Notícias & Oportunidades

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Pág. 1

Mensagem: Mercantile Bank

“O Mercantile Bank está, de uma forma ou de outra, presente na África do Sul desde 1965. Tem uma história rica que se confunde com a do próprio país e com a da emigração Portuguesa.”

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Destaque para as notícias mais relevantes deste mês. (*) O conteúdo das notícias estará na língua original das suas fontes.

Pág. 9

Oportunidades de Negócio*

Oportunidades de Negócio recolhidas durante o mês de Abril. (*) O conteúdo das oportunidades estará na língua original das suas fontes.

Pág. 19


Contactos da Embaixada de Portugal, Delegação da aicep Portugal Global

Mensagem: Mercantile Bank

“Somos um banco focado nas pequenas e médias empresas

inspirado por entrepreneurs.

O Mercantile Bank está, de uma forma ou de outra, presente na África do Sul desde 1965. Tem uma história rica que se confunde com a do próprio país e com a da emigração Portuguesa. Somos um banco focado nas pequenas e médias empresas inspirado por entrepreneurs. O nosso banco oferece uma gama completa de serviços bancários. Tem a sua Sede em Sandton (Província do Gauteng) e dispõe de uma rede de 15 agências espalhadas por quatro províncias, estando a maioria destas também no Gauteng. A nossa equipa integra 420 funcionários, dispõe, para além dos gerentes de balcão, de gestores de conta especializados e focados na construção e manutenção de relações fortes e personalizadas com os clientes, a quem servem de forma remota deslocando-se às suas empresas, para de forma mais objectiva avaliarem as suas necessidades. O mercado alvo do Mercantile são empresas com um volume de negócios entre 5 Milhões e 1000 Milhões de Rands. Procuramos diferenciar-nos através


de um modelo de ponto único de contacto de alta intensidade personalizado. Para esse efeito, está organizado para servir os seus clientes em três segmentos distintos: 1- Business Banking: volume de negócios inferiores a R 50m por ano. 2- Mid-Commercial: volume de negócios entre R 50m e R100m por ano. 3- Upper Commercial: volume de negócios superior a mais de R100m por ano. Em complemento ao Business e Commercial Banking, o Mercantile oferece também serviços de tesouraria, cartões (acquiring e issuing) e E-Bureau. O Grupo dispõe também de soluções de Rental Finance e uma parceria estratégica para a área de Seguros. Sendo um banco de empresas, o Mercantile Bank tem acompanhado a estratégia de diplomacia económica da Embaixada de Portugal. Dos mais recentes investimentos Portugueses na África do Sul, apoiamos 7, facilitando os serviços financeiros específicos que mais se adequam às necessidades de

Mensagem: Mercantile Bank

“O mercado alvo do Mercantile são empresas com um volume de negócios entre 5 Milhões e 1000 Milhões de Rands.

cada empresa, duma forma “tailor made” e no acesso ao crédito. Nomeadamente no acesso ao crédito, as empresas Portuguesas enfrentavam, junto da banca tradicional Sul-africana, bastantes dificuldades provocadas pelo desconhecimento da realidade económica e empresarial de Portugal e pelo downgrade do nosso Estado e dos nossos bancos pelas agências de rating internacionais. A proactividade do Mercantile Bank e a aliança estabelecida com a AICEP/ Departamento Económico e Comercial da Embaixada de Portugal, acabou por ser fulcral para as empresas portuguesas investidoras e absolutamente indispensável.

na África do Sul, nos últimos três anos e meio, tem sido muito útil para as empresas portuguesas e luso-sul-africanas, a destacar as duas missões realizadas a Portugal para visitar empresas, em 2012 e 2013, que acabaram por resultar em apoio à actividade exportadora das empresas nacionais e ao seu investimento nesta geografia. Via Caixa Geral dos Depósitos patrocinamos em 2013 uma sessao da AICEP em Portugal denominada por ABC Mercados-África do Sul, com dois seminários em Lisboa e Porto. Para além destas acções bilaterais, temos promovido, em conjunto, workshops com multinacionais, como a Odebrecht, para as empresas portuguesas e luso-sul-africanas com interesse em fornecer este Grupo; também com a Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Luso-Sul-Africana (CCILSA), e em breve com uma comitiva empresarial do Zimbabué.

