Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries

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Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries Newsletter MAY 2015

Cerimonia inaugurativa di EXPO 2015 Il primo Maggio Expo Milano 2015 ha aperto ufficialmente le porte ai venti milioni di visitatori attesi per il prossimo semestre. La cerimonia ufficiale di apertura si è svolta all’interno dell’Open Air Theater, il grande spazio aperto che ospiterà concerti e incontri ufficiali fino al 31 ottobre.

La cerimonia, iniziata con un minuto di silenzio per commemorare le perdite di vite umane arrecate al Nepal dal recente sisma, ha visto inizialmente sul palco gli Ambassador per Expo Milano 2015. Il Commissario Unico Giuseppe Sala ha ringraziato i lavoratori che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione dell’evento: “Sono stati realizzati dai singoli Paesi Partecipanti ben 54 Padiglioni, un risultato mai accaduto prima”. La cerimonia che sancisce ufficialmente l’inizio di Expo Milano 2015 si è conclusa con il discorso ufficiale del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Matteo Renzi avvenuto intorno alle ore 13: “Oggi inizia il domani di un Paese con un passato straordinario, ma anche con un futuro che oggi abbraccia il mondo. Dimostriamo che Italia è orgogliosa delle proprie radici, ma anche che il nostro futuro lo scriviamo adesso. La politica non può più occuparsi di cose per addetti ai lavori, facciamo in modo che l’Esposizione Universale di Milano sia un luogo di confronto e di soluzioni”. Le celebrazioni si sono concluse con la sottoscrizione della Carta di Milano da parte del Premier Renzi e con le Frecce Tricolori dell’Aeronautica Militare che hanno sorvolato il Sito Espositivo al termine del suo intervento.



“New Scuderia South Africa� in Collaboration with South African Israel Chamber of Commerce (SAICC) organized a cocktail evening at the new showroom in Bryanston, Johannesburg on Thursday 23th of April 2015. The attending of the event were more than 80 managers belonging to high profile companies associated to SAICC and the Italian South African Chamber. The speeches of Mr. Jan Ungerer (COO of The Scuderia) and Peter Quinn (SAICC Chairman) highlighted the importance of the collaboration and synergy among institutions and firms, as well as the prestigious of the Italian world famous brand. They also warmly welcomed Tony Cimato (chairman of the italian Chamber) and all the guests for coming to the event. The venue was set showcasing the most beautiful and sporty Ferrari models and all the delegates had the amazing chance to admire and get close to the cars.

Si è svolto a Johannesburg il 23 Aprile l’evento organizzato dalla camera di commercio Israelo Sudafricana (SAICC), Presso la scuderia Ferrari di Bryanston. All’evento hanno partecipato circa 80 invitati in rappresentanza delle principali aziende associate a SAICC e alla Camera di Commercio Italiana. Jan Ungerer CEO di New Scuderia Ferrari e Peter Quinn (Presidente di SAICC) hanno salutato e ringraziato Tony Cimato presidente della Camera di Comemrcio Italiana e tutti I partecipanti ed entrambi hanno sottolineato l’importanza della collaborazione e sinergia tra istituzioni ed aziende, soffermandosi sul prestigioso marchio italiano. Stupore e gioia per tutti gli inviati che hanno avuto l’opportunità di ammirare e salire a bordo dei nuovi modelli Ferrari disponibili presso lo show room.

Si è svolto quest’anno a Seoul il consueto Meeting delle Camere di Commercio italiane all’estero dell’area Asia.

Dal 24 al 26 aprile, Presidenti e Segretari Generali delle Camere di Commercio italiane di Cina, Corea del Sud, Emirati Arabi, Giappone, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Sudafrica e Vietnam, hanno avuto modo di confrontarsi, anche alla presenza dell’Ambasciatore italiano e del Direttore dell’ICE locale, sull’importanza e sulle opportunità collegate all’evento EXPO Milano 2015. Inoltre, per l’occasione, la Camera di Commercio italiana in Corea ha altresì realizzato l’evento di premiazione legato al progetto Ospitalità Italiana con la partecipazione di aziende e chef. La riunione è stata anche l’occasione per favorire, tra le CCIE partecipanti, la circolazione di best practices e di informazioni sulle proprie attività e servizi.

