Vue is the new JavaScript tool created by Evan You, a wellknown member in the community for participating in the development of Meteor and for being a Google developer for several years. Evan You defines his tool as a progressive framework. Progressive because the frameworks are divided into different well-limited libraries that have a specific responsibility. In this way, the developer includes the different modules according to the needs of the context in which they are located. It is not necessary to include all the functionality from the beginning as in the case of frameworks such as Angular. It is a modularization system quite similar to that of ReactJS. Facebook developed a core to work with views, but from there they have been creating a whole series of libraries (both by Facebook and the community) that allows to work efficiently in a SPA.
The main core allows the development of UI components through JavaScript. The library is framed within the component architectures (which are so fashionable) with an internal model management based on the MVVM pattern. This means that the components, internally, have double data-binding mechanisms to manipulate the state of the application.
Crisp Characteristics of VueNative What defines VueNative? What makes it different or better to other alternatives? Why is it getting so fashionable? Let’s try to explain some of its characteristics so that you can see if the framework has the power that : -> Provides visual components in a reactive way. Well encapsulated UI pieces that expose an API with properties of input and emission of events. The components react to massive events without the performance being impaired. -> It has concepts of directives, filters and well differentiated components. We will define and explain these elements throughout the series. -> The API is small and easy to use. -> Use Virtual DOM. As the most expensive operations in JavaScript are usually those that operate with the DOM API, and VueJS by its reactive nature will be found all the time making changes in the DOM and has a cached copy that is responsible for changing those parts that are
It outsources routing and status management in other libraries. Render `templates` although it supports JSX. JSX is the language that React uses to render the structure of a component. It is a kind of HTML + JS + vitamins that allows us, in theory, to write HTML templates with greater power. VueJS supports JSX, but understands that it is better to use pure HTML templates for their readability, for their lower friction so that layout designers can work with these templates and for the possibility of using third-party tools that work with these more standard templates. It allows to focus CSS for a specific component: All this without losing power in terms of CSS rules to use. We will be able to use all the CSS3 rules with which they are counted. It has a system of transition effects and animation. It allows to render components for native environments (Android and iOS). It is a support for now something immature and in development environments, but there is a tool created by Alibaba called Weex that would allow us to write components for Android or iOS with VueJS if we needed it.
It follows a one-way data-binding flow for communication between components. It follows a double-way data-binding flow for the communication of models within an isolated component. It has support for TypeScript. It has decorators and types officially defined and are downloaded along with the library. It has support for ES6. The tools and generators come with Webpack or Browserify as standard, so we have at all times a Babel transpiling to ES5 if we want to write ES6 code. It has support from Internet Explorer 9. According to the project we are in, this can be an advantage or not. Personally the higher the number of the IE version the better because the library will weigh less, but surely you will have clients that put certain restrictions on you. It is better to take it into account. It allows to render the views in server. The SPA and rendering systems of components in JavaScript have the problem that they are often difficult to use by robots like Google, therefore the SEO of our Web or application may be damaged. VueJS allows mechanisms so that the components can be rendered in server time.
Vue.JS has a long way to go, but it seems that the philosoph of VueJS makes sense. We have a team of very competent people from the JavaScript world who have learned to extract from the tools they have used in the past for all the good characteristics and have developed them here. Feel free to Hire Vue.js developer to get your idea shape in time.