webbed feet. Whilst Robbie recalled that perching birds have claws or talons. Alex gave an example for this, of a robin. Isaiah was surprised that there are more than one species or type of duck. Vishnu realised that we need to look after our birds. Gareth had enjoyed making the speedy bird cakes in Maths, but was not so sure about the smell of the lard! After the presentation we ventured into the cold outside to spot our own birds, ready to enter them on the RSPB website. We tried to be very quiet, so as not to scare the birds away. We had bird identification sheets to help us name the different birds. It was very important that we only counted the birds that had landed in the school and were together.

This avoided counting the same bird twice. Rhea was amazed to see a greater spotted woodpecker in the spinney. Sophie was thrilled to go outside and get the chance to spot birds in the company of an expert. Even though Ellie got really muddy she thoroughly enjoyed looking at the birds. Eagle eyed Ernest spotted some birds’ nests in the spinney too. Unfortunately, we think the Senior School pupils, who were on lunch break, scared lots of birds away! Finally, we went back to the classroom to warm up and enter our data onto the national database. Shaan remembered that our most popular bird was the black headed gull. Kajal saw a robin, Reena noticed a wood pigeon and Thalvin spotted a sparrow. We would all like to thank you for visiting us in Coventry and for helping us to take part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch. Yours sincerely, Miss Love and 4L Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Pupils welcome Professional Storyteller John Harris Over the last twenty years John Harris has told stories to great acclaim in schools all over the UK and Ireland as well as libraries, arts centres and literary festivals. His work encourages listening and speaking skills, concentration, an understanding of narrative, and the love of stories which is the basis not just of a love of reading but of a fully rounded human being. John was with us for a whole day and started his storytelling in the morning when Year 2 pupils and teachers came over to BJS to join Year 3 and listened intently to John’s first story of the day. After break Year 4 enjoyed his rendition of Imaginary Worlds and Year 5 were jumping with fright at his interpretation of Beowulf, which they are currently reading in class. Year 6 were on the edge of their seats in the last session of the day when John told them a story about a mysterious crime...the children were completely blown away and left each storytelling with huge smiles on their faces.

A new face at Bablake…5D were excited to welcome Miss Davis and her baby daughter Harlow Grace Lunn back to BJS



Spring 2016

Here he is with his fantastic prize - a telescope pack!

We’re Over the Moon for Marty Well done to BJS pupil Marty who won the ‘Man on the Moon’ John Lewis competition! He had to write about someone special to him and he decided to write about his Grandparents smile.

Smiles all round in Year 5 At the end of last term Year 5 wrote Christmas cards to send to lonely elderly people from the charity, Contact the Elderly. The children were inspired to write the cards after studying the John Lewis advert with the motto: ‘Show someone they’re loved this Christmas’. Contact the Elderly guests said they loved receiving the Christmas cards from the children and enjoyed writing back to the pupils. The Year 5 children were really pleased with the responses they received from the elderly people. Year 5 pupil Emily Maughan commented: “I didn’t expect to get a response, but it was really thoughtful that Peggy sent me a card back. I hope she had a lovely Christmas”. Miss Young said: “I am really proud of the children for writing such lovely, thoughtful cards and recognising that Christmas is as much a time for giving as it is for receiving”. Well done to all the pupils involved!

Bablake Junior School News

The Arrival - Year 6 Interpretive Writing Year 6 have been studying The Arrival as part of a unit of work on Shaun Tan and visual literacy. The Arrival is a migrant story told as a series of wordless images that might seem to come from a long, forgotten time. A man leaves his wife and child in an impoverished town, seeking better prospects in an unknown country on the other side of a vast ocean. He eventually finds himself in a bewildering city of foreign customs, peculiar animals, curious floating objects and indecipherable languages… We, the sorrowful, solitary figures of mother and child, trudged sadly homewards. The pungent taste of misfortune filled the air as I stared at the murky expanse. When my father left, the bitter resentment built up in me, bubbling and boiling like water in a scorching saucepan. The silence muffled the sounds of heavy breathing. The shadowy, swirling snake of misery circled the sky like an eagle. Covering my nose in disgust, the stench of anxious sweat shrouded the streets. As I dragged my sorry feet across the dull, dark cobbles I glanced at my mother; her crest-fallen face was staring at nothingness, her stabbing blue eyes seemed so distant and faraway…

Nothing could have prepared him for the first glimpse of the city. As if on cue, the morning sun appeared beyond the skyline, outlining the strange vista in silver and gold. The buildings were silhouetted against the morning sky. Jostling for a better view, the strangers craned their necks to see the geometric architecture such as domes, spires, towers and spikes. Out of the corner of the stranger’s eye, he caught and glimpse of strange and enigmatic statues. They seemed to be communicating a sense of harmony and were locked in a handshake. Would he ever feel at home in this strange and bewildering city?