Come rappresentante della Camera di Commercio ItaloSudafricana, all’evento ha preso parte il Segretario Generale Mariagrazia Biancospino.

This year Seoul has been chosen for the annual meeting between the Italian Chambers of Trade active in the Asian Area, of which the Italian SA chamber is part of. From 24 to 26 April, the Chairmen and Secretaries Generals from the Italian Chambers of Trade of Cina, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, South Africa and Vietnam had the occasion to brainstorm with the local Italian Ambassador and ICE director, discussing the importance of EXPO Milan 2015 and its opportunities. At the same time, The Italian chamber of commerce in Korea organized the award ceremony related to «Ospitalità Italiana» project, with participating companies and chefs. This meeting was also the perfect occasion to share the best practices and information about managing, organizing and providing services know how between the Italian Chambers. As a delegate of the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries, the Secretary General Mariagrazia Biancospino participated in the event.

South Africa did itself proud at the 2015 VINITALY, the world’s biggest wine show, held for the 49th time at Verona, Italy. The South African stand bore the title “Fine Wines from South Africa” and showcased de Grendel, Idiom, Whalehaven, Diemersdal, Morgenster, Belbon Hills and Audacia wines. As always, a huge crowd constantly gathered around the stand in the international pavilion and the wine-tasting on the second last day was oversubscribed by three times. Guido Invernizzi, the sommelier who has a particular fascination with South African wines, once again presented a sparkling performance in the tasting hall while the South African Consulate General seized the opportunity to present the wines on exhibition at a glitzy presentation in the city centre of Verona of which Romeo says:

“There is no world without Verona walls But purgatory, torture, hell itself. Hence-banished is banished from the world…”

At the International Wine Competition held after VINITALY, the largest in the world, South African wines received awards: Diemersdal in the category of red wines of the last vintage was given special mention for “Private Collection 2013” and a special mention was also obtained by Morgenster in the category of wines harvested seven years or more ago with “Cabernet Franc 2003”. The organisers of VINITALY had invested heavily in attracting foreign buyers and hosted buyers from 140 different countries as well as 2,600 wine journalists from 46 countries. The visitor numbers (verified by the German Fair audit firm FKM) reached 150.000 with a huge increase in visitors from the Far East – North America accounted for 55.000 (20%), the Germanspeaking world for most at 25% and the UK in third place with 10%. This continual appeal of VINITALY perennially cements the show in the galaxy of wine producers. The wine exhibitors numbered 4.200. VINITALY continues to innovate – a pavilion was dedicated to organic wines with tables laid out for bio-tastings separate from the stands. The show is co-located with SOL&AGRIFOOD for olive oil and artisanal agricultural products. At SOL, the olive oils from South African producers who received awards at Sol d’Oro Southern Hemisphere (Willow Creek, Morgenster, Tokara and Prince Albert Olives) were available for tasting. This prestigious competition will take place in 2015 in Cape Town – the announcement came at the SOL gala dinner where the Chilean olive growers’ Chairman handed over the baton to Mr Saul Molobi, the South African Consul General in Milan, while waving the South African flag. For further information contact Adv Glenn Babb or Tracey Babb at: Babrius, Penrose House, 1 Penrose Rd, Muizenberg 7945 PO Box 315 Muizenberg 7950 Tel: 021 788 7069 Fax: 021 788 5616 e-mail

Alitalia, Italy’s leading carrier and a partner of the SkyTeam Alliance, and Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, have jointly been named as Official Global Airline Carriers for Expo 2015. The upcoming Universal Exposition will be held in Milan from 1 May to 31 October 2015. An estimated 20 million visitors are expected to attend Expo 2015, of which approximately 7.6 million will travel to Milan by air, with 1.5 million arriving from intercontinental destinations, 3.3 million from international destinations and 2.8 million from within Italy. As a commitment to the event, Alitalia and Etihad Airways will offer almost 100 flights per day to and from Milan, linking 866 cities across the globe through 125 direct flights and a further 741 via one-stop connections.

