Global Entrepreneurship Week Rwanda 2011: Impact Report

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2011 Impact Report

Editor/copyright info - Designed by Creative Eye Rwanda in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Week-Rwanda - Copyright 2011 Babson-Rwanda Entrepreneurship Center(BREC) - Disclaimer: Some information self-reported by event hosts

Local contact • Babson-Rwanda Entrepreneurship Center (National Host) - Benjamin Cox +250 (0)78 283 5596 - Christopher Smith +250 (0)78 283 5578

About BREC

BREC was formed in 2010 through a unique partnership between Babson College in Wellesley, Mass. (USA) and the Rwandan Private Sector Federation (PSF). Since its inception, BREC has engaged in a number of activities aimed at advancing entrepreneurship in Rwanda, including research, training, networking, business plan development, coaching, and consulting services. BREC works intimately with experts from both Babson College and PSF to develop and deliver valuable services to a wide spectrum of stakeholders in Rwanda‘s entrepreneurship ecosystem, including students, business leaders, government agencies, universities, and other not-for profit organizations. The Center is staffed by Babson employees and housed within the PSF headquarters in Kigali, Rwanda. For more information, email

Global contact/spokespeople • - -

Global Entrepreneurship Week (HQ) Spokesperson: Jonathan Ortmans, President, GEW Contact: Mark Marich +1 202 467 2776

• Kauffman Foundation - Spokesperson: Carl Schramm, President & CEO, Kauffman Foundation - Contact: Barbara Pruitt +1 816 932 1288

GWE - Rwanda 2011


National Host

Table Of s nt Conte

3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 14 15

Message from National Host About GEW Global Supporters GEW-Rwanda At A Glance What People Are Saying Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign Ambassador’s Special Self Help Expo REAL Entrepreneurial Mindset Global Entrepreneurship Week @ Lycee de Kigali StartUp! and DOT Innovation Fest

16 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27

Talk on Youth Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment Promoting Rural Youth Entrepreneurship Micro-Enterprise Training The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Financial Literacy Fair Social Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Africa Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity Akilah Night 2011: Our Impact on Education & Workforce

28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

BDC Rwanda Competition and Graduation Ceremony Social Entrepreneurship: Young Leaders Driving Change PEACE THROUGH BUSINESS® Alumnae Association Launch ICT Bootcamp GEW-Rwanda Closing Ceremony GEW-Rwanda in the News GEW 2012: Get Involved GEW 2012: Sponsorship Benefits Social Media Feeds

Message from National Host Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2011 was the largest celebration of entrepreneurship the world has ever seen. More than 7 million people participated in nearly 34,000 activities meant to inspire and support the next generation of innovators and job creators as they work to solve global problems and expand human welfare. Here in Rwanda, GEW 2011 was a great success. Working through dozens of local partners, we were able to reach more than 12,000 people across the country-an incredible accomplishment for our first year. Local, national and global activities helped participants to form important connections, to unleash new, bold ideas, and to shine a light on all of the people and organizations working year-round to support entrepreneurs in the country. Benjamin Cox


Christopher D. Smith

GEW - Rwanda 2011

Since GEW was introduced to Rwanda, we have always had the vision of being the most successful campaign on the continent, and one of the most reputable in the world. Although this was only our first year celebrating GEW in the country, we have been able to make enormous strides toward reaching this goal. In the following pages, we are happy to share with you exactly how we are achieving these great results.

We are grateful to the hundreds of people and dozens of organizations that have already lent their support to this initiative. Together, we form an energetic, innovative, and forwardthinking community that is essential if we are to develop as an entrepreneurial society and solve the pressing issues around us. Still, we need new people and new organizations to unite as we demonstrate our collective commitment to an entrepreneurial Rwanda. We hope you will join us as we build upon the successes of our first year and continue to advance entrepreneurship around the world through GEW 2012.

Benjamin Cox Country Director Babson-Rwanda Entrepreneurship Center

Christopher D. Smith Country Director Babson-Rwanda Entrepreneurship Center

About GEW

Global Founder

Objectives • Inspire GEW introduces the notion of entrepreneurial activity to those who have never considered it while motivating aspiring entrepreneurs to launch new startups. • Connect GEW facilitates connections to help build and expand networks across national boundaries—unleashing new ideas at the intersection of cultures & disciplines. • Mentor GEW creates an environment conducive to the sharing of ideas and experiences that are invaluable in moving from ideation to launch. • Engage GEW provides a platform for thought leaders to work together in fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem—examining research, public policies and successful approaches to promoting growth.

