East Rand Magazine

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Die Oosrand Tydskrif DECEMBER 2014

East Rand Magazine

Places to go this holiday

Manie Jackson Wees son veilig hierdie vakansie Springs - Brakpan - Nigel - Benoni - Kemptonpark - Edenvale - Boksburg - Bedfordview - Heidelberg



5 - Manie Jackson 8 - Wees son veilig 11 - Places to GO 12- LAPA boeke 14 - Miss Springs 2013 20 - Our Food Page 24 - Tips & Tricks 30 - DECEMBER DIARY


Cappuchinos, East Rand Mall

Heidelberg Mall




14 Geseënde Kersfees Swannie en Juanita du Plessis

Tessa en Rinél Day


Plaaskombuis, Brakpan Lakeview Hospital, Benoni SA Homeloans,Boksburg

Manie Jackson Manie Jackson is gebore op 30 Desember 1979 in Pretoria. Sy skoolopleiding ondergaan hy aan die Voortrekker Laerskool in Pietermaritzburg en die Hoërskool Wolmaransstad. Hy het 'n dogter, Iloné, gebore 2004.

In Augustus 1997 maak Manie Jackson sy debuut op die verhoog tydens die landswye Tahila-talentkompetisie in Johannesburg. In 1998 word Manie se debuut-CD vrygestel getiteld Wie Sal Weet? Die album lewer ses eerste plekke, twee tweede plekke en twee vierde plekke op by verskeie radiostasies se treffersparades, o.a. IFM 102.2, Overvaal Stereo en Radio Pretoria. In 1999 word Manie aangewys as IFM se Countrysanger van die jaar en deel ook die toekenning as Algehele Country Kunstenaar van die jaar met Bobby Angel. Hy ontvang ook die toekenning vir die Countrytreffer van die jaar met sy weergawe van You're The Reason. Later die jaar word sy tweede CD ook vrygestel getiteld My Lied Vir Jou. Uiteindelik is daar weer ‘n stem om opgewonde oor te raak! Hier is Manie Jackson met sy eerste Select-album! Hy sing country, hy sing pop, hy sing ballades, hy sing dansnommers… Kortom: hy kan en mag maar sing! Hy doen dit jare al en met daardie volronde stem het hy talle musiektoekennings verdien. Nou kry die hele land die geleentheid om sy stemgehalte en vertonings te geniet. Hy streel met die ballades Die hemel weet, Totsiens is nooit verniet, Hande, Engele en Kom laat my weer lewe. In Engels wys Manie met sy vertolking van Dennis East se komposisie The trouble with love waarom countrypop sy fortè is!

Sy optredes is ook gemik op oud en jonk, en bevat verskeie musieksoorte, om aan almal se smaak te voldoen! Geniet musiek wat opkikker; boonop deur ‘n stem vertolk wat die passie van musiek tot sy reg laat kom! Sy nuwe album “ONTHOU MY” is onlangs uitgereik en is reeds ‘n gunsteling!

Wen 1 van 5 CD’S SMS MANIE en jou volle naam na 078 198 4969

Sedert die vrystelling van diè album het Manie die byna onmoontlike vermag om binne drie maande goue-status daarmee te bereik, en die album is sterk op pad na platinum! Verskeie radio- en televisietreffers is ook opgelewer… so het Julia vir 10 weke die nommer-1 posisie beklee op RSG se Groot 5; Die hemel weet was vir verskeie weke nommer-1 op talle gemeenskapsradiostasies, waaronder Overvaal Stereo, Radio Houtstok, Bay FM en IFM 102.2.

Fotos - Johnny Joubert Excel-ART - Grimering Tessa Vollgraaff - Met dank aan Ye Olde Haunte

Sy talente het reeds op skool begin wys toe hy in standerd 8 'n gedig die lig laat sien het, waarmee hy dan ook 'n prys verower het. Die gedig, Die Lewe, is in 1995 gepubliseer in die digbundel Die Fakkellig. Sy liefde vir musiek is gebore uit sy aanhang vir kunstenaars soos Bles Bridges, Carike Keuzenkamp, Rina Hugo en Elvis Presley.

Manie se twee video-opnames van Die hemel weet en Julia is ook gereeld te sien op die kassie. En daarby het hy ook nou al drie verskynings op TV gemaak, en dit in die programme DKNT (sy album kuier al vir weke op die Top 10!), Jukebox en Opskop. Manie het ook die SAMAtoekenning in die country-genre verower, en daarby ook nog vriend en vyand verras toe sy album “MJ” na slegs tien maande platinumstatus bereik! Hy het beslis sy merk gemaak en het reeds Sterstatus, en kan nie voorbly met optredes by verskeie funksies, klubs en nasionale feeste nie.

Gaan loer gerus na Ye old haunte in Henley-on-Klip Meyerton en lees meer oor die interesante plek waar ons die foto’s geneem het!




