East Rand Magazine

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Dry skin conditions are so prevalent in our society that it is most unlikely that an individual will pass through life without having used an artificial skin moisturiser at one time or another. The question we should be asking ourselves is this: “is my artificial moisturiser achieving long lasting results or is it simply affording me temporary relief for a couple of hours whilst my skin surface is being flooded with artificial moisturisation?” For the last few decades, manufacturers of over the counter conventional artificial dry skin care lotions have been largely and generally focusing their efforts on creating moisturisers, that when applied, flood the external surface of the skin with artificial moisture, This is done in the hope that this process will afford the end user deep level dry skin care. Additionally, in the past, Glycerin has been the standard against which all humectants (substances that absorb or help another substance retain moisture) are measured. The recent discovery and subsequent testing of shielding lotions, showed that shielding lotions achieved a moisturizing factor that is 6 times greater than Glycerin. A good quality shielding lotion is basically a product, that when applied to the external surface of the skin, creates an undetectable protective layer that serves two key functions required when caring for dry skin conditions. 1. Assists in locking in the natural moisture and oils of the skin and in so

doing, allows for prolonged natural deep rooted nourishment from the inside out, through all 7 major layers of the skin. 2. Assists in locking out the moisture depleting irritants that we come into contact with on a daily basis such as detergents, soaps, dirt, grease, grime etc. The very air that we come into contact with on a daily basis, due to the rapid industrialisation of our planet, is being progressively contaminated with moisture depleting irritant particles that negatively affect the moisture levels of our skin.

It makes perfect sense then that should we be in a position to lock in the natural moisture and oils that are created by the human body in order to nourish our skin, as well as reduce the loss of these natural moisture oils by locking out moisture depleting irritants, the end result is enhanced natural moisturisation of the skin and in turn, scientifically proven, a more effective method of dealing with dry skin conditions.

should be totally undetectable once applied. This will allow you to apply your make-up as if there were no shielding lotion applied at all and thus offer the same foundation as your normal skin The concept of using a shielding lotion for dry skin care and protection is a relatively new concept in South Africa but is steadfastly gaining international momentum and credibility. The idea of creating a produc that rather assists and works in conjunction with the body, by maintaining its own natural moisture and oils, as opposed to attempting to superficially applying artificial moisture to the external surface of the skin, is certainly one worth considering. Before purchasing your next bottle of artificial moisturiser – take a few minutes to search the internet and further investigate the viability of a shielding lotion as your dry skin care lotion of choice. It could be life changing- for both you and your skin 

Dr Peter Helton, a USA Board certified Dermatologists writes: “ by using a shielding lotion that bonds with the outer most layer of your skin, you can keep the irritants out and the moisture in. Most moisturisers do not seal in the body’s own moisture, they artificially lubricate the outer layers of the skin. When they wear off, the lubrication is gone and the dryness remains. Sometimes this very same process will draw out the body’s moisture and will actually further contribute to the skin’s dehydration.” The world leaders in shielding lotion design and sales is the USA manufactured products branded Gloves In A Bottle and Skin MD. Both these products are retailed, under license within South Africa, under the single brand name Gloves In A Bottle.





When purchasing a shielding lotion, it is important to purchase a reputable product that has been tried, tested and internationally recommended by dermatologists and medical practitioners. A quality shielding lotion should not wash off through the conventional washing of the skin and should come off through natural exfoliation. In this way, maximum protection and hydration is guaranteed and a single application should last for 4- 12 hours. Once applied, a shielding lotion should still allow for your skin to breathe and perspire naturally. Ideally, a good quality shielding lotion should not block the pores of the skin, should be hypo-allergenic as well as grease and fragrance free so as to further minimise irritation of the skin. For those that apply facial make-up, a quality shielding lotion

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Create a NEW YOU!




