React vs angular2 a comparison of orange and apple

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React VS Angular2- A comparison of orange and apple Submitted by :

For the last 3 months I have been familiarizing myself wit h Reactjs, which was the most used Javscript based frame works in 2015. However, some claims that 2016 will be th e year of Angular 2. As the Angular 2 has reached its Beta version and a completely rewritten, very popular JavaScri pt framework from Google, poised to become the hot new framework of 2016. Google’s Angular and Facebook’s React are the most wide ly used browsers based applications. Both are great soluti ons. While Angular2 is still in beta as it is already tested b y few Google developer teams – AdWords, GreenTea and F iber. List of applications built with React is really long and you can find their names like Instagram, Netflix, PayPal a nd many more. Today, as I find both of these technologies similar in some ways, so I decided to compare them.

Is it possible to compare Apple VS Oranges: Rect VS A ngular2 : 1.

Upvote to the question! If we consider the general perspective, then ReactJS is just a library and Ang ular 2 is a comprehensive framework! So, how it is at all possible to compare the two….I firmly agree t o the point.


If I be a stubborn and still want to do the comparis on, I can use it with two different choices: I can eit her take React and compare all its elements to suit able elements of Angular2 or I can equate Angular 2 as a framework with the whole ReactJS “ecosyste m”. When you build a React based application, you are most likely to use such applications as react-ro uter, Redux,Immutable, etc… Well, I prefer the sec ond option and will try to follow this path today.

GitHub Stars At the time of writing this, React clocks in at 44,127, w hereas Angular currently has 13,137. NPM Downloads At the time of writing this, React has been downloaded 1,671,984 times in the last month, whereas Angular h as been downloaded 503,939 times in the last month. Know Your Enemy Choosing between Angular 2 and React is like choosin g between buying an off-the-shelf computer and buildin g your own with off-the-shelf parts.

Difference between Angular’s UI part versus React 1.

The most significant variance between Angular’s wo rking with UI and React’s data and HTML methodolo gy is a UI library component. React only works as a UI component library. In Angular generally the data i s bound with HTML and completely controlled by An gular’s two way data binding. However, when it com es to React, it only acts as one way flow that simplifi es logical understanding as speed. Another variance is React components are compact with JavaScript an d HTML. Where as Angular has html and controller completely separated. The beta version of Angular 2 has come with all the modification and everything is component. On top of this React should not be comp ared with Angular as Angular is a framework and Re act is a library.

Make A Viable Choice When it comes to a choice between Angular 2 and Rea ct, a style preference is the most important thing whic h is what generally taken into consideration. React, as a library focused on speed of rendering, is a useful tool for handling large and complex UI presentations in you r client or native applications. React vs Angular 2, on t he other hand, takes a much broader view of the devel opment process. Ultimately, the choice will be based upon the goals of y our application and opinions of your development tea m. If you favor large, complex user interfaces, React is the best available choice. If you want to focus on the e nhancement development process with code’s architec ture, Angular 2 is the right choice to go. As always, by understanding your specific requirement and problem space of your desired platform, choose the right platfor m.

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