Golang is a compiled programming language designed by Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson, and Rob Pike at Google back in 2007. Go is syntactically similar to C but with CSP-style Concurrency, Garbage Collection, and Memory Safety. The tools provided by Go allows you to use memory and manage all the available objects efficiently. If we compare Go with other similar platforms, Golang has achieved more popularity as it combines the best features of different programming languages to make it more efficient and powerful.
The Popularity of Go Language According to Google Trends
Before we move further, let us quickly peek at the significant points behind Go’s popularity.
Why is Golang so popular in the comparison of other programming languages?
Achieve Best Performance The availability of Golang developers is so easy, thanks to the vast community and popularity of Golang. The other significant benefit of Go is, it compiles the program to native machine code without any interpreter similar to C or C++ for faster and better execution. As the virtual machine is absent, it frees up power and offers you the best performance for your application.
Compilation and Execution Speed The compilation and execution of the Go language are fast as it directly compiles the code to machine code depending upon which OS you are using, and all the set of instructions of the machine code is organized fast.
Golang offers a command called go run command by which your program can be quickly assembled and executed.
Reliable and Portable Go is portable and dependable as the code gets directly compiled to machine code, and the binaries become portable. The binaries are statically linked at the time of running the program, as Go will produce binary code for the specific OS.
Static Typing and Concurrency Support The Go language is statically typed compiled programming language and has first-class support for concurrency. During the compilation time, you need to declare all the variables and functions arguments, and it is a great advantage because it reduces a lot of errors while compiling the program. Because of these qualities, many top brands have gained attention towards the Go programming language.
Language Design and Standard Library Go designers have made a responsive design to keep the language simple and easy to learn. It is not just a language specification but also a blockchain that offers robust standard libraries to help developers to escape from going towards third party packages.
“Achieve More With Fewer Efforts” – Go Mantra
Additional details, check out: What are the Advantages of Golang Development Services & 10 Most Used GO Frameworks?
Usage of Go Language Compared to Rust:
Custom Golang Development Services:
Golang in IoT Golang for IoT platform is a great combination that can easily connect millions of IoT devices that can create realtime reports by applying various technologies along with Golang. If you combine Golang in IoT, it will increase the scalability, concurrency, device useability, and support feature-rich packages that can be imported by the Go package manager.
Golang in BlockChain Building a blockchain in Golang increases speed and efficiency as it is much more productive than Python and JavaScript. It is easy to find libraries and packages to make technology like Ethereum Virtual Machine in a natural way.
Golang for AI Applications It is excellent if you use the Go language for building AI applications as it improves user experience, financial planning, and customer interaction. These applications use machine learning and self-correction by which they can mimic human knowledge. Golang based AI applications require libraries for natural language processing,extraction,and visualization.
Golang Programming Structure Simple Go code to print Hello World.
Have a look at this chart, and it clearly shows that the Go language is gaining popularity as more and more businesses are adopting Golang.
Everything You Need to Know About Go
Final Thoughts Over the last couple of years, Golang has excellent initial traction in various activities compared to other programming languages. At Bacancy Technology, we are offering the best Golang development services for building feature-rich and world-class enterprise applications. So, if you are planning to hire golang developer, then without a doubt. Get in touch with us to build fast-secure and easy to scale web applications. To know more about our Golang development services, get in touch with us at solution@bacancytechnology.com.
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