Beginner’s Tutorial (Part-2): How to Integrate Redux-Saga in React Native App
We have learned and implemented the basics of redux-form in our previous tutorial: Integrate Redux Form (Part-1). You can visit the tutorial if you don’t have a basic idea of Redux Form or are struggling to use it in your application. Now, it’s time to step up and introduce redux-saga with redux form. Are you looking for a simple tutorial to get started with redux middleware in your react native application? If yes, then you have chosen the correct blog! In this tutorial, we will implement an authentication module in our demo application using redux-saga and redux form.
Goal: Simple Redux-Form & React-Saga Example
Before moving towards implementing our authentication module, watch the video below to have a better idea of the demo application.
Tutorial Takeaway
Mainly we will learn aboutRedux-Saga Redux-Form The demo will contain an Authentication module in which we have used redux-form. The module will haveRegister Login Dashboard Use of two redux-form features: Field Array – Field Array component is used for rendering an array of fields. Wizard Form – The common pattern for separating a single form into different input pages is Wizard.
And also called Firebase REST API from the Login and Register module. So, we are clear with the requirements and what the demo will contain. Without wasting more time, let’s get started with building our demo application.
Redux Store Set up
The very first step will be setting up the store. For connecting the store to your application, open app/index.js app/index.js import { store } from 'store' import { Provider as ReduxProvider } from 'react-redux' export default () => ( <ReduxProvider store={store}> <App/> </ReduxProvider> )
So, now the store is accessible through our entire application. It’s time to use the store in our app. For that, we will need to do two thingsIndividual action.js and saga.js file for the Register and Login Page (which we will see in the coming sections) A folder named store having three files – index.js, reducers.js, and sagas.js store/index. js import createSagaMiddleware from 'reduxsaga'; import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'; import {combinedReducers} from './reducers'; import rootSaga from './sagas'; const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(); const middlewares = [sagaMiddleware];
const store = createStore(combinedReducers, applyMiddleware(...middlewares));; export {store};
store/reducers.js import {combineReducers} from 'redux'; import {reducer as formReducer} from 'redux-form'; export const combinedReducers = combineReducers({ form: formReducer, Auth: AuthReducer, });
store/sagas.js import {all} from 'redux-saga/effects'; import loginScreenSaga from 'screens/Login/saga'; import signupScreenSaga from 'screens/Register/saga'; function* rootSaga() { yield all([loginScreenSaga(), signupScreenSaga()]); } export default rootSaga;
We will separate the Register form into separate pages of inputs namedRegisterPageOne.js RegisterPageTwo.js RegisterPageThree.js This pattern of splitting is known as Wizard Form. Register/index.js To separate the form into small forms we will use a state variable- page for keeping track of the page to be rendered.
import React, { useState } from 'react’ import { ScrollView } from 'react-native' import RegisterPageOne from './RegisterPageOne' import RegisterPageTwo from './RegisterPageTwo'
import RegisterPageThree from './RegisterPageThree' const Register = (props) => { const [page,setPage] = useState(1) const onSubmit = (Values) => console.log(Values) const goToNextPage = () => setPage( page => page + 1 ) const goToPrevPage = () => setPage( page => page - 1 ) return ( <ScrollView> {page === 1 && <RegisterPageOne nextPage= {goToNextPage} />} {page === 2 && <RegisterPageTwo nextPage= {goToNextPage} prevPage={goToPrevPage} />} {page === 3 && <RegisterPageThree onSubmit= {onSubmit} prevPage={goToPrevPage} />} </ScrollView> ) } export default Register
Register/RegisterPageOne.js RegisterPageOne is our first component which will have two fields : Full Name and User Name. import React from 'react' import { View } from 'react-native' import { Field, reduxForm } from 'reduxform' import { FormInput , CustomButton } from 'components' import { usernameRequired , fullnameRequired } from 'utils/Validations' const RegisterPageOne = ({handleSubmit,nextPage}) => { return ( <View> <Field name="fullName" component={FormInput} validate={[fullnameRequired]}