Campaign Growth





















3 million

7.5 million

7.5 million

7.4 million

*Preliminary estimates

Global Sponsor

Global Partners • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Endeavor Entrepreneurs’ Organization JA Worldwide Youth Business International Center for International Private Enterprise DECA Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship The Youth Employment Network IFC/SME TOOLKIT Business Council for International Understanding YES | Youth Entrepreneurship and Sustainability MIT Enterprise Forum Kairos Society Making Cents International

GEW - Rwanda 2011


Global Supporters Global Entrepreneurship Week is supported by an impressive collection of organizations and thought leaders from around the world. From the day it was launched with the help of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, GEW has enjoyed the participation of presidents and prime ministers on every continent, including: President Barack Obama (US); Prime Minister David Cameron (UK); Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel); President Anibal Cavaco Silva (Portugal); Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Canada); President John Atta Mills (Ghana); and numerous ministers.

VIP QUOTES The following world leaders have all spoken out in favor of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

“A global initiative aimed at awakening, stimulating, and motivating, especially in younger generations, entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and capacity for innovation. Entrepreneurship has, as a result, new reasons to be considered the cornerstone of economic and social progress in countries.”

President Anibal Cavaco Silva, Portugal “Businesses are the lifeblood of our communities, creating jobs and prosperity, especially during these difficult times. Global Entrepreneurship Week will help existing entrepreneurs to expand and innovate, and inspire a new generation to get involved as well.”

Prime Minister David Cameron, United Kingdom

“GEW comes at an ideal time for Rwanda, when we are looking to innovative private enterprises to drive our country forward. At this time we must support the next generation of business leaders and provide them with the inspiration, mentorship, and other resources that they need to turn their ideas into reality. Only then will we see new solutions to the social, economic, and environmental challenges that are present today.” Faustin Mbundu, Chairman, Rwanda Private Sector Federation


GEW - Rwanda 2011 2 GWE - Rwanda 2011

“Entrepreneurs carry a vision. They have the energy to develop themselves, the capacity to innovate and to create employment. We need them, their dynamism and their success to overcome this financial crisis… I therefore wish the greatest success to… Global Entrepreneurship Week.”

President Nicolas Sarkozy, France “The Obama Administration is dedicated to boosting entrepreneurship both in the United States and other countries to make that a reality… Global Entrepreneurship Week reflects a sense of collective responsibility to encourage young minds to pursue fresh ideas and unleash the full range of human potential.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, United States of America “In Denmark, we will now focus on renewed growth and entrepreneurship. We have to encourage everybody with an idea and the will to become an entrepreneur, to pursue their dreams. And I actually see Global Entrepreneurship Week as one way of making this happen.”

Brian Mikkelson, Minister of Economics and Business Affairs, Denmark

National Sponsors

GEW-Rwanda At A Glance • 22 Partners • 26 Events • 12,000+ Participants


To be the leading African nation participating in GEW based on the size, scope, VIP involvement, and innovativeness of our campaign.


To create a groundswell of activities that inspire and advance entrepreneurship in Rwanda while demonstrating to the world how innovation and private enterprise are transforming the country for better. GEW - Rwanda 2011


Obstacles alw ays appear between you and your goa l. You should be p a ss io n ate about your id eas and be re ady to fight for what you believe in . GEW particip ant on their greatest takea way

g -openin e y e n a It was ade me m t i d n ce a ith olved w experien v n i e b ud to feel pro organization ng this n amazi r a o t r o nt the as a me at the o n h t e p o joi .Ih student felt inspired to es ement. v o attende m l u f ower nager, in this p ffice Ma ,O Rugema bal on Michelle t/Contour Glo t 1 KivuWa ight 201 Akilah N


GEW - Rwanda 2011

What People Are Saying

Very senior staff from the ministry of local government [participated]. This boosted the morale of the participants knowing that entrepreneurship is now sinking in the minds of the civil servants. Rebson Dzala, General Manager, Center for Business Solutions

rs, re like siste a e w , k r o In this netw t very important there is tha d thus improving create t connection anagemen m s s e in s u our b es. and ventur

dent, arade, Presi eurs Immy Kam n Entrepren e m o W f o ESS速 er PSF Chamb UGH BUSIN O R H T E C PEA speaking to ssociation lu A mnae A

As business people we must have moral purpose. We have to see ourselves as the ac tors that have to come together to lift our nations ou t of poverty. So whe n we think about entrepreneurship, it is not only how do I do well for mys elf. It is how do I do well for myself and make sure that everyone benefits in the process. This is very critical espe cially in the case of Rwanda . Eric Kacou, keynot e speaker at GEW-Rwanda Cl osing Ceremony

Now they beli themselves an eve in d confidence to have the start th own business eir .

