Notícias & Oportunidades

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Pág. 1

Mensagem do Director

“Portugal está numa fase muito positiva do relacionamento económico e comercial com a África do Sul, é claro que as empresas portuguesas, enquanto principais agentes desta realidade, vão alcançando cada vez mais notoriedade e respeito das autoridades locais e da população Sul-africana.”

Pág. 3


Destaque para as notícias mais relevantes deste mês. (*) O conteúdo das notícias estará na língua original das suas fontes.

Pág. 11

Oportunidades de Negócio*

Oportunidades de Negócio recolhidas durante o mês de Fevereiro. (*) O conteúdo das oportunidades estará na língua original das suas fontes.

Pág. 18


Contactos da Embaixada de Portugal, Delegação da aicep Portugal Global

Mensagem do Director

“Chegamos ao final de 2013 com

um crescimento de 38,5% do total consolidado de exportações de bens e serviços, em relação ao ano de 2012. Passamos de 166 milhões de total exportado para 230 milhões de euros, 70% deste valor representa bens e os restantes 30% serviços.

Portugal está numa fase muito positiva do relacionamento económico e comercial com a África do Sul, é claro que as empresas portuguesas, enquanto principais agentes desta realidade, vão alcançando cada vez mais notoriedade e respeito das autoridades locais e da população Sul-africana. O passado sempre foi um bom conselheiro desta relação histórica que se iniciou com os navegadores no século XV, que se estendeu pelos séculos com fluxos migratórios portugueses mais ou menos intensos, e que chegou ao século XXI com alguns sinais de empobrecimento devido ao natural “diluir” das terceiras e quartas gerações de portugueses na identidade sulafricana. O tema da diplomacia económica ganhou particular dimensão de há três anos a Pág.1

esta parte e esse olhar, de uma perspectiva estratégica e macro-económica, passou a ser mais acutilante e focado no crescimento da relação económica e comercial com a maior e mais poderosa economia Africana, sem esquecer a região. Senão, vejamos: 1) Chegamos ao final de 2013 com um crescimento de 38,5% do total consolidado de exportações de bens e serviços, em relação ao ano de 2012. Passamos de 166 milhões de total exportado para 230 milhões de euros, 70% deste valor representa bens e os restantes 30% serviços. 2) Os resultados mencionados no ponto anterior permitiram que a África do Sul ultrapassasse, em 2013, países como o Japão, o México, a Nigéria e a Hungria como

Mensagem do Director

“O objectivo será promover uma

maior afirmação das empresas Portuguesas, nos países que cabem em responsabilidade à delegação da AICEP em Pretória como a Namíbia, o Botsuana e o Lesoto.

principal destino exportações portuguesas.


3) Registou-se um crescimento da importação de bens e serviços Sul-africanos para Portugal de 25%, passando de 121 milhões para 152 milhões de Euros. 4) Demonstrando estes valores que há um crescimento efectivo e sustentado da relação comercial bilateral entre Portugal e a África do Sul, a balança comercial é favorável ao nosso país em 78 milhões de Euros, tendo crescido 73% em relação ao resultado de 2012. O ano de 2014 começa com novos desafios, nomeadamente o da maior afirmação da economia Portuguesa nesta região onde a África do Sul está inserida e onde os maiores expoentes são Angola e Moçambique. O objectivo será promover uma

maior afirmação das empresas Portuguesas, nos países que cabem em responsabilidade à delegação da AICEP em Pretória como a Namíbia, o Botsuana e o Lesoto. Este serviço da “Notícias e Oportunidades” pretende ser a afirmação desse objectivo facilitando informação, não apenas de conteúdo noticioso, como também relativa a oportunidades concretas no âmbito de contratação pública. Naturalmente que para este esforço tenho, sempre, contado com o apoio da Embaixada de Portugal na África do Sul, da Embaixada de Portugal na Namíbia, do Mercantile Bank, da Gauteng Growth and Development Agency e do Cônsul Honorário do Botsuana em Portugal. Esta capacidade de trabalho em conjunto é uma mais valia para as empresas e empresários portugueses e fomenta a criação de parcerias que promovam os negócios lusos nesta geografia.