placeholder="Enter Full Name" /> <Field name="userName" component={FormInput} validate={[usernameRequired]} placeholder="Enter User Name" onSubmitEditing = {handleSubmit(nextPage)} /> <CustomButton buttonLabel="Next" onPress={handleSubmit(nextPage)} /> </View> ) } export default reduxForm({ form: 'register-form', destroyOnUnmount: false, forceUnregisterOnUnmount: true })(RegisterPageOne)
Register/RegisterPageTwo.js RegisterPageTwo is our second component having three fields: Mobile No, Email, and Hobbies. The input for hobbies uses the FieldArray API to render multiple inputs to the user. We will also add validation to the input fields. import React from 'react' import { StyleSheet, View , Text } from 'react-native' import { Field, FieldArray, reduxForm } from 'redux-form' import { DeleteButton, CustomButton, FormInput } from 'components' import { emailRequired, mobileNoRequired, validateEmail, validateMobileno } from 'utils/Validations' const renderHobbies = ({ fields, meta : {error , submitFailed } }) => { return(
<View> <CustomButton buttonLabel={“Add Hobby”} onPress={() => fields.push({})} /> {,index) => ( <View key={index}> <Field name={hobby} placeholder={`Hobby #${index + 1 }`} component={FormInput} /> <DeleteButton onDelete={() => fields.remove(index)} /> </View> ))} { submitFailed && error && <Text>{error} </Text> } </View> ) } const validate = (values,props) => {
const errors = {} if (!values.hobbies || !values.hobbies.length) errors.hobbies = { _error : “Add at least One hobby” } else{ const hobbiesArrayErrors = [] values.hobbies.forEach((hobby,index)=>{ if (!hobby || !hobby.length) hobbiesArrayErrors[index] = HOBBY_REQUIRED }) if(hobbiesArrayErrors.length) errors.hobbies = hobbiesArrayErrors } return errors } const RegisterPageTwo = ({prevPage,handleSubmit,nextPage}) => { return (
<View> <Field name="mobileNo" component={FormInput} placeholder={“Enter Mobile Number”} validate= {[mobileNoRequired,validateMobileno]} /> <Field name="email" component={FormInput} placeholder={“Enter email”} validate={[emailRequired,validateEmail]} /> <FieldArray name="hobbies" component= {renderHobbies}/> <CustomButton buttonLabel={“Back”} onPress={prevPage}/> <CustomButton buttonLabel={“Next”} onPress={handleSubmit(nextPage)} />
</View> ) } export default reduxForm({ form: 'register-form', validate, destroyOnUnmount : false, forceUnregisterOnUnmount : true })(RegisterPageTwo)
Register/RegisterPageThree.js The RegisterPageThree component includes two password fields. Added validation that both passwords should match. import React from 'react' import { View } from 'react-native' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { Field, formValueSelector, reduxForm } from 'redux-form' import { CustomButton, FormInput } from 'components' import { passwordRequired, validatePassword } from 'utils/Validations' let RegisterPageThree = ({handleSubmit,onSubmit,prevPage}) => { const validateConfirmPassword = (password) =>
password && password !== props.password ? VALIDATE_CONFIRM_PASSWORD : undefined return ( <View> <Field name="password" component={FormInput} placeholder={“Enter Password”} validate= {[passwordRequired,validatePassword]} /> <Field name="confirmPassword" component={FormInput} placeholder={“Re Enter Password”} validate= {[passwordRequired,validateConfirmPassw ord]} />
<CustomButton buttonLabel={“Back”} onPress={prevPage}/> <CustomButton buttonLabel={“Next”} onPress={handleSubmit(nextPage)}/> </View> ) } RegisterPageThree = reduxForm({ form: 'register-form', destroyOnUnmount : false, forceUnregisterOnUnmount : true })(RegisterPageThree) const selector = formValueSelector('register-form') export default RegisterPageThree = connect(state => { const password = selector(state, 'password') return {password} })(RegisterPageThree)
Register/action.js export const signupUser = user => ({ type: 'REGISTER_REQUEST', payload: user, });
Register/saga.js import {put, takeLatest} from 'reduxsaga/effects'; import {userSignup} from 'api/Signup'; function* signupUser({payload}) { try { const response = yield userSignup(payload); yield put({type: 'REGISTER_SUCCESS', response}); } catch (error) { yield put({type: 'REGISTER_FAILURE',
error: error.message}); } } export default function* signupScreenSaga() { yield takeLatest('REGISTER_REQUEST', signupUser); }
Explanation On clicking submit button, onSubmit will be called, and signupUser(payload) will be dispatched containing payload. dispatch(signupUser(payload))
From the file Register/action.js, the Register action type “REGISTER_REQUEST” will be dispatched. Then saga middleware will watch for the “REGISTER_REQUEST” type action. It will take the latest encounter of that action and call the register API. For a successful call, it will dispatch the “REGISTER_SUCCESS” action with response data. For a Fail call, it will dispatch the “REGISTER_FAILURE” action with an error message.