Educat event organizer on the lasting impact of GE W on their partic ipants

g see youn o t e c i n sing It was myself u ve e k i l e l dri peop rship to u e n e r p , entre forward Rwanda from an t i e g n a a and ch nomy to o c e l a r u d agricult ge-base knowled nomy. co service e ant at

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Students have seen that at the secondary school level they may become successful entrepreneurs‌ Their mindset changed and the evidence was the ideas they developed throughout the week and the confidence they had when presenting and sharing them. Rosine Ndayishimiye on the lasting impact of GEW @ Lycee de Kigali

Hosting a GEW ev ent opportunity for ou was a great r organization to be part of a glo bal movement and co mmunicate our activities. Audric Mitraros, ev ent organizer, Solid’Africa

GEW - Rwanda 2011


Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda

Invest in Rwanda

Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda Invest in Rwanda

Why invest in Rwanda?

2011 National Sponsor

One Stop Concept: 2nd most reformed economy in the World 2006-2011 3rd easiest place to do business in Africa World Bank Doing Business Report, 2012

3rd most competitive African country to do business World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report

2011 Future Policy Award Winner (National Forest Policy) World Future Council

The Rwanda Development Board’s One Stop Centre enables company registration in just 24 hours.

Simplified licensing and permitting procedure:

There is free online registration and access to all major doing business procedures.

Sustained high economic growth: An average 8% GDP year on year growth since 2004, currency appreciation, highest GDP growth among major African economies

Robust Governance:

Political stability, well functioning institutions, rule of law and zero tolerance to corruption

Access to regional market:

150 million people in the East African Community

Currency appreciation:

Low inflation rate consistently remaining below 5%

It IS better to do business in Rwanda

Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign Hosted by Rwanda Development Board

11th-18th November 2011

7 Universities across Rwanda

10,000 Participants

RDB’s Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign attracted over 10,000 students interested in pursuing entrepreneurial career paths. Over the course of the seven day, seven stop tour, successful entrepreneurs, financiers, and government representatives inspired the students and encouraged them to follow their passions and create their own jobs.


EVENT GEW - Rwanda 2011


Ambassador’s Special Self Help Expo Hosted by Embassy of the United States – Kigali, Rwanda

13th December 2011

US Embassy, Kigali, Rwanda

70 Participants

The U.S. Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund represents a long-standing partnership whereby the American peple support activities initiated and carried out by Rwandan entrepreneurs. At the inaugural signing ceremony and expo, Ambassador Donald Koran signed seven agreements totaling US $50,000 with associations and community-based groups.



GEW - Rwanda 2011





REAL Entrepreneurial Mindset Hosted by Educat




14th-18th November 2011

Peace Guest House, Kigali, Rwanda




25 Participants

Educat’s REAL Entrepreneurial Mindset challenged participants to think outside-the-box as they completed a series of tasks throughout the week. The highlight of the week occurred when the teams of participants rose to the occasion as they planned and executed imaginative promotional events for local businesses.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


2011 National Sponsor

Global Entrepreneurship Week @ Lycee de Kigali Hosted by LDK Entrepreneurship Club

14th-18th November 2011 • Lycee de Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda • 45 Participants Secondary school students from Lycee de Kigali’s Entrepreneurship Club flexed their entrepreneurial muscles as they planned and organized GEW @ Lycee de Kigali. Prominent Rwandan entrepreneurs, university professors, and business experts led daily workshops on the entrepreneurial process for an audience of eager secondary students from all around Kigali. The week culminated with a Rocket Pitch Competition where students presented their own business ideas to their peers and a panel of judges.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


StartUp! Hosted by Digital Opportunity Trust-Rwanda DOT Innovation Fest DOT Innovation Fest facilitated a worldwide exchange of ideas during GEW. Youth from around the world submitted business ideas with the potential for social, educational or economic impact to an open online forum and eventually judging.

14th-20th November 2011 • Kicukiro College of Technology • 30 Participants Energetic and talented young interns left a positive impact on their local communities as they educated local business owners in entrepreneurship and technology skills during Digital Opportunity Trust’s StartUp! event. The program is designed for the participants to combine their mechanics, electronics, and ICT backgrounds with the in-depth financial and business training to launch new businesses.


GEW - Rwanda 2011

We are proud to announce that both Sharon Munyazikwiye and Jean Claude Ndayambaje of Rwanda won first place in their categories. Visit to learn more!