Júlio Lopes Director Executivo do Mercantile Bank

De salientar que o Mercantile Bank tem desempenhado um papel activo na promoção das relações comerciais entre Portugal e a África do Sul, nomeadamente através do Acordo de Cooperação que foi assinado em Portugal, no ano passado, com a Gauteng Growth and Development Agency ( GGDA), e que originou a primeira missão institucional de visita a empresas portuguesas, em Maio de 2013, com a AICEP e a GGDA. O caminho percorrido com a AICEP

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Notícias África do Sul / South Africa

SA's energy sector set for 'big opportunities' March 5, 2014 SOUTH Africa is on the verge of a "golden age" in energy, in light of the exploration being carried out in shale gas, and onshore and offshore oil, Transport Minister Dipuo Peters says. In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Reunião de empresários Portgueses com o BITC April 6, 2014 Reunião na Embaixada de Portugal em Pretória entre empresários portugueses e o Botswana Investment Trade Centre, com o intuito de promover e divulgar oportunidades de negócios In RTP: [click here to read more]

Department’s incentives ‘stimulate investment, job growth’ March 4, 2014 INVESTMENT incentives provided by the Department of Trade and Industry had stimulated about R143bn in private sector investments and created about 144,000 jobs over the last five years, according to Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel. In Business Day: [click here to read more]

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State's latest plan seeks 'smart industrialisation' April 14, 2014 President Jacob Zuma on Friday launched the more than R12.45-billion Mzimvubu water project, which would include the building of the Ntabelanga and Laleni dams, in the Eastern Cape. In Engineering Weekly : [click here to read more]

SA seen as attractive for foreign investment: report April 3, 2014 JOHANNESBURG - Investors see South Africa as an attractive place to do business -- that’s according to research by Brand SA which says overall publicity about the country remains positive, and attracts interest. In Enca : [click here to read more]

SA to change mining model for oil and gas April 13, 2014 SOUTH Africa will ensure its population benefits when it develops its shale gas and offshore oil industries and won’t repeat the errors it made with mining, said Zweli Mkhize, treasurer of the ruling African National Congress (ANC). In Business Day : [click here to read more]

Pág. 5

Notícias Namíbia / Namibia

Oil refinery will soon become a reality March 27, 2014 THE Namibian and Nigerian governments expect to conclude an agreement to establish an oil refinery at Walvis Bay by July this year. The main issue holding back the agreement has been the importation of crude oil from Nigeria at concessionary prices. According to the agreement, Nigeria will supply crude oil to Namibia. In Windhoek Observer : [click here to read more]

Growth seeks more Investment March 28, 2014 Preliminary national accounts for 2013 released Wednesday by the Namibia Statistics Agency revealed that, as a ratio of GDP, investment in the local economy grew to 24.7% compared to 22.1% recorded in 2012. This was more than the average ratio of investment to GDP over the period 2007 to 2013 which stood at 24.6%. In Namibia Economist: [click here to read more]

NCCI to reduce bureaucracy with new strategic plan in pipeline April 11, 2014 The president of NCCI, Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, stated: “One of key strategic objectives which we are determined to achieve in the next two to three years is to work with government and other stakeholders to make Namibia as the number one country to do business in Africa” In Namibia Economist: [click here to read more]

Pág. 6

Notícias Botsuana / Botswana

Power infrastructure key for Botswana mining February 21, 2014 Those aiming to invest in Botswana as a mining destination need to consider installing power lines and improving transport, (…) who says the landlocked country faces significant infrastructure challenges that affect its mining sector. In Mining Weekly: [click here to read more]