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Verskaf deur: Vonk Musiek

Joe F

Sou jy dink dat Joe F se nuuste album titel Nog Een hom laat klink soos ‘n musiekfabriek wat jaarliks albums op die rakke sit, sou jy verseker verkeerd wees. Inteendeel is Nog Een ‘n splinternuwe album waarvoor sy aanhangers bykans drie jaar moes wag. Waarom die lang wag? Want Joe F is ‘n perfeksionis met ‘n passie vir die musiekbedryf. Hy glo dat ‘n goeie kunstenaar homself moet herdefinieer om aan te pas by die publieke aanvraag. Enige gesoute kunstenaar moet altyd ‘n oog hou op die nuwe rigtings wat Suid-Afrikaanse en Internasionale klanke inbeweeg.

toename in sy gewildheid en deesdae is Joe F een van ons land se bekendste sangers wat gereeld gesien word by feeste waar hy die verhoog deel met ander groot name in Afrikaanse musiek. Nou is dit tyd vir Nog Een om Joe F se baanbreker-werk te bevestig.

Joe F het na die wegholsukses van sy 2006 album Myself met die treffer Hou My Vas homself as Afrikaanse pop- en rocksanger in die musiebedryf gevestig en musiekliefhebbers se aandag vasgevang. Sy volgende album Vliegmasjien is in 2010 vrygestel en sy 2011 album, Hou my vas het sy plek in die mark verseker. Joe het daarna besluit om ‘n drie jaar skryfhiatus te vat voor Nog Een om te verseker dat die album sy beste werk tot hede is.

Hy het die naam Nog Een speels gekies met die doel om indirek te sê dat sy album nie soos sy voriges of ander kunstenaars s’n is nie. Na ‘n jarelange werksverhouding met bekende vervaardiger Byron Kuntz het hulle saam besluit om hierdie nuwe album die mees unieke werk nóg te maak. Byron Kuntz is bekend vir sy passie om te eksperimenteer met nuwe, vars klanke en dit kan duidelik gehoor word in Joe se nuutste werk. Joe meen Kuntz se invloed het nuwe kleur aan die liedjies op die album gegee.

Vliegmasjien was sy deurbraak en het Joe nuwe hoogtes laat bereik in sy loopbaan met silver status verkope van meer as 10 000 eenhede. Na ‘n dekade in die musiekbedryf was daar skielik ‘n reuse 22

“Nog een is anders as my vorige albums. Ek dink ek het as musikant en persoon meer volwasse geword. Dus is die album self ook meer volwasse en daar is van nuwe klanke gebruik gemaak wat nog nooit voorheen in my werk verskyn het nie,” het hy vertel.

Joe is nie slegs bekend as ‘n ongelooflike sanger nie, maar ook as gerespekteerde

skrywer. Die meerderheid van die liedjies op Nog Een is deur hom geskryf. Op die album is al die snitte saamgevat in ‘n genre wat bes beskryf kan word as ‘n ‘’akoestiese folk pop”. Dit is ‘n klank wat veral weerspieël word in die Afrikaanse lied, ”Spaceships” wat ook die eerste enkelsnit op die album is. Die uitsondering op Nog Een is die lied Jägermeister wat hy saam met Kuntz geskep het. “Ons wou iets anders vir die mark probeer doen en ek dink die aanhangers gaan dit baie te geniet. Dit is Joe F soos hulle my nog nooit voorheen gehoor het nie,” het hy vertel. Daar is ook twee Engelse liedjies by die album gevoeg getiteld Inside My Head en UFO’s. Nog Een is presies wat Joe F belowe het dit sal wees –anders! Dis nie net nóg een van Joe se albums wat soos sy voriges klink of nóg een wat soos ander Afrikaanse kunstenaars se werk klink nie. Nee, hierdie album breek totaal weg van die norm en Joe F wys in helder neonkleure wat in hom steek. Die album was Mei 2015 vrygestel en is beskikbaar by toonaangewende musiekwinkels. Facebook: Joe F1 Twitter: @ JohanFerreira1



Time to fire up that potjie!