Talk on Youth Entrepreneurship Hosted by AIESEC-Rwanda

15th November 2011

Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace, Kigali, Rwanda

49 Participants

AIESEC’s Youth Entrepreneurship Talk featured a presentation that debunked common myths around entrepreneurship and gave the audience insights into the realities of launching and operating a business.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


2011 National Sponsor

Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment Hosted by Kigali Institute of Science and Technology & KIST Entrepreneurship Club

15th November 2011 • Kigali Institute of Science and Technology, Kigali, Rwanda • 65 Participants KIST Entrepreneurship Club’s Entrepreneurship and Self Employment event focused on teaching university students practical tools that they could use to become entrepreneurs. The Co-founder of, the CEO of Alogorithm Inc., and the COO of Ecobank shared their experiences with the students and advised them on how they could launch their own ventures.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


Promoting Rural Youth Entrepreneurship Hosted by National Youth Council & US Embassy Kigali

15th November 2011 • Kibeho, Nyaruguru, Rwanda • 75 Participants Promoting Rural Youth Entrepreneurship held in the Nyaruguru district was a workshop that trained local youth in the basics of business planning and management. Empowering the youth of the district to be more entrepreneurial not only improves their personal well-being and that of their families, but is also critical to the development of Nyaruguru.

“Youth represent the future and hope of every country. The high return on resources invested in youth today has both immediate and long term benefits.” Susan Falatko, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy


GEW - Rwanda 2011

Micro-Enterprise Training Hosted by Youth Employment Systems – Rwanda & Educat

15th-17th November 2011 • YES Rwanda Youth Service Centre, Kigali, Rwanda • 50 Participants Several low-income entrepreneurs operating in the informal sector gathered for YES Rwanda’s Micro Enterprise Training. The goal of the training was to empower the entrepreneurs with skills and knowledge to grow their businesses and encourage them to formally register their businesses, thus increasing their economic stability and strengthening their livelihoods.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


2011 National Sponsor

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The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Hosted by Center for Business Solutions

16th November 2011 • Hotel des Mille Collines, Kigali, Rwanda • 14 Participants Several aspiring and active entrepreneurs attended The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship to learn how to effectively plan for their businesses. Participants were encouraged to rethink their business strategies and adopt a more visionary approach.

“We need to bring it out to the whole wolrd that entrepreneurship is taking shape in Rwanda” Rebson Dzala, General Manager, Center for Business Solutions

22 GEW- Rwanda 2011 GWE - Rwanda 2011


Financial Literacy Fair Hosted by School of Finance and Banking

16th November 2011 • School of Finance and Banking, Kigali, Rwanda

• 75 Participants

The Financial Literacy Fair hosted by the School of Finance and Banking gave students and active entrepreneurs insights into the financial ins and outs of launching and growing a business. Highlights from the event included a presentation by Rector Reid Whitlock on how to access bank financing and several moving stories from business owners on how they financed their start-ups.


GEW - Rwanda 2011

Social Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Africa Hosted by Solid’Africa

16th November 2011 • Lemigo Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda • 45 Participants The audience at Solid’Africa’s Social Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Africa learned how organizations working in the social sector can utilize entrepreneurial principles to increase their impact. The audience then put their new knowledge to the test as they were challenged to think of how entrepreneurial ventures could be designed to solve various social problems in Rwanda.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


2011 National Sponsor

Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity Hosted by Junior Chamber International & PSF Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs

17th November 2011 • Serena Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda • 150 Participants During Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity, Mr. Eric Kacou launched his book, Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP Markets, and held a Q&A session on strategies to empower the world’s poorest to create wealth and improve their welfare. Mr. Kacou’s Q&A session was followed by networking reception where the audience carried on the message and discussed the transformative power of entrepreneurship.

GEW - Rwanda 2011

26 2

Akilah Night 2011: Our Impact on Education & Workforce Hosted by Akilah Institute for Women

17th November 2011 • Akilah Institute, Kigali Rwanda • 90 Participants Akilah Night 2011: Our Impact on Education & Workforce brought together political officials, business owners, education professionals, and students to network and to celebrate the Akilah Institute for Women’s 2nd anniversary. The event highlighted the student’s entrepreneurial activities and recruited professionals to act as their mentors.