Botswana consulting experts, private sector on ‘suitable’ coal-bed methane gas extraction methods April 4, 2014 Botswana government has started engaging experts and private-sector investors on suitable methods of extracting coal-bed methane (CBM) gas, which could help the mineralsdependent economy to diversify its energy sector. In Mining Weekly : [click here to read more]

Construction of Botswana coal rail link to start next year – Gama April 4, 2014 Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) CEO Siyabonga Gama has told Mining Weekly that construction of the coal rail link between Botswana and South Africa will start next year, enabling junior coal miners to access markets. In Mining Weekly : [click here to read more]

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Reunião com Delegação do Zimbabué – 8 de Maio

O Departamento Económico e Comercial da Embaixada de Portugal em Pretória, tem o prazer de convidar a comunidade empresarial Portuguesa presente na República da África do Sul, a participar numa reunião com uma delegação do Zimbabué no dia 8 de Maio de 2014 às 14:00 na sede do Mercantile Bank em Sandton. Informamos todos os interessados que as inscrições estarão abertas até ao dia 2 de Maio de 2014, e deverão ser feitas através do seguinte endereço de email:

Com os melhores cumprimentos, João Pedro Pereira Conselheiro Económico e Comercial da Embaixada de Portugal

Pág. 8

Oportunidades de Negócio África do Sul / South Africa

Repairs and maintenance to water distribution system Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Eastern Cape Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Repairs and maintenance to water distribution system. All tenderers must be registered on the Municipality's supplier's database. The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenders and late tenders will not be accepted. The Council promotes the use of previously disadvantaged small and medium contractors. More at: id=85118


Telephone 041 506 3274 or 041 506 3266, Fax 086 514 4305, or email:

Supply of fuel, and installation and maintenance of an integrated electronic fuel management system Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Eastern Cape Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Supply of fuel, and installation and maintenance of an integrated electronic fuel management system. More at:


Telephone 041 506 3274 or 041 506 3266, Fax 086 514 4305, or email:

Pág. 10

Oportunidades de Negócio Trenchless rehabilitation of water mains Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Eastern Cape Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Trenchless rehabilitation of water mains. All tenderers must be registered on the Municipality's supplier's database. The Municipality reserves the right not to consider the tenders of tenderers not registered on the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality's supplier's database. More at:


Telephone 041 506 3274 or 041 506 3266, Fax 086 514 4305, or email:

The construction of Khula Village intersection on Main Road P237 at km 23,4 Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

KwaZulu-Natal Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport The Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport, invites tenders from Established Contractors, experienced in roadworks, for the construction of Khula Village Intersection on Main Road P237 at km 23,04. The duration of the project will be 4 months. More at:


Pág. 11

Mr G. Kendal, Telephone no. (033) 328 1000, Fax no. (033) 3280 1006, e-mail address:

Oportunidades de Negócio Construction of OL4308 (Ntabayenkosi) - Local Road Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

KwaZulu-Natal Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport Construction of OL4308 (Ntabayenkosi) - Local Road with the duration of 2.5 months More at:


Mr. A M Joubert, Telephone No. 031 207 5030, Fax No. 086 672 8298, e-mail address:

Request for Proposal for the design, engineering, manufacture, supply and transport of a Hydrogen Generating Plant Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Lephalale, Limpopo Eskom Request for Proposal for the design, engineering, manufacture, supply and transport of a Hydrogen Generating Plant for the Medupi Power Station, in Lephalale. More at: id=85106


Email Address:

Pág. 12

Oportunidades de Negócio Supply, delivery, installation, maintenance of standby generators, solar systems and general electrical maintenance Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Eastern Cape SA Police Service Two (2) year term contract for the supply, delivery, installation, maintenance of standby generators, solar systems and general electrical maintenance: Devolved facilities: Eastern Cape Province Region (3) Three. Required at: Eastern Cape Region (3) three: Afzondering, Dukatthole (Maletswai), Katkop, Lukholweni, Maclear, Mbizeni, Mqanduli, Rhodes, Rossouw, Tina Falls, Tylden, Zamuxolo, Keiskammahoek, Macleartown. More at:


