Special Gift of the Season — Umbilical Cord Blood Banking
Today, people are becoming aware about the importance of health care and wellness. They look for advanced and safe treatments to secure the health of their loved ones. Families are leave no stone unturned in securing their future. If you are expecting a baby and are looking at reliable means for baby’s health protection, in that case, preserving your baby’s cord blood is a must in today’s era. Umbilical cord blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are collected at the time of birth and cryopreserved for future use. Cord blood stem cells have a high proliferation capacity and the ability to regenerate into various cell types. Storing cord blood will make a major contribution in insuring your child’s health. By preserving umbilical cord blood stem cells, you will be securing your little-one’s future from 80+ diseases. Moreover, a child’s cord blood has a higher potential to match his/her family than an unrelated donor’s stem cells. If you are opting for umbilical cord stem cell banking, make sure to preserve them in a credible cord blood bank. If you are still apprehensive about it, these benefits will definitely make your decision easier. The benefits of umbilical cord blood banking:
1. No medical risk: The collection of the umbilical cord is an easy procedure that is risk free. 2. Ready to use: Once the cord blood is collected, the stem cells are extracted and then stored using the method of cryopreservation. Stem cells if preserved can be used in times of emergency. 3. Heals the damaged cells quickly: Stem cells can proliferate and replace damaged cells and tissue that promotes quick healing and faster recovery.
4. Minimizes disease progression: Those infected with severe diseases and disorders can use stem cells to minimize disease progression via stem cell therapy. 5. Useful for the family as well: These stem cells are a 100% match for your child, his/her siblings and your family members.
6. Fights numerous diseases: The life-saving cells known as stem cells, battle over 80 plus life-threatening diseases like autism, cerebral palsy, paediatric stroke, blood disorders, immune disorders, metabolic disorders and cancers.
To secure future, make sure you opt for the best cord blood bank in India. By investing in cord blood banking you can make a significant difference to their lives. One way is to simply set up an ‘Umbilical Cord Blood Bank Gift Jar’ account and spread the word within your family and friends circle. They can then send in any desired amount they wish to contribute to your gift jar, this will be the best form of savings for your baby’s future!
Thank you, www.babycell.in
Image Source: bankoforma.blogspot.in, babycell