Kate Sexton 6K

Written by 6K

Earlier this term Bablake experienced a wonderful multi-coloured sunset. The beautiful sight was a result of a weather phenomenon which caused the clouds to cast out colours like oil on water and is called cloud iridescence.

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Ski Trip 2016 – Lavarone, Italy The ski trip to Lavarone 2016 was another huge success and provided many lasting memories for the pupils and staff. Excellent instruction by the Lavarone ski instructors ensured that all the pupils made rapid progress, most of whom were off the nursery slopes and onto the mountain by the second day. During the final build up to the departure date, the uncertainty of good snow became quite apparent and at one stage I was convinced that we were going to have to settle for the artificial equivalent on the pistes. However, by the time we had arrived, the heavens had opened and we were basking in several inches of snow; by the end of the week there was powder galore. The excellent conditions added to the overall enjoyment and



Spring 2016

experience for the children.The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the snow tubing, and the laughter and the screams of delight from the children still echo in my memory. Your children did you proud in so many ways on and off the slopes.The Easyjet air hostesses made a special point of mentioning that our pupils were the most well-mannered and polite that they had ever encountered. A special thanks must go to all the staff that accompanied me to Italy, Mr Price, Mrs Price, Mr Benfield and Mrs McElligott, whose hard work and care throughout the journey contributed to the fantastic adventure – we are all already looking forward to the next trip in 2018! Mr Holder

Bablake Junior School Arts

Music, Art and Drama Bablake Pupils Celebrate ABRSM Exam Success! The Music Department hosted its usual ABRSM practical exam session just before the Christmas holiday, and had some great results from all ages and levels. A wide range of instruments were presented by our pupils and with a ‘Prep Test’ piano right up to a Grade 8 ‘cello, we had the full range of grades as well. It was lovely to see some of our BJS pupils taking their first exams on their instruments, as well as to see the great progress some of our senior pupils are making with their performing. Shannon Holder received a distinctions for her piano exam which was

Valentines Art Club Pupils and staff who attend the Art Club produced some fantastic Valentine’s Day cookies and the toppings were especially impressive. Mrs Mason said: “We had so much fun making these and they tasted divine. Thank you to Mrs Koria for the preparation and all her help at Art Club.”

excellent news. Harry Scott-Burt, currently in Year 6 at BJS, as well as being a member of the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain, achieved a very rare 142 for his Grade 8 ‘cello. To top off his success he has also been offered a place at the Royal Academy of Music, to study cello at Junior Academy from September. Mr Price presented the awards in a musical celebration assembly, stating that it was the first Grade 8 certificate he had ever presented in a Junior School! Well done to all our pupils who worked so hard in the autumn term for these exams, and a big ‘thank you’ to all our visiting Music teachers who prepared them so well. Our informal concert and Open Morning showcased fantastic pupil talent

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Sport Bablake Pupils take home the team trophies! This term pupils have taken part in the Coventry Primary Schools Cross Country competition, which this year has moved from its traditional home at Keresley Grange to Bablake’s playing fields. The first weekend featured the boys races and the A team race saw over 200 boys, representing almost 40 schools, chasing last year’s winner Jake Minshall from Mount Nod all the way home. The A Team competition saw Bablake Junior School, led home by Adam Tyas in sixth place, take the honours.The Willenhall team ran strongly to secure second place with Ollie and Hayden North in the top ten. 200 runners also made up the B Team race



Spring 2016

with Laurence Crosley from Bablake leading from start to finish with his teammate Archie Burdett fighting off the challenge of Thomas Sharman from Christ the King to take second.The B Team event was another Bablake victory with Tom Hollis and Liam Thomson helping Laurence and Archie to keep the team score down. It was a fine morning’s racing, with early snow showers easing into watery sunshine by morning’s end. Over 400 boys from across the city showed great determination. They were indeed all winners. The following weekend it was the girls turn. On a bitterly cold morning over 300 girls from 40 primary schools gathered in Coundon for this year’s Coventry Schools Girls Cross Country event.The course had been made much tougher as rain soaked the fields. Conditions underfoot challenged everyone, from the hundreds of supporting friends and relatives to the runners themselves, who all showed great determination to conquer their discomfort and sustain their efforts. In the A Race the top ten girls came from ten different schools - it was great to see the different team colours cross the line in quick succession.