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Ms J. Kola, Tel. (012) 841-7679. General enquiries: Capt V.d. Schyff, Tel. (012) 841-7533/7390. Technical information: Colonel Botha, 082 466 9301

Oportunidades de Negócio Supply, installation and maintenance of standby generators, solar systems and general electrical maintenance Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Mpumalanga SA Police Service Supply, installation and maintenance of standby generators, solar systems and general electrical maintenance: Devolved facilities: Mpumalanga Province Region 1. Required at: SAPS Devolved Stations: Skukuza, Belfast, Dirkiesdorp, Piet Retief, Elukwatini, Val, Vaalbank, White River, Waterval Boven, Lydenburg, Sabie Sheepmoor, Sundra, Perdekop, Balfour, Kinross, Mayflower, Mahamba. CIDB Contractor grading designation required: Grade 5 (R4 million to R6,5 million) (EB) Electrical Engineering (Buildings) and higher. More at: id=85421


Capt V.d. Schyff, Tel. (012) 841-7533. Technical information: Colonel Baliso, Tel. (012) 349-6078/079 874 1614

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Oportunidades de Negócio Construction of 400kV Transmission Lines Sector Localização Cliente

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Limpopo Eskom


The project will consist of the construction of part of the 400kV Transmission Power Line that forms part of the Medupi Power Station Integration Project. The construction will be done in accordance with Eskom’s design and specifications. The scope of work consists of the following: •Access roads and infrastructure •Bush clearing •Tower foundations and stay wire foundations •Fabrication and erection of structural steel transmission towers •Installation of hardware, conductor and insulators •Tower assembly, stringing and labelling •Transmission line regulating •OPGW cable and matched hardware •A Fall Arrest System

Contactos n/

Oportunidades de Negócio Lesoto / Lesotho

Supply, Delivery, Storage, Installation and Commissioning of Metolong Rural Electrification Sector Localização Cliente

Lesoto Metolong Authority


Government of Lesotho has received a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) towards the implementation of Metolong Dam and Water Supply Programme (MDWSP). The main aim is to secure potable water supply to the greater Maseru area and surrounding towns through the construction of the Metolong Dam and associated water supply infrastructure for MDWSP. As part of the programme, the Government, acting through the Metolong Authority (the “Employer”), intends to apply a portion of the Loan from the European Investment Bank towards supply and installation of rural electrification within the MDWSP area. Any payments made under the proposed contract will be subject, in all restrictions, on the use of EIB funding and conditions to the disbursements of same funding. No party other than the Government and the Employer shall derive any rights from the funding or have any claim to the proceeds of EIB Funding.

Contactos option=com_content&view=article&id=8952:metolong-dam-watersupply-programme-invitation-for-bidsifb&catid=36:adverts&Itemid=49

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Oportunidades de Negócio Supply, delivery, installation, maintenance of standby generators, solar systems and general electrical maintenance Sector Localização Cliente Descrição

Eastern Cape SA Police Service Two (2) year term contract for the supply, delivery, installation, maintenance of standby generators, solar systems and general electrical maintenance: Devolved facilities: Eastern Cape Province Region (3) Three. Required at: Eastern Cape Region (3) three: Afzondering, Dukatthole (Maletswai), Katkop, Lukholweni, Maclear, Mbizeni, Mqanduli, Rhodes, Rossouw, Tina Falls, Tylden, Zamuxolo, Keiskammahoek, Macleartown. More at:


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Ms J. Kola, Tel. (012) 841-7679. General enquiries: Capt V.d. Schyff, Tel. (012) 841-7533/7390. Technical information: Colonel Botha, 082 466 9301


aicep Portugal Global – Delegação África do Sul / Departamento Económico e Comercial da Embaixada de Portugal Director

Dr. João Pedro Pereira


Economic & Commercial Department 599 Leyds Street Muckleneuk 0002 - Pretoria


+27 (0)12 341 2340/1/2

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+27 (0) 86 648 39 56

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