Tips To Improve The Performance Of A Laravel Application
11 Amazing Performance Optimization Tips to Improve the Performance of Your Laravel Application I am working on a pretty heavy Laravel website with a huge number of requests and structured query language/eloquent calls. There is high-CPU VPS and high-memory still I feel that there is a lot of room for performance improvement. Laravel has become the first and foremost choice for building business-focused applications including eCommerce platforms and information management systems. I agree, Laravel has grown by leaps and bounds and it’s consistent fine tune performance has again made it the best PHP framework for 2018. From simple web applications to complex APIs Laravel is a one-stop PHP development framework. Quick development approach, MVC architectural pattern and a set of libraries make it so convenient to build well-structured beautiful code. That’s why I am writing this blog to light on some improvements to speed up Laravel. Moving forward from to my last blog, where you should hire Laravel developers in the combination of Vue.js to leverage the benefits of full-stack development. So, if you are a Laravel developer and you are in search of performance optimization tips, then I have covered some crucial points to follow. Keep on reading to unfold the performance optimization secrets in Laravel.
1. Routes Caching: Run the listed below command to cache the routes.php file
At the time of using closures, the artisan command hurls an exclusion when we even try to compile the routes it is suggested to interchange into the controllers. It is similar to the config cache, the changes you amend in routes.php will not have favorable effect once you cache it. If you want to refresh the routes cache, you can run the above code again. But if you want to clear the routes cache run the below code.
2. Use Artisan Commands Effectively Laravel comes with extra perks when it comes to boost performance
Commands are beneficial when you are using so many configuration and routes files. Tip: Make sure to clear cache after changes.
3. Use Deployment tool to Appeal All Commands I know, it cannot be considered it as a performance tip, but it will help you reducing your time and that matters. Deployer is a deployment tool and if you have ever used composer to handle your project dependencies, you’ll feel so right. Deployer can be deployed to Laravel application as it seeds, optimization and migrations with one command.
Check out the article implementing deployer:
4. Profile queries Install debug bar – Debug Bar will help you find out the queries raised on each page.
5. Reduce Packages Usage If you will have a look at GitHub, then there are numbers of Laravel packages and other code hosting services. Laravel packages help to add further functionality to your application. As the packages load through Composer Dependency Injection that loads all the packages defined in composer.json file. Here is one more thing that I would like to bring to your attention is don’t just add the package into your application if the package is dependent on any other package it will install the other packages as well.
6. Consider Lumen
If you are building an API or just an application that does not require a full stack framework, then go for Lumen, micro-framework it has the same elegance in mind as Laravel. Lumen is stateless, and session management replaced to leverage API tokens or headers.
7. Eager Loading
The most common issue at the time of retrieving eloquent relationship is N+1 query problem. Let me help you understand this scenario with two different models’ flats and their owners. Consider if you want to retrieve their owners and to achieve that, you will be required to run the following code:
It will help you execute one query to find out all of the flats from the database, and another query will help you find out the owners. Let’s move forward, the image we have 100 flats and this loop requires 101 queries: one for the flat and additional to find out the owner of each car. Does it sound so common because we are using a small database. But, I want you to imagine large dataset and queries to imagine the actual picture. To overcome this problem, I prefer to use eager loading.
Running the above code, you can reduce the operation in just two queries.
8. Queues How about using Queues to improve the performance of the application. The image you have developed an application that sends a welcome email to new users upon sign up. It makes use of third-party email service such as Mailgun, when the user signup the form a new user record will be inserted into the database, so a call be redirected to the Maligun to send a welcome email. This third-party email may take a few seconds so the user might think that sign up process is slow at this time you can use Queue to send an email and run as a background task. The code might be lookalike below:
Running this code will not only improve the performance of the application, but it will also enhance the user experience.
9. Leverage JIT Compiler PHP is a computer machine and server-side language it does not comprehend PHP code natively. Usually, the programmers make use of a compiler to compile the code into bytecode and interpret the PHP code. The program compilation procedure affects Laravel application performance as well as the user experience. SO, Laravel programmers can make use of Zend Engine that comes with the just-in-time compiler to compile the code quickly and once.
10. Minify Blade Views All the views can be compiled in Laravel, but it does not minify them. So, you ensure to minify all your blade views while pushing your site to production mode. I would like to advise you to use Laravel HTMLMin package the minify all your blade views.
11. Compress Images
If you Laravel application contains lots of images then you should compress all of them to optimize the performance. There are numbers of ways to do the optimization. However, different types of images require different tools to maintain the quality as well as the resolution of images.
If you are making use of Laravel Mix, then it is advisable to use NPM package like ImageMin while compiling your images. For a very large image, try TinyPNG to compress the image first and then use ImageMin to compress it as much as possible.
Next Time I have tried to cover some basic performance optimization tips that you can implement in Laravel. In my upcoming blog, I will try to include more advanced techniques including queues to offload long running tasks index to improve the performance, how and when to use object caching and many more things. So, have you ever tried to optimize the performance of your Laravel application? If yes, then share the tips the comments.
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