What Makes Angular The Best JavaScript Framework To Develop Web Apps? www.bacancytechnology.com
Angular is a JavaScript framework, free and Open Source that is designed to facilitate the creation of modern web applications such as SPA (Single Page Application). Its first version, AngularJS, in a very short time became the de facto standard for the development of advanced web applications. Angular uses as its main programming language TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript/ECMAScript that greatly facilitates the development. Being a complete framework, it is not necessary to have to take content from outside libraries to develop applications, something that does happen with many other software. In the same way, with Angular, more serial options are given which allows you to easily organize the code it shows you how different tasks are done or how is the architecture of the application. TypeScript Although it can be programmed in ECMAScript, the Angular team decided that it would do all the development with the TypeScript language. The main advantages are: Consistency in documentation: When we search for TypeScript documentation all the syntax and the way to develop is the same, which adds coherence to the information and the way of reading the code. Better and easier maintenance of applications. This consistency helps to avoid confusion and overload in the decision making derived from starting to work with Angular.
Although Angular does not force you to use TypeScript, the Angular core team if you have adopted it and in the documentation suggests using TypeScript by default. This implies that related examples and open source projects seem more familiar and consistent.
Manages Dependencies: The injection of dependencies is something that is used more and more in the day to day of the remote angular developer, simplifies the testing of our applications and allows us to encapsulate the services that we are using within our functions and controllers. There are other libraries like RequireJS and commonJS that help us control the dependencies, so that they are requested and do not contaminate our global scope (window) and we save the shadow-variables problems. However, AngularJS already comes with a dependency injection solution, so it is not necessary to use external libraries to manage these dependencies. This presents a great advantage for testing but also for SPAs. SPAs load their dependencies on-demand, this means that as we need our dependencies, they will be injected into our code, so we should no longer worry about global variables that may change over time. We only have to worry about the status and/or data with which our application is operating. Doesn’t Make Us Think: Being a framework, Angular offers us more serial features than a simple library. With other similar software, the most common is having to use several third-party libraries when developing. There are also many decisions to make when organizing the code, the architecture of the application, etc. Angular offers more options of series, helping to start without intimidate by the decision making. That is to say, with Angular you already know from the start how to organize the code, how the different tasks you need and the architecture of the application are carried out. Talk or hire angular developer and you will understand in detail. Supports Single Page Apps: Your page takes less time to load between different actions that the user makes since the server is not asked to render the template again and again This is done in the same client, for example instead of making a request for 2MB you will only ask for the data to be used by the server which is usually much less than a template. Comparatively, we can expect that the data to ask the server does not exceed 200kb.
It does not refresh the web browser to the user, we all know those websites that when we click on a link what it does is that it generates a request to the server, it renders a template and the complete template is sent to the server. It runs on the client side, the main advantage of this is that your client will be untied by business logic, making validations on your resources instead of running expensive tasks that saturate the server. So your server can serve more users which delivers cost savings too! Accessible Components: The design of Angular adopts the standard of web components. It is a set of APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable and self-contained HTML tags which can then be used in other web applications. These custom components will work in modern browsers and with any library or JavaScript framework that works with HTML. The components that you create in Angular are easy to convert into native web components. In the long term, this is a great advantage because it will allow you to reuse components created in Angular to other types of applications, reusing your work. To Conclude The programming, to date, is rarely done on plain text. The common thing is to use IDEs, advanced editors and other tools that facilitate the understanding and development of the code. Angular has templates that can store, separately, the code used in the user interface and the business logistics. In this way, the use of standard development tools is much easier, as is the editing of files. With AngularJS you are not going to make a mistake, it provides a lot of tools so that our work developing on a daily basis is easier and more fruitful. Its community is very large and solid, its documentation is extensive, plugins are practically for everything. So if you came from an MVC framework either in front-end or backend, you will feel very familiar and your learning curve will be appeased. Feel free to know our Angular developer hourly rate.