João Pedro Pereira Conselheiro Económico e Comercial Director da AICEP – Delegação África do Sul

Pág. 2

Notícias África do Sul / South Africa

South Africa: Billions to Be Spent On Housing February 26, 2014 Cape Town — The state will build 216 000 houses and connect 905 000 households to electricity over the next two years, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said in Parliament on Wednesday. In All Africa : [click here to read more]

Premier launches Gauteng Investment Centre to woo investors February 21, 2014 Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane on Thursday launched the Gauteng Investment Centre (GIC) – a one-stop business services facility offering domestic and foreign investors access to investment services and support from various tiers and agencies of government. In Engineering News : [click here to read more]

Embassy of Portugal Economic & Commercial Counsellor´s Speech at GIC Launch February 20, 2014 “(...) As you all know time is money, and for businessmen this kind of support you are offering through GIC is decisive to increase the foreign investment. This is a cost reducing initiative for businessmen, diminishing bureaucracy and facilitating the investment process. (...)” [click here to watch]

Pág. 4

Notícias Minister expects to make announcement on IPP plan in ‘month or two’ February 18, 2014 Energy Minister, Ben Martins, said he would announce “in the next month or two” whether more projects would be added to the third ‘window’ of the independent power producer (IPP) renewable energy programme. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Coega counting on new incentives law February13, 2014 COEGA Development Corporation’s (CDC’s) executive manager of business development, Christopher Mashigo, says the "first prize" for the Coega industrial development zone (IDZ) near Port Elizabeth is that the government’s proposed special economic zones (SEZ) bill "makes it into the statutes book before the middle of this year". In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Mobile operators ‘face huge challenges this year’ February 13, 2014 The UK-BASED research firm Real Wireless report said the wireless industry is under unprecedented financial pressure with subscribers demanding ever more from their services in terms of better coverage and more capacity. Technology complexity also continues to accelerate, Real Wireless found. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Pág. 5


Western Cape to highlight services it offers entrepreneurs February 11, 2014 THE Western Cape provincial government will embark on a two-month entrepreneurship awareness campaign in the province to highlight the support it offers to new and emerging businesses. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Gauteng to spend R1.2bn on broadband February 11, 2014 THE Gauteng provincial government planned to spend R1.2bn over the next five years leasing broadband infrastructure from private companies and from other state entities, it said on Monday. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Solutions sought for high port tariffs February 10, 2014 SHIPPING industry players and port authorities are seeking to resolve the challenges that South Africa’s high port tariffs represent and to make it easier to do business in the country, says chairman at shipping industry leader Maersk South Africa Fred Jacobs. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Pág. 6


Total plans to exit SA coal sector February 7, 2014 FRENCH petrochemical giant Total is to sell its South African coal assets held through 100% subsidiary Total Coal SA but intends stepping up its investment in oil and gas exploration in the country. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Automotive supplier park on the cards for new Durban port February 5, 2014 KWAZULU-NATAL Premier Senzo Mchunu says the provincial government will use the proposed dug-out port — at the old Durban International Airport — to build an automotive supplier park and expand automobile exports. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

SA to switch to new, safer plugs January 28, 2014 This means South Africa will be switching next year from a configuration used in very few places across the world to one taken up only by Brazil — and that South Africans will have to buy new adaptors. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Pág. 7

Notícias Namíbia / Namibia

Spending boost continues February 20, 2014 THE spending boost that Government embarked on in 2008 is set to continue during the next financial year, with total spending to exceed N$60 billion in the 2014-15 fiscal year. In The Namibian: [click here to read more]

Elections to drive social spending in budget February 19, 2014 THIS year’s general elections are likely to lead to an increase in social spending in the 2014/2015 budget to be presented in parliament today by Minister of Finance, Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila. “Every government in the world does that in an election year,” IJG Securities economist Rowland Brown said in an interview yesterday. In The Namibian: [click here to read more]

