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Anay Gawande (’21) is now an analyst at Deutsche Bank. At Babson, he was involved in the Babson College Fund. “I highly recommend the Babson College Fund, with Patrick Gregory, a [year-long] hands-on equity research class where students manage over $5M. I was able to use skills such as model building, pitching, and financial analysis for my current role where I help with investing decisions for client accounts that are hundreds of millions of dollars.”


Ella Wahlestedt ’21, a former member of the Babson Honors Program, did her senior research project, grounded in both business and the liberal arts, on how streaming services are affecting independent film and filmmakers. She is now pursuing becoming a film producer. “I thought this was just a really unique experience. What other program allows you to do a deep dive on a topic for a year and get credit for it?”

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