Bablake Junior School Sport

The team competition saw Bablake retain the trophy they won last year, led home by Krista Bennett in fifth place. In the B Race Bablake runners dominated with Daniella Bleach quickly showing a clean pair of heels to the rest of the pack to come home first and Kyra Turnock, also from Bablake, placed third.The B Team competition again saw Bablake come out winners with Willenhall taking second place. Many of the B Team racers were from Years 3, 4 and 5 and it will be great to see future champions emerge over the coming years. Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Girls Sports Report Spring Term Netball Update Despite several matches being cancelled due to the recent poor weather, the Bablake teams have once again recorded some fine victories this term. The U11 A team defeated teams from KHPS and Bromsgrove in friendly matches this term and narrowly lost to a Bablake Senior U12 B team. They finished in a well-deserved 3rd place in the Warwick Prep Invitational Tournament which attracted an entry of over 20 teams. They qualified for the semi-final of the tournament against Fairfield, as a result of finishing second in their section, and were denied a place in the final by a close 1-2 semi-final defeat. However, the playoff to decide 3rd and 4th place of the tournament, saw them defeat KHPS 2-1 to secure 3rd place. The U11 B team won 3 of their 4 matches this term, their only defeat was to a Kingsley Prep A team. The girls played exceptionally well in their 12-0 defeat of KHPS and their 7-3 defeat of Bablake Senior C team. The U11 C team are undefeated in their 4 fixtures this term. The squad has been strengthened by the addition of several new pupils to school and have secured victories over Kingsley Prep B, KHPS, Bablake Senior U12 D and Bromsgrove C team.



Spring 2016

Our Year 5 netball teams have been unfortunate with the cancellation of some matches and the abandonment of one game after only 5 minutes play, due to heavy sleet! The A team secured an emphatic 12-1 victory against The Croft and look forward to their U10 Bromsgrove Tournament at the end of term. The U10 B team defeated Crackley Hall B 4-1 goals and were unlucky to lose their next match 4-5 to The Croft.

The U9 B team squad have lost only 1 of their 6 matches this term. They have shown great team work both in attack and defence. Their final match of the season saw the team achieve a fine 2-2 draw against an Eversfield A team.

The U9 teams continue to play with much promise for the future. The A team have won 3 of their 5 matches this term. They secured a close 5-4 victory against KHPS, a 4-2 defeat of Solihull Prep and a brilliant 14-6 win against Warwick Prep.

Thank you to all players for your enthusiasm in lessons and commitment to practices and clubs and especially to parents, for your invaluable support at matches.

Stop Press!

Results Year 6 Winners: Churchill Year 5 Winners: Nelson and Eliot Year 4 Winners: Churchill

During the last few weeks of term all Year 4, 5 and 6 girls have played in the Inter House Netball Tournament.

Congratulations to our U9 C team squad who played their first matches this term. They recorded a fine 8-6 victory over Warwick Prep and 3-1 against Eversfield. Well done!

Mrs Reed, Miss Hingley, Miss Young and Mrs Dawson

Bablake Junior School Sport

Gold for the Girls Year 4, 5 and 6 girls have been training hard in their swimming lessons and celebrated a series of fantastic results at the recent King Henry VIII Swimming Gala. A big well done to all the girls who took part and a special mention to Lauren Matkin, Freya Casey-Talbot, Freya Perkins, Shannon Holder and Libby Harrison who took home individual 1st or 2nd places. The Year 5 relay team (Charlotte Neal, Libby Stinton, Libby Harrison and Freya Casey-Talbot) took 1st place in the medley relay and the Year 6 relay team (Esha Sahota, Freya Perkins, Lauren Matkin and Priya Fensome) took 2nd place in their race, success in both races came as a result of a fantastic team effort. The individual and team performances meant that Bablake Junior School left the gala with a grand total of three trophies! They were the proud recipients of the Year 5 Girls Winners trophy, Year 6 Girls Winners trophy and the Overall Winners trophy. Well done to all involved and thank you to everyone who came to support.