191 Nigel Road, Selcourt Tel: 011 363-1686/818-2182 info@hillcrestpharm.co.za www.hillcrestpharm.co.za Hillcrest Pharmacy has been situated in Selcourt for over 50 years, undeniably constituting a landmark for the resident population. At Hillcrest Pharmacy, family values form the groundwork upon which the institution functions. Iva Carboni and Andries Eigelaar, pharmacists within the establishment, having dispensed as a team from Hillcrest Pharmacy for over ten years encapsulate these family values; as is evident in their dispensing to certain families over 3 generations. Four years prior, Iva Carboni’s daughter - Alexia too joined the cohesive team at Hillcrest Pharmacy contributing with her previously garnered experience and educational background in pharmacy. Hillcrest Pharmacy understands that viruses do not keep office hours; hence the pharmacy is continually open from 09:00 to 21:00, Monday to Sunday ensuring that families continue to function in good health. Hillcrest Pharmacy’s recent expansion has seen the addition of a Baby and Wellness Clinic; Weight Loss Clinic; and an extended supplement and vitamin range. Due to the productive element of the expansion, Hillcrest Pharmacy now has the capacity to negotiate bulk buying with its suppliers and thus provide its valued customers with considerably more favourable pricing. Furthermore, an extension of the make-up and gift ranges finds good fit for the upcoming festive and family season where locating a present for your loved family and friends is served with free gift-wrapping. Hillcrest Pharmacy, always there when you need us!

Recently our 4 assistants Kayla Vermaak, Cassandra Labuschagne, Roana Pillay and Linda van Wyk placed in the TOP TEN in the country.

We offer a Baby and Wellness and Weight Loss Clinic

PLACES TO GO ifTHIS HOLIDAY... you are not going to the sea... Gold Reef City Amusement Park in Johannesburg, South Africa Gold Reef City is an amusement park in Johannesburg, South Africa. Located on an old gold mine which closed in 1971, the park is themed around the gold rush that started in 1886 on the Witwatersrand. Lots of rides and entertainment for all ages! Address: Northern Parkway and Data Crescent, Ormonde, Johannesburg www.goldreefcity.co.za

Aquadome The climate controlled indoor Aquadome is a splash a minute, whatever the weather with non-stop fun. Slip down the waterslide, explore the ship-wreck or simply take a dip in the water. With fully trained lifeguards on duty it's not just fun, it's perfectly safe too. Our Aquadome is an indoor water wonderland. Muster the courage for a slip down the water slides, or explore the shipwreck with friends. The less adventurous can relax while taking a dip in the waters of our 6 pools (Which includes a spa, baby pool, lazy river, main pool, gladiator pool and white water pool) Kids can play to their heart's content. The Aquadome also features an outdoor deck area for those who prefer to laze in the warmth of the sun. The beach volleyball and basketball court area offer loads of summer fun and energy. We have fully trained lifeguards on who are permanently on duty – so it's not just fun, fun, fun – it's perfectly safe too. For more information contact us on 016 982 8175.

Transvaal Museum

The Ditsong National Museum of Natural History formerly known as the Transvaal Museum was founded as the Staatsmuseum of the ZAR on the 1st of December 1892. And it has, since then acted as custodian and documentation centre of South Africa’s natural heritage. The Museum’s collections and exhibits include hominid fossils from the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site and associated fauna, including Mrs Ples [the nickname attributed to a fossil skull believed to represent a distant relative of all humankind]; fossils, skeletons, skins and mounted specimens of amphibians, fish, invertebrates, reptiles and mammals. On these collections are based the Museum’s educational programmes, research is done and information is communicated to all people of South Africa as well as to the international community. The Ditsong National Museum of Natural History is the only natural history museum in Gauteng and one of the largest in South Africa. It is unique in that it is the only institute in South Africa that offers the local, national and international community the opportunity to view its collections including original fossil material usually denied the public. GaMohle Building, 70 WF Nkomo (Church) Street West, Pretoria Contact numbers: +27 12 000-0010

Voortrekker Monument The Voortrekker Monument is located just south of Pretoria in South Africa. This massive granite structure is prominently located on a hilltop, and was raised to commemorate the Voortrekkers who left the Cape Colony between 1835 and 1854. Address: Eeufees Road, Pretoria, 0027 Opened: December 16, 1949 - Phone: 012 326 6770 Height: 40 m - Architect: Gerard Moerdijk





Lion Park

Get up close to the King of the Jungle at the Lion Park Johannesburg It’s been voted the No.1 tourist attraction in Gauteng, as well as making Newsweek’s Top 100 Perfect Tourist Destinations in the World list. Open every day of the year from 8:30am to 9pm, the Lion Park guarantees close encounters with some of Africa’s most revered species. Home to more than 85 lions, including the rare white lions, and many other carnivores such as cheetah, wild dog, and hyenas, Lion Park is neither a game reserve nor a zoo; providing an opportunity for local and international tourists to learn more about wildlife in a safe environment. The Lion Park also supports research programmes in the wild.Contact: 087 1500 100 / 011 691 9905/11

NUUT OP DIE RAKKE As ek val Jenny Downham Vertaler: Lydia du Plessis Kategorie: Fiksie (17+) Ouderdomsgroep: 17+

SMS - LAPA & FULL NAME TO 078 198 4969 to stand a chance to win a book!