January car sales highest in five years February 19, 2014 TOTAL new vehicles sales increased 26% month on month to 1.499 vehicles in January, the highest January sales recorded in the past five years, and the second highest level of sales in a single month over the same period. There were 463 more cars sold in January 2014 than January 2013. In The Namibian: [click here to read more]

Pág. 8


Namibian economy consumes more than it produces February 18, 2014 NAMIBIA has a colonial economy, which consumes more than it produces and provides raw materials it does not consume. This was said by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Calle Schlettwein. In The Namibian: [click here to read more]

Manufacturing set to benefit from Development Bank’s 4-year plan February 17, 2014 THE manufacturing industry topped the list of the three sectors which are going to be the Development Bank of Namibia’s focus in the recently announced four-year plan for the period 2014 to 2018. Development Bank CEO, Martin Inkumbi, In Namibia Economist: [click here to read more]

Mass housing kicks off in Keetmans February 17, 2014 NAMIBIAN registered company, Namibia Homes (Pty) Ltd, this week started the construction of houses under the government’s N$45 billion mass housing project in Keetmanshoop. In The Namibian: [click here to read more]

Pág. 9

Notícias Botsuana / Botswana

Missão do Botswana Investment and Trade Centre

February 28, 2014

O Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC) está a organizar uma missão no dia 20 de Março de 2014 à África do Sul e pretende reunir-se com empresas portuguesas para discutir oportunidades e negócio existentes no Botsuana. Assim, pede-se a todos os empresários interessados que contactem a Delegação da aicep Portugal Global através do endereço de correio electrónico: Com os melhores cumprimentos,

João Pedro Pereira AICEP – Botsuana

Pág. 10

Oportunidades de Negócio África do Sul / South Africa

Maintenance and support of an integrated fleet management system - ad hoc on-site/remote support Sector Localização Cliente

Gauteng, South Africa Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality


Tender fee: R170 Documents for the following tender can be obtained at the applicable non-refundable amount per set at Supply Chain Management Tender Office, Harrower Road North End, Port Elizabeth 6001, fax 041 5061969, tel. 041 506 3135, or by prior notification from the Uitenhage Supply Chain Management Office, 17 Sellick Street, Uitenhage, tel. 041 994 1111 Tenderers arriving 10 minutes late will not be allowed into a clarification meeting. All tenderers must be registered on the Municipality's supplier's database. The Municipality reserves the right not to consider the tenders of tenderers not registered on the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality's supplier's database. Please phone 041 506 3274 or 041 506 3266, fax 086 514 4305, or email: to register, if not yet registered.


Pág. 12

Oportunidades de Negócio New psychiatry building: Paarl Hospital, Paarl Sector Localização Cliente

Paarl, Western Cape Provincial Administration Western Cape


New psychiatry building: Paarl Hospital, Paarl. Designated grading: 7GB or higher. NB: A non-refundable deposit of R400,00 per set is payable. Technical information: Mr W. Taylor, Tel: (021) 4835362 Tender documents are available from the Provincial Administration Western Cape: Chief Directorate: Works, Room 701, 9 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8001, or Private Bag X9078, Cape Town, 8000.


Mr C. Cairns/Ms A. van Sittert/Mr J. Benjamin/ Ms N. Nabe Tel: (021) 483-4604/3571/5494/5240 Fax: (021) 483-2488

Appointment of a service provider to provide Internet Protocol Telephony for the National Skills Fund Sector Localização Cliente

Pág. 13

South Africa Department of Higher Education and Training


The Department of Higher Education and Training invites all interested service providers to submit proposals for the appointment of a service provider to provide Internet Protocol Telephony for the National Skills Fund.

Contactos id=83429

Oportunidades de Negócio Electronic security and monitoring system: Provision of a 24 hour on Call maintenance contract. Sector Localização Cliente

Cape Town Department of Public Works (Cape Town)


Worcester: Brandvlei Prison: Electronic security and monitoring system: Provision of a 24 hour on Call maintenance contract.