Gabriele Del Torchio, Chief Executive Officer of Alitalia, said: "Expo 2015 will be a remarkable opportunity for Italy. We could not miss being part of it, and we are very proud that Alitalia and Etihad Airways have been jointly chosen as the Official Global Airline Carriers. Alitalia and Expo 2015 share the same values and vision: the pursuit of excellence, style and elegance typical of the “Made in Italy” brand. We are also committed to showcasing Italy’s renowned cuisine, design, fashion and art. With our partner Etihad Airways, we look forward to offering visitors from around the globe convenient and comfortable flights to what will be the event of 2015.” In addition to the extensive range of flights being offered, Alitalia and Etihad Airways will unveil a number of business initiatives including all-inclusive packages and special fares targeted at families, seniors, business travellers and young people, over the coming months. To support and promote the joint commercial activities, the two companies will also implement an integrated marketing and communication plan across all available channels including livery design, on board and ground announcements, communication to loyalty program members, print and digital campaigns, and social media activities. More Information:

A warm Welcome to our New Member:

Etihad Airways serves 111 destinations in 66 countries and is one of the most awarded airlines in the world (‘World’s Leading Airline’ at the World Travel Awards for five consecutive years), and can be proud of the considerable market share it has managed to obtain in the international air transportation. Established by royal decree in July 2003 in Abu Dhabi, Etihad now stands proudly between the giants of commercial air travel thanks to its impressive development. The aim of the company is to establish new qualitative standards in air transport services, according to the cultured, considerate, warm and generous Arab philosophy that makes the United Arab Emirates a prestigious meeting place between east and west. In 2014, an impressive 14.3 million revenue passengers flew with Etihad Airways, with a significant increase of 24 per cent over 2013 levels.

Operativa in 66 paesi tra 111 destinazioni ed essendo una delle piu’ premiate compagnie aeree al mondo (‘World’s Leading Airline’ per cinque anni consecutivi), Etihad Airways vanta gia’ una considerevole quota del mercato globale del trasporto aereo. Nata per decreto regio nel 2003 con sede ad Abu Dhabi, e’ entrata nella storia dell’aviazione commerciale per il suo impressionante sviluppo. La compagnia ha il preciso obiettivo di dettare nuovi standard qualitativi nel servizio di trasporto aereo, ispirandosi a quella filosofia araba di accoglienza, calorosita’ e generosita’ che fanno degli Emirati Arabi Uniti un prestigioso luogo di incontro tra Occidente ed Oriente. Solo nel 2014 con Etihad hanno volato ben 14,3 milioni di passeggeri, con un incremento del 24% rispetto al 2013.

More information:

A warm Welcome to our New Member:

Saima Avandero S.p.A., nostro nuovo membro, presente sul territorio italiano con proprie sedi, ha sede legale a Limito di Pioltello (Milano) ed è parte del gruppo danese DSV. Fornitrice di servizi di trasporto e di logistica a livello globale, offre un’ampia selezione di combinazioni di trasporto, grazie alle sua professionalita’ nella mediazione tra aziende e compagnie aeree e marittime, oltre che di terra, unita alle conoscenze e al know how dei propri operatori rigurardo il mercato italiano locale e nazionale. Inoltre il sistema WMS Saima Avandero-DSV è in grado di controllare e monitorare l'intera catena di logistica, garantendo un servizio eccellente ai propri clienti. DSV e’ una azienda internazionale fornitrice di soluzioni logistiche e di trasporto. Ha sedi in piu’ di 70 paesi in tutto il mondo e una rete di contatti e agenti che la rendono una leader nel mercato globale dei servizi di trasporto e logistica.

Saima Avandero S.p.A., our new member, acting in Italy with its own offices, has the registred adress in Limito di Pioltello (Milan) and it’s part of danish group DSV. Supplier of transport and logistical services wolrdwide, offers a large selection of transport combination, thanks to the professional brokerage between firms and logistical companies and the know how of its operators. Also, WMS Saima Avandero-DSV system manages to control and monitor the entire logistics, giving an excellent service to its clients. DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics solutions. It has offices in more than 70 countries all over the world and an international network of partners and agents, which makes it a truly global player offering services worldwide. Contact: More information:

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