Update Reducer
Open store/reducers.js and add this chunk of code stating switch cases This reducer serves actions coming from Login and Register. Both the modules dispatch similar types of actions1. Request Action: Upon this action, the reducer updates the loading variable to true. 2. Success Action: Upon this action, the reducer updates the loading variable to false and stores the response from the action to the uservariable. 3. Failure Action: Upon this action, the reducer updates the loading variable to false and stores response coming from action to error variable
store/reducers.js const AuthReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'REGISTER_REQUEST': return { ...state, loading: true, }; case 'REGISTER_SUCCESS': return { ...state, user: action.response, loading: false, }; case 'REGISTER_FAILURE': return { ...state, error: action.error, loading: false, };
case 'LOGIN_REQUEST': return { ...state, loading: true, }; case 'LOGIN_SUCCESS': return { ...state, user: action.response, loading: false, }; case 'LOGIN_FAILURE': return { ...state, error: action.error, loading: false, }; default: return state; } };
Log In
The Login page accepts two inputs- email and password. Login API is called on clicking onSubmit Button. After successful login Dashboard screen will appear. Login/index.js import React from 'react' import { Field, reduxForm } from 'reduxform' import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux' import { View, ScrollView } from 'reactnative' import { loginUser } from './actions' import { FormInput, CustomButton } from 'components' import { passwordRequired, emailRequired, validatePassword , validateEmail } from 'utils/Validations' const Login = (props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch() const onSubmit = (values) => dispatch(loginUser(values)) return ( <ScrollView> <Field name="email" component={FormInput} placeholder={“Enter Email”} validate={[emailRequired,validateEmail]} /> <Field name="password" component={FormInput} placeholder={“Enter Password”} validate={[passwordRequired,validatePassword]} /> <CustomButton buttonLabel={“Login”} onPress={props.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} /> </ScrollView> ) } export default reduxForm({ form: 'login-form' })(Login)
Login/action.js export const loginUser = (user) => ({ type: "LOGIN_REQUEST", payload: user, });
import {put, takeLatest} from 'reduxsaga/effects'; import {userLogin} from 'api/login'; function* loginUser({payload}) { try { const response = yield userLogin(payload); yield put({type: 'LOGIN_SUCCESS', response}); } catch (error) { yield put({type: 'LOGIN_FAILURE', error: error.message});
} } export default function* loginScreenSaga() { yield takeLatest('LOGIN_REQUEST', loginUser); }
Explanation On clicking the submit button, onSubmit will be called, and loginUser(values) will be dispatched containing the user email and password. const onSubmit = (values) =&gt; dispatch(loginUser(values))
From the file Login/action.js, the Login action type “LOGIN_REQUEST” will be dispatched. Then saga middleware will watch for the “LOGIN_REQUEST” type action. It will take the latest encounter of that action and call the login API. For a successful call, it will dispatch the “LOGIN_SUCCESS” action with response data. For a Fail call, it will dispatch the “LOGIN_FAILURE” action with an error message.
API Call
api/login/index.js const API_KEY = '' //put your key here const endpoint = { login : ` nts:signInWithPassword?key=${API_KEY}` } export const userLogin = async (user) => { const response = await fetch(endpoint.login,{ method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ email:, password: user.password, returnSecureToken: true }) }) if(!response.ok) throw new Error('Something Went Wrong!!'); const responseData = await response.json() return }
Once you are successfully logged in, you’ll be redirected to the dashboard page. Here’s the code for the UI. Dashboard/index.js import React from 'react'; import {useSelector} from 'react-redux'; import {scale, verticalScale} from 'reactnative-size-matters'; import {Text, StyleSheet, SafeAreaView} from 'react-native'; import Colors from 'utils/Colors'; const DashBoard = () => { const userEmail = useSelector(state => state.Auth.user); return ( <SafeAreaView style={styles.screen}> <Text style={styles.hiText}>Hii, there</Text>
<Text style={}>{userEmail} </Text> </SafeAreaView> ); }; export default DashBoard;
useSelector() allows you to extract data from the Redux store state, using a selector function, so that we can use it in our component. As you can see, we can get the value of the user’s email address from state.Login.user. You can find the entire source code of the demo application at Github Repository, from where you can clone and play around with code.
So, this was about implementing redux-saga with your redux-form in React Native application. We have covered complete authentication using redux-form features Field Array, Wizard Form, and reduxmiddleware. You can visit the React Native Tutorials page for more such tutorials and clone the github repository to experiment. If you are looking for a helping hand for your React Native application, please contact us today to hire React Native developers from us. We have experienced and skilled developers having fundamental and advanced knowledge of React Native.
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