Lamb Potjiekos (serves 6-8) Ingredients: n oil n 800g lamb n 2 onions, chopped n 5 carrots, sliced n 1 bunch green beens, cut in half n 10 patti pans n 250g mushrooms (1 punnet) n 10 baby potatoes, peeled n 3 mielies, each mielie cut in 3 pieces n salt and pepper Method: 1. Heat the oil in a large, heavy black pot and fry the meat and


onions until brown. Season to taste while frying. 2. Add enough water to cover the meat (and a touch of red wine if you prefer), lower the heat and let the meat simmer for about 60-90 minutes (until tender). 3. Add the potatoes and mielies (and any other veggies that take a long time to cook). 4. Make a mix of mushroom and brown onion sauce, add a bit of chutney and add this to the pot (just enough to cover the meat). Close the lid and leave to simmer. 5. When the first set of veggies are halfway done, add the green beans, patti pans and mushrooms – arrange these in layers over the other veggies. Add a bit of salt and more sauce if necessary. 6. Serve with rice or samp.

country PedeStal

country dreSSer

r1 850.00 each

r5 900.00 each

Now stockists of:

roulette taBle

Furniture Fac tory showroom

r9 664.00 each

cuBan coFFee taBle

Boheme PlaSma unit

each aerial viewr6of484.00 the counter Point Furnishers Factory

33 and 1/3 PlaSma unit

r5 478.00 each



cuBan PlaSma

r6 037.00 each



lay-ByeS accePted

Factory Showro

160 wright rd, nuffield , Springs tel: 011 363 - 2503 / 07 • nina@counterpointfurnishers.com • www.counterpo

the new Boksburg showroom

It runs in the FAMILY... When you buy a piece from counter Point Furnishers, you can rest assured that generations of woodworking experience and passion have gone into it. it’s a little bit of heritage that you’re taking home with you. You see, counter Point Furnishers is a family affair in the true sense of the word, with father and son team James and clinton holloway at the helm. it all started with James’ father Archie, who did woodworking at home as a hobby. he made clocks and reproduction antiques – and is, in fact, still quite busy at this today! James would watch his father at work in his workshop while he was growing up, eventually joining in now and then. in 1988 James started his first factory. his skills at carpentry and woodworking were largely self-taught, and he found himself manufacturing kitchens, bars and built-in cupboards for larger companies. Wanting to strike out on his own, James changed tactics and started making furniture that he sold direct to the public from the counter Point Furnishers showroom in Springs in 2003.

At this point, his son clinton joined the team. he had spent many of his school holidays working at the factory and had learned the ins and outs of the business by the time he matriculated. he started working at counter Point immediately and has never looked back. over the years, counter Point has grown from strength to strength and it’s largely thanks to the fact that it is truly a family run business. not only are James and clinton holloway part of the business, but James’ wife Beverley, their daughter (and clinton’s sister) candice and clinton’s husband Dean are also key players in the business. This is truly a company with strong heritage, with everyone sharing a passion for quality furniture and sophisticated design, as well as providing their staff with best care and working environment. With the new showroom open in the towers centre in Boksburg, they are sure to continue improving their ranges with only the best in quality and customer service. For more, visit www.counterpointfurnishers.com.


country headBoard

r5 900.00 each


Boheme coFFee taBle

r7 379.00 each


Boheme collection BY

alentino coFFee unit

4 268.00 each

PerSia PlaSma unit

r9 525.00 each


84 Fax: 011 363-0863 ointfurnishers.com


p e d e s tA L

c o F F e e tA b L e

L A M p tA b L e

bLAnket box


c H e s t o F d r Aw e r s



look out for the new showroom that has opened at the towers Shopping centre on north Rand Road in Boksburg. A range of beautifully designed and crafted furniture displayed in a one-of-a-kind showroom that is a visual marvel and sure to inspire your creativity. A compliment of cushions, accessories, fine art and ceramics available from leading brands, suppliers and local artists. Visit our Facebook page and website for more details on upcoming specials, promotions and exciting product launches.

Boksburg Showroom: Towers Shopping Centre, North Rand Road, Boksburg • 0105952255 Factory: 160 Wright Rd, Nuffield , Springs • 011 363 - 2503 / 0784 www.counterpointfurnishers.com • enquiries@counterpointfurnishers.com

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