Mr S. Hobongwana Tel. (021) 402-2076/7 Fax (021) 419-6086

Supply and installation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Services at Defence Material Division (Boardwalk) Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

South Africa Department of Defence Supply and installation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Services at Defence Material Division (Boardwalk). Note: There will be a compulsory bidders information meeting on 18 March 2014 at 11h00 am. Bidders' information briefing session will be held at Central Procurement Service Centre (CPSC) Thaba Tshwane. No late comers will be entertained and failure to attend on time will invalidate your bid. For technical information, please contact: Lt Col Oliphant at (012) 482-2424 during office hours only. More: id=83547


Captain M. J. Sole Tel: (012) 684-2356 Fax: (012) 684-2442

Pág. 14

Oportunidades de Negócio Construction of Sandspruit Bridge on District Road D2264 in the Bergville Area Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Bergville, KwaZulu-Natal Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport Construction of Sandspruit Bridge on District Road D2264 in the Bergville Area More:


Mr. A. Sukuram Tel No. 031 - 536 8310 Fax No. 086 516 2332 e-mail address:

Upgrading of Mjanyana & Nessie Knight Hospitals Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Encobo and Qumbu, Eastern Cape COEGA Upgrading of Mjanyana & Nessie Knight Hospitals More: erdocuments/7RRuvJrwkJgOrAglxAEiyeXTn.p df


Luvuyo Matya, Acting Supply Chain Manager; e-mail:

Pág. 15

Oportunidades de Negócio


Oportunidades de Negócio Supply and installation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Services at Airforce Base Hoedspruit Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Airforce Base Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa Department of Defence, Airforce Supply and installation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Services at Airforce Base Hoedspruit. There will be a compulsory briefing session on 11 March 2014 at 11h:00 am. The briefing session will be held at Central Procurement Service Centre (CPSC) Thaba Tshwane. No late comers will be entertained and failure to attend on time will invalidate your bid.


Captain M. J. Sole Tel: 012 684 2356/2594

Maintenance of civil, electrical, structural and mechanical elements of the station: Appointment of Quantity Surveying Services. Sector Localização Cliente

Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa Polokwane SAPS


Polokwane SAPS: Maintenance of civil, electrical, structural and mechanical elements of the station: Appointment of Quantity Surveying Services.


Johny Chokoe Tel: 015 293 8056

Pág. 16

Oportunidades de Negócio Namíbia / Namibia

Construction of New Residential Flats/Units on ERF 814 Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Prinsloo Street, Pioneerspark, Windhoek NAMPA The tender calls for experienced and established Namibian contractors as well as competent SMES to submit bids for the construction of new residential flats/units at pioneers park, Windhoek More: id=202


Mr. S. Kadhikwa Tel: 061 374 000

Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation, including Energy Sector

Localização Cliente

Pág. 17

Rural areas of Namibia European Union


The delegation of the European Union to Namibia is seeking proposals for action grants addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation in the rural areas of Namibia with financial assistance from the 10th EDF. More: rants_tenders/files/20140205_en.htm



aicep Portugal Global – Delegação África do Sul / Departamento Económico e Comercial da Embaixada de Portugal Director

Dr. João Pedro Pereira


Economic & Commercial Department 599 Leyds Street Muckleneuk 0002 - Pretoria


+27 (0)12 341 2340/1/2

Fax Email

+27 (0) 86 648 39 56

aicep Portugal Global Links ùteis Investir em Portugal Comprar a Portugal Sobre a aicep Portugal Global Produtos e Serviços Revista Portugalglobal Website


aicep Portugal Global Namíbia Botsuana

Embaixada de Portugal na Namíbia Encarregada de Drª Helena Paiva Negócios Morada

Chancelaria: 4, Karin Street Ludwigsdorf, Windhoek - Namíbia


+(264) 61 25 97 91 / 3

Fax Email

+(264) 61 25 97 92

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