ISBN: 978 0 7993 6638 9 Prys: R169.95 Hierdie ’n roman gaan jou in die maag skop. Kara is sewentien jaar oud en besig om dood te gaan, ten spyte daarvan dat sy vier jaar lank chemoterapie gekry het. Saam met haar beste vriendin, Nicky, maak sy ’n lys van dinge wat sy wil doen voor sy doodgaan. Nommer een op haar lysie is seks. Kara en Nicky trek weg om die goed op die lysie te begin doodtrek. Noudat sy nie meer aan bande gelê word deur die dinge wat ’n mens se lewe “normaal” maak nie, eksperimenteer Kara met nuwe ervarings wat haar help om voluit te lewe terwyl haar liggaam stadig maar seker afgetakel word. Wat volg is eers skokkend, en dan ontsettend teer. Eén seun kry dit reg om haar lief te kry, al weet hy dit gaan hom seermaak. Intussen is haar pa steeds hoopvol dat sy genees sal word, maar Kara leef saam met die kanker wat haar vreet en sy wil net die laaste paar maande van haar lewe geniet. Sy is keelvol vir hospitaalbesoeke, die eindelose mediese toetse en medisyne wat ’n mens se liggaam saam met die kanker vernietig.

Plons! Fanie Viljoen Handelprys: R89.95 Personeelprys: R14.00 ISBN 978-0-7993-6717-1 Henry kan sy geluk nie glo toe ’n vreemde meisie op ’n dag hul deurklokkie lui nie. Sy is baie mooi – met lang vlegsels, oulike sproete en blou oë. Maar dan vind Henry uit Mila het ’n geheim. Sy is ’n meermin. ’n Heerlik humoristiese storie vir lesers van 9-12 jaar oud.


Inspired by the Marvel comic of the same name, this animated adventure centres on young robotics genius Hiro Hamada, who learns to make the best use of his abilities thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their friends adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When they're catapulted into the middle of a dangerous criminal plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to his closest companion his robot Baymax and transforms his group of friends into a band of high-tech heroes who are determined to solve the mystery. Release Date - Friday 26th December

MissClaudia Springs 2013 Heffermann Claudia has been an amazing ambassador and an inspiring role-model for Springs. She will be handing over her title to the New Miss Springs 2014 on the 29th of November at Stable Inn.This is her farewell message she gave to us “This has been my journey of representing my beautiful community, town and its people. It all started last year on the 16th of November, I have been part of a variety of fundraisers and beauty competitions. This journey has been an amazing year to remember and I would like to thank our father, God for blessing me with this opportunity. I have met incredible people on my path and have made great friends. I have had great sponsors throughout the year and I will deďŹ nitely still be part of new adventures that are awaiting me. My reign as Miss Springs has come to an end. I am sure that the title will be given to someone with great potential and ambition to see this as a challenge. I would like to thank everyone for the great support throughout my year and for all the opportunities given to me.â€?

Shop 11 - Selcourt Towers, Ramona street, Selcourt TEL 011 363 3685 Shop 97 - Tsakane Mall, Modjadji street, Tsakane TEL 011 362 6258



Car Wash & Coffee Shop Tel: 011 815 3444 - 011 815 2466

59 Ermelo Road - Strubenvale Springs


Wishing our clients a Merry Christmas

TRADING HOURS - MON to FRI 08:00 / Sat 08:30 to 15:00 /



Vengaboys For more information visit http://www.lefra.co.zaThe Vengaboys are coming! With global sales of over 20 Million singles and 5 Million copies of their first album, Vengaboys have proved to be the most commercially successful Dutch group after 2Unlimited.12 & 13th December 2014 @ Carnival City, Brakpan

Liefling LIEFLING nou die eerste Afrikaanse musiekspel op die Teatro-verhoog by MONTECASINO. Kom beleef BOBBY VAN JAARSVELD in hierdie skaterlag romantiese komedie, saam met SONJA HERHOLDT, PHILIP MOOLMAN, NADIA BEUKES en LIZA BRONNER. En natuurlik sing hulle al jou geliefde Afrikaanse treffers: Spieeltjie, Kinders Van Die Wind, Ek Verlang Na Jou, en Ge Korsten se immergroen Liefling. 12 Desember - 4 Januarie 2015

Manie Jackson 27 Desember by East Rand Traders Square Boksburg

New Years Eve Party Show starts at 21h00. Tickets are R390pp Celebrate New Year’s Eve, Barnyard-style! The hottest party in town… Show starts at 9pm with 3 sets, ending at 1am. Including a countdown to midnight. 10, 9, 8, 7…! Barnyard Theatre Emperors Palace 31 Decemeber 2014

Madame Zingara’s Madame Zingara’s After Forever Tour This captivating tour is now showing at Montecasino. BOOK YOUR TICKETS Bookings for Montecasino, Johannesburg are NOW OPEN for sale. To buy tickets now call 0861 623 263. Log onto http://theatreofdreams.madamezingara.com for further event information as well as a calendar that includes all trading dates, sold out dates and available dates to make your booking experience so much easier. Until 31 December

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