GEW - Rwanda 2011

BDC Rwanda Competition and Graduation Ceremony Hosted by Rwanda Business Development Center

17th November 2011 • Telecom House, Kigali, Rwanda

• 40 Participants

Rwanda Business Development Center’s Business Presentation Competition was the culminating experience of their 16-week entrepreneurship training program. Participants pitched their business ideas to the audience and a panel of judges for an opportunity to win a package of prizes. 18th November 2011 • Umubano Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda

• 130 Participants

Rwanda Business Development Center’s Graduation Ceremony celebrated the third commencement from their 16-week entrepreneurship training program. The program equipped Rwandan entrepreneurs with the real-world skills necessary to start and grow a thriving business. GEW - Rwanda 2011


2011 National Sponsor

PEACE THROUGH BUSINESS® Alumnae Association Launch Hosted by The Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women

18th November 2011 • Christ Church Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda • 100 Participants Realizing that entrepreneurship is key to establishing peace and stability, the Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women runs a comprehensive business training for women entrepreneurs in post-conflict countries. During GEW-Rwanda, the talented alumnae of the program in Rwanda gathered together once again for the PEACE THROUGH BUSINESS® Alumnae Association Launch. The networking event was a great opportunity for the alumnae to celebrate their entrepreneurial endeavors and help them make valuable connections.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


Social Entrepreneurship: Young Leaders Driving Change Hosted by Generation Rwanda

19th November 2011 • Telecom House, Kigali, Rwanda • 30 Participants Based upon the idea that young people can be catalyst for positive change, the Social Entrepreneurship: Young Leaders Driving Change workshop introduced the concept of social entrepreneurship to a room full of Generation Rwanda scholars. Case studies of social businesses operating in Africa guided the discussions and were supplemented by guest speakers from Teach a Man to Fish and Tough Stuff. Generation Rwanda scholars also shared their experiences on founding and operating socially oriented enterprises.


GEW - Rwanda 2011

ICT Bootcamp Hosted by Rwanda Week Rwanda Week Europe In addition to participating in GEW, Rwanda Week hosts an annual event in Europe that serves as a platform for investment, entrepreneurship, and innovation in the land of a thousand hills. Visit for more information. 25th November 2011 • Telecom House, Kigali, Rwanda • 17 Participants ICT entrepreneurs gathered for the ICT Bootcamp to share their experiences operating ICT companies, discuss the state of ICT education, and collaborate on how to improve the ICT ecosystem.

GEW - Rwanda 2011


GEW-Rwanda Closing Ceremony Hosted by Babson-Rwanda Entrepreneurship Center

18th November 2011 • Lemigo Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda • 200 Participants The GEW-Rwanda Closing Ceremony ended the week’s activities with a bang. Over 200 guests joined the ceremony for a recap of the week and a rousing keynote address by Eric Kacou, Co-Founder of ES Partners and author of ENTREPRENEURIAL SOLUTIONS FOR PROSPERITY IN BOP MARKETS. The Permanent Secretary of Rwanda’s Ministry of Trade and Industry closed the ceremony by affirming the Ministry’s support of GEW-Rwanda in 2012 before the Isoko Institute premiered their new film, ENTREPRENEURS OF RWANDA, during a lively networking cocktail. Shot and directed by Mark Darrough, this short documentary shows how entrepreneurship and business-led development are improving lives and driving Rwanda forward.


GEW - Rwanda 2011

GEW-Rwanda in the News • • • • • • • • • • • • •

New Times Rwanda TV Rwanda Focus Independent Contact FM Radio Flash Umucyo FM Radio Huguka Radio Maria Izuba Rirashe

GEW - Rwanda 2011


Get Involved

GEW 2012

• Join the national planning team Marketing, fundraising, and event management subcommittees • Advise the national campaign Provide expertise, networks, and goodwill to ensure the campaign’s success • Organize an event or activity Small or large, local or global – GEW activities are the backbone of our campaign • Support the national campaign Financial sponsorship and in-kind services needed. Email: for more information


GEW - Rwanda 2011

Sponsorship Benefits • Name/logo recognition on promotional materials and advertisements, including: - Outdoor advertising (billboards, banners, posters) - Electronic advertising (TV, radio, web) - Print promotions (newspaper adverts, press releases, flyers) - Branded merchandise (shirts, hats, bags, etc.) • Speaking/exhibition opportunities at: - National featured events - National opening and closing ceremonies • Advertising opportunities in: - National website - National event guide - National activity report

“As soon as we found out about Global Entrepreneurship Week Rwanda, we wanted to be a part of it. As Rwandan entrepreneurs ourselves, we were intrigued by the opportunity to be part of an event that promoted entrepreneurship in the country; supported new initiatives; brought individuals, companies and communities together; and leveraged the public and private sector in supporting entrepreneurs. Being sponsors has meant direct exposure to a global community we may not otherwise have accessed, and a chance to showcase our products and services to potential clients.” Joan Mazimhaka, Executive Director, Illume Creative Studio

GEW - Rwanda 2011


Rwanda Social Media Feeds:

Global Social Media Feeds:!/unleashingideas


GEW - Rwanda 2011

2011 National Partners

To join the movement: •

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