Girls Hockey Report Hockey for girls in Year 5 and 6 has continued this term and both teams have made excellent improvement. The U11 team have struggled to hit the target and have missed out on success in many close games including a 3-2 loss to the Senior School U12 side and a 1-0 loss to Warwick in an incredibly hard fought game. When they are on form they can really outplay their opposition as was shown in the 8-0 win against Crackley Hall. All players have worked incredibly hard to make a contribution to the team, but the strength of Lauren Matkin as sweeper, the tenacity of Jasmine Print on the right wing and the agility and speed of Evie Carroll in goal certainly need to be highlighted. Barakah Dean

has supported the attacking midfield admirably whilst Esha Sahota has been an excellent reader of the game covering a vast amount of ground to support both the attack and defence. Jaya Minhas, Naiya Patel and Lucy Green have made great improvement and their contributions have always been valuable. The strength of hockey throughout the year has increased with many Year 6 girls showing great potential. The U10 team have had a successful season with only two losses, one of those being to St Martins U11s and the other to Warwick Prep. They have scored freely, netting twice as many goals as they have conceded. Again strength in depth in the squad has enabled 20 girls to represent the school during

the season. Imogen Pemble and Libby Harrison have represented both the U10 and U11 teams and great potential has been shown by all of the other girls who have played. Shannon Holder has shown that she has a real eye for the goal having scored in every game since moving from defence into the attacking midfield. Strength on both wings with Emily Maughan and Sophia Watson has enabled the team to play an expansive game whilst at the back, Charlotte Neal has grown in confidence and Connie Patterson has proved to be a feisty and tenacious goalkeeper. I look forward to seeing them develop even further next year. Mr Bogyor

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Diary Dates April 2016 Tuesday 12th April Summer Term begins Wednesday 13th April – Friday 15th April Year 6 to Calshot Monday 18th April Year 5 & 6 Parents Evening

Boys Sports Report Football continues to be the most successful sport at BJS with many teams being unbeaten throughout the season.

great strength in depth in the year group with the B team winning all but one match.

The Under 8s are the most enthusiastic group of young players Bablake has probably ever seen. This enthusiasm has produced some great results with the highlights being the A team beating King Henry VIII early in the season. There is some promising talent in Year 3 and with continued practice there will be great success in the future.

The Under 11s have also been very successful with the A team unbeaten in their regular fixtures. They came 3rd out of 40 schools in the Coventry 4-aside competition and topped off an excellent season by taking home first place at The Croft School Football Tournament. The B team were also unbeaten this year and it has been great to see so many boys representing the school.

The Under 9s have made tremendous improvements over the year and have continued to work hard. The A team had great wins against Warwick School and Eversfield, whilst the B team had victories against Crackley Hall and Eversfield.

It is a fantastic achievement that every boy has represented BJS in a football team this term. Whether it is the winning, the losing or the sausage and chips for tea, we hope that the boys will remember these experiences for the rest of their lives!

The Under 10s have continued to play some excellent passing football and the A team have remained unbeaten! There really is

Well done.

Monday 25th April Year 3 & 4 Parents Evening

May 2016 Monday 2nd May Bank Holiday Wednesday 11th May – Friday 13th May Year 4 to Condover Wednesday 18th May – Friday 20th May Year 5 Bushcraft Saturday 21st May Joe O’Brien Cross Country, Ernesford Grange Monday 23rd May Year 6 Exams Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June Half Term holiday

June 2016 Monday 13th June Year 3, 4 & 5 Exams Thursday 16th June New Pupils Tea 3.45pm and Concert 4.30pm Friday 24th June BPP Sports Day at BJS 9.30am Bablake Open Evening 5pm – 8pm

Mr Benfield

Bablake Junior School Coundon Road Coventry CV1 4AU

Bablake Pre Prep School 8 Park Road Coventry

T 024 7627 1260 E

T 024 7622 1677 E

w f @BablakeJunior t Bablake Junior and Pre Prep

Tuesday 28th June Year 2 Leavers Concert at BJS 9.30am Thursday 30th June Year 6 Play 7pm

July 2016 Friday 1st July Sports Day at BJS 1.15pm Year 6 Play 6pm, followed by leavers BBQ and Disco Tuesday 5th July Prize Giving 7pm Wednesday 6th July End of Term 11.40am

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