7 minute read
Mom Magic
Growing up, art director and mother of three Elaina Bellis didn’t dream of her wedding day, but of having children and the opportunity to create magical spaces for them. Now the LA lady invites Mini inside her beautiful, new light-filled home, and chats mother’s intuition, the most drastic changes, and learning to let go.
MINI | Thank you for inviting us into your home! Tell us about the place!
ELAINA BELLIS | I love our house! We just moved in three months ago, and are still unpacking and setting up (our guest room is still filled with boxes). Our house is the perfect family home. Big enough for us, but not terribly big that it feels unmanageable! I’ve loved decorating our home. James, my husband, is a big fan of color, where I’m more of a neutral queen. Our home is a happy combo of the two!
MINI | Do you have a favorite room in your home? Why do you love it?
ELAINA BELLIS | My bedroom! All of the walls in our bedroom are windows from floor to ceiling, and we look out on our beautiful yard. It’s truly magical to wake up to!
MINI | What are some of your favorite elements in your home?
ELAINA BELLIS | I love all the details in our kitchen. The tiling and all the wood cabinets are so beautifully done. There’s a lot of character in there.
MINI | Tell us about your daughters’ room. What inspired you when creating the space?
ELAINA BELLIS | I feel like every little girl dreams of their wedding day, but I didn’t. I dreamt more of having children and making their space as magical as possible. I was inspired by their imaginations. They love critters, and the outdoors. My girls aren’t pink fanatics, although they do love themselves some pink from time to time. They love books, and their “guys” aka all their stuffed animals.
MINI | What are some of your favorite elements in their room?
ELAINA BELLIS | Their bookshelf and their closet. Their room is small and having both of those storage areas really helps in their room and gives it way more character.
MINI | Let’s talk motherhood! What has surprised you most about motherhood thus far?
ELAINA BELLIS | That I can handle twins on my own! James travels a lot for work, and I can manage them both! I’m most surprised that I have all this energy!
MINI | What were your first thoughts when you learned you were pregnant with twins?
ELAINA BELLIS | I knew I was pregnant with twins before they told me I was. My pregnancy with the girls was so different from Lincoln’s pregnancy. I was so sick, and was showing by week eight! Also, I swore I could feel movement. I kept saying, “What if there are two!” I remember saying to James, “For sure this is a girl, and I’m pretty sure there are two in there.” Sure enough, at our 14 week appointment (our first appointment since finding out we were pregnant again), the doctor looked at me in disbelief and said, “Guys! Is this your first appointment?” and we just shook our heads yes. Then she said “Guys, guys, guys! There’s TWO!” I started uncontrollably laughing, while James was in complete disbelief.
MINI | What is your greatest parenting worry or fear?
ELAINA BELLIS | I worry about how they’ll view themselves growing up in LA. Will they love their bodies just the way they are? Will they be confident with their talents? Will they be kind humans? Am I giving them all the tools they need to stand up for themselves, and be proud of who they are as women? So many!
MINI | What is most important to you in raising your girls?
ELAINA BELLIS | That they love and accept themselves with all of their flaws, and can speak their minds exactly the way they intend to.
MINI | What is your greatest joy of motherhood?
ELAINA BELLIS | Watching the bond between twins, especially because they’re identical— it’s pretty wild! They are the best of friends.
MINI | What have you found to be hardest aspect of motherhood thus far?
ELAINA BELLIS | Letting go. After losing our son, I learned I should have no expectation as to what motherhood has in store for me. Lincoln is, and will always be, my greatest teacher.
MINI | Where have you seen the biggest changes in your life since becoming a mom?
ELAINA BELLIS | My social life. Having twins and being confined to my home for the first two years I found to be incredibly isolating. I am a social person, and being stuck at home felt really hard. I love my babies obviously, but because of the nature of twins and really needing to stick to a routine with them, I was often alone. I didn’t have hired help for the first two years. Just recently we have a babysitter twice a week for three hours a day! Having that time to hike or do yoga has made me a better, more centered mom!
MINI | Tell us how you decided on your daughters’ names.
ELAINA BELLIS | I have no idea how Rowe’s name came about. I must have seen someone’s last name (Rowe is typically a last name) and remembered it [because] since the day we found out we were having twins, I knew I was naming one Rowe. James got to pick the second name and picked Quincy, after a great aunt of his and ironically, the name of my hometown, Quincy, Il.
MINI | What are you looking forward to most about raising your girls in LA?
ELAINA BELLIS | That they have an abundance of activities they can do! There’s so much nature in and around LA to explore.
MINI | What helps you to juggle motherhood and career?
ELAINA BELLIS | When I’m doing one thing, either working or [being] home with the girls, I am 100% present.
MINI | If you could give your girls one piece of advice, what would it be?
ELAINA BELLIS | To keep trusting. Life can really be challenging at times, and throw some major wrenches your way, but I know from experience that through those hard times come the most beautiful lessons and open doors within yourself that you never knew before.
ON MY NIGHTSTAND If I had one, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. If you can take one thing away from reading this, READ THIS BOOK.
IF THERE WERE MORE HOURS IN THE DAY, I WOULD Hike, and take a dairy free, no refined sugar cooking class.
TYPICAL COFFEE ORDER Iced coffee with oat milk.
CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO Super Soul Sunday podcast. OPRAH! She’s my Queen.
FAVORITE LOCAL RESTAURANT Mh Zh for dinner, and Honey Hi for lunch.
ALWAYS IN MY FRIDGE Kite Hill anything.
IDEAL DATE NIGHT Hike, followed by dinner, and then foot massage!
FAVORITE KIDS MOVIE Not a movie, but I love Tumble Leaf on Amazon.
photography by IVY REYNOLDS